path: root/chrome/browser/download/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/download/')
1 files changed, 1104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/download/ b/chrome/browser/download/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d83ddc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/download/
@@ -0,0 +1,1104 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <time.h>
+#include "chrome/browser/download/download_manager.h"
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/path_service.h"
+#include "base/registry.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/task.h"
+#include "base/thread.h"
+#include "base/timer.h"
+#include "base/win_util.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/download/download_file.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/download/download_util.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/render_process_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/render_view_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/resource_dispatcher_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_util.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/web_contents.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
+#include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_service.h"
+#include "chrome/common/stl_util-inl.h"
+#include "chrome/common/win_util.h"
+#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
+#include "net/base/mime_util.h"
+#include "net/base/net_util.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
+#include "generated_resources.h"
+// Periodically update our observers.
+class DownloadItemUpdateTask : public Task {
+ public:
+ explicit DownloadItemUpdateTask(DownloadItem* item) : item_(item) {}
+ void Run() { if (item_) item_->UpdateObservers(); }
+ private:
+ DownloadItem* item_;
+// Update frequency (milliseconds).
+static const int kUpdateTimeMs = 1000;
+// Our download table ID starts at 1, so we use 0 to represent a download that
+// has started, but has not yet had its data persisted in the table. We use fake
+// database handles in incognito mode starting at -1 and progressly getting more
+// negative.
+static const int kUninitializedHandle = 0;
+// Attempts to modify |path| to be a non-existing path.
+// Returns true if |path| points to a non-existing path upon return.
+static bool UniquifyPath(std::wstring* path) {
+ DCHECK(path);
+ const int kMaxAttempts = 100;
+ if (!file_util::PathExists(*path))
+ return true;
+ std::wstring new_path;
+ for (int count = 1; count <= kMaxAttempts; ++count) {
+ new_path.assign(*path);
+ file_util::InsertBeforeExtension(&new_path, StringPrintf(L" (%d)", count));
+ if (!file_util::PathExists(new_path)) {
+ path->swap(new_path);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static bool DownloadPathIsDangerous(const std::wstring& download_path) {
+ std::wstring desktop_dir;
+ if (!PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DESKTOP, &desktop_dir)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return (download_path == desktop_dir);
+// DownloadItem implementation -------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor for reading from the history service.
+DownloadItem::DownloadItem(const DownloadCreateInfo& info)
+ : id_(-1),
+ full_path_(info.path),
+ url_(info.url),
+ total_bytes_(info.total_bytes),
+ received_bytes_(info.received_bytes),
+ start_tick_(0),
+ state_(static_cast<DownloadState>(info.state)),
+ start_time_(info.start_time),
+ db_handle_(info.db_handle),
+ manager_(NULL),
+ is_paused_(false),
+ open_when_complete_(false),
+ render_process_id_(-1),
+ request_id_(-1) {
+ if (state_ == IN_PROGRESS)
+ state_ = CANCELLED;
+ Init(false /* don't start progress timer */);
+// Constructor for DownloadItem created via user action in the main thread.
+DownloadItem::DownloadItem(int32 download_id,
+ const std::wstring& path,
+ const std::wstring& url,
+ const Time start_time,
+ int64 download_size,
+ int render_process_id,
+ int request_id)
+ : id_(download_id),
+ full_path_(path),
+ url_(url),
+ total_bytes_(download_size),
+ received_bytes_(0),
+ start_tick_(GetTickCount()),
+ state_(IN_PROGRESS),
+ start_time_(start_time),
+ db_handle_(kUninitializedHandle),
+ manager_(NULL),
+ is_paused_(false),
+ open_when_complete_(false),
+ render_process_id_(render_process_id),
+ request_id_(request_id) {
+ Init(true /* start progress timer */);
+void DownloadItem::Init(bool start_timer) {
+ file_name_ = file_util::GetFilenameFromPath(full_path_);
+ if (start_timer)
+ StartProgressTimer();
+DownloadItem::~DownloadItem() {
+ state_ = REMOVING;
+ UpdateObservers();
+void DownloadItem::AddObserver(Observer* observer) {
+ observers_.AddObserver(observer);
+void DownloadItem::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) {
+ observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
+void DownloadItem::UpdateObservers() {
+ FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnDownloadUpdated(this));
+// If we've received more data than we were expecting (bad server info?), revert
+// to 'unknown size mode'.
+void DownloadItem::UpdateSize(int64 bytes_so_far) {
+ received_bytes_ = bytes_so_far;
+ if (received_bytes_ > total_bytes_)
+ total_bytes_ = 0;
+// Updates from the download thread may have been posted while this download
+// was being cancelled in the UI thread, so we'll accept them unless we're
+// complete.
