path: root/chrome/browser
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser')
5 files changed, 4 insertions, 1704 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/DEPS b/chrome/browser/DEPS
index 782262b..6155ac4 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/DEPS
+++ b/chrome/browser/DEPS
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ include_rules = [
- "+content/browser/download/download_item_impl.h",
diff --git a/chrome/browser/download/ b/chrome/browser/download/
index 73856ba..b353035 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/download/
+++ b/chrome/browser/download/
@@ -144,31 +144,9 @@ void ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate::ChooseDownloadPath(
download_manager_, web_contents, suggested_path, data);
-bool ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate::OverrideIntermediatePath(
- DownloadItem* item,
- FilePath* intermediate_path) {
- if (item->GetDangerType() != content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_NOT_DANGEROUS) {
- if (item->PromptUserForSaveLocation()) {
- // When we prompt the user, we overwrite the FullPath with what the user
- // wanted to use. Construct a file path using the previously determined
- // intermediate filename and the new path.
- // TODO(asanka): This can trample an in-progress download in the new
- // target directory if it was using the same intermediate name.
- FilePath file_name = item->GetSuggestedPath().BaseName();
- *intermediate_path = item->GetFullPath().DirName().Append(file_name);
- return true;
- } else {
- // The download's name is already set to an intermediate name, so no need
- // to override.
- return false;
- }
- }
- // The download is a safe download. We need to rename it to its intermediate
- // '.crdownload' path. The final name after user confirmation will be set
- // from DownloadItem::OnDownloadCompleting.
- *intermediate_path = download_util::GetCrDownloadPath(item->GetFullPath());
- return true;
+FilePath ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate::GetIntermediatePath(
+ const FilePath& suggested_path) {
+ return download_util::GetCrDownloadPath(suggested_path);
WebContents* ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate::
@@ -254,10 +232,6 @@ bool ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate::GenerateFileHash() {
-void ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate::OnResponseCompleted(DownloadItem* item) {
- // TODO(noelutz): remove this method from the delegate API.
void ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate::AddItemToPersistentStore(
DownloadItem* item) {
diff --git a/chrome/browser/download/chrome_download_manager_delegate.h b/chrome/browser/download/chrome_download_manager_delegate.h
index d0464763..6d7c6ea 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/download/chrome_download_manager_delegate.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/download/chrome_download_manager_delegate.h
@@ -59,15 +59,13 @@ class ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate
virtual void ChooseDownloadPath(content::WebContents* web_contents,
const FilePath& suggested_path,
void* data) OVERRIDE;
- virtual bool OverrideIntermediatePath(content::DownloadItem* item,
- FilePath* intermediate_path) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual FilePath GetIntermediatePath(const FilePath& suggested_path) OVERRIDE;
virtual content::WebContents*
GetAlternativeWebContentsToNotifyForDownload() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension(const FilePath& path) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldCompleteDownload(content::DownloadItem* item) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ShouldOpenDownload(content::DownloadItem* item) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GenerateFileHash() OVERRIDE;
- virtual void OnResponseCompleted(content::DownloadItem* item) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AddItemToPersistentStore(content::DownloadItem* item) OVERRIDE;
virtual void UpdateItemInPersistentStore(
content::DownloadItem* item) OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/download/ b/chrome/browser/download/
deleted file mode 100644
index dcafc04..0000000
--- a/chrome/browser/download/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/stl_util.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread.h"
-#include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/download_create_info.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/download_item_impl.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/download_request_handle.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/download_status_updater.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/interrupt_reasons.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/mock_download_item.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/download_id.h"
-#include "content/test/test_browser_thread.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-using content::BrowserThread;
-using content::DownloadId;
-using content::DownloadItem;
-using content::DownloadManager;
-DownloadId::Domain kValidDownloadItemIdDomain = "valid DownloadId::Domain";
-namespace {
-class MockDelegate : public DownloadItemImpl::Delegate {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD1(ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension, bool(const FilePath& path));
- MOCK_METHOD1(ShouldOpenDownload, bool(DownloadItem* download));
- MOCK_METHOD1(CheckForFileRemoval, void(DownloadItem* download));
- MOCK_METHOD1(MaybeCompleteDownload, void(DownloadItem* download));
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetBrowserContext, content::BrowserContext*());
- MOCK_METHOD1(DownloadCancelled, void(DownloadItem* download));
- MOCK_METHOD1(DownloadCompleted, void(DownloadItem* download));
- MOCK_METHOD1(DownloadOpened, void(DownloadItem* download));
- MOCK_METHOD1(DownloadRemoved, void(DownloadItem* download));
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(AssertStateConsistent, void(DownloadItem* download));
-class MockRequestHandle : public DownloadRequestHandleInterface {
- public:
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetTabContents, TabContents*());
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(GetDownloadManager, DownloadManager*());
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(PauseRequest, void());
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(ResumeRequest, void());
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(CancelRequest, void());
- MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(DebugString, std::string());
-class DownloadItemTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- class MockObserver : public content::DownloadItem::Observer {
- public:
- explicit MockObserver(DownloadItem* item) : item_(item), updated_(false) {
- item_->AddObserver(this);
- }
- ~MockObserver() { item_->RemoveObserver(this); }
- virtual void OnDownloadUpdated(content::DownloadItem* download) {
- updated_ = true;
- }
- virtual void OnDownloadOpened(content::DownloadItem* download) { }
- bool CheckUpdated() {
- bool was_updated = updated_;
- updated_ = false;
- return was_updated;
- }
- private:
- DownloadItem* item_;
- bool updated_;
- };
- DownloadItemTest()
- : ui_thread_(BrowserThread::UI, &loop_) {
- }
- ~DownloadItemTest() {
- }
- virtual void SetUp() {
- }
- virtual void TearDown() {
- ui_thread_.DeprecatedGetThreadObject()->message_loop()->RunAllPending();
- STLDeleteElements(&allocated_downloads_);
- allocated_downloads_.clear();
- }
- // This class keeps ownership of the created download item; it will
- // be torn down at the end of the test unless DestroyDownloadItem is
- // called.
- DownloadItem* CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::DownloadState state) {
- // Normally, the download system takes ownership of info, and is
- // responsible for deleting it. In these unit tests, however, we
- // don't call the function that deletes it, so we do so ourselves.
