path: root/chrome/browser/chromeos/status/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/chromeos/status/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 537 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/chromeos/status/ b/chrome/browser/chromeos/status/
deleted file mode 100644
index 886458c..0000000
--- a/chrome/browser/chromeos/status/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/status/input_method_menu.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/string_split.h"
-#include "base/string_util.h"
-#include "base/time.h"
-#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/input_method_util.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/status/status_area_view_chromeos.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h"
-#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
-#include "grit/theme_resources.h"
-#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
-#include "ui/base/models/simple_menu_model.h"
-#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
-#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_model_adapter.h"
-#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_runner.h"
-#include "ui/views/controls/menu/submenu_view.h"
-#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
-using content::UserMetricsAction;
-// The language menu consists of 3 parts (in this order):
-// (1) input method names. The size of the list is always >= 1.
-// (2) input method properties. This list might be empty.
-// (3) "Customize language and input..." button.
-// Example of the menu (Japanese):
-// ============================== (border of the popup window)
-// [ ] English (|index| in the following functions is 0)
-// [*] Japanese
-// [ ] Chinese (Simplified)
-// ------------------------------ (separator)
-// [*] Hiragana (index = 5, The property has 2 radio groups)
-// [ ] Katakana
-// [ ] HalfWidthKatakana
-// [*] Roman
-// [ ] Kana
-// ------------------------------ (separator)
-// Customize language and input...(index = 11)
-// ============================== (border of the popup window)
-// Example of the menu (Simplified Chinese):
-// ============================== (border of the popup window)
-// [ ] English
-// [ ] Japanese
-// [*] Chinese (Simplified)
-// ------------------------------ (separator)
-// Switch to full letter mode (The property has 2 command buttons)
-// Switch to half punctuation mode
-// ------------------------------ (separator)
-// Customize language and input...
-// ============================== (border of the popup window)
-namespace {
-// Constants to specify the type of items in |model_|.
-enum {
- COMMAND_ID_INPUT_METHODS = 0, // English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, ...
- COMMAND_ID_IME_PROPERTIES, // Hiragana, Katakana, ...
- COMMAND_ID_CUSTOMIZE_LANGUAGE, // "Customize language and input..." button.
-// A group ID for IME properties starts from 0. We use the huge value for the
-// input method list to avoid conflict.
-const int kRadioGroupLanguage = 1 << 16;
-const int kRadioGroupNone = -1;
-// Returns the language name for the given |language_code|.
-string16 GetLanguageName(const std::string& language_code) {
- const string16 language_name = l10n_util::GetDisplayNameForLocale(
- language_code, g_browser_process->GetApplicationLocale(), true);
- return language_name;
-} // namespace
-namespace chromeos {
-using input_method::InputMethodManager;
-// InputMethodMenu
- : input_method_descriptors_(
- InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->GetActiveInputMethods()),
- model_(new ui::SimpleMenuModel(NULL)),
- ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(input_method_menu_delegate_(
- new views::MenuModelAdapter(this))),
- input_method_menu_(
- new views::MenuItemView(input_method_menu_delegate_.get())),
- input_method_menu_runner_(new views::MenuRunner(input_method_menu_)),
- minimum_input_method_menu_width_(0),
- menu_alignment_(views::MenuItemView::TOPRIGHT) {
- DCHECK(input_method_descriptors_.get() &&
- !input_method_descriptors_->empty());
- AddObserver();
-InputMethodMenu::~InputMethodMenu() {
- // RemoveObserver() is no-op if |this| object is already removed from the
- // observer list
- RemoveObserver();
-// ui::MenuModel implementation:
-int InputMethodMenu::GetCommandIdAt(int index) const {
- return index;
-bool InputMethodMenu::IsItemDynamicAt(int index) const {
- // Menu content for the language button could change time by time.
- return true;
-bool InputMethodMenu::GetAcceleratorAt(
- int index, ui::Accelerator* accelerator) const {
- // Views for Chromium OS does not support accelerators yet.
- return false;
-bool InputMethodMenu::IsItemCheckedAt(int index) const {
- DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
- DCHECK(input_method_descriptors_.get());
- if (IndexIsInInputMethodList(index)) {
- const input_method::InputMethodDescriptor& input_method
- = input_method_descriptors_->at(index);
- return input_method == InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->
- GetCurrentInputMethod();
- }
- if (GetPropertyIndex(index, &index)) {
- const input_method::InputMethodPropertyList& property_list
- = InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->GetCurrentInputMethodProperties();
- return;
- }
- // Separator(s) or the "Customize language and input..." button.
