path: root/chrome/browser/cocoa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/cocoa/')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index dfffd10..8a6d035 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -295,11 +295,12 @@ const NSTimeInterval kBookmarkBarAnimationDuration = 0.12;
// expects. We will resize ourselves open later if needed.
[[self view] setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, initialWidth_, 0)];
+ // Complete init of the "off the side" button, as much as we can.
+ [offTheSideButton_ setDraggable:NO];
// We are enabled by default.
barIsEnabled_ = YES;
- DCHECK([offTheSideButton_ attachedMenu]);
// To make life happier when the bookmark bar is floating, the chevron is a
// child of the button view.
[offTheSideButton_ removeFromSuperview];
@@ -376,10 +377,12 @@ const NSTimeInterval kBookmarkBarAnimationDuration = 0.12;
-// Check if we should enable or disable the off-the-side chevron.
-// Assumes that buttons which don't fit in the parent view are removed
-// from it.
-- (void)showOrHideOffTheSideButton {
+// Configure the off-the-side button (e.g. specify the node range,
+// check if we should enable or disable it, etc).
+- (void)configureOffTheSideButtonContentsAndVisibility {
+ [[offTheSideButton_ cell] setStartingChildIndex:bookmarkBarDisplayedButtons_];
+ [[offTheSideButton_ cell]
+ setBookmarkNode:bookmarkModel_->GetBookmarkBarNode()];
int bookmarkChildren = bookmarkModel_->GetBookmarkBarNode()->GetChildCount();
if (bookmarkChildren > bookmarkBarDisplayedButtons_) {
[offTheSideButton_ setHidden:NO];
@@ -406,7 +409,7 @@ const NSTimeInterval kBookmarkBarAnimationDuration = 0.12;
[self positionOffTheSideButton];
[self addButtonsToView];
- [self showOrHideOffTheSideButton];
+ [self configureOffTheSideButtonContentsAndVisibility];
[self centerNoItemsLabel];
@@ -745,11 +748,13 @@ const NSTimeInterval kBookmarkBarAnimationDuration = 0.12;
const BookmarkNode* afterNode =
[buttonToTheRightOfDraggedButton bookmarkNode];
- return afterNode->GetParent()->IndexOfChild(afterNode);
+ int index = afterNode->GetParent()->IndexOfChild(afterNode);
+ // Make sure we don't get confused by buttons which aren't visible.
+ return std::min(index, bookmarkBarDisplayedButtons_);
// If nothing is to my right I am at the end!
- return [buttons_ count];
+ return bookmarkBarDisplayedButtons_;
- (BOOL)dragButton:(BookmarkButton*)sourceButton
@@ -777,10 +782,14 @@ const NSTimeInterval kBookmarkBarAnimationDuration = 0.12;
destIndex = [self indexForDragOfButton:sourceButton toPoint:point];
- if (copy)
- bookmarkModel_->Copy(sourceNode, destParent, destIndex);
- else
- bookmarkModel_->Move(sourceNode, destParent, destIndex);
+ // Be sure we don't try and drop a folder into itself.
+ if (sourceNode != destParent) {
+ if (copy) {
+ bookmarkModel_->Copy(sourceNode, destParent, destIndex);
+ } else {
+ bookmarkModel_->Move(sourceNode, destParent, destIndex);
+ }
+ }
[self closeAllBookmarkFolders]; // For a hover open, if needed.
@@ -805,7 +814,8 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
fromArray:(NSArray*)array {
for (BookmarkButton* button in array) {
// Break early if we've gone too far.
- if (NSMinX([button frame]) > point.x)
+ if ((NSMinX([button frame]) > point.x) ||
+ (![button superview]))
return nil;
// Careful -- this only applies to the bar with horiz buttons.
// Intentionally NOT using NSPointInRect() so that scrolling into
@@ -814,7 +824,7 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
NSMaxX([button frame]))) {
// Over a button but let's be a little more specific (make sure
- // it's over the middle half, not just over it.)
+ // it's over the middle half, not just over it).
NSRect frame = [button frame];
NSRect middleHalfOfButton = NSInsetRect(frame, frame.size.width / 4, 0);
if (ValueInRangeInclusive(NSMinX(middleHalfOfButton),
@@ -841,10 +851,13 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
- (BookmarkButton*)buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:(NSPoint)point {
BookmarkButton* button = [self buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:point
- // One more chance -- try "Other Bookmarks".