+void DownloadItem::Update(int64 bytes_so_far) {
+ if (state_ == COMPLETE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ UpdateSize(bytes_so_far);
+ UpdateObservers();
+// Triggered by a user action
+void DownloadItem::Cancel(bool update_history) {
+ if (state_ != IN_PROGRESS) {
+ // Small downloads might be complete before this method has a chance to run.
+ return;
+ }
+ state_ = CANCELLED;
+ UpdateObservers();
+ StopProgressTimer();
+ if (update_history)
+ manager_->DownloadCancelled(id_);
+void DownloadItem::Finished(int64 size) {
+ state_ = COMPLETE;
+ UpdateSize(size);
+ UpdateObservers();
+ StopProgressTimer();
+void DownloadItem::Remove() {
+ Cancel(true);
+ state_ = REMOVING;
+ manager_->RemoveDownload(db_handle_);
+void DownloadItem::StartProgressTimer() {
+ update_timer_.Start(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kUpdateTimeMs), this,
+ &DownloadItem::UpdateObservers);
+void DownloadItem::StopProgressTimer() {
+ update_timer_.Stop();
+bool DownloadItem::TimeRemaining(TimeDelta* remaining) const {
+ if (total_bytes_ <= 0)
+ return false; // We never received the content_length for this download.
+ int64 speed = CurrentSpeed();
+ if (speed == 0)
+ return false;
+ *remaining =
+ TimeDelta::FromSeconds((total_bytes_ - received_bytes_) / speed);
+ return true;
+int64 DownloadItem::CurrentSpeed() const {
+ uintptr_t diff = GetTickCount() - start_tick_;
+ return diff == 0 ? 0 : received_bytes_ * 1000 / diff;
+int DownloadItem::PercentComplete() const {
+ int percent = -1;
+ if (total_bytes_ > 0)
+ percent = static_cast<int>(received_bytes_ * 100.0 / total_bytes_);
+ return percent;
+void DownloadItem::Rename(const std::wstring& full_path) {
+ DCHECK(!full_path.empty());
+ full_path_ = full_path;
+ file_name_ = file_util::GetFilenameFromPath(full_path_);
+void DownloadItem::TogglePause() {
+ DCHECK(state_ == IN_PROGRESS);
+ manager_->PauseDownload(id_, !is_paused_);
+ is_paused_ = !is_paused_;
+ UpdateObservers();
+// DownloadManager implementation ----------------------------------------------
+// static
+void DownloadManager::RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) {
+ prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kPromptForDownload, false);
+ prefs->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kDownloadExtensionsToOpen, L"");
+ prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDownloadDirUpgraded, false);
+ // The default download path is userprofile\download.
+ std::wstring default_download_path;
+ if (!PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DOCUMENTS, &default_download_path)) {
+ }
+ file_util::AppendToPath(&default_download_path,
+ l10n_util::GetString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY));
+ prefs->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kDownloadDefaultDirectory,
+ default_download_path);
+ // If the download path is dangerous we forcefully reset it. But if we do
+ // so we set a flag to make sure we only do it once, to avoid fighting
+ // the user if he really wants it on an unsafe place such as the desktop.
+ if (!prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kDownloadDirUpgraded)) {
+ std::wstring current_download_dir =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDownloadDefaultDirectory);
+ if (DownloadPathIsDangerous(current_download_dir)) {
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDownloadDefaultDirectory,
+ default_download_path);
+ }
+ prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kDownloadDirUpgraded, true);
+ }
+ : shutdown_needed_(false),
+ profile_(NULL),
+ file_manager_(NULL),
+ ui_loop_(MessageLoop::current()),
+ file_loop_(NULL) {
+DownloadManager::~DownloadManager() {
+ if (shutdown_needed_)
+ Shutdown();
+void DownloadManager::Shutdown() {
+ DCHECK(shutdown_needed_) << "Shutdown called when not needed.";
+ // Stop receiving download updates
+ file_manager_->RemoveDownloadManager(this);
+ // Stop making history service requests
+ cancelable_consumer_.CancelAllRequests();
+ // 'in_progress_' may contain DownloadItems that have not finished the start
+ // complete (from the history service) and thus aren't in downloads_.