- scoped_ptr<DownloadCreateInfo> info_;
- info_.reset(new DownloadCreateInfo());
- static int next_id;
- info_->download_id =
- content::DownloadId(kValidDownloadItemIdDomain, ++next_id);
- info_->prompt_user_for_save_location = false;
- info_->url_chain.push_back(GURL());
- info_->state = state;
- MockRequestHandle* request_handle =
- new testing::NiceMock<MockRequestHandle>;
- DownloadItem* download =
- new DownloadItemImpl(&delegate_, *(info_.get()),
- request_handle, false);
- allocated_downloads_.insert(download);
- return download;
- }
- // Destroy a previously created download item.
- void DestroyDownloadItem(DownloadItem* item) {
- allocated_downloads_.erase(item);
- delete item;
- }
- protected:
- DownloadStatusUpdater download_status_updater_;
- private:
- MessageLoopForUI loop_;
- // UI thread.
- content::TestBrowserThread ui_thread_;
- testing::NiceMock<MockDelegate> delegate_;
- std::set<DownloadItem*> allocated_downloads_;
-namespace {
-const int kDownloadChunkSize = 1000;
-const int kDownloadSpeed = 1000;
-const int kDummyDBHandle = 10;
-const FilePath::CharType kDummyPath[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/testpath");
-} // namespace
-// Tests to ensure calls that change a DownloadItem generate an update to
-// observers.
-// State changing functions not tested:
-// void OpenDownload();
-// void ShowDownloadInShell();
-// void CompleteDelayedDownload();
-// void OnDownloadCompleting(DownloadFileManager* file_manager);
-// void OnDownloadRenamedToFinalName(const FilePath& full_path);
-// set_* mutators
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterUpdate) {
- DownloadItem* item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer(item);
- item->UpdateProgress(kDownloadChunkSize, kDownloadSpeed, "");
- ASSERT_TRUE(observer.CheckUpdated());
- EXPECT_EQ(kDownloadSpeed, item->CurrentSpeed());
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterCancel) {
- DownloadItem* user_cancel = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer1(user_cancel);
- user_cancel->Cancel(true);
- ASSERT_TRUE(observer1.CheckUpdated());
- DownloadItem* system_cancel = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer2(system_cancel);
- system_cancel->Cancel(false);
- ASSERT_TRUE(observer2.CheckUpdated());
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterComplete) {
- DownloadItem* item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer(item);
- // Calling OnAllDataSaved does not trigger notification
- item->OnAllDataSaved(kDownloadChunkSize, DownloadItem::kEmptyFileHash);
- ASSERT_FALSE(observer.CheckUpdated());
- item->MarkAsComplete();
- ASSERT_TRUE(observer.CheckUpdated());
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterDownloadedFileRemoved) {
- DownloadItem* item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer(item);
- item->OnDownloadedFileRemoved();
- ASSERT_TRUE(observer.CheckUpdated());
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterInterrupted) {
- DownloadItem* item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer(item);
- item->Interrupted(kDownloadChunkSize, "", DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_NONE);
- ASSERT_TRUE(observer.CheckUpdated());
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterDelete) {
- DownloadItem* item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer(item);
- item->Delete(DownloadItem::DELETE_DUE_TO_BROWSER_SHUTDOWN);
- ASSERT_TRUE(observer.CheckUpdated());
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterRemove) {
- DownloadItem* item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer(item);
- item->Remove();
- ASSERT_TRUE(observer.CheckUpdated());
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterSetFileCheckResults) {
- // Setting to safe should not trigger any notifications
- DownloadItem* safe_item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver safe_observer(safe_item);
- DownloadStateInfo state = safe_item->GetStateInfo();;
- state.danger = content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_NOT_DANGEROUS;
- safe_item->SetFileCheckResults(state);
- ASSERT_FALSE(safe_observer.CheckUpdated());
- // Setting to unsafe url or unsafe file should trigger notification
- DownloadItem* unsafeurl_item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver unsafeurl_observer(unsafeurl_item);
- state = unsafeurl_item->GetStateInfo();;
- state.danger = content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_URL;
- unsafeurl_item->SetFileCheckResults(state);
- ASSERT_TRUE(unsafeurl_observer.CheckUpdated());
- unsafeurl_item->DangerousDownloadValidated();
- ASSERT_TRUE(unsafeurl_observer.CheckUpdated());
- DownloadItem* unsafefile_item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver unsafefile_observer(unsafefile_item);
- state = unsafefile_item->GetStateInfo();;
- state.danger = content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_FILE;
- unsafefile_item->SetFileCheckResults(state);
- ASSERT_TRUE(unsafefile_observer.CheckUpdated());
- unsafefile_item->DangerousDownloadValidated();
- ASSERT_TRUE(unsafefile_observer.CheckUpdated());
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterOnPathDetermined) {
- DownloadItem* item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer(item);
- // Calling OnPathDetermined does not trigger notification
- item->OnPathDetermined(FilePath(kDummyPath));
- ASSERT_FALSE(observer.CheckUpdated());
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterRename) {
- DownloadItem* item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer(item);
- // Calling Rename does not trigger notification
- item->Rename(FilePath(kDummyPath));
- ASSERT_FALSE(observer.CheckUpdated());
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, NotificationAfterTogglePause) {
- DownloadItem* item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- MockObserver observer(item);
- item->TogglePause();
- ASSERT_TRUE(observer.CheckUpdated());
- item->TogglePause();
- ASSERT_TRUE(observer.CheckUpdated());
-static char external_data_test_string[] = "External data test";
-static int destructor_called = 0;
-class TestExternalData : public content::DownloadItem::ExternalData {
- public:
- int value;
- virtual ~TestExternalData() {
- destructor_called++;
- }
-TEST_F(DownloadItemTest, ExternalData) {
- DownloadItem* item = CreateDownloadItem(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS);
- // Shouldn't be anything there before set.
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, item->GetExternalData(&external_data_test_string));
- TestExternalData* test1(new TestExternalData());
- test1->value = 2;
- // Should be able to get back what you set.
- item->SetExternalData(&external_data_test_string, test1);
- TestExternalData* test_result =
- static_cast<TestExternalData*>(
- item->GetExternalData(&external_data_test_string));
- EXPECT_EQ(test1, test_result);
- // Destructor should be called if value overwritten. New value
- // should then be retrievable.
- TestExternalData* test2(new TestExternalData());
- test2->value = 3;
- EXPECT_EQ(0, destructor_called);
- item->SetExternalData(&external_data_test_string, test2);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, destructor_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<DownloadItem::ExternalData*>(test2),
- item->GetExternalData(&external_data_test_string));
- // Overwriting with the same value shouldn't do anything.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, destructor_called);
- item->SetExternalData(&external_data_test_string, test2);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, destructor_called);
- EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<DownloadItem::ExternalData*>(test2),
- item->GetExternalData(&external_data_test_string));
- // Overwriting with NULL should result in destruction.
