path: root/chrome/browser/chromeos/extensions/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/chromeos/extensions/')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/chromeos/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/chromeos/extensions/
index 60f7c6e..482dfe4 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/chromeos/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/chromeos/extensions/
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ const size_t FileTaskExecutor::kDriveTaskExtensionPrefixLength =
arraysize(FileTaskExecutor::kDriveTaskExtensionPrefix) - 1;
namespace {
+typedef std::set<const FileBrowserHandler*> FileBrowserHandlerSet;
const int kReadWriteFilePermissions = base::PLATFORM_FILE_OPEN |
@@ -87,26 +88,6 @@ int ExtractProcessFromExtensionId(const std::string& extension_id,
return process->GetID();
-URLPatternSet GetAllMatchingPatterns(const FileBrowserHandler* handler,
- const std::vector<GURL>& files_list) {
- URLPatternSet matching_patterns;
- const URLPatternSet& patterns = handler->file_url_patterns();
- for (URLPatternSet::const_iterator pattern_it = patterns.begin();
- pattern_it != patterns.end(); ++pattern_it) {
- for (std::vector<GURL>::const_iterator file_it = files_list.begin();
- file_it != files_list.end(); ++file_it) {
- if (pattern_it->MatchesURL(*file_it)) {
- matching_patterns.AddPattern(*pattern_it);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return matching_patterns;
-typedef std::set<const FileBrowserHandler*> ActionSet;
const FileBrowserHandler* FindFileBrowserHandler(const Extension* extension,
const std::string& action_id) {
for (Extension::FileBrowserHandlerList::const_iterator action_iter =
@@ -145,7 +126,7 @@ std::string EscapedUtf8ToLower(const std::string& str) {
bool GetFileBrowserHandlers(Profile* profile,
const GURL& selected_file_url,
- ActionSet* results) {
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet* results) {
ExtensionService* service = profile->GetExtensionService();
if (!service)
return false; // In unit-tests, we may not have an ExtensionService.
@@ -178,38 +159,69 @@ bool GetFileBrowserHandlers(Profile* profile,
return true;
-bool SortByLastUsedTimestampDesc(const LastUsedHandler& a,
- const LastUsedHandler& b) {
- return a.timestamp > b.timestamp;
+} // namespace
-// TODO(zelidrag): Wire this with ICU to make this sort I18N happy.
-bool SortByTaskName(const LastUsedHandler& a, const LastUsedHandler& b) {
- return base::strcasecmp(a.handler->title().c_str(),
- b.handler->title().c_str()) > 0;
+void UpdateDefaultTask(Profile* profile,
+ const std::string& task_id,
+ const std::set<std::string>& suffixes,
+ const std::set<std::string>& mime_types) {
+ if (!profile || !profile->GetPrefs())
+ return;
-void SortLastUsedHandlerList(LastUsedHandlerList *list) {
- // Sort by the last used descending.
- std::sort(list->begin(), list->end(), SortByLastUsedTimestampDesc);
- if (list->size() > 1) {
- // Sort the rest by name.
- std::sort(list->begin() + 1, list->end(), SortByTaskName);
+ if (!mime_types.empty()) {
+ DictionaryPrefUpdate mime_type_pref(profile->GetPrefs(),
+ prefs::kDefaultTasksByMimeType);
+ for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator iter = mime_types.begin();
+ iter != mime_types.end(); ++iter) {
+ base::StringValue* value = new base::StringValue(task_id);
+ mime_type_pref->SetWithoutPathExpansion(*iter, value);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!suffixes.empty()) {
+ DictionaryPrefUpdate mime_type_pref(profile->GetPrefs(),
+ prefs::kDefaultTasksBySuffix);
+ for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator iter = suffixes.begin();
+ iter != suffixes.end(); ++iter) {
+ base::StringValue* value = new base::StringValue(task_id);
+ // Suffixes are case insensitive.
+ std::string lower_suffix = StringToLowerASCII(*iter);
+ mime_type_pref->SetWithoutPathExpansion(lower_suffix, value);
+ }
-} // namespace
+std::string GetDefaultTaskIdFromPrefs(Profile* profile,
+ const std::string& mime_type,
+ const std::string& suffix) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Looking for default for MIME type: " << mime_type
+ << " and suffix: " << suffix;
+ std::string task_id;
+ if (!mime_type.empty()) {
+ const DictionaryValue* mime_task_prefs =
+ profile->GetPrefs()->GetDictionary(prefs::kDefaultTasksByMimeType);
+ DCHECK(mime_task_prefs);
+ if (!mime_task_prefs) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to open MIME type prefs";
+ return std::string();
+ }
+ if (mime_task_prefs->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(mime_type, &task_id)) {
+ VLOG(1) << "Found MIME default handler: " << task_id;
+ return task_id;
+ }
+ }
-// Update file handler usage stats.
