path: root/chrome/browser/views/extensions/extension_popup.h
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1 files changed, 4 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/extensions/extension_popup.h b/chrome/browser/views/extensions/extension_popup.h
index 9d656be..6bfa6f6 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/views/extensions/extension_popup.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/extensions/extension_popup.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -6,219 +6,8 @@
#pragma once
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_host.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/views/browser_bubble.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/views/extensions/extension_view.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/views/bubble_border.h"
-#include "chrome/common/notification_observer.h"
-#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
-#include "gfx/native_widget_types.h"
-#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
-class Browser;
-class ExtensionHost;
-class Profile;
-namespace views {
-class Widget;
-class ExtensionPopup : public BrowserBubble,
- public BrowserBubble::Delegate,
- public NotificationObserver,
- public ExtensionView::Container {
- public:
- // Observer to ExtensionPopup events.
- class Observer {
- public:
- // Called when the ExtensionPopup is closing. Note that it
- // is ref-counted, and thus will be released shortly after
- // making this delegate call.
- virtual void ExtensionPopupIsClosing(ExtensionPopup* popup) {}
- // Called after the ExtensionPopup has been closed and deleted.
- // |popup_token| is the address of the deleted ExtensionPopup.
- virtual void ExtensionPopupClosed(void* popup_token) {}
- // Called when the ExtensionHost is first created for the pop-up view.
- // Note that this is invoked BEFORE the ExtensionPopup is created, and can
- // be used to provide extra configuration of the host before it is pushed
- // into the popup. An example use is for automation resource routing in
- // Chrome-Frame. See
- virtual void ExtensionHostCreated(ExtensionHost* host) {}
- // Called when the ExtensionPopup is resized. Note that the popup may have
- // an empty bounds, if a popup is repositioned before the hosted content
- // has loaded.
- virtual void ExtensionPopupResized(ExtensionPopup* popup) {}
- };
- enum PopupChrome {
- };
- virtual ~ExtensionPopup();
- // Create and show a popup with |url| positioned adjacent to |relative_to| in
- // screen coordinates.
- // |browser| is the browser to which the pop-up will be attached. NULL is a
- // valid parameter for pop-ups not associated with a browser.
- // |profile| is the user profile instance associated with the popup. A
- // non NULL value must be given.
- // |frame_window| is the native window that hosts the view inside which the
- // popup will be anchored.
- // The positioning of the pop-up is determined by |arrow_location| according
- // to the following logic: The popup is anchored so that the corner indicated
- // by value of |arrow_location| remains fixed during popup resizes.
- // If |arrow_location| is BOTTOM_*, then the popup 'pops up', otherwise
- // the popup 'drops down'.
- // Pass |activate_on_show| as true to activate the popup window.
- // Pass |inspect_with_devtools| as true to pin the popup open and show the
- // devtools window for it.
- // The |chrome| argument controls the chrome that surrounds the pop-up.
- // Passing BUBBLE_CHROME will give the pop-up a bubble-like appearance,
- // including the arrow mentioned above. Passing RECTANGLE_CHROME will give
- // the popup a rectangular, black border with a drop-shadow with no arrow.
- // The positioning of the popup is still governed by the arrow-location
- // parameter.
- //
- // The actual display of the popup is delayed until the page contents
- // finish loading in order to minimize UI flashing and resizing.
- static ExtensionPopup* Show(const GURL& url, Browser* browser,
- Profile* profile,
- gfx::NativeWindow frame_window,
- const gfx::Rect& relative_to,
- BubbleBorder::ArrowLocation arrow_location,
- bool activate_on_show,
- bool inspect_with_devtools,
- PopupChrome chrome,
- Observer* observer);
- // Closes the ExtensionPopup (this will cause the delegate
- // ExtensionPopupIsClosing and ExtensionPopupClosed to fire.
- void Close();
- // Some clients wish to do their own custom focus change management. If this
- // is set to false, then the ExtensionPopup will not do anything in response
- // to the BubbleLostFocus() calls it gets from the BrowserBubble.
