path: root/chrome/browser/metrics
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/metrics')
2 files changed, 233 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/metrics/ b/chrome/browser/metrics/
index fa46d90..c97105c 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/metrics/
+++ b/chrome/browser/metrics/
@@ -5,17 +5,13 @@
#include "chrome/browser/metrics/tracking_synchronizer.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
-#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
+#include "base/process_util.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/tracked_objects.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/tracing_ui.h"
-#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
-#include "chrome/common/render_messages.h"
+#include "content/common/child_process_info.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
+#include "content/public/browser/profiler_controller.h"
#include "content/public/common/process_type.h"
using base::TimeTicks;
@@ -23,6 +19,142 @@ using content::BrowserThread;
namespace chrome_browser_metrics {
+// The "RequestContext" structure describes an individual request received
+// from the UI. All methods are accessible on UI thread.
+class RequestContext {
+ public:
+ // A map from sequence_number_ to the actual RequestContexts.
+ typedef std::map<int, RequestContext*> RequestContextMap;
+ ~RequestContext() {}
+ RequestContext(const base::WeakPtr<ProfilerUI>& callback_object,
+ int sequence_number)
+ : callback_object_(callback_object),
+ sequence_number_(sequence_number),
+ received_process_group_count_(0),
+ processes_pending_(0) {
+ }
+ void SetReceivedProcessGroupCount(bool done) {
+ DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ received_process_group_count_ = done;
+ }
+ // Methods for book keeping of processes_pending_.
+ void IncrementProcessesPending() {
+ DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ ++processes_pending_;
+ }
+ void AddProcessesPending(int processes_pending) {
+ DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ processes_pending_ += processes_pending;
+ }
+ void DecrementProcessesPending() {
+ DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ --processes_pending_;
+ }
+ // Records that we are waiting for one less tracking data from a process for
+ // the given sequence number. If |received_process_group_count_| and
+ // |processes_pending_| are zero, then delete the current object by calling
+ // Unregister.
+ void DeleteIfAllDone() {
+ DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ if (processes_pending_ <= 0 && received_process_group_count_) {
+ RequestContext::Unregister(sequence_number_);
+ }
+ }
+ // Register |callback_object| in |outstanding_requests_| map for the given
+ // |sequence_number|.
+ static RequestContext* Register(
+ int sequence_number,
+ const base::WeakPtr<ProfilerUI>& callback_object) {
+ DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ RequestContext* request = new RequestContext(
+ callback_object, sequence_number);
+ outstanding_requests_.Get()[sequence_number] = request;
+ return request;
+ }
+ // Find the |RequestContext| in |outstanding_requests_| map for the given
+ // |sequence_number|.
+ static RequestContext* GetRequestContext(int sequence_number) {
+ DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ RequestContextMap::iterator it =
+ outstanding_requests_.Get().find(sequence_number);
+ if (it == outstanding_requests_.Get().end())
+ return NULL;
+ RequestContext* request = NULL;
+ request = it->second;
+ DCHECK(sequence_number == request->sequence_number_);
+ return request;
+ }
+ // Delete the entry for the given sequence_number| from
+ // |outstanding_requests_| map. This method is called when all changes have
+ // been acquired, or when the wait time expires (whichever is sooner).
+ static void Unregister(int sequence_number) {
+ DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ RequestContextMap::iterator it =
+ outstanding_requests_.Get().find(sequence_number);
+ if (it == outstanding_requests_.Get().end())
+ return;
+ RequestContext* request = it->second;
+ DCHECK(sequence_number == request->sequence_number_);
+ bool received_process_group_count = request->received_process_group_count_;
+ int unresponsive_processes = request->processes_pending_;
+ delete it->second;
+ outstanding_requests_.Get().erase(it);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Profiling.ReceivedProcessGroupCount",
+ received_process_group_count);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Profiling.PendingProcessNotResponding",
+ unresponsive_processes);
+ }
+ // Delete all the entries in |outstanding_requests_| map.
+ static void OnShutdown() {
+ // Just in case we have any pending tasks, clear them out.
+ while (!outstanding_requests_.Get().empty()) {
+ RequestContextMap::iterator it = outstanding_requests_.Get().begin();
+ delete it->second;
+ outstanding_requests_.Get().erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ // Requests are made to asynchronously send data to the |callback_object_|.
+ base::WeakPtr<ProfilerUI> callback_object_;
+ // The sequence number used by the most recent update request to contact all
+ // processes.
+ int sequence_number_;
+ // Indicates if we have received all pending processes count.
