path: root/chrome/browser/importer/importer.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/importer/importer.h')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/importer/importer.h b/chrome/browser/importer/importer.h
index d0ea428..a6c34ce 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/importer/importer.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/importer/importer.h
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model_observer.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/importer/importer_data_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/importer/importer_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/importer/profile_writer.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profile_import_process_host.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
#include "gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
@@ -25,7 +27,9 @@
using importer::ImportItem;
using importer::ProfileInfo;
+class ExternalProcessImporterClient;
class ImporterBridge;
+class InProcessImporterBridge;
class Profile;
class Task;
class TemplateURL;
@@ -88,16 +92,21 @@ class ImporterHost : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ImporterHost>,
// button. |is_continue| is true when user clicked the "Continue" button.
void OnLockViewEnd(bool is_continue);
- // Starts the process of importing the settings and data depending
- // on what the user selected.
- void StartImportSettings(const ProfileInfo& profile_info,
- Profile* target_profile,
- uint16 items,
- ProfileWriter* writer,
- bool first_run);
- // Cancel
- void Cancel();
+ // Starts the process of importing the settings and data depending on what
+ // the user selected.
+ // |profile_info| -- browser profile to import.
+ // |target_profile| -- profile to import into.
+ // |items| -- specifies which data to import (mask of ImportItems).
+ // |writer| -- called to actually write data back to the profile.
+ // |first_run| -- true if this method is being called during first run.
+ virtual void StartImportSettings(const importer::ProfileInfo& profile_info,
+ Profile* target_profile,
+ uint16 items,
+ ProfileWriter* writer,
+ bool first_run);
+ // Cancel import.
+ virtual void Cancel();
// When in headless mode, the importer will not show the warning dialog and
// the outcome is as if the user had canceled the import operation.
@@ -119,11 +128,11 @@ class ImporterHost : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ImporterHost>,
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Invoked when data for the specified item is about to be collected.
- virtual void ImportItemStarted(ImportItem item) = 0;
+ virtual void ImportItemStarted(importer::ImportItem item) = 0;
// Invoked when data for the specified item has been collected from the
// source profile and is now ready for further processing.
- virtual void ImportItemEnded(ImportItem item) = 0;
+ virtual void ImportItemEnded(importer::ImportItem item) = 0;
// Invoked when the import begins.
virtual void ImportStarted() = 0;
@@ -137,16 +146,16 @@ class ImporterHost : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ImporterHost>,
// of the import process. The middle functions are notifications that the
// harvesting of a particular source of data (specified by |item|) is under
// way.
- void ImportStarted();
- void ImportItemStarted(ImportItem item);
- void ImportItemEnded(ImportItem item);
- void ImportEnded();
+ virtual void ImportStarted();
+ virtual void ImportItemStarted(importer::ImportItem item);
+ virtual void ImportItemEnded(importer::ImportItem item);
+ virtual void ImportEnded();
int GetAvailableProfileCount() const {
- return importer_list_.GetAvailableProfileCount();
+ return importer_list_.GetAvailableProfileCount();
- // Returns the name of the profile at the 'index' slot. The profiles are
+ // Returns the name of the profile at the 'index' slot. The profiles are
// ordered such that the profile at index 0 is the likely default browser.
std::wstring GetSourceProfileNameAt(int index) const {
return importer_list_.GetSourceProfileNameAt(index);
@@ -154,40 +163,54 @@ class ImporterHost : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ImporterHost>,
// Returns the ProfileInfo at the specified index. The ProfileInfo should be
// passed to StartImportSettings().
- const ProfileInfo& GetSourceProfileInfoAt(int index) const {
+ const importer::ProfileInfo& GetSourceProfileInfoAt(int index) const {
return importer_list_.GetSourceProfileInfoAt(index);
// Returns the ProfileInfo with the given browser type.
- const ProfileInfo& GetSourceProfileInfoForBrowserType(
+ const importer::ProfileInfo& GetSourceProfileInfoForBrowserType(
int browser_type) const {
return importer_list_.GetSourceProfileInfoForBrowserType(browser_type);
- private:
+ protected:
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ImporterHost>;
- // If we're not waiting on any model to finish loading, invokes the task_.
- void InvokeTaskIfDone();
+ // Returns true if importer should import to bookmark bar.
+ bool ShouldImportToBookmarkBar(bool first_run);
- NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
- ImporterList importer_list_;
+ // Make sure that Firefox isn't running, if import browser is Firefox. Show
+ // the user a dialog to notify that they need to close FF to continue.
+ // |profile_info| holds the browser type and source path.
+ // |items| is a mask of all ImportItems that are to be imported.
