path: root/chrome/browser/net/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/net/')
1 files changed, 640 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/net/ b/chrome/browser/net/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60961e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/net/
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <time.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/timer.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/net/predictor_api.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/net/url_info.h"
+#include "chrome/common/net/predictor_common.h"
+#include "net/base/address_list.h"
+#include "net/base/mock_host_resolver.h"
+#include "net/base/winsock_init.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+using base::Time;
+using base::TimeDelta;
+namespace chrome_browser_net {
+class WaitForResolutionHelper;
+typedef base::RepeatingTimer<WaitForResolutionHelper> HelperTimer;
+class WaitForResolutionHelper {
+ public:
+ WaitForResolutionHelper(Predictor* predictor, const UrlList& hosts,
+ HelperTimer* timer)
+ : predictor_(predictor),
+ hosts_(hosts),
+ timer_(timer) {
+ }
+ void Run() {
+ for (UrlList::const_iterator i = hosts_.begin(); i != hosts_.end(); ++i)
+ if (predictor_->GetResolutionDuration(*i) ==
+ UrlInfo::kNullDuration)
+ return; // We don't have resolution for that host.
+ // When all hostnames have been resolved, exit the loop.
+ timer_->Stop();
+ MessageLoop::current()->Quit();
+ delete timer_;
+ delete this;
+ }
+ private:
+ Predictor* predictor_;
+ const UrlList hosts_;
+ HelperTimer* timer_;
+class PredictorTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ PredictorTest()
+ : io_thread_(ChromeThread::IO, &loop_),
+ host_resolver_(new net::MockCachingHostResolver()),
+ default_max_queueing_delay_(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
+ PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchQueueingDelayMs)) {
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+ net::EnsureWinsockInit();
+ // Since we are using a caching HostResolver, the following latencies will
+ // only be incurred by the first request, after which the result will be
+ // cached internally by |host_resolver_|.
+ net::RuleBasedHostResolverProc* rules = host_resolver_->rules();
+ rules->AddRuleWithLatency("", "", 50);
+ rules->AddRuleWithLatency("", "", 70);
+ rules->AddRuleWithLatency("", "", 44);
+ rules->AddRuleWithLatency("", "", 63);
+ }
+ void WaitForResolution(Predictor* predictor, const UrlList& hosts) {
+ HelperTimer* timer = new HelperTimer();
+ timer->Start(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100),
+ new WaitForResolutionHelper(predictor, hosts, timer),
+ &WaitForResolutionHelper::Run);
+ MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+ }
+ private:
+ // IMPORTANT: do not move this below |host_resolver_|; the host resolver
+ // must not outlive the message loop, otherwise bad things can happen
+ // (like posting to a deleted message loop).
+ MessageLoop loop_;
+ ChromeThread io_thread_;
+ protected:
+ scoped_refptr<net::MockCachingHostResolver> host_resolver_;
+ // Shorthand to access TimeDelta of PredictorInit::kMaxQueueingDelayMs.
+ // (It would be a static constant... except style rules preclude that :-/ ).
+ const TimeDelta default_max_queueing_delay_;
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, StartupShutdownTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<Predictor> testing_master = new Predictor(host_resolver_,
+ default_max_queueing_delay_,
+ PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups,
+ false);
+ testing_master->Shutdown();
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, BenefitLookupTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<Predictor> testing_master = new Predictor(
+ host_resolver_,
+ default_max_queueing_delay_,
+ PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups,
+ false);
+ GURL goog(""),
+ goog2(""),
+ goog3(""),
+ goog4("");
+ UrlInfo goog_info, goog2_info, goog3_info, goog4_info;
+ // Simulate getting similar names from a network observer
+ goog_info.SetUrl(goog);
+ goog2_info.SetUrl(goog2);
+ goog3_info.SetUrl(goog3);
+ goog4_info.SetUrl(goog4);
+ goog_info.SetStartedState();
+ goog2_info.SetStartedState();
+ goog3_info.SetStartedState();
+ goog4_info.SetStartedState();
+ goog_info.SetFinishedState(true);
+ goog2_info.SetFinishedState(true);
+ goog3_info.SetFinishedState(true);
+ goog4_info.SetFinishedState(true);
+ UrlList names;
+ names.push_back(goog);
+ names.push_back(goog2);
+ names.push_back(goog3);
+ names.push_back(goog4);
+ testing_master->ResolveList(names, UrlInfo::PAGE_SCAN_MOTIVATED);
+ WaitForResolution(testing_master, names);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->WasFound(goog));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->WasFound(goog2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->WasFound(goog3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->WasFound(goog4));
+ // With the mock DNS, each of these should have taken some time, and hence
+ // shown a benefit (i.e., prefetch cost more than network access time).