+ DownloadMap::iterator it = in_progress_.begin();
+ for (; it != in_progress_.end(); ++it) {
+ DownloadItem* download = it->second;
+ if (download->state() == DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS) {
+ download->Cancel(false);
+ UpdateHistoryForDownload(download);
+ }
+ if (download->db_handle() == kUninitializedHandle) {
+ // An invalid handle means that 'download' does not yet exist in
+ // 'downloads_', so we have to delete it here.
+ delete download;
+ }
+ }
+ in_progress_.clear();
+ STLDeleteValues(&downloads_);
+ file_manager_ = NULL;
+ // Save our file extensions to auto open.
+ SaveAutoOpens();
+ // Make sure the save as dialog doesn't notify us back if we're gone before
+ // it returns.
+ if (select_file_dialog_.get())
+ select_file_dialog_->ListenerDestroyed();
+ shutdown_needed_ = false;
+// Issue a history query for downloads matching 'search_text'. If 'search_text'
+// is empty, return all downloads that we know about.
+void DownloadManager::GetDownloads(Observer* observer,
+ const std::wstring& search_text) {
+ DCHECK(observer);
+ // Return a empty list if we've not yet received the set of downloads from the
+ // history system (we'll update all observers once we get that list in
+ // OnQueryDownloadEntriesComplete), or if there are no downloads at all.
+ std::vector<DownloadItem*> download_copy;
+ if (downloads_.empty()) {
+ observer->SetDownloads(download_copy);
+ return;
+ }
+ // We already know all the downloads and there is no filter, so just return a
+ // copy to the observer.
+ if (search_text.empty()) {
+ download_copy.reserve(downloads_.size());
+ for (DownloadMap::iterator it = downloads_.begin();
+ it != downloads_.end(); ++it) {
+ download_copy.push_back(it->second);
+ }
+ // We retain ownership of the DownloadItems.
+ observer->SetDownloads(download_copy);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Issue a request to the history service for a list of downloads matching
+ // our search text.
+ HistoryService* hs =
+ profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
+ if (hs) {
+ HistoryService::Handle h =
+ hs->SearchDownloads(search_text,
+ &cancelable_consumer_,
+ NewCallback(this,
+ &DownloadManager::OnSearchComplete));
+ cancelable_consumer_.SetClientData(hs, h, observer);
+ }
+// Query the history service for information about all persisted downloads.
+bool DownloadManager::Init(Profile* profile) {
+ DCHECK(profile);
+ DCHECK(!shutdown_needed_) << "DownloadManager already initialized.";
+ shutdown_needed_ = true;
+ profile_ = profile;
+ request_context_ = profile_->GetRequestContext();
+ // 'incognito mode' will have access to past downloads, but we won't store
+ // information about new downloads while in that mode.
+ QueryHistoryForDownloads();
+ ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh = g_browser_process->resource_dispatcher_host();
+ if (!rdh) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ file_manager_ = rdh->download_file_manager();
+ if (!file_manager_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ file_loop_ = g_browser_process->file_thread()->message_loop();
+ if (!file_loop_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Get our user preference state.
+ PrefService* prefs = profile_->GetPrefs();
+ DCHECK(prefs);
+ prompt_for_download_.Init(prefs::kPromptForDownload, prefs, NULL);
+ download_path_.Init(prefs::kDownloadDefaultDirectory, prefs, NULL);
+ // Ensure that the download directory specified in the preferences exists.
+ file_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
+ file_manager_, &DownloadFileManager::CreateDirectory, *download_path_));
+ // We store any file extension that should be opened automatically at
+ // download completion in this pref.
+ download_util::InitializeExeTypes(&exe_types_);
+ std::wstring extensions_to_open =
+ prefs->GetString(prefs::kDownloadExtensionsToOpen);
+ std::vector<std::wstring> extensions;
+ SplitString(extensions_to_open, L':', &extensions);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions.size(); ++i) {
+ if (!extensions[i].empty() && !IsExecutable(extensions[i]))
+ auto_open_.insert(extensions[i]);
+ }
+ return true;
+void DownloadManager::QueryHistoryForDownloads() {
+ HistoryService* hs = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
+ if (hs) {
+ hs->QueryDownloads(
+ &cancelable_consumer_,
+ NewCallback(this, &DownloadManager::OnQueryDownloadEntriesComplete));
+ }
+// We have received a message from DownloadFileManager about a new download. We
+// create a download item and store it in our download map, and inform the
+// history system of a new download. Since this method can be called while the
+// history service thread is still reading the persistent state, we do not
+// insert the new DownloadItem into 'downloads_' or inform our observers at this
+// point. OnCreateDatabaseEntryComplete() handles that finalization of the the
+// download creation as a callback from the history thread.