+ // |first_run| is true if this method is being called during first run.
+ void CheckForFirefoxLock(const importer::ProfileInfo& profile_info,
+ uint16 items, bool first_run);
+ // Make sure BookmarkModel and TemplateURLModel are loaded before import
+ // process starts, if bookmarks and / or search engines are among the items
+ // which are to be imported.
+ void CheckForLoadedModels(uint16 items);
// Profile we're importing from.
Profile* profile_;
Observer* observer_;
- scoped_refptr<ProfileWriter> writer_;
+ // TODO(mirandac): task_ and importer_ should be private. Can't just put
+ // them there without changing the order of construct/destruct, so do this
+ // after main CL has been committed.
// The task is the process of importing settings from other browsers.
Task* task_;
// The importer used in the task;
Importer* importer_;
+ // Writes data from the importer back to the profile.
+ scoped_refptr<ProfileWriter> writer_;
// True if we're waiting for the model to finish loading.
bool waiting_for_bookmarkbar_model_;
@@ -200,15 +223,214 @@ class ImporterHost : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ImporterHost>,
// True if UI is not to be shown.
bool headless_;
+ // Receives notification when the TemplateURLModel has loaded.
+ NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
// Parent Window to use when showing any modal dialog boxes.
gfx::NativeWindow parent_window_;
// Firefox profile lock.
scoped_ptr<FirefoxProfileLock> firefox_lock_;
+ private:
+ // Launches the thread that starts the import task, unless bookmark or
+ // template model are not yet loaded. If load is not detected, this method
+ // will be called when the loading observer sees that model loading is
+ // complete.
+ virtual void InvokeTaskIfDone();
+ // Used to create an importer of the appropriate type.
+ ImporterList importer_list_;
+// This class manages the import process. It creates the in-process half of
+// the importer bridge and the external process importer client.
+class ExternalProcessImporterHost : public ImporterHost {
+ public:
+ ExternalProcessImporterHost();
+ // Called when the BookmarkModel has finished loading. Calls InvokeTaskIfDone
+ // to start importing.
+ virtual void Loaded(BookmarkModel* model);
+ // Methods inherited from ImporterHost.
+ virtual void StartImportSettings(const importer::ProfileInfo& profile_info,
+ Profile* target_profile,
+ uint16 items,
+ ProfileWriter* writer,
+ bool first_run);
+ virtual void Cancel();
+ protected:
+ // Launches the ExternalProcessImporterClient unless bookmark or template
+ // model are not yet loaded. If load is not detected, this method will be
+ // called when the loading observer sees that model loading is complete.
+ virtual void InvokeTaskIfDone();
+ private:
+ // Used to pass notifications from the browser side to the external process.
+ ExternalProcessImporterClient* client_;
+ // Data for the external importer: ------------------------------------------
+ // Information about a profile needed for importing.
+ const importer::ProfileInfo* profile_info_;
+ // Mask of items to be imported (see importer::ImportItem).
+ uint16 items_;
+ // Whether to import bookmarks to the bookmark bar.
+ bool import_to_bookmark_bar_;
+ // True if the import process has been cancelled.
+ bool cancelled_;
+ // True if the import process has been launched. This prevents race
+ // conditions on import cancel.
+ bool import_process_launched_;
+ // End of external importer data --------------------------------------------
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExternalProcessImporterHost);
+// This class is the client for the ProfileImportProcessHost. It collects
+// notifications from this process host and feeds data back to the importer
+// host, who actually does the writing.
+class ExternalProcessImporterClient
+ : public ProfileImportProcessHost::ImportProcessClient {
+ public:
+ ExternalProcessImporterClient(ExternalProcessImporterHost* importer_host,
+ const importer::ProfileInfo& profile_info,
+ int items,
+ InProcessImporterBridge* bridge,
+ bool import_to_bookmark_bar);
+ ~ExternalProcessImporterClient();
+ // Launches the task to start the external process.
+ virtual void Start();
+ // Creates a new ProfileImportProcessHost, which launches the import process.
+ virtual void StartProcessOnIOThread(ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh,
+ ChromeThread::ID thread_id);
+ // Called by the ExternalProcessImporterHost on import cancel.
+ virtual void Cancel();
+ // Cancel import process on IO thread.
+ void CancelImportProcessOnIOThread();
+ // Report item completely downloaded on IO thread.
+ void NotifyItemFinishedOnIOThread(importer::ImportItem import_item);
+ // Cancel import on process crash.
+ virtual void OnProcessCrashed();
+ // Notifies the importerhost that import has finished, and calls Release().
