path: root/chrome/browser/views/options/general_page_view.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/views/options/general_page_view.h')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/options/general_page_view.h b/chrome/browser/views/options/general_page_view.h
index a663c82..f9072e1 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/views/options/general_page_view.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/options/general_page_view.h
@@ -6,167 +6,8 @@
#pragma once
-#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_member.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/shell_integration.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/views/options/options_page_view.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/views/url_picker.h"
-#include "views/controls/combobox/combobox.h"
-#include "views/controls/button/button.h"
-#include "views/controls/link.h"
-#include "views/controls/table/table_view_observer.h"
-#include "views/view.h"
-namespace views {
-class Checkbox;
-class GroupboxView;
-class Label;
-class NativeButton;
-class RadioButton;
-class TableView;
-class Textfield;
-class CustomHomePagesTableModel;
-class OptionsGroupView;
-class SearchEngineListModel;
-class TableModel;
-// GeneralPageView
-class GeneralPageView : public OptionsPageView,
- public views::Combobox::Listener,
- public views::ButtonListener,
- public views::Textfield::Controller,
- public UrlPickerDelegate,
- public views::TableViewObserver,
- public ShellIntegration::DefaultBrowserObserver,
- public views::LinkController {
- public:
- explicit GeneralPageView(Profile* profile);
- virtual ~GeneralPageView();
- protected:
- // views::ButtonListener implementation:
- virtual void ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender, const views::Event& event);
- // views::Combobox::Listener implementation:
- virtual void ItemChanged(views::Combobox* combobox,
- int prev_index,
- int new_index);
- // views::Textfield::Controller implementation:
- virtual void ContentsChanged(views::Textfield* sender,
- const std::wstring& new_contents);
- virtual bool HandleKeystroke(views::Textfield* sender,
- const views::Textfield::Keystroke& key);
- // OptionsPageView implementation:
- virtual void InitControlLayout();
- virtual void NotifyPrefChanged(const std::string* pref_name);
- virtual void HighlightGroup(OptionsGroup highlight_group);
- // LinkController implementation:
- virtual void LinkActivated(views::Link* source, int event_flags);
- private:
- // ShellIntegration::DefaultBrowserObserver implementation:
- // Updates the UI state to reflect the current default browser state.
- virtual void SetDefaultBrowserUIState(
- ShellIntegration::DefaultBrowserUIState state);
- // For Side by Side installs, this will disable the Default Browser setting
- // and display an explanitory message.
- void SetDefaultBrowserUIStateForSxS();
- // Init all the dialog controls
- void InitStartupGroup();
- void InitHomepageGroup();
- void InitDefaultSearchGroup();
- void InitDefaultBrowserGroup();
- // Saves the startup preference from that of the ui.
- void SaveStartupPref();
- // Shows a dialog allowing the user to add a new URL to the set of URLs
- // launched on startup.
- void AddURLToStartupURLs();
- // Removes the selected URL from the list of startup urls.
- void RemoveURLsFromStartupURLs();
- // Resets the list of urls to launch on startup from the list of open
- // browsers.
- void SetStartupURLToCurrentPage();
- // Enables/Disables the controls associated with the custom start pages
- // option if that preference is not selected.
- void EnableCustomHomepagesControls(bool enable);
- // UrlPickerDelegate. Adds the URL to the list of startup urls.
- virtual void AddBookmark(UrlPicker* dialog,
- const std::wstring& title,
- const GURL& url);
- // Copies the home page preferences from the gui controls to
- // kNewTabPageIsHomePage and kHomePage. If an empty or null-host
- // URL is specified, then we revert to using NewTab page as the Homepage.
- void UpdateHomepagePrefs();
- // Invoked when the selection of the table view changes. Updates the enabled
- // property of the remove button.
- virtual void OnSelectionChanged();
- // Enables or disables the field for entering a custom homepage URL.
- void EnableHomepageURLField(bool enabled);
- // Sets the state and enables/disables the radio buttons that control
- // if the home page is the new tab page.
- void UpdateHomepageIsNewTabRadio(bool homepage_is_new_tab, bool enabled);
- // Sets the default search provider for the selected item in the combobox.
- void SetDefaultSearchProvider();
- // Controls for the Startup group
- OptionsGroupView* startup_group_;
- views::RadioButton* startup_homepage_radio_;
- views::RadioButton* startup_last_session_radio_;
- views::RadioButton* startup_custom_radio_;
- views::NativeButton* startup_add_custom_page_button_;
- views::NativeButton* startup_remove_custom_page_button_;
- views::NativeButton* startup_use_current_page_button_;
- views::TableView* startup_custom_pages_table_;
- scoped_ptr<CustomHomePagesTableModel> startup_custom_pages_table_model_;
- // Controls for the Home Page group
- OptionsGroupView* homepage_group_;
- views::RadioButton* homepage_use_newtab_radio_;
- views::RadioButton* homepage_use_url_radio_;
- views::Textfield* homepage_use_url_textfield_;
- views::Checkbox* homepage_show_home_button_checkbox_;
- BooleanPrefMember new_tab_page_is_home_page_;
- StringPrefMember homepage_;
- BooleanPrefMember show_home_button_;
- // Controls for the Search group
- OptionsGroupView* default_search_group_;
- views::Combobox* default_search_engine_combobox_;
- views::NativeButton* default_search_manage_engines_button_;
- scoped_ptr<SearchEngineListModel> default_search_engines_model_;
- views::Checkbox* instant_checkbox_;
- views::Link* instant_link_;
- // Controls for the Default Browser group
- OptionsGroupView* default_browser_group_;
- views::Label* default_browser_status_label_;
- views::NativeButton* default_browser_use_as_default_button_;
- // The helper object that performs default browser set/check tasks.
- scoped_refptr<ShellIntegration::DefaultBrowserWorker> default_browser_worker_;
- PrefChangeRegistrar registrar_;
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/options/general_page_view.h"
+// TODO(beng): remove this file once all includes have been updated.