+ GURL referer; // Null host.
+ // Simulate actual navigation, and acrue the benefit for "helping" the DNS
+ // part of the navigation.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->AccruePrefetchBenefits(referer, &goog_info));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->AccruePrefetchBenefits(referer, &goog2_info));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->AccruePrefetchBenefits(referer, &goog3_info));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->AccruePrefetchBenefits(referer, &goog4_info));
+ // Benefits can ONLY be reported once (for the first navigation).
+ EXPECT_FALSE(testing_master->AccruePrefetchBenefits(referer, &goog_info));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(testing_master->AccruePrefetchBenefits(referer, &goog2_info));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(testing_master->AccruePrefetchBenefits(referer, &goog3_info));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(testing_master->AccruePrefetchBenefits(referer, &goog4_info));
+ testing_master->Shutdown();
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, ShutdownWhenResolutionIsPendingTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<net::WaitingHostResolverProc> resolver_proc =
+ new net::WaitingHostResolverProc(NULL);
+ host_resolver_->Reset(resolver_proc);
+ scoped_refptr<Predictor> testing_master = new Predictor(host_resolver_,
+ default_max_queueing_delay_,
+ PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups,
+ false);
+ GURL localhost("");
+ UrlList names;
+ names.push_back(localhost);
+ testing_master->ResolveList(names, UrlInfo::PAGE_SCAN_MOTIVATED);
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask(), 500);
+ MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(testing_master->WasFound(localhost));
+ testing_master->Shutdown();
+ // Clean up after ourselves.
+ resolver_proc->Signal();
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, SingleLookupTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<Predictor> testing_master = new Predictor(host_resolver_,
+ default_max_queueing_delay_,
+ PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups,
+ false);
+ GURL goog("");
+ UrlList names;
+ names.push_back(goog);
+ // Try to flood the predictor with many concurrent requests.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ testing_master->ResolveList(names, UrlInfo::PAGE_SCAN_MOTIVATED);
+ WaitForResolution(testing_master, names);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->WasFound(goog));
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_GT(testing_master->peak_pending_lookups(), names.size() / 2);
+ EXPECT_LE(testing_master->peak_pending_lookups(), names.size());
+ EXPECT_LE(testing_master->peak_pending_lookups(),
+ testing_master->max_concurrent_dns_lookups());
+ testing_master->Shutdown();
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, ConcurrentLookupTest) {
+ host_resolver_->rules()->AddSimulatedFailure("*.notfound");
+ scoped_refptr<Predictor> testing_master = new Predictor(host_resolver_,
+ default_max_queueing_delay_,
+ PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups,
+ false);
+ GURL goog(""),
+ goog2(""),
+ goog3(""),
+ goog4("");
+ GURL bad1("http://bad1.notfound:80"),
+ bad2("http://bad2.notfound:80");
+ UrlList names;
+ names.push_back(goog);
+ names.push_back(goog3);
+ names.push_back(bad1);
+ names.push_back(goog2);
+ names.push_back(bad2);
+ names.push_back(goog4);
+ names.push_back(goog);
+ // Try to flood the predictor with many concurrent requests.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ testing_master->ResolveList(names, UrlInfo::PAGE_SCAN_MOTIVATED);
+ WaitForResolution(testing_master, names);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->WasFound(goog));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->WasFound(goog3));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->WasFound(goog2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(testing_master->WasFound(goog4));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(testing_master->WasFound(bad1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(testing_master->WasFound(bad2));