- void set_close_on_lost_focus(bool close_on_lost_focus) {
- close_on_lost_focus_ = close_on_lost_focus;
- }
- ExtensionHost* host() const { return extension_host_.get(); }
- // Assigns the arrow location of the popup view, and updates the popup
- // border widget, if necessary.
- void SetArrowPosition(BubbleBorder::ArrowLocation arrow_location);
- BubbleBorder::ArrowLocation arrow_position() const {
- return anchor_position_;
- }
- // Gives the desired bounds (in screen coordinates) given the rect to point
- // to and the size of the contained contents. Includes all of the
- // border-chrome surrounding the pop-up as well.
- gfx::Rect GetOuterBounds() const;
- // BrowserBubble overrides.
- virtual void Hide();
- virtual void Show(bool activate);
- virtual void ResizeToView();
- // BrowserBubble::Delegate methods.
- virtual void BubbleBrowserWindowMoved(BrowserBubble* bubble);
- virtual void BubbleBrowserWindowClosing(BrowserBubble* bubble);
- virtual void BubbleGotFocus(BrowserBubble* bubble);
- virtual void BubbleLostFocus(BrowserBubble* bubble,
- bool lost_focus_to_child);
- // NotificationObserver overrides.
- virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
- const NotificationSource& source,
- const NotificationDetails& details);
- // ExtensionView::Container overrides.
- virtual void OnExtensionMouseMove(ExtensionView* view) { }
- virtual void OnExtensionMouseLeave(ExtensionView* view) { }
- virtual void OnExtensionPreferredSizeChanged(ExtensionView* view);
- // Export the refrence-counted interface required for use as template
- // arguments for RefCounted. ExtensionPopup does not inherit from RefCounted
- // because it must override the behaviour of Release.
- void AddRef() { instance_lifetime_->AddRef(); }
- static bool ImplementsThreadSafeReferenceCounting() {
- return InternalRefCounter::ImplementsThreadSafeReferenceCounting();
- }
- // Implements the standard RefCounted<T>::Release behaviour, except
- // signals Observer::ExtensionPopupClosed after final release.
- void Release();
- // The min/max height of popups.
- static const int kMinWidth;
- static const int kMinHeight;
- static const int kMaxWidth;
- static const int kMaxHeight;
- private:
- ExtensionPopup(ExtensionHost* host,
- views::Widget* frame,
- const gfx::Rect& relative_to,
- BubbleBorder::ArrowLocation arrow_location,
- bool activate_on_show,
- bool inspect_with_devtools,
- PopupChrome chrome,
- Observer* observer);
- // The area on the screen that the popup should be positioned relative to.
- gfx::Rect relative_to_;
- // The contained host for the view.
- scoped_ptr<ExtensionHost> extension_host_;
- // Flag used to indicate if the pop-up should be activated upon first display.
- bool activate_on_show_;
- // Flag used to indicate if the pop-up should open a devtools window once
- // it is shown inspecting it.
- bool inspect_with_devtools_;
- // If false, ignore BrowserBubble::Delegate::BubbleLostFocus() calls.
- bool close_on_lost_focus_;
- // Whether the ExtensionPopup is current going about closing itself.
- bool closing_;
- NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
- // A separate widget and associated pieces to draw a border behind the
- // popup. This has to be a separate window in order to support transparency.
- // Layered windows can't contain native child windows, so we wouldn't be
- // able to have the ExtensionView child.
- views::Widget* border_widget_;
- BubbleBorder* border_;
- views::View* border_view_;
- // The type of chrome associated with the popup window.
- PopupChrome popup_chrome_;
- // The observer of this popup.
- Observer* observer_;
- // A cached copy of the arrow-position for the bubble chrome.
- // If a black-border was requested, we still need this value to determine
- // the position of the pop-up in relation to |relative_to_|.
- BubbleBorder::ArrowLocation anchor_position_;
- // ExtensionPopup's lifetime is managed via reference counting, but it does
- // not expose the RefCounted interface. Instead, the lifetime is tied to
- // this member variable.
- class InternalRefCounter : public base::RefCounted<InternalRefCounter> {
- };
- InternalRefCounter* instance_lifetime_;
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/extensions/extension_popup.h"
+// TODO(beng): remove this file once all includes have been updated.