path: root/chrome/common/os_exchange_data.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/common/os_exchange_data.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/common/os_exchange_data.h b/chrome/common/os_exchange_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 735e366..0000000
--- a/chrome/common/os_exchange_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <atlbase.h>
-#include <objidl.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-class GURL;
-class Pickle;
-// OSExchangeData
-// An object that holds interchange data to be sent out to OS services like
-// clipboard, drag and drop, etc. This object exposes an API that clients can
-// use to specify raw data and its high level type. This object takes care of
-// translating that into something the OS can understand.
-class OSExchangeData : public IDataObject {
- public:
- // Returns true if source has plain text that is a valid url.
- static bool HasPlainTextURL(IDataObject* source);
- // Returns true if source has plain text that is a valid URL and sets url to
- // that url.
- static bool GetPlainTextURL(IDataObject* source, GURL* url);
- OSExchangeData();
- OSExchangeData(IDataObject* source);
- virtual ~OSExchangeData();
- // These functions add data to the OSExchangeData object of various Chrome
- // types. The OSExchangeData object takes care of translating the data into
- // a format suitable for exchange with the OS.
- // NOTE WELL: Typically, a data object like this will contain only one of the
- // following types of data. In cases where more data is held, the
- // order in which these functions are called is _important_!
- // ---> The order types are added to an OSExchangeData object controls
- // the order of enumeration in our IEnumFORMATETC implementation!
- // This comes into play when selecting the best (most preferable)
- // data type for insertion into a DropTarget.
- void SetString(const std::wstring& data);
- // A URL can have an optional title in some exchange formats.
- void SetURL(const GURL& url, const std::wstring& title);
- // A full path to a file
- void SetFilename(const std::wstring& full_path);
- // Adds pickled data of the specified format.
- void SetPickledData(CLIPFORMAT format, const Pickle& data);
- // Adds the bytes of a file (CFSTR_FILECONTENTS and CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR).
- void SetFileContents(const std::wstring& filename,
- const std::string& file_contents);
- // Adds a snippet of HTML. |html| is just raw html but this sets both
- // text/html and CF_HTML.
- void SetHtml(const std::wstring& html, const GURL& base_url);
- // These functions retrieve data of the specified type. If data exists, the
- // functions return and the result is in the out parameter. If the data does
- // not exist, the out parameter is not touched. The out parameter cannot be
- // NULL.
- bool GetString(std::wstring* data) const;
- bool GetURLAndTitle(GURL* url, std::wstring* title) const;
- // Return the path of a file, if available.
- bool GetFilename(std::wstring* full_path) const;
- bool GetPickledData(CLIPFORMAT format, Pickle* data) const;
- bool GetFileContents(std::wstring* filename,
- std::string* file_contents) const;
- bool GetHtml(std::wstring* html, GURL* base_url) const;
- // Test whether or not data of certain types is present, without actually
- // returning anything.
- bool HasString() const;
- bool HasURL() const;
- bool HasURLTitle() const;
- bool HasFile() const;
- bool HasFormat(CLIPFORMAT format) const;
- // IDataObject implementation:
- HRESULT __stdcall GetData(FORMATETC* format_etc, STGMEDIUM* medium);
- HRESULT __stdcall GetDataHere(FORMATETC* format_etc, STGMEDIUM* medium);
- HRESULT __stdcall QueryGetData(FORMATETC* format_etc);
- HRESULT __stdcall GetCanonicalFormatEtc(
- FORMATETC* format_etc, FORMATETC* result);
- HRESULT __stdcall SetData(
- FORMATETC* format_etc, STGMEDIUM* medium, BOOL should_release);
- HRESULT __stdcall EnumFormatEtc(
- DWORD direction, IEnumFORMATETC** enumerator);
- HRESULT __stdcall DAdvise(
- FORMATETC* format_etc, DWORD advf, IAdviseSink* sink, DWORD* connection);
- HRESULT __stdcall DUnadvise(DWORD connection);
- HRESULT __stdcall EnumDAdvise(IEnumSTATDATA** enumerator);
- // IUnknown implementation:
- HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** object);
- ULONG __stdcall AddRef();
- ULONG __stdcall Release();
- private:
- // FormatEtcEnumerator only likes us for our StoredDataMap typedef.
- friend class FormatEtcEnumerator;
- // Our internal representation of stored data & type info.
- struct StoredDataInfo {
- FORMATETC format_etc;
- STGMEDIUM* medium;
- bool owns_medium;
- StoredDataInfo(CLIPFORMAT cf, STGMEDIUM* a_medium) {
- format_etc.cfFormat = cf;
- format_etc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT;
- format_etc.lindex = -1;
- format_etc.ptd = NULL;
- format_etc.tymed = a_medium->tymed;
- owns_medium = true;
- medium = a_medium;
- }
- ~StoredDataInfo() {
- if (owns_medium) {
- ReleaseStgMedium(medium);
- delete medium;
- }
- }
- };
- typedef std::vector<StoredDataInfo*> StoredData;
- StoredData contents_;
- CComPtr<IDataObject> source_object_;
- LONG ref_count_;