path: root/chrome/chrome.gyp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/chrome.gyp')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/chrome.gyp b/chrome/chrome.gyp
index 65c01f5..b36b2dc 100755
--- a/chrome/chrome.gyp
+++ b/chrome/chrome.gyp
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
'version_py_path': '<(version_py_path)',
'version_path': '<(version_path)',
- 'version_major_minor':
- '<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(version_path) -t "@MAJOR@.@MINOR@")',
+ 'version_full':
+ '<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(version_path) -t "@MAJOR@.@MINOR@.@BUILD@.@PATCH@")',
'<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(version_path) -t "@BUILD@.@PATCH@")',
@@ -3469,18 +3469,24 @@
'variables': {
'make_sign_sh_path': 'tools/build/mac/make_sign_sh',
'sign_sh_in_path': 'tools/build/mac/make_sign_sh',
+ 'app_resource_rules_in_path':
+ 'tools/build/mac/',
'inputs': [
+ '<(app_resource_rules_in_path)',
+ '<(version_path)',
'outputs': [
+ '<(mac_packaging_dir)/app_resource_rules.plist',
'action': [
+ '<(version_full)',
@@ -3498,9 +3504,6 @@
'CHROMIUM_CREATOR': '<(mac_creator)',
'CHROMIUM_SHORT_NAME': '<(branding)',
- 'mac_bundle_resources': [
- '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(mac_product_name)',
- ],
'dependencies': [
@@ -3553,21 +3556,25 @@
'copies': [
- 'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(mac_product_name).app/Contents/Frameworks',
- 'files': ['<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(mac_product_name) Framework.framework'],
+ 'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(mac_product_name).app/Contents/Versions/<(version_full)',
+ 'files': [
+ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(mac_product_name) Framework.framework',
+ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(mac_product_name)',
+ ],
'postbuilds': [
# Modify the Info.plist as needed. The script explains why this
# is needed. This is also done in the helper_app and chrome_dll
- # targets. Use -b0 to not include any Breakpad information;
- # that all goes into the framework's Info.plist.
+ # targets. Use -b0 and -k0 to not include any Breakpad or
+ # Keystone information; that all goes into the framework's
+ # Info.plist. Use -s1 to include Subversion information.
'postbuild_name': 'Tweak Info.plist',
'action': ['<(DEPTH)/build/mac/tweak_app_infoplist',
- '-k<(mac_keystone)',
- '-s1', # Include Subversion information
+ '-k0',
+ '-s1',
@@ -3579,6 +3586,13 @@
'postbuild_name': 'Clean up old resources',
'action': ['app/clean_mac_resources'],
+ {
+ 'postbuild_name': 'Clean up old versions',
+ 'action': [
+ 'tools/build/mac/clean_up_old_versions',
+ '<(version_full)'
+ ],
+ },
], # postbuilds
}, { # else: OS != "mac"
'conditions': [
@@ -4083,7 +4097,7 @@
['OS=="mac"', {
'sources': [
- 'app/keystone_glue.m',
+ 'app/',
'sources!': [
@@ -4250,8 +4264,8 @@
# *NO* files in chrome/app have unit tests (except keystone_glue)!!!
# It seems a waste to have an app_unittests target, so for now
- # I add keystone_glue.m explicitly to this target.
- 'app/keystone_glue.m',
+ # I add explicitly to this target.
+ 'app/',
# All unittests in browser, common, and renderer.
@@ -5041,7 +5055,8 @@
# version numbers.
'DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION': '<(version_build_patch)',
'DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION': '<(version_build_patch)',
- 'DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE': '@executable_path/../Frameworks',
+ '@executable_path/../Versions/<(version_full)',
# FRAMEWORK_VERSION is used as the name of the directory in
# the framework's Versions directory that the Current symbolic
# link points to. Unfortunately, Xcode does not create this
@@ -5052,8 +5067,7 @@
# its default, 'A'. This is more than sufficient for our
# purposes, because the framework does not need to maintain
# any sort of stable public interface.
- # '<(version_major_minor).<(version_build_patch)',
+ # 'FRAMEWORK_VERSION': '<(version_full)',
'CHROMIUM_BUNDLE_ID': '<(mac_bundle_id)',
'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'app/framework-Info.plist',
@@ -5062,7 +5076,7 @@
- 'app/keystone_glue.m',
+ 'app/',
# TODO(mark): Come up with a fancier way to do this. It should
# only be necessary to list framework-Info.plist once, not the
@@ -5227,13 +5241,15 @@
# Modify the Info.plist as needed. The script explains why
# this is needed. This is also done in the chrome target.
- # The framework does not need the Keystone or Subversion
- # keys, but it does need the Breakpad keys.
+ # The framework needs the Breakpad and Keystone keys if
+ # those features are enabled. It doesn't currently use the
+ # Subversion keys for anything, but this seems like a really
+ # good place to store them.
