path: root/chrome/browser/cocoa
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2 files changed, 90 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h b/chrome/browser/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h
index 5f51c54..7ef1775 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h
@@ -81,16 +81,22 @@ class CocoaTest : public PlatformTest {
CocoaTestHelperWindow* test_window();
- // Return a vector of currently open windows. Note that it is a vector
- // instead of an NSArray because we don't want any retains placed on the
- // windows in it and that the windows in this list may no longer be valid
- // NSWindows any time after this returns. You can only use the pointer values
- // in the vector for comparison purposes.
- static std::vector<NSWindow*> ApplicationWindows();
+ // Return a set of currently open windows. Avoiding NSArray so
+ // contents aren't retained, the pointer values can only be used for
+ // comparison purposes. Using std::set to make progress-checking
+ // convenient.
+ static std::set<NSWindow*> ApplicationWindows();
+ // Return a set of windows which are in |ApplicationWindows()| but
+ // not |initial_windows_|.
+ std::set<NSWindow*> WindowsLeft();
bool called_tear_down_;
base::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool_;
- std::vector<NSWindow*> initial_windows_;
+ // Windows which existed at the beginning of the test.
+ std::set<NSWindow*> initial_windows_;
// Strong. Lazily created. This isn't wrapped in a scoped_nsobject because
// we want to call [close] to destroy it rather than calling [release]. We
// want to verify that [close] is actually removing our window and that it's
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 1b4c92a..92bee83 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -80,70 +80,104 @@ void CocoaTest::TearDown() {
// Recycle the pool to clean up any stuff that was put on the
// autorelease pool due to window or windowcontroller closures.
- // Note that many controls (NSTextFields, NSComboboxes etc) may call
- // performSelector:withDelay: to clean up drag handlers and other things.
- // We must spin the event loop a bit to make sure that everything gets cleaned
- // up correctly. We will wait up to one second for windows to clean themselves
- // up (normally only takes one to two loops through the event loop).
- // Radar 5851458 "Closing a window with a NSTextView in it should get rid of
- // it immediately"
- NSDate *start_date = [NSDate date];
- const std::vector<NSWindow*> windows_waiting(ApplicationWindows());
- bool loop = windows_waiting.size() > 0;
- while (loop) {
- {
- // Need an autorelease pool to wrap our event loop.
- base::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool;
- NSEvent *next_event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask
- untilDate:nil
- inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
- dequeue:YES];
- [NSApp sendEvent:next_event];
- [NSApp updateWindows];
- }
- // Check the windows after we have released the event loop pool so that
- // all retains are cleaned up.
- const std::vector<NSWindow*> current_windows(ApplicationWindows());
- std::vector<NSWindow*> windows_left;
- std::set_difference(current_windows.begin(),
- current_windows.end(),
- initial_windows_.begin(),
- initial_windows_.end(),
- inserter(windows_left, windows_left.begin()));
- if (windows_left.size() == 0) {
- // All our windows are closed.
- break;
+ // Some controls (NSTextFields, NSComboboxes etc) use
+ // performSelector:withDelay: to clean up drag handlers and other
+ // things (Radar 5851458 "Closing a window with a NSTextView in it
+ // should get rid of it immediately"). The event loop must be spun
+ // to get everything cleaned up correctly. It normally only takes
+ // one to two spins through the event loop to see a change.
+ // NOTE(shess): Under valgrind, -nextEventMatchingMask:* in one test
+ // needed to run twice, once taking .2 seconds, the next time .6
+ // seconds. The loop exit condition attempts to be scalable.
+ // Get the set of windows which weren't present when the test
+ // started.
+ std::set<NSWindow*> windows_left(WindowsLeft());
+ while (windows_left.size() > 0) {
+ // Cover delayed actions by spinning the loop at least once after
+ // this timeout.
+ const NSTimeInterval kCloseTimeout = 1.0;
+ // Cover chains of delayed actions by spinning the loop at least
+ // this many times.
+ const int kCloseSpins = 2;
+ // Track the set of remaining windows so that everything can be
+ // reset if progress is made.
+ std::set<NSWindow*> still_left = windows_left;
+ NSDate* start_date = [NSDate date];
+ bool one_more_time = true;
+ int spins = 0;
+ while (still_left.size() == windows_left.size() &&
+ (spins < kCloseSpins || one_more_time)) {
+ // Check the timeout before pumping events, so that we'll spin
+ // the loop once after the timeout.
+ one_more_time = ([start_date timeIntervalSinceNow] > -kCloseTimeout);
+ // Autorelease anything thrown up by the event loop.
+ {
+ base::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool;
+ ++spins;
+ NSEvent *next_event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask
+ untilDate:nil
+ inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
+ dequeue:YES];
+ [NSApp sendEvent:next_event];
+ [NSApp updateWindows];
+ }
+ // Refresh the outstanding windows.
+ still_left = WindowsLeft();
- if ([start_date timeIntervalSinceNow] < -1.0) {
- // Took us over a second to shut down, and windows still exist.
- // Log a failure and continue.
+ // If no progress is being made, log a failure and continue.
+ if (still_left.size() == windows_left.size()) {
+ // NOTE(shess): Failing this expectation means that the test
+ // opened windows which have not been fully released. Either
+ // there is a leak, or perhaps one of |kCloseTimeout| or
+ // |kCloseSpins| needs adjustment.
EXPECT_EQ(0U, windows_left.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < windows_left.size(); ++i) {
- const char* desc = [[windows_left[i] description] UTF8String];
+ for (std::set<NSWindow*>::iterator iter = windows_left.begin();
+ iter != windows_left.end(); ++iter) {
+ const char* desc = [[*iter description] UTF8String];
LOG(WARNING) << "Didn't close window " << desc;
+ windows_left = still_left;
-std::vector<NSWindow*> CocoaTest::ApplicationWindows() {
+std::set<NSWindow*> CocoaTest::ApplicationWindows() {
// This must NOT retain the windows it is returning.
- std::vector<NSWindow*> windows;
+ std::set<NSWindow*> windows;
// Must create a pool here because [NSApp windows] has created an array
// with retains on all the windows in it.
base::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool;
NSArray *appWindows = [NSApp windows];
for (NSWindow *window in appWindows) {
- windows.push_back(window);
+ windows.insert(window);
return windows;
+std::set<NSWindow*> CocoaTest::WindowsLeft() {
+ const std::set<NSWindow*> windows(ApplicationWindows());
+ std::set<NSWindow*> windows_left;
+ std::set_difference(windows.begin(), windows.end(),
+ initial_windows_.begin(), initial_windows_.end(),
+ std::inserter(windows_left, windows_left.begin()));
+ return windows_left;
CocoaTestHelperWindow* CocoaTest::test_window() {
if (!test_window_) {
test_window_ = [[CocoaTestHelperWindow alloc] init];