+ bool received_process_group_count_;
+ // The number of pending processes (browser, all renderer processes and
+ // browser child processes) that have not yet responded to requests.
+ int processes_pending_;
+ // Map of all outstanding RequestContexts, from sequence_number_ to
+ // RequestContext.
+ static base::LazyInstance<RequestContextMap> outstanding_requests_;
// Negative numbers are never used as sequence numbers. We explicitly pick a
// negative number that is "so negative" that even when we add one (as is done
// when we generated the next sequence number) that it will still be negative.
@@ -30,32 +162,29 @@ namespace chrome_browser_metrics {
// territory.
static const int kNeverUsableSequenceNumber = -2;
+// TrackingSynchronizer methods and members.
+// static
+TrackingSynchronizer* TrackingSynchronizer::tracking_synchronizer_ = NULL;
: last_used_sequence_number_(kNeverUsableSequenceNumber) {
DCHECK(tracking_synchronizer_ == NULL);
tracking_synchronizer_ = this;
+ content::ProfilerController::GetInstance()->Register(this);
TrackingSynchronizer::~TrackingSynchronizer() {
+ content::ProfilerController::GetInstance()->Unregister(this);
// Just in case we have any pending tasks, clear them out.
- while (!outstanding_requests_.empty()) {
- RequestContextMap::iterator it = outstanding_requests_.begin();
- delete it->second;
- outstanding_requests_.erase(it);
- }
+ RequestContext::OnShutdown();
tracking_synchronizer_ = NULL;
// static
-TrackingSynchronizer* TrackingSynchronizer::CurrentSynchronizer() {
- DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
- DCHECK(tracking_synchronizer_ != NULL);
- return tracking_synchronizer_;
-// static
-void TrackingSynchronizer::FetchTrackingDataAsynchronously(
+void TrackingSynchronizer::FetchProfilerDataAsynchronously(
const base::WeakPtr<ProfilerUI>& callback_object) {
@@ -72,133 +201,56 @@ void TrackingSynchronizer::FetchTrackingDataAsynchronously(
// as a watchdog, to cancel the requests for non-responsive processes.
BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
- NewRunnableMethod(
- current_synchronizer,
- &TrackingSynchronizer::ForceTrackingSynchronizationDoneCallback,
- sequence_number),
+ base::Bind(&RequestContext::Unregister, sequence_number),
-// static
-void TrackingSynchronizer::SetTrackingStatus(bool enable) {
- // To iterate over all processes, or to send messages to the hosts, we need
- // to be on the UI thread.
+void TrackingSynchronizer::OnPendingProcesses(int sequence_number,
+ int pending_processes,
+ bool end) {
- for (content::RenderProcessHost::iterator it(
- content::RenderProcessHost::AllHostsIterator());
- !it.IsAtEnd(); it.Advance()) {
- content::RenderProcessHost* render_process_host = it.GetCurrentValue();
- DCHECK(render_process_host);
- // Ignore processes that don't have a connection, such as crashed tabs.
- if (!render_process_host->HasConnection())
- continue;
- render_process_host->Send(new ChromeViewMsg_SetTrackingStatus(enable));
- }
-// static
-void TrackingSynchronizer::IsTrackingEnabled(int process_id) {
- DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
- // To find the process, or to send messages to the hosts, we need to be on the
- // UI thread.
- BrowserThread::PostTask(
- BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(
- &TrackingSynchronizer::SetTrackingStatusInProcess, process_id));
-// static
-void TrackingSynchronizer::SetTrackingStatusInProcess(int process_id) {
- // To find the process, or to send messages to the hosts, we need to be on the
- // UI thread.
- DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
- bool enable = tracked_objects::ThreadData::tracking_status();
- content::RenderProcessHost* process =
- content::RenderProcessHost::FromID(process_id);
- // Ignore processes that don't have a connection, such as crashed tabs.