+ void Cleanup();
+ // ProfileImportProcessHost messages ----------------------------------------
+ // The following methods are called by ProfileImportProcessHost when the
+ // corresponding message has been received from the import process.
+ virtual void OnImportStart();
+ virtual void OnImportFinished(bool succeeded, std::string error_msg);
+ virtual void OnImportItemStart(int item_data);
+ virtual void OnImportItemFinished(int item_data);
+ // Called on first message received when importing history; gives total
+ // number of rows to be imported.
+ virtual void OnHistoryImportStart(size_t total_history_rows_count);
+ // Called when a group of URLRows has been received.
+ virtual void OnHistoryImportGroup(
+ const std::vector<history::URLRow> &history_rows_group);
+ // Called when the home page has been received.
+ virtual void OnHomePageImportReady(const GURL& home_page);
+ // First message received when importing bookmarks.
+ // |first_folder_name| can be NULL.
+ // |options| is described in ProfileWriter::BookmarkOptions.
+ // |total_bookmarks_count| is the total number of bookmarks to be imported.
+ virtual void OnBookmarksImportStart(
+ const std::wstring first_folder_name,
+ int options, size_t total_bookmarks_count);
+ // Called when a group of bookmarks has been received.
+ virtual void OnBookmarksImportGroup(
+ const std::vector<ProfileWriter::BookmarkEntry>& bookmarks_group);
+ // First message received when importing favicons. |total_fav_icons_size|
+ // gives the total number of fav icons to be imported.
+ virtual void OnFavIconsImportStart(size_t total_fav_icons_count);
+ // Called when a group of favicons has been received.
+ virtual void OnFavIconsImportGroup(
+ const std::vector<history::ImportedFavIconUsage>& fav_icons_group);
+ // Called when the passwordform has been received.
+ virtual void OnPasswordFormImportReady(
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordForm& form);
+ // Called when search engines have been received.
+ virtual void OnKeywordsImportReady(
+ const std::vector<TemplateURL>& template_urls,
+ int default_keyword_index, bool unique_on_host_and_path);
+ // End ProfileImportProcessHost messages ------------------------------------
+ private:
+ // These variables store data being collected from the importer until the
+ // entire group has been collected and is ready to be written to the profile.
+ std::vector<history::URLRow> history_rows_;
+ std::vector<ProfileWriter::BookmarkEntry> bookmarks_;
+ std::vector<history::ImportedFavIconUsage> fav_icons_;
+ // Usually some variation on IDS_BOOKMARK_GROUP_...; the name of the folder
+ // under which imported bookmarks will be placed.
+ std::wstring bookmarks_first_folder_name_;
+ // Determines how bookmarks should be added (ProfileWriter::BookmarkOptions).
+ int bookmarks_options_;
+ // Total number of bookmarks to import.
+ size_t total_bookmarks_count_;
+ // Total number of history items to import.
+ size_t total_history_rows_count_;
+ // Total number of fav icons to import.
+ size_t total_fav_icons_count_;
+ // Notifications received from the ProfileImportProcessHost are passed back
+ // to process_importer_host_, which calls the ProfileWriter to record the
+ // import data. When the import process is done, process_importer_host_
+ // deletes itself.
+ ExternalProcessImporterHost* process_importer_host_;
+ // Handles sending messages to the external process. Deletes itself when
+ // the external process dies (see ChildProcessHost::OnChildDied).
+ ProfileImportProcessHost* profile_import_process_host_;
+ // Data to be passed from the importer host to the external importer.
+ const importer::ProfileInfo& profile_info_;
+ int items_;
+ bool import_to_bookmark_bar_;
+ // Takes import data coming over IPC and delivers it to be written by the
+ // ProfileWriter. Released by ExternalProcessImporterClient in its
+ // destructor.
+ InProcessImporterBridge* bridge_;
+ // True if import process has been cancelled.
+ bool cancelled_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExternalProcessImporterClient);
// The base class of all importers.
class Importer : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Importer> {
@@ -218,7 +440,7 @@ class Importer : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Importer> {
// Since we do async import, the importer should invoke
// ImporterHost::Finished() to notify its host that import
// stuff have been finished.
- virtual void StartImport(ProfileInfo profile_info,
+ virtual void StartImport(importer::ProfileInfo profile_info,
uint16 items,
ImporterBridge* bridge) = 0;
@@ -279,7 +501,7 @@ class ImportObserver {
void StartImportingWithUI(gfx::NativeWindow parent_window,
int16 items,
ImporterHost* coordinator,
- const ProfileInfo& source_profile,
+ const importer::ProfileInfo& source_profile,
Profile* target_profile,
ImportObserver* observer,
bool first_run);