path: root/chrome/common
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/common')
28 files changed, 5316 insertions, 5489 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index df6d0e2..6a5ca82 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -2,8 +2,5 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/automation_messages.h"
- "chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_impl_macros.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/automation_messages.h b/chrome/common/automation_messages.h
index 0f8ec7c..42f1932 100644
--- a/chrome/common/automation_messages.h
+++ b/chrome/common/automation_messages.h
@@ -638,8 +638,6 @@ struct ParamTraits<AttachExternalTabParams> {
} // namespace IPC
- "chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h b/chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h
index 03c4aa5..5086bfc 100644
--- a/chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h
+++ b/chrome/common/automation_messages_internal.h
@@ -4,1457 +4,1422 @@
// Defines the IPC messages used by the automation interface.
-// This header is meant to be included in multiple passes, hence no traditional
-// header guard.
-// See ipc_message_macros.h for explanation of the macros and passes.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "chrome/common/content_settings.h"
#include "chrome/common/navigation_types.h"
#include "chrome/test/automation/autocomplete_edit_proxy.h"
-#include "gfx/point.h"
#include "gfx/rect.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h"
// NOTE: All IPC messages have either a routing_id of 0 (for asynchronous
// messages), or one that's been assigned by the proxy (for calls
// which expect a response). The routing_id shouldn't be used for
// any other purpose in these message types.
-// NOTE: All the new IPC messages should go at the end (before IPC_END_MESSAGES)
-// The IPC message IDs are part of an enum and hence the value
-// assumed to be constant across the builds may change.
-// The messages AutomationMsg_WindowHWND* in particular should not change
-// since the PageCyclerReferenceTest depends on the correctness of the
-// message IDs across the builds.
- // This message is fired when the AutomationProvider is up and running
- // in the app (the app is not fully up at this point). The parameter to this
- // message is the version string of the automation provider. This parameter
- // is defined to be the version string as returned by
- // chrome::VersionInfo::Version().
- // The client can choose to use this version string to decide whether or not
- // it can talk to the provider.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_Hello, std::string)
- // This message is fired when the initial tab(s) are finished loading.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(AutomationMsg_InitialLoadsComplete)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to append a new tab the
- // window with the given handle. The return value contains the index of
- // the new tab, or -1 if the request failed.
- // The second parameter is the url to be loaded in the new tab.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_AppendTab, int, GURL, int)
- // This message requests the (zero-based) index for the currently
- // active tab in the window with the given handle. The return value contains
- // the index of the active tab, or -1 if the request failed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_ActiveTabIndex, int, int)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to active the tab.
- // The first parameter is the handle to window resource.
- // The second parameter is the (zero-based) index to be activated
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_ActivateTab, int, int, int)
- // This message requests the cookie value for given url in the
- // profile of the tab identified by the second parameter. The first
- // parameter is the URL string. The response contains the length of the
- // cookie value string. On failure, this length = -1.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(AutomationMsg_GetCookies, GURL, int,
- int, std::string)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to set and broadcast a cookie
- // with given name and value for the given url in the profile of the tab
- // identified by the third parameter. The first parameter is the URL
- // string, and the second parameter is the cookie name and value to be set.
- // The return value is a non-negative value on success.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_SetCookie, GURL, std::string,
- int, int)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate to a specified
- // url in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle to
- // the tab resource. The second parameter is the target url. The return
- // value contains a status code which is nonnegative on success.
- // See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the return value.
- //
- // Deprecated in favor of
- // AutomationMsg_NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete.
- // TODO(phajdan.jr): Remove when the reference build gets updated.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_NavigateToURL, int, GURL,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message is used to implement the asynchronous version of
- // NavigateToURL.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_NavigationAsync,
- int /* tab handle */,
- bool /* result */)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate back in session
- // history in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle
- // to the tab resource.
- // See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response
- // values.
- //
- // Deprecated in favor of AutomationMsg_GoBackBlockUntilNavigationsComplete.
- // TODO(phajdan.jr): Remove when the reference build gets updated.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_GoBack, int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate forward in session
- // history in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle
- // to the tab resource.
- // See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response
- // values.
- //
- // Deprecated in favor of
- // AutomationMsg_GoForwardBlockUntilNavigationsComplete.
- // TODO(phajdan.jr): Remove when the reference build gets updated.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_GoForward, int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message requests the number of browser windows that the app currently
- // has open. The return value is the number of windows.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_BrowserWindowCount, int)
- // This message requests the handle (int64 app-unique identifier) of the
- // window with the given (zero-based) index. On error, the returned handle
- // value is 0.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_BrowserWindow, int, int)
- // This message requests the number of tabs in the window with the given
- // handle. The return value contains the number of tabs, or -1 if the
- // request failed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_TabCount, int, int)
- // This message requests the handle of the tab with the given (zero-based)
- // index in the given app window. First parameter specifies the given window
- // handle, second specifies the given tab_index. On error, the returned handle
- // value is 0.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_Tab, int, int, int)
- // This message requests the the title of the tab with the given handle.
- // The return value contains the size of the title string. On error, this
- // value should be -1 and empty string. Note that the title can be empty in
- // which case the size would be 0.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_TabTitle,
- int,
- int,
- std::wstring)
- // This message requests the url of the tab with the given handle.
- // The return value contains a success flag and the URL string. The URL will
- // be empty on failure, and it still may be empty on success.
- int /* tab handle */,
- bool /* success flag */,
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // TODO(estade): delete this unused message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_0(AutomationMsg_WindowHWND)
- // This message requests the HWND of the tab that corresponds
- // to the given automation handle.
- // The return value contains the HWND value, which is 0 if the call fails.
- //
- // TODO(estade): The only test that uses this message is
- // NPAPIVisiblePluginTester.SelfDeletePluginInvokeInSynchronousMouseMove. It
- // can probably be done in another way, and this can be removed.
- int /* tab_handle */,
- HWND /* win32 Window Handle */)
-#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProxy that a handle that it has
- // previously been given is now invalid. (For instance, if the handle
- // represented a window which has now been closed.) The parameter
- // value is the handle.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_InvalidateHandle, int)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider that a handle is no
- // longer being used, so it can stop paying attention to the
- // associated resource. The parameter value is the handle.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_HandleUnused, int)
- // This message tells the AutomationProvider to provide the given
- // authentication data to the specified tab, in response to an HTTP/FTP
- // authentication challenge.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_SetAuth,
- int, // tab handle
- std::wstring, // username
- std::wstring, // password
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues) // status
- // This message tells the AutomationProvider to cancel the login in the
- // specified tab.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_CancelAuth,
- int, // tab handle
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues) // status
- // Requests that the automation provider ask history for the most recent
- // chain of redirects coming from the given URL. The response must be
- // decoded by the caller manually; it contains an integer indicating the
- // number of URLs, followed by that many wstrings indicating a chain of
- // redirects. On failure, the count will be negative.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(AutomationMsg_RedirectsFrom,
- int, // tab handle
- GURL, // source URL
- bool /* succeeded */,
- std::vector<GURL> /* redirects */)
- // This message asks the AutomationProvider whether a tab is waiting for
- // login info.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_NeedsAuth,
- int, // tab handle
- bool) // status
- // This message requests the AutomationProvider to apply a certain
- // accelerator. It is completely asynchronous with the resulting accelerator
- // action.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_0(AutomationMsg_ApplyAccelerator,
- int, // window handle
- int) // accelerator id like (IDC_BACK,
- // IDC_FORWARD, etc)
- // The list can be found at
- // chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h
- // This message requests that the AutomationProvider executes a JavaScript,
- // which is sent embedded in a 'javascript:' URL.
- // The javascript is executed in context of child frame whose xpath
- // is passed as parameter (context_frame). The execution results in
- // a serialized JSON string response.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_DomOperation,
- int, // tab handle
- std::wstring, // context_frame
- std::wstring, // the javascript to be executed
- std::string) // the serialized json string
- // containing the result of a
- // javascript execution
- // Is the Download Shelf visible for the specified browser?
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_ShelfVisibility,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- bool /* is_visible */)
- // This message requests the number of constrained windows in the tab with
- // the given handle. The return value contains the number of constrained
- // windows, or -1 if the request failed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_ConstrainedWindowCount,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* constrained_window_count */)
- // This message requests the bounds of the specified View element in
- // window coordinates.
- // Request:
- // int - the handle of the window in which the view appears
- // int - the ID of the view, as specified in chrome/browser/ui/view_ids.h
- // bool - whether the bounds should be returned in the screen coordinates
- // (if true) or in the browser coordinates (if false).
- // Response:
- // bool - true if the view was found
- // gfx::Rect - the bounds of the view, in window coordinates
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_2(AutomationMsg_WindowViewBounds, int, int,
- bool, bool, gfx::Rect)
- // This message sets the bounds of the window.
- // Request:
- // int - the handle of the window to resize
- // gfx::Rect - the bounds of the window
- // Response:
- // bool - true if the resize was successful
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_SetWindowBounds, int, gfx::Rect,
- bool)
+// NOTE: All the new IPC messages should go at the end.
+// The IPC message IDs need to match the reference builds. Since we know
+// define the IDs based on __LINE__, to allow these IPC messages to be
+// used to control an old version of Chrome we need the message IDs to
+// remain the same. This means that you should not change the line number
+// of any of the messages below. This will be fixed once Xcode supports
+// __COUNTER__, in which case we can get rid of the __LINE__.
+#define IPC_MESSAGE_START AutomationMsgStart
+// This message is fired when the AutomationProvider is up and running
+// in the app (the app is not fully up at this point). The parameter to this
+// message is the version string of the automation provider. This parameter
+// is defined to be the version string as returned by
+// chrome::VersionInfo::Version().
+// The client can choose to use this version string to decide whether or not
+// it can talk to the provider.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_Hello, std::string)
+// This message is fired when the initial tab(s) are finished loading.
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to append a new tab the
+// window with the given handle. The return value contains the index of
+// the new tab, or -1 if the request failed.
+// The second parameter is the url to be loaded in the new tab.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_AppendTab, int, GURL, int)
+// This message requests the (zero-based) index for the currently
+// active tab in the window with the given handle. The return value contains
+// the index of the active tab, or -1 if the request failed.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_ActiveTabIndex, int, int)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to active the tab.
+// The first parameter is the handle to window resource.
+// The second parameter is the (zero-based) index to be activated
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_ActivateTab, int, int, int)
+// This message requests the cookie value for given url in the
+// profile of the tab identified by the second parameter. The first
+// parameter is the URL string. The response contains the length of the
+// cookie value string. On failure, this length = -1.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(AutomationMsg_GetCookies, GURL, int,
+ int, std::string)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to set and broadcast a cookie
+// with given name and value for the given url in the profile of the tab
+// identified by the third parameter. The first parameter is the URL
+// string, and the second parameter is the cookie name and value to be set.
+// The return value is a non-negative value on success.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_SetCookie, GURL, std::string,
+ int, int)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate to a specified
+// url in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle to
+// the tab resource. The second parameter is the target url. The return
+// value contains a status code which is nonnegative on success.
+// See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the return value.
+// Deprecated in favor of
+// AutomationMsg_NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete.
+// TODO(phajdan.jr): Remove when the reference build gets updated.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_NavigateToURL, int, GURL,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message is used to implement the asynchronous version of
+// NavigateToURL.
+ int /* tab handle */,
+ bool /* result */)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate back in session
+// history in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle
+// to the tab resource.
+// See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response
+// values.
+// Deprecated in favor of AutomationMsg_GoBackBlockUntilNavigationsComplete.
+// TODO(phajdan.jr): Remove when the reference build gets updated.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_GoBack, int,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate forward in session
+// history in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle
+// to the tab resource.
+// See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response
+// values.
+// Deprecated in favor of
+// AutomationMsg_GoForwardBlockUntilNavigationsComplete.
+// TODO(phajdan.jr): Remove when the reference build gets updated.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_GoForward, int,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message requests the number of browser windows that the app currently
+// has open. The return value is the number of windows.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_BrowserWindowCount, int)
+// This message requests the handle (int64 app-unique identifier) of the
+// window with the given (zero-based) index. On error, the returned handle
+// value is 0.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_BrowserWindow, int, int)
+// This message requests the number of tabs in the window with the given
+// handle. The return value contains the number of tabs, or -1 if the
+// request failed.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_TabCount, int, int)
+// This message requests the handle of the tab with the given (zero-based)
+// index in the given app window. First parameter specifies the given window
+// handle, second specifies the given tab_index. On error, the returned handle
+// value is 0.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_Tab, int, int, int)
+// This message requests the the title of the tab with the given handle.
+// The return value contains the size of the title string. On error, this
+// value should be -1 and empty string. Note that the title can be empty in
+// which case the size would be 0.
+ int,
+ int,
+ std::wstring)
+// This message requests the url of the tab with the given handle.
+// The return value contains a success flag and the URL string. The URL will
+// be empty on failure, and it still may be empty on success.
+ int /* tab handle */,
+ bool /* success flag */,
+// This message notifies the AutomationProxy that a handle that it has
+// previously been given is now invalid. (For instance, if the handle
+// represented a window which has now been closed.) The parameter
+// value is the handle.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_InvalidateHandle, int)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider that a handle is no
+// longer being used, so it can stop paying attention to the
+// associated resource. The parameter value is the handle.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_HandleUnused, int)
+// This message tells the AutomationProvider to provide the given
+// authentication data to the specified tab, in response to an HTTP/FTP
+// authentication challenge.
+ int, // tab handle
+ std::wstring, // username
+ std::wstring, // password
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues) // status
+// This message tells the AutomationProvider to cancel the login in the
+// specified tab.
+ int, // tab handle
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues) // status
+// Requests that the automation provider ask history for the most recent
+// chain of redirects coming from the given URL. The response must be
+// decoded by the caller manually; it contains an integer indicating the
+// number of URLs, followed by that many wstrings indicating a chain of
+// redirects. On failure, the count will be negative.
+ int, // tab handle
+ GURL, // source URL
+ bool /* succeeded */,
+ std::vector<GURL> /* redirects */)
+// This message asks the AutomationProvider whether a tab is waiting for
+// login info.
+ int, // tab handle
+ bool) // status
+// This message requests the AutomationProvider to apply a certain
+// accelerator. It is completely asynchronous with the resulting accelerator
+// action.
+ int, // window handle
+ int) // accelerator id like (IDC_BACK,
+ // IDC_FORWARD, etc)
+ // The list can be found at
+ // chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h
+// This message requests that the AutomationProvider executes a JavaScript,
+// which is sent embedded in a 'javascript:' URL.
+// The javascript is executed in context of child frame whose xpath
+// is passed as parameter (context_frame). The execution results in
+// a serialized JSON string response.
+ int, // tab handle
+ std::wstring, // context_frame
+ std::wstring, // the javascript to be executed
+ std::string) // the serialized json string
+ // containing the result of a
+ // javascript execution
+// Is the Download Shelf visible for the specified browser?
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ bool /* is_visible */)
+// This message requests the number of constrained windows in the tab with
+// the given handle. The return value contains the number of constrained
+// windows, or -1 if the request failed.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* constrained_window_count */)
+// This message requests the bounds of the specified View element in
+// window coordinates.
+// Request:
+// int - the handle of the window in which the view appears
+// int - the ID of the view, as specified in chrome/browser/ui/view_ids.h
+// bool - whether the bounds should be returned in the screen coordinates
+// (if true) or in the browser coordinates (if false).
+// Response:
+// bool - true if the view was found
+// gfx::Rect - the bounds of the view, in window coordinates
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_2(AutomationMsg_WindowViewBounds, int, int,
+ bool, bool, gfx::Rect)
+// This message sets the bounds of the window.
+// Request:
+// int - the handle of the window to resize
+// gfx::Rect - the bounds of the window
+// Response:
+// bool - true if the resize was successful
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_SetWindowBounds, int, gfx::Rect,
+ bool)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // TODO(port): Port these messages.
- //
- // This message requests that a drag be performed in window coordinate space
- // Request:
- // int - the handle of the window that's the context for this drag
- // std::vector<gfx::Point> - the path of the drag in window coordinate
- // space; it should have at least 2 points
- // (start and end)
- // int - the flags which identify the mouse button(s) for the drag, as
- // defined in chrome/views/event.h
- // Response:
- // bool - true if the drag could be performed
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(AutomationMsg_WindowDrag,
- int, std::vector<gfx::Point>, int, bool, bool)
+// TODO(port): Port these messages.
+// This message requests that a drag be performed in window coordinate space
+// Request:
+// int - the handle of the window that's the context for this drag
+// std::vector<gfx::Point> - the path of the drag in window coordinate
+// space; it should have at least 2 points
+// (start and end)
+// int - the flags which identify the mouse button(s) for the drag, as
+// defined in chrome/views/event.h
+// Response:
+// bool - true if the drag could be performed
+ int, std::vector<gfx::Point>, int, bool, bool)
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
- // Similar to AutomationMsg_InitialLoadsComplete, this indicates that the
- // new tab ui has completed the initial load of its data.
- // Time is how many milliseconds the load took.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_InitialNewTabUILoadComplete,
- int /* time */)
- // This message starts a find within a tab corresponding to the supplied
- // tab handle. The return value contains the number of matches found on the
- // page within the tab specified. The parameter 'search_string' specifies
- // what string to search for, 'forward' specifies whether to search in
- // forward direction (1=forward, 0=back), 'match_case' specifies case
- // sensitivity
- // (1=case sensitive, 0=case insensitive). If an error occurs, matches_found
- // will be -1.
- //
- // NOTE: This message has been deprecated, please use the new message
- // AutomationMsg_Find below.
- //
- int, /* tab_handle */
- std::wstring, /* find_request */
- int, /* forward */
- int /* match_case */,
- int /* active_ordinal */,
- int /* matches_found */)
- // This message sends a inspect element request for a given tab. The response
- // contains the number of resources loaded by the inspector controller.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_InspectElement,
- int, /* tab_handle */
- int, /* x */
- int /* y */,
- int)
- // This message requests the process ID of the tab that corresponds
- // to the given automation handle.
- // The return value has an integer corresponding to the PID of the tab's
- // renderer, 0 if the tab currently has no renderer process, or -1 on error.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_TabProcessID,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* process ID */)
- // This tells the browser to enable or disable the filtered network layer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_SetFilteredInet,
- bool /* enabled */)
- // Gets the directory that downloads will occur in for the active profile.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_DownloadDirectory,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- FilePath /* directory */)
- // This message requests the id of the view that has the focus in the
- // specified window. If no view is focused, -1 is returned. Note that the
- // window should either be a ViewWindow or a Browser.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_GetFocusedViewID,
- int /* view_handle */,
- int /* focused_view_id */)
- // This message shows/hides the window.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_SetWindowVisible,
- int /* view_handle */,
- bool /* visible */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Gets the active status of a window.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_IsWindowActive,
- int /* view_handle */,
- bool /* success */,
- bool /* active */)
- // Makes the specified window the active window.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(AutomationMsg_ActivateWindow,
- int /* view_handle */)
- // Opens a new browser window.
- // TODO(sky): remove this and replace with OpenNewBrowserWindowOfType.
- // Doing this requires updating the reference build.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(AutomationMsg_OpenNewBrowserWindow,
- bool /* show */ )
- // This message requests the handle (int64 app-unique identifier) of the
- // current active top window. On error, the returned handle value is 0.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_ActiveWindow, int)
- // This message requests the browser associated with the specified window
- // handle.
- // The return value contains a success flag and the handle of the browser.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_BrowserForWindow,
- int /* window handle */,
- bool /* success flag */,
- int /* browser handle */)
- // This message requests the window associated with the specified browser
- // handle.
- // The return value contains a success flag and the handle of the window.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_WindowForBrowser,
- int /* browser handle */,
- bool /* success flag */,
- int /* window handle */)
- // This message requests the AutocompleteEdit associated with the specified
- // browser handle.
- // The return value contains a success flag and the handle of the omnibox.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_AutocompleteEditForBrowser,
- int /* browser handle */,
- bool /* success flag */,
- int /* AutocompleteEdit handle */)
+// Similar to AutomationMsg_InitialLoadsComplete, this indicates that the
+// new tab ui has completed the initial load of its data.
+// Time is how many milliseconds the load took.
+ int /* time */)
+// This message starts a find within a tab corresponding to the supplied
+// tab handle. The return value contains the number of matches found on the
+// page within the tab specified. The parameter 'search_string' specifies
+// what string to search for, 'forward' specifies whether to search in
+// forward direction (1=forward, 0=back), 'match_case' specifies case
+// sensitivity
+// (1=case sensitive, 0=case insensitive). If an error occurs, matches_found
+// will be -1.
+// NOTE: This message has been deprecated, please use the new message
+// AutomationMsg_Find below.
+ int, /* tab_handle */
+ std::wstring, /* find_request */
+ int, /* forward */
+ int /* match_case */,
+ int /* active_ordinal */,
+ int /* matches_found */)
+// This message sends a inspect element request for a given tab. The response
+// contains the number of resources loaded by the inspector controller.
+ int, /* tab_handle */
+ int, /* x */
+ int /* y */,
+ int)
+// This message requests the process ID of the tab that corresponds
+// to the given automation handle.
+// The return value has an integer corresponding to the PID of the tab's
+// renderer, 0 if the tab currently has no renderer process, or -1 on error.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* process ID */)
+// This tells the browser to enable or disable the filtered network layer.
+ bool /* enabled */)
+// Gets the directory that downloads will occur in for the active profile.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ FilePath /* directory */)
+// This message requests the id of the view that has the focus in the
+// specified window. If no view is focused, -1 is returned. Note that the
+// window should either be a ViewWindow or a Browser.
+ int /* view_handle */,
+ int /* focused_view_id */)
+// This message shows/hides the window.
+ int /* view_handle */,
+ bool /* visible */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Gets the active status of a window.
+ int /* view_handle */,
+ bool /* success */,
+ bool /* active */)
+// Makes the specified window the active window.
+ int /* view_handle */)
+// Opens a new browser window.
+// TODO(sky): remove this and replace with OpenNewBrowserWindowOfType.
+// Doing this requires updating the reference build.
+ bool /* show */ )
+// This message requests the handle (int64 app-unique identifier) of the
+// current active top window. On error, the returned handle value is 0.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_ActiveWindow, int)
+// This message requests the browser associated with the specified window
+// handle.
+// The return value contains a success flag and the handle of the browser.
+ int /* window handle */,
+ bool /* success flag */,
+ int /* browser handle */)
+// This message requests the window associated with the specified browser
+// handle.
+// The return value contains a success flag and the handle of the window.
+ int /* browser handle */,
+ bool /* success flag */,
+ int /* window handle */)
+// This message requests the AutocompleteEdit associated with the specified
+// browser handle.
+// The return value contains a success flag and the handle of the omnibox.
+ int /* browser handle */,
+ bool /* success flag */,
+ int /* AutocompleteEdit handle */)
+// This message requests that a mouse click be performed in window coordinate
+// space.
+// Request:
+// int - the handle of the window that's the context for this click
+// gfx::Point - the point to click
+// int - the flags which identify the mouse button(s) for the click, as
+// defined in chrome/views/event.h
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_WindowClick, int, gfx::Point, int)
+// This message requests that a key press be performed.
+// Request:
+// int - the handle of the window that's the context for this click
+// int - the app::KeyboardCode of the key that was pressed.
+// int - the flags which identify the modifiers (shift, ctrl, alt)
+// associated for, as defined in chrome/views/event.h
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_WindowKeyPress, int, int, int)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to create a tab which is
+// hosted by an external process.
+// Request:
+// ExternalTabSettings - settings for external tab
+ IPC::ExternalTabSettings /* settings*/,
+ gfx::NativeWindow /* Tab container window */,
+ gfx::NativeWindow /* Tab window */,
+ int /* Handle to the new tab */,
+ int /* Session Id of the new tab */)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate to a specified
+// url in the external tab with given handle. The first parameter is the
+// handle to the tab resource. The second parameter is the target url.
+// The third parameter is the referrer.
+// The return value contains a status code which is nonnegative on success.
+// see AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response.
+ int,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
+// It is a notification that the NavigationState was changed
+// Request:
+// -int: The flags specifying what changed
+// (see TabContents::InvalidateTypes)
+// Response:
+// None expected
+ int, // tab handle
+ int, // TabContents::InvalidateTypes
+ IPC::NavigationInfo) // title, url etc.
+// This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
+// It is a notification that the target URL has changed (the target URL
+// is the URL of the link that the user is hovering on)
+// Request:
+// -int: The tab handle
+// -std::wstring: The new target URL
+// Response:
+// None expected
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_UpdateTargetUrl, int, std::wstring)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to show the specified html
+// text in an interstitial page in the tab with given handle. The first
+// parameter is the handle to the tab resource. The second parameter is the
+// html text to be displayed.
+// The return value contains a success flag.
+ int,
+ std::string,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to hide the current
+// interstitial page in the tab with given handle. The parameter is the
+// handle to the tab resource.
+// The return value contains a success flag.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_HideInterstitialPage, int,
+ bool)
+// This message requests that a tab be closed.
+// Request:
+// - int: handle of the tab to close
+// - bool: if true the proxy blocks until the tab has completely closed,
+// otherwise the proxy only blocks until it initiates the close.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_CloseTab, int, bool, bool)
+// This message requests that the browser be closed.
+// Request:
+// - int: handle of the browser which contains the tab
+// Response:
+// - bool: whether the operation was successfull.
+// - bool: whether the browser process will be terminated as a result (if
+// this was the last closed browser window).
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_CloseBrowser, int, bool,
+ bool)
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_CloseBrowserRequestAsync, int)
+// Unused.
+// Response:
+// None expected
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_Unused, int)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // TODO(estade): This message is defined later on for Mac and Linux. This is
- // to avoid adding a new IPC in the middle for those platforms (see comment
- // at top). The message is exactly the same, so they should be remerged when
- // all messages in this file have been made cross-platform (at which point we
- // will need to check in new reference builds).
- //
- // This message requests that a mouse click be performed in window coordinate
- // space.
- // Request:
- // int - the handle of the window that's the context for this click
- // gfx::Point - the point to click
- // int - the flags which identify the mouse button(s) for the click, as
- // defined in chrome/views/event.h
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_WindowClick, int, gfx::Point, int)
+// TODO(port): Port these messages.
+// This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
+// It is a request to process a keyboard accelerator.
+// Request:
+// -int: Tab handle
+// -MSG: The keyboard message
+// Response:
+// None expected
+// TODO(sanjeevr): Ideally we need to add a response from the external
+// host saying whether it processed the accelerator
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_HandleAccelerator, int, MSG)
+// This message is sent by the container of an externally hosted tab to
+// reflect any accelerator keys that it did not process. This gives the
+// tab a chance to handle the keys
+// Request:
+// - int: handle of the tab
+// -MSG: The keyboard message that the container did not handle
+// Response:
+// None expected
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_ProcessUnhandledAccelerator, int, MSG)
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
- // This message requests that a key press be performed.
- // Request:
- // int - the handle of the window that's the context for this click
- // int - the app::KeyboardCode of the key that was pressed.
- // int - the flags which identify the modifiers (shift, ctrl, alt)
- // associated for, as defined in chrome/views/event.h
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_WindowKeyPress, int, int, int)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to create a tab which is
- // hosted by an external process.
- // Request:
- // ExternalTabSettings - settings for external tab
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_4(AutomationMsg_CreateExternalTab,
- IPC::ExternalTabSettings /* settings*/,
- gfx::NativeWindow /* Tab container window */,
- gfx::NativeWindow /* Tab window */,
- int /* Handle to the new tab */,
- int /* Session Id of the new tab */)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate to a specified
- // url in the external tab with given handle. The first parameter is the
- // handle to the tab resource. The second parameter is the target url.
- // The third parameter is the referrer.
- // The return value contains a status code which is nonnegative on success.
- // see AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_NavigateInExternalTab,
- int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
- // It is a notification that the NavigationState was changed
- // Request:
- // -int: The flags specifying what changed
- // (see TabContents::InvalidateTypes)
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_NavigationStateChanged,
- int, // tab handle
- int, // TabContents::InvalidateTypes
- IPC::NavigationInfo) // title, url etc.
- // This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
- // It is a notification that the target URL has changed (the target URL
- // is the URL of the link that the user is hovering on)
- // Request:
- // -int: The tab handle
- // -std::wstring: The new target URL
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_UpdateTargetUrl, int, std::wstring)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to show the specified html
- // text in an interstitial page in the tab with given handle. The first
- // parameter is the handle to the tab resource. The second parameter is the
- // html text to be displayed.
- // The return value contains a success flag.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_ShowInterstitialPage,
- int,
- std::string,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to hide the current
- // interstitial page in the tab with given handle. The parameter is the
- // handle to the tab resource.
- // The return value contains a success flag.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_HideInterstitialPage, int,
- bool)
- // This message requests that a tab be closed.
- // Request:
- // - int: handle of the tab to close
- // - bool: if true the proxy blocks until the tab has completely closed,
- // otherwise the proxy only blocks until it initiates the close.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_CloseTab, int, bool, bool)
- // This message requests that the browser be closed.
- // Request:
- // - int: handle of the browser which contains the tab
- // Response:
- // - bool: whether the operation was successfull.
- // - bool: whether the browser process will be terminated as a result (if
- // this was the last closed browser window).
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_CloseBrowser, int, bool,
- bool)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_CloseBrowserRequestAsync, int)
- // Unused.
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_Unused, int)
+// Sent by the external tab to the host to notify that the user has tabbed
+// out of the tab.
+// Request:
+// - int: Tab handle
+// - bool: |reverse| set to true when shift-tabbing out of the tab, false
+// otherwise.
+// Response:
+// None expected
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_TabbedOut, int, bool)
+// Sent by the external tab host to ask focus to be set to either the first
+// or last element on the page.
+// Request:
+// - int: handle of the tab
+// - bool: |reverse|
+// true: Focus will be set to the last focusable element
+// false: Focus will be set to the first focusable element
+// - bool: |restore_focus_to_view|
+// true: The renderer view associated with the current tab will be
+// infomed that it is receiving focus.
+// Response:
+// None expected
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_SetInitialFocus, int, bool, bool)
+// This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
+// It is a request to open a url
+// Request:
+// -int: Tab handle
+// -GURL: The URL to open
+// -GURL: The referrer
+// -int: The WindowOpenDisposition that specifies where the URL should
+// be opened (new tab, new window etc).
+// Response:
+// None expected
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(AutomationMsg_OpenURL, int, GURL, GURL, int)
+// This message requests the provider to wait until the specified tab has
+// finished restoring after session restore.
+// Request:
+// - int: handle of the tab
+// Response:
+// - bool: whether the operation was successful.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(AutomationMsg_WaitForTabToBeRestored, int)
+// This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
+// It is a notification that a navigation happened
+// Request:
+// -int: Tab handle
+// Response:
+// None expected
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_DidNavigate, int, IPC::NavigationInfo)
+// This message requests the different security states of the page displayed
+// in the specified tab.
+// Request:
+// - int: handle of the tab
+// Response:
+// - bool: whether the operation was successful.
+// - SecurityStyle: the security style of the tab.
+// - int: the status of the server's ssl cert (0 means no errors or no ssl
+// was used).
+// - int: the insecure content state, 0 means no insecure contents.
+ int,
+ bool,
+ SecurityStyle,
+ int,
+ int)
+// This message requests the page type of the page displayed in the specified
+// tab (normal, error or interstitial).
+// Request:
+// - int: handle of the tab
+// Response:
+// - bool: whether the operation was successful.
+// - PageType: the type of the page currently displayed.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_GetPageType, int, bool, PageType)
+// This message simulates the user action on the SSL blocking page showing in
+// the specified tab. This message is only effective if an interstitial page
+// is showing in the tab.
+// Request:
+// - int: handle of the tab
+// - bool: whether to proceed or abort the navigation
+// Response:
+// - AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues: result of the operation.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_ActionOnSSLBlockingPage, int, bool,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// Message to request that a browser window is brought to the front and
+// activated.
+// Request:
+// - int: handle of the browser window.
+// Response:
+// - bool: True if the browser is brought to the front.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_BringBrowserToFront, int, bool)
+// Message to request whether a certain item is enabled of disabled in the
+// menu in the browser window
+// Request:
+// - int: handle of the browser window.
+// - int: IDC message identifier to query if enabled
+// Response:
+// - bool: True if the command is enabled on the menu
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_IsMenuCommandEnabled, int, int, bool)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to print the tab with given
+// handle. The first parameter is the handle to the tab resource. The
+// return value contains a bool which is true on success.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_PrintNow, int, bool)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to reload the current page in
+// the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle to the tab
+// resource. The return value contains a status code which is nonnegative on
+// success.
+// see AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_Reload, int,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message requests the handle (int64 app-unique identifier) of the
+// last active browser window, or the browser at index 0 if there is no last
+// active browser, or it no longer exists. Returns 0 if no browser windows
+// exist.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_LastActiveBrowserWindow, int)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to save the page with given
+// handle. The first parameter is the handle to the tab resource. The second
+// parameter is the main HTML file name. The third parameter is the directory
+// for saving resources. The fourth parameter is the saving type: 0 for HTML
+// only; 1 for complete web page.
+// The return value contains a bool which is true on success.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(AutomationMsg_SavePage, int, FilePath, FilePath,
+ int, bool)
+// This message requests the text currently being displayed in the
+// AutocompleteEdit. The parameter is the handle to the AutocompleteEdit.
+// The return value is a string indicating the text in the AutocompleteEdit.
+ int /* autocomplete edit handle */,
+ bool /* the requested autocomplete edit exists */,
+ std::wstring /* omnibox text */)
+// This message sets the text being displayed in the AutocompleteEdit. The
+// first parameter is the handle to the omnibox and the second parameter is
+// the text to be displayed in the AutocompleteEdit.
+// The return value has no parameters and is returned when the operation has
+// completed.
+ int /* autocomplete edit handle */,
+ std::wstring /* text to set */,
+ bool /* the requested autocomplete edit exists */)
+// This message requests if a query to a autocomplete provider is still in
+// progress. The first parameter in the request is the handle to the
+// autocomplete edit.
+// The first return value indicates if the request succeeded.
+// The second return value indicates if a query is still in progress.
+ AutomationMsg_AutocompleteEditIsQueryInProgress,
+ int /* autocomplete edit handle*/,
+ bool /* the requested autocomplete edit exists */,
+ bool /* indicates if a query is in progress */)
+// This message requests a list of the autocomplete messages currently being
+// displayed by the popup. The parameter in the request is a handle to the
+// autocomplete edit.
+// The first return value indicates if the request was successful, while
+// while the second is the actual list of matches.
+ int /* autocomplete edit handle*/,
+ bool /* the requested autocomplete edit exists */,
+ std::vector<AutocompleteMatchData> /* matches */)
+// This message requests the execution of a browser command in the browser
+// for which the handle is specified.
+// The return value contains a boolean, whether the command was dispatched.
+ int /* automation handle */,
+ int /* browser command */,
+ bool /* success flag */)
+// This message requests the execution of a browser command in the browser
+// for which the handle is specified.
+// The return value contains a boolean, whether the command was dispatched
+// and successful executed.
+ int /* automation handle */,
+ int /* browser command */,
+ bool /* success flag */)
+// This message opens the Find window within a tab corresponding to the
+// supplied tab handle.
+ int /* tab_handle */)
+// Posts a message from external host to chrome renderer.
+ int /* automation handle */,
+ std::string /* message */,
+ std::string /* origin */,
+ std::string /* target */)
+// A message for an external host.
+ int, /* handle */
+ std::string /* message */,
+ std::string /* origin */,
+ std::string /* target */)
+// This message starts a find within a tab corresponding to the supplied
+// tab handle. The parameter |request| specifies what to search for.
+// If an error occurs, |matches_found| will be -1.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ AutomationMsg_Find_Params /* params */,
+ int /* active_ordinal */,
+ int /* matches_found */)
+// Is the Find window fully visible (and not animating) for the specified
+// tab?
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ bool /* is_visible */)
+// Where is the Find window located. |x| and |y| will be -1, -1 on failure.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* x */,
+ int /* y */)
+// Is the Bookmark bar visible? The return value will indicate whether it is
+// visible or not and whether it is being animated into (or out of its place).
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ bool, /* is_visible */
+ bool /* still_animating */)
+// This message requests the number of related info bars opened. It
+// returns -1 if an error occurred.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* info bar count */)
+// This message triggers the action associated with the "accept" button in
+// the info-bar at the specified index. If |wait for navigation| is true, it
+// won't return until a navigation has occurred.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* info bar index */,
+ bool /* wait for navigation */,
+ /* navigation result */
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message retrieves the last time a navigation occurred in the specified
+// tab. The value is intended to be used with WaitForNavigation.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int64 /* last navigation time */)
+// This messages is used to block until a new navigation occurs (if there is
+// none more recent then the time specified).