-void UpdateFileHandlerUsageStats(Profile* profile, const std::string& task_id) {
- if (!profile || !profile->GetPrefs())
- return;
- DictionaryPrefUpdate prefs_usage_update(profile->GetPrefs(),
- prefs::kLastUsedFileBrowserHandlers);
- prefs_usage_update->SetWithoutPathExpansion(task_id,
- new base::FundamentalValue(
- static_cast<int>(base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue()/
- base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond)));
+ const DictionaryValue* suffix_task_prefs =
+ profile->GetPrefs()->GetDictionary(prefs::kDefaultTasksBySuffix);
+ DCHECK(suffix_task_prefs);
+ if (!suffix_task_prefs) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to open suffix prefs";
+ return std::string();
+ }
+ std::string lower_suffix = StringToLowerASCII(suffix);
+ suffix_task_prefs->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(lower_suffix, &task_id);
+ VLOG_IF(1, !task_id.empty()) << "Found suffix default handler: " << task_id;
+ return task_id;
int GetReadWritePermissions() {
@@ -231,11 +243,31 @@ std::string MakeDriveTaskID(const std::string& app_id,
+bool CrackDriveTaskID(const std::string& task_id,
+ std::string* app_id,
+ std::string* action_id) {
+ std::string app_id_tmp;
+ std::string action_id_tmp;
+ if (!CrackTaskID(task_id, &app_id_tmp, &action_id_tmp))
+ return false;
+ if (StartsWithASCII(app_id_tmp,
+ FileTaskExecutor::kDriveTaskExtensionPrefix,
+ false)) {
+ // Strip off the prefix from the extension ID so we convert it to an app id.
+ if (app_id) {
+ *app_id = app_id_tmp.substr(
+ FileTaskExecutor::kDriveTaskExtensionPrefixLength);
+ }
+ if (action_id)
+ *action_id = action_id_tmp;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
// Breaks down task_id that is used between getFileTasks() and executeTask() on
// its building blocks. task_id field the following structure:
// <extension-id>|<task-action-id>
-// Currently, the only supported task-type is of 'context'.
bool CrackTaskID(const std::string& task_id,
std::string* extension_id,
std::string* action_id) {
@@ -243,96 +275,121 @@ bool CrackTaskID(const std::string& task_id,
int count = Tokenize(task_id, std::string("|"), &result);
if (count != 2)
return false;
- *extension_id = result[0];
- *action_id = result[1];
+ if (extension_id)
+ *extension_id = result[0];
+ if (action_id)
+ *action_id = result[1];
return true;
// Find a specific handler in the handler list.
-LastUsedHandlerList::iterator FindHandler(
- LastUsedHandlerList* list,
+FileBrowserHandlerSet::iterator FindHandler(
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet* handler_set,
const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& id) {
- LastUsedHandlerList::iterator iter = list->begin();
- while (iter != list->end() &&
- !(iter->handler->extension_id() == extension_id &&
- iter->handler->id() == id)) {
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet::iterator iter = handler_set->begin();
+ while (iter != handler_set->end() &&
+ !((*iter)->extension_id() == extension_id &&
+ (*iter)->id() == id)) {
return iter;
+void FindDefaultTasks(Profile* profile,
+ const std::vector<GURL>& files_list,
+ const FileBrowserHandlerSet& common_tasks,
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet* default_tasks) {
+ DCHECK(default_tasks);
+ default_tasks->clear();
+ std::set<std::string> default_ids;
+ for (std::vector<GURL>::const_iterator it = files_list.begin();
+ it != files_list.end(); ++it) {
+ // Get the default task for this file based only on the extension (since
+ // we don't have MIME types here), and add it to the set of default tasks.
+ fileapi::FileSystemURL filesystem_url(*it);
+ if (filesystem_url.is_valid() &&
+ (filesystem_url.type() == fileapi::kFileSystemTypeDrive ||
+ filesystem_url.type() == fileapi::kFileSystemTypeNativeMedia ||
+ filesystem_url.type() == fileapi::kFileSystemTypeNativeLocal)) {
+ std::string task_id = file_handler_util::GetDefaultTaskIdFromPrefs(
+ profile, "", filesystem_url.virtual_path().Extension());
+ if (!task_id.empty())
+ default_ids.insert(task_id);
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert the default task IDs collected above to one of the handler pointers
+ // from common_tasks.
