path: root/chrome/browser/download/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/download/')
1 files changed, 582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/download/ b/chrome/browser/download/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a909b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/download/
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include <objbase.h>
+#include "chrome/browser/download/save_file_manager.h"
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/task.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/download/save_file.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/download/save_package.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/resource_dispatcher_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_util.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/web_contents.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
+#include "chrome/common/stl_util-inl.h"
+#include "chrome/common/win_util.h"
+#include "chrome/common/win_safe_util.h"
+#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
+#include "net/base/net_util.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
+SaveFileManager::SaveFileManager(MessageLoop* ui_loop,
+ MessageLoop* io_loop,
+ ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh)
+ : next_id_(0),
+ ui_loop_(ui_loop),
+ io_loop_(io_loop),
+ resource_dispatcher_host_(rdh) {
+ DCHECK(ui_loop_);
+ // Need to make sure that we are in UI thread because using g_browser_process
+ // on a non-UI thread can cause crashes during shutdown.
+ DCHECK(ui_loop_ == MessageLoop::current());
+ // Cache the message loop of file thread.
+ base::Thread* thread = g_browser_process->file_thread();
+ if (thread)
+ file_loop_ = thread->message_loop();
+ else
+ // It could be NULL when it is created in unit test of
+ // ResourceDispatcherHost.
+ file_loop_ = NULL;
+ DCHECK(resource_dispatcher_host_);
+SaveFileManager::~SaveFileManager() {
+ // Check for clean shutdown.
+ DCHECK(save_file_map_.empty());
+// Called during the browser shutdown process to clean up any state (open files,
+// timers) that live on the saving thread (file thread).
+void SaveFileManager::Shutdown() {
+ MessageLoop* loop = GetSaveLoop();
+ if (loop) {
+ loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this, &SaveFileManager::OnShutdown));
+ }
+// Stop file thread operations.
+void SaveFileManager::OnShutdown() {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == GetSaveLoop());
+ STLDeleteValues(&save_file_map_);
+SaveFile* SaveFileManager::LookupSaveFile(int save_id) {
+ SaveFileMap::iterator it = save_file_map_.find(save_id);
+ return it == save_file_map_.end() ? NULL : it->second;
+// Called on the IO thread when
+// a) The ResourceDispatcherHost has decided that a request is savable.
+// b) The resource does not come from the network, but we still need a
+// save ID for for managing the status of the saving operation. So we
+// file a request from the file thread to the IO thread to generate a
+// unique save ID.
+int SaveFileManager::GetNextId() {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == io_loop_);
+ return next_id_++;
+void SaveFileManager::RegisterStartingRequest(const std::wstring& save_url,
+ SavePackage* save_package) {
+ // Make sure it runs in the UI thread.
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ int tab_id = save_package->GetTabId();
+ // Register this starting request.
+ StartingRequestsMap& starting_requests = tab_starting_requests_[tab_id];
+ bool never_present = starting_requests.insert(
+ StartingRequestsMap::value_type(save_url, save_package)).second;
+ DCHECK(never_present);
+SavePackage* SaveFileManager::UnregisterStartingRequest(
+ const std::wstring& save_url, int tab_id) {
+ // Make sure it runs in UI thread.
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ TabToStartingRequestsMap::iterator it = tab_starting_requests_.find(tab_id);
+ if (it != tab_starting_requests_.end()) {
+ StartingRequestsMap& requests = it->second;
+ StartingRequestsMap::iterator sit = requests.find(save_url);
+ if (sit == requests.end())
+ return NULL;
+ // Found, erase it from starting list and return SavePackage.
+ SavePackage* save_package = sit->second;
+ requests.erase(sit);
+ // If there is no element in requests, remove it
+ if (requests.empty())
+ tab_starting_requests_.erase(it);
+ return save_package;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void SaveFileManager::RequireSaveJobFromOtherSource(SaveFileCreateInfo* info) {
+ // This function must be called on the UI thread, because the io_loop_
+ // pointer may be junk when we use it on file thread. We can only rely on the
+ // io_loop_ pointer being valid when we run code on the UI thread (or on
+ // the IO thread.
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ DCHECK(info->save_id == -1);
+ // Since the data will come from render process, so we need to start
+ // this kind of save job by ourself.
+ io_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::OnRequireSaveJobFromOtherSource,
+ info));
+// Look up a SavePackage according to a save id.