+void DownloadManager::StartDownload(DownloadCreateInfo* info) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ DCHECK(info);
+ // Determine the proper path for a download, by choosing either the default
+ // download directory, or prompting the user.
+ std::wstring generated_name;
+ GenerateFilename(info, &generated_name);
+ if (*prompt_for_download_ && !last_download_path_.empty())
+ info->suggested_path = last_download_path_;
+ else
+ info->suggested_path = *download_path_;
+ file_util::AppendToPath(&info->suggested_path, generated_name);
+ // We need to move over to the download thread because we don't want to stat
+ // the suggested path on the UI thread.
+ file_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &DownloadManager::CheckIfSuggestedPathExists,
+ info));
+void DownloadManager::CheckIfSuggestedPathExists(DownloadCreateInfo* info) {
+ DCHECK(info);
+ // Check writability of the suggested path. If we can't write to it, default
+ // to the user's "My Documents" directory. We'll prompt them in this case.
+ std::wstring path = file_util::GetDirectoryFromPath(info->suggested_path);
+ if (!file_util::PathIsWritable(path)) {
+ info->save_as = true;
+ const std::wstring filename =
+ file_util::GetFilenameFromPath(info->suggested_path);
+ PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DOCUMENTS, &info->suggested_path);
+ file_util::AppendToPath(&info->suggested_path, filename);
+ }
+ info->suggested_path_exists = !UniquifyPath(&info->suggested_path);
+ // Now we return to the UI thread.
+ ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &DownloadManager::OnPathExistenceAvailable,
+ info));
+void DownloadManager::OnPathExistenceAvailable(DownloadCreateInfo* info) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ DCHECK(info);
+ if (*prompt_for_download_ || info->save_as || info->suggested_path_exists) {
+ // We must ask the user for the place to put the download.
+ if (!select_file_dialog_.get())
+ select_file_dialog_ = SelectFileDialog::Create(this);
+ TabContents* contents = tab_util::GetTabContentsByID(
+ info->render_process_id, info->render_view_id);
+ HWND owning_hwnd =
+ contents ? GetAncestor(contents->GetContainerHWND(), GA_ROOT) : NULL;
+ select_file_dialog_->SelectFile(SelectFileDialog::SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE,
+ std::wstring(), info->suggested_path,
+ owning_hwnd, info);
+ } else {
+ // No prompting for download, just continue with the suggested name.
+ ContinueStartDownload(info, info->suggested_path);
+ }
+void DownloadManager::ContinueStartDownload(DownloadCreateInfo* info,
+ const std::wstring& target_path) {
+ scoped_ptr<DownloadCreateInfo> infop(info);
+ info->path = target_path;
+ DownloadItem* download = NULL;
+ DownloadMap::iterator it = in_progress_.find(info->download_id);
+ if (it == in_progress_.end()) {
+ download = new DownloadItem(info->download_id,
+ info->path,
+ info->url,
+ info->start_time,
+ info->total_bytes,
+ info->render_process_id,
+ info->request_id);
+ download->set_manager(this);
+ in_progress_[info->download_id] = download;
+ } else {
+ NOTREACHED(); // Should not exist!
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the download already completed by the time we reached this point, then
+ // notify observers that it did.
+ PendingFinishedMap::iterator pending_it =
+ pending_finished_downloads_.find(info->download_id);
+ if (pending_it != pending_finished_downloads_.end())
+ DownloadFinished(pending_it->first, pending_it->second);
+ download->Rename(target_path);
+ file_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(file_manager_,
+ &DownloadFileManager::OnFinalDownloadName,
+ download->id(),
+ target_path));
+ if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord()) {
+ // Fake a db handle for incognito mode, since nothing is actually stored in
+ // the database in this mode. We have to make sure that these handles don't
+ // collide with normal db handles, so we use a negative value. Eventually,
+ // they could overlap, but you'd have to do enough downloading that your ISP
+ // would likely stab you in the neck first. YMMV.
+ static int64 fake_db_handle = kUninitializedHandle - 1;
+ OnCreateDownloadEntryComplete(*info, fake_db_handle--);
+ } else {
+ // Update the history system with the new download.
+ // FIXME(acw|paulg) see bug 958058. EXPLICIT_ACCESS below is wrong.
+ HistoryService* hs = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
+ if (hs) {
+ hs->CreateDownload(
+ *info, &cancelable_consumer_,
+ NewCallback(this, &DownloadManager::OnCreateDownloadEntryComplete));
+ }
+ }
+// Convenience function for updating the history service for a download.