+ for (FileBrowserHandlerSet::const_iterator task_iter = common_tasks.begin();
+ task_iter != common_tasks.end(); ++task_iter) {
+ std::string task_id = MakeTaskID((*task_iter)->extension_id(),
+ (*task_iter)->id());
+ for (std::set<std::string>::iterator default_iter = default_ids.begin();
+ default_iter != default_ids.end(); ++default_iter) {
+ if (task_id == *default_iter) {
+ default_tasks->insert(*task_iter);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Given the list of selected files, returns array of context menu tasks
// that are shared
bool FindCommonTasks(Profile* profile,
const std::vector<GURL>& files_list,
- LastUsedHandlerList* named_action_list) {
- named_action_list->clear();
- ActionSet common_tasks;
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet* common_tasks) {
+ DCHECK(common_tasks);
+ common_tasks->clear();
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet common_task_set;
+ std::set<std::string> default_task_ids;
for (std::vector<GURL>::const_iterator it = files_list.begin();
it != files_list.end(); ++it) {
- ActionSet file_actions;
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet file_actions;
if (!GetFileBrowserHandlers(profile, *it, &file_actions))
return false;
// If there is nothing to do for one file, the intersection of tasks for all
- // files will be empty at the end.
- if (!file_actions.size())
+ // files will be empty at the end, and so will the default tasks.
+ if (file_actions.empty())
return true;
- // For the very first file, just copy elements.
+ // For the very first file, just copy all the elements.
if (it == files_list.begin()) {
- common_tasks = file_actions;
+ common_task_set = file_actions;
} else {
- if (common_tasks.size()) {
- // For all additional files, find intersection between the accumulated
- // and file specific set.
- ActionSet intersection;
- std::set_intersection(common_tasks.begin(), common_tasks.end(),
- file_actions.begin(), file_actions.end(),
- std::inserter(intersection,
- intersection.begin()));
- common_tasks = intersection;
- }
- }
- }
- const DictionaryValue* prefs_tasks =
- profile->GetPrefs()->GetDictionary(prefs::kLastUsedFileBrowserHandlers);
- for (ActionSet::const_iterator iter = common_tasks.begin();
- iter != common_tasks.end(); ++iter) {
- // Get timestamp of when this task was used last time.
- int last_used_timestamp = 0;
- if ((*iter)->extension_id() == kFileBrowserDomain) {
- // Give a little bump to the action from File Browser extension
- // to make sure it is the default on a fresh profile.
- last_used_timestamp = 1;
+ // For all additional files, find intersection between the accumulated and
+ // file specific set.
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet intersection;
+ std::set_intersection(common_task_set.begin(), common_task_set.end(),
+ file_actions.begin(), file_actions.end(),
+ std::inserter(intersection,
+ intersection.begin()));
+ common_task_set = intersection;
+ if (common_task_set.empty())
+ return true;
- prefs_tasks->GetInteger(MakeTaskID((*iter)->extension_id(), (*iter)->id()),
- &last_used_timestamp);
- URLPatternSet matching_patterns = GetAllMatchingPatterns(*iter, files_list);
- named_action_list->push_back(LastUsedHandler(last_used_timestamp, *iter,
- matching_patterns));
- LastUsedHandlerList::iterator watch_iter = FindHandler(
- named_action_list, kFileBrowserDomain, kFileBrowserWatchTaskId);
- LastUsedHandlerList::iterator gallery_iter = FindHandler(
- named_action_list, kFileBrowserDomain, kFileBrowserGalleryTaskId);
- if (watch_iter != named_action_list->end() &&
- gallery_iter != named_action_list->end()) {
- // Both "watch" and "gallery" actions are applicable which means that
- // the selection is all videos. Showing them both is confusing. We only keep
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet::iterator watch_iter = FindHandler(
+ &common_task_set, kFileBrowserDomain, kFileBrowserWatchTaskId);
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet::iterator gallery_iter = FindHandler(
+ &common_task_set, kFileBrowserDomain, kFileBrowserGalleryTaskId);
+ if (watch_iter != common_task_set.end() &&
+ gallery_iter != common_task_set.end()) {
+ // Both "watch" and "gallery" actions are applicable which means that the
+ // selection is all videos. Showing them both is confusing, so we only keep
// the one that makes more sense ("watch" for single selection, "gallery"
// for multiple selection).
if (files_list.size() == 1)
- named_action_list->erase(gallery_iter);
+ common_task_set.erase(gallery_iter);
- named_action_list->erase(watch_iter);
+ common_task_set.erase(watch_iter);
- SortLastUsedHandlerList(named_action_list);
+ common_tasks->swap(common_task_set);
return true;
@@ -341,14 +398,18 @@ bool GetDefaultTask(
std::vector<GURL> file_urls;
- LastUsedHandlerList common_tasks;
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet default_tasks;
+ FileBrowserHandlerSet common_tasks;
if (!FindCommonTasks(profile, file_urls, &common_tasks))
return false;
+ FindDefaultTasks(profile, file_urls, common_tasks, &default_tasks);
- if (common_tasks.size() == 0)
+ // If there's none, or more than one, then we don't have a canonical default.
+ if (default_tasks.size() != 1)
return false;
- *handler = common_tasks[0].handler;
+ // Return the one and only default task.
+ *handler = *default_tasks.begin();
return true;