+SavePackage* SaveFileManager::LookupPackage(int save_id) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ SavePackageMap::iterator it = packages_.find(save_id);
+ if (it != packages_.end())
+ return it->second;
+ return NULL;
+// Call from SavePackage for starting a saving job
+void SaveFileManager::SaveURL(const std::wstring& url,
+ const std::wstring& referrer,
+ int render_process_host_id,
+ int render_view_id,
+ SaveFileCreateInfo::SaveFileSource save_source,
+ const std::wstring& file_full_path,
+ URLRequestContext* request_context,
+ SavePackage* save_package) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ if (!io_loop_) {
+ NOTREACHED(); // Net IO thread must exist.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Register a saving job.
+ RegisterStartingRequest(url, save_package);
+ if (save_source == SaveFileCreateInfo::SAVE_FILE_FROM_NET) {
+ GURL save_url(url);
+ DCHECK(save_url.is_valid());
+ io_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::OnSaveURL,
+ save_url,
+ GURL(referrer),
+ render_process_host_id,
+ render_view_id,
+ request_context));
+ } else {
+ // We manually start the save job.
+ SaveFileCreateInfo* info = new SaveFileCreateInfo(file_full_path,
+ url,
+ save_source,
+ -1);
+ info->render_process_id = render_process_host_id;
+ info->render_view_id = render_view_id;
+ RequireSaveJobFromOtherSource(info);
+ }
+// Utility function for look up table maintenance, called on the UI thread.
+// A manager may have multiple save page job (SavePackage) in progress,
+// so we just look up the save id and remove it from the tracking table.
+// If the save id is -1, it means we just send a request to save, but the
+// saving action has still not happened, need to call UnregisterStartingRequest
+// to remove it from the tracking map.
+void SaveFileManager::RemoveSaveFile(int save_id, const std::wstring& save_url,
+ SavePackage* package) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_ && package);
+ // A save page job(SavePackage) can only have one manager,
+ // so remove it if it exists.
+ if (save_id == -1) {
+ SavePackage* old_package = UnregisterStartingRequest(save_url,
+ package->GetTabId());
+ DCHECK(old_package == package);
+ } else {
+ SavePackageMap::iterator it = packages_.find(save_id);
+ if (it != packages_.end())
+ packages_.erase(it);
+ }
+// Static
+// Utility function for converting request IDs to a TabContents. Must be called
+// only on the UI thread.
+SavePackage* SaveFileManager::GetSavePackageFromRenderIds(
+ int render_process_id, int render_view_id) {
+ TabContents* contents = tab_util::GetTabContentsByID(render_process_id,
+ render_view_id);
+ if (contents && contents->type() == TAB_CONTENTS_WEB) {
+ // Convert const pointer of WebContents to pointer of WebContents.
+ const WebContents* web_contents = contents->AsWebContents();
+ if (web_contents)
+ return web_contents->get_save_package();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Utility function for deleting specified file.
+void SaveFileManager::DeleteDirectoryOrFile(const std::wstring& full_path,
+ bool is_dir) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ MessageLoop* loop = GetSaveLoop();
+ DCHECK(loop);
+ loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::OnDeleteDirectoryOrFile,
+ full_path,
+ is_dir));
+void SaveFileManager::SendCancelRequest(int save_id) {
+ // Cancel the request which has specific save id.
+ DCHECK(save_id > -1);
+ MessageLoop* loop = GetSaveLoop();
+ DCHECK(loop);
+ loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::CancelSave,
+ save_id));
+// Notifications sent from the IO thread and run on the file thread:
+// The IO thread created |info|, but the file thread (this method) uses it
+// to create a SaveFile which will hold and finally destroy |info|. It will
+// then passes |info| to the UI thread for reporting saving status.
+void SaveFileManager::StartSave(SaveFileCreateInfo* info) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == GetSaveLoop());
+ DCHECK(info);
+ SaveFile* save_file = new SaveFile(info);
+ DCHECK(LookupSaveFile(info->save_id) == NULL);
+ save_file_map_[info->save_id] = save_file;
+ info->path = save_file->full_path();
+ ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::OnStartSave,
+ info));
+// We do forward an update to the UI thread here, since we do not use timer to
+// update the UI. If the user has canceled the saving action (in the UI
+// thread). We may receive a few more updates before the IO thread gets the
+// cancel message. We just delete the data since the SaveFile has been deleted.
+void SaveFileManager::UpdateSaveProgress(int save_id,
+ char* data,
+ int data_len) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == GetSaveLoop());
+ SaveFile* save_file = LookupSaveFile(save_id);
+ if (save_file) {
+ bool write_success = save_file->AppendDataToFile(data, data_len);
+ ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::OnUpdateSaveProgress,
+ save_file->save_id(),
+ save_file->bytes_so_far(),
+ write_success));
+ }
+ delete [] data;
+// The IO thread will call this when saving is completed or it got error when
+// fetching data. In the former case, we forward the message to OnSaveFinished
+// in UI thread. In the latter case, the save ID will be -1, which means the
+// saving action did not even start, so we need to call OnErrorFinished in UI
+// thread, which will use the save URL to find corresponding request record and
+// delete it.
