path: root/chrome/browser/prefs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/prefs/')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/prefs/ b/chrome/browser/prefs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6dd531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/prefs/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include "app/test/data/resource.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/prefs/dummy_pref_store.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_value_store.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_observer_mock.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_type.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
+#include "chrome/test/testing_pref_service.h"
+#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+using testing::_;
+using testing::Mock;
+using testing::Pointee;
+using testing::Property;
+class TestPrefObserver : public NotificationObserver {
+ public:
+ TestPrefObserver(const PrefService* prefs,
+ const std::string& pref_name,
+ const std::string& new_pref_value)
+ : observer_fired_(false),
+ prefs_(prefs),
+ pref_name_(pref_name),
+ new_pref_value_(new_pref_value) {
+ }
+ virtual ~TestPrefObserver() {}
+ virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(type.value, NotificationType::PREF_CHANGED);
+ PrefService* prefs_in = Source<PrefService>(source).ptr();
+ EXPECT_EQ(prefs_in, prefs_);
+ std::string* pref_name_in = Details<std::string>(details).ptr();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*pref_name_in, pref_name_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(new_pref_value_, prefs_in->GetString("homepage"));
+ observer_fired_ = true;
+ }
+ bool observer_fired() { return observer_fired_; }
+ void Reset(const std::string& new_pref_value) {
+ observer_fired_ = false;
+ new_pref_value_ = new_pref_value;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool observer_fired_;
+ const PrefService* prefs_;
+ const std::string pref_name_;
+ std::string new_pref_value_;
+// TODO(port): port this test to POSIX.
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+TEST(PrefServiceTest, LocalizedPrefs) {
+ TestingPrefService prefs;
+ const char kBoolean[] = "boolean";
+ const char kInteger[] = "integer";
+ const char kString[] = "string";
+ prefs.RegisterLocalizedBooleanPref(kBoolean, IDS_LOCALE_BOOL);
+ prefs.RegisterLocalizedIntegerPref(kInteger, IDS_LOCALE_INT);
+ prefs.RegisterLocalizedStringPref(kString, IDS_LOCALE_STRING);
+ // The locale default should take preference over the user default.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(prefs.GetBoolean(kBoolean));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, prefs.GetInteger(kInteger));
+ EXPECT_EQ("hello", prefs.GetString(kString));
+ prefs.SetBoolean(kBoolean, true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(prefs.GetBoolean(kBoolean));
+ prefs.SetInteger(kInteger, 5);
+ EXPECT_EQ(5, prefs.GetInteger(kInteger));
+ prefs.SetString(kString, "foo");
+ EXPECT_EQ("foo", prefs.GetString(kString));
+TEST(PrefServiceTest, NoObserverFire) {
+ TestingPrefService prefs;
+ const char pref_name[] = "homepage";
+ prefs.RegisterStringPref(pref_name, "");
+ const std::string new_pref_value("");
+ TestPrefObserver obs(&prefs, pref_name, new_pref_value);
+ prefs.AddPrefObserver(pref_name, &obs);
+ // This should fire the checks in TestPrefObserver::Observe.
+ prefs.SetString(pref_name, new_pref_value);
+ // Make sure the observer was actually fired.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(obs.observer_fired());
+ // Setting the pref to the same value should not set the pref value a second
+ // time.
+ obs.Reset(new_pref_value);
+ prefs.SetString(pref_name, new_pref_value);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(obs.observer_fired());
+ // Clearing the pref should cause the pref to fire.
+ obs.Reset("");
+ prefs.ClearPref(pref_name);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(obs.observer_fired());
+ // Clearing the pref again should not cause the pref to fire.
+ obs.Reset("");
+ prefs.ClearPref(pref_name);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(obs.observer_fired());
+ // Ok, clean up.
+ prefs.RemovePrefObserver(pref_name, &obs);
+TEST(PrefServiceTest, HasPrefPath) {
+ TestingPrefService prefs;
+ const char path[] = "fake.path";
+ // Shouldn't initially have a path.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(prefs.HasPrefPath(path));
+ // Register the path. This doesn't set a value, so the path still shouldn't
+ // exist.
+ prefs.RegisterStringPref(path, std::string());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(prefs.HasPrefPath(path));
+ // Set a value and make sure we have a path.
+ prefs.SetString(path, "blah");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(prefs.HasPrefPath(path));
+TEST(PrefServiceTest, Observers) {
+ const char pref_name[] = "homepage";
+ TestingPrefService prefs;
+ prefs.SetUserPref(pref_name, Value::CreateStringValue(""));
+ prefs.RegisterStringPref(pref_name, "");
+ const std::string new_pref_value("");
+ TestPrefObserver obs(&prefs, pref_name, new_pref_value);
+ prefs.AddPrefObserver(pref_name, &obs);
+ // This should fire the checks in TestPrefObserver::Observe.
