path: root/chrome/browser/views/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/views/')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/ b/chrome/browser/views/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e036d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/find_bar_win.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/browser_proxy.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/window_proxy.h"
+#include "chrome/test/ui/ui_test.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_unittest.h"
+class FindInPageControllerTest : public UITest {
+ public:
+ FindInPageControllerTest() {
+ show_window_ = true;
+ }
+const std::wstring kFramePage = L"files/find_in_page/frames.html";
+const std::wstring kUserSelectPage = L"files/find_in_page/user-select.html";
+const std::wstring kCrashPage = L"files/find_in_page/crash_1341577.html";
+const std::wstring kTooFewMatchesPage = L"files/find_in_page/bug_1155639.html";
+// This test loads a page with frames and starts FindInPage requests
+TEST_F(FindInPageControllerTest, FindInPageFrames) {
+ TestServer server(L"chrome/test/data");
+ // First we navigate to our frames page.
+ GURL url = server.TestServerPageW(kFramePage);
+ scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(GetActiveTab());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->NavigateToURL(url));
+ WaitUntilTabCount(1);
+ // Try incremental search (mimicking user typing in).
+ EXPECT_EQ(18, tab->FindInPage(L"g", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ EXPECT_EQ(11, tab->FindInPage(L"go", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ EXPECT_EQ(04, tab->FindInPage(L"goo", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ EXPECT_EQ(03, tab->FindInPage(L"goog", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ EXPECT_EQ(02, tab->FindInPage(L"googl", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ EXPECT_EQ(01, tab->FindInPage(L"google", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ EXPECT_EQ(00, tab->FindInPage(L"google!", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ // Negative test (no matches should be found).
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tab->FindInPage(L"Non-existing string", FWD, IGNORE_CASE,
+ false));
+ // 'horse' only exists in the three right frames.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, tab->FindInPage(L"horse", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ // 'cat' only exists in the first frame.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, tab->FindInPage(L"cat", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ // Try searching again, should still come up with 1 match.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, tab->FindInPage(L"cat", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ // Try searching backwards, ignoring case, should still come up with 1 match.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, tab->FindInPage(L"CAT", BACK, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ // Try case sensitive, should NOT find it.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tab->FindInPage(L"CAT", FWD, CASE_SENSITIVE, false));
+ // Try again case sensitive, but this time with right case.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, tab->FindInPage(L"dog", FWD, CASE_SENSITIVE, false));
+ // Try non-Latin characters ('Hreggvidur' with 'eth' for 'd' in left frame).
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, tab->FindInPage(L"Hreggvi\u00F0ur", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, tab->FindInPage(L"Hreggvi\u00F0ur", FWD, CASE_SENSITIVE, false));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tab->FindInPage(L"hreggvi\u00F0ur", FWD, CASE_SENSITIVE, false));
+// Load a page with no selectable text and make sure we don't crash.
+TEST_F(FindInPageControllerTest, FindUnSelectableText) {
+ TestServer server(L"chrome/test/data");
+ GURL url = server.TestServerPageW(kUserSelectPage);
+ scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(GetActiveTab());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->NavigateToURL(url));
+ WaitUntilTabCount(1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tab->FindInPage(L"text", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tab->FindInPage(L"Non-existing string", FWD, IGNORE_CASE,
+ false));
+// Try to reproduce the crash seen in issue 1341577.
+TEST_F(FindInPageControllerTest, FindCrash_Issue1341577) {
+ TestServer server(L"chrome/test/data");
+ GURL url = server.TestServerPageW(kCrashPage);
+ scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(GetActiveTab());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->NavigateToURL(url));
+ WaitUntilTabCount(1);
+ // This would crash the tab. These must be the first two find requests issued
+ // against the frame, otherwise an active frame pointer is set and it wont
+ // produce the crash.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, tab->FindInPage(L"\u0D4C", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ // FindNext returns -1 for match count because it doesn't bother with
+ // recounting the number of matches. We don't care about the match count
+ // anyway in this case, we just want to make sure it doesn't crash.
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, tab->FindInPage(L"\u0D4C", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, true));
+ // This should work fine.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, tab->FindInPage(L"\u0D24\u0D46", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, tab->FindInPage(L"nostring", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+// Test to make sure Find does the right thing when restarting from a timeout.
