path: root/chrome/browser/policy/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/policy/')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/policy/ b/chrome/browser/policy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef8e6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/policy/
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/policy/device_management_policy_cache.h"
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/task.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_thread.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/policy/proto/device_management_constants.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/policy/proto/device_management_local.pb.h"
+using google::protobuf::RepeatedField;
+using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
+namespace policy {
+// Saves policy information to a file.
+class PersistPolicyTask : public Task {
+ public:
+ PersistPolicyTask(const FilePath& path,
+ const em::DevicePolicyResponse* policy,
+ const base::Time& timestamp,
+ const bool is_device_unmanaged)
+ : path_(path),
+ policy_(policy),
+ timestamp_(timestamp),
+ is_device_unmanaged_(is_device_unmanaged) {}
+ private:
+ // Task override.
+ virtual void Run();
+ const FilePath path_;
+ scoped_ptr<const em::DevicePolicyResponse> policy_;
+ const base::Time timestamp_;
+ const bool is_device_unmanaged_;
+void PersistPolicyTask::Run() {
+ std::string data;
+ em::CachedDevicePolicyResponse cached_policy;
+ if (policy_.get())
+ cached_policy.mutable_policy()->CopyFrom(*policy_);
+ if (is_device_unmanaged_)
+ cached_policy.set_unmanaged(true);
+ cached_policy.set_timestamp(timestamp_.ToInternalValue());
+ if (!cached_policy.SerializeToString(&data)) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to serialize policy data";
+ return;
+ }
+ int size = data.size();
+ if (file_util::WriteFile(path_, data.c_str(), size) != size) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to write " << path_.value();
+ return;
+ }
+ const FilePath& backing_file_path)
+ : backing_file_path_(backing_file_path),
+ policy_(new DictionaryValue),
+ fresh_policy_(false),
+ is_device_unmanaged_(false) {
+DeviceManagementPolicyCache::~DeviceManagementPolicyCache() {}
+void DeviceManagementPolicyCache::LoadPolicyFromFile() {
+ if (!file_util::PathExists(backing_file_path_) || fresh_policy_)
+ return;
+ // Read the protobuf from the file.
+ std::string data;
+ if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(backing_file_path_, &data)) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to read policy data from "
+ << backing_file_path_.value();
+ return;
+ }
+ em::CachedDevicePolicyResponse cached_policy;
+ if (!cached_policy.ParseFromArray(data.c_str(), data.size())) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse policy data read from "
+ << backing_file_path_.value();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Reject files that claim to be from the future.
+ base::Time timestamp = base::Time::FromInternalValue(
+ cached_policy.timestamp());
+ if (timestamp > base::Time::NowFromSystemTime()) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Rejected policy data from " << backing_file_path_.value()
+ << ", file is from the future.";
+ return;
+ }
+ is_device_unmanaged_ = cached_policy.unmanaged();
+ // Decode and swap in the new policy information.
+ scoped_ptr<DictionaryValue> value(DecodePolicy(cached_policy.policy()));
+ {
+ base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
+ if (!fresh_policy_)
+ policy_.reset(value.release());
+ last_policy_refresh_time_ = timestamp;
+ }
+bool DeviceManagementPolicyCache::SetPolicy(
+ const em::DevicePolicyResponse& policy) {
+ is_device_unmanaged_ = false;
+ DictionaryValue* value = DeviceManagementPolicyCache::DecodePolicy(policy);
+ const bool new_policy_differs = !(value->Equals(policy_.get()));
+ base::Time now(base::Time::NowFromSystemTime());
+ {
+ base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
+ policy_.reset(value);
+ fresh_policy_ = true;
+ last_policy_refresh_time_ = now;
+ }
+ em::DevicePolicyResponse* policy_copy = new em::DevicePolicyResponse;
+ policy_copy->CopyFrom(policy);
+ BrowserThread::PostTask(
+ BrowserThread::FILE,
+ new PersistPolicyTask(backing_file_path_, policy_copy, now, false));
+ return new_policy_differs;
+DictionaryValue* DeviceManagementPolicyCache::GetPolicy() {