+ prefs.SetString(pref_name, new_pref_value);
+ // Make sure the tests were actually run.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(obs.observer_fired());
+ // Now try adding a second pref observer.
+ const std::string new_pref_value2("");
+ obs.Reset(new_pref_value2);
+ TestPrefObserver obs2(&prefs, pref_name, new_pref_value2);
+ prefs.AddPrefObserver(pref_name, &obs2);
+ // This should fire the checks in obs and obs2.
+ prefs.SetString(pref_name, new_pref_value2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(obs.observer_fired());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(obs2.observer_fired());
+ // Make sure obs2 still works after removing obs.
+ prefs.RemovePrefObserver(pref_name, &obs);
+ obs.Reset("");
+ obs2.Reset(new_pref_value);
+ // This should only fire the observer in obs2.
+ prefs.SetString(pref_name, new_pref_value);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(obs.observer_fired());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(obs2.observer_fired());
+ // Ok, clean up.
+ prefs.RemovePrefObserver(pref_name, &obs2);
+class PrefServiceSetValueTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ static const char name_[];
+ static const char value_[];
+ PrefServiceSetValueTest()
+ : name_string_(name_),
+ null_value_(Value::CreateNullValue()) {}
+ void SetExpectNoNotification() {
+ EXPECT_CALL(observer_, Observe(_, _, _)).Times(0);
+ }
+ void SetExpectPrefChanged() {
+ EXPECT_CALL(observer_,
+ Observe(NotificationType(NotificationType::PREF_CHANGED), _,
+ Property(&Details<std::string>::ptr,
+ Pointee(name_string_))));
+ }
+ TestingPrefService prefs_;
+ std::string name_string_;
+ scoped_ptr<Value> null_value_;
+ NotificationObserverMock observer_;
+const char PrefServiceSetValueTest::name_[] = "name";
+const char PrefServiceSetValueTest::value_[] = "value";
+TEST_F(PrefServiceSetValueTest, SetStringValue) {
+ const char default_string[] = "default";
+ scoped_ptr<Value> default_value(Value::CreateStringValue(default_string));
+ prefs_.RegisterStringPref(name_, default_string);
+ prefs_.AddPrefObserver(name_, &observer_);
+ SetExpectNoNotification();
+ prefs_.Set(name_, *default_value);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
+ scoped_ptr<Value> new_value(Value::CreateStringValue(value_));
+ SetExpectPrefChanged();
+ prefs_.Set(name_, *new_value);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_, prefs_.GetString(name_));
+ prefs_.RemovePrefObserver(name_, &observer_);
+TEST_F(PrefServiceSetValueTest, SetDictionaryValue) {
+ prefs_.RegisterDictionaryPref(name_);
+ prefs_.AddPrefObserver(name_, &observer_);
+ SetExpectNoNotification();
+ prefs_.Set(name_, *null_value_);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
+ DictionaryValue new_value;
+ new_value.SetString(name_, value_);
+ SetExpectPrefChanged();
+ prefs_.Set(name_, new_value);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
+ DictionaryValue* dict = prefs_.GetMutableDictionary(name_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1U, dict->size());
+ std::string out_value;
+ dict->GetString(name_, &out_value);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_, out_value);
+ SetExpectNoNotification();
+ prefs_.Set(name_, new_value);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
+ SetExpectPrefChanged();
+ prefs_.Set(name_, *null_value_);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
+ dict = prefs_.GetMutableDictionary(name_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, dict->size());
+ prefs_.RemovePrefObserver(name_, &observer_);
+TEST_F(PrefServiceSetValueTest, SetListValue) {
+ prefs_.RegisterListPref(name_);
+ prefs_.AddPrefObserver(name_, &observer_);
+ SetExpectNoNotification();
+ prefs_.Set(name_, *null_value_);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
+ ListValue new_value;
+ new_value.Append(Value::CreateStringValue(value_));
+ SetExpectPrefChanged();
+ prefs_.Set(name_, new_value);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
+ ListValue* list = prefs_.GetMutableList(name_);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, list->GetSize());
+ std::string out_value;
+ list->GetString(0, &out_value);
+ EXPECT_EQ(value_, out_value);
+ SetExpectNoNotification();
+ prefs_.Set(name_, new_value);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
+ SetExpectPrefChanged();
+ prefs_.Set(name_, *null_value_);
+ Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer_);
+ list = prefs_.GetMutableList(name_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0U, list->GetSize());
+ prefs_.RemovePrefObserver(name_, &observer_);