path: root/chrome/browser/views/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/views/')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/ b/chrome/browser/views/
index dbfb38f..6a1c2e6 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/views/
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/
@@ -358,6 +358,254 @@ struct DropInfo {
BookmarkDragData data;
+<<<<<<< .mine
+// MenuRunner -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// MenuRunner manages creation and showing of a menu containing BookmarkNodes.
+// MenuRunner is used to show the contents of bookmark folders on the
+// bookmark bar, other folder, or overflow bookmarks.
+class MenuRunner : public views::MenuDelegate,
+ public BookmarkBarView::ModelChangedListener {
+ public:
+ // start_child_index is the index of the first child in node to add to the
+ // menu.
+ MenuRunner(BookmarkBarView* view, BookmarkNode* node, int start_child_index)
+ : view_(view),
+ node_(node),
+ menu_(this) {
+ int next_menu_id = 1;
+ menu_id_to_node_map_[menu_.GetCommand()] = node;
+ menu_.set_has_icons(true);
+ BuildMenu(node, start_child_index, &menu_, &next_menu_id);
+ }
+ // Returns the node the menu is being run for.
+ BookmarkNode* GetNode() {
+ return node_;
+ }
+ void RunMenuAt(HWND hwnd,
+ const gfx::Rect& bounds,
+ MenuItemView::AnchorPosition position,
+ bool for_drop) {
+ view_->SetModelChangedListener(this);
+ if (for_drop)
+ menu_.RunMenuForDropAt(hwnd, bounds, position);
+ else
+ menu_.RunMenuAt(hwnd, bounds, position, false);
+ view_->ClearModelChangedListenerIfEquals(this);
+ }
+ // Notification that the favicon has finished loading. Reset the icon
+ // of the menu item.
+ void FavIconLoaded(BookmarkNode* node) {
+ if (node_to_menu_id_map_.find(node) !=
+ node_to_menu_id_map_.end()) {
+ menu_.SetIcon(node->GetFavIcon(), node_to_menu_id_map_[node]);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void ModelChanged() {
+ menu_.Cancel();
+ }
+ MenuItemView* menu() { return &menu_; }
+ MenuItemView* context_menu() {
+ return context_menu_.get() ? context_menu_->menu() : NULL;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Creates an entry in menu for each child node of parent starting at
+ // start_child_index, recursively invoking this for any star groups.
+ void BuildMenu(BookmarkNode* parent,
+ int start_child_index,
+ MenuItemView* menu,
+ int* next_menu_id) {
+ DCHECK(!parent->GetChildCount() ||
+ start_child_index < parent->GetChildCount());
+ for (int i = start_child_index; i < parent->GetChildCount(); ++i) {
+ BookmarkNode* node = parent->GetChild(i);
+ int id = *next_menu_id;
+ (*next_menu_id)++;
+ if (node->GetType() == history::StarredEntry::URL) {
+ SkBitmap icon = node->GetFavIcon();
+ if (icon.width() == 0)
+ icon = *kDefaultFavIcon;
+ menu->AppendMenuItemWithIcon(id, node->GetTitle(), icon);
+ node_to_menu_id_map_[node] = id;
+ } else {
+ SkBitmap* folder_icon =
+ ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed(
+ MenuItemView* submenu = menu->AppendSubMenuWithIcon(
+ id, node->GetTitle(), *folder_icon);
+ BuildMenu(node, 0, submenu, next_menu_id);
+ }
+ menu_id_to_node_map_[id] = node;
+ }
+ }
+ // ViewMenuDelegate method. Overridden to forward to the PageNavigator so
+ // that we accept any events that may trigger opening a url.
+ virtual bool IsTriggerableEvent(const views::MouseEvent& e) {
+ return event_utils::IsPossibleDispositionEvent(e);
+ }
+ // Invoked when a menu item is selected. Uses the PageNavigator set on
+ // the BookmarkBarView to open the URL.
+ virtual void ExecuteCommand(int id, int mouse_event_flags) {
+ DCHECK(view_->GetPageNavigator());
+ GURL url;
+ DCHECK(menu_id_to_node_map_.find(id) != menu_id_to_node_map_.end());
+ url = menu_id_to_node_map_[id]->GetURL();
+ view_->GetPageNavigator()->OpenURL(
+ url, GURL(), event_utils::DispositionFromEventFlags(mouse_event_flags),
+ PageTransition::AUTO_BOOKMARK);
+ }
+ virtual bool CanDrop(MenuItemView* menu, const OSExchangeData& data) {
+ // Only accept drops of 1 node, which is the case for all data dragged from
+ // bookmark bar and menus.
+ if (!drop_data_.Read(data) || drop_data_.elements.size() != 1)
+ return false;
+ if (drop_data_.has_single_url())
+ return true;
+ BookmarkNode* drag_node = drop_data_.GetFirstNode(view_->GetProfile());
+ if (!drag_node) {
+ // Dragging a group from another profile, always accept.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Drag originated from same profile and is not a URL. Only accept it if
+ // the dragged node is not a parent of the node menu represents.
