path: root/chrome/common/ipc_sync_channel.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/common/ipc_sync_channel.h')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/common/ipc_sync_channel.h b/chrome/common/ipc_sync_channel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b192f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/common/ipc_sync_channel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include <deque>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/lock.h"
+#include "base/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/scoped_handle.h"
+#include "base/waitable_event.h"
+#include "base/waitable_event_watcher.h"
+#include "chrome/common/ipc_channel_proxy.h"
+namespace IPC {
+class SyncMessage;
+class MessageReplyDeserializer;
+// This is similar to IPC::ChannelProxy, with the added feature of supporting
+// sending synchronous messages.
+// Note that care must be taken that the lifetime of the ipc_thread argument
+// is more than this object. If the message loop goes away while this object
+// is running and it's used to send a message, then it will use the invalid
+// message loop pointer to proxy it to the ipc thread.
+class SyncChannel : public ChannelProxy,
+ public base::WaitableEventWatcher::Delegate {
+ public:
+ SyncChannel(const std::wstring& channel_id, Channel::Mode mode,
+ Channel::Listener* listener, MessageFilter* filter,
+ MessageLoop* ipc_message_loop, bool create_pipe_now,
+ base::WaitableEvent* shutdown_event);
+ ~SyncChannel();
+ virtual bool Send(Message* message);
+ virtual bool SendWithTimeout(Message* message, int timeout_ms);
+ // Whether we allow sending messages with no time-out.
+ void set_sync_messages_with_no_timeout_allowed(bool value) {
+ sync_messages_with_no_timeout_allowed_ = value;
+ }
+ protected:
+ class ReceivedSyncMsgQueue;
+ friend class ReceivedSyncMsgQueue;
+ // SyncContext holds the per object data for SyncChannel, so that SyncChannel
+ // can be deleted while it's being used in a different thread. See
+ // ChannelProxy::Context for more information.
+ class SyncContext : public Context,
+ public base::WaitableEventWatcher::Delegate {
+ public:
+ SyncContext(Channel::Listener* listener,
+ MessageFilter* filter,
+ MessageLoop* ipc_thread,
+ base::WaitableEvent* shutdown_event);
+ ~SyncContext();
+ // Adds information about an outgoing sync message to the context so that
+ // we know how to deserialize the reply.
+ void Push(IPC::SyncMessage* sync_msg);
+ // Cleanly remove the top deserializer (and throw it away). Returns the
+ // result of the Send call for that message.
+ bool Pop();
+ // Returns an event that's set when the send is complete, timed out or the
+ // process shut down.
+ base::WaitableEvent* GetSendDoneEvent();
+ // Returns an event that's set when an incoming message that's not the reply
+ // needs to get dispatched (by calling SyncContext::DispatchMessages).
+ base::WaitableEvent* GetDispatchEvent();
+ void DispatchMessages();
+ // Checks if the given message is blocking the listener thread because of a
+ // synchronous send. If it is, the thread is unblocked and true is
+ // returned. Otherwise the function returns false.
+ bool TryToUnblockListener(const Message* msg);
+ // Called on the IPC thread when a sync send that runs a nested message loop
+ // times out.
+ void OnSendTimeout(int message_id);
+ base::WaitableEvent* shutdown_event() { return shutdown_event_; }
+ private:
+ // IPC::ChannelProxy methods that we override.
+ // Called on the listener thread.
+ virtual void Clear();
+ // Called on the IPC thread.
+ virtual void OnMessageReceived(const Message& msg);
+ virtual void OnChannelError();
+ virtual void OnChannelOpened();
+ virtual void OnChannelClosed();
+ // Cancels all pending Send calls.
+ void CancelPendingSends();
+ // WaitableEventWatcher::Delegate implementation.
+ virtual void OnWaitableEventSignaled(base::WaitableEvent* arg);
+ // When sending a synchronous message, this structure contains an object
+ // that knows how to deserialize the response.
+ struct PendingSyncMsg {
+ PendingSyncMsg(int id, IPC::MessageReplyDeserializer* d,
+ base::WaitableEvent* e) :
+ id(id), deserializer(d), done_event(e), send_result(false) { }
+ int id;
+ IPC::MessageReplyDeserializer* deserializer;
+ base::WaitableEvent* done_event;
+ bool send_result;
+ };
+ typedef std::deque<PendingSyncMsg> PendingSyncMessageQueue;
+ PendingSyncMessageQueue deserializers_;
+ Lock deserializers_lock_;
+ scoped_refptr<ReceivedSyncMsgQueue> received_sync_msgs_;
+ base::WaitableEvent* shutdown_event_;
+ base::WaitableEventWatcher shutdown_watcher_;
+ };
+ private:
+ // WaitableEventWatcher::Delegate implementation.
+ virtual void OnWaitableEventSignaled(base::WaitableEvent* arg);
+ SyncContext* sync_context() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<SyncContext*>(context());
+ }
+ // Both these functions wait for a reply, timeout or process shutdown. The
+ // latter one also runs a nested message loop in the meantime.
+ void WaitForReply(base::WaitableEvent* pump_messages_event);
+ // Runs a nested message loop until a reply arrives, times out, or the process
+ // shuts down.
+ void WaitForReplyWithNestedMessageLoop();
+ bool sync_messages_with_no_timeout_allowed_;
+ // Used to signal events between the IPC and listener threads.
+ base::WaitableEventWatcher send_done_watcher_;
+ base::WaitableEventWatcher dispatch_watcher_;
+} // namespace IPC