path: root/chrome/browser/metrics/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/metrics/')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/metrics/ b/chrome/browser/metrics/
index 634ef6a..1c53155 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/metrics/
+++ b/chrome/browser/metrics/
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@
#include "content/public/browser/plugin_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_fetcher.h"
+#include "net/base/load_flags.h"
#include "webkit/plugins/webplugininfo.h"
// TODO(port): port browser_distribution.h.
@@ -200,30 +201,44 @@ using content::BrowserThread;
using content::ChildProcessData;
using content::PluginService;
+namespace {
// Check to see that we're being called on only one thread.
-static bool IsSingleThreaded();
+bool IsSingleThreaded() {
+ static base::PlatformThreadId thread_id = 0;
+ if (!thread_id)
+ thread_id = base::PlatformThread::CurrentId();
+ return base::PlatformThread::CurrentId() == thread_id;
+const char kMetricsTypeXml[] = "application/vnd.mozilla.metrics.bz2";
+const char kMetricsTypeProto[] = "application/";
-static const char kMetricsType[] = "application/vnd.mozilla.metrics.bz2";
+const char kServerUrlXml[] =
+ "";
+const char kServerUrlProto[] = "";
// The delay, in seconds, after starting recording before doing expensive
// initialization work.
-static const int kInitializationDelaySeconds = 30;
+const int kInitializationDelaySeconds = 30;
// This specifies the amount of time to wait for all renderers to send their
// data.
-static const int kMaxHistogramGatheringWaitDuration = 60000; // 60 seconds.
+const int kMaxHistogramGatheringWaitDuration = 60000; // 60 seconds.
// The maximum number of events in a log uploaded to the UMA server.
-static const int kEventLimit = 2400;
+const int kEventLimit = 2400;
// If an upload fails, and the transmission was over this byte count, then we
// will discard the log, and not try to retransmit it. We also don't persist
// the log to the prefs for transmission during the next chrome session if this
// limit is exceeded.
-static const int kUploadLogAvoidRetransmitSize = 50000;
+const size_t kUploadLogAvoidRetransmitSize = 50000;
// Interval, in minutes, between state saves.
-static const int kSaveStateIntervalMinutes = 5;
+const int kSaveStateIntervalMinutes = 5;
// static
MetricsService::ShutdownCleanliness MetricsService::clean_shutdown_status_ =
@@ -323,8 +338,10 @@ void MetricsService::RegisterPrefs(PrefService* local_state) {
local_state->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kNumFoldersInOtherBookmarkFolder, 0);
local_state->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kNumKeywords, 0);
- local_state->RegisterListPref(prefs::kMetricsInitialLogs);
- local_state->RegisterListPref(prefs::kMetricsOngoingLogs);
+ local_state->RegisterListPref(prefs::kMetricsInitialLogsXml);
+ local_state->RegisterListPref(prefs::kMetricsOngoingLogsXml);
+ local_state->RegisterListPref(prefs::kMetricsInitialLogsProto);
+ local_state->RegisterListPref(prefs::kMetricsOngoingLogsProto);
local_state->RegisterInt64Pref(prefs::kUninstallMetricsPageLoadCount, 0);
local_state->RegisterInt64Pref(prefs::kUninstallLaunchCount, 0);
@@ -357,15 +374,16 @@ void MetricsService::DiscardOldStabilityStats(PrefService* local_state) {
- local_state->ClearPref(prefs::kMetricsInitialLogs);
- local_state->ClearPref(prefs::kMetricsOngoingLogs);
+ local_state->ClearPref(prefs::kMetricsInitialLogsXml);
+ local_state->ClearPref(prefs::kMetricsOngoingLogsXml);
+ local_state->ClearPref(prefs::kMetricsInitialLogsProto);
+ local_state->ClearPref(prefs::kMetricsOngoingLogsProto);
: recording_active_(false),
- current_fetch_(NULL),
@@ -628,11 +646,13 @@ void MetricsService::RecordBreakpadHasDebugger(bool has_debugger) {
void MetricsService::InitializeMetricsState() {
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- server_url_ = L"";
+ server_url_xml_ = ASCIIToUTF16(kServerUrlXml);
+ server_url_proto_ = ASCIIToUTF16(kServerUrlProto);
network_stats_server_ = "";
BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution();
- server_url_ = dist->GetStatsServerURL();
+ server_url_xml_ = dist->GetStatsServerURL();
+ server_url_proto_ = ASCIIToUTF16(kServerUrlProto);
network_stats_server_ = dist->GetNetworkStatsServer();
@@ -839,7 +859,7 @@ void MetricsService::StopRecording() {
MetricsLog* current_log =
- current_log->RecordIncrementalStabilityElements();
+ current_log->RecordIncrementalStabilityElements(plugins_);
@@ -934,8 +954,9 @@ void MetricsService::OnHistogramSynchronizationDone() {
// If somehow there is a fetch in progress, we return and hope things work
// out. The scheduler isn't informed since if this happens, the scheduler
// will get a response from the upload.