- item->SetExternalData(&external_data_test_string, NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, destructor_called);
- // Destroying the download item should destroy the external data.
- TestExternalData* test3(new TestExternalData());
- item->SetExternalData(&external_data_test_string, test3);
- EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<DownloadItem::ExternalData*>(test3),
- item->GetExternalData(&external_data_test_string));
- DestroyDownloadItem(item);
- EXPECT_EQ(3, destructor_called);
-TEST(MockDownloadItem, Compiles) {
- MockDownloadItem mock_item;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/download/ b/chrome/browser/download/
deleted file mode 100644
index 59723fe..0000000
--- a/chrome/browser/download/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1323 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/file_util.h"
-#include "base/i18n/number_formatting.h"
-#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/scoped_temp_dir.h"
-#include "base/stl_util.h"
-#include "base/string16.h"
-#include "base/string_util.h"
-#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/download/chrome_download_manager_delegate.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/download/download_item_model.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/download/download_prefs.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/download/download_util.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h"
-#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
-#include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/download_buffer.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/download_create_info.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/download_file_impl.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/download_file_manager.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/download_request_handle.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/download_status_updater.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/interrupt_reasons.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/mock_download_file.h"
-#include "content/browser/download/mock_download_manager.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/download_item.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/download_manager.h"
-#include "content/test/test_browser_thread.h"
-#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
-#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
-#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "testing/gmock_mutant.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
-#include "ui/base/text/bytes_formatting.h"
-#if defined(USE_AURA) && defined(OS_WIN)
-#define MAYBE_StartDownload DISABLED_StartDownload
-#define MAYBE_DownloadOverwriteTest DISABLED_DownloadOverwriteTest
-#define MAYBE_DownloadRemoveTest DISABLED_DownloadRemoveTest
-#define MAYBE_DownloadFileErrorTest DownloadFileErrorTest
-#elif defined(OS_LINUX)
-// for Linux
-#define MAYBE_StartDownload DISABLED_StartDownload
-#define MAYBE_DownloadOverwriteTest DISABLED_DownloadOverwriteTest
-#define MAYBE_DownloadRemoveTest DISABLED_DownloadRemoveTest
-#define MAYBE_DownloadFileErrorTest DISABLED_DownloadFileErrorTest
-#define MAYBE_StartDownload StartDownload
-#define MAYBE_DownloadOverwriteTest DownloadOverwriteTest
-#define MAYBE_DownloadRemoveTest DownloadRemoveTest
-#define MAYBE_DownloadFileErrorTest DownloadFileErrorTest
-using content::BrowserThread;
-using content::DownloadFile;
-using content::DownloadId;
-using content::DownloadItem;
-using content::DownloadManager;
-using ::testing::ReturnRef;
-using ::testing::Return;
-using content::WebContents;
-namespace {
-class MockDownloadFileFactory
- : public DownloadFileManager::DownloadFileFactory {
- public:
- MockDownloadFileFactory() {}
- virtual DownloadFile* CreateFile(DownloadCreateInfo* info,
- const DownloadRequestHandle& request_handle,
- DownloadManager* download_manager,
- bool calculate_hash) OVERRIDE;
-DownloadFile* MockDownloadFileFactory::CreateFile(
- DownloadCreateInfo* info,
- const DownloadRequestHandle& request_handle,
- DownloadManager* download_manager,
- bool calculate_hash) {
- return NULL;
-DownloadId::Domain kValidIdDomain = "valid DownloadId::Domain";
-class TestDownloadManagerDelegate : public ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate {
- public:
- explicit TestDownloadManagerDelegate(Profile* profile)
- : ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate(profile),
- mark_content_dangerous_(false) {
- }
- virtual void ChooseDownloadPath(WebContents* web_contents,
- const FilePath& suggested_path,
- void* data) OVERRIDE {
- if (!expected_suggested_path_.empty()) {
- EXPECT_STREQ(expected_suggested_path_.value().c_str(),
- suggested_path.value().c_str());
- }
- if (file_selection_response_.empty()) {
- BrowserThread::PostTask(
- BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&DownloadManager::FileSelectionCanceled,
- download_manager_.get(),
- base::Unretained(data)));
- } else {
- BrowserThread::PostTask(
- BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&DownloadManager::FileSelected,
- download_manager_.get(),
- file_selection_response_,
- base::Unretained(data)));
- }
- expected_suggested_path_.clear();
- file_selection_response_.clear();
- }
- void SetFileSelectionExpectation(const FilePath& suggested_path,
- const FilePath& response) {
- expected_suggested_path_ = suggested_path;
- file_selection_response_ = response;
- }
- void SetMarkContentsDangerous(bool dangerous) {
- mark_content_dangerous_ = dangerous;
- }
- virtual bool ShouldCompleteDownload(DownloadItem* item) {
- if (mark_content_dangerous_) {
- BrowserThread::PostTask(
- BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&TestDownloadManagerDelegate::MarkContentDangerous,
- this, item->GetId()));
- mark_content_dangerous_ = false;
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- private:
- void MarkContentDangerous(int32 download_id) {
- DownloadItem* item = download_manager_->GetActiveDownloadItem(download_id);
- if (!item)
- return;
- item->MarkContentDangerous();
- item->MaybeCompleteDownload();
- }
- FilePath expected_suggested_path_;
- FilePath file_selection_response_;
- bool mark_content_dangerous_;
-} // namespace
-class DownloadManagerTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- static const char* kTestData;
- static const size_t kTestDataLen;
- DownloadManagerTest()
- : profile_(new TestingProfile()),
- download_manager_delegate_(new TestDownloadManagerDelegate(
- profile_.get())),
- download_manager_(DownloadManager::Create(
- download_manager_delegate_, &download_status_updater_)),
- ui_thread_(BrowserThread::UI, &message_loop_),
- file_thread_(BrowserThread::FILE, &message_loop_),
- download_buffer_(new content::DownloadBuffer) {
- download_manager_->Init(profile_.get());
- download_manager_delegate_->SetDownloadManager(download_manager_);
- }
- ~DownloadManagerTest() {
- download_manager_->Shutdown();
- // profile_ must outlive download_manager_, so we explicitly delete
- // download_manager_ first.