+ BookmarkNode* drop_node = menu_id_to_node_map_[menu->GetCommand()];
+ DCHECK(drop_node);
+ BookmarkNode* node = drop_node;
+ while (drop_node && drop_node != drag_node)
+ drop_node = drop_node->GetParent();
+ return (drop_node == NULL);
+ }
+ virtual int GetDropOperation(MenuItemView* item,
+ const views::DropTargetEvent& event,
+ DropPosition* position) {
+ DCHECK(drop_data_.is_valid());
+ BookmarkNode* node = menu_id_to_node_map_[item->GetCommand()];
+ BookmarkNode* drop_parent = node->GetParent();
+ int index_to_drop_at = drop_parent->IndexOfChild(node);
+ if (*position == DROP_AFTER) {
+ index_to_drop_at++;
+ } else if (*position == DROP_ON) {
+ drop_parent = node;
+ index_to_drop_at = node->GetChildCount();
+ }
+ DCHECK(drop_parent);
+ return view_->CalculateDropOperation(event, drop_data_, drop_parent,
+ index_to_drop_at);
+ }
+ virtual int OnPerformDrop(MenuItemView* menu,
+ DropPosition position,
+ const DropTargetEvent& event) {
+ BookmarkNode* drop_node = menu_id_to_node_map_[menu->GetCommand()];
+ DCHECK(drop_node);
+ BookmarkModel* model = view_->GetModel();
+ DCHECK(model);
+ BookmarkNode* drop_parent = drop_node->GetParent();
+ DCHECK(drop_parent);
+ int index_to_drop_at = drop_parent->IndexOfChild(drop_node);
+ if (position == DROP_AFTER) {
+ index_to_drop_at++;
+ } else if (position == DROP_ON) {
+ DCHECK(drop_node->GetType() != history::StarredEntry::URL);
+ drop_parent = drop_node;
+ index_to_drop_at = drop_node->GetChildCount();
+ }
+ const int result = view_->PerformDropImpl(drop_data_, drop_parent,
+ index_to_drop_at);
+ if (view_->drop_menu_runner_.get() == this)
+ view_->drop_menu_runner_.reset();
+ // WARNING: we've been deleted!
+ return result;
+ }
+ virtual bool ShowContextMenu(MenuItemView* source,
+ int id,
+ int x,
+ int y,
+ bool is_mouse_gesture) {
+ DCHECK(menu_id_to_node_map_.find(id) != menu_id_to_node_map_.end());
+ std::vector<BookmarkNode*> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(menu_id_to_node_map_[id]);
+ context_menu_.reset(
+ new BookmarkContextMenu(view_->GetWidget()->GetNativeView(),
+ view_->GetProfile(),
+ view_->browser(),
+ view_->GetPageNavigator(),
+ nodes[0]->GetParent(),
+ nodes,
+ BookmarkContextMenu::BOOKMARK_BAR));
+ context_menu_->RunMenuAt(x, y);
+ context_menu_.reset(NULL);
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void DropMenuClosed(MenuItemView* menu) {
+ if (view_->drop_menu_runner_.get() == this)
+ view_->drop_menu_runner_.reset();
+ }
+ virtual bool CanDrag(MenuItemView* menu) {
+ DCHECK(menu);
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void WriteDragData(MenuItemView* sender, OSExchangeData* data) {
+ DCHECK(sender && data);
+ UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"BookmarkBar_DragFromFolder",
+ view_->GetProfile());
+ view_->WriteDragData(menu_id_to_node_map_[sender->GetCommand()], data);
+ }
+ virtual int GetDragOperations(MenuItemView* sender) {
+ return GetDragOperationsForNode(
+ menu_id_to_node_map_[sender->GetCommand()]);
+ }
+ // The node we're showing the contents of.
+ BookmarkNode* node_;
+ // The view that created us.
+ BookmarkBarView* view_;
+ // The menu.
+ MenuItemView menu_;
+ // Mapping from menu id to the BookmarkNode.
+ std::map<int, BookmarkNode*> menu_id_to_node_map_;
+ // Mapping from node to menu id. This only contains entries for nodes of type
+ // URL.
+ std::map<BookmarkNode*, int> node_to_menu_id_map_;
+ // Data for the drop.
+ BookmarkDragData drop_data_;
+ scoped_ptr<BookmarkContextMenu> context_menu_;
+>>>>>>> .r11559
// ButtonSeparatorView --------------------------------------------------------
class ButtonSeparatorView : public views::View {
@@ -1224,7 +1472,7 @@ void BookmarkBarView::RunMenu(views::View* view,
gfx::Point screen_loc(x, 0);
View::ConvertPointToScreen(this, &screen_loc);
bookmark_menu_ = new BookmarkMenuController(
- browser_, profile_, page_navigator_, GetWidget()->GetHWND(),
+ browser_, profile_, page_navigator_, GetWidget()->GetNativeView(),
node, start_index);
bookmark_menu_->RunMenuAt(gfx::Rect(screen_loc.x(), screen_loc.y(),
@@ -1249,7 +1497,7 @@ void BookmarkBarView::ButtonPressed(views::BaseButton* sender) {
} else {
- GetWidget()->GetHWND(), profile_, GetPageNavigator(), node,
+ GetWidget()->GetNativeView(), profile_, GetPageNavigator(), node,
UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"ClickedBookmarkBarURLButton", profile_);
@@ -1285,7 +1533,7 @@ void BookmarkBarView::ShowContextMenu(View* source,
parent = model_->GetBookmarkBarNode();
- BookmarkContextMenu controller(GetWidget()->GetHWND(),
+ BookmarkContextMenu controller(GetWidget()->GetNativeView(),
GetProfile(), browser(), GetPageNavigator(),
parent, nodes,
@@ -1454,7 +1702,12 @@ void BookmarkBarView::ShowDropFolderForNode(BookmarkNode* node) {
gfx::Point screen_loc;
View::ConvertPointToScreen(view_to_position_menu_from, &screen_loc);
+<<<<<<< .mine
+ drop_menu_runner_->RunMenuAt(
+ GetWidget()->GetNativeView(),
+>>>>>>> .r11559
gfx::Rect(screen_loc.x(), screen_loc.y(),