- DCHECK(!current_fetch_.get());
- if (current_fetch_.get())
+ DCHECK(!current_fetch_xml_.get());
+ DCHECK(!current_fetch_proto_.get());
+ if (current_fetch_xml_.get() || current_fetch_proto_.get())
// This function should only be called as the callback from an ansynchronous
@@ -965,7 +986,8 @@ void MetricsService::OnHistogramSynchronizationDone() {
- if (!current_fetch_.get()) {
+ if (!current_fetch_xml_.get()) {
+ DCHECK(!current_fetch_proto_.get());
// Compression failed, and log discarded :-/.
@@ -973,11 +995,19 @@ void MetricsService::OnHistogramSynchronizationDone() {
// compressed that, so that we can signal that we're losing logs.
+ // Currently, the staged log for the protobuf version of the data is discarded
+ // after we create the URL request, so that there is no chance for
+ // re-transmission in case the corresponding XML request fails. We will
+ // handle protobuf failures more carefully once that becomes the main
+ // pipeline, i.e. once we switch away from the XML pipeline.
+ DCHECK(current_fetch_proto_.get() || !log_manager_.has_staged_log_proto());
waiting_for_asynchronus_reporting_step_ = true;
- current_fetch_->Start();
+ current_fetch_xml_->Start();
+ if (current_fetch_proto_.get())
+ current_fetch_proto_->Start();
@@ -1051,13 +1081,40 @@ void MetricsService::StoreUnsentLogs() {
void MetricsService::PrepareFetchWithStagedLog() {
- DCHECK(!current_fetch_.get());
- current_fetch_.reset(content::URLFetcher::Create(
- GURL(WideToUTF16(server_url_)), content::URLFetcher::POST, this));
- current_fetch_->SetRequestContext(
+ // Prepare the XML version.
+ DCHECK(!current_fetch_xml_.get());
+ current_fetch_xml_.reset(content::URLFetcher::Create(
+ GURL(server_url_xml_), content::URLFetcher::POST, this));
+ current_fetch_xml_->SetRequestContext(
- current_fetch_->SetUploadData(kMetricsType, log_manager_.staged_log_text());
+ current_fetch_xml_->SetUploadData(kMetricsTypeXml,
+ log_manager_.staged_log_text().xml);
+ // We already drop cookies server-side, but we might as well strip them out
+ // client-side as well.
+ current_fetch_xml_->SetLoadFlags(net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES |
+ // Prepare the protobuf version.
+ DCHECK(!current_fetch_proto_.get());
+ if (log_manager_.has_staged_log_proto()) {
+ current_fetch_proto_.reset(content::URLFetcher::Create(
+ GURL(server_url_proto_), content::URLFetcher::POST, this));
+ current_fetch_proto_->SetRequestContext(
+ g_browser_process->system_request_context());
+ current_fetch_proto_->SetUploadData(kMetricsTypeProto,
+ log_manager_.staged_log_text().proto);
+ // We already drop cookies server-side, but we might as well strip them out
+ // client-side as well.
+ current_fetch_proto_->SetLoadFlags(net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES |
+ // Discard the protobuf version of the staged log, so that we will avoid
+ // re-uploading it even if we need to re-upload the XML version.
+ // TODO(isherman): Handle protobuf upload failures more gracefully once we
+ // transition away from the XML-based pipeline.
+ log_manager_.DiscardStagedLogProto();
+ }
static const char* StatusToString(const net::URLRequestStatus& status) {
@@ -1083,30 +1140,71 @@ static const char* StatusToString(const net::URLRequestStatus& status) {
+// We need to wait for two responses: the response to the XML upload, and the
+// response to the protobuf upload. For now, only the XML upload's response
+// affects decisions like whether to retry the upload, whether to abandon the
+// upload because it is too large, etc. However, we still need to wait for the
+// protobuf upload, as we cannot reset |current_fetch_proto_| until we have
+// confirmation that the network request was sent; and the easiest way to do
+// that is to wait for the response. In case the XML upload's response arrives
+// first, we cache that response until the protobuf upload's response also
+// arrives.
+// Note that if the XML upload succeeds but the protobuf upload fails, we will
+// not retry the protobuf upload. If the XML upload fails while the protobuf
+// upload succeeds, we will still avoid re-uploading the protobuf data because
+// we "zap" the data after the first upload attempt. This means that we might
+// lose protobuf uploads when XML ones succeed; but we will never duplicate any
+// protobuf uploads. Protobuf failures should be rare enough to where this
+// should be ok while we have the two pipelines running in parallel.
void MetricsService::OnURLFetchComplete(const content::URLFetcher* source) {
+ // We're not allowed to re-use the existing |URLFetcher|s, so free them here.