- return false;
-int InputMethodMenu::GetGroupIdAt(int index) const {
- DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
- if (IndexIsInInputMethodList(index))
- return kRadioGroupLanguage;
- if (GetPropertyIndex(index, &index)) {
- const input_method::InputMethodPropertyList& property_list
- = InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->GetCurrentInputMethodProperties();
- return;
- }
- return kRadioGroupNone;
-bool InputMethodMenu::HasIcons() const {
- // We don't support icons on Chrome OS.
- return false;
-bool InputMethodMenu::GetIconAt(int index, SkBitmap* icon) {
- return false;
-ui::ButtonMenuItemModel* InputMethodMenu::GetButtonMenuItemAt(
- int index) const {
- return NULL;
-bool InputMethodMenu::IsEnabledAt(int index) const {
- // Just return true so all input method names and input method propertie names
- // could be clicked.
- return true;
-ui::MenuModel* InputMethodMenu::GetSubmenuModelAt(int index) const {
- // We don't use nested menus.
- return NULL;
-void InputMethodMenu::HighlightChangedTo(int index) {
- // Views for Chromium OS does not support this interface yet.
-void InputMethodMenu::MenuWillShow() {
- // Views for Chromium OS does not support this interface yet.
-void InputMethodMenu::SetMenuModelDelegate(ui::MenuModelDelegate* delegate) {
- // Not needed for current usage.
-int InputMethodMenu::GetItemCount() const {
- if (!model_.get()) {
- // Model is not constructed yet. This means that
- // InputMethodMenu is being constructed. Return zero.
- return 0;
- }
- return model_->GetItemCount();
-ui::MenuModel::ItemType InputMethodMenu::GetTypeAt(int index) const {
- DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
- if (IndexPointsToConfigureImeMenuItem(index)) {
- return ui::MenuModel::TYPE_COMMAND; // "Customize language and input"
- }
- if (IndexIsInInputMethodList(index))
- return ui::MenuModel::TYPE_RADIO;
- if (GetPropertyIndex(index, &index)) {
- const input_method::InputMethodPropertyList& property_list
- = InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->GetCurrentInputMethodProperties();
- if ( {
- return ui::MenuModel::TYPE_RADIO;
- }
- return ui::MenuModel::TYPE_COMMAND;
- }
- return ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SEPARATOR;
-string16 InputMethodMenu::GetLabelAt(int index) const {
- DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
- DCHECK(input_method_descriptors_.get());
- // opens the same dialog that is opened from the main options dialog.
- if (IndexPointsToConfigureImeMenuItem(index)) {
- }
- string16 name;
- if (IndexIsInInputMethodList(index)) {
- name = GetTextForMenu(input_method_descriptors_->at(index));
- } else if (GetPropertyIndex(index, &index)) {
- InputMethodManager* manager = InputMethodManager::GetInstance();
- const input_method::InputMethodPropertyList& property_list =
- manager->GetCurrentInputMethodProperties();
- return manager->GetInputMethodUtil()->TranslateString(
- }
- return name;
-void InputMethodMenu::ActivatedAt(int index) {
- DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
- DCHECK(input_method_descriptors_.get());
- if (IndexPointsToConfigureImeMenuItem(index)) {
- OpenConfigUI();
- return;
- }
- if (IndexIsInInputMethodList(index)) {
- // Inter-IME switching.
- const input_method::InputMethodDescriptor& input_method
- = input_method_descriptors_->at(index);
- InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->ChangeInputMethod(
- content::RecordAction(
- UserMetricsAction("LanguageMenuButton_InputMethodChanged"));
- return;
- }
- if (GetPropertyIndex(index, &index)) {
- // Intra-IME switching (e.g. Japanese-Hiragana to Japanese-Katakana).
- const input_method::InputMethodPropertyList& property_list
- = InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->GetCurrentInputMethodProperties();
- const std::string key =;
- if ( {
- // Radio button is clicked.
- const int id =;
- // First, deactivate all other properties in the same radio group.