- download_manager_ = NULL;
- download_manager_delegate_ = NULL;
- profile_.reset(NULL);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- }
- void AddDownloadToFileManager(int id, DownloadFile* download_file) {
- file_manager()->downloads_[DownloadId(kValidIdDomain, id)] =
- download_file;
- }
- void AddMockDownloadToFileManager(int id, MockDownloadFile* download_file) {
- AddDownloadToFileManager(id, download_file);
- ON_CALL(*download_file, GetDownloadManager())
- .WillByDefault(Return(download_manager_));
- }
- void OnResponseCompleted(int32 download_id, int64 size,
- const std::string& hash) {
- download_manager_->OnResponseCompleted(download_id, size, hash);
- }
- void FileSelected(const FilePath& path, void* params) {
- download_manager_->FileSelected(path, params);
- }
- void ContinueDownloadWithPath(DownloadItem* download, const FilePath& path) {
- download_manager_->ContinueDownloadWithPath(download, path);
- }
- void UpdateData(int32 id, const char* data, size_t length) {
- // We are passing ownership of this buffer to the download file manager.
- net::IOBuffer* io_buffer = new net::IOBuffer(length);
- // We need |AddRef()| because we do a |Release()| in |UpdateDownload()|.
- io_buffer->AddRef();
- memcpy(io_buffer->data(), data, length);
- download_buffer_->AddData(io_buffer, length);
- BrowserThread::PostTask(
- BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&DownloadFileManager::UpdateDownload, file_manager_.get(),
- DownloadId(kValidIdDomain, id), download_buffer_));
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- }
- void OnDownloadInterrupted(int32 download_id, int64 size,
- const std::string& hash_state,
- InterruptReason reason) {
- download_manager_->OnDownloadInterrupted(download_id, size,
- hash_state, reason);
- }
- // Get the download item with ID |id|.
- DownloadItem* GetActiveDownloadItem(int32 id) {
- return download_manager_->GetActiveDownload(id);
- }
- protected:
- DownloadStatusUpdater download_status_updater_;
- scoped_ptr<TestingProfile> profile_;
- scoped_refptr<TestDownloadManagerDelegate> download_manager_delegate_;
- scoped_refptr<DownloadManager> download_manager_;
- scoped_refptr<DownloadFileManager> file_manager_;
- MessageLoopForUI message_loop_;
- content::TestBrowserThread ui_thread_;
- content::TestBrowserThread file_thread_;
- scoped_refptr<content::DownloadBuffer> download_buffer_;
- DownloadFileManager* file_manager() {
- if (!file_manager_) {
- file_manager_ = new DownloadFileManager(NULL,
- new MockDownloadFileFactory);
- download_manager_->SetFileManager(file_manager_);
- }
- return file_manager_;
- }
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DownloadManagerTest);
-const char* DownloadManagerTest::kTestData = "a;sdlfalsdfjalsdkfjad";
-const size_t DownloadManagerTest::kTestDataLen =
- strlen(DownloadManagerTest::kTestData);
-// A DownloadFile that we can inject errors into.
-class DownloadFileWithErrors : public DownloadFileImpl {
- public:
- DownloadFileWithErrors(DownloadCreateInfo* info,
- DownloadManager* manager,
- bool calculate_hash);
- virtual ~DownloadFileWithErrors() {}
- // BaseFile delegated functions.
- virtual net::Error Initialize();
- virtual net::Error AppendDataToFile(const char* data, size_t data_len);
- virtual net::Error Rename(const FilePath& full_path);
- void set_forced_error(net::Error error) { forced_error_ = error; }
- void clear_forced_error() { forced_error_ = net::OK; }
- net::Error forced_error() const { return forced_error_; }
- private:
- net::Error ReturnError(net::Error function_error) {
- if (forced_error_ != net::OK) {
- net::Error ret = forced_error_;
- clear_forced_error();
- return ret;
- }
- return function_error;
- }
- net::Error forced_error_;
-DownloadFileWithErrors::DownloadFileWithErrors(DownloadCreateInfo* info,
- DownloadManager* manager,
- bool calculate_hash)
- : DownloadFileImpl(info,
- new DownloadRequestHandle(),
- manager,
- calculate_hash),
- forced_error_(net::OK) {
-net::Error DownloadFileWithErrors::Initialize() {
- return ReturnError(DownloadFileImpl::Initialize());
-net::Error DownloadFileWithErrors::AppendDataToFile(const char* data,
- size_t data_len) {
- return ReturnError(DownloadFileImpl::AppendDataToFile(data, data_len));
-net::Error DownloadFileWithErrors::Rename(const FilePath& full_path) {
- return ReturnError(DownloadFileImpl::Rename(full_path));
-namespace {
-const struct {
- const char* url;
- const char* mime_type;
- bool save_as;
- bool prompt_for_download;
- bool expected_save_as;
-} kStartDownloadCases[] = {
- { "",
- "text/html",
- false,
- false,
- false, },
- { "",
- "text/html",
- true,
- false,
- true, },
- { "",
- "text/html",
- false,
- true,
- true, },
- { "",
- "text/html",
- false,
- false,
- false, },
- { "",
- "application/x-chrome-extension",
- true,
- false,
- true, },
- { "",
- "application/pdf",
- true,
- false,
- true, },
- { "",
- "application/pdf",
- false,
- true,
- false, },
- { "",
- "application/jar",
- false,
- true,
- true, },
-const struct {
- FilePath::StringType suggested_path;
- content::DownloadDangerType danger;
- bool finish_before_rename;
- int expected_rename_count;
-} kDownloadRenameCases[] = {
- // Safe download, download finishes BEFORE file name determined.
- // Renamed twice (linear path through UI). Crdownload file does not need
- // to be deleted.
- true, 2, },
- // Potentially dangerous download (e.g., file is dangerous), download finishes
- // BEFORE file name determined. Needs to be renamed only once.
- { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Unconfirmed xxx.crdownload"),
- { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Unconfirmed xxx.crdownload"),
- // Safe download, download finishes AFTER file name determined.
- // Needs to be renamed twice.
- false, 2, },
- // Potentially dangerous download, download finishes AFTER file name
- // determined. Needs to be renamed only once.
- { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Unconfirmed xxx.crdownload"),
- { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Unconfirmed xxx.crdownload"),
-// This is an observer that records what download IDs have opened a select
-// file dialog.
-class SelectFileObserver : public content::DownloadManager::Observer {
- public:
- explicit SelectFileObserver(DownloadManager* download_manager)
- : download_manager_(download_manager) {
- DCHECK(download_manager_.get());
- download_manager_->AddObserver(this);
- }
- ~SelectFileObserver() {
- download_manager_->RemoveObserver(this);
- }
- // Downloadmanager::Observer functions.
- virtual void ModelChanged() {}
- virtual void ManagerGoingDown() {}
- virtual void SelectFileDialogDisplayed(int32 id) {
- file_dialog_ids_.insert(id);
- }
- bool ShowedFileDialogForId(int32 id) {
- return file_dialog_ids_.find(id) != file_dialog_ids_.end();
- }
- private:
- std::set<int32> file_dialog_ids_;
- scoped_refptr<DownloadManager> download_manager_;
-// This observer tracks the progress of |DownloadItem|s.
