path: root/chrome/browser/cocoa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/cocoa/')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index bc9a75a..ddb79c6 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -63,6 +63,15 @@ const CGFloat kScrollWindowVerticalMargin = 0.0;
// Show or hide the scroll arrows at the top/bottom of the window.
- (void)showOrHideScrollArrows;
+// |point| is in the base coordinate system of the destination window;
+// it comes from an id<NSDraggingInfo>. |copy| is YES if a copy is to be
+// made and inserted into the new location while leaving the bookmark in
+// the old location, otherwise move the bookmark by removing from its old
+// location and inserting into the new location.
+- (BOOL)dragBookmark:(const BookmarkNode*)sourceNode
+ to:(NSPoint)point
+ copy:(BOOL)copy;
@interface BookmarkButton (BookmarkBarFolderMenuHighlighting)
@@ -942,10 +951,7 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
// difference is accomodation for the "empty" button (which may not
// exist in the future).
-- (int)indexForDragOfButton:(BookmarkButton*)sourceButton
- toPoint:(NSPoint)point {
- DCHECK([sourceButton isKindOfClass:[BookmarkButton class]]);
+- (int)indexForDragToPoint:(NSPoint)point {
// Identify which buttons we are between. For now, assume a button
// location is at the center point of its view, and that an exact
// match means "place before".
@@ -986,6 +992,52 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
[[parentButton_ cell] startingChildIndex]);
+// More code which essentially duplicates that of BookmarkBarController.
+// TODO(mrossetti,jrg):
+- (BOOL)addURLs:(NSArray*)urls withTitles:(NSArray*)titles at:(NSPoint)point {
+ DCHECK([urls count] == [titles count]);
+ BOOL nodesWereAdded = NO;
+ // Figure out where these new bookmarks nodes are to be added.
+ BookmarkButton* button = [self buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:point];
+ BookmarkModel* bookmarkModel = [self bookmarkModel];
+ const BookmarkNode* destParent = NULL;
+ int destIndex = 0;
+ if ([button isFolder]) {
+ destParent = [button bookmarkNode];
+ // Drop it at the end.
+ destIndex = [button bookmarkNode]->GetChildCount();
+ } else {
+ // Else we're dropping somewhere in the folder, so find the right spot.
+ destParent = [parentButton_ bookmarkNode];
+ destIndex = [self indexForDragToPoint:point];
+ // Be careful if the number of buttons != number of nodes.
+ destIndex += [[parentButton_ cell] startingChildIndex];
+ }
+ // Create and add the new bookmark nodes.
+ size_t urlCount = [urls count];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < urlCount; ++i) {
+ // URLs come in several forms (see
+ GURL gurl;
+ const char* string = [[urls objectAtIndex:i] UTF8String];
+ if (string)
+ gurl = GURL(string);
+ if (!gurl.is_valid() && string) {
+ gurl = GURL([[NSString stringWithFormat:@"file://%s", string]
+ UTF8String]);
+ }
+ DCHECK(gurl.is_valid());
+ if (gurl.is_valid()) {
+ bookmarkModel->AddURL(destParent,
+ destIndex++,
+ base::SysNSStringToWide([titles objectAtIndex:i]),
+ gurl);
+ nodesWereAdded = YES;
+ }
+ }
+ return nodesWereAdded;
- (BookmarkModel*)bookmarkModel {
return [barController_ bookmarkModel];
@@ -996,8 +1048,15 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
copy:(BOOL)copy {
DCHECK([sourceButton isKindOfClass:[BookmarkButton class]]);
const BookmarkNode* sourceNode = [sourceButton bookmarkNode];
+ return [self dragBookmark:sourceNode to:point copy:copy];
+// TODO(jrg): Yet more code dup.
+- (BOOL)dragBookmark:(const BookmarkNode*)sourceNode
+ to:(NSPoint)point
+ copy:(BOOL)copy {
// Drop destination.
@@ -1014,7 +1073,7 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
} else {
// Else we're dropping somewhere in the folder, so find the right spot.
destParent = [parentButton_ bookmarkNode];
- destIndex = [self indexForDragOfButton:sourceButton toPoint:point];
+ destIndex = [self indexForDragToPoint:point];
// Be careful if the number of buttons != number of nodes.
destIndex += [[parentButton_ cell] startingChildIndex];
@@ -1034,6 +1093,37 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
return wasCopiedOrMoved;
+// TODO(mrossetti,jrg): Identical to the same function in BookmarkBarController.
+- (std::vector<const BookmarkNode*>)retrieveBookmarkDragDataNodes {
+ std::vector<const BookmarkNode*> dragDataNodes;
+ BookmarkDragData dragData;
+ if(dragData.ReadFromDragClipboard()) {
+ BookmarkModel* bookmarkModel = [self bookmarkModel];
+ Profile* profile = bookmarkModel->profile();
+ std::vector<const BookmarkNode*> nodes(dragData.GetNodes(profile));
+ dragDataNodes.assign(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
+ }
+ return dragDataNodes;
+// TODO(mrossetti,jrg): Identical to the same function in BookmarkBarController.
+- (BOOL)dragBookmarkData:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)info {
+ BOOL dragged = NO;
+ std::vector<const BookmarkNode*> nodes([self retrieveBookmarkDragDataNodes]);
+ if (nodes.size()) {
+ BOOL copy = !([info draggingSourceOperationMask] & NSDragOperationMove);
+ NSPoint dropPoint = [info draggingLocation];
+ for (std::vector<const BookmarkNode*>::const_iterator it = nodes.begin();
+ it != nodes.end(); ++it) {
+ const BookmarkNode* sourceNode = *it;
+ dragged = [self dragBookmark:sourceNode to:dropPoint copy:copy];
+ }
+ }
+ return dragged;
// Return YES if we should show the drop indicator, else NO.
// TODO(jrg): ARGH code dup!
@@ -1047,10 +1137,9 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
// TODO(jrg): again we have code dup, sort of, with
//, but the axis is changed.
-- (CGFloat)indicatorPosForDragOfButton:(BookmarkButton*)sourceButton
- toPoint:(NSPoint)point {
+- (CGFloat)indicatorPosForDragToPoint:(NSPoint)point {
CGFloat y = 0;
- int destIndex = [self indexForDragOfButton:sourceButton toPoint:point];
+ int destIndex = [self indexForDragToPoint:point];
int numButtons = static_cast<int>([buttons_ count]);
// If it's a drop strictly between existing buttons or at the very beginning
@@ -1060,9 +1149,7 @@ static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) {
[buttons_ objectAtIndex:static_cast<NSUInteger>(destIndex)];
NSRect buttonFrame = [button frame];
- y = buttonFrame.origin.y +
- buttonFrame.size.height +
- 0.5 * bookmarks::kBookmarkVerticalPadding;
+ y = NSMaxY(buttonFrame) + 0.5 * bookmarks::kBookmarkVerticalPadding;
// If it's a drop at the end (past the last button, if there are any) ...
} else if (destIndex == numButtons) {