+ scoped_ptr<content::URLFetcher> s;
+ if (source == current_fetch_xml_.get()) {
+ s.reset(current_fetch_xml_.release());
+ // Cache the XML responses, in case we still need to wait for the protobuf
+ // response.
+ response_code_ = source->GetResponseCode();
+ response_status_ = StatusToString(source->GetStatus());
+ source->GetResponseAsString(&response_data_);
+ } else if (source == current_fetch_proto_.get()) {
+ s.reset(current_fetch_proto_.release());
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we're still waiting for one of the responses, keep waiting...
+ if (current_fetch_xml_.get() || current_fetch_proto_.get())
+ return;
+ // We should only be able to reach here once we've received responses to both
+ // the XML and the protobuf requests. We should always have the response code
+ // available.
+ DCHECK_NE(response_code_, content::URLFetcher::RESPONSE_CODE_INVALID);
waiting_for_asynchronus_reporting_step_ = false;
- DCHECK(current_fetch_.get());
- // We're not allowed to re-use it. Delete it on function exit since we use it.
- scoped_ptr<content::URLFetcher> s(current_fetch_.release());
// Confirm send so that we can move on.
- VLOG(1) << "METRICS RESPONSE CODE: " << source->GetResponseCode()
- << " status=" << StatusToString(source->GetStatus());
+ VLOG(1) << "METRICS RESPONSE CODE: " << response_code_
+ << " status=" << response_status_;
- bool upload_succeeded = source->GetResponseCode() == 200;
+ bool upload_succeeded = response_code_ == 200;
// Provide boolean for error recovery (allow us to ignore response_code).
bool discard_log = false;
if (!upload_succeeded &&
- (log_manager_.staged_log_text().length() >
- static_cast<size_t>(kUploadLogAvoidRetransmitSize))) {
+ log_manager_.staged_log_text().xml.length() >
+ kUploadLogAvoidRetransmitSize) {
"UMA.Large Rejected Log was Discarded",
- static_cast<int>(log_manager_.staged_log_text().length()));
+ static_cast<int>(log_manager_.staged_log_text().xml.length()));
discard_log = true;
- } else if (source->GetResponseCode() == 400) {
+ } else if (response_code_ == 400) {
// Bad syntax. Retransmission won't work.
UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("UMA.Unacceptable_Log_Discarded", state_);
discard_log = true;
@@ -1114,12 +1212,10 @@ void MetricsService::OnURLFetchComplete(const content::URLFetcher* source) {
if (!upload_succeeded && !discard_log) {
VLOG(1) << "METRICS: transmission attempt returned a failure code: "
- << source->GetResponseCode() << ". Verify network connectivity";
+ << response_code_ << ". Verify network connectivity";
} else { // Successful receipt (or we are discarding log).
- std::string data;
- source->GetResponseAsString(&data);
- VLOG(1) << "METRICS RESPONSE DATA: " << data;
+ VLOG(1) << "METRICS RESPONSE DATA: " << response_data_;
switch (state_) {
@@ -1146,7 +1242,7 @@ void MetricsService::OnURLFetchComplete(const content::URLFetcher* source) {
// Error 400 indicates a problem with the log, not with the server, so
// don't consider that a sign that the server is in trouble.
- bool server_is_healthy = upload_succeeded || source->GetResponseCode() == 400;
+ bool server_is_healthy = upload_succeeded || response_code_ == 400;
@@ -1154,16 +1250,21 @@ void MetricsService::OnURLFetchComplete(const content::URLFetcher* source) {
// Collect network stats if UMA upload succeeded.
if (server_is_healthy && io_thread_)
chrome_browser_net::CollectNetworkStats(network_stats_server_, io_thread_);
+ // Reset the cached response data.
+ response_code_ = content::URLFetcher::RESPONSE_CODE_INVALID;
+ response_data_ = std::string();
+ response_status_ = std::string();
void MetricsService::LogBadResponseCode() {
VLOG(1) << "Verify your metrics logs are formatted correctly. Verify server "
- "is active at " << server_url_;
+ "is active at " << server_url_xml_;
if (!log_manager_.has_staged_log()) {
VLOG(1) << "METRICS: Recorder shutdown during log transmission.";
} else {
VLOG(1) << "METRICS: transmission retry being scheduled for "
- << log_manager_.staged_log_text();
+ << log_manager_.staged_log_text().xml;
@@ -1535,13 +1636,6 @@ bool MetricsService::IsPluginProcess(content::ProcessType type) {
type == content::PROCESS_TYPE_PPAPI_PLUGIN);
-static bool IsSingleThreaded() {
- static base::PlatformThreadId thread_id = 0;
- if (!thread_id)
- thread_id = base::PlatformThread::CurrentId();
- return base::PlatformThread::CurrentId() == thread_id;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
void MetricsService::StartExternalMetrics() {
external_metrics_ = new chromeos::ExternalMetrics;