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int64 /* last navigation time */,
+ /* navigation result */
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This messages sets an int-value preference.
+ int /* browser handle */,
+ std::string /* pref name */,
+ int /* value */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Queries whether an app modal dialog is currently being shown. (i.e. a
+// javascript alert) and which buttons it contains.
+ bool /* showing dialog */,
+ int /* view::DelegateDialog::DialogButton */)
+// This message triggers the specified button for the currently showing
+// modal dialog.
+ int /* view::DelegateDialog::DialogButton */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// This messages sets a string-value preference.
+ int /* browser handle */,
+ std::string /* pref name */,
+ std::string /* pref value */,
+ bool)
+// This messages gets a boolean-value preference.
+ int /* browser handle */,
+ std::string /* pref name */,
+ bool /* success */,
+ bool /* pref value */)
+// This messages sets a boolean-value preference.
+ int /* browser handle */,
+ std::string /* pref name */,
+ bool /* pref value */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Queries the current used encoding name of the page in the specified
+// web content tab.
+ int /* tab handle */,
+ std::string /* current used encoding name */)
+// Uses the specified encoding to override the encoding of the page in the
+// specified web content tab.
+ int /* tab handle */,
+ std::string /* overrided encoding name */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Used to disable the dialog box that prompts the user for a path when
+// saving a web page.
+ bool /* false if we want to not show the dialog */)
+// This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
+// It is a notification that a navigation failed
+// Request:
+// -int : Tab handle
+// -int : The status code.
+// -GURL: The URL we failed to navigate to.
+// Response:
+// None expected
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_NavigationFailed, int, int, GURL)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // TODO(port): Port these messages.
- //
- // This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
- // It is a request to process a keyboard accelerator.
- // Request:
- // -int: Tab handle
- // -MSG: The keyboard message
- // Response:
- // None expected
- // TODO(sanjeevr): Ideally we need to add a response from the external
- // host saying whether it processed the accelerator
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_HandleAccelerator, int, MSG)
- // This message is sent by the container of an externally hosted tab to
- // reflect any accelerator keys that it did not process. This gives the
- // tab a chance to handle the keys
- // Request:
- // - int: handle of the tab
- // -MSG: The keyboard message that the container did not handle
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_ProcessUnhandledAccelerator, int, MSG)
+// This message is an outgoing message from an automation client to Chrome.
+// It is used to reposition a chrome tab window.
+ int /* tab handle */,
+ IPC::Reposition_Params /* SetWindowPos params */)
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
- // Sent by the external tab to the host to notify that the user has tabbed
- // out of the tab.
- // Request:
- // - int: Tab handle
- // - bool: |reverse| set to true when shift-tabbing out of the tab, false
- // otherwise.
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_TabbedOut, int, bool)
- // Sent by the external tab host to ask focus to be set to either the first
- // or last element on the page.
- // Request:
- // - int: handle of the tab
- // - bool: |reverse|
- // true: Focus will be set to the last focusable element
- // false: Focus will be set to the first focusable element
- // - bool: |restore_focus_to_view|
- // true: The renderer view associated with the current tab will be
- // infomed that it is receiving focus.
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_SetInitialFocus, int, bool, bool)
- // This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
- // It is a request to open a url
- // Request:
- // -int: Tab handle
- // -GURL: The URL to open
- // -GURL: The referrer
- // -int: The WindowOpenDisposition that specifies where the URL should
- // be opened (new tab, new window etc).
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(AutomationMsg_OpenURL, int, GURL, GURL, int)
- // This message requests the provider to wait until the specified tab has
- // finished restoring after session restore.
- // Request:
- // - int: handle of the tab
- // Response:
- // - bool: whether the operation was successful.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(AutomationMsg_WaitForTabToBeRestored, int)
- // This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
- // It is a notification that a navigation happened
- // Request:
- // -int: Tab handle
- //
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_DidNavigate, int, IPC::NavigationInfo)
- // This message requests the different security states of the page displayed
- // in the specified tab.
- // Request:
- // - int: handle of the tab
- // Response:
- // - bool: whether the operation was successful.
- // - SecurityStyle: the security style of the tab.
- // - int: the status of the server's ssl cert (0 means no errors or no ssl
- // was used).
- // - int: the insecure content state, 0 means no insecure contents.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_4(AutomationMsg_GetSecurityState,
- int,
- bool,
- SecurityStyle,
- int,
- int)
- // This message requests the page type of the page displayed in the specified
- // tab (normal, error or interstitial).
- // Request:
- // - int: handle of the tab
- // Response:
- // - bool: whether the operation was successful.
- // - PageType: the type of the page currently displayed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_GetPageType, int, bool, PageType)
- // This message simulates the user action on the SSL blocking page showing in
- // the specified tab. This message is only effective if an interstitial page
- // is showing in the tab.
- // Request:
- // - int: handle of the tab
- // - bool: whether to proceed or abort the navigation
- // Response:
- // - AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues: result of the operation.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_ActionOnSSLBlockingPage, int, bool,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // Message to request that a browser window is brought to the front and
- // activated.
- // Request:
- // - int: handle of the browser window.
- // Response:
- // - bool: True if the browser is brought to the front.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_BringBrowserToFront, int, bool)
- // Message to request whether a certain item is enabled of disabled in the
- // menu in the browser window
- //
- // Request:
- // - int: handle of the browser window.
- // - int: IDC message identifier to query if enabled
- // Response:
- // - bool: True if the command is enabled on the menu
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_IsMenuCommandEnabled, int, int, bool)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to print the tab with given
- // handle. The first parameter is the handle to the tab resource. The
- // return value contains a bool which is true on success.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_PrintNow, int, bool)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to reload the current page in
- // the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle to the tab
- // resource. The return value contains a status code which is nonnegative on
- // success.
- // see AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_Reload, int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message requests the handle (int64 app-unique identifier) of the
- // last active browser window, or the browser at index 0 if there is no last
- // active browser, or it no longer exists. Returns 0 if no browser windows
- // exist.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_LastActiveBrowserWindow, int)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to save the page with given
- // handle. The first parameter is the handle to the tab resource. The second
- // parameter is the main HTML file name. The third parameter is the directory
- // for saving resources. The fourth parameter is the saving type: 0 for HTML
- // only; 1 for complete web page.
- // The return value contains a bool which is true on success.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(AutomationMsg_SavePage, int, FilePath, FilePath,
- int, bool)
- // This message requests the text currently being displayed in the
- // AutocompleteEdit. The parameter is the handle to the AutocompleteEdit.
- // The return value is a string indicating the text in the AutocompleteEdit.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_AutocompleteEditGetText,
- int /* autocomplete edit handle */,
- bool /* the requested autocomplete edit exists */,
- std::wstring /* omnibox text */)
- // This message sets the text being displayed in the AutocompleteEdit. The
- // first parameter is the handle to the omnibox and the second parameter is
- // the text to be displayed in the AutocompleteEdit.
- // The return value has no parameters and is returned when the operation has
- // completed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_AutocompleteEditSetText,
- int /* autocomplete edit handle */,
- std::wstring /* text to set */,
- bool /* the requested autocomplete edit exists */)
- // This message requests if a query to a autocomplete provider is still in
- // progress. The first parameter in the request is the handle to the
- // autocomplete edit.
- // The first return value indicates if the request succeeded.
- // The second return value indicates if a query is still in progress.
- AutomationMsg_AutocompleteEditIsQueryInProgress,
- int /* autocomplete edit handle*/,
- bool /* the requested autocomplete edit exists */,
- bool /* indicates if a query is in progress */)
- // This message requests a list of the autocomplete messages currently being
- // displayed by the popup. The parameter in the request is a handle to the
- // autocomplete edit.
- // The first return value indicates if the request was successful, while
- // while the second is the actual list of matches.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_AutocompleteEditGetMatches,
- int /* autocomplete edit handle*/,
- bool /* the requested autocomplete edit exists */,
- std::vector<AutocompleteMatchData> /* matches */)
- // This message requests the execution of a browser command in the browser
- // for which the handle is specified.
- // The return value contains a boolean, whether the command was dispatched.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_WindowExecuteCommandAsync,
- int /* automation handle */,
- int /* browser command */,
- bool /* success flag */)
- // This message requests the execution of a browser command in the browser
- // for which the handle is specified.
- // The return value contains a boolean, whether the command was dispatched
- // and successful executed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_WindowExecuteCommand,
- int /* automation handle */,
- int /* browser command */,
- bool /* success flag */)
- // This message opens the Find window within a tab corresponding to the
- // supplied tab handle.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_OpenFindInPage,
- int /* tab_handle */)
- // Posts a message from external host to chrome renderer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(AutomationMsg_HandleMessageFromExternalHost,
- int /* automation handle */,
- std::string /* message */,
- std::string /* origin */,
- std::string /* target */)
- // A message for an external host.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(AutomationMsg_ForwardMessageToExternalHost,
- int, /* handle */
- std::string /* message */,
- std::string /* origin */,
- std::string /* target */)
- // This message starts a find within a tab corresponding to the supplied
- // tab handle. The parameter |request| specifies what to search for.
- // If an error occurs, |matches_found| will be -1.
- //
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(AutomationMsg_Find,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- AutomationMsg_Find_Params /* params */,
- int /* active_ordinal */,
- int /* matches_found */)
- // Is the Find window fully visible (and not animating) for the specified
- // tab?
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_FindWindowVisibility,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- bool /* is_visible */)
- // Where is the Find window located. |x| and |y| will be -1, -1 on failure.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_FindWindowLocation,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* x */,
- int /* y */)
- // Is the Bookmark bar visible? The return value will indicate whether it is
- // visible or not and whether it is being animated into (or out of its place).
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_BookmarkBarVisibility,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- bool, /* is_visible */
- bool /* still_animating */)
- // This message requests the number of related info bars opened. It
- // returns -1 if an error occurred.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_GetInfoBarCount,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* info bar count */)
- // This message triggers the action associated with the "accept" button in
- // the info-bar at the specified index. If |wait for navigation| is true, it
- // won't return until a navigation has occurred.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_ClickInfoBarAccept,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* info bar index */,
- bool /* wait for navigation */,
- /* navigation result */
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message retrieves the last time a navigation occurred in the specified
- // tab. The value is intended to be used with WaitForNavigation.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_GetLastNavigationTime,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int64 /* last navigation time */)
- // This messages is used to block until a new navigation occurs (if there is
- // none more recent then the time specified).
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_WaitForNavigation,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int64 /* last navigation time */,
- /* navigation result */
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This messages sets an int-value preference.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_SetIntPreference,
- int /* browser handle */,
- std::string /* pref name */,
- int /* value */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Queries whether an app modal dialog is currently being shown. (i.e. a
- // javascript alert) and which buttons it contains.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_2(AutomationMsg_ShowingAppModalDialog,
- bool /* showing dialog */,
- int /* view::DelegateDialog::DialogButton */)
- // This message triggers the specified button for the currently showing
- // modal dialog.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_ClickAppModalDialogButton,
- int /* view::DelegateDialog::DialogButton */,
- bool /* success */)
- // This messages sets a string-value preference.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_SetStringPreference,
- int /* browser handle */,
- std::string /* pref name */,
- std::string /* pref value */,
- bool)
- // This messages gets a boolean-value preference.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(AutomationMsg_GetBooleanPreference,
- int /* browser handle */,
- std::string /* pref name */,
- bool /* success */,
- bool /* pref value */)
- // This messages sets a boolean-value preference.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_SetBooleanPreference,
- int /* browser handle */,
- std::string /* pref name */,
- bool /* pref value */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Queries the current used encoding name of the page in the specified
- // web content tab.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_GetPageCurrentEncoding,
- int /* tab handle */,
- std::string /* current used encoding name */)
- // Uses the specified encoding to override the encoding of the page in the
- // specified web content tab.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_OverrideEncoding,
- int /* tab handle */,
- std::string /* overrided encoding name */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Used to disable the dialog box that prompts the user for a path when
- // saving a web page.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(AutomationMsg_SavePackageShouldPromptUser,
- bool /* false if we want to not show the dialog */)
- // This message is an outgoing message from Chrome to an external host.
- // It is a notification that a navigation failed
- // Request:
- // -int : Tab handle
- // -int : The status code.
- // -GURL: The URL we failed to navigate to.
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_NavigationFailed, int, int, GURL)
+// Gets the title of the top level browser window.
+ int /* automation handle */,
+ string16 /* title text */ )
+// Tab load complete
+ int, // tab handle
+// This message requests the tabstrip index of the tab with the given handle.
+// The return value contains the index, which will be -1 on failure.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_TabIndex, int, int)
+// This message requests the handle (int64 app-unique identifier) of
+// a valid normal browser window, i.e. normal type and non-incognito mode.
+// On error, the returned handle value is 0.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_FindNormalBrowserWindow, int)
+// This message requests the number of normal browser windows, i.e. normal
+// type and non-incognito mode that the app currently has open. The return
+// value is the number of windows.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_NormalBrowserWindowCount, int)
+// Used to put the browser into "extension automation mode" for a given
+// set of Chrome Extensions API functions for the current profile, or turn
+// off automation mode. The specified tab is used as the conduit for all
+// automated API functions. It must be an external tab (as in
+// AutomationMsg_CreateExternalTab).
+ // Tab handle.
+ int,
+ // Empty to disable automation, non-empty to enable
+ // automation of the specified API functions, single
+ // entry of "*" to enable automation of all API
+ // functions.
+ std::vector<std::string>)
+// This message tells the browser to start using the new proxy configuration
+// represented by the given JSON string. The parameters used in the JSON
+// string are defined in automation_constants.h.
+ std::string /* proxy_config_json_string */)
+// Sets Download Shelf visibility for the specified browser.
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ bool /* is_visible */)
+// This message requests the number of blocked popups in a certain tab with
+// the given handle. The return value is the number of blocked popups, or -1
+// if this request failed.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* blocked_popup_count */)
+// This message retrieves the locale of the browser process. On success
+// |chrome_locale| will contain the locale as reported by ICU. On failure
+// |chrome_locale| is the empty string.
+ string16 /* chrome_locale */)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // This message is an outgoing message from an automation client to Chrome.
- // It is used to reposition a chrome tab window.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_TabReposition,
- int /* tab handle */,
- IPC::Reposition_Params /* SetWindowPos params */)
-#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
- // Gets the title of the top level browser window.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_WindowTitle,
- int /* automation handle */,
- string16 /* title text */ )
- // Tab load complete
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_TabLoaded,
- int, // tab handle
- // This message requests the tabstrip index of the tab with the given handle.
- // The return value contains the index, which will be -1 on failure.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_TabIndex, int, int)
- // This message requests the handle (int64 app-unique identifier) of
- // a valid normal browser window, i.e. normal type and non-incognito mode.
- // On error, the returned handle value is 0.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_FindNormalBrowserWindow, int)
- // This message requests the number of normal browser windows, i.e. normal
- // type and non-incognito mode that the app currently has open. The return
- // value is the number of windows.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_NormalBrowserWindowCount, int)
- // Used to put the browser into "extension automation mode" for a given
- // set of Chrome Extensions API functions for the current profile, or turn
- // off automation mode. The specified tab is used as the conduit for all
- // automated API functions. It must be an external tab (as in
- // AutomationMsg_CreateExternalTab).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_SetEnableExtensionAutomation,
- // Tab handle.
- int,
- // Empty to disable automation, non-empty to enable
- // automation of the specified API functions, single
- // entry of "*" to enable automation of all API
- // functions.
- std::vector<std::string>)
- // This message tells the browser to start using the new proxy configuration
- // represented by the given JSON string. The parameters used in the JSON
- // string are defined in automation_constants.h.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_SetProxyConfig,
- std::string /* proxy_config_json_string */)
- // Sets Download Shelf visibility for the specified browser.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_0(AutomationMsg_SetShelfVisibility,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- bool /* is_visible */)
- // This message requests the number of blocked popups in a certain tab with
- // the given handle. The return value is the number of blocked popups, or -1
- // if this request failed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_BlockedPopupCount,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* blocked_popup_count */)
- // This message retrieves the locale of the browser process. On success
- // |chrome_locale| will contain the locale as reported by ICU. On failure
- // |chrome_locale| is the empty string.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_GetBrowserLocale,
- string16 /* chrome_locale */)
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(AutomationMsg_ForwardContextMenuToExternalHost,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- HANDLE /* source menu handle */,
- int /* align flags */,
- IPC::MiniContextMenuParams /* params */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_ForwardContextMenuCommandToChrome,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* selected_command */)
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ HANDLE /* source menu handle */,
+ int /* align flags */,
+ IPC::MiniContextMenuParams /* params */)
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* selected_command */)
#endif // OS_WIN
- // A URL request to be fetched via automation
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_RequestStart,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* request_id */,
- IPC::AutomationURLRequest /* request */)
- // Read data from a URL request to be fetched via automation
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_RequestRead,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* request_id */,
- int /* bytes_to_read */)
- // Response to a AutomationMsg_RequestStart message
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_RequestStarted,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* request_id */,
- IPC::AutomationURLResponse /* response */)
- // Data read via automation
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_RequestData,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* request_id */,
- std::string /* data */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_RequestEnd,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* request_id */,
- URLRequestStatus /* status */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_PrintAsync,
- int /* tab_handle */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_SetCookieAsync,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- GURL /* url */,
- std::string /* cookie */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_SelectAll,
- int /* tab handle */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_Cut,
- int /* tab handle */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_Copy,
- int /* tab handle */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_Paste,
- int /* tab handle */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_ReloadAsync,
- int /* tab handle */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_StopAsync,
- int /* tab handle */)
- // Returns the number of times a filter was used to service an URL request.
- // See AutomationMsg_SetFilteredInet.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_GetFilteredInetHitCount,
- int /* hit_count */)
- // Is the browser in fullscreen mode?
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_IsFullscreen,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- bool /* is_fullscreen */)
- // Is the fullscreen bubble visible?
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_IsFullscreenBubbleVisible,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- bool /* is_visible */)
-#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- // See previous definition of this message for explanation of why it is
- // defined twice.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_WindowClick, int, gfx::Point, int)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate to a specified
- // url in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle to
- // the tab resource. The second parameter is the target url. The third
- // parameter is the number of navigations that are required for a successful
- // return value. See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the return
- // value.
- AutomationMsg_NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete, int, GURL, int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate to a specified
- // navigation entry index in the external tab with given handle. The first
- // parameter is the handle to the tab resource. The second parameter is the
- // index of navigation entry.
- // The return value contains a status code which is nonnegative on success.
- // see AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_NavigateExternalTabAtIndex, int, int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message requests the provider to wait until the window count
- // reached the specified value.
- // Request:
- // - int: target browser window count
- // Response:
- // - bool: whether the operation was successful.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_WaitForBrowserWindowCountToBecome,
- int, bool)
- // This message requests the provider to wait until an application modal
- // dialog is shown.
- // Response:
- // - bool: whether the operation was successful
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_WaitForAppModalDialogToBeShown, bool)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate back in session
- // history in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle
- // to the tab resource. The second parameter is the number of navigations the
- // provider will wait for.
- // See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response
- // values.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_GoBackBlockUntilNavigationsComplete,
- int, int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate forward in session
- // history in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle
- // to the tab resource. The second parameter is the number of navigations
- // the provider will wait for.
- // See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response
- // values.
- AutomationMsg_GoForwardBlockUntilNavigationsComplete, int, int,
- AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
- // This message is used by automation clients to upload histogram data to the
- // browser process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_RecordHistograms,
- std::vector<std::string> /* histogram_list */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_AttachExternalTab,
- int /* 'source' tab_handle */,
- IPC::AttachExternalTabParams)
- // Sent when the automation client connects to an existing tab.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_4(AutomationMsg_ConnectExternalTab,
- uint64 /* cookie */,
- bool /* allow/block tab*/,
- gfx::NativeWindow /* parent window */,
- gfx::NativeWindow /* Tab container window */,
- gfx::NativeWindow /* Tab window */,
- int /* Handle to the new tab */,
- int /* Session Id of the new tab */)
+// A URL request to be fetched via automation
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* request_id */,
+ IPC::AutomationURLRequest /* request */)
+// Read data from a URL request to be fetched via automation
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* request_id */,
+ int /* bytes_to_read */)
+// Response to a AutomationMsg_RequestStart message
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* request_id */,
+ IPC::AutomationURLResponse /* response */)
+// Data read via automation
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* request_id */,
+ std::string /* data */)
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* request_id */,
+ URLRequestStatus /* status */)
+ int /* tab_handle */)
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ std::string /* cookie */)
+ int /* tab handle */)
+ int /* tab handle */)
+ int /* tab handle */)
+ int /* tab handle */)
+ int /* tab handle */)
+ int /* tab handle */)
+// Returns the number of times a filter was used to service an URL request.
+// See AutomationMsg_SetFilteredInet.
+ int /* hit_count */)
+// Is the browser in fullscreen mode?
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ bool /* is_fullscreen */)
+// Is the fullscreen bubble visible?
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ bool /* is_visible */)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate to a specified
+// url in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle to
+// the tab resource. The second parameter is the target url. The third
+// parameter is the number of navigations that are required for a successful
+// return value. See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the return
+// value.
+ AutomationMsg_NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete, int, GURL, int,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate to a specified
+// navigation entry index in the external tab with given handle. The first
+// parameter is the handle to the tab resource. The second parameter is the
+// index of navigation entry.
+// The return value contains a status code which is nonnegative on success.
+// see AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_NavigateExternalTabAtIndex, int, int,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message requests the provider to wait until the window count
+// reached the specified value.
+// Request:
+// - int: target browser window count
+// Response:
+// - bool: whether the operation was successful.
+ int, bool)
+// This message requests the provider to wait until an application modal
+// dialog is shown.
+// Response:
+// - bool: whether the operation was successful
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_WaitForAppModalDialogToBeShown, bool)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate back in session
+// history in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle
+// to the tab resource. The second parameter is the number of navigations the
+// provider will wait for.
+// See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response
+// values.
+ int, int,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message notifies the AutomationProvider to navigate forward in session
+// history in the tab with given handle. The first parameter is the handle
+// to the tab resource. The second parameter is the number of navigations
+// the provider will wait for.
+// See AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues for the navigation response
+// values.
+ AutomationMsg_GoForwardBlockUntilNavigationsComplete, int, int,
+ AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues)
+// This message is used by automation clients to upload histogram data to the
+// browser process.
+ std::vector<std::string> /* histogram_list */)
+ int /* 'source' tab_handle */,
+ IPC::AttachExternalTabParams)
+// Sent when the automation client connects to an existing tab.
+ uint64 /* cookie */,
+ bool /* allow/block tab*/,
+ gfx::NativeWindow /* parent window */,
+ gfx::NativeWindow /* Tab container window */,
+ gfx::NativeWindow /* Tab window */,
+ int /* Handle to the new tab */,
+ int /* Session Id of the new tab */)
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- // TODO(estade): this should be merged with the windows message of the same
- // name. See comment for WindowClick.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(AutomationMsg_WindowDrag,
- int, std::vector<gfx::Point>, int, bool, bool)
+// TODO(estade): this should be merged with the windows message of the same
+// name. See comment for WindowClick.
+ int, std::vector<gfx::Point>, int, bool, bool)
#endif // defined(OS_POSIX)
- // This message gets the bounds of the window.
- // Request:
- // int - the handle of the window to query
- // Response:
- // gfx::Rect - the bounds of the window
- // bool - true if the query was successful
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_GetWindowBounds, int, gfx::Rect,
- bool)
- // Simulate an end of session. Normally this happens when the user
- // shuts down the machine or logs off.
- // Request:
- // int - the handle of the browser
- // Response:
- // bool - true if succesful
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_TerminateSession, int, bool)
- // Returns whether the window is maximized.
- // Request:
- // int - the handle of the window
- // Response:
- // bool - true if the window is maximized
- // bool - true if query is successful
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_IsWindowMaximized, int, bool, bool)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_SetPageFontSize,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* The font size */)
- // Returns a metric event duration that was last recorded. Returns -1 if the
- // event hasn't occurred yet.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_GetMetricEventDuration,
- std::string /* event_name */,
- int /* duration ms */)
- // Sent by automation provider - go to history entry via automation.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_RequestGoToHistoryEntryOffset,
- int, // tab handle
- int) // numbers of entries (negative or positive)
- // Silently install the extension in the given crx file.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_InstallExtension,
- FilePath /* full path to crx file */,
- AutomationMsg_ExtensionResponseValues)
- // Silently load the extension in the given directory. This expects an
- // extension expanded into the directory, not a crx file.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_LoadExpandedExtension,
- FilePath /* root directory of extension */,
- AutomationMsg_ExtensionResponseValues)
- // Retrieves a list of the root directories of all enabled extensions
- // that have been installed into Chrome by dropping a .crx file onto
- // Chrome or an equivalent action (including loaded extensions).
- // Other types of extensions are not included on the list (e.g. "component"
- // or "external" extensions) since they are generally not useful for testing
- // (e.g. an external extension could mess with an automated test if it's
- // present on some systems only).
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_GetEnabledExtensions,
- std::vector<FilePath>)
- // This message requests the type of the window with the given handle. The
- // return value contains the type (Browser::Type), or -1 if the request
- // failed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_Type, int, int)
- // Opens a new browser window of a specific type.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_0(AutomationMsg_OpenNewBrowserWindowOfType,
- int /* Type (Browser::Type) */,
- bool /* show */ )
- // This message requests that the mouse be moved to this location, in
- // window coordinate space.
- // Request:
- // int - the handle of the window that's the context for this click
- // gfx::Point - the location to move to
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_WindowMouseMove, int, gfx::Point)
- // Called when requests should be downloaded using a host browser's
- // download mechanism when chrome is being embedded.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_DownloadRequestInHost,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- int /* request_id */)
- // Shuts down the session service for the browser identified by
- // |browser_handle|. On success |result| is set to true.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_ShutdownSessionService,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_SaveAsAsync,
- int /* tab handle */)
+// This message gets the bounds of the window.
+// Request:
+// int - the handle of the window to query
+// Response:
+// gfx::Rect - the bounds of the window
+// bool - true if the query was successful
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_GetWindowBounds, int, gfx::Rect,
+ bool)
+// Simulate an end of session. Normally this happens when the user
+// shuts down the machine or logs off.
+// Request:
+// int - the handle of the browser
+// Response:
+// bool - true if succesful
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_TerminateSession, int, bool)
+// Returns whether the window is maximized.
+// Request:
+// int - the handle of the window
+// Response:
+// bool - true if the window is maximized
+// bool - true if query is successful
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_IsWindowMaximized, int, bool, bool)
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* The font size */)
+// Returns a metric event duration that was last recorded. Returns -1 if the
+// event hasn't occurred yet.
+ std::string /* event_name */,
+ int /* duration ms */)
+// Sent by automation provider - go to history entry via automation.
+ int, // tab handle
+ int) // numbers of entries (negative or positive)
+// Silently install the extension in the given crx file.
+ FilePath /* full path to crx file */,
+ AutomationMsg_ExtensionResponseValues)
+// Silently load the extension in the given directory. This expects an
+// extension expanded into the directory, not a crx file.
+ FilePath /* root directory of extension */,
+ AutomationMsg_ExtensionResponseValues)
+// Retrieves a list of the root directories of all enabled extensions
+// that have been installed into Chrome by dropping a .crx file onto
+// Chrome or an equivalent action (including loaded extensions).
+// Other types of extensions are not included on the list (e.g. "component"
+// or "external" extensions) since they are generally not useful for testing
+// (e.g. an external extension could mess with an automated test if it's
+// present on some systems only).
+ std::vector<FilePath>)
+// This message requests the type of the window with the given handle. The
+// return value contains the type (Browser::Type), or -1 if the request
+// failed.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_Type, int, int)
+// Opens a new browser window of a specific type.
+ int /* Type (Browser::Type) */,
+ bool /* show */ )
+// This message requests that the mouse be moved to this location, in
+// window coordinate space.
+// Request:
+// int - the handle of the window that's the context for this click
+// gfx::Point - the location to move to
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_WindowMouseMove, int, gfx::Point)
+// Called when requests should be downloaded using a host browser's
+// download mechanism when chrome is being embedded.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ int /* request_id */)
+// Shuts down the session service for the browser identified by
+// |browser_handle|. On success |result| is set to true.
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ bool /* result */)
+ int /* tab handle */)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // An incoming message from an automation host to Chrome. Signals that
- // the browser containing |tab_handle| has moved.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_BrowserMove,
- int /* tab handle */)
+// An incoming message from an automation host to Chrome. Signals that
+// the browser containing |tab_handle| has moved.
+ int /* tab handle */)
- // Used to get cookies for the given URL.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(AutomationMsg_GetCookiesFromHost,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- GURL /* url */,
- int /* opaque_cookie_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5(AutomationMsg_GetCookiesHostResponse,
- int /* tab_handle */,
- bool /* success */,
- GURL /* url */,
- std::string /* cookies */,
- int /* opaque_cookie_id */)
- // If the given host is empty, then the default content settings are
- // modified.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(AutomationMsg_SetContentSetting,
- int /* browser handle */,
- std::string /* host */,
- ContentSettingsType /* content type */,
- ContentSetting /* setting */,
- bool /* success */)
+// Used to get cookies for the given URL.
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ int /* opaque_cookie_id */)
+ int /* tab_handle */,
+ bool /* success */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ std::string /* cookies */,
+ int /* opaque_cookie_id */)
+// If the given host is empty, then the default content settings are
+// modified.
+ int /* browser handle */,
+ std::string /* host */,
+ ContentSettingsType /* content type */,
+ ContentSetting /* setting */,
+ bool /* success */)
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
- // Logs in through the browser's login wizard if available.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_LoginWithUserAndPass,
- std::string /* username*/,
- std::string /* password*/,
- bool /* Whether successful*/)
+// Logs in through the browser's login wizard if available.
+ std::string /* username*/,
+ std::string /* password*/,
+ bool /* Whether successful*/)
- // Return the bookmarks encoded as a JSON string.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(AutomationMsg_GetBookmarksAsJSON,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- std::string /* bookmarks as a JSON string */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Wait for the bookmark model to load.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_WaitForBookmarkModelToLoad,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Bookmark addition, modification, and removal.
- // Bookmarks are indexed by their id.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(AutomationMsg_AddBookmarkGroup,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- int64 /* parent_id */,
- int /* index */,
- std::wstring /* title */,
- bool /* success */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5_1(AutomationMsg_AddBookmarkURL,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- int64 /* parent_id */,
- int /* index */,
- std::wstring /* title */,
- GURL /* url */,
- bool /* success */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(AutomationMsg_ReparentBookmark,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- int64 /* id */,
- int64 /* new_parent_id */,
- int /* index */,
- bool /* success */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_SetBookmarkTitle,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- int64 /* id */,
- std::wstring /* title */,
- bool /* success */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_SetBookmarkURL,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- int64 /* id */,
- GURL /* url */,
- bool /* success */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_RemoveBookmark,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- int64 /* id */,
- bool /* success */)
- // This message informs the browser process to remove the history entries
- // for the specified types across all time ranges. See
- // browsing_data_remover.h for a list of REMOVE_* types supported in the
- // remove_mask parameter.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_RemoveBrowsingData, int)
- // Block until the focused view id changes to something other than
- // |previous_view_id|.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(AutomationMsg_WaitForFocusedViewIDToChange,
- int /* window handle */,
- int /* previous_view_id */,
- bool /* success */,
- int /* new_view_id */)
- // To avoid race conditions, waiting until a popup menu opens is a
- // three-step process:
- // 1. Call StartTrackingPopupMenus.
- // 2. Call an automation method that results in opening the popup menu.
- // 3. Call WaitForPopupMenuToOpen and check for success.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_StartTrackingPopupMenus,
- int /* browser handle */,
- bool /* success */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(AutomationMsg_WaitForPopupMenuToOpen,
- bool /* success */)
- // Generic pyauto pattern to help avoid future addition of
- // automation messages.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(AutomationMsg_SendJSONRequest,
- int /* browser_handle */,
- std::string /* JSON request */,
- std::string /* JSON response */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Installs an extension from the crx file and returns its id.
- // On error, |extension handle| will be 0.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_InstallExtensionAndGetHandle,
- FilePath /* full path to crx file */,
- bool /* with UI */,
- int /* extension handle */)
- // Waits for the next extension test result. Sets |test result| as the
- // received result and |message| as any accompanying message with the
- // result, which could be the empty string.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_2(AutomationMsg_WaitForExtensionTestResult,
- bool /* test result */,
- std::string /* message */)
- // Uninstalls an extension. On success |success| is true.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_UninstallExtension,
- int /* extension handle */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Enables an extension. On success |success| is true.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_EnableExtension,
- int /* extension handle */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Disables an extension. On success |success| is true.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_DisableExtension,
- int /* extension handle */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Executes the action associated with the given extension. This executes
- // the extension's page or browser action in the given browser, but does
- // not open popups. On success |success| is true.
- AutomationMsg_ExecuteExtensionActionInActiveTabAsync,
- int /* extension handle */,
- int /* browser handle */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Moves the browser action to the given index in the browser action toolbar.
- // On success |success| is true.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_MoveExtensionBrowserAction,
- int /* extension handle */,
- int /* index */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Gets an extension property |property type|. On success |success| is true,
- // and |property value| is set.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(AutomationMsg_GetExtensionProperty,
- int /* extension handle */,
- AutomationMsg_ExtensionProperty /* property type */,
- bool /* success */,
- std::string /* property value */)
- // Resets to the default theme.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_0(AutomationMsg_ResetToDefaultTheme)
- // Navigates asynchronously to a URL with a certain disposition,
- // like in a new tab.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_NavigationAsyncWithDisposition,
- int /* tab handle */,
- WindowOpenDisposition,
- bool /* result */)
- // This message requests the cookie be deleted for given url in the
- // profile of the tab identified by the first parameter. The second
- // parameter is the cookie name.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_DeleteCookie, GURL, std::string,
- int /* tab handle */,
- bool /* result */)
- // This message triggers the collected cookies dialog for a specific tab.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_ShowCollectedCookiesDialog,
- int /* tab handle */,
- bool /* result */)
- // This message requests the external tab identified by the tab handle
- // passed in be closed.
- // Request:
- // -int: Tab handle
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_CloseExternalTab, int)
- // This message requests that the external tab identified by the tab handle
- // runs unload handlers if any on the current page.
- // Request:
- // -int: Tab handle
- // -bool: result: true->unload, false->don't unload
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_RunUnloadHandlers, int, bool)
- // This message sets the current zoom level on the tab
- // Request:
- // -int: Tab handle
- // -int: Zoom level. Values ZOOM_OUT = -1, RESET = 0, ZOOM_IN = 1
- // Response:
- // None expected
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_SetZoomLevel, int, int)
- // Waits for tab count to reach target value.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_WaitForTabCountToBecome,
- int /* browser handle */,
- int /* target tab count */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Waits for the infobar count to reach given number.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_WaitForInfoBarCount,
- int /* tab handle */,
- int /* target count */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Waits for the autocomplete edit to receive focus.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_WaitForAutocompleteEditFocus,
- int /* autocomplete edit handle */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Loads all blocked plug-ins on the page.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_LoadBlockedPlugins,
- int /* tab handle */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Captures the entire page for the tab, including those portions not in
- // view, and saves the image as a PNG in the given file location.
- // Request:
- // -int: Tab handle
- // -FilePath: Path to save the captured image to
- // Response:
- // -bool: Whether the method succeeded
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_CaptureEntirePageAsPNG, int,
- FilePath, bool)
+// Return the bookmarks encoded as a JSON string.
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ std::string /* bookmarks as a JSON string */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Wait for the bookmark model to load.
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Bookmark addition, modification, and removal.
+// Bookmarks are indexed by their id.
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ int64 /* parent_id */,
+ int /* index */,
+ std::wstring /* title */,
+ bool /* success */)
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ int64 /* parent_id */,
+ int /* index */,
+ std::wstring /* title */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ bool /* success */)
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ int64 /* id */,
+ int64 /* new_parent_id */,
+ int /* index */,
+ bool /* success */)
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ int64 /* id */,
+ std::wstring /* title */,
+ bool /* success */)
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ int64 /* id */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ bool /* success */)
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ int64 /* id */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// This message informs the browser process to remove the history entries
+// for the specified types across all time ranges. See
+// browsing_data_remover.h for a list of REMOVE_* types supported in the
+// remove_mask parameter.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_RemoveBrowsingData, int)
+// Block until the focused view id changes to something other than
+// |previous_view_id|.
+ int /* window handle */,
+ int /* previous_view_id */,
+ bool /* success */,
+ int /* new_view_id */)
+// To avoid race conditions, waiting until a popup menu opens is a
+// three-step process:
+// 1. Call StartTrackingPopupMenus.
