path: root/chrome/browser/ui/browser.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/ui/browser.h')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/browser.h b/chrome/browser/ui/browser.h
index b67dca3..4e219f8 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/ui/browser.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/browser.h
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ class BrowserToolbarModelDelegate;
class BrowserTabRestoreServiceDelegate;
class BrowserWindow;
class DeviceAttachedIntentSource;
-class ExternalTabContainerWin;
class FindBarController;
class FullscreenController;
class PrefService;
@@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ struct WebApplicationInfo;
namespace chrome {
class BrowserCommandController;
class BrowserInstantController;
-class BrowserTabStripModelDelegate;
class UnloadController;
namespace search {
struct Mode;
@@ -95,10 +93,6 @@ struct SelectedFileInfo;
class WebDialogDelegate;
-namespace prerender {
-class PrerenderContents;
namespace webkit_glue {
struct WebIntentServiceData;
@@ -426,47 +420,6 @@ class Browser : public TabStripModelObserver,
content::PageTransition transition,
bool user_initiated);
- // Adoption functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // A "tab contents" is a WebContents that is used as a tab in a browser
- // window, and thus is owned by a Browser's TabStripModel. The Adoption class
- // allows specific classes to attach the set of tab helpers that is used for
- // tab contents.
- //
- // TODO(avi): This list is rather large, and for most callers it's due to the
- // fact that they need tab helpers attached early to deal with arbitrary
- // content loaded into a WebContents that will later be added to the tabstrip.
- // Is there a better way to handle this? (Ideally, this list would contain
- // only Browser and BrowserTabStripModelDelegate.)
- class Adoption {
- private:
- friend class Browser;
- friend class chrome::BrowserTabStripModelDelegate;
- // chrome::Navigate creates WebContents that are destined for the tab strip,
- // and that might have WebUI that immediately calls back into random tab
- // helpers.
- friend class BrowserNavigatorWebContentsAdoption;
- // ChromeFrame is defined as a complete tab of Chrome inside of an IE
- // window, so it need to have the full complement of tab helpers that it
- // would have if it were in a Browser.
- // TODO(avi): It's still probably a good idea for Chrome Frame to more
- // explicitly control which tab helpers get created for its WebContentses.
- //
- friend class ExternalTabContainerWin;
- // Prerendering loads pages that have arbitrary external content; it needs
- // the full set of tab helpers to deal with it.
- friend class prerender::PrerenderContents;
- // Adopts the specified WebContents as a full-fledged browser tab, attaching
- // all the associated tab helpers that are needed for the WebContents to
- // serve in that role. It is safe to call this on a WebContents that was
- // already adopted.
- static void AdoptAsTabContents(content::WebContents* web_contents);
- };
// Interface implementations ////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Overridden from content::PageNavigator:
@@ -824,14 +777,12 @@ class Browser : public TabStripModelObserver,
// Returns true if the window can close, false otherwise.
bool CanCloseWithInProgressDownloads();
- // Adoption functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Assorted utility functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////
// Sets the specified browser as the delegate of the WebContents and all the
// associated tab helpers that are needed.
void SetAsDelegate(content::WebContents* web_contents, Browser* delegate);
- // Assorted utility functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////
// Shows the Find Bar, optionally selecting the next entry that matches the
// existing search string for that Tab. |forward_direction| controls the
// search direction.