+void DownloadManager::UpdateHistoryForDownload(DownloadItem* download) {
+ DCHECK(download);
+ // Don't store info in the database if the download was initiated while in
+ // incognito mode or if it hasn't been initialized in our database table.
+ if (download->db_handle() <= kUninitializedHandle)
+ return;
+ // FIXME(acw|paulg) see bug 958058. EXPLICIT_ACCESS below is wrong.
+ HistoryService* hs = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
+ if (hs) {
+ hs->UpdateDownload(download->received_bytes(),
+ download->state(),
+ download->db_handle());
+ }
+void DownloadManager::RemoveDownloadFromHistory(DownloadItem* download) {
+ DCHECK(download);
+ // FIXME(acw|paulg) see bug 958058. EXPLICIT_ACCESS below is wrong.
+ HistoryService* hs = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
+ if (download->db_handle() > kUninitializedHandle && hs)
+ hs->RemoveDownload(download->db_handle());
+void DownloadManager::RemoveDownloadsFromHistoryBetween(const Time remove_begin,
+ const Time remove_end) {
+ // FIXME(acw|paulg) see bug 958058. EXPLICIT_ACCESS below is wrong.
+ HistoryService* hs = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
+ if (hs)
+ hs->RemoveDownloadsBetween(remove_begin, remove_end);
+void DownloadManager::UpdateDownload(int32 download_id, int64 size) {
+ DownloadMap::iterator it = in_progress_.find(download_id);
+ if (it != in_progress_.end()) {
+ DownloadItem* download = it->second;
+ download->Update(size);
+ UpdateHistoryForDownload(download);
+ }
+void DownloadManager::DownloadFinished(int32 download_id, int64 size) {
+ DownloadMap::iterator it = in_progress_.find(download_id);
+ if (it != in_progress_.end()) {
+ // Remove the id from the list of pending ids.
+ PendingFinishedMap::iterator erase_it =
+ pending_finished_downloads_.find(download_id);
+ if (erase_it != pending_finished_downloads_.end())
+ pending_finished_downloads_.erase(erase_it);
+ DownloadItem* download = it->second;
+ download->Finished(size);
+ // Open the download if the user or user prefs indicate it should be.
+ const std::wstring extension =
+ file_util::GetFileExtensionFromPath(download->full_path());
+ if (download->open_when_complete() || ShouldOpenFileExtension(extension))
+ OpenDownloadInShell(download, NULL);
+ // Clean up will happen when the history system create callback runs if we
+ // don't have a valid db_handle yet.
+ if (download->db_handle() != kUninitializedHandle) {
+ in_progress_.erase(it);
+ NotifyAboutDownloadStop();
+ UpdateHistoryForDownload(download);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The download is done, but the user hasn't selected a final location for
+ // it yet (the Save As dialog box is probably still showing), so just keep
+ // track of the fact that this download id is complete, when the
+ // DownloadItem is constructed later we'll notify its completion then.
+ PendingFinishedMap::iterator erase_it =
+ pending_finished_downloads_.find(download_id);
+ DCHECK(erase_it == pending_finished_downloads_.end());
+ pending_finished_downloads_[download_id] = size;
+ }
+// static
+// We have to tell the ResourceDispatcherHost to cancel the download from this
+// thread, since we can't forward tasks from the file thread to the io thread
+// reliably (crash on shutdown race condition).
+void DownloadManager::CancelDownloadRequest(int render_process_id,
+ int request_id) {
+ ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh = g_browser_process->resource_dispatcher_host();
+ base::Thread* io_thread = g_browser_process->io_thread();
+ if (!io_thread || !rdh)
+ return;
+ io_thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableFunction(&DownloadManager::OnCancelDownloadRequest,
+ rdh,
+ render_process_id,
+ request_id));
+// static
+void DownloadManager::OnCancelDownloadRequest(ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh,
+ int render_process_id,
+ int request_id) {
+ rdh->CancelRequest(render_process_id, request_id, false);
+void DownloadManager::DownloadCancelled(int32 download_id) {
+ DownloadMap::iterator it = in_progress_.find(download_id);
+ if (it == in_progress_.end())
+ return;
+ DownloadItem* download = it->second;
+ CancelDownloadRequest(download->render_process_id(), download->request_id());
+ // Clean up will happen when the history system create callback runs if we
+ // don't have a valid db_handle yet.
+ if (download->db_handle() != kUninitializedHandle) {
+ in_progress_.erase(it);
+ NotifyAboutDownloadStop();
+ UpdateHistoryForDownload(download);
+ }
+ // Tell the file manager to cancel the download.