+ base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
+ return policy_->DeepCopy();
+void DeviceManagementPolicyCache::SetDeviceUnmanaged() {
+ is_device_unmanaged_ = true;
+ base::Time now(base::Time::NowFromSystemTime());
+ {
+ base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
+ policy_.reset(new DictionaryValue);
+ last_policy_refresh_time_ = now;
+ }
+ BrowserThread::PostTask(
+ BrowserThread::FILE,
+ new PersistPolicyTask(backing_file_path_, NULL, now, true));
+// static
+Value* DeviceManagementPolicyCache::DecodeIntegerValue(
+ google::protobuf::int64 value) {
+ if (value < std::numeric_limits<int>::min() ||
+ value > std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Integer value " << value
+ << " out of numeric limits, ignoring.";
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return Value::CreateIntegerValue(static_cast<int>(value));
+// static
+Value* DeviceManagementPolicyCache::DecodeValue(const em::GenericValue& value) {
+ if (!value.has_value_type())
+ return NULL;
+ switch (value.value_type()) {
+ case em::GenericValue::VALUE_TYPE_BOOL:
+ if (value.has_bool_value())
+ return Value::CreateBooleanValue(value.bool_value());
+ return NULL;
+ case em::GenericValue::VALUE_TYPE_INT64:
+ if (value.has_int64_value())
+ return DecodeIntegerValue(value.int64_value());
+ return NULL;
+ case em::GenericValue::VALUE_TYPE_STRING:
+ if (value.has_string_value())
+ return Value::CreateStringValue(value.string_value());
+ return NULL;
+ case em::GenericValue::VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE:
+ if (value.has_double_value())
+ return Value::CreateDoubleValue(value.double_value());
+ return NULL;
+ case em::GenericValue::VALUE_TYPE_BYTES:
+ if (value.has_bytes_value()) {
+ std::string bytes = value.bytes_value();
+ return BinaryValue::CreateWithCopiedBuffer(bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ case em::GenericValue::VALUE_TYPE_BOOL_ARRAY: {
+ ListValue* list = new ListValue;
+ RepeatedField<bool>::const_iterator i;
+ for (i = value.bool_array().begin(); i != value.bool_array().end(); ++i)
+ list->Append(Value::CreateBooleanValue(*i));
+ return list;
+ }
+ case em::GenericValue::VALUE_TYPE_INT64_ARRAY: {
+ ListValue* list = new ListValue;
+ RepeatedField<google::protobuf::int64>::const_iterator i;
+ for (i = value.int64_array().begin();
+ i != value.int64_array().end(); ++i) {
+ Value* int_value = DecodeIntegerValue(*i);
+ if (int_value)
+ list->Append(int_value);
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ case em::GenericValue::VALUE_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY: {
+ ListValue* list = new ListValue;
+ RepeatedPtrField<std::string>::const_iterator i;
+ for (i = value.string_array().begin();
+ i != value.string_array().end(); ++i)
+ list->Append(Value::CreateStringValue(*i));
+ return list;
+ }
+ case em::GenericValue::VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE_ARRAY: {
+ ListValue* list = new ListValue;
+ RepeatedField<double>::const_iterator i;
+ for (i = value.double_array().begin();
+ i != value.double_array().end(); ++i)
+ list->Append(Value::CreateDoubleValue(*i));
+ return list;
+ }
+ default:
+ NOTREACHED() << "Unhandled value type";
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// static
+DictionaryValue* DeviceManagementPolicyCache::DecodePolicy(
+ const em::DevicePolicyResponse& policy) {
+ DictionaryValue* result = new DictionaryValue;
+ RepeatedPtrField<em::DevicePolicySetting>::const_iterator setting;
+ for (setting = policy.setting().begin();
+ setting != policy.setting().end();
+ ++setting) {
+ // Wrong policy key? Skip.
+ if (setting->policy_key().compare(kChromeDevicePolicySettingKey) != 0)
+ continue;
+ // No policy value? Skip.
+ if (!setting->has_policy_value())
+ continue;
+ // Iterate through all the name-value pairs wrapped in |setting|.
+ const em::GenericSetting& policy_value(setting->policy_value());
+ RepeatedPtrField<em::GenericNamedValue>::const_iterator named_value;
+ for (named_value = policy_value.named_value().begin();
+ named_value != policy_value.named_value().end();
+ ++named_value) {
+ if (named_value->has_value()) {
+ Value* decoded_value =
+ DeviceManagementPolicyCache::DecodeValue(named_value->value());
+ if (decoded_value)
+ result->Set(named_value->name(), decoded_value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+} // namespace policy