'postbuild_name': 'Tweak Info.plist',
'action': ['<(DEPTH)/build/mac/tweak_app_infoplist',
- '-k0',
- '-s0',
+ '-k<(mac_keystone)',
+ '-s1',
@@ -5242,10 +5258,12 @@
'postbuild_name': 'Symlink Libraries',
- 'action': ['ln',
- '-fhs',
- 'Versions/Current/Libraries',
+ 'action': [
+ 'ln',
+ '-fhs',
+ 'Versions/Current/Libraries',
+ ],
'copies': [
@@ -5284,6 +5302,35 @@
}], # mac_breakpad
+ ['mac_keystone==1', {
+ 'copies': [
+ {
+ 'destination':
+ 'files': [
+ '../third_party/googlemac/Releases/Keystone/KeystoneRegistration.framework'
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ 'postbuilds': [
+ {
+ 'postbuild_name': 'Remove Keystone Headers',
+ 'action': [
+ 'tools/build/mac/remove_headers_from_framework',
+ '${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'postbuild_name': 'Symlink Frameworks',
+ 'action': [
+ 'ln',
+ '-fhs',
+ 'Versions/Current/Frameworks',
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ }], # mac_keystone
['branding=="Chrome"', {
'copies': [
@@ -5410,17 +5457,26 @@
'postbuilds': [
- 'postbuild_name': 'Make Symbolic Links',
- 'action': ['app/make_mac_app_symlinks'],
+ # The framework (chrome_dll) defines its load-time path
+ # (DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE) relative to the main executable
+ # (chrome). A different relative path needs to be used in
+ # helper_app.
+ 'postbuild_name': 'Fix Framework Link',
+ 'action': [
+ 'install_name_tool',
+ '-change',
+ '@executable_path/../Versions/<(version_full)/<(mac_product_name) Framework.framework/Versions/A/<(mac_product_name) Framework',
+ '@executable_path/../../../<(mac_product_name) Framework.framework/Versions/A/<(mac_product_name) Framework',
+ ],
# Modify the Info.plist as needed. The script explains why this
# is needed. This is also done in the chrome and chrome_dll
- # targets. In this case, -b0 is used because Breakpad data is
- # not placed into the helper, it is only placed in the framework.
- # -k0 is used because Keystone never runs within the helper, only
- # within the main app. -s0 is used to avoid placing Subversion
- # data in the helper's Info.plist.
+ # targets. In this case, -b0 and -k0 are used because Breakpad
+ # and Keystone keys are never placed into the helper, only into
+ # the framework. -s0 is used because Subversion keys are only
+ # placed into the main app.
'postbuild_name': 'Tweak Info.plist',
'action': ['<(DEPTH)/build/mac/tweak_app_infoplist',
@@ -5441,7 +5497,7 @@
- },
+ }, # target helper_app
# Convenience target to build a disk image.
'target_name': 'build_app_dmg',
@@ -5512,8 +5568,26 @@
'xcode_settings': {
+ 'DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION': '<(version_build_patch)',
+ 'DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION': '<(version_build_patch)',
'DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE': '@executable_path',
+ 'postbuilds': [
+ {
+ # The framework (chrome_dll) defines its load-time path
+ # (DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE) relative to the main executable
+ # (chrome). A different relative path needs to be used in
+ # plugin_carbon_interpose, which runs in the helper_app.
+ 'postbuild_name': 'Fix Framework Link',
+ 'action': [
+ 'install_name_tool',
+ '-change',
+ '@executable_path/../Versions/<(version_full)/<(mac_product_name) Framework.framework/Versions/A/<(mac_product_name) Framework',
+ '@executable_path/../../../<(mac_product_name) Framework.framework/Versions/A/<(mac_product_name) Framework',
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
'target_name': 'infoplist_strings_tool',
@@ -5814,20 +5888,25 @@
'sources': [
- 'app/keystone_glue.m',
+ 'app/',
'sources!': [
- ],
- # TODO(mark): We really want this for all non-static library targets,
- # but when we tried to pull it up to the common.gypi level, it broke
- # other things like the ui, startup, and page_cycler tests. *shrug*
- 'xcode_settings': {'OTHER_LDFLAGS': ['-Wl,-ObjC']},
+ ],
+ # TODO(mark): We really want this for all non-static library
+ # targets, but when we tried to pull it up to the common.gypi
+ # level, it broke other things like the ui, startup, and
+ # page_cycler tests. *shrug*
+ 'xcode_settings': {
+ '-Wl,-ObjC',
+ ],
+ },
- ],
- },
- ],
- }],
+ ], # conditions
+ }, # target browser_tests
+ ], # targets
+ }], # OS!="win"
{ 'targets': [