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(testing_master->WasFound(bad1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(testing_master->WasFound(bad2));
+ EXPECT_GT(testing_master->peak_pending_lookups(), names.size() / 2);
+ EXPECT_LE(testing_master->peak_pending_lookups(), names.size());
+ EXPECT_LE(testing_master->peak_pending_lookups(),
+ testing_master->max_concurrent_dns_lookups());
+ testing_master->Shutdown();
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, MassiveConcurrentLookupTest) {
+ host_resolver_->rules()->AddSimulatedFailure("*.notfound");
+ scoped_refptr<Predictor> testing_master = new Predictor(
+ host_resolver_,
+ default_max_queueing_delay_,
+ PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups,
+ false);
+ UrlList names;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ names.push_back(GURL("http://host" + IntToString(i) + ".notfound:80"));
+ // Try to flood the predictor with many concurrent requests.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ testing_master->ResolveList(names, UrlInfo::PAGE_SCAN_MOTIVATED);
+ WaitForResolution(testing_master, names);
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+ EXPECT_LE(testing_master->peak_pending_lookups(), names.size());
+ EXPECT_LE(testing_master->peak_pending_lookups(),
+ testing_master->max_concurrent_dns_lookups());
+ testing_master->Shutdown();
+// Functions to help synthesize and test serializations of subresource referrer
+// lists.
+// Return a motivation_list if we can find one for the given motivating_host (or
+// NULL if a match is not found).
+static ListValue* FindSerializationMotivation(
+ const GURL& motivation, const ListValue& referral_list) {
+ CHECK_LT(0u, referral_list.GetSize()); // Room for version.
+ int format_version = -1;
+ CHECK(referral_list.GetInteger(0, &format_version));
+ CHECK_EQ(Predictor::DNS_REFERRER_VERSION, format_version);
+ ListValue* motivation_list(NULL);
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < referral_list.GetSize(); ++i) {
+ referral_list.GetList(i, &motivation_list);
+ std::string existing_spec;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(motivation_list->GetString(0, &existing_spec));
+ if (motivation == GURL(existing_spec))
+ return motivation_list;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Create a new empty serialization list.
+static ListValue* NewEmptySerializationList() {
+ ListValue* list = new ListValue;
+ list->Append(new FundamentalValue(Predictor::DNS_REFERRER_VERSION));
+ return list;
+// Add a motivating_host and a subresource_host to a serialized list, using
+// this given latency. This is a helper function for quickly building these
+// lists.
+static void AddToSerializedList(const GURL& motivation,
+ const GURL& subresource,
+ int latency,
+ double rate,
+ ListValue* referral_list ) {
+ // Find the motivation if it is already used.
+ ListValue* motivation_list = FindSerializationMotivation(motivation,
+ *referral_list);
+ if (!motivation_list) {
+ // This is the first mention of this motivation, so build a list.
+ motivation_list = new ListValue;
+ motivation_list->Append(new StringValue(motivation.spec()));
+ // Provide empty subresource list.
+ motivation_list->Append(new ListValue());
+ // ...and make it part of the serialized referral_list.
+ referral_list->Append(motivation_list);
+ }
+ ListValue* subresource_list(NULL);
+ // 0 == url; 1 == subresource_list.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(motivation_list->GetList(1, &subresource_list));
+ // We won't bother to check for the subresource being there already. Worst
+ // case, during deserialization, the latency value we supply plus the
+ // existing value(s) will be added to the referrer.
+ subresource_list->Append(new StringValue(subresource.spec()));
+ subresource_list->Append(new FundamentalValue(latency));
+ subresource_list->Append(new FundamentalValue(rate));
+static const int kLatencyNotFound = -1;
+// For a given motivation, and subresource, find what latency is currently
+// listed. This assume a well formed serialization, which has at most one such
+// entry for any pair of names. If no such pair is found, then return false.
+// Data is written into rate and latency arguments.