-class ItemObserver : public DownloadItem::Observer {
- public:
- explicit ItemObserver(DownloadItem* tracked)
- : tracked_(tracked), states_hit_(0),
- was_updated_(false), was_opened_(false) {
- DCHECK(tracked_);
- tracked_->AddObserver(this);
- // Record the initial state.
- OnDownloadUpdated(tracked_);
- }
- ~ItemObserver() {
- tracked_->RemoveObserver(this);
- }
- bool hit_state(int state) const {
- return (1 << state) & states_hit_;
- }
- bool was_updated() const { return was_updated_; }
- bool was_opened() const { return was_opened_; }
- private:
- // DownloadItem::Observer methods
- virtual void OnDownloadUpdated(DownloadItem* download) {
- DCHECK_EQ(tracked_, download);
- states_hit_ |= (1 << download->GetState());
- was_updated_ = true;
- }
- virtual void OnDownloadOpened(DownloadItem* download) {
- DCHECK_EQ(tracked_, download);
- states_hit_ |= (1 << download->GetState());
- was_opened_ = true;
- }
- DownloadItem* tracked_;
- int states_hit_;
- bool was_updated_;
- bool was_opened_;
-} // namespace
-TEST_F(DownloadManagerTest, MAYBE_StartDownload) {
- content::TestBrowserThread io_thread(BrowserThread::IO, &message_loop_);
- PrefService* prefs = profile_->GetPrefs();
- prefs->SetFilePath(prefs::kDownloadDefaultDirectory, FilePath());
- DownloadPrefs* download_prefs =
- DownloadPrefs::FromDownloadManager(download_manager_);
- download_prefs->EnableAutoOpenBasedOnExtension(
- FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("example.pdf")));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kStartDownloadCases); ++i) {
- prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kPromptForDownload,
- kStartDownloadCases[i].prompt_for_download);
- SelectFileObserver observer(download_manager_);
- // Normally, the download system takes ownership of info, and is
- // responsible for deleting it. In these unit tests, however, we
- // don't call the function that deletes it, so we do so ourselves.
- scoped_ptr<DownloadCreateInfo> info(new DownloadCreateInfo);
- const DownloadId id = DownloadId(kValidIdDomain, static_cast<int>(i));
- info->download_id = id;
- info->prompt_user_for_save_location = kStartDownloadCases[i].save_as;
- info->url_chain.push_back(GURL(kStartDownloadCases[i].url));
- info->mime_type = kStartDownloadCases[i].mime_type;
- download_manager_->CreateDownloadItem(info.get(), DownloadRequestHandle());
- DownloadFile* download_file(
- new DownloadFileImpl(info.get(), new DownloadRequestHandle(),
- download_manager_, false));
- AddDownloadToFileManager(info->download_id.local(), download_file);
- download_file->Initialize();
- download_manager_->StartDownload(info->download_id.local());
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- // SelectFileObserver will have recorded any attempt to open the
- // select file dialog.
- // Note that DownloadManager::FileSelectionCanceled() is never called.
- EXPECT_EQ(kStartDownloadCases[i].expected_save_as,
- observer.ShowedFileDialogForId(i));
- file_manager()->CancelDownload(id);
- }
-namespace {
-enum PromptForSaveLocation {
-enum ValidateDangerousDownload {
-// Test cases to be used with DownloadFilenameTest. The paths that are used in
-// test cases can contain "$dl" and "$alt" tokens which are replaced by a
-// default download path, and an alternate download path in
-// ExpandFilenameTestPath() below.
-const struct DownloadFilenameTestCase {
- // Fields to be set in DownloadStateInfo when calling SetFileCheckResults().
- const FilePath::CharType* suggested_path;
- const FilePath::CharType* target_name;
- PromptForSaveLocation prompt_user_for_save_location;
- content::DownloadDangerType danger_type;
- // If we receive a ChooseDownloadPath() call to prompt the user for a download
- // location, |prompt_path| is the expected prompt path. The
- // TestDownloadManagerDelegate will respond with |final_path|. If |final_path|
- // is empty, then the file choose dialog be cancelled.
- const FilePath::CharType* prompt_path;
- // The expected intermediate path for the download.
- const FilePath::CharType* intermediate_path;
- // The expected final path for the download.
- const FilePath::CharType* final_path;
- // If this is a dangerous download, then we will either validate the download
- // or delete it depending on the value of |validate_dangerous_download|.
- ValidateDangerousDownload validate_dangerous_download;
-} kDownloadFilenameTestCases[] = {
- {
- // 0: A safe file is downloaded with no prompting.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt.crdownload"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt"),
- },
- {
- // 1: A safe file is downloaded with prompting.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt.crdownload"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt"),
- },
- {
- // 2: A safe file is downloaded. The filename is changed before the dialog
- // completes.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/bar.txt.crdownload"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/bar.txt"),
- },
- {
- // 3: A safe file is downloaded. The download path is changed before the
- // dialog completes.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.txt"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$alt/bar.txt.crdownload"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$alt/bar.txt"),
- },
- {
- // 4: Potentially dangerous content.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.exe"),
- },
- {
- // 5: Potentially dangerous content. Uses "Save as."
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.exe"),
- },
- {
- // 6: Potentially dangerous content. Uses "Save as." The download filename
- // is changed before the dialog completes.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/bar.exe"),
- },
- {
- // 7: Potentially dangerous content. Uses "Save as." The download directory
- // is changed before the dialog completes.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$alt/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$alt/bar.exe"),
- },
- {
- // 8: Dangerous content. Saved directly.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.exe"),
- },
- {
- // 9: Dangerous content. Saved directly. Not validated.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- },
- {
- // 10: Dangerous content. Uses "Save as." The download directory is changed
- // before the dialog completes.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/foo.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$alt/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$alt/bar.exe"),
- },
- {
- // 11: A safe file is download. The target file exists, but we don't
- // uniquify. Safe downloads are uniquified in ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate
- // instead of DownloadManagerImpl.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/exists.txt"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/exists.txt.crdownload"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/exists.txt"),
- },
- {
- // 12: A potentially dangerous file is download. The target file exists. The
- // target path is uniquified.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("exists.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/exists (1).exe"),
- },
- {
- // 13: A dangerous file is download. The target file exists. The target path
- // is uniquified.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("exists.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/exists (1).exe"),
- },
- {
- // 14: A potentially dangerous file is download with prompting. The target
- // file exists. The target path is not uniquified because the filename was
- // given to us by the user.
