path: root/chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service.h')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service.h b/chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adf5df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <list>
+#include "base/observer_list.h"
+#include "base/time.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sessions/base_session_service.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_id.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_types.h"
+class Browser;
+class NavigationController;
+class Profile;
+// TabRestoreService is responsible for maintaining the most recently closed
+// tabs and windows. When a tab is closed
+// TabRestoreService::CreateHistoricalTab is invoked and a Tab is created to
+// represent the tab. Similarly, when a browser is closed, BrowserClosing is
+// invoked and a Window is created to represent the window.
+// To restore a tab/window from the TabRestoreService invoke RestoreEntryById
+// or RestoreMostRecentEntry.
+// To listen for changes to the set of entries managed by the TabRestoreService
+// add an observer.
+class TabRestoreService : public BaseSessionService {
+ public:
+ // Observer is notified when the set of entries managed by TabRestoreService
+ // changes in some way.
+ class Observer {
+ public:
+ // Sent when the set of entries changes in some way.
+ virtual void TabRestoreServiceChanged(TabRestoreService* service) = 0;
+ // Sent to all remaining Observers when TabRestoreService's
+ // destructor is run.
+ virtual void TabRestoreServiceDestroyed(TabRestoreService* service) = 0;
+ };
+ // The type of entry.
+ enum Type {
+ TAB,
+ };
+ struct Entry {
+ Entry();
+ explicit Entry(Type type);
+ virtual ~Entry() {}
+ // Unique id for this entry. The id is guaranteed to be unique for a
+ // session.
+ SessionID::id_type id;
+ // The type of the entry.
+ Type type;
+ };
+ // Represents a previously open tab.
+ struct Tab : public Entry {
+ Tab() : Entry(TAB), current_navigation_index(-1) {}
+ // The navigations.
+ std::vector<TabNavigation> navigations;
+ // Index of the selected navigation in navigations.
+ int current_navigation_index;
+ };
+ // Represents a previously open window.
+ struct Window : public Entry {
+ Window() : Entry(WINDOW), selected_tab_index(-1) {}
+ // The tabs that comprised the window, in order.
+ std::vector<Tab> tabs;
+ // Index of the selected tab.
+ int selected_tab_index;
+ };
+ typedef std::list<Entry*> Entries;
+ // Creates a new TabRestoreService.
+ explicit TabRestoreService(Profile* profile);
+ virtual ~TabRestoreService();
+ // Adds/removes an observer. TabRestoreService does not take ownership of
+ // the observer.
+ void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
+ void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
+ // Creates a Tab to represent |tab| and notifies observers the list of
+ // entries has changed.
+ void CreateHistoricalTab(NavigationController* tab);
+ // Invoked when a browser is closing. If |browser| is a tabbed browser with
+ // at least one tab, a Window is created, added to entries and observers are
+ // notified.
+ void BrowserClosing(Browser* browser);
+ // Invoked when the browser is done closing.
+ void BrowserClosed(Browser* browser);
+ // Removes all entries from the list and notifies observers the list
+ // of tabs has changed.
+ void ClearEntries();
+ // Returns the entries, ordered with most recently closed entries at the
+ // front.
+ const Entries& entries() const { return entries_; }
+ // Restores the most recently closed entry. Does nothing if there are no
+ // entries to restore. If the most recently restored entry is a tab, it is
+ // added to |browser|.
+ void RestoreMostRecentEntry(Browser* browser);
+ // Restores an entry by id. If there is no entry with an id matching |id|,
+ // this does nothing. If |replace_existing_tab| is true and id identifies a
+ // tab, the newly created tab replaces the selected tab in |browser|.
+ void RestoreEntryById(Browser* browser,
+ SessionID::id_type id,
+ bool replace_existing_tab);
+ // Loads the tabs from the previous session. This does nothing if the tabs
+ // from the previous session have already been loaded.
+ void LoadTabsFromLastSession();
+ protected:
+ virtual void Save();
+ private:
+ // Populates tabs->navigations from the NavigationController.
+ void PopulateTabFromController(NavigationController* controller,
+ Tab* tab);
+ // Notifies observers the tabs have changed.
+ void NotifyTabsChanged();
+ // Adds |entry| to the list of entries. If |prune| is true |PruneAndNotify|
+ // is invoked. If |to_front| is true the entry is added to the front,
+ // otherwise the back. Normal closes go to the front, but tab/window closes
+ // from the previous session are added to the back.
+ void AddEntry(Entry* entry, bool prune, bool to_front);
+ // Prunes entries_ to contain only kMaxEntries and invokes NotifyTabsChanged.
+ void PruneAndNotify();
+ // Returns an iterator into entries_ whose id matches |id|.
+ Entries::iterator GetEntryIteratorById(SessionID::id_type id);
+ // Schedules the commands for a window close.
+ void ScheduleCommandsForWindow(const Window& window);
+ // Schedules the commands for a tab close. |selected_index| gives the
+ // index of the selected navigation.
+ void ScheduleCommandsForTab(const Tab& tab, int selected_index);
+ // Creates a window close command.
+ SessionCommand* CreateWindowCommand(SessionID::id_type id,
+ int selected_tab_index,
+ int num_tabs);
+ // Creates a tab close command.
+ SessionCommand* CreateSelectedNavigationInTabCommand(
+ SessionID::id_type tab_id,
+ int32 index);
+ // Creates a restore command.
+ SessionCommand* CreateRestoredEntryCommand(SessionID::id_type entry_id);
+ // Returns the index to persist as the selected index. This is the same
+ // as |tab.current_navigation_index| unless the entry at
+ // |tab.current_navigation_index| shouldn't be persisted. Returns -1 if
+ // no valid navigation to persist.
+ int GetSelectedNavigationIndexToPersist(const Tab& tab);
+ // Invoked when we've loaded the session commands from the previous run.
+ // This creates entries and adds them to entries_, notifying the observer.
+ void OnGotLastSessionCommands(
+ Handle handle,
+ scoped_refptr<InternalGetCommandsRequest> request);
+ // Returns true if |tab| has more than one navigation. If |tab| has more
+ // than one navigation |tab->current_navigation_index| is constrained based
+ // on the number of navigations.
+ bool ValidateTab(Tab* tab);
+ // Validates all entries in |entries|, deleting any with no navigations.
+ // This also deletes any entries beyond the max number of entries we can
+ // hold.
+ void ValidateAndDeleteEmptyEntries(std::vector<Entry*>* entries);
+ // Set of entries.
+ Entries entries_;
+ // Whether we've loaded the last session.
+ bool loaded_last_session_;
+ // Are we restoring a tab? If this is true we ignore requests to create a
+ // historical tab.
+ bool restoring_;
+ // Have the max number of entries ever been created?
+ bool reached_max_;
+ // The number of entries to write.
+ int entries_to_write_;
+ // Number of entries we've written.
+ int entries_written_;
+ ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
+ // Set of tabs that we've received a BrowserClosing method for but no
+ // corresponding BrowserClosed. We cache the set of browsers closing to
+ // avoid creating historical tabs for them.
+ std::set<Browser*> closing_browsers_;
+ // Used when loading commands from the previous session.
+ CancelableRequestConsumer load_tabs_consumer_;