- if (!process || !process->HasConnection())
+ RequestContext* request = RequestContext::GetRequestContext(sequence_number);
+ if (!request)
- process->Send(new ChromeViewMsg_SetTrackingStatus(enable));
-// static
-void TrackingSynchronizer::DeserializeTrackingList(
- int sequence_number,
- const std::string& tracking_data,
- content::ProcessType process_type) {
- DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
- BrowserThread::PostTask(
- BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(
- &TrackingSynchronizer::DeserializeTrackingListOnUI,
- sequence_number, tracking_data, process_type));
+ request->AddProcessesPending(pending_processes);
+ request->SetReceivedProcessGroupCount(end);
+ request->DeleteIfAllDone();
-// static
-void TrackingSynchronizer::DeserializeTrackingListOnUI(
+void TrackingSynchronizer::OnProfilerDataCollected(
int sequence_number,
- const std::string& tracking_data,
- content::ProcessType process_type) {
+ base::DictionaryValue* profiler_data) {
- TrackingSynchronizer* current_synchronizer = CurrentSynchronizer();
- if (current_synchronizer == NULL)
+ RequestContext* request = RequestContext::GetRequestContext(sequence_number);
+ if (!request)
- base::Value* value =
- base::JSONReader().JsonToValue(tracking_data, false, true);
- DCHECK(value->GetType() == base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY);
- base::DictionaryValue* dictionary_value =
- static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(value);
- dictionary_value->SetString(
- "process_type", content::GetProcessTypeNameInEnglish(process_type));
- current_synchronizer->DecrementPendingProcessesAndSendData(
- sequence_number, dictionary_value);
+ DecrementPendingProcessesAndSendData(sequence_number, profiler_data);
int TrackingSynchronizer::RegisterAndNotifyAllProcesses(
const base::WeakPtr<ProfilerUI>& callback_object) {
- // To iterate over all processes, or to send messages to the hosts, we need
- // to be on the UI thread.
int sequence_number = GetNextAvailableSequenceNumber();
- // Initialize processes_pending with one because we are going to send
- // browser's ThreadData.
- RequestContext* request = new RequestContext(
- callback_object, sequence_number, 1, TimeTicks::Now());
- outstanding_requests_[sequence_number] = request;
- DCHECK_GT(request->processes_pending_, 0);
- for (content::RenderProcessHost::iterator it(
- content::RenderProcessHost::AllHostsIterator());
- !it.IsAtEnd(); it.Advance()) {
- content::RenderProcessHost* render_process_host = it.GetCurrentValue();
- DCHECK(render_process_host);
- // Ignore processes that don't have a connection, such as crashed tabs.
- if (!render_process_host->HasConnection())
- continue;
- ++request->processes_pending_;
- if (!render_process_host->Send(
- new ChromeViewMsg_GetRendererTrackedData(sequence_number))) {
- DecrementPendingProcesses(sequence_number);
- }
- }
+ RequestContext* request =
+ RequestContext::Register(sequence_number, callback_object);
+ // Increment pending process count for sending browser's profiler data.
+ request->IncrementProcessesPending();
+ // Get profiler data from renderer and browser child processes.
+ content::ProfilerController::GetInstance()->GetProfilerData(sequence_number);
- // Get the ThreadData for the browser process and send it back.
+ // Send profiler_data from browser process.
base::DictionaryValue* value = tracked_objects::ThreadData::ToValue();
const std::string process_type =
value->SetString("process_type", process_type);
value->SetInteger("process_id", base::GetCurrentProcId());
- DCHECK_GT(request->processes_pending_, 0);
DecrementPendingProcessesAndSendData(sequence_number, value);
return sequence_number;
@@ -209,17 +261,12 @@ void TrackingSynchronizer::DecrementPendingProcessesAndSendData(
base::DictionaryValue* value) {
- RequestContextMap::iterator it =
- outstanding_requests_.find(sequence_number);
- if (it == outstanding_requests_.end()) {
+ RequestContext* request = RequestContext::GetRequestContext(sequence_number);
+ if (!request) {
delete value;
- RequestContext* request = NULL;
- request = it->second;
- DCHECK(sequence_number == request->sequence_number_);
if (value && request->callback_object_) {
// Transfers ownership of |value| to |callback_object_|.
@@ -227,35 +274,9 @@ void TrackingSynchronizer::DecrementPendingProcessesAndSendData(
delete value;
- if (--request->processes_pending_ <= 0)
- ForceTrackingSynchronizationDoneCallback(sequence_number);
-void TrackingSynchronizer::DecrementPendingProcesses(int sequence_number) {
- DecrementPendingProcessesAndSendData(sequence_number, NULL);
-void TrackingSynchronizer::ForceTrackingSynchronizationDoneCallback(
- int sequence_number) {
- DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
- int unresponsive_processes;
- RequestContextMap::iterator it =
- outstanding_requests_.find(sequence_number);
- if (it == outstanding_requests_.end())
- return;
- RequestContext* request = it->second;
- DCHECK(sequence_number == request->sequence_number_);
- unresponsive_processes = request->processes_pending_;
- delete it->second;
- outstanding_requests_.erase(it);
- UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Tracking.ProcessNotRespondingAsynchronous",
- unresponsive_processes);
+ // Delete request if we have heard back from all child processes.