+static bool GetDataFromSerialization(const GURL& motivation,
+ const GURL& subresource,
+ const ListValue& referral_list,
+ double* rate,
+ int* latency) {
+ ListValue* motivation_list = FindSerializationMotivation(motivation,
+ referral_list);
+ if (!motivation_list)
+ return false;
+ ListValue* subresource_list;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(motivation_list->GetList(1, &subresource_list));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < subresource_list->GetSize();) {
+ std::string url_spec;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(subresource_list->GetString(i++, &url_spec));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(subresource_list->GetInteger(i++, latency));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(subresource_list->GetReal(i++, rate));
+ if (subresource == GURL(url_spec)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Make sure nil referral lists really have no entries, and no latency listed.
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, ReferrerSerializationNilTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<Predictor> predictor = new Predictor(host_resolver_,
+ default_max_queueing_delay_,
+ PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups,
+ false);
+ scoped_ptr<ListValue> referral_list(NewEmptySerializationList());
+ predictor->SerializeReferrers(referral_list.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, referral_list->GetSize());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ GURL(""), GURL(""),
+ *referral_list.get(), NULL, NULL));
+ predictor->Shutdown();
+// Make sure that when a serialization list includes a value, that it can be
+// deserialized into the database, and can be extracted back out via
+// serialization without being changed.
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, ReferrerSerializationSingleReferrerTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<Predictor> predictor = new Predictor(host_resolver_,
+ default_max_queueing_delay_,
+ PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups,
+ false);
+ const GURL motivation_url("");
+ const GURL subresource_url("");
+ const int kLatency = 3;
+ const double kRate = 23.4;
+ scoped_ptr<ListValue> referral_list(NewEmptySerializationList());
+ AddToSerializedList(motivation_url, subresource_url,
+ kLatency, kRate, referral_list.get());
+ predictor->DeserializeReferrers(*referral_list.get());
+ ListValue recovered_referral_list;
+ predictor->SerializeReferrers(&recovered_referral_list);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, recovered_referral_list.GetSize());
+ int latency;
+ double rate;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, subresource_url, recovered_referral_list, &rate,
+ &latency));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rate, kRate);
+ EXPECT_EQ(latency, kLatency);
+ predictor->Shutdown();
+// Make sure the Trim() functionality works as expected.
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, ReferrerSerializationTrimTest) {
+ scoped_refptr<Predictor> predictor = new Predictor(host_resolver_,
+ default_max_queueing_delay_,
+ PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups,
+ false);
+ GURL motivation_url("");
+ GURL icon_subresource_url("");
+ const int kLatencyIcon = 10;
+ const double kRateIcon = 0.; // User low rate, so latency will dominate.
+ GURL img_subresource_url("");
+ const int kLatencyImg = 3;
+ const double kRateImg = 0.;
+ scoped_ptr<ListValue> referral_list(NewEmptySerializationList());
+ AddToSerializedList(
+ motivation_url, icon_subresource_url,
+ kLatencyIcon, kRateIcon, referral_list.get());
+ AddToSerializedList(
+ motivation_url, img_subresource_url,
+ kLatencyImg, kRateImg, referral_list.get());
+ predictor->DeserializeReferrers(*referral_list.get());
+ ListValue recovered_referral_list;
+ predictor->SerializeReferrers(&recovered_referral_list);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, recovered_referral_list.GetSize());
+ int latency;
+ double rate;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, icon_subresource_url, recovered_referral_list,
+ &rate, &latency));
+ EXPECT_EQ(latency, kLatencyIcon);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rate, kRateIcon);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, img_subresource_url, recovered_referral_list,
+ &rate, &latency));
+ EXPECT_EQ(latency, kLatencyImg);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rate, kRateImg);
+ // Each time we Trim, the latency figures should reduce by a factor of two,
+ // until they both are 0, an then a trim will delete the whole entry.