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("exists.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/exists.exe"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/Unconfirmed"),
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl/exists.exe"),
- },
-FilePath ExpandFilenameTestPath(const FilePath::CharType* template_path,
- const FilePath& downloads_dir,
- const FilePath& alternate_dir) {
- FilePath::StringType path(template_path);
- ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&path, 0, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$dl"),
- downloads_dir.value());
- ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&path, 0, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("$alt"),
- alternate_dir.value());
- FilePath file_path(path);
- file_path = file_path.NormalizeWindowsPathSeparators();
- return file_path;
-} // namespace
-TEST_F(DownloadManagerTest, DownloadFilenameTest) {
- ScopedTempDir scoped_dl_dir;
- ASSERT_TRUE(scoped_dl_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
- FilePath downloads_dir(scoped_dl_dir.path());
- FilePath alternate_dir(downloads_dir.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Foo")));
- // We create a known file to test file uniquification.
- file_util::WriteFile(downloads_dir.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("exists.txt")),
- "", 0);
- file_util::WriteFile(downloads_dir.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("exists.exe")),
- "", 0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kDownloadFilenameTestCases); ++i) {
- scoped_ptr<DownloadCreateInfo> info(new DownloadCreateInfo);
- info->download_id = DownloadId(kValidIdDomain, i);
- info->url_chain.push_back(GURL());
- MockDownloadFile* download_file(new MockDownloadFile());
- FilePath suggested_path(ExpandFilenameTestPath(
- kDownloadFilenameTestCases[i].suggested_path,
- downloads_dir, alternate_dir));
- FilePath prompt_path(ExpandFilenameTestPath(
- kDownloadFilenameTestCases[i].prompt_path,
- downloads_dir, alternate_dir));
- FilePath intermediate_path(ExpandFilenameTestPath(
- kDownloadFilenameTestCases[i].intermediate_path,
- downloads_dir, alternate_dir));
- FilePath final_path(ExpandFilenameTestPath(
- kDownloadFilenameTestCases[i].final_path,
- downloads_dir, alternate_dir));
- AddMockDownloadToFileManager(info->download_id.local(), download_file);
- EXPECT_CALL(*download_file, Rename(intermediate_path))
- .WillOnce(Return(net::OK));
- if (!final_path.empty()) {
- // If |final_path| is empty, its a signal that the download doesn't
- // complete. Therefore it will only go through a single rename.
- EXPECT_CALL(*download_file, Rename(final_path))
- .WillOnce(Return(net::OK));
- }
- download_manager_->CreateDownloadItem(info.get(), DownloadRequestHandle());
- DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(i);
- ASSERT_TRUE(download != NULL);
- DownloadStateInfo state = download->GetStateInfo();
- state.suggested_path = suggested_path;
- state.danger = kDownloadFilenameTestCases[i].danger_type;
- state.prompt_user_for_save_location =
- (kDownloadFilenameTestCases[i].prompt_user_for_save_location == PROMPT);
- state.target_name = FilePath(kDownloadFilenameTestCases[i].target_name);
- if (state.danger == content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_CONTENT) {
- // DANGEROUS_CONTENT will only be known once we have all the data. We let
- // our TestDownloadManagerDelegate handle it.
- download_manager_delegate_->SetMarkContentsDangerous(true);
- }
- download->SetFileCheckResults(state);
- download_manager_delegate_->SetFileSelectionExpectation(
- prompt_path, final_path);
- download_manager_->RestartDownload(i);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- OnResponseCompleted(i, 1024, std::string("fake_hash"));
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- if (download->GetSafetyState() == DownloadItem::DANGEROUS) {
- if (kDownloadFilenameTestCases[i].validate_dangerous_download == VALIDATE)
- download->DangerousDownloadValidated();
- else
- download->Delete(DownloadItem::DELETE_DUE_TO_USER_DISCARD);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- // |download| might be deleted when we get here.
- }
- }
-TEST_F(DownloadManagerTest, DownloadRenameTest) {
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::CreateFunctor;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- using ::testing::Return;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kDownloadRenameCases); ++i) {
- // Normally, the download system takes ownership of info, and is
- // responsible for deleting it. In these unit tests, however, we
- // don't call the function that deletes it, so we do so ourselves.
- scoped_ptr<DownloadCreateInfo> info(new DownloadCreateInfo);
- info->download_id = DownloadId(kValidIdDomain, static_cast<int>(i));
- info->prompt_user_for_save_location = false;
- info->url_chain.push_back(GURL());
- const FilePath new_path(kDownloadRenameCases[i].suggested_path);
- MockDownloadFile* download_file(new MockDownloadFile());
- const DownloadId id = info->download_id;
- ON_CALL(*download_file, GlobalId())
- .WillByDefault(ReturnRef(id));
- AddMockDownloadToFileManager(info->download_id.local(), download_file);
- // |download_file| is owned by DownloadFileManager.
- if (kDownloadRenameCases[i].expected_rename_count == 1) {
- EXPECT_CALL(*download_file, Rename(new_path))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(net::OK));
- } else {
- ASSERT_EQ(2, kDownloadRenameCases[i].expected_rename_count);
- FilePath crdownload(download_util::GetCrDownloadPath(new_path));
- EXPECT_CALL(*download_file, Rename(crdownload))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(net::OK));
- EXPECT_CALL(*download_file, Rename(new_path))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(net::OK));
- }
- download_manager_->CreateDownloadItem(info.get(), DownloadRequestHandle());
- DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(i);
- ASSERT_TRUE(download != NULL);
- DownloadStateInfo state = download->GetStateInfo();
- state.danger = kDownloadRenameCases[i].danger;
- download->SetFileCheckResults(state);
- int32* id_ptr = new int32;
- *id_ptr = i; // Deleted in FileSelected().
- if (kDownloadRenameCases[i].finish_before_rename) {
- OnResponseCompleted(i, 1024, std::string("fake_hash"));
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- FileSelected(new_path, id_ptr);
- } else {
- FileSelected(new_path, id_ptr);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- OnResponseCompleted(i, 1024, std::string("fake_hash"));
- }
- // Validating the download item, so it will complete.
- if (state.danger == content::DOWNLOAD_DANGER_TYPE_DANGEROUS_FILE)
- download->DangerousDownloadValidated();
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- }
-TEST_F(DownloadManagerTest, DownloadInterruptTest) {
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::CreateFunctor;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- using ::testing::Return;
- // Normally, the download system takes ownership of info, and is
- // responsible for deleting it. In these unit tests, however, we
- // don't call the function that deletes it, so we do so ourselves.
