path: root/chrome/common/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/common/')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index 74f046a..78d825c 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ class Worker : public Channel::Listener, public Message::Sender {
void AddRef() { }
void Release() { }
bool Send(Message* msg) { return channel_->Send(msg); }
+ bool SendWithTimeout(Message* msg, int timeout_ms) {
+ return channel_->SendWithTimeout(msg, timeout_ms);
+ }
void WaitForChannelCreation() { channel_created_.Wait(); }
void CloseChannel() { channel_.reset(); }
void Start() {
@@ -158,7 +161,8 @@ class Worker : public Channel::Listener, public Message::Sender {
// Link ipc_thread_, listener_thread_ and channel_ altogether.
channel_.reset(new SyncChannel(
- channel_name_, mode_, this, ipc_thread_.message_loop(), true));
+ channel_name_, mode_, this, NULL, ipc_thread_.message_loop(), true,
+ TestProcess::GetShutDownEvent()));
@@ -623,3 +627,102 @@ TEST(IPCSyncChannelTest, ChattyServer) {
workers.push_back(new ChattyRecursiveClient());
+class TimeoutServer : public Worker {
+ public:
+ TimeoutServer(int timeout_ms,
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_SERVER, "timeout_server"),
+ timeout_ms_(timeout_ms),
+ timeout_seq_(timeout_seq) {
+ }
+ void Run() {
+ for (std::vector<bool>::const_iterator iter = timeout_seq_.begin();
+ iter != timeout_seq_.end(); ++iter) {
+ int answer = 0;
+ bool result =
+ SendWithTimeout(new SyncChannelTestMsg_AnswerToLife(&answer),
+ timeout_ms_);
+ if (*iter) {
+ // Time-out expected.
+ DCHECK(!result);
+ DCHECK(answer == 0);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(result);
+ DCHECK(answer == 42);
+ }
+ }
+ Done();
+ }
+ private:
+ int timeout_ms_;
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq_;
+class UnresponsiveClient : public Worker {
+ public:
+ UnresponsiveClient(std::vector<bool> timeout_seq)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_CLIENT, "unresponsive_client"),
+ timeout_seq_(timeout_seq) {
+ }
+ void OnAnswerDelay(Message* reply_msg) {
+ DCHECK(!timeout_seq_.empty());
+ if (!timeout_seq_[0]) {
+ SyncChannelTestMsg_AnswerToLife::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, 42);
+ Send(reply_msg);
+ } else {
+ // Don't reply.
+ }
+ timeout_seq_.erase(timeout_seq_.begin());
+ if (timeout_seq_.empty())
+ Done();
+ }
+ private:
+ // Whether we should time-out or respond to the various messages we receive.
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq_;
+// Tests that SendWithTimeout does not time-out if the response comes back fast
+// enough.
+TEST(IPCSyncChannelTest, SendWithTimeoutOK) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq;
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ workers.push_back(new TimeoutServer(5000, timeout_seq));
+ workers.push_back(new SimpleClient());
+ RunTest(workers);
+// Tests that SendWithTimeout does time-out.
+TEST(IPCSyncChannelTest, SendWithTimeoutTimeout) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq;
+ timeout_seq.push_back(true);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ workers.push_back(new TimeoutServer(100, timeout_seq));
+ workers.push_back(new UnresponsiveClient(timeout_seq));
+ RunTest(workers);
+// Sends some message that time-out and some that succeed.
+TEST(IPCSyncChannelTest, SendWithTimeoutMixedOKAndTimeout) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq;
+ timeout_seq.push_back(true);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(true);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ workers.push_back(new TimeoutServer(100, timeout_seq));
+ workers.push_back(new UnresponsiveClient(timeout_seq));
+ RunTest(workers);