path: root/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_shelf_model.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/extensions/extension_shelf_model.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_shelf_model.h b/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_shelf_model.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c2261c5..0000000
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_shelf_model.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#pragma once
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/observer_list.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_host.h"
-#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h"
-#include "chrome/common/notification_observer.h"
-#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
-class Browser;
-class ExtensionPrefs;
-class ExtensionShelfModelObserver;
-// The model representing the toolstrips on an ExtensionShelf. The order of
-// the toolstrips is common across all of the models for a given Profile,
-// but there are multiple models. Each model contains the hosts/views which
-// are specific to a Browser.
-class ExtensionShelfModel : public NotificationObserver {
- public:
- explicit ExtensionShelfModel(Browser* browser);
- virtual ~ExtensionShelfModel();
- struct ToolstripItem {
- ExtensionHost* host;
- Extension::ToolstripInfo info;
- void* data;
- int height;
- GURL url;
- };
- typedef std::vector<ToolstripItem> ToolstripList;
- typedef ToolstripList::iterator iterator;
- // Add and remove observers to changes within this ExtensionShelfModel.
- void AddObserver(ExtensionShelfModelObserver* observer);
- void RemoveObserver(ExtensionShelfModelObserver* observer);
- // The number of toolstrips in the model.
- int count() const { return static_cast<int>(toolstrips_.size()); }
- bool empty() const { return toolstrips_.empty(); }
- // Iterators for the toolstrips in the model.
- iterator begin() { return toolstrips_.begin(); }
- ExtensionShelfModel::iterator end() { return toolstrips_.end(); }
- // Add |toolstrip| to the end of the shelf.
- void AppendToolstrip(const ToolstripItem& toolstrip);
- // Insert |toolstrip| and |data| at |index|.
- void InsertToolstripAt(int index, const ToolstripItem& toolstrip);
- // Remove the toolstrip at |index|.
- void RemoveToolstripAt(int index);
- // Move the toolstrip at |index| to |to_index|.
- void MoveToolstripAt(int index, int to_index);
- // Lookup the index of |host|. Returns -1 if not present.
- int IndexOfHost(ExtensionHost* host);
- // Return the toolstrip at |index|.
- const ToolstripItem& ToolstripAt(int index);
- // Return the ToolstripItem associated with |host| or NULL if it's not
- // present.
- ToolstripList::iterator ToolstripForHost(ExtensionHost* host);
- // Set some arbitrary data associated with a particular toolstrip.
- void SetToolstripDataAt(int index, void* data);
- // Update the ToolstripItem for |toolstrip| to set its |url| and |height|
- // and then call ToolstripChanged for all observers.
- // If |url| is empty, no navigation is requested.
- void ExpandToolstrip(iterator toolstrip, const GURL& url, int height);
- // Update the ToolstripItem for |toolstrip| to set its |url| and its height
- // to 0, and then call ToolstripChanged for all observers.
- // If |url| is empty, no navigation is requested.
- void CollapseToolstrip(iterator toolstrip, const GURL& url);
- // NotificationObserver
- virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
- const NotificationSource& source,
- const NotificationDetails& details);
- private:
- // Add all of the toolstrips from |extension|.
- void AddExtension(Extension* extension);
- // Add all of the toolstrips from each extension in |extensions|.
- void AddExtensions(const ExtensionList* extensions);
- // Remove all of the toolstrips in |extension| from the shelf.
- void RemoveExtension(Extension* extension);
- // Update prefs with the most recent changes.
- void UpdatePrefs();
- // Reloads order from prefs.
- void SortToolstrips();
- // The browser that this model is attached to.
- Browser* browser_;
- // The preferences that this model uses.
- ExtensionPrefs* prefs_;
- // Manages our notification registrations.
- NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
- // The Toolstrips loaded in this model. The model owns these objects.
- ToolstripList toolstrips_;
- // Our observers.
- typedef ObserverList<ExtensionShelfModelObserver>
- ExtensionShelfModelObservers;
- ExtensionShelfModelObservers observers_;
- // Whether the model has received an EXTENSIONS_READY notification.
- bool ready_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionShelfModel);
-// Objects implement this interface when they wish to be notified of changes to
-// the ExtensionShelfModel.
-// Register your ExtensionShelfModelObserver with the ExtensionShelfModel using
-// Add/RemoveObserver methods.
-class ExtensionShelfModelObserver {
- public:
- // A new toolstrip was inserted into ExtensionShelfModel at |index|.
- virtual void ToolstripInsertedAt(ExtensionHost* toolstrip, int index) {}
- // The specified toolstrip is being removed and destroyed.
- virtual void ToolstripRemovingAt(ExtensionHost* toolstrip, int index) {}
- // |toolstrip| moved from |from_index| to |to_index|.
- virtual void ToolstripMoved(ExtensionHost* toolstrip,
- int from_index,
- int to_index) {}
- // The specified toolstrip changed in some way (currently only size changes)
- virtual void ToolstripChanged(ExtensionShelfModel::iterator toolstrip) {}
- // There are no more toolstrips in the model.
- virtual void ExtensionShelfEmpty() {}
- // The entire model may have changed.
- virtual void ShelfModelReloaded() {}
- // The model is being destroyed.
- virtual void ShelfModelDeleting() {}
- protected:
- virtual ~ExtensionShelfModelObserver() {}