- scoped_ptr<DownloadCreateInfo> info(new DownloadCreateInfo);
- info->download_id = DownloadId(kValidIdDomain, 0);
- info->prompt_user_for_save_location = false;
- info->url_chain.push_back(GURL());
- info->total_bytes = static_cast<int64>(kTestDataLen);
- const FilePath new_path(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""));
- const FilePath cr_path(download_util::GetCrDownloadPath(new_path));
- MockDownloadFile* download_file(new MockDownloadFile());
- ON_CALL(*download_file, AppendDataToFile(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(net::OK));
- // |download_file| is owned by DownloadFileManager.
- AddMockDownloadToFileManager(info->download_id.local(), download_file);
- EXPECT_CALL(*download_file, Rename(cr_path))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(net::OK));
- download_manager_->CreateDownloadItem(info.get(), DownloadRequestHandle());
- DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(0);
- ASSERT_TRUE(download != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<DownloadItemModel> download_item_model(
- new DownloadItemModel(download));
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS, download->GetState());
- scoped_ptr<ItemObserver> observer(new ItemObserver(download));
- download_file->AppendDataToFile(kTestData, kTestDataLen);
- ContinueDownloadWithPath(download, new_path);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) != NULL);
- int64 error_size = 3;
- OnDownloadInterrupted(0, error_size, "",
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) == NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::COMPLETE));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::CANCELLED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::REMOVING));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->was_updated());
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->was_opened());
- EXPECT_FALSE(download->GetFileExternallyRemoved());
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED, download->GetState());
- ui::DataUnits amount_units = ui::GetByteDisplayUnits(kTestDataLen);
- string16 simple_size =
- ui::FormatBytesWithUnits(error_size, amount_units, false);
- string16 simple_total = base::i18n::GetDisplayStringInLTRDirectionality(
- ui::FormatBytesWithUnits(kTestDataLen, amount_units, true));
- EXPECT_EQ(download_item_model->GetStatusText(),
- simple_size,
- simple_total));
- download->Cancel(true);
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::COMPLETE));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::CANCELLED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::REMOVING));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->was_updated());
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->was_opened());
- EXPECT_FALSE(download->GetFileExternallyRemoved());
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED, download->GetState());
- EXPECT_EQ(download->GetReceivedBytes(), error_size);
- EXPECT_EQ(download->GetTotalBytes(), static_cast<int64>(kTestDataLen));
-// Test the behavior of DownloadFileManager and DownloadManager in the event
-// of a file error while writing the download to disk.
-TEST_F(DownloadManagerTest, MAYBE_DownloadFileErrorTest) {
- // Create a temporary file and a mock stream.
- FilePath path;
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::CreateTemporaryFile(&path));
- // This file stream will be used, until the first rename occurs.
- net::FileStream* stream = new net::FileStream;
- ASSERT_EQ(0, stream->Open(
- path,
- // Normally, the download system takes ownership of info, and is
- // responsible for deleting it. In these unit tests, however, we
- // don't call the function that deletes it, so we do so ourselves.
- scoped_ptr<DownloadCreateInfo> info(new DownloadCreateInfo);
- static const int32 local_id = 0;
- info->download_id = DownloadId(kValidIdDomain, local_id);
- info->prompt_user_for_save_location = false;
- info->url_chain.push_back(GURL());
- info->total_bytes = static_cast<int64>(kTestDataLen * 3);
- info->save_info.file_path = path;
- info->save_info.file_stream.reset(stream);
- // Create a download file that we can insert errors into.
- DownloadFileWithErrors* download_file(new DownloadFileWithErrors(
- info.get(), download_manager_, false));
- download_file->Initialize();
- AddDownloadToFileManager(local_id, download_file);
- // |download_file| is owned by DownloadFileManager.
- download_manager_->CreateDownloadItem(info.get(), DownloadRequestHandle());
- DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(0);
- ASSERT_TRUE(download != NULL);
- // This will keep track of what should be displayed on the shelf.
- scoped_ptr<DownloadItemModel> download_item_model(
- new DownloadItemModel(download));
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS, download->GetState());
- scoped_ptr<ItemObserver> observer(new ItemObserver(download));
- // Add some data before finalizing the file name.
- UpdateData(local_id, kTestData, kTestDataLen);
- // Finalize the file name.
- ContinueDownloadWithPath(download, path);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) != NULL);
- // Add more data.
- UpdateData(local_id, kTestData, kTestDataLen);
- // Add more data, but an error occurs.
- download_file->set_forced_error(net::ERR_FAILED);
- UpdateData(local_id, kTestData, kTestDataLen);
- // Check the state. The download should have been interrupted.
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) == NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::COMPLETE));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::CANCELLED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::REMOVING));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->was_updated());
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->was_opened());
- EXPECT_FALSE(download->GetFileExternallyRemoved());
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED, download->GetState());
- // Check the download shelf's information.
- size_t error_size = kTestDataLen * 3;
- size_t total_size = kTestDataLen * 3;
- ui::DataUnits amount_units = ui::GetByteDisplayUnits(kTestDataLen);
- string16 simple_size =
- ui::FormatBytesWithUnits(error_size, amount_units, false);
- string16 simple_total = base::i18n::GetDisplayStringInLTRDirectionality(
- ui::FormatBytesWithUnits(total_size, amount_units, true));
- simple_size,
- simple_total),
- download_item_model->GetStatusText());
- // Clean up.
- download->Cancel(true);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
-TEST_F(DownloadManagerTest, DownloadCancelTest) {
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::CreateFunctor;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- using ::testing::Return;
- // Normally, the download system takes ownership of info, and is
- // responsible for deleting it. In these unit tests, however, we
- // don't call the function that deletes it, so we do so ourselves.
- scoped_ptr<DownloadCreateInfo> info(new DownloadCreateInfo);
- DownloadId id = DownloadId(kValidIdDomain, 0);
- info->download_id = id;
- info->prompt_user_for_save_location = false;
- info->url_chain.push_back(GURL());
- const FilePath new_path(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""));
- const FilePath cr_path(download_util::GetCrDownloadPath(new_path));
- MockDownloadFile* download_file(new MockDownloadFile());
- ON_CALL(*download_file, AppendDataToFile(_, _))
- .WillByDefault(Return(net::OK));
- AddMockDownloadToFileManager(info->download_id.local(), download_file);
- // |download_file| is owned by DownloadFileManager.