+// 2. Call an automation method that results in opening the popup menu.
+// 3. Call WaitForPopupMenuToOpen and check for success.
+ int /* browser handle */,
+ bool /* success */)
+ bool /* success */)
+// Generic pyauto pattern to help avoid future addition of
+// automation messages.
+ int /* browser_handle */,
+ std::string /* JSON request */,
+ std::string /* JSON response */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Installs an extension from the crx file and returns its id.
+// On error, |extension handle| will be 0.
+ FilePath /* full path to crx file */,
+ bool /* with UI */,
+ int /* extension handle */)
+// Waits for the next extension test result. Sets |test result| as the
+// received result and |message| as any accompanying message with the
+// result, which could be the empty string.
+ bool /* test result */,
+ std::string /* message */)
+// Uninstalls an extension. On success |success| is true.
+ int /* extension handle */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Enables an extension. On success |success| is true.
+ int /* extension handle */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Disables an extension. On success |success| is true.
+ int /* extension handle */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Executes the action associated with the given extension. This executes
+// the extension's page or browser action in the given browser, but does
+// not open popups. On success |success| is true.
+ AutomationMsg_ExecuteExtensionActionInActiveTabAsync,
+ int /* extension handle */,
+ int /* browser handle */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Moves the browser action to the given index in the browser action toolbar.
+// On success |success| is true.
+ int /* extension handle */,
+ int /* index */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Gets an extension property |property type|. On success |success| is true,
+// and |property value| is set.
+ int /* extension handle */,
+ AutomationMsg_ExtensionProperty /* property type */,
+ bool /* success */,
+ std::string /* property value */)
+// Resets to the default theme.
+// Navigates asynchronously to a URL with a certain disposition,
+// like in a new tab.
+ int /* tab handle */,
+ WindowOpenDisposition,
+ bool /* result */)
+// This message requests the cookie be deleted for given url in the
+// profile of the tab identified by the first parameter. The second
+// parameter is the cookie name.
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(AutomationMsg_DeleteCookie, GURL, std::string,
+ int /* tab handle */,
+ bool /* result */)
+// This message triggers the collected cookies dialog for a specific tab.
+ int /* tab handle */,
+ bool /* result */)
+// This message requests the external tab identified by the tab handle
+// passed in be closed.
+// Request:
+// -int: Tab handle
+// Response:
+// None expected
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(AutomationMsg_CloseExternalTab, int)
+// This message requests that the external tab identified by the tab handle
+// runs unload handlers if any on the current page.
+// Request:
+// -int: Tab handle
+// -bool: result: true->unload, false->don't unload
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(AutomationMsg_RunUnloadHandlers, int, bool)
+// This message sets the current zoom level on the tab
+// Request:
+// -int: Tab handle
+// -int: Zoom level. Values ZOOM_OUT = -1, RESET = 0, ZOOM_IN = 1
+// Response:
+// None expected
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(AutomationMsg_SetZoomLevel, int, int)
+// Waits for tab count to reach target value.
+ int /* browser handle */,
+ int /* target tab count */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Waits for the infobar count to reach given number.
+ int /* tab handle */,
+ int /* target count */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Waits for the autocomplete edit to receive focus.
+ int /* autocomplete edit handle */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Loads all blocked plug-ins on the page.
+ int /* tab handle */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Captures the entire page for the tab, including those portions not in
+// view, and saves the image as a PNG in the given file location.
+// Request:
+// -int: Tab handle
+// -FilePath: Path to save the captured image to
+// Response:
+// -bool: Whether the method succeeded
+IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(AutomationMsg_CaptureEntirePageAsPNG, int,
+ FilePath, bool)
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index 8ea923e..4efa63d 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -2,8 +2,5 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/devtools_messages.h"
- "chrome/common/devtools_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_impl_macros.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/devtools_messages.h b/chrome/common/devtools_messages.h
index 060c4d9..8fe7a49 100644
--- a/chrome/common/devtools_messages.h
+++ b/chrome/common/devtools_messages.h
@@ -8,11 +8,8 @@
#include <map>
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_utils.h"
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> DevToolsRuntimeProperties;
-#define MESSAGES_INTERNAL_FILE "chrome/common/devtools_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/devtools_messages_internal.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/devtools_messages_internal.h b/chrome/common/devtools_messages_internal.h
index ac8dbce..6019d60 100644
--- a/chrome/common/devtools_messages_internal.h
+++ b/chrome/common/devtools_messages_internal.h
@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-// This header is meant to be included in multiple passes, hence no traditional
-// header guard.
-// See ipc_message_macros.h for explanation of the macros and passes.
// Developer tools consist of the following parts:
// DevToolsAgent lives in the renderer of an inspected page and provides access
@@ -44,57 +40,51 @@
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#define IPC_MESSAGE_START DevToolsMsgStart
// These are messages sent from DevToolsAgent to DevToolsClient through the
// browser.
- // WebKit-level transport.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(DevToolsClientMsg_DispatchOnInspectorFrontend,
- std::string /* message */)
+// WebKit-level transport.
+ std::string /* message */)
- // Legacy debugger output message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(DevToolsClientMsg_DebuggerOutput,
- std::string /* message */)
+// Legacy debugger output message.
+ std::string /* message */)
- // Legacy APU dispatch message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(DevToolsClientMsg_DispatchToAPU,
- std::string /* message */)
+// Legacy APU dispatch message.
+ std::string /* message */)
// These are messages sent from DevToolsClient to DevToolsAgent through the
// browser.
- // Tells agent that there is a client host connected to it.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(DevToolsAgentMsg_Attach,
- DevToolsRuntimeProperties /* properties */)
- // Tells agent that there is no longer a client host connected to it.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(DevToolsAgentMsg_Detach)
- // Tells agent that the front-end has been loaded
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(DevToolsAgentMsg_FrontendLoaded)
- // WebKit-level transport.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(DevToolsAgentMsg_DispatchOnInspectorBackend,
- std::string /* message */)
- // Send debugger command to the debugger agent. Debugger commands should
- // be handled on IO thread(while all other devtools messages are handled in
- // the render thread) to allow executing the commands when v8 is on a
- // breakpoint.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(DevToolsAgentMsg_DebuggerCommand,
- std::string /* command */)
- // Inspect element with the given coordinates.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(DevToolsAgentMsg_InspectElement,
- int /* x */,
- int /* y */)
- // Enables/disables the apu agent.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(DevToolsAgentMsg_SetApuAgentEnabled, bool /* enabled */)
+// Tells agent that there is a client host connected to it.
+ DevToolsRuntimeProperties /* properties */)
+// Tells agent that there is no longer a client host connected to it.
+// Tells agent that the front-end has been loaded
+// WebKit-level transport.
+ std::string /* message */)
+// Send debugger command to the debugger agent. Debugger commands should
+// be handled on IO thread(while all other devtools messages are handled in
+// the render thread) to allow executing the commands when v8 is on a
+// breakpoint.
+ std::string /* command */)
+// Inspect element with the given coordinates.
+ int /* x */,
+ int /* y */)
+// Enables/disables the apu agent.
+IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(DevToolsAgentMsg_SetApuAgentEnabled, bool /* enabled */)
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index bd850a1..9d5c32e 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -2,19 +2,15 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/common/gpu_messages.h"
#include "chrome/common/gpu_create_command_buffer_config.h"
#include "chrome/common/gpu_info.h"
#include "chrome/common/dx_diag_node.h"
#include "gfx/rect.h"
#include "gfx/size.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_channel_handle.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_utils.h"
- "chrome/common/gpu_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_impl_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/gpu_messages.h"
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
diff --git a/chrome/common/gpu_messages.h b/chrome/common/gpu_messages.h
index f932c99..387d2b1 100644
--- a/chrome/common/gpu_messages.h
+++ b/chrome/common/gpu_messages.h
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
#include "gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/command_buffer.h"
- "chrome/common/gpu_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/gpu_messages_internal.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/gpu_messages_internal.h b/chrome/common/gpu_messages_internal.h
index e4badaa..57a8917 100644
--- a/chrome/common/gpu_messages_internal.h
+++ b/chrome/common/gpu_messages_internal.h
@@ -2,13 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-// This header is meant to be included in multiple passes, hence no traditional
-// header guard. It is included by backing_store_messages_internal.h
-// See ipc_message_macros.h for explanation of the macros and passes.
-// This file needs to be included again, even though we're actually included
-// from it via utility_messages.h.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
@@ -16,6 +9,8 @@
#include "chrome/common/gpu_video_common.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#define IPC_MESSAGE_START GpuMsgStart
namespace gfx {
class Size;
@@ -30,322 +25,301 @@ class GPUInfo;
// GPU Messages
// These are messages from the browser to the GPU process.
- // Tells the GPU process to create a new channel for communication with a
- // given renderer. The channel name is returned in a
- // GpuHostMsg_ChannelEstablished message. The renderer ID is passed so that
- // the GPU process reuses an existing channel to that process if it exists.
- // This ID is a unique opaque identifier generated by the browser process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(GpuMsg_EstablishChannel,
- int /* renderer_id */)
- // Provides a synchronization point to guarantee that the processing of
- // previous asynchronous messages (i.e., GpuMsg_EstablishChannel) has
- // completed. (This message can't be synchronous because the
- // GpuProcessHost uses an IPC::ChannelProxy, which sends all messages
- // asynchronously.) Results in a GpuHostMsg_SynchronizeReply.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(GpuMsg_Synchronize)
- // Tells the GPU process to create a context for collecting graphics card
- // information.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(GpuMsg_CollectGraphicsInfo)
+// Tells the GPU process to create a new channel for communication with a
+// given renderer. The channel name is returned in a
+// GpuHostMsg_ChannelEstablished message. The renderer ID is passed so that
+// the GPU process reuses an existing channel to that process if it exists.
+// This ID is a unique opaque identifier generated by the browser process.
+ int /* renderer_id */)
+// Provides a synchronization point to guarantee that the processing of
+// previous asynchronous messages (i.e., GpuMsg_EstablishChannel) has
+// completed. (This message can't be synchronous because the
+// GpuProcessHost uses an IPC::ChannelProxy, which sends all messages
+// asynchronously.) Results in a GpuHostMsg_SynchronizeReply.
+// Tells the GPU process to create a context for collecting graphics card
+// information.
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // Tells the GPU process that the browser process handled the swap
- // buffers request with the given number. Note that it is possible
- // for the browser process to coalesce frames; it is not guaranteed
- // that every GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped message
- // will result in a buffer swap on the browser side.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(GpuMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwappedACK,
- int /* renderer_id */,
- int32 /* route_id */,
- uint64 /* swap_buffers_count */)
+// Tells the GPU process that the browser process handled the swap
+// buffers request with the given number. Note that it is possible
+// for the browser process to coalesce frames; it is not guaranteed
+// that every GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped message
+// will result in a buffer swap on the browser side.
+ int /* renderer_id */,
+ int32 /* route_id */,
+ uint64 /* swap_buffers_count */)
- // Tells the GPU process to crash.
- // Tells the GPU process to hang.
+// Tells the GPU process to crash.
+// Tells the GPU process to hang.
// GPU Host Messages
// These are messages from the GPU process to the browser.
+// Response to a GpuHostMsg_EstablishChannel message.
+ IPC::ChannelHandle, /* channel_handle */
+ GPUInfo /* GPU logging stats */)
- // Response to a GpuHostMsg_EstablishChannel message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(GpuHostMsg_ChannelEstablished,
- IPC::ChannelHandle, /* channel_handle */
- GPUInfo /* GPU logging stats */)
+// Response to a GpuMsg_Synchronize message.
- // Response to a GpuMsg_Synchronize message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(GpuHostMsg_SynchronizeReply)
- // Response to a GpuMsg_CollectGraphicsInfo.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(GpuHostMsg_GraphicsInfoCollected,
- GPUInfo /* GPU logging stats */)
+// Response to a GpuMsg_CollectGraphicsInfo.
+ GPUInfo /* GPU logging stats */)
#if defined(OS_LINUX)
- // Get the XID for a view ID.
- gfx::NativeViewId, /* view */
- unsigned long /* xid */)
+// Get the XID for a view ID.
+ gfx::NativeViewId, /* view */
+ unsigned long /* xid */)
- // Release the lock on the window.
- // If the associated view has been destroyed, destroy the window.
- unsigned long /* xid */)
+// Release the lock on the window.
+// If the associated view has been destroyed, destroy the window.
+ unsigned long /* xid */)
- unsigned long, /* xid */
- gfx::Size, /* size */
- bool /* success */)
+ unsigned long, /* xid */
+ gfx::Size, /* size */
+ bool /* success */)
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // This message, used on Mac OS X 10.6 and later (where IOSurface is
- // supported), is sent from the GPU process to the browser to indicate that a
- // new backing store was allocated for the given "window" (fake
- // PluginWindowHandle). The renderer ID and render view ID are needed in
- // order to uniquely identify the RenderWidgetHostView on the browser side.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface,
- GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface_Params)
- // This message notifies the browser process that the renderer
- // swapped the buffers associated with the given "window", which
- // should cause the browser to redraw the compositor's contents.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped,
- GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped_Params)
+// This message, used on Mac OS X 10.6 and later (where IOSurface is
+// supported), is sent from the GPU process to the browser to indicate that a
+// new backing store was allocated for the given "window" (fake
+// PluginWindowHandle). The renderer ID and render view ID are needed in
+// order to uniquely identify the RenderWidgetHostView on the browser side.
+ GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface_Params)
+// This message notifies the browser process that the renderer
+// swapped the buffers associated with the given "window", which
+// should cause the browser to redraw the compositor's contents.
+ GpuHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped_Params)
#elif defined(OS_WIN)
- // Get the HWND for the compositor window and if necessary, create it
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(GpuHostMsg_GetCompositorHostWindow,
- int32, /* renderer_id */
- int32, /* render_view_id */
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* compositor_host_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(GpuHostMsg_ScheduleComposite,
- int32, /* renderer_id */
- int32 /* render_view_id */)
+// Get the HWND for the compositor window and if necessary, create it
+ int32, /* renderer_id */
+ int32, /* render_view_id */
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* compositor_host_id */)
+ int32, /* renderer_id */
+ int32 /* render_view_id */)
// GPU Channel Messages
// These are messages from a renderer process to the GPU process.
- // Tells the GPU process to create a new command buffer that renders directly
- // to a native view. The |render_view_id| is currently needed only on Mac OS
- // X in order to identify the window on the browser side into which the
- // rendering results go. A corresponding GpuCommandBufferStub is created.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(GpuChannelMsg_CreateViewCommandBuffer,
- gfx::NativeViewId, /* view */
- int32, /* render_view_id */
- GPUCreateCommandBufferConfig, /* init_params */
- int32 /* route_id */)
- // Tells the GPU process to create a new command buffer that renders to an
- // offscreen frame buffer. If parent_route_id is not zero, the texture backing
- // the frame buffer is mapped into the corresponding parent command buffer's
- // namespace, with the name of parent_texture_id. This ID is in the parent's
- // namespace.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_1(GpuChannelMsg_CreateOffscreenCommandBuffer,
- int32, /* parent_route_id */
- gfx::Size, /* size */
- GPUCreateCommandBufferConfig, /* init_params */
- uint32, /* parent_texture_id */
- int32 /* route_id */)
- // The CommandBufferProxy sends this to the GpuCommandBufferStub in its
- // destructor, so that the stub deletes the actual CommandBufferService
- // object that it's hosting.
- // TODO(apatrick): Implement this.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_0(GpuChannelMsg_DestroyCommandBuffer,
- int32 /* instance_id */)
- // Create hardware video decoder && associate it with the output |decoder_id|;
- // We need this to be control message because we had to map the GpuChannel and
- // |decoder_id|.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(GpuChannelMsg_CreateVideoDecoder,
- int32, /* context_route_id */
- int32) /* decoder_id */
- // Release all resource of the hardware video decoder which was assocaited
- // with the input |decoder_id|.
- // TODO(hclam): This message needs to be asynchronous.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_0(GpuChannelMsg_DestroyVideoDecoder,
- int32 /* decoder_id */)
+// Tells the GPU process to create a new command buffer that renders directly
+// to a native view. The |render_view_id| is currently needed only on Mac OS
+// X in order to identify the window on the browser side into which the
+// rendering results go. A corresponding GpuCommandBufferStub is created.
+ gfx::NativeViewId, /* view */
+ int32, /* render_view_id */
+ GPUCreateCommandBufferConfig, /* init_params */
+ int32 /* route_id */)
+// Tells the GPU process to create a new command buffer that renders to an
+// offscreen frame buffer. If parent_route_id is not zero, the texture backing
+// the frame buffer is mapped into the corresponding parent command buffer's
+// namespace, with the name of parent_texture_id. This ID is in the parent's
+// namespace.
+ int32, /* parent_route_id */
+ gfx::Size, /* size */
+ GPUCreateCommandBufferConfig, /* init_params */
+ uint32, /* parent_texture_id */
+ int32 /* route_id */)
+// The CommandBufferProxy sends this to the GpuCommandBufferStub in its
+// destructor, so that the stub deletes the actual CommandBufferService
+// object that it's hosting.
+// TODO(apatrick): Implement this.
+ int32 /* instance_id */)
+// Create hardware video decoder && associate it with the output |decoder_id|;
+// We need this to be control message because we had to map the GpuChannel and
+// |decoder_id|.
+ int32, /* context_route_id */
+ int32) /* decoder_id */
+// Release all resource of the hardware video decoder which was assocaited
+// with the input |decoder_id|.
+// TODO(hclam): This message needs to be asynchronous.
+ int32 /* decoder_id */)
// GPU Command Buffer Messages
// These are messages between a renderer process to the GPU process relating to
// a single OpenGL context.
- // Initialize a command buffer with the given number of command entries.
- // Returns the shared memory handle for the command buffer mapped to the
- // calling process.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(GpuCommandBufferMsg_Initialize,
- int32 /* size */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* ring_buffer */)
- // Get the current state of the command buffer.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(GpuCommandBufferMsg_GetState,
- gpu::CommandBuffer::State /* state */)
- // Get the current state of the command buffer asynchronously. State is
- // returned via UpdateState message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuCommandBufferMsg_AsyncGetState)
- // Synchronize the put and get offsets of both processes. Caller passes its
- // current put offset. Current state (including get offset) is returned.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(GpuCommandBufferMsg_Flush,
- int32 /* put_offset */,
- gpu::CommandBuffer::State /* state */)
- // Asynchronously synchronize the put and get offsets of both processes.
- // Caller passes its current put offset. Current state (including get offset)
- // is returned via an UpdateState message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuCommandBufferMsg_AsyncFlush,
- int32 /* put_offset */)
- // Return the current state of the command buffer following a request via
- // an AsyncGetState or AsyncFlush message. (This message is sent from the
- // GPU process to the renderer process.)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuCommandBufferMsg_UpdateState,
- gpu::CommandBuffer::State /* state */)
- // Indicates that a SwapBuffers call has been issued.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuCommandBufferMsg_SwapBuffers)
- // Create a shared memory transfer buffer. Returns an id that can be used to
- // identify the transfer buffer from a comment.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(GpuCommandBufferMsg_CreateTransferBuffer,
- int32 /* size */,
- int32 /* id */)
- // Destroy a previously created transfer buffer.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(GpuCommandBufferMsg_DestroyTransferBuffer,
- int32 /* id */)
- // Get the shared memory handle for a transfer buffer mapped to the callers
- // process.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(GpuCommandBufferMsg_GetTransferBuffer,
- int32 /* id */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* transfer_buffer */,
- uint32 /* size */)
- // Send from command buffer stub to proxy when window is invalid and must be
- // repainted.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuCommandBufferMsg_NotifyRepaint)
- // Tells the GPU process to resize an offscreen frame buffer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuCommandBufferMsg_ResizeOffscreenFrameBuffer,
- gfx::Size /* size */)
+// Initialize a command buffer with the given number of command entries.
+// Returns the shared memory handle for the command buffer mapped to the
+// calling process.
+ int32 /* size */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* ring_buffer */)
+// Get the current state of the command buffer.
+ gpu::CommandBuffer::State /* state */)
+// Get the current state of the command buffer asynchronously. State is
+// returned via UpdateState message.
+// Synchronize the put and get offsets of both processes. Caller passes its
+// current put offset. Current state (including get offset) is returned.
+ int32 /* put_offset */,
+ gpu::CommandBuffer::State /* state */)
+// Asynchronously synchronize the put and get offsets of both processes.
+// Caller passes its current put offset. Current state (including get offset)
+// is returned via an UpdateState message.
+ int32 /* put_offset */)
+// Return the current state of the command buffer following a request via
+// an AsyncGetState or AsyncFlush message. (This message is sent from the
+// GPU process to the renderer process.)
+ gpu::CommandBuffer::State /* state */)
+// Indicates that a SwapBuffers call has been issued.
+// Create a shared memory transfer buffer. Returns an id that can be used to
+// identify the transfer buffer from a comment.
+ int32 /* size */,
+ int32 /* id */)
+// Destroy a previously created transfer buffer.
+ int32 /* id */)
+// Get the shared memory handle for a transfer buffer mapped to the callers
+// process.
+ int32 /* id */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* transfer_buffer */,
+ uint32 /* size */)
+// Send from command buffer stub to proxy when window is invalid and must be
+// repainted.
+// Tells the GPU process to resize an offscreen frame buffer.
+ gfx::Size /* size */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // On Mac OS X the GPU plugin must be offscreen, because there is no
- // true cross-process window hierarchy. For this reason we must send
- // resize events explicitly to the command buffer stub so it can
- // reallocate its backing store and send the new one back to the
- // browser. This message is currently used only on 10.6 and later.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuCommandBufferMsg_SetWindowSize,
- gfx::Size /* size */)
+// On Mac OS X the GPU plugin must be offscreen, because there is no
+// true cross-process window hierarchy. For this reason we must send
+// resize events explicitly to the command buffer stub so it can
+// reallocate its backing store and send the new one back to the
+// browser. This message is currently used only on 10.6 and later.
+ gfx::Size /* size */)
// GPU Video Decoder Messages
// These messages are sent from Renderer process to GPU process.
- // Initialize and configure GpuVideoDecoder asynchronously.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuVideoDecoderMsg_Initialize,
- GpuVideoDecoderInitParam)
- // Destroy and release GpuVideoDecoder asynchronously.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuVideoDecoderMsg_Destroy)
+// Initialize and configure GpuVideoDecoder asynchronously.
+ GpuVideoDecoderInitParam)
- // Start decoder flushing operation.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuVideoDecoderMsg_Flush)
+// Destroy and release GpuVideoDecoder asynchronously.
- // Tell the decoder to start prerolling.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuVideoDecoderMsg_Preroll)
+// Start decoder flushing operation.
- // Send input buffer to GpuVideoDecoder.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuVideoDecoderMsg_EmptyThisBuffer,
- GpuVideoDecoderInputBufferParam)
+// Tell the decoder to start prerolling.
- // Ask the GPU process to produce a video frame with the ID.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuVideoDecoderMsg_ProduceVideoFrame,
- int32) /* Video Frame ID */
+// Send input buffer to GpuVideoDecoder.
+ GpuVideoDecoderInputBufferParam)
- // Sent from Renderer process to the GPU process to notify that textures are
- // generated for a video frame.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(GpuVideoDecoderMsg_VideoFrameAllocated,
- int32, /* Video Frame ID */
- std::vector<uint32>) /* Textures for video frame */
+// Ask the GPU process to produce a video frame with the ID.
+ int32) /* Video Frame ID */
+// Sent from Renderer process to the GPU process to notify that textures are
+// generated for a video frame.
+ int32, /* Video Frame ID */
+ std::vector<uint32>) /* Textures for video frame */
// GPU Video Decoder Host Messages
// These messages are sent from GPU process to Renderer process.
- // Inform GpuVideoDecoderHost that a GpuVideoDecoder is created.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_CreateVideoDecoderDone,
- int32) /* decoder_id */
- // Confirm GpuVideoDecoder had been initialized or failed to initialize.
- // TODO(hclam): Change this to Done instead of ACK.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_InitializeACK,
- GpuVideoDecoderInitDoneParam)
- // Confrim GpuVideoDecoder had been destroyed properly.
- // TODO(hclam): Change this to Done instead of ACK.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_DestroyACK)
- // Confirm decoder had been flushed.
- // TODO(hclam): Change this to Done instead of ACK.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_FlushACK)
- // Confirm preroll operation is done.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_PrerollDone)
- // GpuVideoDecoder has consumed input buffer from transfer buffer.
- // TODO(hclam): Change this to Done instead of ACK.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_EmptyThisBufferACK)
- // GpuVideoDecoder require new input buffer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_EmptyThisBufferDone)
- // GpuVideoDecoder reports that a video frame is ready to be consumed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_ConsumeVideoFrame,
- int32, /* Video Frame ID */
- int64, /* Timestamp in microseconds */
- int64, /* Duration in microseconds */
- int32) /* Flags */
- // Allocate video frames for output of the hardware video decoder.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_AllocateVideoFrames,
- int32, /* Number of video frames to generate */
- uint32, /* Width of the video frame */
- uint32, /* Height of the video frame */
- int32 /* Format of the video frame */)
- // Release all video frames allocated for a hardware video decoder.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_ReleaseAllVideoFrames)
- // GpuVideoDecoder report output format change.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_MediaFormatChange,
- GpuVideoDecoderFormatChangeParam)
- // GpuVideoDecoder report error.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(GpuVideoDecoderHostMsg_ErrorNotification,
- GpuVideoDecoderErrorInfoParam)
+// Inform GpuVideoDecoderHost that a GpuVideoDecoder is created.
+ int32) /* decoder_id */
+// Confirm GpuVideoDecoder had been initialized or failed to initialize.
+// TODO(hclam): Change this to Done instead of ACK.
+ GpuVideoDecoderInitDoneParam)
+// Confrim GpuVideoDecoder had been destroyed properly.
+// TODO(hclam): Change this to Done instead of ACK.
+// Confirm decoder had been flushed.
+// TODO(hclam): Change this to Done instead of ACK.
+// Confirm preroll operation is done.
+// GpuVideoDecoder has consumed input buffer from transfer buffer.
+// TODO(hclam): Change this to Done instead of ACK.
+// GpuVideoDecoder require new input buffer.
+// GpuVideoDecoder reports that a video frame is ready to be consumed.
+ int32, /* Video Frame ID */
+ int64, /* Timestamp in microseconds */
+ int64, /* Duration in microseconds */
+ int32) /* Flags */
+// Allocate video frames for output of the hardware video decoder.
+ int32, /* Number of video frames to generate */
+ uint32, /* Width of the video frame */
+ uint32, /* Height of the video frame */
+ int32 /* Format of the video frame */)
+// Release all video frames allocated for a hardware video decoder.
+// GpuVideoDecoder report output format change.
+ GpuVideoDecoderFormatChangeParam)
+// GpuVideoDecoder report error.
+ GpuVideoDecoderErrorInfoParam)
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index e5d442c..c607f21 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ void InitChromeLogging(const CommandLine& command_line,
"Attempted to initialize logging when it was already initialized.";
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && defined(IPC_MESSAGE_LOG_ENABLED)
- IPC::Logging::SetLoggerFunctions(g_log_function_mapping);
+ IPC::Logging::set_log_function_map(&g_log_function_mapping);
FilePath log_path = GetLogFileName();
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index 291ed5a..1b2aff9 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -2,8 +2,5 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/nacl_messages.h"
- "chrome/common/nacl_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_impl_macros.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/nacl_messages.h b/chrome/common/nacl_messages.h
index 11abf19..6c7c771 100644
--- a/chrome/common/nacl_messages.h
+++ b/chrome/common/nacl_messages.h
@@ -8,11 +8,6 @@
#pragma once
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_utils.h"
-#define MESSAGES_INTERNAL_FILE "chrome/common/nacl_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/nacl_messages_internal.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/nacl_messages_internal.h b/chrome/common/nacl_messages_internal.h
index e302118..ea96a03 100644
--- a/chrome/common/nacl_messages_internal.h
+++ b/chrome/common/nacl_messages_internal.h
@@ -6,25 +6,24 @@
#include "chrome/common/nacl_types.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#define IPC_MESSAGE_START NaClMsgStart
// NaClProcess messages
// These are messages sent from the browser to the NaCl process.
- // Tells the NaCl process to start.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(NaClProcessMsg_Start,
- std::vector<nacl::FileDescriptor> /* sockets */)
- // Tells the NaCl broker to launch a NaCl loader process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(NaClProcessMsg_LaunchLoaderThroughBroker,
- std::wstring /* channel ID for the loader */)
+// Tells the NaCl process to start.
+ std::vector<nacl::FileDescriptor> /* sockets */)
- // Notify the browser process that the loader was launched successfully.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(NaClProcessMsg_LoaderLaunched,
- std::wstring, /* channel ID for the loader */
- base::ProcessHandle /* loader process handle */)
+// Tells the NaCl broker to launch a NaCl loader process.
+ std::wstring /* channel ID for the loader */)
- // Notify the broker that all loader processes have been terminated and it
- // should shutdown.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(NaClProcessMsg_StopBroker)
+// Notify the browser process that the loader was launched successfully.
+ std::wstring, /* channel ID for the loader */
+ base::ProcessHandle /* loader process handle */)
+// Notify the broker that all loader processes have been terminated and it
+// should shutdown.
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index 0434197..d9117ff 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -2,14 +2,11 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/common/plugin_messages.h"
#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_channel_handle.h"
- "chrome/common/plugin_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_impl_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/plugin_messages.h"
: containing_window(0),
diff --git a/chrome/common/plugin_messages.h b/chrome/common/plugin_messages.h
index 3935fa8..4753c9d6 100644
--- a/chrome/common/plugin_messages.h
+++ b/chrome/common/plugin_messages.h
@@ -236,8 +236,6 @@ struct ParamTraits<PluginMsg_UpdateGeometry_Param> {
} // namespace IPC
-#define MESSAGES_INTERNAL_FILE "chrome/common/plugin_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/plugin_messages_internal.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/plugin_messages_internal.h b/chrome/common/plugin_messages_internal.h
index 7ebfd58..54ba2eb 100644
--- a/chrome/common/plugin_messages_internal.h
+++ b/chrome/common/plugin_messages_internal.h
@@ -12,523 +12,511 @@
#include "base/file_descriptor_posix.h"
+#define IPC_MESSAGE_START PluginMsgStart
// PluginProcess messages
// These are messages sent from the browser to the plugin process.
- // Tells the plugin process to create a new channel for communication with a
- // given renderer. The channel name is returned in a
- // PluginProcessHostMsg_ChannelCreated message. The renderer ID is passed so
- // that the plugin process reuses an existing channel to that process if it
- // exists. This ID is a unique opaque identifier generated by the browser
- // process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(PluginProcessMsg_CreateChannel,
- int /* renderer_id */,
- bool /* off_the_record */)
- // Allows a chrome plugin loaded in the browser process to send arbitrary
- // data to an instance of the same plugin loaded in a plugin process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(PluginProcessMsg_PluginMessage,
- std::vector<uint8> /* opaque data */)
- // Tells the plugin process to notify every connected renderer of the pending
- // shutdown, so we don't mistake it for a crash.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(PluginProcessMsg_NotifyRenderersOfPendingShutdown)
- // The following messages are used by all child processes, even though they
- // are listed under PluginProcess. It seems overkill to define ChildProcess.
- // Tells the child process it should stop.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(PluginProcessMsg_AskBeforeShutdown)
- // Sent in response to PluginProcessHostMsg_ShutdownRequest to tell the child
- // process that it's safe to shutdown.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(PluginProcessMsg_Shutdown)
+// Tells the plugin process to create a new channel for communication with a
+// given renderer. The channel name is returned in a
+// PluginProcessHostMsg_ChannelCreated message. The renderer ID is passed so
+// that the plugin process reuses an existing channel to that process if it
+// exists. This ID is a unique opaque identifier generated by the browser
+// process.
+ int /* renderer_id */,
+ bool /* off_the_record */)
+// Allows a chrome plugin loaded in the browser process to send arbitrary
+// data to an instance of the same plugin loaded in a plugin process.
+ std::vector<uint8> /* opaque data */)
+// Tells the plugin process to notify every connected renderer of the pending
+// shutdown, so we don't mistake it for a crash.
+// The following messages are used by all child processes, even though they
+// are listed under PluginProcess. It seems overkill to define ChildProcess.
+// Tells the child process it should stop.
+// Sent in response to PluginProcessHostMsg_ShutdownRequest to tell the child
+// process that it's safe to shutdown.
- // Tell the child process to begin or end IPC message logging.
- // Like above, this is used by all ChildProcesses.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(PluginProcessMsg_SetIPCLoggingEnabled,
- bool /* on or off */)
+// Tell the child process to begin or end IPC message logging.
+// Like above, this is used by all ChildProcesses.
+ bool /* on or off */)
// PluginProcessHost messages
// These are messages sent from the plugin process to the browser process.
- // Response to a PluginProcessMsg_CreateChannel message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(PluginProcessHostMsg_ChannelCreated,
- IPC::ChannelHandle /* channel_handle */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_1(PluginProcessHostMsg_GetPluginFinderUrl,
- std::string /* plugin finder URL */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(PluginProcessHostMsg_ShutdownRequest)
- // Allows a chrome plugin loaded in a plugin process to send arbitrary
- // data to an instance of the same plugin loaded in the browser process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginMessage,
- std::vector<uint8> /* opaque data */)
- // Allows a chrome plugin loaded in a plugin process to send arbitrary
- // data to an instance of the same plugin loaded in the browser process.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginSyncMessage,
- std::vector<uint8> /* opaque data */,
- std::vector<uint8> /* opaque data response */)
- // Used to get cookies for the given URL. The request_context is a
- // CPBrowsingContext, but is passed as int32 to avoid compilation errors.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(PluginProcessHostMsg_GetCookies,
- int32 /* request_context */,
- GURL /* url */,
- std::string /* cookies */)
- // Used by the plugin process to verify that its renderer |renderer_id| has
- // permission to access the given |files|.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(PluginProcessHostMsg_AccessFiles,
- int /* renderer_id */,
- std::vector<std::string> /* files */,
- bool /* allowed */)
- // Get the list of proxies to use for |url|, as a semicolon delimited list
- // of "<TYPE> <HOST>:<PORT>" | "DIRECT". See also ViewHostMsg_ResolveProxy
- // which does the same thing.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(PluginProcessHostMsg_ResolveProxy,
- GURL /* url */,
- int /* network error */,
- std::string /* proxy list */)
+// Response to a PluginProcessMsg_CreateChannel message.
+ IPC::ChannelHandle /* channel_handle */)
+ std::string /* plugin finder URL */)
+// Allows a chrome plugin loaded in a plugin process to send arbitrary
+// data to an instance of the same plugin loaded in the browser process.
+ std::vector<uint8> /* opaque data */)
+// Allows a chrome plugin loaded in a plugin process to send arbitrary
+// data to an instance of the same plugin loaded in the browser process.
+ std::vector<uint8> /* opaque data */,
+ std::vector<uint8> /* opaque data response */)
+// Used to get cookies for the given URL. The request_context is a
+// CPBrowsingContext, but is passed as int32 to avoid compilation errors.
+ int32 /* request_context */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ std::string /* cookies */)
+// Used by the plugin process to verify that its renderer |renderer_id| has
+// permission to access the given |files|.
+ int /* renderer_id */,
+ std::vector<std::string> /* files */,
+ bool /* allowed */)
+// Get the list of proxies to use for |url|, as a semicolon delimited list
+// of "<TYPE> <HOST>:<PORT>" | "DIRECT". See also ViewHostMsg_ResolveProxy
+// which does the same thing.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ int /* network error */,
+ std::string /* proxy list */)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // Creates a child window of the given parent window on the UI thread.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(PluginProcessHostMsg_CreateWindow,
- HWND /* parent */,
- HWND /* child */)
- // Destroys the given window's parent on the UI thread.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginWindowDestroyed,
- HWND /* window */,
- HWND /* parent */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PluginProcessHostMsg_DownloadUrl,
- std::string /* URL */,
- int /* process id */,
- HWND /* caller window */)
+// Creates a child window of the given parent window on the UI thread.
+ HWND /* parent */,
+ HWND /* child */)
+// Destroys the given window's parent on the UI thread.
+ HWND /* window */,
+ HWND /* parent */)
+ std::string /* URL */,
+ int /* process id */,
+ HWND /* caller window */)
#if defined(USE_X11)
- // On X11, the mapping between NativeViewId and X window ids
- // is known only to the browser. This message lets the plugin process
- // ask about a NativeViewId that was provided by the renderer.