+void SaveFileManager::SaveFinished(int save_id,
+ std::wstring save_url,
+ int render_process_id,
+ bool is_success) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == GetSaveLoop());
+ SaveFileMap::iterator it = save_file_map_.find(save_id);
+ if (it != save_file_map_.end()) {
+ SaveFile* save_file = it->second;
+ ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::OnSaveFinished,
+ save_id,
+ save_file->bytes_so_far(),
+ is_success));
+ save_file->Finish();
+ } else if (save_id == -1) {
+ // Before saving started, we got error. We still call finish process.
+ DCHECK(!save_url.empty());
+ ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::OnErrorFinished,
+ save_url,
+ render_process_id));
+ }
+// Notifications sent from the file thread and run on the UI thread.
+void SaveFileManager::OnStartSave(const SaveFileCreateInfo* info) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ SavePackage* save_package =
+ GetSavePackageFromRenderIds(info->render_process_id,
+ info->render_view_id);
+ if (!save_package) {
+ // Cancel this request.
+ SendCancelRequest(info->save_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Insert started saving job to tracking list.
+ SavePackageMap::iterator sit = packages_.find(info->save_id);
+ if (sit == packages_.end()) {
+ // Find the registered request. If we can not find, it means we have
+ // canceled the job before.
+ SavePackage* old_save_package = UnregisterStartingRequest(info->url,
+ info->render_process_id);
+ if (!old_save_package) {
+ // Cancel this request.
+ SendCancelRequest(info->save_id);
+ return;
+ }
+ DCHECK(old_save_package == save_package);
+ packages_[info->save_id] = save_package;
+ } else {
+ }
+ // Forward this message to SavePackage.
+ save_package->StartSave(info);
+void SaveFileManager::OnUpdateSaveProgress(int save_id, int64 bytes_so_far,
+ bool write_success) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ SavePackage* package = LookupPackage(save_id);
+ if (package)
+ package->UpdateSaveProgress(save_id, bytes_so_far, write_success);
+ else
+ SendCancelRequest(save_id);
+void SaveFileManager::OnSaveFinished(int save_id,
+ int64 bytes_so_far,
+ bool is_success) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ SavePackage* package = LookupPackage(save_id);
+ if (package)
+ package->SaveFinished(save_id, bytes_so_far, is_success);
+void SaveFileManager::OnErrorFinished(std::wstring save_url, int tab_id) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ SavePackage* save_package = UnregisterStartingRequest(save_url, tab_id);
+ if (save_package)
+ save_package->SaveFailed(save_url);
+void SaveFileManager::OnCancelSaveRequest(int render_process_id,
+ int request_id) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ DCHECK(io_loop_);
+ io_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::ExecuteCancelSaveRequest,
+ render_process_id,
+ request_id));
+// Notifications sent from the UI thread and run on the IO thread.
+void SaveFileManager::OnSaveURL(const GURL& url,
+ const GURL& referrer,
+ int render_process_host_id,
+ int render_view_id,
+ URLRequestContext* request_context) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == io_loop_);
+ resource_dispatcher_host_->BeginSaveFile(url,
+ referrer,
+ render_process_host_id,
+ render_view_id,
+ request_context);
+void SaveFileManager::OnRequireSaveJobFromOtherSource(
+ SaveFileCreateInfo* info) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == io_loop_);
+ DCHECK(info->save_id == -1);
+ // Generate a unique save id.
+ info->save_id = GetNextId();
+ // Start real saving action.
+ MessageLoop* loop = GetSaveLoop();
+ DCHECK(loop);
+ loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::StartSave,
+ info));
+void SaveFileManager::ExecuteCancelSaveRequest(int render_process_id,
+ int request_id) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == io_loop_);
+ resource_dispatcher_host_->CancelRequest(render_process_id,
+ request_id,
+ false);
+// Notifications sent from the UI thread and run on the file thread.
+// This method will be sent via a user action, or shutdown on the UI thread,
+// and run on the file thread. We don't post a message back for cancels,
+// but we do forward the cancel to the IO thread. Since this message has been
+// sent from the UI thread, the saving job may have already completed and
+// won't exist in our map.