+ predictor->TrimReferrers();
+ predictor->SerializeReferrers(&recovered_referral_list);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, recovered_referral_list.GetSize());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, icon_subresource_url, recovered_referral_list,
+ &rate, &latency));
+ EXPECT_EQ(latency, kLatencyIcon / 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rate, kRateIcon);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, img_subresource_url, recovered_referral_list,
+ &rate, &latency));
+ EXPECT_EQ(latency, kLatencyImg / 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rate, kRateImg);
+ predictor->TrimReferrers();
+ predictor->SerializeReferrers(&recovered_referral_list);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, recovered_referral_list.GetSize());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, icon_subresource_url, recovered_referral_list,
+ &rate, &latency));
+ EXPECT_EQ(latency, kLatencyIcon / 4);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rate, kRateIcon);
+ // Img is down to zero, but we don't delete it yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, img_subresource_url, recovered_referral_list,
+ &rate, &latency));
+ EXPECT_EQ(kLatencyImg / 4, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(latency, kLatencyImg / 4);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rate, kRateImg);
+ predictor->TrimReferrers();
+ predictor->SerializeReferrers(&recovered_referral_list);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, recovered_referral_list.GetSize());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, icon_subresource_url, recovered_referral_list,
+ &rate, &latency));
+ EXPECT_EQ(latency, kLatencyIcon / 8);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rate, kRateIcon);
+ // Img is down to zero, but we don't delete it yet.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, img_subresource_url, recovered_referral_list,
+ &rate, &latency));
+ EXPECT_EQ(kLatencyImg / 8, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(latency, kLatencyImg / 8);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rate, kRateImg);
+ predictor->TrimReferrers();
+ predictor->SerializeReferrers(&recovered_referral_list);
+ // Icon is also trimmed away, so entire set gets discarded.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, recovered_referral_list.GetSize());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, icon_subresource_url, recovered_referral_list,
+ &rate, &latency));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetDataFromSerialization(
+ motivation_url, img_subresource_url, recovered_referral_list,
+ &rate, &latency));
+ predictor->Shutdown();
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, PriorityQueuePushPopTest) {
+ Predictor::HostNameQueue queue;
+ GURL first("http://first:80"), second("http://second:90");
+ // First check high priority queue FIFO functionality.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(queue.IsEmpty());
+ queue.Push(first, UrlInfo::LEARNED_REFERAL_MOTIVATED);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(queue.IsEmpty());
+ queue.Push(second, UrlInfo::MOUSE_OVER_MOTIVATED);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(queue.IsEmpty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), first);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(queue.IsEmpty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), second);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(queue.IsEmpty());
+ // Then check low priority queue FIFO functionality.
+ queue.Push(first, UrlInfo::PAGE_SCAN_MOTIVATED);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(queue.IsEmpty());
+ queue.Push(second, UrlInfo::OMNIBOX_MOTIVATED);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(queue.IsEmpty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), first);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(queue.IsEmpty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), second);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(queue.IsEmpty());
+TEST_F(PredictorTest, PriorityQueueReorderTest) {
+ Predictor::HostNameQueue queue;
+ // Push all the low priority items.
+ GURL low1("http://low1:80"),
+ low2("http://low2:80"),
+ low3("http://low3:443"),
+ low4("http://low4:80"),
+ low5("http://low5:80"),
+ hi1("http://hi1:80"),
+ hi2("http://hi2:80"),
+ hi3("http://hi3:80");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(queue.IsEmpty());
+ queue.Push(low1, UrlInfo::PAGE_SCAN_MOTIVATED);
+ queue.Push(low2, UrlInfo::UNIT_TEST_MOTIVATED);
+ queue.Push(low3, UrlInfo::LINKED_MAX_MOTIVATED);
+ queue.Push(low4, UrlInfo::OMNIBOX_MOTIVATED);
+ queue.Push(low5, UrlInfo::STARTUP_LIST_MOTIVATED);
+ queue.Push(low4, UrlInfo::OMNIBOX_MOTIVATED);
+ // Push all the high prority items
+ queue.Push(hi1, UrlInfo::LEARNED_REFERAL_MOTIVATED);
+ queue.Push(hi2, UrlInfo::STATIC_REFERAL_MOTIVATED);
+ queue.Push(hi3, UrlInfo::MOUSE_OVER_MOTIVATED);
+ // Check that high priority stuff comes out first, and in FIFO order.
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), hi1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), hi2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), hi3);
+ // ...and then low priority strings.
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), low1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), low2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), low3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), low4);
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), low5);
+ EXPECT_EQ(queue.Pop(), low4);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(queue.IsEmpty());
+} // namespace chrome_browser_net