path: root/chrome/browser/cocoa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/cocoa/')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 524d11c..5d33a32 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
return self;
++ (CGFloat)defaultTabHeight {
+ return 24.0;
// Finds the associated TabContentsController at the given |index| and swaps
// out the sole child of the contentArea to display its contents.
- (void)swapInTabAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
@@ -119,11 +123,29 @@
// Called when the user closes a tab. Asks the model to close the tab.
- (void)closeTab:(id)sender {
- int index = [self indexForTabView:sender];
- if (index >= 0 && tabModel_->ContainsIndex(index))
- tabModel_->CloseTabContentsAt(index);
+ if ([self numberOfTabViews] > 1) {
+ int index = [self indexForTabView:sender];
+ if (index >= 0 && tabModel_->ContainsIndex(index))
+ tabModel_->CloseTabContentsAt(index);
+ } else {
+ // Use the standard window close if this is the last tab
+ // this prevents the tab from being removed from the model until after
+ // the window dissapears
+ [[tabView_ window] performClose:nil];
+ }
+- (void)insertPlaceholderForTab:(TabView*)tab
+ frame:(NSRect)frame
+ yStretchiness:(CGFloat)yStretchiness {
+ placeholderTab_ = tab;
+ placeholderFrame_ = frame;
+ placeholderStretchiness_ = yStretchiness;
+ [self layoutTabs];
// Lay out all tabs in the order of their TabContentsControllers, which matches
// the ordering in the TabStripModel. This call isn't that expensive, though
// it is O(n) in the number of tabs. Tabs will animate to their new position
@@ -152,24 +174,45 @@
+ CGFloat minX = NSMinX(placeholderFrame_);
+ NSUInteger i = 0;
+ NSInteger gap = -1;
for (TabController* tab in tabArray_.get()) {
- // BOOL isPlaceholder = ![[[tab view] superview] isEqual:tabView_];
- BOOL isPlaceholder = NO;
+ BOOL isPlaceholder = [[tab view] isEqual:placeholderTab_];
NSRect tabFrame = [[tab view] frame];
- // If the tab is all the way on the left, we consider it a new tab. We
- // need to show it, but not animate the movement. We do however want to
- // animate the display.
- BOOL newTab = NSMinX(tabFrame) == 0;
+ tabFrame.size.height = [[self class] defaultTabHeight];
+ tabFrame.origin.y = 0;
+ tabFrame.origin.x = offset;
+ // If the tab is hidden, we consider it a new tab. We make it visible
+ // and animate it in.
+ BOOL newTab = [[tab view] isHidden];
if (newTab) {
- id visibilityTarget = visible ? [[tab view] animator] : [tab view];
- [visibilityTarget setHidden:NO];
+ [[tab view] setHidden:NO];
- tabFrame.origin = NSMakePoint(offset, 0);
- if (!isPlaceholder) {
- // Set the tab's new frame and animate the tab to its new location. Don't
- // animate if the window isn't visible or if the tab is new.
- BOOL animate = visible && !newTab;
- id frameTarget = animate ? [[tab view] animator] : [tab view];
+ if (isPlaceholder) {
+ tabFrame.origin.x = placeholderFrame_.origin.x;
+ tabFrame.size.height += 10.0 * placeholderStretchiness_;
+ [[tab view] setFrame:tabFrame];
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ // If our left edge is to the left of the placeholder's left, but our mid
+ // is to the right of it we should slide over to make space for it.
+ if (placeholderTab_ && gap < 0 && NSMidX(tabFrame) > minX) {
+ gap = i;
+ offset += NSWidth(tabFrame);
+ offset -= kTabOverlap;
+ tabFrame.origin.x = offset;
+ }
+ // Animate the tab in by putting it below the horizon.
+ if (newTab && visible) {
+ [[tab view] setFrame:NSOffsetRect(tabFrame, 0, -NSHeight(tabFrame))];
+ }
+ id frameTarget = visible ? [[tab view] animator] : [tab view];
tabFrame.size.width = [tab selected] ? kMaxTabWidth : baseTabWidth;
[frameTarget setFrame:tabFrame];
@@ -178,11 +221,13 @@
offset += NSWidth(tabFrame);
offset -= kTabOverlap;
+ i++;
// Move the new tab button into place
[[newTabButton_ animator] setFrameOrigin:
NSMakePoint(MIN(availableWidth, offset + kNewTabButtonOffset), 0)];
+ if (i > 0) [[newTabButton_ animator] setHidden:NO];
[NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
@@ -222,6 +267,9 @@
TabController* newController = [self newTab];
[tabArray_ insertObject:newController atIndex:index];
NSView* newView = [newController view];
+ [newView setFrame:NSOffsetRect([newView frame],
+ 0, [[self class] defaultTabHeight])];
[tabView_ addSubview:newView
positioned:inForeground ? NSWindowAbove : NSWindowBelow
@@ -301,6 +349,16 @@
[updatedController tabDidChange:contents];
+- (NSView *)selectedTabView {
+ int selectedIndex = tabModel_->selected_index();
+ return [self viewAtIndex:selectedIndex];
+- (void)dropTabView:(NSView *)view atIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
+ // TODO(pinkerton): implement drop
// Return the rect, in WebKit coordinates (flipped), of the window's grow box
// in the coordinate system of the content area of the currently selected tab.
- (NSRect)selectedTabGrowBoxRect {