- // It will get 0 back if it's a bogus input.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(PluginProcessHostMsg_MapNativeViewId,
- gfx::NativeViewId /* input: native view id */,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* output: X window id */)
+// On X11, the mapping between NativeViewId and X window ids
+// is known only to the browser. This message lets the plugin process
+// ask about a NativeViewId that was provided by the renderer.
+// It will get 0 back if it's a bogus input.
+ gfx::NativeViewId /* input: native view id */,
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* output: X window id */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // On Mac OS X, we need the browser to keep track of plugin windows so
- // that it can add and remove them from stacking groups, hide and show the
- // menu bar, etc. We pass the window rect for convenience so that the
- // browser can easily tell if the window is fullscreen.
- // Notifies the browser that the plugin has selected a window (i.e., brought
- // it to the front and wants it to have keyboard focus).
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginSelectWindow,
- uint32 /* window ID */,
- gfx::Rect /* window rect */,
- bool /* modal */)
- // Notifies the browser that the plugin has shown a window.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginShowWindow,
- uint32 /* window ID */,
- gfx::Rect /* window rect */,
- bool /* modal */)
- // Notifies the browser that the plugin has hidden a window.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginHideWindow,
- uint32 /* window ID */,
- gfx::Rect /* window rect */)
- // Notifies the browser that a plugin instance has requested a cursor
- // visibility change.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginSetCursorVisibility,
- bool /* cursor visibility */)
+// On Mac OS X, we need the browser to keep track of plugin windows so
+// that it can add and remove them from stacking groups, hide and show the
+// menu bar, etc. We pass the window rect for convenience so that the
+// browser can easily tell if the window is fullscreen.
+// Notifies the browser that the plugin has selected a window (i.e., brought
+// it to the front and wants it to have keyboard focus).
+ uint32 /* window ID */,
+ gfx::Rect /* window rect */,
+ bool /* modal */)
+// Notifies the browser that the plugin has shown a window.
+ uint32 /* window ID */,
+ gfx::Rect /* window rect */,
+ bool /* modal */)
+// Notifies the browser that the plugin has hidden a window.
+ uint32 /* window ID */,
+ gfx::Rect /* window rect */)
+// Notifies the browser that a plugin instance has requested a cursor
+// visibility change.
+ bool /* cursor visibility */)
// Plugin messages
// These are messages sent from the renderer process to the plugin process.
- // Tells the plugin process to create a new plugin instance with the given
- // id. A corresponding WebPluginDelegateStub is created which hosts the
- // WebPluginDelegateImpl.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(PluginMsg_CreateInstance,
- std::string /* mime_type */,
- int /* instance_id */)
- // The WebPluginDelegateProxy sends this to the WebPluginDelegateStub in its
- // destructor, so that the stub deletes the actual WebPluginDelegateImpl
- // object that it's hosting.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_0(PluginMsg_DestroyInstance,
- int /* instance_id */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_1(PluginMsg_GenerateRouteID,
- int /* id */)
- // The messages below all map to WebPluginDelegate methods.
- PluginMsg_Init_Params,
- bool /* result */)
- // Used to synchronously request a paint for windowless plugins.
- gfx::Rect /* damaged_rect */)
- // Sent by the renderer after it paints from its backing store so that the
- // plugin knows it can send more invalidates.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(PluginMsg_DidPaint)
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* shared_memory*/,
- uint32 /* size */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(PluginMsg_GetPluginScriptableObject,
- int /* route_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PluginMsg_DidFinishLoadWithReason,
- GURL /* url */,
- int /* reason */,
- int /* notify_id */)
- // Updates the plugin location.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginMsg_UpdateGeometry,
- PluginMsg_UpdateGeometry_Param)
- // A synchronous version of above.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(PluginMsg_UpdateGeometrySync,
- PluginMsg_UpdateGeometry_Param)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(PluginMsg_SetFocus,
- bool /* focused */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(PluginMsg_HandleInputEvent,
- IPC::WebInputEventPointer /* event */,
- bool /* handled */,
- WebCursor /* cursor type*/)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginMsg_SetContentAreaFocus,
- bool /* has_focus */)
+// Tells the plugin process to create a new plugin instance with the given
+// id. A corresponding WebPluginDelegateStub is created which hosts the
+// WebPluginDelegateImpl.
+ std::string /* mime_type */,
+ int /* instance_id */)
+// The WebPluginDelegateProxy sends this to the WebPluginDelegateStub in its
+// destructor, so that the stub deletes the actual WebPluginDelegateImpl
+// object that it's hosting.
+ int /* instance_id */)
+ int /* id */)
+// The messages below all map to WebPluginDelegate methods.
+ PluginMsg_Init_Params,
+ bool /* result */)
+// Used to synchronously request a paint for windowless plugins.
+ gfx::Rect /* damaged_rect */)
+// Sent by the renderer after it paints from its backing store so that the
+// plugin knows it can send more invalidates.
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* shared_memory*/,
+ uint32 /* size */)
+ int /* route_id */)
+ GURL /* url */,
+ int /* reason */,
+ int /* notify_id */)
+// Updates the plugin location.
+ PluginMsg_UpdateGeometry_Param)
+// A synchronous version of above.
+ PluginMsg_UpdateGeometry_Param)
+ bool /* focused */)
+ IPC::WebInputEventPointer /* event */,
+ bool /* handled */,
+ WebCursor /* cursor type*/)
+ bool /* has_focus */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginMsg_SetWindowFocus,
- bool /* has_focus */)
+ bool /* has_focus */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(PluginMsg_ContainerHidden)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PluginMsg_ContainerShown,
- gfx::Rect /* window_frame */,
- gfx::Rect /* view_frame */,
- bool /* has_focus */)
+ gfx::Rect /* window_frame */,
+ gfx::Rect /* view_frame */,
+ bool /* has_focus */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PluginMsg_WindowFrameChanged,
- gfx::Rect /* window_frame */,
- gfx::Rect /* view_frame */)
+ gfx::Rect /* window_frame */,
+ gfx::Rect /* view_frame */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginMsg_ImeCompositionConfirmed,
- string16 /* text */)
+ string16 /* text */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_0(PluginMsg_WillSendRequest,
- unsigned long /* id */,
- GURL /* url */,
- int /* http_status_code */)
+ unsigned long /* id */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ int /* http_status_code */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginMsg_DidReceiveResponse,
- PluginMsg_DidReceiveResponseParams)
+ PluginMsg_DidReceiveResponseParams)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PluginMsg_DidReceiveData,
- unsigned long /* id */,
- std::vector<char> /* buffer */,
- int /* data_offset */)
+ unsigned long /* id */,
+ std::vector<char> /* buffer */,
+ int /* data_offset */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginMsg_DidFinishLoading,
- unsigned long /* id */)
+ unsigned long /* id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginMsg_DidFail,
- unsigned long /* id */)
+ unsigned long /* id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(PluginMsg_SendJavaScriptStream,
- GURL /* url */,
- std::string /* result */,
- bool /* success */,
- int /* notify_id */)
+ GURL /* url */,
+ std::string /* result */,
+ bool /* success */,
+ int /* notify_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PluginMsg_DidReceiveManualResponse,
- GURL /* url */,
- PluginMsg_DidReceiveResponseParams)
+ GURL /* url */,
+ PluginMsg_DidReceiveResponseParams)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginMsg_DidReceiveManualData,
- std::vector<char> /* buffer */)
+ std::vector<char> /* buffer */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(PluginMsg_DidFinishManualLoading)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(PluginMsg_DidManualLoadFail)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(PluginMsg_InstallMissingPlugin)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PluginMsg_HandleURLRequestReply,
- unsigned long /* resource_id */,
- GURL /* url */,
- int /* notify_id */)
+ unsigned long /* resource_id */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ int /* notify_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PluginMsg_HTTPRangeRequestReply,
- unsigned long /* resource_id */,
- int /* range_request_id */)
+ unsigned long /* resource_id */,
+ int /* range_request_id */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(PluginMsg_CreateCommandBuffer,
- int /* route_id */)
+ int /* route_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(PluginMsg_DestroyCommandBuffer)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(PluginMsg_SignalModalDialogEvent,
- gfx::NativeViewId /* containing_window */)
+ gfx::NativeViewId /* containing_window */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(PluginMsg_ResetModalDialogEvent,
- gfx::NativeViewId /* containing_window */)
+ gfx::NativeViewId /* containing_window */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // This message, used only on 10.6 and later, transmits the "fake"
- // window handle allocated by the browser on behalf of the renderer
- // to the GPU plugin.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginMsg_SetFakeAcceleratedSurfaceWindowHandle,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */)
+// This message, used only on 10.6 and later, transmits the "fake"
+// window handle allocated by the browser on behalf of the renderer
+// to the GPU plugin.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(PluginMsg_ClearSiteData,
- uint64, /* flags */
- std::string, /* domain */
- base::Time /* begin_time */)
+ uint64, /* flags */
+ std::string, /* domain */
+ base::Time /* begin_time */)
// PluginHost messages
// These are messages sent from the plugin process to the renderer process.
// They all map to the corresponding WebPlugin methods.
- // Sends the plugin window information to the renderer.
- // The window parameter is a handle to the window if the plugin is a windowed
- // plugin. It is NULL for windowless plugins.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(PluginHostMsg_SetWindow,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */)
+// Sends the plugin window information to the renderer.
+// The window parameter is a handle to the window if the plugin is a windowed
+// plugin. It is NULL for windowless plugins.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // The modal_loop_pump_messages_event parameter is an event handle which is
- // passed in for windowless plugins and is used to indicate if messages
- // are to be pumped in sync calls to the plugin process. Currently used
- // in HandleEvent calls.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(PluginHostMsg_SetWindowlessPumpEvent,
- HANDLE /* modal_loop_pump_messages_event */)
+// The modal_loop_pump_messages_event parameter is an event handle which is
+// passed in for windowless plugins and is used to indicate if messages
+// are to be pumped in sync calls to the plugin process. Currently used
+// in HandleEvent calls.
+ HANDLE /* modal_loop_pump_messages_event */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginHostMsg_URLRequest,
- PluginHostMsg_URLRequest_Params)
+ PluginHostMsg_URLRequest_Params)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginHostMsg_CancelResource,
- int /* id */)
+ int /* id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginHostMsg_InvalidateRect,
- gfx::Rect /* rect */)
+ gfx::Rect /* rect */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(PluginHostMsg_GetWindowScriptNPObject,
- int /* route id */,
- bool /* success */)
+ int /* route id */,
+ bool /* success */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(PluginHostMsg_GetPluginElement,
- int /* route id */,
- bool /* success */)
+ int /* route id */,
+ bool /* success */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PluginHostMsg_SetCookie,
- GURL /* url */,
- GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
- std::string /* cookie */)
+ GURL /* url */,
+ GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
+ std::string /* cookie */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(PluginHostMsg_GetCookies,
- GURL /* url */,
- GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
- std::string /* cookies */)
+ GURL /* url */,
+ GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
+ std::string /* cookies */)
- // Asks the browser to show a modal HTML dialog. The dialog is passed the
- // given arguments as a JSON string, and returns its result as a JSON string
- // through json_retval.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(PluginHostMsg_ShowModalHTMLDialog,
- GURL /* url */,
- int /* width */,
- int /* height */,
- std::string /* json_arguments */,
- std::string /* json_retval */)
+// Asks the browser to show a modal HTML dialog. The dialog is passed the
+// given arguments as a JSON string, and returns its result as a JSON string
+// through json_retval.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ int /* width */,
+ int /* height */,
+ std::string /* json_arguments */,
+ std::string /* json_retval */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(PluginHostMsg_GetDragData,
- NPVariant_Param /* event */,
- bool /* add_data */,
- std::vector<NPVariant_Param> /* result_values */,
- bool /* result_success */)
+ NPVariant_Param /* event */,
+ bool /* add_data */,
+ std::vector<NPVariant_Param> /* result_values */,
+ bool /* result_success */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(PluginHostMsg_SetDropEffect,
- NPVariant_Param /* event */,
- int /* effect */,
- bool /* result_success */)
+ NPVariant_Param /* event */,
+ int /* effect */,
+ bool /* result_success */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginHostMsg_MissingPluginStatus,
- int /* status */)
+ int /* status */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(PluginHostMsg_GetCPBrowsingContext,
- uint32 /* context */)
+ uint32 /* context */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(PluginHostMsg_CancelDocumentLoad)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PluginHostMsg_InitiateHTTPRangeRequest,
- std::string /* url */,
- std::string /* range_info */,
- int /* range_request_id */)
+ std::string /* url */,
+ std::string /* range_info */,
+ int /* range_request_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PluginHostMsg_DeferResourceLoading,
- unsigned long /* resource_id */,
- bool /* defer */)
+ unsigned long /* resource_id */,
+ bool /* defer */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_0(PluginHostMsg_SetException,
- std::string /* message */)
+ std::string /* message */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(PluginHostMsg_PluginShuttingDown)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginHostMsg_UpdateGeometry_ACK,
- int /* ack_key */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginHostMsg_SetImeEnabled,
- bool /* enabled */)
- // This message, used in Mac OS X 10.5 and earlier, is sent from the plug-in
- // process to the renderer process to indicate that the plug-in allocated a
- // new TransportDIB that holds the GPU's rendered image. This information is
- // then forwarded to the browser process via a similar message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(PluginHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetTransportDIB,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
- int32 /* width */,
- int32 /* height */,
- TransportDIB::Handle /* handle to the TransportDIB */)
- // Synthesize a fake window handle for the plug-in to identify the instance
- // to the browser, allowing mapping to a surface for hardware accelleration
- // of plug-in content. The browser generates the handle which is then set on
- // the plug-in. |opaque| indicates whether the content should be treated as
- // opaque.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginHostMsg_BindFakePluginWindowHandle,
- bool /* opaque */)
- // This message, used only on 10.6 and later, is sent from the plug-in process
- // to the renderer process to indicate that the plugin allocated a new
- // IOSurface object of the given width and height. This information is then
- // forwarded on to the browser process.
- //
- // NOTE: the original intent was to pass a mach port as the IOSurface
- // identifier but it looks like that will be a lot of work. For now we pass an
- // ID from IOSurfaceGetID.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(PluginHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
- int32 /* width */,
- int32 /* height */,
- uint64 /* surface_id */)
- // On the Mac, shared memory can't be allocated in the sandbox, so
- // the TransportDIB used by the plug-in for rendering has to be allocated
- // and managed by the browser. This is a synchronous message, use with care.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(PluginHostMsg_AllocTransportDIB,
- size_t /* requested memory size */,
- TransportDIB::Handle /* output: DIB handle */)
- // Since the browser keeps handles to the allocated transport DIBs, this
- // message is sent to tell the browser that it may release them when the
- // renderer is finished with them.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PluginHostMsg_FreeTransportDIB,
- TransportDIB::Id /* DIB id */)
- // This message notifies the renderer process (and from there the
- // browser process) that the plug-in swapped the buffers associated
- // with the given "window", which should cause the browser to redraw
- // the various plug-ins' contents.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PluginHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
- uint64 /* surface_id */)
+ int /* ack_key */)
+ bool /* enabled */)
+// This message, used in Mac OS X 10.5 and earlier, is sent from the plug-in
+// process to the renderer process to indicate that the plug-in allocated a
+// new TransportDIB that holds the GPU's rendered image. This information is
+// then forwarded to the browser process via a similar message.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
+ int32 /* width */,
+ int32 /* height */,
+ TransportDIB::Handle /* handle to the TransportDIB */)
+// Synthesize a fake window handle for the plug-in to identify the instance
+// to the browser, allowing mapping to a surface for hardware accelleration
+// of plug-in content. The browser generates the handle which is then set on
+// the plug-in. |opaque| indicates whether the content should be treated as
+// opaque.
+ bool /* opaque */)
+// This message, used only on 10.6 and later, is sent from the plug-in process
+// to the renderer process to indicate that the plugin allocated a new
+// IOSurface object of the given width and height. This information is then
+// forwarded on to the browser process.
+// NOTE: the original intent was to pass a mach port as the IOSurface
+// identifier but it looks like that will be a lot of work. For now we pass an
+// ID from IOSurfaceGetID.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
+ int32 /* width */,
+ int32 /* height */,
+ uint64 /* surface_id */)
+// On the Mac, shared memory can't be allocated in the sandbox, so
+// the TransportDIB used by the plug-in for rendering has to be allocated
+// and managed by the browser. This is a synchronous message, use with care.
+ size_t /* requested memory size */,
+ TransportDIB::Handle /* output: DIB handle */)
+// Since the browser keeps handles to the allocated transport DIBs, this
+// message is sent to tell the browser that it may release them when the
+// renderer is finished with them.
+ TransportDIB::Id /* DIB id */)
+// This message notifies the renderer process (and from there the
+// browser process) that the plug-in swapped the buffers associated
+// with the given "window", which should cause the browser to redraw
+// the various plug-ins' contents.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
+ uint64 /* surface_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(PluginHostMsg_ClearSiteDataResult,
- bool /* success */)
+ bool /* success */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PluginHostMsg_URLRedirectResponse,
- bool /* allow */,
- int /* resource_id */)
+ bool /* allow */,
+ int /* resource_id */)
// NPObject messages
// These are messages used to marshall NPObjects. They are sent both from the
// plugin to the renderer and from the renderer to the plugin.
- NPIdentifier_Param /* name */,
- bool /* result */)
- bool /* is_default */,
- NPIdentifier_Param /* method */,
- std::vector<NPVariant_Param> /* args */,
- NPVariant_Param /* result_param */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(NPObjectMsg_HasProperty,
- NPIdentifier_Param /* name */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(NPObjectMsg_GetProperty,
- NPIdentifier_Param /* name */,
- NPVariant_Param /* property */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(NPObjectMsg_SetProperty,
- NPIdentifier_Param /* name */,
- NPVariant_Param /* property */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(NPObjectMsg_RemoveProperty,
- NPIdentifier_Param /* name */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_0(NPObjectMsg_Invalidate)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_2(NPObjectMsg_Enumeration,
- std::vector<NPIdentifier_Param> /* value */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(NPObjectMsg_Construct,
- std::vector<NPVariant_Param> /* args */,
- NPVariant_Param /* result_param */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(NPObjectMsg_Evaluate,
- std::string /* script */,
- bool /* popups_allowed */,
- NPVariant_Param /* result_param */,
- bool /* result */)
+ NPIdentifier_Param /* name */,
+ bool /* result */)
+ bool /* is_default */,
+ NPIdentifier_Param /* method */,
+ std::vector<NPVariant_Param> /* args */,
+ NPVariant_Param /* result_param */,
+ bool /* result */)
+ NPIdentifier_Param /* name */,
+ bool /* result */)
+ NPIdentifier_Param /* name */,
+ NPVariant_Param /* property */,
+ bool /* result */)
+ NPIdentifier_Param /* name */,
+ NPVariant_Param /* property */,
+ bool /* result */)
+ NPIdentifier_Param /* name */,
+ bool /* result */)
+ std::vector<NPIdentifier_Param> /* value */,
+ bool /* result */)
+ std::vector<NPVariant_Param> /* args */,
+ NPVariant_Param /* result_param */,
+ bool /* result */)
+ std::string /* script */,
+ bool /* popups_allowed */,
+ NPVariant_Param /* result_param */,
+ bool /* result */)
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index be20600..04472bf 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/common/render_messages.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/common/edit_command.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_extent.h"
@@ -23,33 +21,24 @@
#include "net/base/upload_data.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebCompositionUnderline.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFindOptions.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebMediaPlayerAction.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebScreenInfo.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "webkit/appcache/appcache_interfaces.h"
#include "webkit/blob/blob_data.h"
-#include "webkit/glue/context_menu.h"
-#include "webkit/glue/form_data.h"
#include "webkit/glue/form_field.h"
#include "webkit/glue/password_form.h"
-#include "webkit/glue/password_form_dom_manager.h"
#include "webkit/glue/plugins/webplugin.h"
-#include "webkit/glue/plugins/webplugininfo.h"
#include "webkit/glue/resource_loader_bridge.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webaccessibility.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webcookie.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webcursor.h"
-#include "webkit/glue/webdropdata.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webmenuitem.h"
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include "chrome/common/font_descriptor_mac.h"
- "chrome/common/render_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_impl_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/render_messages.h"
namespace IPC {
diff --git a/chrome/common/render_messages.h b/chrome/common/render_messages.h
index fb68afa..0d3eb80 100644
--- a/chrome/common/render_messages.h
+++ b/chrome/common/render_messages.h
@@ -640,7 +640,6 @@ struct ParamTraits<speech_input::SpeechInputResultItem> {
} // namespace IPC
-#define MESSAGES_INTERNAL_FILE "chrome/common/render_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/render_messages_internal.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/render_messages_internal.h b/chrome/common/render_messages_internal.h
index 084f9a5..29c4a7f 100644
--- a/chrome/common/render_messages_internal.h
+++ b/chrome/common/render_messages_internal.h
@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-// This header is meant to be included in multiple passes, hence no traditional
-// header guard.
-// See ipc_message_macros.h for explanation of the macros and passes.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
@@ -28,6 +24,14 @@
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_buffers_state.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebExceptionCode.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFindOptions.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebMediaPlayerAction.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebScreenInfo.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/context_menu.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/form_data.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/password_form_dom_manager.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/plugins/webplugininfo.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/webdropdata.h"
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
#include "base/file_descriptor_posix.h"
@@ -69,3014 +73,3009 @@ namespace file_util {
struct FileInfo;
+#define IPC_MESSAGE_START ViewMsgStart
// RenderView messages
// These are messages sent from the browser to the renderer process.
- // Used typically when recovering from a crash. The new rendering process
- // sets its global "next page id" counter to the given value.
- int32 /* next_page_id */)
- // Sends System Colors corresponding to a set of CSS color keywords
- // down the pipe.
- // This message must be sent to the renderer immediately on launch
- // before creating any new views.
- // The message can also be sent during a renderer's lifetime if system colors
- // are updated.
- // TODO(jeremy): Possibly change IPC format once we have this all hooked up.
- std::vector<CSSColors::CSSColorMapping>)
- // Tells the renderer to create a new view.
- // This message is slightly different, the view it takes (via
- // ViewMsg_New_Params) is the view to create, the message itself is sent as a
- // non-view control message.
- ViewMsg_New_Params)
- // Tells the renderer to set its maximum cache size to the supplied value.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewMsg_SetCacheCapacities,
- size_t /* min_dead_capacity */,
- size_t /* max_dead_capacity */,
- size_t /* capacity */)
- // Tells the renderer to cleat the cache.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewMsg_ClearCache)
- // Reply in response to ViewHostMsg_ShowView or ViewHostMsg_ShowWidget.
- // similar to the new command, but used when the renderer created a view
- // first, and we need to update it.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK,
- gfx::NativeViewId /* parent_hwnd */)
- // Sends updated preferences to the renderer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetRendererPrefs,
- RendererPreferences)
- // Tells the renderer to perform the given action on the media player
- // located at the given point.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_MediaPlayerActionAt,
- gfx::Point, /* location */
- WebKit::WebMediaPlayerAction)
- // Tells the render view to close.
- // Tells the render view to change its size. A ViewHostMsg_PaintRect message
- // is generated in response provided new_size is not empty and not equal to
- // the view's current size. The generated ViewHostMsg_PaintRect message will
- // have the IS_RESIZE_ACK flag set. It also receives the resizer rect so that
- // we don't have to fetch it every time WebKit asks for it.
- gfx::Size /* new_size */,
- gfx::Rect /* resizer_rect */)
- // Sent to inform the view that it was hidden. This allows it to reduce its
- // resource utilization.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_WasHidden)
- // Tells the render view that it is no longer hidden (see WasHidden), and the
- // render view is expected to respond with a full repaint if needs_repainting
- // is true. In that case, the generated ViewHostMsg_PaintRect message will
- // have the IS_RESTORE_ACK flag set. If needs_repainting is false, then this
- // message does not trigger a message in response.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_WasRestored,
- bool /* needs_repainting */)
- // Tells the render view to capture a thumbnail image of the page. The
- // render view responds with a ViewHostMsg_Thumbnail.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_CaptureThumbnail)
- // Tells the render view to capture a thumbnail image of the page. The
- // render view responds with a ViewHostMsg_Snapshot.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_CaptureSnapshot)
- // Tells the render view to switch the CSS to print media type, renders every
- // requested pages and switch back the CSS to display media type.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_PrintPages)
- // Tells the render view that printing is done so it can clean up.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_PrintingDone,
- int /* document_cookie */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Tells the render view to switch the CSS to print media type, renders every
- // requested pages for print preview.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_PrintPreview)
- // Sends back to the browser the rendered "printed page" for preview that was
- // requested by a ViewMsg_PrintPage message or from scripted printing. The
- // memory handle in this message is already valid in the browser process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_PagesReadyForPreview,
- int /* document cookie */,
- int /* fd in browser */)
- // Tells the renderer to dump as much memory as it can, perhaps because we
- // have memory pressure or the renderer is (or will be) paged out. This
- // should only result in purging objects we can recalculate, e.g. caches or
- // JS garbage, not in purging irreplaceable objects.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewMsg_PurgeMemory)
- // Sent to render the view into the supplied transport DIB, resize
- // the web widget to match the |page_size|, scale it by the
- // appropriate scale to make it fit the |desired_size|, and return
- // it. In response to this message, the host generates a
- // ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize_ACK message. Note that the DIB *must* be
- // the right size to receive an RGBA image at the |desired_size|.
- // |tag| is sent along with ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize_ACK unmodified to
- // identify the PaintAtSize message the ACK belongs to.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_PaintAtSize,
- TransportDIB::Handle /* dib_handle */,
- int /* tag */,
- gfx::Size /* page_size */,
- gfx::Size /* desired_size */)
- // Tells the render view that a ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect message was processed.
- // This signals the render view that it can send another UpdateRect message.
- // Message payload includes:
- // 1. A blob that should be cast to WebInputEvent
- // 2. An optional boolean value indicating if a RawKeyDown event is associated
- // to a keyboard shortcut of the browser.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_HandleInputEvent)
- // This message notifies the renderer that the next key event is bound to one
- // or more pre-defined edit commands. If the next key event is not handled
- // by webkit, the specified edit commands shall be executed against current
- // focused frame.
- // Parameters
- // * edit_commands (see chrome/common/edit_command_types.h)
- // Contains one or more edit commands.
- // See third_party/WebKit/WebCore/editing/EditorCommand.cpp for detailed
- // definition of webkit edit commands.
- //
- // This message must be sent just before sending a key event.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetEditCommandsForNextKeyEvent,
- std::vector<EditCommand> /* edit_commands */)
- // Message payload is the name/value of a WebCore edit command to execute.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_ExecuteEditCommand,
- std::string, /* name */
- std::string /* value */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_MouseCaptureLost)
- // TODO(darin): figure out how this meshes with RestoreFocus
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetFocus, bool /* enable */)
- // Tells the renderer to focus the first (last if reverse is true) focusable
- // node.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetInitialFocus, bool /* reverse */)
- // Tells the renderer to scroll the currently focused node into view only if
- // the currently focused node is a Text node (textfield, text area or content
- // editable divs).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ScrollFocusedEditableNodeIntoView)
- // Tells the renderer to perform the specified navigation, interrupting any
- // existing navigation.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Navigate, ViewMsg_Navigate_Params)
- // Tells the renderer to reload the current focused frame
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ReloadFrame)
- // This message notifies the renderer that the user has closed the FindInPage
- // window (and what action to take regarding the selection).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_StopFinding,
- ViewMsg_StopFinding_Params /* action */)
- // These messages are typically generated from context menus and request the
- // renderer to apply the specified operation to the current selection.
+// Used typically when recovering from a crash. The new rendering process
+// sets its global "next page id" counter to the given value.
+ int32 /* next_page_id */)
+// Sends System Colors corresponding to a set of CSS color keywords
+// down the pipe.
+// This message must be sent to the renderer immediately on launch
+// before creating any new views.
+// The message can also be sent during a renderer's lifetime if system colors
+// are updated.
+// TODO(jeremy): Possibly change IPC format once we have this all hooked up.
+ std::vector<CSSColors::CSSColorMapping>)
+// Tells the renderer to create a new view.
+// This message is slightly different, the view it takes (via
+// ViewMsg_New_Params) is the view to create, the message itself is sent as a
+// non-view control message.
+ ViewMsg_New_Params)
+// Tells the renderer to set its maximum cache size to the supplied value.
+ size_t /* min_dead_capacity */,
+ size_t /* max_dead_capacity */,
+ size_t /* capacity */)
+// Tells the renderer to cleat the cache.
+// Reply in response to ViewHostMsg_ShowView or ViewHostMsg_ShowWidget.
+// similar to the new command, but used when the renderer created a view
+// first, and we need to update it.
+ gfx::NativeViewId /* parent_hwnd */)
+// Sends updated preferences to the renderer.
+ RendererPreferences)
+// Tells the renderer to perform the given action on the media player
+// located at the given point.
+ gfx::Point, /* location */
+ WebKit::WebMediaPlayerAction)
+// Tells the render view to close.
+// Tells the render view to change its size. A ViewHostMsg_PaintRect message
+// is generated in response provided new_size is not empty and not equal to
+// the view's current size. The generated ViewHostMsg_PaintRect message will
+// have the IS_RESIZE_ACK flag set. It also receives the resizer rect so that
+// we don't have to fetch it every time WebKit asks for it.
+ gfx::Size /* new_size */,
+ gfx::Rect /* resizer_rect */)
+// Sent to inform the view that it was hidden. This allows it to reduce its
+// resource utilization.
+// Tells the render view that it is no longer hidden (see WasHidden), and the
+// render view is expected to respond with a full repaint if needs_repainting
+// is true. In that case, the generated ViewHostMsg_PaintRect message will
+// have the IS_RESTORE_ACK flag set. If needs_repainting is false, then this
+// message does not trigger a message in response.
+ bool /* needs_repainting */)
+// Tells the render view to capture a thumbnail image of the page. The
+// render view responds with a ViewHostMsg_Thumbnail.
+// Tells the render view to capture a thumbnail image of the page. The
+// render view responds with a ViewHostMsg_Snapshot.
+// Tells the render view to switch the CSS to print media type, renders every
+// requested pages and switch back the CSS to display media type.
+// Tells the render view that printing is done so it can clean up.
+ int /* document_cookie */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Tells the render view to switch the CSS to print media type, renders every
+// requested pages for print preview.
+// Sends back to the browser the rendered "printed page" for preview that was
+// requested by a ViewMsg_PrintPage message or from scripted printing. The
+// memory handle in this message is already valid in the browser process.
+ int /* document cookie */,
+ int /* fd in browser */)
+// Tells the renderer to dump as much memory as it can, perhaps because we
+// have memory pressure or the renderer is (or will be) paged out. This
+// should only result in purging objects we can recalculate, e.g. caches or
+// JS garbage, not in purging irreplaceable objects.
+// Sent to render the view into the supplied transport DIB, resize
+// the web widget to match the |page_size|, scale it by the
+// appropriate scale to make it fit the |desired_size|, and return
+// it. In response to this message, the host generates a
+// ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize_ACK message. Note that the DIB *must* be
+// the right size to receive an RGBA image at the |desired_size|.
+// |tag| is sent along with ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize_ACK unmodified to
+// identify the PaintAtSize message the ACK belongs to.
+ TransportDIB::Handle /* dib_handle */,
+ int /* tag */,
+ gfx::Size /* page_size */,
+ gfx::Size /* desired_size */)
+// Tells the render view that a ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect message was processed.
+// This signals the render view that it can send another UpdateRect message.
+// Message payload includes:
+// 1. A blob that should be cast to WebInputEvent
+// 2. An optional boolean value indicating if a RawKeyDown event is associated
+// to a keyboard shortcut of the browser.
+// This message notifies the renderer that the next key event is bound to one
+// or more pre-defined edit commands. If the next key event is not handled
+// by webkit, the specified edit commands shall be executed against current
+// focused frame.
+// Parameters
+// * edit_commands (see chrome/common/edit_command_types.h)
+// Contains one or more edit commands.
+// See third_party/WebKit/WebCore/editing/EditorCommand.cpp for detailed
+// definition of webkit edit commands.
+// This message must be sent just before sending a key event.
+ std::vector<EditCommand> /* edit_commands */)
+// Message payload is the name/value of a WebCore edit command to execute.
+ std::string, /* name */
+ std::string /* value */)
+// TODO(darin): figure out how this meshes with RestoreFocus
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetFocus, bool /* enable */)
+// Tells the renderer to focus the first (last if reverse is true) focusable
+// node.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetInitialFocus, bool /* reverse */)
+// Tells the renderer to scroll the currently focused node into view only if
+// the currently focused node is a Text node (textfield, text area or content
+// editable divs).
+// Tells the renderer to perform the specified navigation, interrupting any
+// existing navigation.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Navigate, ViewMsg_Navigate_Params)
+// Tells the renderer to reload the current focused frame
+// This message notifies the renderer that the user has closed the FindInPage
+// window (and what action to take regarding the selection).
+ ViewMsg_StopFinding_Params /* action */)
+// These messages are typically generated from context menus and request the
+// renderer to apply the specified operation to the current selection.
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_CopyToFindPboard)
- // Replaces the selected region or a word around the cursor with the
- // specified string.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Replace, string16)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ToggleSpellCheck)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_SelectAll)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ToggleSpellPanel, bool)
- // This message tells the renderer to advance to the next misspelling. It is
- // sent when the user clicks the "Find Next" button on the spelling panel.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_AdvanceToNextMisspelling)
- // Copies the image at location x, y to the clipboard (if there indeed is an
- // image at that location).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_CopyImageAt,
- int /* x */,
- int /* y */)
- // History system notification that the visited link database has been
- // replaced. It has one SharedMemoryHandle argument consisting of the table
- // handle. This handle is valid in the context of the renderer
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_VisitedLink_NewTable, base::SharedMemoryHandle)
- // History system notification that a link has been added and the link
- // coloring state for the given hash must be re-calculated.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_VisitedLink_Add, std::vector<uint64>)
- // History system notification that one or more history items have been
- // deleted, which at this point means that all link coloring state must be
- // re-calculated.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewMsg_VisitedLink_Reset)
- // Notification that the user scripts have been updated. It has one
- // SharedMemoryHandle argument consisting of the pickled script data. This
- // handle is valid in the context of the renderer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_UserScripts_UpdatedScripts,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle)
- // Sent when the user wants to search for a word on the page (find in page).
- int /* request_id */,
- string16 /* search_text */,
- WebKit::WebFindOptions)
- // Send from the renderer to the browser to return the script running result.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_ExecuteCodeFinished,
- int, /* request id */
- bool /* whether the script ran successfully */)
- // Sent when the headers are available for a resource request.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_Resource_ReceivedResponse,
- int /* request_id */,
- ResourceResponseHead)
- // Sent when cached metadata from a resource request is ready.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_Resource_ReceivedCachedMetadata,
- int /* request_id */,
- std::vector<char> /* data */)
- // Sent as upload progress is being made.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_Resource_UploadProgress,
- int /* request_id */,
- int64 /* position */,
- int64 /* size */)
- // Sent when the request has been redirected. The receiver is expected to
- // respond with either a FollowRedirect message (if the redirect is to be
- // followed) or a CancelRequest message (if it should not be followed).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_Resource_ReceivedRedirect,
- int /* request_id */,
- GURL /* new_url */,
- ResourceResponseHead)
- // Sent when some data from a resource request is ready. The handle should
- // already be mapped into the process that receives this message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_Resource_DataReceived,
- int /* request_id */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* data */,
- int /* data_len */)
- // Sent when some data from a resource request has been downloaded to
- // file. This is only called in the 'download_to_file' case and replaces
- // ViewMsg_Resource_DataReceived in the call sequence in that case.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_Resource_DataDownloaded,
- int /* request_id */,
- int /* data_len */)
- // Sent when the request has been completed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_Resource_RequestComplete,
- int /* request_id */,
- URLRequestStatus /* status */,
- std::string /* security info */,
- base::Time /* completion_time */)
- // Sent when user prompting is required before a ViewHostMsg_GetCookies
- // message can complete. This message indicates that the renderer should
- // pump messages while waiting for cookies.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewMsg_SignalCookiePromptEvent)
- // Request for the renderer to evaluate an xpath to a frame and execute a
- // javascript: url in that frame's context. The message is completely
- // asynchronous and no corresponding response message is sent back.
- //
- // frame_xpath contains the modified xpath notation to identify an inner
- // subframe (starting from the root frame). It is a concatenation of
- // number of smaller xpaths delimited by '\n'. Each chunk in the string can
- // be evaluated to a frame in its parent-frame's context.