+ request->DecrementProcessesPending();
+ request->DeleteIfAllDone();
int TrackingSynchronizer::GetNextAvailableSequenceNumber() {
@@ -270,6 +291,14 @@ int TrackingSynchronizer::GetNextAvailableSequenceNumber() {
// static
-TrackingSynchronizer* TrackingSynchronizer::tracking_synchronizer_ = NULL;
+TrackingSynchronizer* TrackingSynchronizer::CurrentSynchronizer() {
+ DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
+ DCHECK(tracking_synchronizer_ != NULL);
+ return tracking_synchronizer_;
+// static
+ RequestContext::outstanding_requests_ = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
} // namespace chrome_browser_metrics
diff --git a/chrome/browser/metrics/tracking_synchronizer.h b/chrome/browser/metrics/tracking_synchronizer.h
index 2647512..75fe3c9d 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/metrics/tracking_synchronizer.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/metrics/tracking_synchronizer.h
@@ -11,18 +11,17 @@
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "base/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/profiler_ui.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
-#include "content/public/common/process_type.h"
+#include "content/public/browser/profiler_subscriber.h"
-// This class maintains state that is used to upload tracking data from the
+// This class maintains state that is used to upload profiler data from the
// various processes, into the browser process. Such transactions are usually
// instigated by the browser. In general, a process will respond by gathering
-// tracking data, and transmitting the pickled tracking data. We collect the
+// profiler data, and transmitting the pickled profiler data. We collect the
// data in asynchronous mode that doesn't block the UI thread.
// To assure that all the processes have responded, a counter is maintained
@@ -31,99 +30,60 @@
// create RequestContext object which stores the sequence number, pending
// processes and the callback_object that needs to be notified when we receive
// an update from processes. When an update arrives we find the RequestContext
-// associated with sequence number and send the unpickled tracking data to the
+// associated with sequence number and send the unpickled profiler data to the
// |callback_object_|.
namespace chrome_browser_metrics {
-class TrackingSynchronizer : public
- base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TrackingSynchronizer> {
- public:
- // The "RequestContext" structure describes an individual request received
- // from the UI.
- struct RequestContext {
- RequestContext(const base::WeakPtr<ProfilerUI>& callback_object,
- int sequence_number,
- int processes_pending,
- base::TimeTicks callback_start_time)
- : callback_object_(callback_object),
- sequence_number_(sequence_number),
- processes_pending_(processes_pending),
- request_start_time_(callback_start_time) {
- }
- ~RequestContext() {}
- // Requests are made to asynchronously send data to the |callback_object_|.
- base::WeakPtr<ProfilerUI> callback_object_;
- // The sequence number used by the most recent update request to contact all
- // processes.
- int sequence_number_;
- // The number of processes that have not yet responded to requests.
- int processes_pending_;
- // The time when we were told to start the fetching of data from processes.
- base::TimeTicks request_start_time_;
- };
- // A map from sequence_number_ to the actual RequestContexts.
- typedef std::map<int, RequestContext*> RequestContextMap;
+class RequestContext;
+class TrackingSynchronizer
+ : public content::ProfilerSubscriber,
+ public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TrackingSynchronizer> {
+ public:
// Construction also sets up the global singleton instance. This instance is
// used to communicate between the IO and UI thread, and is destroyed only as
// the main thread (browser_main) terminates, which means the IO thread has
// already completed, and will not need this instance any further.
- // Return pointer to the singleton instance, which is allocated and
- // deallocated on the main UI thread (during system startup and teardown).
- static TrackingSynchronizer* CurrentSynchronizer();
// Contact all processes, and get them to upload to the browser any/all
- // changes to tracking data. It calls |callback_object|'s SetData method with
+ // changes to profiler data. It calls |callback_object|'s SetData method with
// the data received from each sub-process.
// This method is accessible on UI thread.
- static void FetchTrackingDataAsynchronously(
+ static void FetchProfilerDataAsynchronously(
const base::WeakPtr<ProfilerUI>& callback_object);
- // Contact all processes and set tracking status to |enable|.
- // This method is accessible on UI thread.
- static void SetTrackingStatus(bool enable);
- // Respond to this message from the renderer by setting the tracking status
- // (SetTrackingStatusInProcess) in that renderer process.
- // |process_id| is used to find the renderer process.
- // This method is accessible on IO thread.
- static void IsTrackingEnabled(int process_id);
- // Get the current tracking status from the browser process and set it in the
- // renderer process. |process_id| is used to find the renderer process.
- // This method is accessible on UI thread.