+ // One more chance -- try "Other Bookmarks" and "off the side" (if visible).
// This is different than BookmarkBarFolderController.
if (!button) {
- NSArray* array = [NSArray arrayWithObject:otherBookmarksButton_];
+ NSMutableArray* array = [NSMutableArray array];
+ if (![self offTheSideButtonIsHidden])
+ [array addObject:offTheSideButton_];
+ [array addObject:otherBookmarksButton_];
button = [self buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:point
@@ -911,7 +924,7 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
toPoint:(NSPoint)point {
CGFloat x = 0;
int destIndex = [self indexForDragOfButton:sourceButton toPoint:point];
- int numButtons = static_cast<int>([buttons_ count]);
+ int numButtons = bookmarkBarDisplayedButtons_;
// If it's a drop strictly between existing buttons ...
if (destIndex >= 0 && destIndex < numButtons) {
@@ -1105,6 +1118,16 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
[folderTarget_ openBookmarkFolderFromButton:sender];
+// The button that sends this one is special; the "off the side"
+// button (chevron) opens like a folder button but isn't exactly a
+// parent folder.
+- (IBAction)openOffTheSideFolderFromButton:(id)sender {
+ DCHECK([sender isKindOfClass:[BookmarkButton class]]);
+ DCHECK([[sender cell] isKindOfClass:[BookmarkButtonCell class]]);
+ [[sender cell] setStartingChildIndex:bookmarkBarDisplayedButtons_];
+ [folderTarget_ openBookmarkFolderFromButton:sender];
// Recursively add the given bookmark node and all its children to
// menu, one menu item per node.
- (void)addNode:(const BookmarkNode*)child toMenu:(NSMenu*)menu {
@@ -1185,45 +1208,6 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
[self watchForClickOutside:YES];
-// Rebuild the off-the-side menu.
-- (void)buildOffTheSideMenuIfNeeded {
- NSMenu* menu = [self offTheSideMenu];
- DCHECK(menu);
- // Only rebuild if needed. We determine we need a rebuild when the
- // bookmark bar is cleared of buttons.
- if (!needToRebuildOffTheSideMenu_)
- return;
- needToRebuildOffTheSideMenu_ = YES;
- // Remove old menu items (backwards order is as good as any); leave the
- // blank one at position 0 (see menu_button.h).
- for (NSInteger i = [menu numberOfItems] - 1; i >= 1 ; i--)
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:i];
- // Add items corresponding to buttons which aren't displayed. Since
- // we build the buttons in the same order as the bookmark bar child
- // count, we have a clear hint as to where to begin.
- const BookmarkNode* barNode = bookmarkModel_->GetBookmarkBarNode();
- for (int i = bookmarkBarDisplayedButtons_;
- i < barNode->GetChildCount(); i++) {
- const BookmarkNode* child = barNode->GetChild(i);
- [self addNode:child toMenu:menu];
- }
-// Get the off-the-side menu.
-- (NSMenu*)offTheSideMenu {
- return [offTheSideButton_ attachedMenu];
-// Called by any menus which have set us as their delegate (right now just the
-// off-the-side menu). This is the trigger for a delayed rebuild.
-- (void)menuNeedsUpdate:(NSMenu*)menu {
- if (menu == [self offTheSideMenu])
- [self buildOffTheSideMenuIfNeeded];
// As a convention we set the menu's delegate to be the button's cell
// so we can easily obtain bookmark info. Convention applied in
// -[BookmarkButtonCell menu].
@@ -1507,7 +1491,7 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
// We may have just crossed a threshold to enable the off-the-side
// button.
- [self showOrHideOffTheSideButton];
+ [self configureOffTheSideButtonContentsAndVisibility];
- (IBAction)openBookmarkMenuItem:(id)sender {
@@ -1643,7 +1627,7 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
[self positionOffTheSideButton];
[self addNonBookmarkButtonsToView];
[self addButtonsToView];
- [self showOrHideOffTheSideButton];
+ [self configureOffTheSideButtonContentsAndVisibility];
[self setNodeForBarMenu];