- //
- // Example: /html/body/iframe/\n/html/body/div/iframe/\n/frameset/frame[0]
- // can be broken into 3 xpaths
- // /html/body/iframe evaluates to an iframe within the root frame
- // /html/body/div/iframe evaluates to an iframe within the level-1 iframe
- // /frameset/frame[0] evaluates to first frame within the level-2 iframe
- //
- // jscript_url is the string containing the javascript: url to be executed
- // in the target frame's context. The string should start with "javascript:"
- // and continue with a valid JS text.
- //
- // If the fourth parameter is true the result is sent back to the renderer
- // using the message ViewHostMsg_ScriptEvalResponse.
- // ViewHostMsg_ScriptEvalResponse is passed the ID parameter so that the
- // client can uniquely identify the request.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest,
- string16, /* frame_xpath */
- string16, /* jscript_url */
- int, /* ID */
- bool /* If true, result is sent back. */)
- // Request for the renderer to evaluate an xpath to a frame and insert css
- // into that frame's document. See ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest for details on
- // allowed xpath expressions.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_CSSInsertRequest,
- std::wstring, /* frame_xpath */
- std::string, /* css string */
- std::string /* element id */)
- // Log a message to the console of the target frame
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_AddMessageToConsole,
- string16 /* frame_xpath */,
- string16 /* message */,
- WebKit::WebConsoleMessage::Level /* message_level */)
- // RenderViewHostDelegate::RenderViewCreated method sends this message to a
- // new renderer to notify it that it will host developer tools UI and should
- // set up all neccessary bindings and create DevToolsClient instance that
- // will handle communication with inspected page DevToolsAgent.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_SetupDevToolsClient)
- // Change the zoom level for the current main frame. If the level actually
- // changes, a ViewHostMsg_DidZoomURL message will be sent back to the browser
- // telling it what url got zoomed and what its current zoom level is.
- PageZoom::Function /* function */)
- // Set the zoom level for the current main frame. If the level actually
- // changes, a ViewHostMsg_DidZoomURL message will be sent back to the browser
- // telling it what url got zoomed and what its current zoom level is.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetZoomLevel,
- double /* zoom_level */)
- // Set the zoom level for a particular url that the renderer is in the
- // process of loading. This will be stored, to be used if the load commits
- // and ignored otherwise.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_SetZoomLevelForLoadingURL,
- GURL /* url */,
- double /* zoom_level */)
- // Set the zoom level for a particular url, so all render views
- // displaying this url can update their zoom levels to match.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_SetZoomLevelForCurrentURL,
- GURL /* url */,
- double /* zoom_level */)
- // Set the content settings for a particular url that the renderer is in the
- // process of loading. This will be stored, to be used if the load commits
- // and ignored otherwise.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_SetContentSettingsForLoadingURL,
- GURL /* url */,
- ContentSettings /* content_settings */)
- // Set the content settings for a particular url, so all render views
- // displaying this host url update their content settings to match.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_SetContentSettingsForCurrentURL,
- GURL /* url */,
- ContentSettings /* content_settings */)
- // Change encoding of page in the renderer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetPageEncoding,
- std::string /*new encoding name*/)
- // Reset encoding of page in the renderer back to default.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ResetPageEncodingToDefault)
- // Requests the renderer to reserve a range of page ids.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ReservePageIDRange,
- int /* size_of_range */)
- // Fill a form with data and optionally submit it
- webkit_glue::FormData /* form */)
- // Fill a password form and prepare field autocomplete for multiple
- // matching logins.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_FillPasswordForm,
- webkit_glue::PasswordFormFillData)
- // D&d drop target messages.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_DragTargetDragEnter,
- WebDropData /* drop_data */,
- gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
- gfx::Point /* screen_pt */,
- WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask /* ops_allowed */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_DragTargetDragOver,
- gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
- gfx::Point /* screen_pt */,
- WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask /* ops_allowed */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_DragTargetDragLeave)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_DragTargetDrop,
- gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
- gfx::Point /* screen_pt */)
- // Notifies the renderer of updates in mouse position of an in-progress
- // drag. if |ended| is true, then the user has ended the drag operation.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_DragSourceEndedOrMoved,
- gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
- gfx::Point /* screen_pt */,
- bool /* ended */,
- WebKit::WebDragOperation /* drag_operation */)
- // Notifies the renderer that the system DoDragDrop call has ended.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_DragSourceSystemDragEnded)
- // Used to tell a render view whether it should expose various bindings
- // that allow JS content extended privileges. See BindingsPolicy for valid
- // flag values.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_AllowBindings,
- int /* enabled_bindings_flags */)
- // Tell the renderer to add a property to the DOMUI binding object. This
- // only works if we allowed DOMUI bindings.
- std::string /* property_name */,
- std::string /* property_value_json */)
- // This message starts/stop monitoring the input method status of the focused
- // edit control of a renderer process.
- // Parameters
- // * is_active (bool)
- // Indicates if an input method is active in the browser process.
- // The possible actions when a renderer process receives this message are
- // listed below:
- // Value Action
- // true Start sending IPC message ViewHostMsg_ImeUpdateTextInputState
- // to notify the input method status of the focused edit control.
- // false Stop sending IPC message ViewHostMsg_ImeUpdateTextInputState.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetInputMethodActive,
- bool /* is_active */)
- // This message sends a string being composed with an input method.
- ViewMsg_ImeSetComposition,
- string16, /* text */
- std::vector<WebKit::WebCompositionUnderline>, /* underlines */
- int, /* selectiont_start */
- int /* selection_end */)
- // This message confirms an ongoing composition.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ImeConfirmComposition)
- // This passes a set of webkit preferences down to the renderer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_UpdateWebPreferences, WebPreferences)
- // Used to notify the render-view that the browser has received a reply for
- // the Find operation and is interested in receiving the next one. This is
- // used to prevent the renderer from spamming the browser process with
- // results.
- // Used to notify the render-view that we have received a target URL. Used
- // to prevent target URLs spamming the browser.
- // Sets the alternate error page URL (link doctor) for the renderer process.
- // Install the first missing pluign.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_InstallMissingPlugin)
- // Tells the renderer to empty its plugin list cache, optional reloading
- // pages containing plugins.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_PurgePluginListCache,
- bool /* reload_pages */)
- // Tells the render view to load all blocked plugins.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_LoadBlockedPlugins)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_RunFileChooserResponse,
- std::vector<FilePath> /* selected files */)
- // Used to instruct the RenderView to go into "view source" mode.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_EnableViewSourceMode)
- // Get all savable resource links from current webpage, include main
- // frame and sub-frame.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_GetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage,
- GURL /* url of page which is needed to save */)
- // Get html data by serializing all frames of current page with lists
- // which contain all resource links that have local copy.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_GetSerializedHtmlDataForCurrentPageWithLocalLinks,
- std::vector<GURL> /* urls that have local copy */,
- std::vector<FilePath> /* paths of local copy */,
- FilePath /* local directory path */)
- // Requests application info for the page. The renderer responds back with
- // ViewHostMsg_DidGetApplicationInfo.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_GetApplicationInfo, int32 /*page_id*/)
- // Requests the renderer to download the specified favicon image encode it as
- // PNG and send the PNG data back ala ViewHostMsg_DidDownloadFavIcon.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_DownloadFavIcon,
- int /* identifier for the request */,
- GURL /* URL of the image */,
- int /* Size of the image. Normally 0, but set if you have
- a preferred image size to request, such as when
- downloading the favicon */)
- // When a renderer sends a ViewHostMsg_Focus to the browser process,
- // the browser has the option of sending a ViewMsg_CantFocus back to
- // the renderer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_CantFocus)
- // Instructs the renderer to invoke the frame's shouldClose method, which
- // runs the onbeforeunload event handler. Expects the result to be returned
- // via ViewHostMsg_ShouldClose.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ShouldClose)
- // Instructs the renderer to close the current page, including running the
- // onunload event handler. See the struct in render_messages.h for more.
- //
- // Expects a ClosePage_ACK message when finished, where the parameters are
- // echoed back.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ClosePage,
- ViewMsg_ClosePage_Params)
- // Asks the renderer to send back stats on the WebCore cache broken down by
- // resource types.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewMsg_GetCacheResourceStats)
- // Asks the renderer to send back Histograms.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_GetRendererHistograms,
- int /* sequence number of Renderer Histograms. */)
+// Replaces the selected region or a word around the cursor with the
+// specified string.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Replace, string16)
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ToggleSpellPanel, bool)
+// This message tells the renderer to advance to the next misspelling. It is
+// sent when the user clicks the "Find Next" button on the spelling panel.
+// Copies the image at location x, y to the clipboard (if there indeed is an
+// image at that location).
+ int /* x */,
+ int /* y */)
+// History system notification that the visited link database has been
+// replaced. It has one SharedMemoryHandle argument consisting of the table
+// handle. This handle is valid in the context of the renderer
+IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_VisitedLink_NewTable, base::SharedMemoryHandle)
+// History system notification that a link has been added and the link
+// coloring state for the given hash must be re-calculated.
+IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_VisitedLink_Add, std::vector<uint64>)
+// History system notification that one or more history items have been
+// deleted, which at this point means that all link coloring state must be
+// re-calculated.
+// Notification that the user scripts have been updated. It has one
+// SharedMemoryHandle argument consisting of the pickled script data. This
+// handle is valid in the context of the renderer.
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle)
+// Sent when the user wants to search for a word on the page (find in page).
+ int /* request_id */,
+ string16 /* search_text */,
+ WebKit::WebFindOptions)
+// Send from the renderer to the browser to return the script running result.
+ int, /* request id */
+ bool /* whether the script ran successfully */)
+// Sent when the headers are available for a resource request.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ ResourceResponseHead)
+// Sent when cached metadata from a resource request is ready.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ std::vector<char> /* data */)
+// Sent as upload progress is being made.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ int64 /* position */,
+ int64 /* size */)
+// Sent when the request has been redirected. The receiver is expected to
+// respond with either a FollowRedirect message (if the redirect is to be
+// followed) or a CancelRequest message (if it should not be followed).
+ int /* request_id */,
+ GURL /* new_url */,
+ ResourceResponseHead)
+// Sent when some data from a resource request is ready. The handle should
+// already be mapped into the process that receives this message.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* data */,
+ int /* data_len */)
+// Sent when some data from a resource request has been downloaded to
+// file. This is only called in the 'download_to_file' case and replaces
+// ViewMsg_Resource_DataReceived in the call sequence in that case.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ int /* data_len */)
+// Sent when the request has been completed.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ URLRequestStatus /* status */,
+ std::string /* security info */,
+ base::Time /* completion_time */)
+// Sent when user prompting is required before a ViewHostMsg_GetCookies
+// message can complete. This message indicates that the renderer should
+// pump messages while waiting for cookies.
+// Request for the renderer to evaluate an xpath to a frame and execute a
+// javascript: url in that frame's context. The message is completely
+// asynchronous and no corresponding response message is sent back.
+// frame_xpath contains the modified xpath notation to identify an inner
+// subframe (starting from the root frame). It is a concatenation of
+// number of smaller xpaths delimited by '\n'. Each chunk in the string can
+// be evaluated to a frame in its parent-frame's context.
+// Example: /html/body/iframe/\n/html/body/div/iframe/\n/frameset/frame[0]
+// can be broken into 3 xpaths
+// /html/body/iframe evaluates to an iframe within the root frame
+// /html/body/div/iframe evaluates to an iframe within the level-1 iframe
+// /frameset/frame[0] evaluates to first frame within the level-2 iframe
+// jscript_url is the string containing the javascript: url to be executed
+// in the target frame's context. The string should start with "javascript:"
+// and continue with a valid JS text.
+// If the fourth parameter is true the result is sent back to the renderer
+// using the message ViewHostMsg_ScriptEvalResponse.
+// ViewHostMsg_ScriptEvalResponse is passed the ID parameter so that the
+// client can uniquely identify the request.
+ string16, /* frame_xpath */
+ string16, /* jscript_url */
+ int, /* ID */
+ bool /* If true, result is sent back. */)
+// Request for the renderer to evaluate an xpath to a frame and insert css
+// into that frame's document. See ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest for details on
+// allowed xpath expressions.
+ std::wstring, /* frame_xpath */
+ std::string, /* css string */
+ std::string /* element id */)
+// Log a message to the console of the target frame
+ string16 /* frame_xpath */,
+ string16 /* message */,
+ WebKit::WebConsoleMessage::Level /* message_level */)
+// RenderViewHostDelegate::RenderViewCreated method sends this message to a
+// new renderer to notify it that it will host developer tools UI and should
+// set up all neccessary bindings and create DevToolsClient instance that
+// will handle communication with inspected page DevToolsAgent.
+// Change the zoom level for the current main frame. If the level actually
+// changes, a ViewHostMsg_DidZoomURL message will be sent back to the browser
+// telling it what url got zoomed and what its current zoom level is.
+ PageZoom::Function /* function */)
+// Set the zoom level for the current main frame. If the level actually
+// changes, a ViewHostMsg_DidZoomURL message will be sent back to the browser
+// telling it what url got zoomed and what its current zoom level is.
+ double /* zoom_level */)
+// Set the zoom level for a particular url that the renderer is in the
+// process of loading. This will be stored, to be used if the load commits
+// and ignored otherwise.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ double /* zoom_level */)
+// Set the zoom level for a particular url, so all render views
+// displaying this url can update their zoom levels to match.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ double /* zoom_level */)
+// Set the content settings for a particular url that the renderer is in the
+// process of loading. This will be stored, to be used if the load commits
+// and ignored otherwise.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ ContentSettings /* content_settings */)
+// Set the content settings for a particular url, so all render views
+// displaying this host url update their content settings to match.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ ContentSettings /* content_settings */)
+// Change encoding of page in the renderer.
+ std::string /*new encoding name*/)
+// Reset encoding of page in the renderer back to default.
+// Requests the renderer to reserve a range of page ids.
+ int /* size_of_range */)
+// Fill a form with data and optionally submit it
+ webkit_glue::FormData /* form */)
+// Fill a password form and prepare field autocomplete for multiple
+// matching logins.
+ webkit_glue::PasswordFormFillData)
+// D&d drop target messages.
+ WebDropData /* drop_data */,
+ gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
+ gfx::Point /* screen_pt */,
+ WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask /* ops_allowed */)
+ gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
+ gfx::Point /* screen_pt */,
+ WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask /* ops_allowed */)
+ gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
+ gfx::Point /* screen_pt */)
+// Notifies the renderer of updates in mouse position of an in-progress
+// drag. if |ended| is true, then the user has ended the drag operation.
+ gfx::Point /* client_pt */,
+ gfx::Point /* screen_pt */,
+ bool /* ended */,
+ WebKit::WebDragOperation /* drag_operation */)
+// Notifies the renderer that the system DoDragDrop call has ended.
+// Used to tell a render view whether it should expose various bindings
+// that allow JS content extended privileges. See BindingsPolicy for valid
+// flag values.
+ int /* enabled_bindings_flags */)
+// Tell the renderer to add a property to the DOMUI binding object. This
+// only works if we allowed DOMUI bindings.
+ std::string /* property_name */,
+ std::string /* property_value_json */)
+// This message starts/stop monitoring the input method status of the focused
+// edit control of a renderer process.
+// Parameters
+// * is_active (bool)
+// Indicates if an input method is active in the browser process.
+// The possible actions when a renderer process receives this message are
+// listed below:
+// Value Action
+// true Start sending IPC message ViewHostMsg_ImeUpdateTextInputState
+// to notify the input method status of the focused edit control.
+// false Stop sending IPC message ViewHostMsg_ImeUpdateTextInputState.
+ bool /* is_active */)
+// This message sends a string being composed with an input method.
+ ViewMsg_ImeSetComposition,
+ string16, /* text */
+ std::vector<WebKit::WebCompositionUnderline>, /* underlines */
+ int, /* selectiont_start */
+ int /* selection_end */)
+// This message confirms an ongoing composition.
+// This passes a set of webkit preferences down to the renderer.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_UpdateWebPreferences, WebPreferences)
+// Used to notify the render-view that the browser has received a reply for
+// the Find operation and is interested in receiving the next one. This is
+// used to prevent the renderer from spamming the browser process with
+// results.
+// Used to notify the render-view that we have received a target URL. Used
+// to prevent target URLs spamming the browser.
+// Sets the alternate error page URL (link doctor) for the renderer process.
+// Install the first missing pluign.
+// Tells the renderer to empty its plugin list cache, optional reloading
+// pages containing plugins.
+ bool /* reload_pages */)
+// Tells the render view to load all blocked plugins.
+ std::vector<FilePath> /* selected files */)
+// Used to instruct the RenderView to go into "view source" mode.
+// Get all savable resource links from current webpage, include main
+// frame and sub-frame.
+ GURL /* url of page which is needed to save */)
+// Get html data by serializing all frames of current page with lists
+// which contain all resource links that have local copy.
+ std::vector<GURL> /* urls that have local copy */,
+ std::vector<FilePath> /* paths of local copy */,
+ FilePath /* local directory path */)
+// Requests application info for the page. The renderer responds back with
+// ViewHostMsg_DidGetApplicationInfo.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_GetApplicationInfo, int32 /*page_id*/)
+// Requests the renderer to download the specified favicon image encode it as
+// PNG and send the PNG data back ala ViewHostMsg_DidDownloadFavIcon.
+ int /* identifier for the request */,
+ GURL /* URL of the image */,
+ int /* Size of the image. Normally 0, but set if you have
+ a preferred image size to request, such as when
+ downloading the favicon */)
+// When a renderer sends a ViewHostMsg_Focus to the browser process,
+// the browser has the option of sending a ViewMsg_CantFocus back to
+// the renderer.
+// Instructs the renderer to invoke the frame's shouldClose method, which
+// runs the onbeforeunload event handler. Expects the result to be returned
+// via ViewHostMsg_ShouldClose.
+// Instructs the renderer to close the current page, including running the
+// onunload event handler. See the struct in render_messages.h for more.
+// Expects a ClosePage_ACK message when finished, where the parameters are
+// echoed back.
+ ViewMsg_ClosePage_Params)
+// Asks the renderer to send back stats on the WebCore cache broken down by
+// resource types.
+// Asks the renderer to send back Histograms.
+ int /* sequence number of Renderer Histograms. */)
#if defined(USE_TCMALLOC)
- // Asks the renderer to send back tcmalloc stats.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewMsg_GetRendererTcmalloc)
+// Asks the renderer to send back tcmalloc stats.
- // Asks the renderer to send back V8 heap stats.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewMsg_GetV8HeapStats)
- // Notifies the renderer about ui theme changes
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ThemeChanged)
- // Notifies the renderer that a paint is to be generated for the rectangle
- // passed in.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Repaint,
- gfx::Size /* The view size to be repainted */)
- // Posts a message to the renderer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_HandleMessageFromExternalHost,
- std::string /* The message */,
- std::string /* The origin */,
- std::string /* The target*/)
- // Sent to the renderer when a popup window should no longer count against
- // the current popup count (either because it's not a popup or because it was
- // a generated by a user action or because a constrained popup got turned
- // into a full window).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_DisassociateFromPopupCount)
- // The browser sends this to a renderer process in response to a
- // ViewHostMsg_EstablishGpuChannel message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_GpuChannelEstablished,
- IPC::ChannelHandle /* handle to channel */,
- GPUInfo /* stats about GPU process*/)
- // Notifies the renderer of the appcache that has been selected for a
- // a particular host. This is sent in reply to AppCacheMsg_SelectCache.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(AppCacheMsg_CacheSelected,
- int /* host_id */,
- appcache::AppCacheInfo)
- // Notifies the renderer of an AppCache status change.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(AppCacheMsg_StatusChanged,
- std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
- appcache::Status)
- // Notifies the renderer of an AppCache event other than the
- // progress event which has a seperate message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(AppCacheMsg_EventRaised,
- std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
- appcache::EventID)
- // Notifies the renderer of an AppCache progress event.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(AppCacheMsg_ProgressEventRaised,
- std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
- GURL /* url being processed */,
- int /* total */,
- int /* complete */)
- // Notifies the renderer of an AppCache error event.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(AppCacheMsg_ErrorEventRaised,
- std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
- std::string /* error_message */)
- // Notifies the renderer of an AppCache logging message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(AppCacheMsg_LogMessage,
- int /* host_id */,
- int /* log_level */,
- std::string /* message */)
- // Notifies the renderer of the fact that AppCache access was blocked.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(AppCacheMsg_ContentBlocked,
- int /* host_id */,
- GURL /* manifest_url */)
- // Reply to the ViewHostMsg_QueryFormFieldAutoFill message with the
- // AutoFill suggestions.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5(ViewMsg_AutoFillSuggestionsReturned,
- int /* id of the request message */,
- std::vector<string16> /* names */,
- std::vector<string16> /* labels */,
- std::vector<string16> /* icons */,
- std::vector<int> /* unique_ids */)
- // Reply to the ViewHostMsg_FillAutoFillFormData message with the
- // AutoFill form data.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_AutoFillFormDataFilled,
- int /* id of the request message */,
- webkit_glue::FormData /* form data */)
- // Sent by the Browser process to alert a window about whether a it should
- // allow a scripted window.close(). The renderer assumes every new window is a
- // blocked popup until notified otherwise.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_AllowScriptToClose,
- bool /* script_can_close */)
- // Sent by AudioRendererHost to renderer to request an audio packet.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_RequestAudioPacket,
- int /* stream id */,
- AudioBuffersState)
- // Tell the renderer process that the audio stream has been created, renderer
- // process would be given a ShareMemoryHandle that it should write to from
- // then on.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_NotifyAudioStreamCreated,
- int /* stream id */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* handle */,
- uint32 /* length */)
- // Tell the renderer process that a low latency audio stream has been created,
- // renderer process would be given a SyncSocket that it should write to from
- // then on.
+// Asks the renderer to send back V8 heap stats.
+// Notifies the renderer about ui theme changes
+// Notifies the renderer that a paint is to be generated for the rectangle
+// passed in.
+ gfx::Size /* The view size to be repainted */)
+// Posts a message to the renderer.
+ std::string /* The message */,
+ std::string /* The origin */,
+ std::string /* The target*/)
+// Sent to the renderer when a popup window should no longer count against
+// the current popup count (either because it's not a popup or because it was
+// a generated by a user action or because a constrained popup got turned
+// into a full window).
+// The browser sends this to a renderer process in response to a
+// ViewHostMsg_EstablishGpuChannel message.
+ IPC::ChannelHandle /* handle to channel */,
+ GPUInfo /* stats about GPU process*/)
+// Notifies the renderer of the appcache that has been selected for a
+// a particular host. This is sent in reply to AppCacheMsg_SelectCache.
+ int /* host_id */,
+ appcache::AppCacheInfo)
+// Notifies the renderer of an AppCache status change.
+ std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
+ appcache::Status)
+// Notifies the renderer of an AppCache event other than the
+// progress event which has a seperate message.
+ std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
+ appcache::EventID)
+// Notifies the renderer of an AppCache progress event.
+ std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
+ GURL /* url being processed */,
+ int /* total */,
+ int /* complete */)
+// Notifies the renderer of an AppCache error event.
+ std::vector<int> /* host_ids */,
+ std::string /* error_message */)
+// Notifies the renderer of an AppCache logging message.
+ int /* host_id */,
+ int /* log_level */,
+ std::string /* message */)
+// Notifies the renderer of the fact that AppCache access was blocked.
+ int /* host_id */,
+ GURL /* manifest_url */)
+// Reply to the ViewHostMsg_QueryFormFieldAutoFill message with the
+// AutoFill suggestions.
+ int /* id of the request message */,
+ std::vector<string16> /* names */,
+ std::vector<string16> /* labels */,
+ std::vector<string16> /* icons */,
+ std::vector<int> /* unique_ids */)
+// Reply to the ViewHostMsg_FillAutoFillFormData message with the
+// AutoFill form data.
+ int /* id of the request message */,
+ webkit_glue::FormData /* form data */)
+// Sent by the Browser process to alert a window about whether a it should
+// allow a scripted window.close(). The renderer assumes every new window is a
+// blocked popup until notified otherwise.
+ bool /* script_can_close */)
+// Sent by AudioRendererHost to renderer to request an audio packet.
+ int /* stream id */,
+ AudioBuffersState)
+// Tell the renderer process that the audio stream has been created, renderer
+// process would be given a ShareMemoryHandle that it should write to from
+// then on.
+ int /* stream id */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* handle */,
+ uint32 /* length */)
+// Tell the renderer process that a low latency audio stream has been created,
+// renderer process would be given a SyncSocket that it should write to from
+// then on.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_NotifyLowLatencyAudioStreamCreated,
- int /* stream id */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* handle */,
- base::SyncSocket::Handle /* socket handle */,
- uint32 /* length */)
+ int /* stream id */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* handle */,
+ base::SyncSocket::Handle /* socket handle */,
+ uint32 /* length */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_NotifyLowLatencyAudioStreamCreated,
- int /* stream id */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* handle */,
- base::FileDescriptor /* socket handle */,
- uint32 /* length */)
+ int /* stream id */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* handle */,
+ base::FileDescriptor /* socket handle */,
+ uint32 /* length */)
- // Notification message sent from AudioRendererHost to renderer for state
- // update after the renderer has requested a Create/Start/Close.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_NotifyAudioStreamStateChanged,
- int /* stream id */,
- ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params /* new state */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_NotifyAudioStreamVolume,
- int /* stream id */,
- double /* volume */)
- // Notification that a move or resize renderer's containing window has
- // started.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_MoveOrResizeStarted)
- // The browser sends this message in response to all extension api calls.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_ExtensionResponse,
- int /* request_id */,
- bool /* success */,
- std::string /* response */,
- std::string /* error */)
- // This message is optionally routed. If used as a control message, it
- // will call a javascript function in every registered context in the
- // target process. If routed, it will be restricted to the contexts that
- // are part of the target RenderView.
- // If |extension_id| is non-empty, the function will be invoked only in
- // contexts owned by the extension. |args| is a list of primitive Value types
- // that are passed to the function.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_ExtensionMessageInvoke,
- std::string /* extension_id */,
- std::string /* function_name */,
- ListValue /* args */,
- GURL /* event URL */)
- // Tell the renderer process all known extension function names.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_Extension_SetFunctionNames,
- std::vector<std::string>)
- // Tell the renderer process which permissions the given extension has. See
- // Extension::Permissions for which elements correspond to which permissions.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_Extension_SetAPIPermissions,
- std::string /* extension_id */,
- std::set<std::string> /* permissions */)
- // Tell the renderer process which host permissions the given extension has.
- ViewMsg_Extension_SetHostPermissions,
- GURL /* source extension's origin */,
- std::vector<URLPattern> /* URLPatterns the extension can access */)
- // Tell the renderer process all known page action ids for a particular
- // extension.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_Extension_UpdatePageActions,
- std::string /* extension_id */,
- std::vector<std::string> /* page_action_ids */)
- // Changes the text direction of the currently selected input field (if any).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetTextDirection,
- WebKit::WebTextDirection /* direction */)
- // Tells the renderer to clear the focused node (if any).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_ClearFocusedNode)
- // Make the RenderView transparent and render it onto a custom background. The
- // background will be tiled in both directions if it is not large enough.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetBackground,
- SkBitmap /* background */)
- // Reply to ViewHostMsg_RequestMove, ViewHostMsg_ShowView, and
- // ViewHostMsg_ShowWidget to inform the renderer that the browser has
- // processed the move. The browser may have ignored the move, but it finished
- // processing. This is used because the renderer keeps a temporary cache of
- // the widget position while these asynchronous operations are in progress.
- // Used to instruct the RenderView to send back updates to the preferred size.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_EnablePreferredSizeChangedMode, int /*flags*/)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_SearchBoxChange,
- string16 /*value*/,
- bool /*verbatim*/,
- int /*selection_start*/,
- int /*selection_end*/)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_SearchBoxSubmit,
- string16 /*value*/,
- bool /*verbatim*/)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_SearchBoxCancel)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SearchBoxResize,
- gfx::Rect /*search_box_bounds*/)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_DetermineIfPageSupportsInstant,
- string16 /*value*/,
- bool /* verbatim */)
- // Used to tell the renderer not to add scrollbars with height and
- // width below a threshold.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_DisableScrollbarsForSmallWindows,
- gfx::Size /* disable_scrollbar_size_limit */)
- // Used to inform the renderer that the browser has displayed its
- // requested notification.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_PostDisplayToNotificationObject,
- int /* notification_id */)
- // Used to inform the renderer that the browser has encountered an error
- // trying to display a notification.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_PostErrorToNotificationObject,
- int /* notification_id */,
- string16 /* message */)
- // Informs the renderer that the one if its notifications has closed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_PostCloseToNotificationObject,
- int /* notification_id */,
- bool /* by_user */)
- // Informs the renderer that one of its notifications was clicked on.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_PostClickToNotificationObject,
- int /* notification_id */)
- // Informs the renderer that the one if its notifications has closed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_PermissionRequestDone,
- int /* request_id */)
- // Activate/deactivate the RenderView (i.e., set its controls' tint
- // accordingly, etc.).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetActive,
- bool /* active */)
+// Notification message sent from AudioRendererHost to renderer for state
+// update after the renderer has requested a Create/Start/Close.
+ int /* stream id */,
+ ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params /* new state */)
+ int /* stream id */,
+ double /* volume */)
+// Notification that a move or resize renderer's containing window has
+// started.
+// The browser sends this message in response to all extension api calls.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ bool /* success */,
+ std::string /* response */,
+ std::string /* error */)
+// This message is optionally routed. If used as a control message, it
+// will call a javascript function in every registered context in the
+// target process. If routed, it will be restricted to the contexts that
+// are part of the target RenderView.
+// If |extension_id| is non-empty, the function will be invoked only in
+// contexts owned by the extension. |args| is a list of primitive Value types
+// that are passed to the function.
+ std::string /* extension_id */,
+ std::string /* function_name */,
+ ListValue /* args */,
+ GURL /* event URL */)
+// Tell the renderer process all known extension function names.
+ std::vector<std::string>)
+// Tell the renderer process which permissions the given extension has. See
+// Extension::Permissions for which elements correspond to which permissions.
+ std::string /* extension_id */,
+ std::set<std::string> /* permissions */)
+// Tell the renderer process which host permissions the given extension has.
+ ViewMsg_Extension_SetHostPermissions,
+ GURL /* source extension's origin */,
+ std::vector<URLPattern> /* URLPatterns the extension can access */)
+// Tell the renderer process all known page action ids for a particular
+// extension.
+ std::string /* extension_id */,
+ std::vector<std::string> /* page_action_ids */)
+// Changes the text direction of the currently selected input field (if any).
+ WebKit::WebTextDirection /* direction */)
+// Tells the renderer to clear the focused node (if any).
+// Make the RenderView transparent and render it onto a custom background. The
+// background will be tiled in both directions if it is not large enough.
+ SkBitmap /* background */)
+// Reply to ViewHostMsg_RequestMove, ViewHostMsg_ShowView, and
+// ViewHostMsg_ShowWidget to inform the renderer that the browser has
+// processed the move. The browser may have ignored the move, but it finished
+// processing. This is used because the renderer keeps a temporary cache of
+// the widget position while these asynchronous operations are in progress.
+// Used to instruct the RenderView to send back updates to the preferred size.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_EnablePreferredSizeChangedMode, int /*flags*/)
+ string16 /*value*/,
+ bool /*verbatim*/,
+ int /*selection_start*/,
+ int /*selection_end*/)
+ string16 /*value*/,
+ bool /*verbatim*/)
+ gfx::Rect /*search_box_bounds*/)
+ string16 /*value*/,
+ bool /* verbatim */)
+// Used to tell the renderer not to add scrollbars with height and
+// width below a threshold.
+ gfx::Size /* disable_scrollbar_size_limit */)
+// Used to inform the renderer that the browser has displayed its
+// requested notification.
+ int /* notification_id */)
+// Used to inform the renderer that the browser has encountered an error
+// trying to display a notification.
+ int /* notification_id */,
+ string16 /* message */)
+// Informs the renderer that the one if its notifications has closed.
+ int /* notification_id */,
+ bool /* by_user */)
+// Informs the renderer that one of its notifications was clicked on.
+ int /* notification_id */)
+// Informs the renderer that the one if its notifications has closed.
+ int /* request_id */)
+// Activate/deactivate the RenderView (i.e., set its controls' tint
+// accordingly, etc.).
+ bool /* active */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // Let the RenderView know its window has changed visibility.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetWindowVisibility,
- bool /* visibile */)
- // Let the RenderView know its window's frame has changed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_WindowFrameChanged,
- gfx::Rect /* window frame */,
- gfx::Rect /* content view frame */)
- // Tell the renderer that text has been retured from plugin IME.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_PluginImeCompositionConfirmed,
- string16 /* text */,
- int /* plugin_id */)
+// Let the RenderView know its window has changed visibility.
+ bool /* visibile */)
+// Let the RenderView know its window's frame has changed.
+ gfx::Rect /* window frame */,
+ gfx::Rect /* content view frame */)
+// Tell the renderer that text has been retured from plugin IME.
+ string16 /* text */,
+ int /* plugin_id */)
- // Response message to ViewHostMsg_CreateShared/DedicatedWorker.
- // Sent when the worker has started.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_WorkerCreated)
- // Tell the renderer which browser window it's being attached to.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_UpdateBrowserWindowId,
- int /* id of browser window */)
- // Tell the renderer which type this view is.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_NotifyRenderViewType,
- ViewType::Type /* view_type */)
- // Notification that renderer should run some JavaScript code.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_ExecuteCode,
- ViewMsg_ExecuteCode_Params)
- // Notifies the child process of the new database size
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(ViewMsg_DatabaseUpdateSize,
- string16 /* the origin */,
- string16 /* the database name */,
- int64 /* the new database size */,
- int64 /* space available to origin */)
- // Asks the child process to close a database immediately
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_DatabaseCloseImmediately,
- string16 /* the origin */,
- string16 /* the database name */)
- // Storage events are broadcast to renderer processes.
- ViewMsg_DOMStorageEvent_Params)
- // IDBCallback message handlers.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_IDBCallbacksSuccessNull,
- int32 /* response_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_IDBCallbacksSuccessIDBCursor,
- int32 /* response_id */,
- int32 /* cursor_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_IDBCallbacksSuccessIDBDatabase,
- int32 /* response_id */,
- int32 /* idb_database_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_IDBCallbacksSuccessIndexedDBKey,
- int32 /* response_id */,
- IndexedDBKey /* indexed_db_key */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_IDBCallbacksSuccessIDBIndex,
- int32 /* response_id */,
- int32 /* idb_index_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_IDBCallbacksSuccessIDBObjectStore,
- int32 /* response_id */,
- int32 /* idb_object_store_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_IDBCallbacksSuccessIDBTransaction,
- int32 /* response_id */,
- int32 /* idb_transaction_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_IDBCallbacksSuccessSerializedScriptValue,
- int32 /* response_id */,
- SerializedScriptValue /* serialized_script_value */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewMsg_IDBCallbacksError,
- int32 /* response_id */,
- int /* code */,
- string16 /* message */)
- // IDBTransactionCallback message handlers.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_IDBTransactionCallbacksAbort,
- int32 /* transaction_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_IDBTransactionCallbacksComplete,
- int32 /* transaction_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_IDBTransactionCallbacksTimeout,
- int32 /* transaction_id */)
+// Response message to ViewHostMsg_CreateShared/DedicatedWorker.
+// Sent when the worker has started.
+// Tell the renderer which browser window it's being attached to.
+ int /* id of browser window */)
+// Tell the renderer which type this view is.
+ ViewType::Type /* view_type */)
+// Notification that renderer should run some JavaScript code.
+ ViewMsg_ExecuteCode_Params)
+// Notifies the child process of the new database size
+ string16 /* the origin */,
+ string16 /* the database name */,
+ int64 /* the new database size */,
+ int64 /* space available to origin */)
+// Asks the child process to close a database immediately
+ string16 /* the origin */,
+ string16 /* the database name */)
+// Storage events are broadcast to renderer processes.
+ ViewMsg_DOMStorageEvent_Params)
+// IDBCallback message handlers.
+ int32 /* response_id */)
+ int32 /* response_id */,
+ int32 /* cursor_id */)
+ int32 /* response_id */,
+ int32 /* idb_database_id */)
+ int32 /* response_id */,
+ IndexedDBKey /* indexed_db_key */)
+ int32 /* response_id */,
+ int32 /* idb_index_id */)
+ int32 /* response_id */,
+ int32 /* idb_object_store_id */)
+ int32 /* response_id */,
+ int32 /* idb_transaction_id */)
+ int32 /* response_id */,
+ SerializedScriptValue /* serialized_script_value */)
+ int32 /* response_id */,
+ int /* code */,
+ string16 /* message */)
+// IDBTransactionCallback message handlers.
