path: root/chrome/browser/views/collected_cookies_win.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/views/collected_cookies_win.h')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/collected_cookies_win.h b/chrome/browser/views/collected_cookies_win.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16b5f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/collected_cookies_win.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This is the Views implementation of the collected Cookies dialog.
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/constrained_window.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
+#include "views/window/dialog_delegate.h"
+class ConstrainedWindow;
+class CookiesTreeModel;
+class TabContents;
+namespace views {
+class Label;
+class TreeView;
+// CollectedCookiesWin is a dialog that displays the allowed and blocked
+// cookies of the current tab contents. To display the dialog, invoke
+// ShowCollectedCookiesDialog() on the delegate of the tab contents.
+class CollectedCookiesWin : public ConstrainedDialogDelegate,
+ NotificationObserver,
+ views::View {
+ public:
+ // Use BrowserWindow::ShowCollectedCookiesDialog to show.
+ CollectedCookiesWin(gfx::NativeWindow parent_window,
+ TabContents* tab_contents);
+ // views::DialogDelegate implementation.
+ virtual std::wstring GetWindowTitle() const;
+ virtual int GetDialogButtons() const;
+ virtual std::wstring GetDialogButtonLabel(
+ MessageBoxFlags::DialogButton button) const;
+ virtual void DeleteDelegate();
+ virtual bool Cancel();
+ // views::WindowDelegate implementation.
+ virtual views::View* GetContentsView();
+ // views::View implementation.
+ gfx::Size GetPreferredSize();
+ private:
+ virtual ~CollectedCookiesWin();
+ void Init();
+ // Notification Observer implementation.
+ void Observe(NotificationType type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details);
+ NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
+ ConstrainedWindow* window_;
+ // The tab contents.
+ TabContents* tab_contents_;
+ // Assorted views.
+ views::Label* allowed_label_;
+ views::Label* blocked_label_;
+ views::TreeView* allowed_cookies_tree_;
+ views::TreeView* blocked_cookies_tree_;
+ scoped_ptr<CookiesTreeModel> allowed_cookies_tree_model_;
+ scoped_ptr<CookiesTreeModel> blocked_cookies_tree_model_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CollectedCookiesWin);