path: root/chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_controller.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_controller.h')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_controller.h b/chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_controller.h
index 0b51d4e..c390893 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_controller.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_controller.h
@@ -15,17 +15,16 @@
#include "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_model_observer_bridge.h"
#include "webkit/glue/window_open_disposition.h"
-@class BackgroundGradientView;
-@class BookmarkBarStateController;
+@class BookmarkBarController;
class BookmarkModel;
class BookmarkNode;
@class BookmarkBarView;
class Browser;
-@protocol ToolbarCompressable;
class GURL;
@class MenuButton;
class Profile;
class PrefService;
+class TabContents;
@class ToolbarController;
@protocol ViewResizer;
@@ -40,19 +39,57 @@ const CGFloat kNoBookmarksHorizontalOffset = 5.0;
const CGFloat kNoBookmarksVerticalOffset = 22.0;
const CGFloat kNoBookmarksNTPVerticalOffset = 28.0;
-} // namespace
+// States for the bookmark bar.
+enum VisualState {
+ kInvalidState = 0,
+ kHiddenState = 1,
+ kShowingState = 2,
+ kDetachedState = 3,
+} // namespace bookmarks
+// The interface for the bookmark bar controller's delegate. Currently, the
+// delegate is the BWC and is responsible for ensuring that the toolbar is
+// displayed correctly (as specified by |-getDesiredToolbarHeightCompression|
+// and |-shouldToolbarShowDivider|) at the beginning and at the end of an
+// animation (or after a state change).
+@protocol BookmarkBarControllerDelegate
+// Sent when the state has changed (after any animation), but before the final
+// display update.
+- (void)bookmarkBar:(BookmarkBarController*)controller
+ didChangeFromState:(bookmarks::VisualState)oldState
+ toState:(bookmarks::VisualState)newState;
+// Sent before the animation begins.
+- (void)bookmarkBar:(BookmarkBarController*)controller
+ toState:(bookmarks::VisualState)newState;
// A controller for the bookmark bar in the browser window. Handles showing
// and hiding based on the preference in the given profile.
@interface BookmarkBarController :
- NSViewController<BookmarkBarToolbarViewController> {
+ NSViewController<BookmarkBarToolbarViewController> {
+ // The visual state of the bookmark bar. If an animation is running, this is
+ // set to the "destination" and |lastVisualState_| is set to the "original"
+ // state. This is set to |kInvalidState| on initialization (when the
+ // appropriate state is not yet known).
+ bookmarks::VisualState visualState_;
+ // The "original" state of the bookmark bar if an animation is running,
+ // otherwise it should be |kInvalidState|.
+ bookmarks::VisualState lastVisualState_;
Browser* browser_; // weak; owned by its window
BookmarkModel* bookmarkModel_; // weak; part of the profile owned by the
// top-level Browser object.
// Our initial view width, which is applied in awakeFromNib.
- float initialWidth_;
+ CGFloat initialWidth_;
// BookmarkNodes have a 64bit id. NSMenuItems have a 32bit tag used
// to represent the bookmark node they refer to. This map provides
@@ -78,16 +115,12 @@ const CGFloat kNoBookmarksNTPVerticalOffset = 28.0;
// BookmarkModelObserver)
scoped_ptr<BookmarkBarBridge> bridge_;
- // Delegate that is alerted about whether it should be compressed because
- // it's right next to us.
- id<ToolbarCompressable> compressDelegate_; // weak
+ // Delegate that is informed about state changes in the bookmark bar.
+ id<BookmarkBarControllerDelegate> delegate_; // weak
// Delegate that can resize us.
id<ViewResizer> resizeDelegate_; // weak
- // Lets us get TabSelectedAt notifications.