+ file_manager_->RemoveDownload(download->id(), this); // On the UI thread
+ file_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(file_manager_,
+ &DownloadFileManager::CancelDownload,
+ download->id()));
+void DownloadManager::PauseDownload(int32 download_id, bool pause) {
+ DownloadMap::iterator it = in_progress_.find(download_id);
+ if (it != in_progress_.end()) {
+ DownloadItem* download = it->second;
+ if (pause == download->is_paused())
+ return;
+ // Inform the ResourceDispatcherHost of the new pause state.
+ base::Thread* io_thread = g_browser_process->io_thread();
+ ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh = g_browser_process->resource_dispatcher_host();
+ if (!io_thread || !rdh)
+ return;
+ io_thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableFunction(&DownloadManager::OnPauseDownloadRequest,
+ rdh,
+ download->render_process_id(),
+ download->request_id(),
+ pause));
+ }
+// static
+void DownloadManager::OnPauseDownloadRequest(ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh,
+ int render_process_id,
+ int request_id,
+ bool pause) {
+ rdh->PauseRequest(render_process_id, request_id, pause);
+void DownloadManager::RemoveDownload(int64 download_handle) {
+ DownloadMap::iterator it = downloads_.find(download_handle);
+ if (it == downloads_.end())
+ return;
+ // Make history update.
+ DownloadItem* download = it->second;
+ RemoveDownloadFromHistory(download);
+ // Remove from our tables and delete.
+ downloads_.erase(it);
+ delete download;
+ // Tell observers to refresh their views.
+ FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, ModelChanged());
+int DownloadManager::RemoveDownloadsBetween(const Time remove_begin,
+ const Time remove_end) {
+ RemoveDownloadsFromHistoryBetween(remove_begin, remove_end);
+ int num_deleted = 0;
+ DownloadMap::iterator it = downloads_.begin();
+ while (it != downloads_.end()) {
+ DownloadItem* download = it->second;
+ DownloadItem::DownloadState state = download->state();
+ if (download->start_time() >= remove_begin &&
+ (remove_end.is_null() || download->start_time() < remove_end) &&
+ (state == DownloadItem::COMPLETE ||
+ state == DownloadItem::CANCELLED)) {
+ // Remove from the map and move to the next in the list.
+ it = downloads_.erase(it);
+ delete download;
+ ++num_deleted;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ // Tell observers to refresh their views.
+ if (num_deleted > 0)
+ FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, ModelChanged());
+ return num_deleted;
+int DownloadManager::RemoveDownloads(const Time remove_begin) {
+ return RemoveDownloadsBetween(remove_begin, Time());
+// Initiate a download of a specific URL. We send the request to the
+// ResourceDispatcherHost, and let it send us responses like a regular
+// download.
+void DownloadManager::DownloadUrl(const GURL& url,
+ const GURL& referrer,
+ WebContents* web_contents) {
+ DCHECK(web_contents);
+ file_manager_->DownloadUrl(url,
+ referrer,
+ web_contents->process()->host_id(),
+ web_contents->render_view_host()->routing_id(),
+ request_context_.get());
+void DownloadManager::NotifyAboutDownloadStart() {
+ NotificationService::current()->
+ Notify(NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_START, NotificationService::AllSources(),
+ NotificationService::NoDetails());
+void DownloadManager::NotifyAboutDownloadStop() {
+ NotificationService::current()->
+ Notify(NOTIFY_DOWNLOAD_STOP, NotificationService::AllSources(),
+ NotificationService::NoDetails());
+void DownloadManager::GenerateExtension(const std::wstring& file_name,
+ const std::string& mime_type,
+ std::wstring* generated_extension) {
+ // We're worried about three things here:
+ //
+ // 1) Security. Many sites let users upload content, such as buddy icons, to
+ // their web sites. We want to mitigate the case where an attacker
+ // supplies a malicious executable with an executable file extension but an
+ // honest site serves the content with a benign content type, such as
+ // image/jpeg.
+ //
+ // 2) Usability. If the site fails to provide a file extension, we want to
+ // guess a reasonable file extension based on the content type.
+ //
+ // 3) Shell integration. Some file extensions automatically integrate with
+ // the shell. We block these extensions to prevent a malicious web site
+ // from integrating with the user's shell.
+ static const wchar_t default_extension[] = L"download";
+ // See if our file name already contains an extension.
+ std::wstring extension(file_util::GetFileExtensionFromPath(file_name));
+ // Rename shell-integrated extensions.