+ int32 /* transaction_id */)
+ int32 /* transaction_id */)
+ int32 /* transaction_id */)
- // Tell the renderer process to begin or end IPC message logging.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_SetIPCLoggingEnabled,
- bool /* on or off */)
+// Tell the renderer process to begin or end IPC message logging.
+ bool /* on or off */)
- // Socket Stream messages:
- // These are messages from the browser to the SocketStreamHandle on
- // a renderer.
- // A |socket_id| is assigned by ViewHostMsg_SocketStream_Connect.
- // The Socket Stream is connected. The SocketStreamHandle should keep track
- // of how much it has pending (how much it has requested to be sent) and
- // shouldn't go over |max_pending_send_allowed| bytes.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_SocketStream_Connected,
- int /* socket_id */,
- int /* max_pending_send_allowed */)
- // |data| is received on the Socket Stream.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_SocketStream_ReceivedData,
- int /* socket_id */,
- std::vector<char> /* data */)
- // |amount_sent| bytes of data requested by
- // ViewHostMsg_SocketStream_SendData has been sent on the Socket Stream.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_SocketStream_SentData,
- int /* socket_id */,
- int /* amount_sent */)
- // The Socket Stream is closed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_SocketStream_Closed,
- int /* socket_id */)
- // SpellChecker messages.
- // Passes some initialization params to the renderer's spellchecker. This can
- // be called directly after startup or in (async) response to a
- // RequestDictionary ViewHost message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(ViewMsg_SpellChecker_Init,
- IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* bdict_file */,
- std::vector<std::string> /* custom_dict_words */,
- std::string /* language */,
- bool /* auto spell correct */)
- // A word has been added to the custom dictionary; update the local custom
- // word list.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_SpellChecker_WordAdded,
- std::string /* word */)
- // Toggle the auto spell correct functionality.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_SpellChecker_EnableAutoSpellCorrect,
- bool /* enable */)
- // Executes custom context menu action that was provided from WebKit.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_CustomContextMenuAction,
- unsigned /* action */)
- // Tells the renderer to translate the page contents from one language to
- // another.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewMsg_TranslatePage,
- int /* page id */,
- std::string, /* the script injected in the page */
- std::string, /* BCP 47/RFC 5646 language code the page
- is in */
- std::string /* BCP 47/RFC 5646 language code to translate
- to */)
- // Tells the renderer to revert the text of translated page to its original
- // contents.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_RevertTranslation,
- int /* page id */)
- // Reply in response to ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_RequestPermission.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_Geolocation_PermissionSet,
- int /* bridge_id */,
- bool /* is_allowed */)
- // Sent after ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_StartUpdating iff the user has granted
- // permission and we have a position available or an error occurs (such as
- // permission denied, position unavailable, etc.)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_Geolocation_PositionUpdated,
- Geoposition /* geoposition */)
- // Sent on process startup to indicate whether this process is running in
- // incognito mode.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_SetIsIncognitoProcess,
- bool /* is_incognito_processs */)
- // Notification that the list of extensions has been updated.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_ExtensionsUpdated,
- ViewMsg_ExtensionsUpdated_Params)
- // Enable accessibility in the renderer process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_EnableAccessibility)
- // Relay a request from assistive technology to set focus to a given node.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SetAccessibilityFocus,
- int /* object id */)
- // Relay a request from assistive technology to perform the default action
- // on a given node.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_AccessibilityDoDefaultAction,
- int /* object id */)
- // Tells the render view that a ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotifications
- // message was processed and it can send addition notifications.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewMsg_AccessibilityNotifications_ACK)
- // Relay a speech recognition result, either partial or final.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewMsg_SpeechInput_SetRecognitionResult,
- int /* request id */,
- speech_input::SpeechInputResultArray /* result */)
- // Indicate that speech recognizer has stopped recording and started
- // recognition.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SpeechInput_RecordingComplete,
- int /* request id */)
- // Indicate that speech recognizer has completed recognition. This will be
- // the last message sent in response to a
- // ViewHostMsg_SpeechInput_StartRecognition.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SpeechInput_RecognitionComplete,
- int /* request id */)
- // Notification that the device's orientation has changed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_DeviceOrientationUpdated,
- ViewMsg_DeviceOrientationUpdated_Params)
- // WebFrameClient::openFileSystem response messages.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(ViewMsg_OpenFileSystemRequest_Complete,
- int /* request_id */,
- bool /* accepted */,
- std::string /* name */,
- FilePath /* root_path */)
- // WebFileSystem response messages.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_FileSystem_DidSucceed,
- int /* request_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_FileSystem_DidReadMetadata,
- int /* request_id */,
- base::PlatformFileInfo)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewMsg_FileSystem_DidReadDirectory,
- int /* request_id */,
- std::vector<base::FileUtilProxy::Entry> /* entries */,
- bool /* has_more */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewMsg_FileSystem_DidWrite,
- int /* request_id */,
- int64 /* byte count */,
- bool /* complete */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewMsg_FileSystem_DidFail,
- int /* request_id */,
- base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
- // The response to ViewHostMsg_AsyncOpenFile.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewMsg_AsyncOpenFile_ACK,
- base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */,
- IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* file descriptor */,
- int /* message_id */)
- // A classification model for client-side phishing detection.
- // The given file contains an encoded safe_browsing::ClientSideModel
- // protocol buffer.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_SetPhishingModel,
- IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* model_file */)
- // External popup menus.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewMsg_SelectPopupMenuItem,
- int /* selected index, -1 means no selection */)
- // Indicate whether speech input API is enabled or not.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewMsg_SpeechInput_SetFeatureEnabled,
- bool /* enabled */)
+// Socket Stream messages:
+// These are messages from the browser to the SocketStreamHandle on
+// a renderer.
+// A |socket_id| is assigned by ViewHostMsg_SocketStream_Connect.
+// The Socket Stream is connected. The SocketStreamHandle should keep track
+// of how much it has pending (how much it has requested to be sent) and
+// shouldn't go over |max_pending_send_allowed| bytes.
+ int /* socket_id */,
+ int /* max_pending_send_allowed */)
+// |data| is received on the Socket Stream.
+ int /* socket_id */,
+ std::vector<char> /* data */)
+// |amount_sent| bytes of data requested by
+// ViewHostMsg_SocketStream_SendData has been sent on the Socket Stream.
+ int /* socket_id */,
+ int /* amount_sent */)
+// The Socket Stream is closed.
+ int /* socket_id */)
+// SpellChecker messages.
+// Passes some initialization params to the renderer's spellchecker. This can
+// be called directly after startup or in (async) response to a
+// RequestDictionary ViewHost message.
+ IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* bdict_file */,
+ std::vector<std::string> /* custom_dict_words */,
+ std::string /* language */,
+ bool /* auto spell correct */)
+// A word has been added to the custom dictionary; update the local custom
+// word list.
+ std::string /* word */)
+// Toggle the auto spell correct functionality.
+ bool /* enable */)
+// Executes custom context menu action that was provided from WebKit.
+ unsigned /* action */)
+// Tells the renderer to translate the page contents from one language to
+// another.
+ int /* page id */,
+ std::string, /* the script injected in the page */
+ std::string, /* BCP 47/RFC 5646 language code the page
+ is in */
+ std::string /* BCP 47/RFC 5646 language code to translate
+ to */)
+// Tells the renderer to revert the text of translated page to its original
+// contents.
+ int /* page id */)
+// Reply in response to ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_RequestPermission.
+ int /* bridge_id */,
+ bool /* is_allowed */)
+// Sent after ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_StartUpdating iff the user has granted
+// permission and we have a position available or an error occurs (such as
+// permission denied, position unavailable, etc.)
+ Geoposition /* geoposition */)
+// Sent on process startup to indicate whether this process is running in
+// incognito mode.
+ bool /* is_incognito_processs */)
+// Notification that the list of extensions has been updated.
+ ViewMsg_ExtensionsUpdated_Params)
+// Enable accessibility in the renderer process.
+// Relay a request from assistive technology to set focus to a given node.
+ int /* object id */)
+// Relay a request from assistive technology to perform the default action
+// on a given node.
+ int /* object id */)
+// Tells the render view that a ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotifications
+// message was processed and it can send addition notifications.
+// Relay a speech recognition result, either partial or final.
+ int /* request id */,
+ speech_input::SpeechInputResultArray /* result */)
+// Indicate that speech recognizer has stopped recording and started
+// recognition.
+ int /* request id */)
+// Indicate that speech recognizer has completed recognition. This will be
+// the last message sent in response to a
+// ViewHostMsg_SpeechInput_StartRecognition.
+ int /* request id */)
+// Notification that the device's orientation has changed.
+ ViewMsg_DeviceOrientationUpdated_Params)
+// WebFrameClient::openFileSystem response messages.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ bool /* accepted */,
+ std::string /* name */,
+ FilePath /* root_path */)
+// WebFileSystem response messages.
+ int /* request_id */)
+ int /* request_id */,
+ base::PlatformFileInfo)
+ int /* request_id */,
+ std::vector<base::FileUtilProxy::Entry> /* entries */,
+ bool /* has_more */)
+ int /* request_id */,
+ int64 /* byte count */,
+ bool /* complete */)
+ int /* request_id */,
+ base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
+// The response to ViewHostMsg_AsyncOpenFile.
+ base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */,
+ IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* file descriptor */,
+ int /* message_id */)
+// A classification model for client-side phishing detection.
+// The given file contains an encoded safe_browsing::ClientSideModel
+// protocol buffer.
+ IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* model_file */)
+// External popup menus.
+ int /* selected index, -1 means no selection */)
+// Indicate whether speech input API is enabled or not.
+ bool /* enabled */)
// TabContents messages
// These are messages sent from the renderer to the browser process.
- // Sent by the renderer when it is creating a new window. The browser creates
- // a tab for it and responds with a ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK. If route_id is
- // MSG_ROUTING_NONE, the view couldn't be created.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow,
- ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params,
- int /* route_id */,
- int64 /* cloned_session_storage_namespace_id */)
- // Similar to ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow, except used for sub-widgets, like
- // <select> dropdowns. This message is sent to the TabContents that
- // contains the widget being created.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_CreateWidget,
- int /* opener_id */,
- WebKit::WebPopupType /* popup type */,
- int /* route_id */)
- // Similar to ViewHostMsg_CreateWidget except the widget is a full screen
- // window.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_CreateFullscreenWidget,
- int /* opener_id */,
- WebKit::WebPopupType /* popup type */,
- int /* route_id */)
- // These three messages are sent to the parent RenderViewHost to display the
- // page/widget that was created by
- // CreateWindow/CreateWidget/CreateFullscreenWidget. routing_id
- // refers to the id that was returned from the Create message above.
- // The initial_position parameter is a rectangle in screen coordinates.
- //
- // FUTURE: there will probably be flags here to control if the result is
- // in a new window.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewHostMsg_ShowView,
- int /* route_id */,
- WindowOpenDisposition /* disposition */,
- gfx::Rect /* initial_pos */,
- bool /* opened_by_user_gesture */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_ShowWidget,
- int /* route_id */,
- gfx::Rect /* initial_pos */)
- // Message to show a full screen widget.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ShowFullscreenWidget,
- int /* route_id */)
- // Message to show a popup menu using native cocoa controls (Mac only).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ShowPopup,
- ViewHostMsg_ShowPopup_Params)
- // This message is sent after ViewHostMsg_ShowView to cause the RenderView
- // to run in a modal fashion until it is closed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_0(ViewHostMsg_RunModal)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_UpdatedCacheStats,
- WebKit::WebCache::UsageStats /* stats */)
- // Indicates the renderer is ready in response to a ViewMsg_New or
- // a ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_RenderViewReady)
- // Indicates the renderer process is gone. This actually is sent by the
- // browser process to itself, but keeps the interface cleaner.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_RenderViewGone)
- // Sent by the renderer process to request that the browser close the view.
- // This corresponds to the window.close() API, and the browser may ignore
- // this message. Otherwise, the browser will generates a ViewMsg_Close
- // message to close the view.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_Close)
- // Sent by the renderer process to request that the browser move the view.
- // This corresponds to the window.resizeTo() and window.moveTo() APIs, and
- // the browser may ignore this message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_RequestMove,
- gfx::Rect /* position */)
- // Notifies the browser that a frame in the view has changed. This message
- // has a lot of parameters and is packed/unpacked by functions defined in
- // render_messages.h.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate,
- ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params)
- // Notifies the browser that we have session history information.
- // page_id: unique ID that allows us to distinguish between history entries.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateState,
- int32 /* page_id */,
- std::string /* state */)
- // Notifies the browser that a document has been loaded in a frame.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DocumentLoadedInFrame,
- int64 /* frame_id */)
- // Notifies the browser that a frame finished loading.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DidFinishLoad,
- int64 /* frame_id */)
- // Changes the title for the page in the UI when the page is navigated or the
- // title changes.
- // TODO(darin): use a UTF-8 string to reduce data size
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateTitle, int32, std::wstring)
- // Changes the icon url for the page in the UI.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateIconURL, int32, GURL)
- // Change the encoding name of the page in UI when the page has detected
- // proper encoding name.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_UpdateEncoding,
- std::string /* new encoding name */)
- // Notifies the browser that we want to show a destination url for a potential
- // action (e.g. when the user is hovering over a link).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateTargetURL, int32, GURL)
- // Sent when the renderer starts loading the page. This corresponds to
- // WebKit's notion of the throbber starting. Note that sometimes you may get
- // duplicates of these during a single load.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_DidStartLoading)
- // Sent when the renderer is done loading a page. This corresponds to WebKit's
- // notion of the throbber stopping.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_DidStopLoading)
- // Sent when the document element is available for the toplevel frame. This
- // happens after the page starts loading, but before all resources are
- // finished.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_DocumentAvailableInMainFrame)
- // Sent when after the onload handler has been invoked for the document
- // in the toplevel frame.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame,
- int32 /* page_id */)
- // Sent when the renderer loads a resource from its memory cache.
- // The security info is non empty if the resource was originally loaded over
- // a secure connection.
- // Note: May only be sent once per URL per frame per committed load.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewHostMsg_DidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache,
- GURL /* url */,
- std::string /* frame_origin */,
- std::string /* main_frame_origin */,
- std::string /* security info */)
- // Sent when the renderer displays insecure content in a secure page.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_DidDisplayInsecureContent)
- // Sent when the renderer runs insecure content in a secure origin.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DidRunInsecureContent,
- std::string /* security_origin */)
- // Sent when the renderer starts a provisional load for a frame.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame,
- int64 /* frame_id */,
- bool /* true if it is the main frame */,
- GURL /* url */)
- // Sent when the renderer fails a provisional load with an error.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5(ViewHostMsg_DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError,
- int64 /* frame_id */,
- bool /* true if it is the main frame */,
- int /* error_code */,
- GURL /* url */,
- bool /* true if the failure is the result of
- navigating to a POST again and we're going to
- show the POST interstitial */)
- // Tells the render view that a ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize message was
- // processed, and the DIB is ready for use. |tag| has the same value that
- // the tag sent along with ViewMsg_PaintAtSize.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize_ACK,
- int /* tag */,
- gfx::Size /* size */)
- // Sent to update part of the view. In response to this message, the host
- // generates a ViewMsg_UpdateRect_ACK message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect,
- ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Params)
- // Sent by the renderer when accelerated compositing is enabled or disabled to
- // notify the browser whether or not is should do painting.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DidActivateAcceleratedCompositing,
- bool /* true if the accelerated compositor is actve */)
- // Acknowledges receipt of a ViewMsg_HandleInputEvent message.
- // Payload is a WebInputEvent::Type which is the type of the event, followed
- // by an optional WebInputEvent which is provided only if the event was not
- // processed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_HandleInputEvent_ACK)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_Focus)
- // Message sent from renderer to the browser when focus changes inside the
- // webpage. The parameter says whether the newly focused element needs
- // keyboard input (true for textfields, text areas and content editable divs).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_FocusedNodeChanged,
- bool /* is_editable_node */)
- // Returns the window location of the given window.
- // TODO(shess): Provide a mapping from reply_msg->routing_id() to
- // HWND so that we can eliminate the NativeViewId parameter.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ViewHostMsg_GetWindowRect,
- gfx::NativeViewId /* window */,
- gfx::Rect /* Out: Window location */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_SetCursor, WebCursor)
- // Result of string search in the page.
- // Response to ViewMsg_Find with the results of the requested find-in-page
- // search, the number of matches found and the selection rect (in screen
- // coordinates) for the string found. If |final_update| is false, it signals
- // that this is not the last Find_Reply message - more will be sent as the
- // scoping effort continues.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5(ViewHostMsg_Find_Reply,
- int /* request_id */,
- int /* number of matches */,
- gfx::Rect /* selection_rect */,
- int /* active_match_ordinal */,
- bool /* final_update */)
- // Makes a resource request via the browser.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_RequestResource,
- int /* request_id */,
- ViewHostMsg_Resource_Request)
- // Cancels a resource request with the ID given as the parameter.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_CancelRequest,
- int /* request_id */)
- // Follows a redirect that occured for the resource request with the ID given
- // as the parameter.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_FollowRedirect,
- int /* request_id */,
- bool /* has_new_first_party_for_cookies */,
- GURL /* new_first_party_for_cookies */)
- // Makes a synchronous resource request via the browser.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(ViewHostMsg_SyncLoad,
- int /* request_id */,
- ViewHostMsg_Resource_Request,
- SyncLoadResult)
- // Used to set a cookie. The cookie is set asynchronously, but will be
- // available to a subsequent ViewHostMsg_GetCookies request.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_SetCookie,
- GURL /* url */,
- GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
- std::string /* cookie */)
- // Used to get cookies for the given URL. This may block waiting for a
- // previous SetCookie message to be processed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(ViewHostMsg_GetCookies,
- GURL /* url */,
- GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
- std::string /* cookies */)
- // Used to get raw cookie information for the given URL. This may block
- // waiting for a previous SetCookie message to be processed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(ViewHostMsg_GetRawCookies,
- GURL /* url */,
- GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
- std::vector<webkit_glue::WebCookie>
- /* raw_cookies */)
- // Used to delete cookie for the given URL and name
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_0(ViewHostMsg_DeleteCookie,
- GURL /* url */,
- std::string /* cookie_name */)
- // Used to check if cookies are enabled for the given URL. This may block
- // waiting for a previous SetCookie message to be processed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(ViewHostMsg_CookiesEnabled,
- GURL /* url */,
- GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
- bool /* cookies_enabled */)
- // Used to get the list of plugins
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_GetPlugins,
- bool /* refresh*/,
- std::vector<WebPluginInfo> /* plugins */)
- // Return information about a plugin for the given URL and MIME
- // type. If there is no matching plugin, |found| is false. If
- // |enabled| in the WebPluginInfo struct is false, the plug-in is
- // treated as if it was not installed at all.
- //
- // If |setting| is set to CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK, the plug-in is
- // blocked by the content settings for |policy_url|. It still
- // appears in navigator.plugins in Javascript though, and can be
- // loaded via click-to-play.
- //
- // If |setting| is set to CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW, the domain is
- // explicitly white-listed for the plug-in, or the user has chosen
- // not to block nonsandboxed plugins.
- //
- // If |setting| is set to CONTENT_SETTING_DEFAULT, the plug-in is
- // neither blocked nor white-listed, which means that it's allowed
- // by default and can still be blocked if it's non-sandboxed.
- //
- // |actual_mime_type| is the actual mime type supported by the
- // plugin found that match the URL given (one for each item in
- // |info|).
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_4(ViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo,
- GURL /* url */,
- GURL /* policy_url */,
- std::string /* mime_type */,
- bool /* found */,
- WebPluginInfo /* plugin info */,
- ContentSetting /* setting */,
- std::string /* actual_mime_type */)
- // Requests spellcheck for a word.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(ViewHostMsg_SpellCheck,
- string16 /* word to check */,
- int /* document tag*/,
- int /* misspell location */,
- int /* misspell length */)
- // Asks the browser for a unique document tag.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(ViewHostMsg_GetDocumentTag,
- int /* the tag */)
- // This message tells the spellchecker that a document, identified by an int
- // tag, has been closed and all of the ignored words for that document can be
- // forgotten.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DocumentWithTagClosed,
- int /* the tag */)
- // Tells the browser to display or not display the SpellingPanel
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ShowSpellingPanel,
- bool /* if true, then show it, otherwise hide it*/)
- // Tells the browser to update the spelling panel with the given word.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_UpdateSpellingPanelWithMisspelledWord,
- string16 /* the word to update the panel with */)
- // Tells the browser that content in the current page was blocked due to the
- // user's content settings.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_ContentBlocked,
- ContentSettingsType, /* type of blocked content */
- std::string /* resource identifier */)
- // Tells the browser that a specific Appcache manifest in the current page
- // was accessed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_AppCacheAccessed,
- GURL /* manifest url */,
- bool /* blocked by policy */)
- // Tells the browser that a specific Web database in the current page was
- // accessed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5(ViewHostMsg_WebDatabaseAccessed,
- GURL /* origin url */,
- string16 /* database name */,
- string16 /* database display name */,
- unsigned long /* estimated size */,
- bool /* blocked by policy */)
- // Initiates a download based on user actions like 'ALT+click'.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_DownloadUrl,
- GURL /* url */,
- GURL /* referrer */)
- // Used to go to the session history entry at the given offset (ie, -1 will
- // return the "back" item).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_GoToEntryAtOffset,
- int /* offset (from current) of history item to get */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_2(ViewHostMsg_RunJavaScriptMessage,
- std::wstring /* in - alert message */,
- std::wstring /* in - default prompt */,
- GURL /* in - originating page URL */,
- int /* in - dialog flags */,
- bool /* out - success */,
- std::wstring /* out - prompt field */)
- // Provides the contents for the given page that was loaded recently.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5(ViewHostMsg_PageContents,
- GURL /* URL of the page */,
- int32 /* page id */,
- string16 /* page contents */,
- std::string /* page ISO639_1 language code */,
- bool /* whether the page can be translated */)
- // Used to get the extension message bundle.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_GetExtensionMessageBundle,
- std::string /* extension id */,
- SubstitutionMap /* message bundle */)
- // Specifies the URL as the first parameter (a wstring) and thumbnail as
- // binary data as the second parameter.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_Thumbnail,
- GURL /* url */,
- ThumbnailScore /* score */,
- SkBitmap /* bitmap */)
- // Send a snapshot of the tab contents to the render host.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_Snapshot,
- SkBitmap /* bitmap */)
- // Notification that the url for the favicon of a site has been determined.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateFavIconURL,
- int32 /* page_id */,
- GURL /* url of the favicon */)
- // Used to tell the parent that the user right clicked on an area of the
- // content area, and a context menu should be shown for it. The params
- // object contains information about the node(s) that were selected when the
- // user right clicked.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ContextMenu, ContextMenuParams)
- // Requests that the given URL be opened in the specified manner.
- GURL /* url */,
- GURL /* referrer */,
- WindowOpenDisposition /* disposition */)
- // Notifies that the preferred size of the content changed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DidContentsPreferredSizeChange,
- gfx::Size /* pref_size */)
- // Following message is used to communicate the values received by the
- // callback binding the JS to Cpp.
- // An instance of browser that has an automation host listening to it can
- // have a javascript send a native value (string, number, boolean) to the
- // listener in Cpp. (DomAutomationController)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_DomOperationResponse,
- std::string /* json_string */,
- int /* automation_id */)
- // A message from HTML-based UI. When (trusted) Javascript calls
- // send(message, args), this message is sent to the browser.
- GURL /* source_url */,
- std::string /* message */,
- std::string /* args (as a JSON string) */)
- // A message for an external host.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_ForwardMessageToExternalHost,
- std::string /* message */,
- std::string /* origin */,
- std::string /* target */)
- // A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to
- // create a plugin. The browser will create the plugin process if
- // necessary, and will return a handle to the channel on success.
- // On error an empty string is returned.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_2(ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelToPlugin,
- GURL /* url */,
- std::string /* mime_type */,
- IPC::ChannelHandle /* channel_handle */,
- WebPluginInfo /* info */)
- // A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to
- // create a pepper plugin. The browser will create the plugin process if
- // necessary, and will return a handle to the channel on success.
- // On error an empty string is returned.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelToPepperPlugin,
- FilePath /* path */,
- base::ProcessHandle /* plugin_process_handle */,
- IPC::ChannelHandle /* handle to channel */)
- // A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to
- // create connect to the GPU. The browser will create the GPU process if
- // necessary, and will return a handle to the channel via
- // a GpuChannelEstablished message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewHostMsg_EstablishGpuChannel)
- // A renderer sends this to the browser process to provide a synchronization
- // point for GPU operations, in particular to make sure the GPU channel has
- // been established.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_0(ViewHostMsg_SynchronizeGpu)
- // A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to start
- // a new instance of the Native Client process. The browser will launch
- // the process and return a handle to an IMC channel.
- std::wstring /* url for the NaCl module */,
- int /* socket count */,
- std::vector<nacl::FileDescriptor>
- /* imc channel handles */,
- base::ProcessHandle /* NaCl process handle */,
- base::ProcessId /* NaCl process id */)
+// Sent by the renderer when it is creating a new window. The browser creates
+// a tab for it and responds with a ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK. If route_id is
+// MSG_ROUTING_NONE, the view couldn't be created.
+ ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params,
+ int /* route_id */,
+ int64 /* cloned_session_storage_namespace_id */)
+// Similar to ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow, except used for sub-widgets, like
+// <select> dropdowns. This message is sent to the TabContents that
+// contains the widget being created.
+ int /* opener_id */,
+ WebKit::WebPopupType /* popup type */,
+ int /* route_id */)
+// Similar to ViewHostMsg_CreateWidget except the widget is a full screen
+// window.
+ int /* opener_id */,
+ WebKit::WebPopupType /* popup type */,
+ int /* route_id */)
+// These three messages are sent to the parent RenderViewHost to display the
+// page/widget that was created by
+// CreateWindow/CreateWidget/CreateFullscreenWidget. routing_id
+// refers to the id that was returned from the Create message above.
+// The initial_position parameter is a rectangle in screen coordinates.
+// FUTURE: there will probably be flags here to control if the result is
+// in a new window.
+ int /* route_id */,
+ WindowOpenDisposition /* disposition */,
+ gfx::Rect /* initial_pos */,
+ bool /* opened_by_user_gesture */)
+ int /* route_id */,
+ gfx::Rect /* initial_pos */)
+// Message to show a full screen widget.
+ int /* route_id */)
+// Message to show a popup menu using native cocoa controls (Mac only).
+ ViewHostMsg_ShowPopup_Params)
+// This message is sent after ViewHostMsg_ShowView to cause the RenderView
+// to run in a modal fashion until it is closed.
+ WebKit::WebCache::UsageStats /* stats */)
+// Indicates the renderer is ready in response to a ViewMsg_New or
+// a ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK.
+// Indicates the renderer process is gone. This actually is sent by the
+// browser process to itself, but keeps the interface cleaner.
+// Sent by the renderer process to request that the browser close the view.
+// This corresponds to the window.close() API, and the browser may ignore
+// this message. Otherwise, the browser will generates a ViewMsg_Close
+// message to close the view.
+// Sent by the renderer process to request that the browser move the view.
+// This corresponds to the window.resizeTo() and window.moveTo() APIs, and
+// the browser may ignore this message.
+ gfx::Rect /* position */)
+// Notifies the browser that a frame in the view has changed. This message
+// has a lot of parameters and is packed/unpacked by functions defined in
+// render_messages.h.
+ ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params)
+// Notifies the browser that we have session history information.
+// page_id: unique ID that allows us to distinguish between history entries.
+ int32 /* page_id */,
+ std::string /* state */)
+// Notifies the browser that a document has been loaded in a frame.
+ int64 /* frame_id */)
+// Notifies the browser that a frame finished loading.
+ int64 /* frame_id */)
+// Changes the title for the page in the UI when the page is navigated or the
+// title changes.
+// TODO(darin): use a UTF-8 string to reduce data size
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateTitle, int32, std::wstring)
+// Changes the icon url for the page in the UI.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateIconURL, int32, GURL)
+// Change the encoding name of the page in UI when the page has detected
+// proper encoding name.
+ std::string /* new encoding name */)
+// Notifies the browser that we want to show a destination url for a potential
+// action (e.g. when the user is hovering over a link).
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateTargetURL, int32, GURL)
+// Sent when the renderer starts loading the page. This corresponds to
+// WebKit's notion of the throbber starting. Note that sometimes you may get
+// duplicates of these during a single load.
+// Sent when the renderer is done loading a page. This corresponds to WebKit's
+// notion of the throbber stopping.
+// Sent when the document element is available for the toplevel frame. This
+// happens after the page starts loading, but before all resources are
+// finished.
+// Sent when after the onload handler has been invoked for the document
+// in the toplevel frame.
+ int32 /* page_id */)
+// Sent when the renderer loads a resource from its memory cache.
+// The security info is non empty if the resource was originally loaded over
+// a secure connection.
+// Note: May only be sent once per URL per frame per committed load.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ std::string /* frame_origin */,
+ std::string /* main_frame_origin */,
+ std::string /* security info */)
+// Sent when the renderer displays insecure content in a secure page.
+// Sent when the renderer runs insecure content in a secure origin.
+ std::string /* security_origin */)
+// Sent when the renderer starts a provisional load for a frame.
+ int64 /* frame_id */,
+ bool /* true if it is the main frame */,
+ GURL /* url */)
+// Sent when the renderer fails a provisional load with an error.
+ int64 /* frame_id */,
+ bool /* true if it is the main frame */,
+ int /* error_code */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ bool /* true if the failure is the result of
+ navigating to a POST again and we're going to
+ show the POST interstitial */)
+// Tells the render view that a ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize message was
+// processed, and the DIB is ready for use. |tag| has the same value that
+// the tag sent along with ViewMsg_PaintAtSize.
+ int /* tag */,
+ gfx::Size /* size */)
+// Sent to update part of the view. In response to this message, the host
+// generates a ViewMsg_UpdateRect_ACK message.
+ ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Params)
+// Sent by the renderer when accelerated compositing is enabled or disabled to
+// notify the browser whether or not is should do painting.
+ bool /* true if the accelerated compositor is actve */)
+// Acknowledges receipt of a ViewMsg_HandleInputEvent message.
+// Payload is a WebInputEvent::Type which is the type of the event, followed
+// by an optional WebInputEvent which is provided only if the event was not
+// processed.
+// Message sent from renderer to the browser when focus changes inside the
+// webpage. The parameter says whether the newly focused element needs
+// keyboard input (true for textfields, text areas and content editable divs).
+ bool /* is_editable_node */)
+// Returns the window location of the given window.
+// TODO(shess): Provide a mapping from reply_msg->routing_id() to
+// HWND so that we can eliminate the NativeViewId parameter.
+ gfx::NativeViewId /* window */,
+ gfx::Rect /* Out: Window location */)
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_SetCursor, WebCursor)
+// Result of string search in the page.
+// Response to ViewMsg_Find with the results of the requested find-in-page
+// search, the number of matches found and the selection rect (in screen
+// coordinates) for the string found. If |final_update| is false, it signals
+// that this is not the last Find_Reply message - more will be sent as the
+// scoping effort continues.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ int /* number of matches */,
+ gfx::Rect /* selection_rect */,
+ int /* active_match_ordinal */,
+ bool /* final_update */)
+// Makes a resource request via the browser.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ ViewHostMsg_Resource_Request)
+// Cancels a resource request with the ID given as the parameter.
+ int /* request_id */)
+// Follows a redirect that occured for the resource request with the ID given
+// as the parameter.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ bool /* has_new_first_party_for_cookies */,
+ GURL /* new_first_party_for_cookies */)
+// Makes a synchronous resource request via the browser.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ ViewHostMsg_Resource_Request,
+ SyncLoadResult)
+// Used to set a cookie. The cookie is set asynchronously, but will be
+// available to a subsequent ViewHostMsg_GetCookies request.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
+ std::string /* cookie */)
+// Used to get cookies for the given URL. This may block waiting for a
+// previous SetCookie message to be processed.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
+ std::string /* cookies */)
+// Used to get raw cookie information for the given URL. This may block
+// waiting for a previous SetCookie message to be processed.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
+ std::vector<webkit_glue::WebCookie>
+ /* raw_cookies */)
+// Used to delete cookie for the given URL and name
+ GURL /* url */,
+ std::string /* cookie_name */)
+// Used to check if cookies are enabled for the given URL. This may block
+// waiting for a previous SetCookie message to be processed.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */,
+ bool /* cookies_enabled */)
+// Used to get the list of plugins
+ bool /* refresh*/,
+ std::vector<WebPluginInfo> /* plugins */)
+// Return information about a plugin for the given URL and MIME
+// type. If there is no matching plugin, |found| is false. If
+// |enabled| in the WebPluginInfo struct is false, the plug-in is
+// treated as if it was not installed at all.
+// If |setting| is set to CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK, the plug-in is
+// blocked by the content settings for |policy_url|. It still
+// appears in navigator.plugins in Javascript though, and can be
+// loaded via click-to-play.
+// If |setting| is set to CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW, the domain is
+// explicitly white-listed for the plug-in, or the user has chosen
+// not to block nonsandboxed plugins.
+// If |setting| is set to CONTENT_SETTING_DEFAULT, the plug-in is
+// neither blocked nor white-listed, which means that it's allowed
+// by default and can still be blocked if it's non-sandboxed.
+// |actual_mime_type| is the actual mime type supported by the
+// plugin found that match the URL given (one for each item in
+// |info|).
+ GURL /* url */,
+ GURL /* policy_url */,
+ std::string /* mime_type */,
+ bool /* found */,
+ WebPluginInfo /* plugin info */,
+ ContentSetting /* setting */,
+ std::string /* actual_mime_type */)
+// Requests spellcheck for a word.
+ string16 /* word to check */,
+ int /* document tag*/,
+ int /* misspell location */,
+ int /* misspell length */)
+// Asks the browser for a unique document tag.
+ int /* the tag */)
+// This message tells the spellchecker that a document, identified by an int
+// tag, has been closed and all of the ignored words for that document can be
+// forgotten.
+ int /* the tag */)
+// Tells the browser to display or not display the SpellingPanel
+ bool /* if true, then show it, otherwise hide it*/)
+// Tells the browser to update the spelling panel with the given word.
+ string16 /* the word to update the panel with */)
+// Tells the browser that content in the current page was blocked due to the
+// user's content settings.
+ ContentSettingsType, /* type of blocked content */
+ std::string /* resource identifier */)
+// Tells the browser that a specific Appcache manifest in the current page
+// was accessed.
+ GURL /* manifest url */,
+ bool /* blocked by policy */)
+// Tells the browser that a specific Web database in the current page was
+// accessed.
+ GURL /* origin url */,
+ string16 /* database name */,
+ string16 /* database display name */,
+ unsigned long /* estimated size */,
+ bool /* blocked by policy */)
+// Initiates a download based on user actions like 'ALT+click'.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ GURL /* referrer */)
+// Used to go to the session history entry at the given offset (ie, -1 will
+// return the "back" item).
+ int /* offset (from current) of history item to get */)
+ std::wstring /* in - alert message */,
+ std::wstring /* in - default prompt */,
+ GURL /* in - originating page URL */,
+ int /* in - dialog flags */,
+ bool /* out - success */,
+ std::wstring /* out - prompt field */)
+// Provides the contents for the given page that was loaded recently.
+ GURL /* URL of the page */,
+ int32 /* page id */,
+ string16 /* page contents */,
+ std::string /* page ISO639_1 language code */,
+ bool /* whether the page can be translated */)
+// Used to get the extension message bundle.
+ std::string /* extension id */,
+ SubstitutionMap /* message bundle */)
+// Specifies the URL as the first parameter (a wstring) and thumbnail as
+// binary data as the second parameter.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ ThumbnailScore /* score */,
+ SkBitmap /* bitmap */)
+// Send a snapshot of the tab contents to the render host.
+ SkBitmap /* bitmap */)
+// Notification that the url for the favicon of a site has been determined.
+ int32 /* page_id */,
+ GURL /* url of the favicon */)
+// Used to tell the parent that the user right clicked on an area of the
+// content area, and a context menu should be shown for it. The params
+// object contains information about the node(s) that were selected when the
+// user right clicked.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ContextMenu, ContextMenuParams)
+// Requests that the given URL be opened in the specified manner.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ GURL /* referrer */,
+ WindowOpenDisposition /* disposition */)
+// Notifies that the preferred size of the content changed.
+ gfx::Size /* pref_size */)
+// Following message is used to communicate the values received by the
+// callback binding the JS to Cpp.