- scoped_ptr<TabStripModelObserverBridge> tabObserver_;
IBOutlet BookmarkBarView* buttonView_;
IBOutlet MenuButton* offTheSideButton_; // aka the chevron
IBOutlet NSMenu* buttonContextMenu_;
@@ -96,22 +129,24 @@ const CGFloat kNoBookmarksNTPVerticalOffset = 28.0;
scoped_nsobject<NSButton> otherBookmarksButton_;
+@property(readonly, nonatomic) bookmarks::VisualState visualState;
+@property(readonly, nonatomic) bookmarks::VisualState lastVisualState;
+@property(assign, nonatomic) id<BookmarkBarControllerDelegate> delegate;
// Initializes the bookmark bar controller with the given browser
// profile and delegates.
- (id)initWithBrowser:(Browser*)browser
- initialWidth:(float)initialWidth
- compressDelegate:(id<ToolbarCompressable>)compressDelegate
+ initialWidth:(CGFloat)initialWidth
+ delegate:(id<BookmarkBarControllerDelegate>)delegate
-// Returns the backdrop to the bookmark bar.
-- (BackgroundGradientView*)backgroundGradientView;
+// Updates the bookmark bar (from its current, possibly in-transition) state to
+// the one appropriate for the new conditions.
+- (void)updateAndShowNormalBar:(BOOL)showNormalBar
+ showDetachedBar:(BOOL)showDetachedBar
+ withAnimation:(BOOL)animate;
-// Tell the bar to show itself if needed (e.g. if the kShowBookmarkBar
-// is set). Called once after the controller is first created.
-- (void)showIfNeeded;
-// Update the visible state of the bookmark bar based on the current value of
-// -[BookmarkBarController isAlwaysVisible].
+// Update the visible state of the bookmark bar.
- (void)updateVisibility;
// Turn on or off the bookmark bar and prevent or reallow its
@@ -119,19 +154,27 @@ const CGFloat kNoBookmarksNTPVerticalOffset = 28.0;
// if needed. For fullscreen mode.
- (void)setBookmarkBarEnabled:(BOOL)enabled;
-// Returns YES if the bookmarks bar is currently visible, either because the
-// user has asked for it to always be visible, or because the current tab is the
-// New Tab page.
+// Returns YES if the bookmarks bar is currently visible (as a normal toolbar or
+// as a detached bar on the NTP), NO otherwise.
- (BOOL)isVisible;
-// Returns true if the bookmark bar needs to be shown currently because a tab
-// that requires it is selected. The bookmark bar will have a different
-// appearance when it is shown if isAlwaysVisible returns NO.
-- (BOOL)isNewTabPage;
+// Returns YES if an animation is currently running, NO otherwise.
+- (BOOL)isAnimationRunning;
+// Returns YES if the bookmarks bar is (to be) shown as part of the normal
+// toolbar, NO otherwise. This is exclusive of |-isShownAsDetachedBar|.
+- (BOOL)isShownAsToolbar;
+// Returns YES if the bookmarks bar is (to be) shown as a detached bar, NO
+// otherwise; required for the |BookmarkBarToolbarViewController| protocol. This
+// is exclusive of |-isShownAsToolbar|.
+- (BOOL)isShownAsDetachedBar;
-// Returns true if the bookmark bar is visible for all tabs. (This corresponds
-// to the user having selected "Always show the bookmark bar")
-- (BOOL)isAlwaysVisible;
+// Returns the amount by which the toolbar above should be compressed.
+- (CGFloat)getDesiredToolbarHeightCompression;
+// Returns whether or not the toolbar above should show the divider.
+- (BOOL)shouldToolbarShowDivider;
// Returns true if at least one bookmark was added.
- (BOOL)addURLs:(NSArray*)urls withTitles:(NSArray*)titles at:(NSPoint)point;
@@ -177,7 +220,6 @@ const CGFloat kNoBookmarksNTPVerticalOffset = 28.0;
node:(const BookmarkNode*)node;
// These APIs should only be used by unit tests (or used internally).
@interface BookmarkBarController(InternalOrTestingAPI)
- (void)openURL:(GURL)url disposition:(WindowOpenDisposition)disposition;