+ if (win_util::IsShellIntegratedExtension(extension))
+ extension.assign(default_extension);
+ std::string mime_type_from_extension;
+ net::GetMimeTypeFromFile(file_name, &mime_type_from_extension);
+ if (mime_type == mime_type_from_extension) {
+ // The hinted extension matches the mime type. It looks like a winner.
+ generated_extension->swap(extension);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IsExecutable(extension) && !IsExecutableMimeType(mime_type)) {
+ // We want to be careful about executable extensions. The worry here is
+ // that a trusted web site could be tricked into dropping an executable file
+ // on the user's filesystem.
+ if (!net::GetPreferredExtensionForMimeType(mime_type, &extension)) {
+ // We couldn't find a good extension for this content type. Use a dummy
+ // extension instead.
+ extension.assign(default_extension);
+ }
+ }
+ if (extension.empty()) {
+ net::GetPreferredExtensionForMimeType(mime_type, &extension);
+ } else {
+ // Append entension generated from the mime type if:
+ // 1. New extension is not ".txt"
+ // 2. New extension is not the same as the already existing extension.
+ // 3. New extension is not executable. This action mitigates the case when
+ // an execuatable is hidden in a benign file extension;
+ // E.g. my-cat.jpg becomes my-cat.jpg.js if content type is
+ // application/x-javascript.
+ std::wstring append_extension;
+ if (net::GetPreferredExtensionForMimeType(mime_type, &append_extension)) {
+ if (append_extension != L".txt" && append_extension != extension &&
+ !IsExecutable(append_extension))
+ extension += append_extension;
+ }
+ }
+ generated_extension->swap(extension);
+void DownloadManager::GenerateFilename(DownloadCreateInfo* info,
+ std::wstring* generated_name) {
+ std::wstring file_name =
+ net::GetSuggestedFilename(GURL(info->url),
+ info->content_disposition,
+ L"download");
+ DCHECK(!file_name.empty());
+ // Make sure we get the right file extension.
+ std::wstring extension;
+ GenerateExtension(file_name, info->mime_type, &extension);
+ file_util::ReplaceExtension(&file_name, extension);
+ // Prepend "_" to the file name if it's a reserved name
+ if (win_util::IsReservedName(file_name))
+ file_name = std::wstring(L"_") + file_name;
+ generated_name->assign(file_name);
+void DownloadManager::AddObserver(Observer* observer) {
+ observers_.AddObserver(observer);
+ observer->ModelChanged();
+void DownloadManager::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) {
+ observers_.RemoveObserver(observer);
+// Post Windows Shell operations to the Download thread, to avoid blocking the
+// user interface.
+void DownloadManager::ShowDownloadInShell(const DownloadItem* download) {
+ DCHECK(file_manager_);
+ file_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(file_manager_,
+ &DownloadFileManager::OnShowDownloadInShell,
+ download->full_path()));
+void DownloadManager::OpenDownloadInShell(const DownloadItem* download,
+ HWND parent_window) {
+ DCHECK(file_manager_);
+ file_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(file_manager_,
+ &DownloadFileManager::OnOpenDownloadInShell,
+ download->full_path(), download->url(), parent_window));
+void DownloadManager::OpenFilesOfExtension(const std::wstring& extension,
+ bool open) {
+ if (open && !IsExecutable(extension))
+ auto_open_.insert(extension);
+ else
+ auto_open_.erase(extension);
+ SaveAutoOpens();
+bool DownloadManager::ShouldOpenFileExtension(const std::wstring& extension) {
+ if (!IsExecutable(extension) &&
+ auto_open_.find(extension) != auto_open_.end())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+// static
+bool DownloadManager::IsExecutableMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
+ // JavaScript is just as powerful as EXE.
+ if (net::MatchesMimeType("text/javascript", mime_type))
+ return true;
+ if (net::MatchesMimeType("text/javascript;version=*", mime_type))
+ return true;
+ // We don't consider other non-application types to be executable.
+ if (!net::MatchesMimeType("application/*", mime_type))
+ return false;
+ // These application types are not executable.