- static void SetTrackingStatusInProcess(int process_id);
- // Deserialize the tracking data and record that we have received tracking
- // data from a process. This method posts a task to call
- // DeserializeTrackingListOnUI on UI thread to send the |tracking_data| to
- // callback_object_. This method is accessible on IO thread.
- static void DeserializeTrackingList(
+ // ------------------------------------------------------
+ // ProfilerSubscriber methods for browser child processes
+ // ------------------------------------------------------
+ // Update the number of pending processes for the given |sequence_number|.
+ // This is called on UI thread.
+ virtual void OnPendingProcesses(int sequence_number,
+ int pending_processes,
+ bool end) OVERRIDE;
+ // Send profiler_data back to callback_object_ by calling
+ // DecrementPendingProcessesAndSendData which records that we are waiting
+ // for one less profiler data from renderer or browser child process for the
+ // given sequence number. This method is accessible on UI thread.
+ virtual void OnProfilerDataCollected(
int sequence_number,
- const std::string& tracking_data,
- content::ProcessType process_type);
- // Deserialize the tracking data and record that we have received tracking
- // data from a process. This method is accessible on UI thread.
- static void DeserializeTrackingListOnUI(
- int sequence_number,
- const std::string& tracking_data,
- content::ProcessType process_type);
+ base::DictionaryValue* profiler_data) OVERRIDE;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TrackingSynchronizer>;
+ friend class RequestContext;
virtual ~TrackingSynchronizer();
+ // Send profiler_data back to callback_object_. It records that we are waiting
+ // for one less profiler data from renderer or browser child process for the
+ // given sequence number. This method is accessible on UI thread.
+ void OnProfilerDataCollectedOnUI(int sequence_number,
+ base::DictionaryValue* profiler_data);
// Establish a new sequence_number_, and use it to notify all the processes of
// the need to supply, to the browser, their tracking data. It also registers
// |callback_object| in |outstanding_requests_| map. Return the
@@ -131,34 +91,24 @@ class TrackingSynchronizer : public
int RegisterAndNotifyAllProcesses(
const base::WeakPtr<ProfilerUI>& callback_object);
- // It finds the |callback_object_| in |outstanding_requests_| map for the
- // given |sequence_number| and notifies the |callback_object_| about the
- // |value|. This is called whenever we receive tracked data from processes. It
- // also records that we are waiting for one less tracking data from a process
- // for the given sequence number. If we have received a response from all
- // renderers, then it deletes the entry for sequence_number from
- // |outstanding_requests_| map. This method is accessible on UI thread.
+ // It finds the RequestContext for the given |sequence_number| and notifies
+ // the RequestContext's |callback_object_| about the |value|. This is called
+ // whenever we receive profiler data from processes. It also records that we
+ // are waiting for one less profiler data from a process for the given
+ // sequence number. If we have received a response from all renderers and
+ // browser processes, then it calls RequestContext's DeleteIfAllDone to delete
+ // the entry for sequence_number. This method is accessible on UI thread.
void DecrementPendingProcessesAndSendData(int sequence_number,
base::DictionaryValue* value);
- // Records that we are waiting for one less tracking data from a process for
- // the given sequence number.
- // This method is accessible on UI thread.
- void DecrementPendingProcesses(int sequence_number);
- // When all changes have been acquired, or when the wait time expires
- // (whichever is sooner), this method is called. This method deletes the entry
- // for the given sequence_number from |outstanding_requests_| map.
- // This method is accessible on UI thread.
- void ForceTrackingSynchronizationDoneCallback(int sequence_number);
// Get a new sequence number to be sent to processes from browser process.
// This method is accessible on UI thread.
int GetNextAvailableSequenceNumber();
- // Map of all outstanding RequestContexts, from sequence_number_ to
- // RequestContext.
- RequestContextMap outstanding_requests_;
+ // Return pointer to the singleton instance, which is allocated and
+ // deallocated on the main UI thread (during system startup and teardown).
+ // This method is accessible on UI thread.
+ static TrackingSynchronizer* CurrentSynchronizer();
// We don't track the actual processes that are contacted for an update, only
// the count of the number of processes, and we can sometimes time-out and
@@ -173,7 +123,7 @@ class TrackingSynchronizer : public
// portion of main(). It initializes globals to provide support for all future
// calls. This object is created on the UI thread, and it is destroyed after
// all the other threads have gone away. As a result, it is ok to call it
- // from the UI thread, or for about:tracking.
+ // from the UI thread, or for about:profiler.
static TrackingSynchronizer* tracking_synchronizer_;