+void SaveFileManager::CancelSave(int save_id) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == GetSaveLoop());
+ SaveFileMap::iterator it = save_file_map_.find(save_id);
+ if (it != save_file_map_.end()) {
+ SaveFile* save_file = it->second;
+ // If the data comes from the net IO thread, then forward the cancel
+ // message to IO thread. If the data comes from other sources, just
+ // ignore the cancel message.
+ if (save_file->save_source() == SaveFileCreateInfo::SAVE_FILE_FROM_NET) {
+ ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::OnCancelSaveRequest,
+ save_file->render_process_id(),
+ save_file->request_id()));
+ // UI thread will notify the render process to stop sending data,
+ // so in here, we need not to do anything, just close the save file.
+ save_file->Cancel();
+ } else {
+ // If we did not find SaveFile in map, the saving job should either get
+ // data from other sources or have finished.
+ DCHECK(save_file->save_source() !=
+ SaveFileCreateInfo::SAVE_FILE_FROM_NET ||
+ !save_file->in_progress());
+ }
+ // Whatever the save file is renamed or not, just delete it.
+ save_file_map_.erase(it);
+ delete save_file;
+ }
+// It is possible that SaveItem which has specified save_id has been canceled
+// before this function runs. So if we can not find corresponding SaveFile by
+// using specified save_id, just return.
+void SaveFileManager::SaveLocalFile(const std::wstring& original_file_url,
+ int save_id,
+ int render_process_id) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == GetSaveLoop());
+ SaveFile* save_file = LookupSaveFile(save_id);
+ if (!save_file)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(!save_file->path_renamed());
+ // If it has finished, just return.
+ if (!save_file->in_progress())
+ return;
+ // Close the save file before the copy operation.
+ save_file->Finish();
+ GURL file_url(original_file_url);
+ DCHECK(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
+ std::wstring file_path;
+ net::FileURLToFilePath(file_url, &file_path);
+ // If we can not get valid file path from original URL, treat it as
+ // disk error.
+ if (file_path.empty())
+ SaveFinished(save_id, original_file_url, render_process_id, false);
+ // Copy the local file to the temporary file. It will be renamed to its
+ // final name later.
+ bool success = CopyFile(file_path.c_str(),
+ save_file->full_path().c_str(), FALSE) != 0;
+ if (!success)
+ file_util::Delete(save_file->full_path(), false);
+ SaveFinished(save_id, original_file_url, render_process_id, success);
+void SaveFileManager::OnDeleteDirectoryOrFile(const std::wstring& full_path,
+ bool is_dir) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == GetSaveLoop());
+ DCHECK(!full_path.empty());
+ file_util::Delete(full_path, is_dir);
+// Open a saved page package, show it in a Windows Explorer window.
+// We run on this thread to avoid blocking the UI with slow Shell operations.
+void SaveFileManager::OnShowSavedFileInShell(const std::wstring full_path) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == GetSaveLoop());
+ win_util::ShowItemInFolder(full_path);
+void SaveFileManager::RenameAllFiles(
+ const FinalNameList& final_names,
+ const std::wstring& resource_dir,
+ int render_process_id,
+ int render_view_id) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == GetSaveLoop());
+ if (!resource_dir.empty() && !file_util::PathExists(resource_dir))
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(resource_dir);
+ for (FinalNameList::const_iterator i = final_names.begin();
+ i != final_names.end(); ++i) {
+ SaveFileMap::iterator it = save_file_map_.find(i->first);
+ if (it != save_file_map_.end()) {
+ SaveFile* save_file = it->second;
+ DCHECK(!save_file->in_progress());
+ save_file->Rename(i->second);
+ delete save_file;
+ save_file_map_.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &SaveFileManager::OnFinishSavePageJob,
+ render_process_id,
+ render_view_id));
+void SaveFileManager::OnFinishSavePageJob(int render_process_id,
+ int render_view_id) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_);
+ SavePackage* save_package =
+ GetSavePackageFromRenderIds(render_process_id, render_view_id);
+ save_package->Finish();
+void SaveFileManager::RemoveSavedFileFromFileMap(
+ const SaveIDList& save_ids) {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == GetSaveLoop());
+ for (SaveIDList::const_iterator i = save_ids.begin();
+ i != save_ids.end(); ++i) {
+ SaveFileMap::iterator it = save_file_map_.find(*i);
+ if (it != save_file_map_.end()) {
+ SaveFile* save_file = it->second;
+ DCHECK(!save_file->in_progress());
+ DeleteFile(save_file->full_path().c_str());
+ delete save_file;
+ save_file_map_.erase(it);
+ }
+ }