+// An instance of browser that has an automation host listening to it can
+// have a javascript send a native value (string, number, boolean) to the
+// listener in Cpp. (DomAutomationController)
+ std::string /* json_string */,
+ int /* automation_id */)
+// A message from HTML-based UI. When (trusted) Javascript calls
+// send(message, args), this message is sent to the browser.
+ GURL /* source_url */,
+ std::string /* message */,
+ std::string /* args (as a JSON string) */)
+// A message for an external host.
+ std::string /* message */,
+ std::string /* origin */,
+ std::string /* target */)
+// A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to
+// create a plugin. The browser will create the plugin process if
+// necessary, and will return a handle to the channel on success.
+// On error an empty string is returned.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ std::string /* mime_type */,
+ IPC::ChannelHandle /* channel_handle */,
+ WebPluginInfo /* info */)
+// A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to
+// create a pepper plugin. The browser will create the plugin process if
+// necessary, and will return a handle to the channel on success.
+// On error an empty string is returned.
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ base::ProcessHandle /* plugin_process_handle */,
+ IPC::ChannelHandle /* handle to channel */)
+// A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to
+// create connect to the GPU. The browser will create the GPU process if
+// necessary, and will return a handle to the channel via
+// a GpuChannelEstablished message.
+// A renderer sends this to the browser process to provide a synchronization
+// point for GPU operations, in particular to make sure the GPU channel has
+// been established.
+// A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to start
+// a new instance of the Native Client process. The browser will launch
+// the process and return a handle to an IMC channel.
+ std::wstring /* url for the NaCl module */,
+ int /* socket count */,
+ std::vector<nacl::FileDescriptor>
+ /* imc channel handles */,
+ base::ProcessHandle /* NaCl process handle */,
+ base::ProcessId /* NaCl process id */)
#if defined(USE_X11)
- // A renderer sends this when it needs a browser-side widget for
- // hosting a windowed plugin. id is the XID of the plugin window, for which
- // the container is created.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(ViewHostMsg_CreatePluginContainer,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
- // Destroy a plugin container previously created using CreatePluginContainer.
- // id is the XID of the plugin window corresponding to the container that is
- // to be destroyed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(ViewHostMsg_DestroyPluginContainer,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
+// A renderer sends this when it needs a browser-side widget for
+// hosting a windowed plugin. id is the XID of the plugin window, for which
+// the container is created.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
+// Destroy a plugin container previously created using CreatePluginContainer.
+// id is the XID of the plugin window corresponding to the container that is
+// to be destroyed.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
- // Clipboard IPC messages
- // This message is used when the object list does not contain a bitmap.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_ClipboardWriteObjectsAsync,
- Clipboard::ObjectMap /* objects */)
- // This message is used when the object list contains a bitmap.
- // It is synchronized so that the renderer knows when it is safe to
- // free the shared memory used to transfer the bitmap.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_0(ViewHostMsg_ClipboardWriteObjectsSync,
- Clipboard::ObjectMap /* objects */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* bitmap handle */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_ClipboardIsFormatAvailable,
- std::string /* format */,
- Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_ClipboardReadText,
- Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
- string16 /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_ClipboardReadAsciiText,
- Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
- std::string /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(ViewHostMsg_ClipboardReadHTML,
- Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
- string16 /* markup */,
- GURL /* url */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_3(ViewHostMsg_ClipboardReadAvailableTypes,
- Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
- bool /* result */,
- std::vector<string16> /* types */,
- bool /* contains filenames */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_3(ViewHostMsg_ClipboardReadData,
- Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
- string16 /* type */,
- bool /* succeeded */,
- string16 /* data */,
- string16 /* metadata */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(ViewHostMsg_ClipboardReadFilenames,
- Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
- bool /* result */,
- std::vector<string16> /* filenames */)
+// Clipboard IPC messages
+// This message is used when the object list does not contain a bitmap.
+ Clipboard::ObjectMap /* objects */)
+// This message is used when the object list contains a bitmap.
+// It is synchronized so that the renderer knows when it is safe to
+// free the shared memory used to transfer the bitmap.
+ Clipboard::ObjectMap /* objects */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* bitmap handle */)
+ std::string /* format */,
+ Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
+ bool /* result */)
+ Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
+ string16 /* result */)
+ Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
+ std::string /* result */)
+ Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
+ string16 /* markup */,
+ GURL /* url */)
+ Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
+ bool /* result */,
+ std::vector<string16> /* types */,
+ bool /* contains filenames */)
+ Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
+ string16 /* type */,
+ bool /* succeeded */,
+ string16 /* data */,
+ string16 /* metadata */)
+ Clipboard::Buffer /* buffer */,
+ bool /* result */,
+ std::vector<string16> /* filenames */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_ClipboardFindPboardWriteStringAsync,
- string16 /* text */)
- // Request that the browser load a font into shared memory for us.
- FontDescriptor /* font to load */,
- uint32 /* buffer size */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* font data */)
+ string16 /* text */)
+// Request that the browser load a font into shared memory for us.
+ FontDescriptor /* font to load */,
+ uint32 /* buffer size */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* font data */)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // Request that the given font be loaded by the browser so it's cached by the
- // OS. Please see ChildProcessHost::PreCacheFont for details.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_0(ViewHostMsg_PreCacheFont,
- LOGFONT /* font data */)
+// Request that the given font be loaded by the browser so it's cached by the
+// OS. Please see ChildProcessHost::PreCacheFont for details.
+ LOGFONT /* font data */)
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
- // Returns WebScreenInfo corresponding to the view.
- // TODO(shess): Provide a mapping from reply_msg->routing_id() to
- // HWND so that we can eliminate the NativeViewId parameter.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ViewHostMsg_GetScreenInfo,
- gfx::NativeViewId /* view */,
- WebKit::WebScreenInfo /* results */)
- // Send the tooltip text for the current mouse position to the browser.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_SetTooltipText,
- std::wstring /* tooltip text string */,
- WebKit::WebTextDirection /* text direction hint */)
- // Notification that the text selection has changed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_SelectionChanged,
- std::string /* currently selected text */)
- // Asks the browser to display the file chooser. The result is returned in a
- // ViewHost_RunFileChooserResponse message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser,
- ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params)
- // Notification that forms have been seen that are candidates for
- // filling/submitting by the AutoFillManager.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_FormsSeen,
- std::vector<webkit_glue::FormData> /* forms */)
- // Notification that password forms have been seen that are candidates for
- // filling/submitting by the password manager.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_PasswordFormsFound,
- std::vector<webkit_glue::PasswordForm> /* forms */)
- // Notification that initial layout has occurred and the following password
- // forms are visible on the page (e.g. not set to display:none.)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_PasswordFormsVisible,
- std::vector<webkit_glue::PasswordForm> /* forms */)
- // Notification that a form has been submitted. The user hit the button.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_FormSubmitted,
- webkit_glue::FormData /* form */)
- // Used to tell the parent the user started dragging in the content area. The
- // WebDropData struct contains contextual information about the pieces of the
- // page the user dragged. The parent uses this notification to initiate a
- // drag session at the OS level.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewHostMsg_StartDragging,
- WebDropData /* drop_data */,
- WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask /* ops_allowed */,
- SkBitmap /* image */,
- gfx::Point /* image_offset */)
- // The page wants to update the mouse cursor during a drag & drop operation.
- // |is_drop_target| is true if the mouse is over a valid drop target.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_UpdateDragCursor,
- WebKit::WebDragOperation /* drag_operation */)
- // Tells the browser to move the focus to the next (previous if reverse is
- // true) focusable element.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_TakeFocus, bool /* reverse */)
- // Notification that the page has an OpenSearch description document
- // associated with it.
- int32 /* page_id */,
- GURL /* url of OS description document */,
- ViewHostMsg_PageHasOSDD_Type)
- // Find out if the given url's security origin is installed as a search
- // provider.
- ViewHostMsg_GetSearchProviderInstallState,
- GURL /* page url */,
- GURL /* inquiry url */,
- ViewHostMsg_GetSearchProviderInstallState_Params /* install */)
- // Required for updating text input state.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_ImeUpdateTextInputState,
- WebKit::WebTextInputType, /* text_input_type */
- gfx::Rect /* caret_rect */)
- // Required for cancelling an ongoing input method composition.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_ImeCancelComposition)
- // Tells the browser that the renderer is done calculating the number of
- // rendered pages according to the specified settings.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_DidGetPrintedPagesCount,
- int /* rendered document cookie */,
- int /* number of rendered pages */)
- // Sends back to the browser the rendered "printed page" that was requested by
- // a ViewMsg_PrintPage message or from scripted printing. The memory handle in
- // this message is already valid in the browser process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DidPrintPage,
- ViewHostMsg_DidPrintPage_Params /* page content */)
- // The renderer wants to know the default print settings.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(ViewHostMsg_GetDefaultPrintSettings,
- ViewMsg_Print_Params /* default_settings */)
- // It's the renderer that controls the printing process when it is generated
- // by javascript. This step is about showing UI to the user to select the
- // final print settings. The output parameter is the same as
- // ViewMsg_PrintPages which is executed implicitly.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ViewHostMsg_ScriptedPrint,
- ViewHostMsg_ScriptedPrint_Params,
- ViewMsg_PrintPages_Params
- /* settings chosen by the user*/)
- // WebKit and JavaScript error messages to log to the console
- // or debugger UI.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_AddMessageToConsole,
- std::wstring, /* msg */
- int32, /* line number */
- std::wstring /* source id */)
- // Stores new inspector setting in the profile.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_UpdateInspectorSetting,
- std::string, /* key */
- std::string /* value */)
- // Wraps an IPC message that's destined to the DevToolsClient on
- // DevToolsAgent->browser hop.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ForwardToDevToolsClient,
- IPC::Message /* one of DevToolsClientMsg_XXX types */)
- // Wraps an IPC message that's destined to the DevToolsAgent on
- // DevToolsClient->browser hop.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ForwardToDevToolsAgent,
- IPC::Message /* one of DevToolsAgentMsg_XXX types */)
- // Activates (brings to the front) corresponding dev tools window.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_ActivateDevToolsWindow)
- // Closes dev tools window that is inspecting current render_view_host.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_CloseDevToolsWindow)
- // Attaches dev tools window that is inspecting current render_view_host.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_RequestDockDevToolsWindow)
- // Detaches dev tools window that is inspecting current render_view_host.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_RequestUndockDevToolsWindow)
- // Updates runtime features store in devtools manager in order to support
- // cross-navigation instrumentation.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_DevToolsRuntimePropertyChanged,
- std::string /* name */,
- std::string /* value */)
- // Send back a string to be recorded by UserMetrics.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_UserMetricsRecordAction,
- std::string /* action */)
- // Send back histograms as vector of pickled-histogram strings.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_RendererHistograms,
- int, /* sequence number of Renderer Histograms. */
- std::vector<std::string>)
+// Returns WebScreenInfo corresponding to the view.
+// TODO(shess): Provide a mapping from reply_msg->routing_id() to
+// HWND so that we can eliminate the NativeViewId parameter.
+ gfx::NativeViewId /* view */,
+ WebKit::WebScreenInfo /* results */)
+// Send the tooltip text for the current mouse position to the browser.
+ std::wstring /* tooltip text string */,
+ WebKit::WebTextDirection /* text direction hint */)
+// Notification that the text selection has changed.
+ std::string /* currently selected text */)
+// Asks the browser to display the file chooser. The result is returned in a
+// ViewHost_RunFileChooserResponse message.
+ ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params)
+// Notification that forms have been seen that are candidates for
+// filling/submitting by the AutoFillManager.
+ std::vector<webkit_glue::FormData> /* forms */)
+// Notification that password forms have been seen that are candidates for
+// filling/submitting by the password manager.
+ std::vector<webkit_glue::PasswordForm> /* forms */)
+// Notification that initial layout has occurred and the following password
+// forms are visible on the page (e.g. not set to display:none.)
+ std::vector<webkit_glue::PasswordForm> /* forms */)
+// Notification that a form has been submitted. The user hit the button.
+ webkit_glue::FormData /* form */)
+// Used to tell the parent the user started dragging in the content area. The
+// WebDropData struct contains contextual information about the pieces of the
+// page the user dragged. The parent uses this notification to initiate a
+// drag session at the OS level.
+ WebDropData /* drop_data */,
+ WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask /* ops_allowed */,
+ SkBitmap /* image */,
+ gfx::Point /* image_offset */)
+// The page wants to update the mouse cursor during a drag & drop operation.
+// |is_drop_target| is true if the mouse is over a valid drop target.
+ WebKit::WebDragOperation /* drag_operation */)
+// Tells the browser to move the focus to the next (previous if reverse is
+// true) focusable element.
+IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_TakeFocus, bool /* reverse */)
+// Notification that the page has an OpenSearch description document
+// associated with it.
+ int32 /* page_id */,
+ GURL /* url of OS description document */,
+ ViewHostMsg_PageHasOSDD_Type)
+// Find out if the given url's security origin is installed as a search
+// provider.
+ ViewHostMsg_GetSearchProviderInstallState,
+ GURL /* page url */,
+ GURL /* inquiry url */,
+ ViewHostMsg_GetSearchProviderInstallState_Params /* install */)
+// Required for updating text input state.
+ WebKit::WebTextInputType, /* text_input_type */
+ gfx::Rect /* caret_rect */)
+// Required for cancelling an ongoing input method composition.
+// Tells the browser that the renderer is done calculating the number of
+// rendered pages according to the specified settings.
+ int /* rendered document cookie */,
+ int /* number of rendered pages */)
+// Sends back to the browser the rendered "printed page" that was requested by
+// a ViewMsg_PrintPage message or from scripted printing. The memory handle in
+// this message is already valid in the browser process.
+ ViewHostMsg_DidPrintPage_Params /* page content */)
+// The renderer wants to know the default print settings.
+ ViewMsg_Print_Params /* default_settings */)
+// It's the renderer that controls the printing process when it is generated
+// by javascript. This step is about showing UI to the user to select the
+// final print settings. The output parameter is the same as
+// ViewMsg_PrintPages which is executed implicitly.
+ ViewHostMsg_ScriptedPrint_Params,
+ ViewMsg_PrintPages_Params
+ /* settings chosen by the user*/)
+// WebKit and JavaScript error messages to log to the console
+// or debugger UI.
+ std::wstring, /* msg */
+ int32, /* line number */
+ std::wstring /* source id */)
+// Stores new inspector setting in the profile.
+ std::string, /* key */
+ std::string /* value */)
+// Wraps an IPC message that's destined to the DevToolsClient on
+// DevToolsAgent->browser hop.
+ IPC::Message /* one of DevToolsClientMsg_XXX types */)
+// Wraps an IPC message that's destined to the DevToolsAgent on
+// DevToolsClient->browser hop.
+ IPC::Message /* one of DevToolsAgentMsg_XXX types */)
+// Activates (brings to the front) corresponding dev tools window.
+// Closes dev tools window that is inspecting current render_view_host.
+// Attaches dev tools window that is inspecting current render_view_host.
+// Detaches dev tools window that is inspecting current render_view_host.
+// Updates runtime features store in devtools manager in order to support
+// cross-navigation instrumentation.
+ std::string /* name */,
+ std::string /* value */)
+// Send back a string to be recorded by UserMetrics.
+ std::string /* action */)
+// Send back histograms as vector of pickled-histogram strings.
+ int, /* sequence number of Renderer Histograms. */
+ std::vector<std::string>)
#if defined USE_TCMALLOC
- // Send back tcmalloc stats output.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_RendererTcmalloc,
- int /* pid */,
- std::string /* tcmalloc debug output */)
+// Send back tcmalloc stats output.
+ int /* pid */,
+ std::string /* tcmalloc debug output */)
- // Sends back stats about the V8 heap.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_V8HeapStats,
- int /* size of heap (allocated from the OS) */,
- int /* bytes in use */)
- // Request for a DNS prefetch of the names in the array.
- // NameList is typedef'ed std::vector<std::string>
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_DnsPrefetch,
- std::vector<std::string> /* hostnames */)
- // Notifies when default plugin updates status of the missing plugin.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_MissingPluginStatus,
- int /* status */)
- // Sent by the renderer process to indicate that a plugin instance has
- // crashed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_CrashedPlugin,
- FilePath /* plugin_path */)
- // Notifies when a plugin couldn't be loaded because it's outdated.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_DisabledOutdatedPlugin,
- string16, /* name */
- GURL /* update_url */)
- // Displays a JavaScript out-of-memory message in the infobar.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_JSOutOfMemory)
- // Displays a box to confirm that the user wants to navigate away from the
- // page. Replies true if yes, false otherwise, the reply string is ignored,
- // but is included so that we can use OnJavaScriptMessageBoxClosed.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(ViewHostMsg_RunBeforeUnloadConfirm,
- GURL, /* in - originating frame URL */
- std::wstring /* in - alert message */,
- bool /* out - success */,
- std::wstring /* out - This is ignored.*/)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_SendCurrentPageAllSavableResourceLinks,
- std::vector<GURL> /* all savable resource links */,
- std::vector<GURL> /* all referrers of resource links */,
- std::vector<GURL> /* all frame links */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_SendSerializedHtmlData,
- GURL /* frame's url */,
- std::string /* data buffer */,
- int32 /* complete status */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(ViewHostMsg_ShowModalHTMLDialog,
- GURL /* url */,
- int /* width */,
- int /* height */,
- std::string /* json_arguments */,
- std::string /* json_retval */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_DidGetApplicationInfo,
- int32 /* page_id */,
- WebApplicationInfo)
- // Sent by the renderer to implement
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_InstallApplication,
- WebApplicationInfo)
- // Provides the result from running OnMsgShouldClose. |proceed| matches the
- // return value of the the frame's shouldClose method (which includes the
- // onbeforeunload handler): true if the user decided to proceed with leaving
- // the page.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ShouldClose_ACK,
- bool /* proceed */)
- // Indicates that the current page has been closed, after a ClosePage
- // message. The parameters are just echoed from the ClosePage request.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ClosePage_ACK,
- ViewMsg_ClosePage_Params)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewHostMsg_DidDownloadFavIcon,
- int /* Identifier of the request */,
- GURL /* URL of the image */,
- bool /* true if there was a network error */,
- SkBitmap /* image_data */)
- // Sent to query MIME information.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_GetMimeTypeFromExtension,
- FilePath::StringType /* extension */,
- std::string /* mime_type */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_GetMimeTypeFromFile,
- FilePath /* file_path */,
- std::string /* mime_type */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_GetPreferredExtensionForMimeType,
- std::string /* mime_type */,
- FilePath::StringType /* extension */)
- // Get the CPBrowsingContext associated with the renderer sending this
- // message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_1(ViewHostMsg_GetCPBrowsingContext,
- uint32 /* context */)
- // Sent when the renderer process is done processing a DataReceived
- // message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DataReceived_ACK,
- int /* request_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_RevealFolderInOS,
- FilePath /* path */)
- // Sent when the renderer has processed a DataDownloaded message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DataDownloaded_ACK,
- int /* request_id */)
- // Sent when the renderer process deletes a resource loader.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_ReleaseDownloadedFile,
- int /* request_id */)
- // Sent when a provisional load on the main frame redirects.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_DidRedirectProvisionalLoad,
- int /* page_id */,
- GURL /* last url */,
- GURL /* url redirected to */)
- // Sent by the renderer process to acknowledge receipt of a
- // UploadProgress message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_UploadProgress_ACK,
- int /* request_id */)
- // Sent when the renderer changes the zoom level for a particular url, so the
- // browser can update its records. If remember is true, then url is used to
- // update the zoom level for all pages in that site. Otherwise, the render
- // view's id is used so that only the menu is updated.
- double /* zoom_level */,
- bool /* remember */,
- GURL /* url */)
+// Sends back stats about the V8 heap.
+ int /* size of heap (allocated from the OS) */,
+ int /* bytes in use */)
+// Request for a DNS prefetch of the names in the array.
+// NameList is typedef'ed std::vector<std::string>
+ std::vector<std::string> /* hostnames */)
+// Notifies when default plugin updates status of the missing plugin.
+ int /* status */)
+// Sent by the renderer process to indicate that a plugin instance has
+// crashed.
+ FilePath /* plugin_path */)
+// Notifies when a plugin couldn't be loaded because it's outdated.
+ string16, /* name */
+ GURL /* update_url */)
+// Displays a JavaScript out-of-memory message in the infobar.
+// Displays a box to confirm that the user wants to navigate away from the
+// page. Replies true if yes, false otherwise, the reply string is ignored,
+// but is included so that we can use OnJavaScriptMessageBoxClosed.
+ GURL, /* in - originating frame URL */
+ std::wstring /* in - alert message */,
+ bool /* out - success */,
+ std::wstring /* out - This is ignored.*/)
+ std::vector<GURL> /* all savable resource links */,
+ std::vector<GURL> /* all referrers of resource links */,
+ std::vector<GURL> /* all frame links */)
+ GURL /* frame's url */,
+ std::string /* data buffer */,
+ int32 /* complete status */)
+ GURL /* url */,
+ int /* width */,
+ int /* height */,
+ std::string /* json_arguments */,
+ std::string /* json_retval */)
+ int32 /* page_id */,
+ WebApplicationInfo)
+// Sent by the renderer to implement
+ WebApplicationInfo)
+// Provides the result from running OnMsgShouldClose. |proceed| matches the
+// return value of the the frame's shouldClose method (which includes the
+// onbeforeunload handler): true if the user decided to proceed with leaving
+// the page.
+ bool /* proceed */)
+// Indicates that the current page has been closed, after a ClosePage
+// message. The parameters are just echoed from the ClosePage request.
+ ViewMsg_ClosePage_Params)
+ int /* Identifier of the request */,
+ GURL /* URL of the image */,
+ bool /* true if there was a network error */,
+ SkBitmap /* image_data */)
+// Sent to query MIME information.
+ FilePath::StringType /* extension */,
+ std::string /* mime_type */)
+ FilePath /* file_path */,
+ std::string /* mime_type */)
+ std::string /* mime_type */,
+ FilePath::StringType /* extension */)
+// Get the CPBrowsingContext associated with the renderer sending this
+// message.
+ uint32 /* context */)
+// Sent when the renderer process is done processing a DataReceived
+// message.
+ int /* request_id */)
+ FilePath /* path */)
+// Sent when the renderer has processed a DataDownloaded message.
+ int /* request_id */)
+// Sent when the renderer process deletes a resource loader.
+ int /* request_id */)
+// Sent when a provisional load on the main frame redirects.
+ int /* page_id */,
+ GURL /* last url */,
+ GURL /* url redirected to */)
+// Sent by the renderer process to acknowledge receipt of a
+// UploadProgress message.
+ int /* request_id */)
+// Sent when the renderer changes the zoom level for a particular url, so the
+// browser can update its records. If remember is true, then url is used to
+// update the zoom level for all pages in that site. Otherwise, the render
+// view's id is used so that only the menu is updated.
+ double /* zoom_level */,
+ bool /* remember */,
+ GURL /* url */)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // Duplicates a shared memory handle from the renderer to the browser. Then
- // the renderer can flush the handle.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ViewHostMsg_DuplicateSection,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* renderer handle */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* browser handle */)
+// Duplicates a shared memory handle from the renderer to the browser. Then
+// the renderer can flush the handle.
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* renderer handle */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* browser handle */)
#if defined(USE_X11)
- // Asks the browser to create a temporary file for the renderer to fill
- // in resulting NativeMetafile in printing.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_2(ViewHostMsg_AllocateTempFileForPrinting,
- base::FileDescriptor /* temp file fd */,
- int /* fd in browser*/)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_TempFileForPrintingWritten,
- int /* fd in browser */)
+// Asks the browser to create a temporary file for the renderer to fill
+// in resulting NativeMetafile in printing.
+ base::FileDescriptor /* temp file fd */,
+ int /* fd in browser*/)
+ int /* fd in browser */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // Asks the browser to create a block of shared memory for the renderer to
- // pass NativeMetafile data to the browser.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ViewHostMsg_AllocatePDFTransport,
- uint32 /* buffer size */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* browser handle */)
+// Asks the browser to create a block of shared memory for the renderer to
+// pass NativeMetafile data to the browser.
+ uint32 /* buffer size */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* browser handle */)
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- // Asks the browser to create a block of shared memory for the renderer to
- // fill in and pass back to the browser.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_AllocateSharedMemoryBuffer,
- uint32 /* buffer size */,
- base::SharedMemoryHandle /* browser handle */)
+// Asks the browser to create a block of shared memory for the renderer to
+// fill in and pass back to the browser.
+ uint32 /* buffer size */,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle /* browser handle */)
- // Provide the browser process with information about the WebCore resource
- // cache.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_ResourceTypeStats,
- WebKit::WebCache::ResourceTypeStats)
- // Notify the browser that this render process can or can't be suddenly
- // terminated.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_SuddenTerminationChanged,
- bool /* enabled */)
- // Returns the window location of the window this widget is embeded.
- // TODO(shess): Provide a mapping from reply_msg->routing_id() to
- // HWND so that we can eliminate the NativeViewId parameter.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ViewHostMsg_GetRootWindowRect,
- gfx::NativeViewId /* window */,
- gfx::Rect /* Out: Window location */)
- // Informs the browser of a new appcache host.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(AppCacheMsg_RegisterHost,
- int /* host_id */)
- // Informs the browser of an appcache host being destroyed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(AppCacheMsg_UnregisterHost,
- int /* host_id */)
- // Initiates the cache selection algorithm for the given host.
- // This is sent prior to any subresource loads. An AppCacheMsg_CacheSelected
- // message will be sent in response.
- // 'host_id' indentifies a specific document or worker
- // 'document_url' the url of the main resource
- // 'appcache_document_was_loaded_from' the id of the appcache the main
- // resource was loaded from or kNoCacheId
- // 'opt_manifest_url' the manifest url specified in the <html> tag if any
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(AppCacheMsg_SelectCache,
- int /* host_id */,
- GURL /* document_url */,
- int64 /* appcache_document_was_loaded_from */,
- GURL /* opt_manifest_url */)
- // Initiates worker specific cache selection algorithm for the given host.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(AppCacheMsg_SelectCacheForWorker,
- int /* host_id */,
- int /* parent_process_id */,
- int /* parent_host_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(AppCacheMsg_SelectCacheForSharedWorker,
- int /* host_id */,
- int64 /* appcache_id */)
- // Informs the browser of a 'foreign' entry in an appcache.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(AppCacheMsg_MarkAsForeignEntry,
- int /* host_id */,
- GURL /* document_url */,
- int64 /* appcache_document_was_loaded_from */)
- // Returns the status of the appcache associated with host_id.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(AppCacheMsg_GetStatus,
- int /* host_id */,
- appcache::Status)
- // Initiates an update of the appcache associated with host_id.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(AppCacheMsg_StartUpdate,
- int /* host_id */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Swaps a new pending appcache, if there is one, into use for host_id.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(AppCacheMsg_SwapCache,
- int /* host_id */,
- bool /* success */)
- // Gets resource list from appcache synchronously.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(AppCacheMsg_GetResourceList,
- int /* host_id in*/,
- std::vector<appcache::AppCacheResourceInfo>
- /* resources out */)
- // Queries the browser for AutoFill suggestions for a form input field.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_QueryFormFieldAutoFill,
- int /* id of this message */,
- webkit_glue::FormData /* the form */,
- webkit_glue::FormField /* the form field */)
- // Sent when the popup with AutoFill suggestions for a form is shown.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_DidShowAutoFillSuggestions)
- // Instructs the browser to fill in the values for a form using AutoFill
- // profile data.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewHostMsg_FillAutoFillFormData,
- int /* id of this message */,
- webkit_glue::FormData /* the form */,
- webkit_glue::FormField /* the form field */,
- int /* profile unique ID */)
- // Sent when a form is previewed or filled with AutoFill suggestions.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_DidFillAutoFillFormData)
- // Instructs the browser to remove the specified Autocomplete entry from the
- // database.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_RemoveAutocompleteEntry,
- string16 /* field name */,
- string16 /* value */)
- // Instructs the browser to show the AutoFill dialog.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_ShowAutoFillDialog)
- // Get the list of proxies to use for |url|, as a semicolon delimited list
- // of "<TYPE> <HOST>:<PORT>" | "DIRECT". See also
- // PluginProcessHostMsg_ResolveProxy which does the same thing.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(ViewHostMsg_ResolveProxy,
- GURL /* url */,
- int /* network error */,
- std::string /* proxy list */)
- // Request that got sent to browser for creating an audio output stream
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_CreateAudioStream,
- int /* stream_id */,
- ViewHostMsg_Audio_CreateStream_Params,
- bool /* low-latency */)
- // Tell the browser the audio buffer prepared for stream
- // (render_view_id, stream_id) is filled and is ready to be consumed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_NotifyAudioPacketReady,
- int /* stream_id */,
- uint32 /* packet size */)
- // Start buffering and play the audio stream specified by
- // (render_view_id, stream_id).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_PlayAudioStream,
- int /* stream_id */)
- // Pause the audio stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_PauseAudioStream,
- int /* stream_id */)
- // Discard all buffered audio data for the specified audio stream.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_FlushAudioStream,
- int /* stream_id */)
- // Close an audio stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_CloseAudioStream,
- int /* stream_id */)
- // Get audio volume of the stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_GetAudioVolume,
- int /* stream_id */)
- // Set audio volume of the stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
- // TODO(hclam): change this to vector if we have channel numbers other than 2.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_SetAudioVolume,
- int /* stream_id */,
- double /* volume */)
- // A renderer sends this message when an extension process starts an API
- // request. The browser will always respond with a ViewMsg_ExtensionResponse.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ExtensionRequest,
- ViewHostMsg_DomMessage_Params)
- // Notify the browser that the given extension added a listener to an event.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_ExtensionAddListener,
- std::string /* extension_id */,
- std::string /* name */)
- // Notify the browser that the given extension removed a listener from an
- // event.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_ExtensionRemoveListener,
- std::string /* extension_id */,
- std::string /* name */)
+// Provide the browser process with information about the WebCore resource
+// cache.
+ WebKit::WebCache::ResourceTypeStats)
+// Notify the browser that this render process can or can't be suddenly
+// terminated.
+ bool /* enabled */)
+// Returns the window location of the window this widget is embeded.
+// TODO(shess): Provide a mapping from reply_msg->routing_id() to
+// HWND so that we can eliminate the NativeViewId parameter.
+ gfx::NativeViewId /* window */,
+ gfx::Rect /* Out: Window location */)
+// Informs the browser of a new appcache host.
+ int /* host_id */)
+// Informs the browser of an appcache host being destroyed.
+ int /* host_id */)
+// Initiates the cache selection algorithm for the given host.
+// This is sent prior to any subresource loads. An AppCacheMsg_CacheSelected
+// message will be sent in response.
+// 'host_id' indentifies a specific document or worker
+// 'document_url' the url of the main resource
+// 'appcache_document_was_loaded_from' the id of the appcache the main
+// resource was loaded from or kNoCacheId
+// 'opt_manifest_url' the manifest url specified in the <html> tag if any
+ int /* host_id */,
+ GURL /* document_url */,
+ int64 /* appcache_document_was_loaded_from */,
+ GURL /* opt_manifest_url */)
+// Initiates worker specific cache selection algorithm for the given host.
+ int /* host_id */,
+ int /* parent_process_id */,
+ int /* parent_host_id */)
+ int /* host_id */,
+ int64 /* appcache_id */)
+// Informs the browser of a 'foreign' entry in an appcache.
+ int /* host_id */,
+ GURL /* document_url */,
+ int64 /* appcache_document_was_loaded_from */)
+// Returns the status of the appcache associated with host_id.
+ int /* host_id */,
+ appcache::Status)
+// Initiates an update of the appcache associated with host_id.
+ int /* host_id */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Swaps a new pending appcache, if there is one, into use for host_id.
+ int /* host_id */,
+ bool /* success */)
+// Gets resource list from appcache synchronously.
+ int /* host_id in*/,
+ std::vector<appcache::AppCacheResourceInfo>
+ /* resources out */)
+// Queries the browser for AutoFill suggestions for a form input field.
+ int /* id of this message */,
+ webkit_glue::FormData /* the form */,
+ webkit_glue::FormField /* the form field */)
+// Sent when the popup with AutoFill suggestions for a form is shown.
+// Instructs the browser to fill in the values for a form using AutoFill
+// profile data.
+ int /* id of this message */,
+ webkit_glue::FormData /* the form */,
+ webkit_glue::FormField /* the form field */,
+ int /* profile unique ID */)
+// Sent when a form is previewed or filled with AutoFill suggestions.
+// Instructs the browser to remove the specified Autocomplete entry from the
+// database.
+ string16 /* field name */,
+ string16 /* value */)
+// Instructs the browser to show the AutoFill dialog.
+// Get the list of proxies to use for |url|, as a semicolon delimited list
+// of "<TYPE> <HOST>:<PORT>" | "DIRECT". See also
+// PluginProcessHostMsg_ResolveProxy which does the same thing.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ int /* network error */,
+ std::string /* proxy list */)
+// Request that got sent to browser for creating an audio output stream
+ int /* stream_id */,
+ ViewHostMsg_Audio_CreateStream_Params,
+ bool /* low-latency */)
+// Tell the browser the audio buffer prepared for stream
+// (render_view_id, stream_id) is filled and is ready to be consumed.
+ int /* stream_id */,
+ uint32 /* packet size */)
+// Start buffering and play the audio stream specified by
+// (render_view_id, stream_id).
+ int /* stream_id */)
+// Pause the audio stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
+ int /* stream_id */)
+// Discard all buffered audio data for the specified audio stream.
+ int /* stream_id */)
+// Close an audio stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
+ int /* stream_id */)
+// Get audio volume of the stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
+ int /* stream_id */)
+// Set audio volume of the stream specified by (render_view_id, stream_id).
+// TODO(hclam): change this to vector if we have channel numbers other than 2.
+ int /* stream_id */,
+ double /* volume */)
+// A renderer sends this message when an extension process starts an API
+// request. The browser will always respond with a ViewMsg_ExtensionResponse.
+ ViewHostMsg_DomMessage_Params)
+// Notify the browser that the given extension added a listener to an event.
+ std::string /* extension_id */,
+ std::string /* name */)
+// Notify the browser that the given extension removed a listener from an
+// event.
+ std::string /* extension_id */,
+ std::string /* name */)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // On OSX, we cannot allocated shared memory from within the sandbox, so
- // this call exists for the renderer to ask the browser to allocate memory
- // on its behalf. We return a file descriptor to the POSIX shared memory.
- // If the |cache_in_browser| flag is |true|, then a copy of the shmem is kept
- // by the browser, and it is the caller's repsonsibility to send a
- // ViewHostMsg_FreeTransportDIB message in order to release the cached shmem.
- // In all cases, the caller is responsible for deleting the resulting
- // TransportDIB.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_AllocTransportDIB,
- size_t, /* bytes requested */
- bool, /* cache in the browser */
- TransportDIB::Handle /* DIB */)
- // Since the browser keeps handles to the allocated transport DIBs, this
- // message is sent to tell the browser that it may release them when the
- // renderer is finished with them.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_FreeTransportDIB,
- TransportDIB::Id /* DIB id */)
- // Instructs the browser to start or stop plugin IME.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_SetPluginImeEnabled,
- bool, /* enabled */
- int /* plugin_id */)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Messages related to accelerated plugins
- // This is sent from the renderer to the browser to allocate a fake
- // PluginWindowHandle on the browser side which is used to identify
- // the plugin to the browser later when backing store is allocated
- // or reallocated. |opaque| indicates whether the plugin's output is
- // considered to be opaque, as opposed to translucent. This message
- // is reused for rendering the accelerated compositor's output.
- // |root| indicates whether the output is supposed to cover the
- // entire window.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(ViewHostMsg_AllocateFakePluginWindowHandle,
- bool /* opaque */,
- bool /* root */,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
- // Destroys a fake window handle previously allocated using
- // AllocateFakePluginWindowHandle.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_DestroyFakePluginWindowHandle,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
- // This message, used on Mac OS X 10.5 and earlier (no IOSurface support),
- // is sent from the renderer to the browser on behalf of the plug-in
- // to indicate that a new backing store was allocated for that plug-in
- // instance.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetTransportDIB,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
- int32 /* width */,
- int32 /* height */,
- TransportDIB::Handle /* handle for the DIB */)
- // This message, used on Mac OS X 10.6 and later (where IOSurface is
- // supported), is sent from the renderer to the browser on behalf of the
- // plug-in to indicate that a new backing store was allocated for that
- // plug-in instance.
- //
- // NOTE: the original intent was to pass a mach port as the IOSurface
- // identifier but it looks like that will be a lot of work. For now we pass an
- // ID from IOSurfaceGetID.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
- int32 /* width */,
- int32 /* height */,
- uint64 /* surface_id */)
- // This message notifies the browser process that the plug-in
- // swapped the buffers associated with the given "window", which
- // should cause the browser to redraw the various plug-ins'
- // contents.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped,
- gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
- uint64 /* surface_id */)
+// On OSX, we cannot allocated shared memory from within the sandbox, so
+// this call exists for the renderer to ask the browser to allocate memory
+// on its behalf. We return a file descriptor to the POSIX shared memory.