- for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(property_list.size()); ++i) {
- if (i != index && id == {
- InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->SetImePropertyActivated(
-, false);
- }
- }
- // Then, activate the property clicked.
- InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->SetImePropertyActivated(
- key, true);
- } else {
- // Command button like "Switch to half punctuation mode" is clicked.
- // We can always use "Deactivate" for command buttons.
- InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->SetImePropertyActivated(
- key, false);
- }
- return;
- }
- LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected index: " << index;
-// views::MenuButtonListener implementation:
-void InputMethodMenu::OnMenuButtonClicked(views::View* source,
- const gfx::Point& point) {
- PrepareForMenuOpen();
- if (minimum_input_method_menu_width_ > 0) {
- DCHECK(input_method_menu_->HasSubmenu());
- views::SubmenuView* submenu = input_method_menu_->GetSubmenu();
- submenu->set_minimum_preferred_width(minimum_input_method_menu_width_);
- }
- gfx::Point screen_location;
- views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(source, &screen_location);
- gfx::Rect bounds(screen_location, source->size());
- if (input_method_menu_runner_->RunMenuAt(
- source->GetWidget()->GetTopLevelWidget(), NULL, bounds,
- menu_alignment_, views::MenuRunner::HAS_MNEMONICS) ==
- views::MenuRunner::MENU_DELETED)
- return;
-// InputMethodManager::Observer implementation:
-void InputMethodMenu::InputMethodChanged(
- InputMethodManager* manager,
- const input_method::InputMethodDescriptor& current_input_method,
- size_t num_active_input_methods) {
- UpdateUIFromInputMethod(current_input_method, num_active_input_methods);
-void InputMethodMenu::PropertyListChanged(
- InputMethodManager* manager,
- const input_method::InputMethodPropertyList& current_ime_properties) {
- // Usual order of notifications of input method change is:
- // 1. RegisterProperties(empty)
- // 2. RegisterProperties(list-of-new-properties)
- // 3. GlobalInputMethodChanged
- // However, due to the asynchronicity, we occasionally (but rarely) face to
- // 1. RegisterProperties(empty)
- // 2. GlobalInputMethodChanged
- // 3. RegisterProperties(list-of-new-properties)
- // this order. On this unusual case, we must rebuild the menu after the last
- // RegisterProperties. For the other cases, no rebuild is needed. Actually
- // it is better to be avoided. Otherwise users can sometimes observe the
- // awkward clear-then-register behavior.
- if (!current_ime_properties.empty()) {
- const input_method::InputMethodDescriptor& input_method =
- manager->GetCurrentInputMethod();
- size_t num_active_input_methods = manager->GetNumActiveInputMethods();
- UpdateUIFromInputMethod(input_method, num_active_input_methods);
- }
-void InputMethodMenu::PrepareForMenuOpen() {
- content::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("LanguageMenuButton_Open"));
- PrepareMenuModel();
-void InputMethodMenu::PrepareMenuModel() {
- input_method_descriptors_.reset(InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->
- GetActiveInputMethods());
- RebuildModel();
-void InputMethodMenu::ActiveInputMethodsChanged(
- InputMethodManager* manager,
- const input_method::InputMethodDescriptor& current_input_method,
- size_t num_active_input_methods) {
- // Update the icon if active input methods are changed. See also
- // comments in UpdateUI() in
- UpdateUIFromInputMethod(current_input_method, num_active_input_methods);
-void InputMethodMenu::UpdateUIFromInputMethod(
- const input_method::InputMethodDescriptor& input_method,
- size_t num_active_input_methods) {
- InputMethodManager* manager = InputMethodManager::GetInstance();
- const string16 name = manager->GetInputMethodUtil()->
- GetInputMethodShortName(input_method);
- const string16 tooltip = GetTextForMenu(input_method);
- UpdateUI(, name, tooltip, num_active_input_methods);
-void InputMethodMenu::RebuildModel() {
- model_->Clear();
- string16 dummy_label = UTF8ToUTF16("");
- // Indicates if separator's needed before each section.
- bool need_separator = false;
- if (!input_method_descriptors_->empty()) {
- // We "abuse" the command_id and group_id arguments of AddRadioItem method.