+ if (net::MatchesMimeType("application/*+xml", mime_type))
+ return false;
+ if (net::MatchesMimeType("application/xml", mime_type))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool DownloadManager::IsExecutable(const std::wstring& extension) {
+ return exe_types_.find(extension) != exe_types_.end();
+void DownloadManager::ResetAutoOpenFiles() {
+ auto_open_.clear();
+ SaveAutoOpens();
+bool DownloadManager::HasAutoOpenFileTypesRegistered() const {
+ return !auto_open_.empty();
+void DownloadManager::SaveAutoOpens() {
+ PrefService* prefs = profile_->GetPrefs();
+ if (prefs) {
+ std::wstring extensions;
+ for (std::set<std::wstring>::iterator it = auto_open_.begin();
+ it != auto_open_.end(); ++it) {
+ extensions += *it + L":";
+ }
+ if (!extensions.empty())
+ extensions.erase(extensions.size() - 1);
+ prefs->SetString(prefs::kDownloadExtensionsToOpen, extensions);
+ }
+void DownloadManager::FileSelected(const std::wstring& path, void* params) {
+ DownloadCreateInfo* info = reinterpret_cast<DownloadCreateInfo*>(params);
+ if (*prompt_for_download_)
+ last_download_path_ = file_util::GetDirectoryFromPath(path);
+ ContinueStartDownload(info, path);
+void DownloadManager::FileSelectionCanceled(void* params) {
+ // The user didn't pick a place to save the file, so need to cancel the
+ // download that's already in progress to the temporary location.
+ DownloadCreateInfo* info = reinterpret_cast<DownloadCreateInfo*>(params);
+ file_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(file_manager_, &DownloadFileManager::CancelDownload,
+ info->download_id));
+// Operations posted to us from the history service ----------------------------
+// The history service has retrieved all download entries. 'entries' contains
+// 'DownloadCreateInfo's in sorted order (by ascending start_time).
+void DownloadManager::OnQueryDownloadEntriesComplete(
+ std::vector<DownloadCreateInfo>* entries) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < entries->size(); ++i) {
+ DownloadItem* download = new DownloadItem(entries->at(i));
+ DCHECK(downloads_.find(download->db_handle()) == downloads_.end());
+ downloads_[download->db_handle()] = download;
+ download->set_manager(this);
+ }
+ FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, ModelChanged());
+// Once the new DownloadItem's creation info has been committed to the history
+// service, we associate the DownloadItem with the db handle, update our
+// 'downloads_' map and inform observers.
+void DownloadManager::OnCreateDownloadEntryComplete(DownloadCreateInfo info,
+ int64 db_handle) {
+ DownloadMap::iterator it = in_progress_.find(info.download_id);
+ DCHECK(it != in_progress_.end());
+ DownloadItem* download = it->second;
+ DCHECK(download->db_handle() == kUninitializedHandle);
+ download->set_db_handle(db_handle);
+ // Insert into our full map.
+ DCHECK(downloads_.find(download->db_handle()) == downloads_.end());
+ downloads_[download->db_handle()] = download;
+ // The 'contents' may no longer exist if the user closed the tab before we get
+ // this start completion event. If it does, tell the origin WebContents to
+ // display its download shelf.
+ TabContents* contents =
+ tab_util::GetTabContentsByID(info.render_process_id, info.render_view_id);
+ // If the contents no longer exists or is no longer active, we start the
+ // download in the last active browser. This is not ideal but better than
+ // fully hiding the download from the user. Note: non active means that the
+ // user navigated away from the tab contents. This has nothing to do with
+ // tab selection.
+ if (!contents || !contents->is_active()) {
+ Browser* last_active = BrowserList::GetLastActive();
+ if (last_active)
+ contents = last_active->GetSelectedTabContents();
+ }
+ if (contents)
+ contents->OnStartDownload(download);
+ // Inform interested objects about the new download.
+ FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, ModelChanged());
+ NotifyAboutDownloadStart();
+ // If this download has been completed before we've received the db handle,
+ // post one final message to the history service so that it can be properly
+ // in sync with the DownloadItem's completion status, and also inform any
+ // observers so that they get more than just the start notification.
+ if (download->state() != DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS) {
+ in_progress_.erase(it);
+ NotifyAboutDownloadStop();
+ UpdateHistoryForDownload(download);
+ download->UpdateObservers();
+ }
+// Called when the history service has retrieved the list of downloads that
+// match the search text.
+void DownloadManager::OnSearchComplete(HistoryService::Handle handle,
+ std::vector<int64>* results) {
+ HistoryService* hs = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
+ Observer* requestor = cancelable_consumer_.GetClientData(hs, handle);
+ if (!requestor)
+ return;
+ std::vector<DownloadItem*> searched_downloads;
+ for (std::vector<int64>::iterator it = results->begin();
+ it != results->end(); ++it) {
+ DownloadMap::iterator dit = downloads_.find(*it);
+ if (dit != downloads_.end())
+ searched_downloads.push_back(dit->second);
+ }
+ requestor->SetDownloads(searched_downloads);