path: root/chrome/browser/views/frame/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/views/frame/')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/frame/ b/chrome/browser/views/frame/
index d484765..328b954 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/views/frame/
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/frame/
@@ -638,10 +638,10 @@ void BrowserView::TraverseNextAccessibleToolbar(bool forward) {
// TODO(mohamed) This needs to be smart, that applies to all toolbars.
// Currently it just traverses between bookmarks and toolbar.
if (!forward && toolbar_->IsVisible() && toolbar_->IsEnabled()) {
- toolbar_->InitiateTraversal(last_focused_view_storage_id_);
+ toolbar_->RequestFocus();
} else if (forward && bookmark_bar_view_->IsVisible() &&
bookmark_bar_view_->IsEnabled()) {
- bookmark_bar_view_->InitiateTraversal(last_focused_view_storage_id_);
+ bookmark_bar_view_->RequestFocus();
@@ -863,17 +863,31 @@ void BrowserView::UpdateToolbar(TabContents* contents,
void BrowserView::FocusToolbar() {
- // Remove existing views in the storage, traversal should be restarted.
+ // Start the traversal within the main toolbar, passing it the storage id
+ // of the view where focus should be returned if the user exits the toolbar.
+ SaveFocusedView();
+ toolbar_->InitiateTraversal(last_focused_view_storage_id_);
+void BrowserView::FocusPageAndAppMenus() {
+ // Chrome doesn't have a traditional menu bar, but it has menu buttons in
+ // the main toolbar that play the same role. If the user presses a key
+ // that would typically focus the menu bar, tell the toolbar to focus
+ // the first menu button. Pass it the storage id of the view where
+ // focus should be returned if the user presses escape.
+ //
+ // Not used on the Mac, which has a normal menu bar.
+ SaveFocusedView();
+ toolbar_->EnterMenuBarEmulationMode(last_focused_view_storage_id_, NULL);
+void BrowserView::SaveFocusedView() {
views::ViewStorage* view_storage = views::ViewStorage::GetSharedInstance();
if (view_storage->RetrieveView(last_focused_view_storage_id_))
- // Store the last focused view into the storage, to handle existing traversal.
- view_storage->StoreView(last_focused_view_storage_id_,
- GetRootView()->GetFocusedView());
- // Start the traversal within the main toolbar.
- toolbar_->InitiateTraversal(last_focused_view_storage_id_);
+ views::View* focused_view = GetRootView()->GetFocusedView();
+ if (focused_view)
+ view_storage->StoreView(last_focused_view_storage_id_, focused_view);
void BrowserView::DestroyBrowser() {