- EXPECT_CALL(*download_file, Rename(cr_path))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(net::OK));
- download_manager_->CreateDownloadItem(info.get(), DownloadRequestHandle());
- DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(0);
- ASSERT_TRUE(download != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<DownloadItemModel> download_item_model(
- new DownloadItemModel(download));
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS, download->GetState());
- scoped_ptr<ItemObserver> observer(new ItemObserver(download));
- ContinueDownloadWithPath(download, new_path);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) != NULL);
- download_file->AppendDataToFile(kTestData, kTestDataLen);
- download->Cancel(false);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) != NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::CANCELLED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::COMPLETE));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::REMOVING));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->was_updated());
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->was_opened());
- EXPECT_FALSE(download->GetFileExternallyRemoved());
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::CANCELLED, download->GetState());
- EXPECT_EQ(download_item_model->GetStatusText(),
- file_manager()->CancelDownload(id);
- EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(new_path));
- EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(cr_path));
-TEST_F(DownloadManagerTest, MAYBE_DownloadOverwriteTest) {
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::CreateFunctor;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- using ::testing::Return;
- // Create a temporary directory.
- ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
- ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
- // File names we're using.
- const FilePath new_path(temp_dir_.path().AppendASCII("foo.txt"));
- const FilePath cr_path(download_util::GetCrDownloadPath(new_path));
- EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(new_path));
- // Create the file that we will overwrite. Will be automatically cleaned
- // up when temp_dir_ is destroyed.
- FILE* fp = file_util::OpenFile(new_path, "w");
- file_util::CloseFile(fp);
- EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(new_path));
- // Construct the unique file name that normally would be created, but
- // which we will override.
- int uniquifier = DownloadFile::GetUniquePathNumber(new_path);
- FilePath unique_new_path = new_path;
- EXPECT_NE(0, uniquifier);
- DownloadFile::AppendNumberToPath(&unique_new_path, uniquifier);
- // Normally, the download system takes ownership of info, and is
- // responsible for deleting it. In these unit tests, however, we
- // don't call the function that deletes it, so we do so ourselves.
- scoped_ptr<DownloadCreateInfo> info(new DownloadCreateInfo);
- info->download_id = DownloadId(kValidIdDomain, 0);
- info->prompt_user_for_save_location = true;
- info->url_chain.push_back(GURL());
- download_manager_->CreateDownloadItem(info.get(), DownloadRequestHandle());
- DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(0);
- ASSERT_TRUE(download != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<DownloadItemModel> download_item_model(
- new DownloadItemModel(download));
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS, download->GetState());
- scoped_ptr<ItemObserver> observer(new ItemObserver(download));
- // Create and initialize the download file. We're bypassing the first part
- // of the download process and skipping to the part after the final file
- // name has been chosen, so we need to initialize the download file
- // properly.
- DownloadFile* download_file(
- new DownloadFileImpl(info.get(), new DownloadRequestHandle(),
- download_manager_, false));
- download_file->Rename(cr_path);
- // This creates the .crdownload version of the file.
- download_file->Initialize();
- // |download_file| is owned by DownloadFileManager.
- AddDownloadToFileManager(info->download_id.local(), download_file);
- ContinueDownloadWithPath(download, new_path);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) != NULL);
- download_file->AppendDataToFile(kTestData, kTestDataLen);
- // Finish the download.
- OnResponseCompleted(0, kTestDataLen, "");
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- // Download is complete.
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) == NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::CANCELLED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::COMPLETE));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::REMOVING));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->was_updated());
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->was_opened());
- EXPECT_FALSE(download->GetFileExternallyRemoved());
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::COMPLETE, download->GetState());
- EXPECT_EQ(download_item_model->GetStatusText(), string16());
- EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(new_path));
- EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(cr_path));
- EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(unique_new_path));
- std::string file_contents;
- EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(new_path, &file_contents));
- EXPECT_EQ(std::string(kTestData), file_contents);
-TEST_F(DownloadManagerTest, MAYBE_DownloadRemoveTest) {
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::CreateFunctor;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- using ::testing::Return;
- // Create a temporary directory.
- ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
- ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
- // File names we're using.
- const FilePath new_path(temp_dir_.path().AppendASCII("foo.txt"));
- const FilePath cr_path(download_util::GetCrDownloadPath(new_path));
- EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(new_path));
- // Normally, the download system takes ownership of info, and is
- // responsible for deleting it. In these unit tests, however, we
- // don't call the function that deletes it, so we do so ourselves.
- scoped_ptr<DownloadCreateInfo> info(new DownloadCreateInfo);
- info->download_id = DownloadId(kValidIdDomain, 0);
- info->prompt_user_for_save_location = true;
- info->url_chain.push_back(GURL());
- download_manager_->CreateDownloadItem(info.get(), DownloadRequestHandle());
- DownloadItem* download = GetActiveDownloadItem(0);
- ASSERT_TRUE(download != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<DownloadItemModel> download_item_model(
- new DownloadItemModel(download));
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS, download->GetState());
- scoped_ptr<ItemObserver> observer(new ItemObserver(download));
- // Create and initialize the download file. We're bypassing the first part
- // of the download process and skipping to the part after the final file
- // name has been chosen, so we need to initialize the download file
- // properly.
- DownloadFile* download_file(
- new DownloadFileImpl(info.get(), new DownloadRequestHandle(),
- download_manager_, false));
- download_file->Rename(cr_path);
- // This creates the .crdownload version of the file.
- download_file->Initialize();
- // |download_file| is owned by DownloadFileManager.
- AddDownloadToFileManager(info->download_id.local(), download_file);
- ContinueDownloadWithPath(download, new_path);
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) != NULL);
- download_file->AppendDataToFile(kTestData, kTestDataLen);
- // Finish the download.
- OnResponseCompleted(0, kTestDataLen, "");
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- // Download is complete.
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) == NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::CANCELLED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::COMPLETE));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::REMOVING));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->was_updated());
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->was_opened());
- EXPECT_FALSE(download->GetFileExternallyRemoved());
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::COMPLETE, download->GetState());
- EXPECT_EQ(download_item_model->GetStatusText(), string16());
- EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(new_path));
- EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(cr_path));
- // Remove the downloaded file.
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::Delete(new_path, false));
- download->OnDownloadedFileRemoved();
- message_loop_.RunAllPending();
- EXPECT_TRUE(GetActiveDownloadItem(0) == NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::IN_PROGRESS));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::CANCELLED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::INTERRUPTED));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::COMPLETE));
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->hit_state(DownloadItem::REMOVING));
- EXPECT_TRUE(observer->was_updated());
- EXPECT_FALSE(observer->was_opened());
- EXPECT_TRUE(download->GetFileExternallyRemoved());
- EXPECT_EQ(DownloadItem::COMPLETE, download->GetState());
- EXPECT_EQ(download_item_model->GetStatusText(),
- l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_REMOVED));
- EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(new_path));