path: root/chrome/browser/sync/glue/change_processor.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/sync/glue/change_processor.h')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/sync/glue/change_processor.h b/chrome/browser/sync/glue/change_processor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9b15d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/sync/glue/change_processor.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/syncapi.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/model_associator.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/sync_backend_host.h"
+class ProfileSyncService;
+namespace browser_sync {
+class UnrecoverableErrorHandler;
+// This class is responsible for taking changes from the BookmarkModel
+// and applying them to the sync_api 'syncable' model, and vice versa.
+// All operations and use of this class are from the UI thread.
+// This is currently bookmarks specific.
+class ChangeProcessor : public BookmarkModelObserver,
+ public ChangeProcessingInterface {
+ public:
+ ChangeProcessor(UnrecoverableErrorHandler* error_handler)
+ : error_handler_(error_handler), model_associator_(NULL),
+ share_handle_(NULL), running_(false), bookmark_model_(NULL) {}
+ virtual ~ChangeProcessor() { Stop(); }
+ // Call when the processor should accept changes from either provided model
+ // and apply them to the other. Both the BookmarkModel and sync_api are
+ // expected to be initialized and loaded. You must have set a valid
+ // ModelAssociator and UnrecoverableErrorHandler before using this method,
+ // and the two models should be associated w.r.t the ModelAssociator provided.
+ // It is safe to call Start again after previously Stop()ing the processor.
+ void Start(BookmarkModel* model, sync_api::UserShare* handle);
+ // Call when processing changes between models is no longer safe / needed.
+ void Stop();
+ bool IsRunning() const { return running_; }
+ // Injectors for the components required to Start the processor.
+ void set_model_associator(ModelAssociator* associator) {
+ model_associator_ = associator;
+ }
+ // BookmarkModelObserver implementation.
+ // BookmarkModel -> sync_api model change application.
+ virtual void Loaded(BookmarkModel* model) { NOTREACHED(); }
+ virtual void BookmarkModelBeingDeleted(BookmarkModel* model);
+ virtual void BookmarkNodeMoved(BookmarkModel* model,
+ const BookmarkNode* old_parent,
+ int old_index,
+ const BookmarkNode* new_parent,
+ int new_index);
+ virtual void BookmarkNodeAdded(BookmarkModel* model,
+ const BookmarkNode* parent,
+ int index);
+ virtual void BookmarkNodeRemoved(BookmarkModel* model,
+ const BookmarkNode* parent,
+ int index,
+ const BookmarkNode* node);
+ virtual void BookmarkNodeChanged(BookmarkModel* model,
+ const BookmarkNode* node);
+ virtual void BookmarkNodeFavIconLoaded(BookmarkModel* model,
+ const BookmarkNode* node);
+ virtual void BookmarkNodeChildrenReordered(BookmarkModel* model,
+ const BookmarkNode* node);
+ // sync_api model -> BookmarkModel change application.
+ virtual void ApplyChangesFromSyncModel(
+ const sync_api::BaseTransaction* trans,
+ const sync_api::SyncManager::ChangeRecord* changes,
+ int change_count);
+ // The following methods are static and hence may be invoked at any time,
+ // and do not depend on having a running ChangeProcessor.
+ // Creates a bookmark node under the given parent node from the given sync
+ // node. Returns the newly created node.
+ static const BookmarkNode* CreateBookmarkNode(
+ sync_api::BaseNode* sync_node,
+ const BookmarkNode* parent,
+ BookmarkModel* model,
+ int index);
+ // Sets the favicon of the given bookmark node from the given sync node.
+ // Returns whether the favicon was set in the bookmark node.
+ // |profile| is the profile that contains the HistoryService and BookmarkModel
+ // for the bookmark in question.
+ static bool SetBookmarkFavicon(sync_api::BaseNode* sync_node,
+ const BookmarkNode* bookmark_node,
+ Profile* profile);
+ // Sets the favicon of the given sync node from the given bookmark node.
+ static void SetSyncNodeFavicon(const BookmarkNode* bookmark_node,
+ BookmarkModel* model,
+ sync_api::WriteNode* sync_node);
+ // Treat the |index|th child of |parent| as a newly added node, and create a
+ // corresponding node in the sync domain using |trans|. All properties
+ // will be transferred to the new node. A node corresponding to |parent|
+ // must already exist and be associated for this call to succeed. Returns
+ // the ID of the just-created node, or if creation fails, kInvalidID.
+ static int64 CreateSyncNode(const BookmarkNode* parent,
+ BookmarkModel* model,
+ int index,
+ sync_api::WriteTransaction* trans,
+ ModelAssociator* associator,
+ UnrecoverableErrorHandler* error_handler);
+ private:
+ enum MoveOrCreate {
+ };
+ // Create a bookmark node corresponding to |src| if one is not already
+ // associated with |src|. Returns the node that was created or updated.
+ const BookmarkNode* CreateOrUpdateBookmarkNode(
+ sync_api::BaseNode* src,
+ BookmarkModel* model);
+ // Helper function to determine the appropriate insertion index of sync node
+ // |node| under the Bookmark model node |parent|, to make the positions
+ // match up between the two models. This presumes that the predecessor of the
+ // item (in the bookmark model) has already been moved into its appropriate
+ // position.
+ int CalculateBookmarkModelInsertionIndex(
+ const BookmarkNode* parent,
+ const sync_api::BaseNode* node) const;
+ // Helper function used to fix the position of a sync node so that it matches
+ // the position of a corresponding bookmark model node. |parent| and
+ // |index| identify the bookmark model position. |dst| is the node whose
+ // position is to be fixed. If |operation| is CREATE, treat |dst| as an
+ // uncreated node and set its position via InitByCreation(); otherwise,
+ // |dst| is treated as an existing node, and its position will be set via
+ // SetPosition(). |trans| is the transaction to which |dst| belongs. Returns
+ // false on failure.
+ static bool PlaceSyncNode(MoveOrCreate operation,
+ const BookmarkNode* parent,
+ int index,
+ sync_api::WriteTransaction* trans,
+ sync_api::WriteNode* dst,
+ ModelAssociator* associator,
+ UnrecoverableErrorHandler* error_handler);
+ // Copy properties (but not position) from |src| to |dst|.
+ static void UpdateSyncNodeProperties(const BookmarkNode* src,
+ BookmarkModel* model,
+ sync_api::WriteNode* dst);
+ // Helper function to encode a bookmark's favicon into a PNG byte vector.
+ static void EncodeFavicon(const BookmarkNode* src,
+ BookmarkModel* model,
+ std::vector<unsigned char>* dst);
+ // Remove the sync node corresponding to |node|. It shouldn't have
+ // any children.
+ void RemoveOneSyncNode(sync_api::WriteTransaction* trans,
+ const BookmarkNode* node);
+ // Remove all the sync nodes associated with |node| and its children.
+ void RemoveSyncNodeHierarchy(const BookmarkNode* node);
+ bool running_; // True if we have been told it is safe to process changes.
+ UnrecoverableErrorHandler* error_handler_; // Guaranteed to outlive us.
+ // The two models we are processing changes between. Non-NULL when
+ // |running_| is true.
+ BookmarkModel* bookmark_model_;
+ sync_api::UserShare* share_handle_;
+ // The two models should be associated according to this ModelAssociator.
+ scoped_refptr<ModelAssociator> model_associator_;
+} // namespace browser_sync