- // A COMMAND_ID_XXX enum value is passed as command_id, and array index of
- // |input_method_descriptors_| or |property_list| is passed as group_id.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < input_method_descriptors_->size(); ++i) {
- model_->AddRadioItem(COMMAND_ID_INPUT_METHODS, dummy_label, i);
- }
- need_separator = true;
- }
- const input_method::InputMethodPropertyList& property_list
- = InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->GetCurrentInputMethodProperties();
- if (!property_list.empty()) {
- if (need_separator) {
- model_->AddSeparator();
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < property_list.size(); ++i) {
- model_->AddRadioItem(COMMAND_ID_IME_PROPERTIES, dummy_label, i);
- }
- need_separator = true;
- }
- if (ShouldSupportConfigUI()) {
- // Note: We use AddSeparator() for separators, and AddRadioItem() for all
- // other items even if an item is not actually a radio item.
- if (need_separator) {
- model_->AddSeparator();
- }
- model_->AddRadioItem(COMMAND_ID_CUSTOMIZE_LANGUAGE, dummy_label,
- 0 /* dummy */);
- }
- // Rebuild the menu from the model.
- input_method_menu_delegate_->BuildMenu(input_method_menu_);
-bool InputMethodMenu::IndexIsInInputMethodList(int index) const {
- DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
- DCHECK(model_.get());
- if (index >= model_->GetItemCount()) {
- return false;
- }
- return ((model_->GetTypeAt(index) == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_RADIO) &&
- (model_->GetCommandIdAt(index) == COMMAND_ID_INPUT_METHODS) &&
- input_method_descriptors_.get() &&
- (index < static_cast<int>(input_method_descriptors_->size())));
-bool InputMethodMenu::GetPropertyIndex(int index, int* property_index) const {
- DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
- DCHECK(property_index);
- DCHECK(model_.get());
- if (index >= model_->GetItemCount()) {
- return false;
- }
- if ((model_->GetTypeAt(index) == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_RADIO) &&
- (model_->GetCommandIdAt(index) == COMMAND_ID_IME_PROPERTIES)) {
- const int tmp_property_index = model_->GetGroupIdAt(index);
- const input_method::InputMethodPropertyList& property_list
- = InputMethodManager::GetInstance()->GetCurrentInputMethodProperties();
- if (tmp_property_index < static_cast<int>(property_list.size())) {
- *property_index = tmp_property_index;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool InputMethodMenu::IndexPointsToConfigureImeMenuItem(int index) const {
- DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
- DCHECK(model_.get());
- if (index >= model_->GetItemCount()) {
- return false;
- }
- return ((model_->GetTypeAt(index) == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_RADIO) &&
- (model_->GetCommandIdAt(index) == COMMAND_ID_CUSTOMIZE_LANGUAGE));
-string16 InputMethodMenu::GetTextForMenu(
- const input_method::InputMethodDescriptor& input_method) {
- if (! {
- // If the descriptor has a name, use it.
- return UTF8ToUTF16(;
- }
- // We don't show language here. Name of keyboard layout or input method
- // usually imply (or explicitly include) its language.
- input_method::InputMethodManager* manager =
- input_method::InputMethodManager::GetInstance();
- // Special case for German, French and Dutch: these languages have multiple
- // keyboard layouts and share the same layout of keyboard (Belgian). We need
- // to show explicitly the language for the layout. For Arabic, Amharic, and
- // Indic languages: they share "Standard Input Method".
- const string16 standard_input_method_text = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(
- const std::string language_code = input_method.language_code();
- string16 text =
- manager->GetInputMethodUtil()->TranslateString(;
- if (text == standard_input_method_text ||
- language_code == "de" ||
- language_code == "fr" ||
- language_code == "nl") {
- text = GetLanguageName(language_code) + UTF8ToUTF16(" - ") + text;
- }
- DCHECK(!text.empty());
- return text;
-void InputMethodMenu::SetMinimumWidth(int width) {
- // On the OOBE network selection screen, fixed width menu would be preferable.
- minimum_input_method_menu_width_ = width;
-void InputMethodMenu::AddObserver() {
- InputMethodManager* manager = InputMethodManager::GetInstance();
- manager->AddObserver(this);
-void InputMethodMenu::RemoveObserver() {
- InputMethodManager* manager = InputMethodManager::GetInstance();
- manager->RemoveObserver(this);
-} // namespace chromeos