+// We used to have a problem where we'd stop finding matches when all of the
+// following conditions were true:
+// 1) The page has a lot of text to search.
+// 2) The page contains more than one match.
+// 3) It takes longer than the time-slice given to each Find operation (100
+// ms) to find one or more of those matches (so Find times out and has to try
+// again from where it left off).
+TEST_F(FindInPageControllerTest, FindEnoughMatches_Issue1155639) {
+ TestServer server(L"chrome/test/data");
+ GURL url = server.TestServerPageW(kTooFewMatchesPage);
+ scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(GetActiveTab());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->NavigateToURL(url));
+ WaitUntilTabCount(1);
+ // This string appears 5 times at the bottom of a long page. If Find restarts
+ // properly after a timeout, it will find 5 matches, not just 1.
+ EXPECT_EQ(5, tab->FindInPage(L"008.xml", FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false));
+// The find window should not change its location just because we open and close
+// a new tab.
+TEST_F(FindInPageControllerTest, FindMovesOnTabClose_Issue1343052) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Starting FindMovesOnTabClose_Issue1343052\n");
+ TestServer server(L"chrome/test/data");
+ fprintf(stderr, "TestServerPageW\n");
+ GURL url = server.TestServerPageW(kFramePage);
+ fprintf(stderr, "GetActiveTab A\n");
+ scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tabA(GetActiveTab());
+ fprintf(stderr, "Navigate A\n");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tabA->NavigateToURL(url));
+ fprintf(stderr, "WaitUntilTabCount(1) for A\n");
+ WaitUntilTabCount(1);
+ fprintf(stderr, "GetBrowserWindow(0)\n");
+ scoped_ptr<BrowserProxy> browser(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser.get() != NULL);
+ // Toggle the bookmark bar state.
+ fprintf(stderr, "ApplyAccelerator bookmark bar\n");
+ browser->ApplyAccelerator(IDC_SHOW_BOOKMARKS_BAR);
+ fprintf(stderr, "WaitForBookmarkVisibility\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForBookmarkBarVisibilityChange(browser.get(), true));
+ // Open the Find window and wait for it to animate.
+ fprintf(stderr, "OpenFindInPage in A\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tabA->OpenFindInPage());
+ fprintf(stderr, "WaitForWindowFullyVisible in A\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForFindWindowFullyVisible(tabA.get()));
+ // Find its location.
+ int x = -1, y = -1;
+ fprintf(stderr, "GetFindWindowLocation in A\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tabA->GetFindWindowLocation(&x, &y));
+ // Open another tab (tab B).
+ fprintf(stderr, "AppendTab B\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(browser->AppendTab(url));
+ fprintf(stderr, "GetActiveTab B\n");
+ scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tabB(GetActiveTab());
+ // Close tab B.
+ fprintf(stderr, "Tab Close B\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tabB->Close(true));
+ // See if the Find window has moved.
+ int new_x = -1, new_y = -1;
+ fprintf(stderr, "GetFindWindowLocation in A\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tabA->GetFindWindowLocation(&new_x, &new_y));
+ EXPECT_EQ(x, new_x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(y, new_y);
+ // Now reset the bookmarks bar state and try the same again.
+ fprintf(stderr, "ApplyAccelerator BookmarksBar\n");
+ browser->ApplyAccelerator(IDC_SHOW_BOOKMARKS_BAR);
+ fprintf(stderr, "WaitForBookmarkBarVisibilityChange\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForBookmarkBarVisibilityChange(browser.get(), false));
+ // Bookmark bar has moved, reset our coordinates.
+ fprintf(stderr, "GetFindWindowLocation again\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tabA->GetFindWindowLocation(&x, &y));
+ // Open another tab (tab C).
+ fprintf(stderr, "Append tab C\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(browser->AppendTab(url));
+ fprintf(stderr, "GetActiveTab C\n");
+ scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tabC(GetActiveTab());
+ // Close it.
+ fprintf(stderr, "Close tab C\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tabC->Close(true));
+ // See if the Find window has moved.
+ fprintf(stderr, "GetFindWindowLocation yet again\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tabA->GetFindWindowLocation(&new_x, &new_y));
+ EXPECT_EQ(x, new_x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(y, new_y);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Done!\n");