+// If the |cache_in_browser| flag is |true|, then a copy of the shmem is kept
+// by the browser, and it is the caller's repsonsibility to send a
+// ViewHostMsg_FreeTransportDIB message in order to release the cached shmem.
+// In all cases, the caller is responsible for deleting the resulting
+// TransportDIB.
+ size_t, /* bytes requested */
+ bool, /* cache in the browser */
+ TransportDIB::Handle /* DIB */)
+// Since the browser keeps handles to the allocated transport DIBs, this
+// message is sent to tell the browser that it may release them when the
+// renderer is finished with them.
+ TransportDIB::Id /* DIB id */)
+// Instructs the browser to start or stop plugin IME.
+ bool, /* enabled */
+ int /* plugin_id */)
+// Messages related to accelerated plugins
+// This is sent from the renderer to the browser to allocate a fake
+// PluginWindowHandle on the browser side which is used to identify
+// the plugin to the browser later when backing store is allocated
+// or reallocated. |opaque| indicates whether the plugin's output is
+// considered to be opaque, as opposed to translucent. This message
+// is reused for rendering the accelerated compositor's output.
+// |root| indicates whether the output is supposed to cover the
+// entire window.
+ bool /* opaque */,
+ bool /* root */,
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
+// Destroys a fake window handle previously allocated using
+// AllocateFakePluginWindowHandle.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* id */)
+// This message, used on Mac OS X 10.5 and earlier (no IOSurface support),
+// is sent from the renderer to the browser on behalf of the plug-in
+// to indicate that a new backing store was allocated for that plug-in
+// instance.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
+ int32 /* width */,
+ int32 /* height */,
+ TransportDIB::Handle /* handle for the DIB */)
+// This message, used on Mac OS X 10.6 and later (where IOSurface is
+// supported), is sent from the renderer to the browser on behalf of the
+// plug-in to indicate that a new backing store was allocated for that
+// plug-in instance.
+// NOTE: the original intent was to pass a mach port as the IOSurface
+// identifier but it looks like that will be a lot of work. For now we pass an
+// ID from IOSurfaceGetID.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
+ int32 /* width */,
+ int32 /* height */,
+ uint64 /* surface_id */)
+// This message notifies the browser process that the plug-in
+// swapped the buffers associated with the given "window", which
+// should cause the browser to redraw the various plug-ins'
+// contents.
+ gfx::PluginWindowHandle /* window */,
+ uint64 /* surface_id */)
- // A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to create a
- // worker. The browser will create the worker process if necessary, and
- // will return the route id on success. On error returns MSG_ROUTING_NONE.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker,
- ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker_Params,
- int /* route_id */)
- // This message is sent to the browser to see if an instance of this shared
- // worker already exists. If so, it returns exists == true. If a
- // non-empty name is passed, also validates that the url matches the url of
- // the existing worker. If a matching worker is found, the passed-in
- // document_id is associated with that worker, to ensure that the worker
- // stays alive until the document is detached.
- // The route_id returned can be used to forward messages to the worker via
- // ForwardToWorker if it exists, otherwise it should be passed in to any
- // future call to CreateWorker to avoid creating duplicate workers.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_3(ViewHostMsg_LookupSharedWorker,
- ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker_Params,
- bool /* exists */,
- int /* route_id */,
- bool /* url_mismatch */)
- // A renderer sends this to the browser process when a document has been
- // detached. The browser will use this to constrain the lifecycle of worker
- // processes (SharedWorkers are shut down when their last associated document
- // is detached).
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_DocumentDetached,
- uint64 /* document_id */)
- // A message sent to the browser on behalf of a renderer which wants to show
- // a desktop notification.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_ShowDesktopNotification,
- ViewHostMsg_ShowNotification_Params)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_CancelDesktopNotification,
- int /* notification_id */ )
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_RequestNotificationPermission,
- GURL /* origin */,
- int /* callback_context */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ViewHostMsg_CheckNotificationPermission,
- GURL /* source page */,
- int /* permission_result */)
- // Sent if the worker object has sent a ViewHostMsg_CreateDedicatedWorker
- // message and not received a ViewMsg_WorkerCreated reply, but in the
- // mean time it's destroyed. This tells the browser to not create the queued
- // worker.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_CancelCreateDedicatedWorker,
- int /* route_id */)
- // Wraps an IPC message that's destined to the worker on the renderer->browser
- // hop.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_ForwardToWorker,
- IPC::Message /* message */)
- // Open a channel to all listening contexts owned by the extension with
- // the given ID. This always returns a valid port ID which can be used for
- // sending messages. If an error occurred, the opener will be notified
- // asynchronously.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_1(ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelToExtension,
- int /* routing_id */,
- std::string /* source_extension_id */,
- std::string /* target_extension_id */,
- std::string /* channel_name */,
- int /* port_id */)
- // Get a port handle to the given tab. The handle can be used for sending
- // messages to the extension.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_1(ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelToTab,
- int /* routing_id */,
- int /* tab_id */,
- std::string /* extension_id */,
- std::string /* channel_name */,
- int /* port_id */)
- // Send a message to an extension process. The handle is the value returned
- // by ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelTo*.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_ExtensionPostMessage,
- int /* port_id */,
- std::string /* message */)
- // Send a message to an extension process. The handle is the value returned
- // by ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelTo*.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_ExtensionCloseChannel,
- int /* port_id */)
- // Sent to notify the browser about renderer accessibility notifications.
- // The browser responds with a ViewMsg_AccessibilityNotifications_ACK.
- ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotifications,
- std::vector<ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Params>)
- // Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
- // close all sockets. Used for debugging/testing.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewHostMsg_CloseCurrentConnections)
- // Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
- // enable or disable the cache. Used for debugging/testing.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_SetCacheMode,
- bool /* enabled */)
- // Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
- // clear the cache. Used for debugging/testing.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_1(ViewHostMsg_ClearCache,
- int /* result */)
- // Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
- // enable or disable spdy. Used for debugging/testing/benchmarking.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_EnableSpdy,
- bool /* enable */)
- // Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
- // cache |data| associated with |url|.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_DidGenerateCacheableMetadata,
- GURL /* url */,
- double /* expected_response_time */,
- std::vector<char> /* data */)
- // Get the storage area id for a particular origin within a namespace.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_DOMStorageStorageAreaId,
- int64 /* namespace_id */,
- string16 /* origin */,
- int64 /* storage_area_id */)
- // Get the length of a storage area.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_DOMStorageLength,
- int64 /* storage_area_id */,
- unsigned /* length */)
- // Get a the ith key within a storage area.
- int64 /* storage_area_id */,
- unsigned /* index */,
- NullableString16 /* key */)
- // Get a value based on a key from a storage area.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_DOMStorageGetItem,
- int64 /* storage_area_id */,
- string16 /* key */,
- NullableString16 /* value */)
- // Set a value that's associated with a key in a storage area.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_2(ViewHostMsg_DOMStorageSetItem,
- int64 /* storage_area_id */,
- string16 /* key */,
- string16 /* value */,
- GURL /* url */,
- WebKit::WebStorageArea::Result /* result */,
- NullableString16 /* old_value */)
- // Remove the value associated with a key in a storage area.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(ViewHostMsg_DOMStorageRemoveItem,
- int64 /* storage_area_id */,
- string16 /* key */,
- GURL /* url */,
- NullableString16 /* old_value */)
- // Clear the storage area.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_DOMStorageClear,
- int64 /* storage_area_id */,
- GURL /* url */,
- bool /* something_cleared */)
- // WebIDBCursor::direction() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBCursorDirection,
- int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
- int32 /* direction */)
- // WebIDBCursor::key() message.
- int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
- IndexedDBKey)
- // WebIDBCursor::value() message.
- int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
- SerializedScriptValue, /* script_value */
- IndexedDBKey /* key */)
- // WebIDBCursor::update() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBCursorUpdate,
- int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
- int32, /* response_id */
- SerializedScriptValue, /* value */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBCursor::continue() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBCursorContinue,
- int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
- int32, /* response_id */
- IndexedDBKey, /* key */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBCursor::remove() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBCursorDelete,
- int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
- int32, /* response_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBFactory::open() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_IDBFactoryOpen,
- ViewHostMsg_IDBFactoryOpen_Params)
- // WebIDBDatabase::name() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBDatabaseName,
- int32, /* idb_database_id */
- string16 /* name */)
- // WebIDBDatabase::version() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBDatabaseVersion,
- int32, /* idb_database_id */
- string16 /* vesion */)
- // WebIDBDatabase::objectStoreNames() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBDatabaseObjectStoreNames,
- int32, /* idb_database_id */
- std::vector<string16> /* objectStoreNames */)
- // WebIDBDatabase::createObjectStore() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(ViewHostMsg_IDBDatabaseCreateObjectStore,
- ViewHostMsg_IDBDatabaseCreateObjectStore_Params,
- int32, /* object_store_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBDatabase::removeObjectStore() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBDatabaseDeleteObjectStore,
- int32, /* idb_database_id */
- string16, /* name */
- int32, /* transaction_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBDatabase::setVersion() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBDatabaseSetVersion,
- int32, /* idb_database_id */
- int32, /* response_id */
- string16, /* version */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBDatabase::transaction() message.
- // TODO: make this message async. Have the renderer create a
- // temporary ID and keep a map in the browser process of real
- // IDs to temporary IDs. We can then update the transaction
- // to its real ID asynchronously.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_2(ViewHostMsg_IDBDatabaseTransaction,
- int32, /* idb_database_id */
- std::vector<string16>, /* object_stores */
- int32, /* mode */
- int32, /* timeout */
- int32, /* idb_transaction_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBDatabase::~WebIDBDatabase() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_IDBDatabaseDestroyed,
- int32 /* idb_database_id */)
- // WebIDBIndex::name() message.
- int32, /* idb_index_id */
- string16 /* name */)
- // WebIDBIndex::storeName() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBIndexStoreName,
- int32, /* idb_index_id */
- string16 /* store_name */)
- // WebIDBIndex::keyPath() message.
- int32, /* idb_index_id */
- NullableString16 /* key_path */)
- // WebIDBIndex::unique() message.
- int32, /* idb_unique_id */
- bool /* unique */)
- // WebIDBIndex::openObjectCursor() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBIndexOpenObjectCursor,
- ViewHostMsg_IDBIndexOpenCursor_Params,
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBIndex::openKeyCursor() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBIndexOpenKeyCursor,
- ViewHostMsg_IDBIndexOpenCursor_Params,
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBIndex::getObject() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBIndexGetObject,
- int32, /* idb_index_id */
- int32, /* response_id */
- IndexedDBKey, /* key */
- int32, /* transaction_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBIndex::getKey() message.
- int32, /* idb_index_id */
- int32, /* response_id */
- IndexedDBKey, /* key */
- int32, /* transaction_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBIndex::~WebIDBIndex() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_IDBIndexDestroyed,
- int32 /* idb_index_id */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::name() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreName,
- int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
- string16 /* name */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::keyPath() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreKeyPath,
- int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
- NullableString16 /* keyPath */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::indexNames() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreIndexNames,
- int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
- std::vector<string16> /* index_names */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::get() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreGet,
- int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
- int32, /* response_id */
- IndexedDBKey, /* key */
- int32, /* transaction_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::put() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStorePut,
- ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStorePut_Params,
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::delete() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreDelete,
- int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
- int32, /* response_id */
- IndexedDBKey, /* key */
- int32, /* transaction_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::createIndex() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreCreateIndex,
- ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreCreateIndex_Params,
- int32, /* index_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::index() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_2(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreIndex,
- int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
- string16, /* name */
- int32, /* idb_index_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::deleteIndex() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreDeleteIndex,
- int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
- string16, /* name */
- int32, /* transaction_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::openCursor() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreOpenCursor,
- ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreOpenCursor_Params,
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBObjectStore::~WebIDBObjectStore() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreDestroyed,
- int32 /* idb_object_store_id */)
- // WebIDBDatabase::~WebIDBCursor() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_IDBCursorDestroyed,
- int32 /* idb_cursor_id */)
- // IDBTransaction::ObjectStore message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_2(ViewHostMsg_IDBTransactionObjectStore,
- int32, /* transaction_id */
- string16, /* name */
- int32, /* object_store_id */
- WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
- // WebIDBTransaction::mode() message.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_IDBTransactionMode,
- int32, /* idb_transaction_id */
- int /* mode */)
- // WebIDBTransaction::abort() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_IDBTransactionAbort,
- int32 /* idb_transaction_id */)
- // IDBTransaction::DidCompleteTaskEvents() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_IDBTransactionDidCompleteTaskEvents,
- int32 /* idb_transaction_id */)
- // WebIDBTransaction::~WebIDBTransaction() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_IDBTransactionDestroyed,
- int32 /* idb_transaction_id */)
- // Get file size in bytes. Set result to -1 if failed to get the file size.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_GetFileSize,
- FilePath /* path */,
- int64 /* result */)
- // Get file modification time in seconds. Set result to 0 if failed to get the
- // file modification time.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_GetFileModificationTime,
- FilePath /* path */,
- base::Time /* result */)
- // Open the file.
- FilePath /* path */,
- int /* mode */,
- IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* result */)
- // Opens a file asynchronously. The response returns a file descriptor
- // and an error code from base/platform_file.h.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_AsyncOpenFile,
- FilePath /* file path */,
- int /* flags */,
- int /* message_id */)
- // Sent by the renderer process to acknowledge receipt of a
- // ViewMsg_CSSInsertRequest message and css has been inserted into the frame.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ViewHostMsg_OnCSSInserted)
- // Sent by the renderer process to check whether access to web databases is
- // granted by content settings. This may block and trigger a cookie prompt.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(ViewHostMsg_AllowDatabase,
- std::string /* origin_url */,
- string16 /* database name */,
- string16 /* database display name */,
- unsigned long /* estimated size */,
- bool /* result */)
- // Asks the browser process to open a DB file with the given name.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_DatabaseOpenFile,
- string16 /* vfs file name */,
- int /* desired flags */,
- IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* file_handle */)
- // Asks the browser process to delete a DB file
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_DatabaseDeleteFile,
- string16 /* vfs file name */,
- bool /* whether or not to sync the directory */,
- int /* SQLite error code */)
- // Asks the browser process to return the attributes of a DB file
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_DatabaseGetFileAttributes,
- string16 /* vfs file name */,
- int32 /* the attributes for the given DB file */)
- // Asks the browser process to return the size of a DB file
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_DatabaseGetFileSize,
- string16 /* vfs file name */,
- int64 /* the size of the given DB file */)
- // Notifies the browser process that a new database has been opened
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(ViewHostMsg_DatabaseOpened,
- string16 /* origin identifier */,
- string16 /* database name */,
- string16 /* database description */,
- int64 /* estimated size */)
- // Notifies the browser process that a database might have been modified
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_DatabaseModified,
- string16 /* origin identifier */,
- string16 /* database name */)
- // Notifies the browser process that a database is about to close
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_DatabaseClosed,
- string16 /* origin identifier */,
- string16 /* database name */)
- // Notifies the browser of the language (ISO 639_1 code language, such as fr,
- // en, zh...) of the current page.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_PageLanguageDetermined,
- std::string /* the language */)
- // Notifies the browser that a page has been translated.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ViewHostMsg_PageTranslated,
- int, /* page id */
- std::string /* the original language */,
- std::string /* the translated language */,
- TranslateErrors::Type /* the error type if available */)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Socket Stream messages:
- // These are messages from the SocketStreamHandle to the browser.
- // Open new Socket Stream for the |socket_url| identified by |socket_id|
- // in the renderer process.
- // The browser starts connecting asynchronously.
- // Once Socket Stream connection is established, the browser will send
- // ViewMsg_SocketStream_Connected back.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_SocketStream_Connect,
- GURL /* socket_url */,
- int /* socket_id */)
- // Request to send data on the Socket Stream.
- // SocketStreamHandle can send data at most |max_pending_send_allowed| bytes,
- // which is given by ViewMsg_SocketStream_Connected at any time.
- // The number of pending bytes can be tracked by size of |data| sent
- // and |amount_sent| parameter of ViewMsg_SocketStream_DataSent.
- // That is, the following constraints is applied:
- // (accumulated total of |data|) - (accumulated total of |amount_sent|)
- // <= |max_pending_send_allowed|
- // If the SocketStreamHandle ever tries to exceed the
- // |max_pending_send_allowed|, the connection will be closed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_SocketStream_SendData,
- int /* socket_id */,
- std::vector<char> /* data */)
- // Request to close the Socket Stream.
- // The browser will send ViewMsg_SocketStream_Closed back when the Socket
- // Stream is completely closed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_SocketStream_Close,
- int /* socket_id */)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Request for cryptographic operation messages:
- // These are messages from the renderer to the browser to perform a
- // cryptographic operation.
- // Asks the browser process to generate a keypair for grabbing a client
- // certificate from a CA (<keygen> tag), and returns the signed public
- // key and challenge string.
- uint32 /* key size index */,
- std::string /* challenge string */,
- GURL /* URL of requestor */,
- std::string /* signed public key and challenge */)
- // The renderer has tried to spell check a word, but couldn't because no
- // dictionary was available to load. Request that the browser find an
- // appropriate dictionary and return it.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ViewHostMsg_SpellChecker_RequestDictionary)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_SpellChecker_PlatformCheckSpelling,
- string16 /* word */,
- int /* document tag */,
- bool /* correct */)
- ViewHostMsg_SpellChecker_PlatformFillSuggestionList,
- string16 /* word */,
- std::vector<string16> /* suggestions */)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Geolocation services messages
- // A GeolocationServiceBridgeImpl in the renderer process has been created.
- // This is used to lazily initialize the host dispatchers and related
- // Geolocation infrastructure in the browser process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_RegisterDispatcher,
- int /* render_view_id */)
- // A GeolocationServiceBridgeImpl has been destroyed.
- // This is used to let the Geolocation infrastructure do its cleanup.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_UnregisterDispatcher,
- int /* render_view_id */)
- // The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| representing |host| is requesting
- // permission to access geolocation position.
- // This will be replied by ViewMsg_Geolocation_PermissionSet.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_RequestPermission,
- int /* render_view_id */,
- int /* bridge_id */,
- GURL /* GURL of the frame requesting geolocation */)
- // The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| representing |GURL| is cancelling its
- // previous permission request to access geolocation position.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_CancelPermissionRequest,
- int /* render_view_id */,
- int /* bridge_id */,
- GURL /* GURL of the frame */)
- // The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| requests Geolocation service to start
- // updating.
- // This is an asynchronous call, and the browser process may eventually reply
- // with the updated geoposition, or an error (access denied, location
- // unavailable, etc.)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_StartUpdating,
- int /* render_view_id */,
- int /* bridge_id */,
- GURL /* GURL of the frame requesting geolocation */,
- bool /* enable_high_accuracy */)
- // The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| requests Geolocation service to stop
- // updating.
- // Note that the geolocation service may continue to fetch geolocation data
- // for other origins.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_StopUpdating,
- int /* render_view_id */,
- int /* bridge_id */)
- // The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| requests Geolocation service to
- // suspend.
- // Note that the geolocation service may continue to fetch geolocation data
- // for other origins.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_Suspend,
- int /* render_view_id */,
- int /* bridge_id */)
- // The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| requests Geolocation service to
- // resume.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_Geolocation_Resume,
- int /* render_view_id */,
- int /* bridge_id */)
- // Updates the minimum/maximum allowed zoom percent for this tab from the
- // default values. If |remember| is true, then the zoom setting is applied to
- // other pages in the site and is saved, otherwise it only applies to this
- // tab.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_UpdateZoomLimits,
- int /* minimum_percent */,
- int /* maximum_percent */,
- bool /* remember */)
- // Requests the speech input service to start speech recognition on behalf of
- // the given |render_view_id|.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5(ViewHostMsg_SpeechInput_StartRecognition,
- int /* render_view_id */,
- int /* request_id */,
- gfx::Rect /* element_rect */,
- std::string /* language */,
- std::string /* grammar */)
- // Requests the speech input service to cancel speech recognition on behalf of
- // the given |render_view_id|. If speech recognition is not happening nor or
- // is happening on behalf of some other render view, this call does nothing.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_SpeechInput_CancelRecognition,
- int /* render_view_id */,
- int /* request id */)
- // Requests the speech input service to stop audio recording on behalf of
- // the given |render_view_id|. Any audio recorded so far will be fed to the
- // speech recognizer. If speech recognition is not happening nor or is
- // happening on behalf of some other render view, this call does nothing.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_SpeechInput_StopRecording,
- int /* render_view_id */,
- int /* request id */)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Device orientation services messages:
- // A RenderView requests to start receiving device orientation updates.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_DeviceOrientation_StartUpdating,
- int /* render_view_id */)
- // A RenderView requests to stop receiving device orientation updates.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_DeviceOrientation_StopUpdating,
- int /* render_view_id */)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FileSystem API messages
- // These are messages sent from the renderer to the browser process.
- // WebFrameClient::openFileSystem() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5(ViewHostMsg_OpenFileSystemRequest,
- int /* request_id */,
- GURL /* origin_url */,
- fileapi::FileSystemType /* type */,
- int64 /* requested_size */,
- bool /* create */)
- // WebFileSystem::move() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_Move,
- int /* request_id */,
- FilePath /* src path */,
- FilePath /* dest path */)
- // WebFileSystem::copy() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_Copy,
- int /* request_id */,
- FilePath /* src path */,
- FilePath /* dest path */)
- // WebFileSystem::remove() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_Remove,
- int /* request_id */,
- FilePath /* path */,
- bool /* recursive */)
- // WebFileSystem::readMetadata() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_ReadMetadata,
- int /* request_id */,
- FilePath /* path */)
- // WebFileSystem::create() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_Create,
- int /* request_id */,
- FilePath /* path */,
- bool /* exclusive */,
- bool /* is_directory */,
- bool /* recursive */)
- // WebFileSystem::exists() messages.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_Exists,
- int /* request_id */,
- FilePath /* path */,
- bool /* is_directory */)
- // WebFileSystem::readDirectory() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_ReadDirectory,
- int /* request_id */,
- FilePath /* path */)
- // WebFileWriter::write() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_Write,
- int /* request id */,
- FilePath /* file path */,
- GURL /* blob URL */,
- int64 /* position */)
- // WebFileWriter::truncate() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_Truncate,
- int /* request id */,
- FilePath /* file path */,
- int64 /* length */)
- // Pepper's Touch() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_TouchFile,
- int /* request_id */,
- FilePath /* path */,
- base::Time /* last_access_time */,
- base::Time /* last_modified_time */)
- // WebFileWriter::cancel() message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_FileSystem_CancelWrite,
- int /* request id */,
- int /* id of request to cancel */)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Blob messages:
- // Registers a blob URL referring to the specified blob data.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_RegisterBlobUrl,
- GURL /* url */,
- scoped_refptr<webkit_blob::BlobData> /* blob_data */)
- // Registers a blob URL referring to the blob data identified by the specified
- // source URL.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ViewHostMsg_RegisterBlobUrlFrom,
- GURL /* url */,
- GURL /* src_url */)
- // Unregister a blob URL.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_UnregisterBlobUrl, GURL /* url */)
- // Suggest results -----------------------------------------------------------
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_SetSuggestions,
- int32 /* page_id */,
- std::vector<std::string> /* suggestions */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_InstantSupportDetermined,
- int32 /* page_id */,
- bool /* result */)
- // Client-Side Phishing Detector ---------------------------------------------
- // Inform the browser that the current URL is phishing according to the
- // client-side phishing detector.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ViewHostMsg_DetectedPhishingSite,
- GURL /* phishing_url */,
- double /* phishing_score */,
- SkBitmap /* thumbnail */)
- // Response from ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest. The ID is the parameter supplied
- // to ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest. The result has the value returned by the
- // script as it's only element, one of Null, Boolean, Integer, Real, Date, or
- // String.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ViewHostMsg_ScriptEvalResponse,
- int /* id */,
- ListValue /* result */)
- // Updates the content restrictions, i.e. to disable print/copy.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ViewHostMsg_UpdateContentRestrictions,
- int /* restrictions */)
- // Trusted Pepper Filesystem messages ----------------------------------------
- // Open the file.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_2(ViewHostMsg_PepperOpenFile,
- FilePath /* path */,
- int /* flags */,
- base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */,
- IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* result */)
- // Rename the file.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_PepperRenameFile,
- FilePath /* path_from */,
- FilePath /* path_to */,
- base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
- // Delete the file.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(ViewHostMsg_PepperDeleteFileOrDir,
- FilePath /* path */,
- bool /* recursive */,
- base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
- // Create the directory.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(ViewHostMsg_PepperCreateDir,
- FilePath /* path */,
- base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
- // Query the file's info.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(ViewHostMsg_PepperQueryFile,
- FilePath /* path */,
- base::PlatformFileInfo, /* info */
- base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
- // Get the directory's contents.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(ViewHostMsg_PepperGetDirContents,
- FilePath /* path */,
- PepperDirContents, /* contents */
- base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
+// A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to create a
+// worker. The browser will create the worker process if necessary, and
+// will return the route id on success. On error returns MSG_ROUTING_NONE.
+ ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker_Params,
+ int /* route_id */)
+// This message is sent to the browser to see if an instance of this shared
+// worker already exists. If so, it returns exists == true. If a
+// non-empty name is passed, also validates that the url matches the url of
+// the existing worker. If a matching worker is found, the passed-in
+// document_id is associated with that worker, to ensure that the worker
+// stays alive until the document is detached.
+// The route_id returned can be used to forward messages to the worker via
+// ForwardToWorker if it exists, otherwise it should be passed in to any
+// future call to CreateWorker to avoid creating duplicate workers.
+ ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker_Params,
+ bool /* exists */,
+ int /* route_id */,
+ bool /* url_mismatch */)
+// A renderer sends this to the browser process when a document has been
+// detached. The browser will use this to constrain the lifecycle of worker
+// processes (SharedWorkers are shut down when their last associated document
+// is detached).
+ uint64 /* document_id */)
+// A message sent to the browser on behalf of a renderer which wants to show
+// a desktop notification.
+ ViewHostMsg_ShowNotification_Params)
+ int /* notification_id */ )
+ GURL /* origin */,
+ int /* callback_context */)
+ GURL /* source page */,
+ int /* permission_result */)
+// Sent if the worker object has sent a ViewHostMsg_CreateDedicatedWorker
+// message and not received a ViewMsg_WorkerCreated reply, but in the
+// mean time it's destroyed. This tells the browser to not create the queued
+// worker.
+ int /* route_id */)
+// Wraps an IPC message that's destined to the worker on the renderer->browser
+// hop.
+ IPC::Message /* message */)
+// Open a channel to all listening contexts owned by the extension with
+// the given ID. This always returns a valid port ID which can be used for
+// sending messages. If an error occurred, the opener will be notified
+// asynchronously.
+ int /* routing_id */,
+ std::string /* source_extension_id */,
+ std::string /* target_extension_id */,
+ std::string /* channel_name */,
+ int /* port_id */)
+// Get a port handle to the given tab. The handle can be used for sending
+// messages to the extension.
+ int /* routing_id */,
+ int /* tab_id */,
+ std::string /* extension_id */,
+ std::string /* channel_name */,
+ int /* port_id */)
+// Send a message to an extension process. The handle is the value returned
+// by ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelTo*.
+ int /* port_id */,
+ std::string /* message */)
+// Send a message to an extension process. The handle is the value returned
+// by ViewHostMsg_OpenChannelTo*.
+ int /* port_id */)
+// Sent to notify the browser about renderer accessibility notifications.
+// The browser responds with a ViewMsg_AccessibilityNotifications_ACK.
+ ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotifications,
+ std::vector<ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Params>)
+// Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
+// close all sockets. Used for debugging/testing.
+// Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
+// enable or disable the cache. Used for debugging/testing.
+ bool /* enabled */)
+// Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
+// clear the cache. Used for debugging/testing.
+ int /* result */)
+// Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
+// enable or disable spdy. Used for debugging/testing/benchmarking.
+ bool /* enable */)
+// Message sent from the renderer to the browser to request that the browser
+// cache |data| associated with |url|.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ double /* expected_response_time */,
+ std::vector<char> /* data */)
+// Get the storage area id for a particular origin within a namespace.
+ int64 /* namespace_id */,
+ string16 /* origin */,
+ int64 /* storage_area_id */)
+// Get the length of a storage area.
+ int64 /* storage_area_id */,
+ unsigned /* length */)
+// Get a the ith key within a storage area.
+ int64 /* storage_area_id */,
+ unsigned /* index */,
+ NullableString16 /* key */)
+// Get a value based on a key from a storage area.
+ int64 /* storage_area_id */,
+ string16 /* key */,
+ NullableString16 /* value */)
+// Set a value that's associated with a key in a storage area.
+ int64 /* storage_area_id */,
+ string16 /* key */,
+ string16 /* value */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ WebKit::WebStorageArea::Result /* result */,
+ NullableString16 /* old_value */)
+// Remove the value associated with a key in a storage area.
+ int64 /* storage_area_id */,
+ string16 /* key */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ NullableString16 /* old_value */)
+// Clear the storage area.
+ int64 /* storage_area_id */,
+ GURL /* url */,
+ bool /* something_cleared */)
+// WebIDBCursor::direction() message.
+ int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
+ int32 /* direction */)
+// WebIDBCursor::key() message.
+ int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
+ IndexedDBKey)
+// WebIDBCursor::value() message.
+ int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
+ SerializedScriptValue, /* script_value */
+ IndexedDBKey /* key */)
+// WebIDBCursor::update() message.
+ int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
+ int32, /* response_id */
+ SerializedScriptValue, /* value */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBCursor::continue() message.
+ int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
+ int32, /* response_id */
+ IndexedDBKey, /* key */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBCursor::remove() message.
+ int32, /* idb_cursor_id */
+ int32, /* response_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBFactory::open() message.
+ ViewHostMsg_IDBFactoryOpen_Params)
+// WebIDBDatabase::name() message.
+ int32, /* idb_database_id */
+ string16 /* name */)
+// WebIDBDatabase::version() message.
+ int32, /* idb_database_id */
+ string16 /* vesion */)
+// WebIDBDatabase::objectStoreNames() message.
+ int32, /* idb_database_id */
+ std::vector<string16> /* objectStoreNames */)
+// WebIDBDatabase::createObjectStore() message.
+ ViewHostMsg_IDBDatabaseCreateObjectStore_Params,
+ int32, /* object_store_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBDatabase::removeObjectStore() message.
+ int32, /* idb_database_id */
+ string16, /* name */
+ int32, /* transaction_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBDatabase::setVersion() message.
+ int32, /* idb_database_id */
+ int32, /* response_id */
+ string16, /* version */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBDatabase::transaction() message.
+// TODO: make this message async. Have the renderer create a
+// temporary ID and keep a map in the browser process of real
+// IDs to temporary IDs. We can then update the transaction
+// to its real ID asynchronously.
+ int32, /* idb_database_id */
+ std::vector<string16>, /* object_stores */
+ int32, /* mode */
+ int32, /* timeout */
+ int32, /* idb_transaction_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBDatabase::~WebIDBDatabase() message.
+ int32 /* idb_database_id */)
+// WebIDBIndex::name() message.
+ int32, /* idb_index_id */
+ string16 /* name */)
+// WebIDBIndex::storeName() message.
+ int32, /* idb_index_id */
+ string16 /* store_name */)
+// WebIDBIndex::keyPath() message.
+ int32, /* idb_index_id */
+ NullableString16 /* key_path */)
+// WebIDBIndex::unique() message.
+ int32, /* idb_unique_id */
+ bool /* unique */)
+// WebIDBIndex::openObjectCursor() message.
+ ViewHostMsg_IDBIndexOpenCursor_Params,
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBIndex::openKeyCursor() message.
+ ViewHostMsg_IDBIndexOpenCursor_Params,
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBIndex::getObject() message.
+ int32, /* idb_index_id */
+ int32, /* response_id */
+ IndexedDBKey, /* key */
+ int32, /* transaction_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBIndex::getKey() message.
+ int32, /* idb_index_id */
+ int32, /* response_id */
+ IndexedDBKey, /* key */
+ int32, /* transaction_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBIndex::~WebIDBIndex() message.
+ int32 /* idb_index_id */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::name() message.
+ int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
+ string16 /* name */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::keyPath() message.
+ int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
+ NullableString16 /* keyPath */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::indexNames() message.
+ int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
+ std::vector<string16> /* index_names */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::get() message.
+ int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
+ int32, /* response_id */
+ IndexedDBKey, /* key */
+ int32, /* transaction_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::put() message.
+ ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStorePut_Params,
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::delete() message.
+ int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
+ int32, /* response_id */
+ IndexedDBKey, /* key */
+ int32, /* transaction_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::createIndex() message.
+ ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreCreateIndex_Params,
+ int32, /* index_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::index() message.
+ int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
+ string16, /* name */
+ int32, /* idb_index_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::deleteIndex() message.
+ int32, /* idb_object_store_id */
+ string16, /* name */
+ int32, /* transaction_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::openCursor() message.
+ ViewHostMsg_IDBObjectStoreOpenCursor_Params,
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBObjectStore::~WebIDBObjectStore() message.
+ int32 /* idb_object_store_id */)
+// WebIDBDatabase::~WebIDBCursor() message.
+ int32 /* idb_cursor_id */)
+// IDBTransaction::ObjectStore message.
+ int32, /* transaction_id */
+ string16, /* name */
+ int32, /* object_store_id */
+ WebKit::WebExceptionCode /* ec */)
+// WebIDBTransaction::mode() message.
+ int32, /* idb_transaction_id */
+ int /* mode */)
+// WebIDBTransaction::abort() message.
+ int32 /* idb_transaction_id */)
+// IDBTransaction::DidCompleteTaskEvents() message.
+ int32 /* idb_transaction_id */)
+// WebIDBTransaction::~WebIDBTransaction() message.
+ int32 /* idb_transaction_id */)
+// Get file size in bytes. Set result to -1 if failed to get the file size.
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ int64 /* result */)
+// Get file modification time in seconds. Set result to 0 if failed to get the
+// file modification time.
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ base::Time /* result */)
+// Open the file.
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ int /* mode */,
+ IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* result */)
+// Opens a file asynchronously. The response returns a file descriptor
+// and an error code from base/platform_file.h.
+ FilePath /* file path */,
+ int /* flags */,
+ int /* message_id */)
+// Sent by the renderer process to acknowledge receipt of a
+// ViewMsg_CSSInsertRequest message and css has been inserted into the frame.
+// Sent by the renderer process to check whether access to web databases is
+// granted by content settings. This may block and trigger a cookie prompt.
+ std::string /* origin_url */,
+ string16 /* database name */,
+ string16 /* database display name */,
+ unsigned long /* estimated size */,
+ bool /* result */)
+// Asks the browser process to open a DB file with the given name.
+ string16 /* vfs file name */,
+ int /* desired flags */,
+ IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* file_handle */)
+// Asks the browser process to delete a DB file
+ string16 /* vfs file name */,
+ bool /* whether or not to sync the directory */,
+ int /* SQLite error code */)
+// Asks the browser process to return the attributes of a DB file
+ string16 /* vfs file name */,
+ int32 /* the attributes for the given DB file */)
+// Asks the browser process to return the size of a DB file
+ string16 /* vfs file name */,
+ int64 /* the size of the given DB file */)
+// Notifies the browser process that a new database has been opened
+ string16 /* origin identifier */,
+ string16 /* database name */,
+ string16 /* database description */,
+ int64 /* estimated size */)
+// Notifies the browser process that a database might have been modified
+ string16 /* origin identifier */,
+ string16 /* database name */)
+// Notifies the browser process that a database is about to close
+ string16 /* origin identifier */,
+ string16 /* database name */)
+// Notifies the browser of the language (ISO 639_1 code language, such as fr,
+// en, zh...) of the current page.
+ std::string /* the language */)
+// Notifies the browser that a page has been translated.
+ int, /* page id */
+ std::string /* the original language */,
+ std::string /* the translated language */,
+ TranslateErrors::Type /* the error type if available */)
+// Socket Stream messages:
+// These are messages from the SocketStreamHandle to the browser.
+// Open new Socket Stream for the |socket_url| identified by |socket_id|
+// in the renderer process.
+// The browser starts connecting asynchronously.
+// Once Socket Stream connection is established, the browser will send
+// ViewMsg_SocketStream_Connected back.
+ GURL /* socket_url */,
+ int /* socket_id */)
+// Request to send data on the Socket Stream.
+// SocketStreamHandle can send data at most |max_pending_send_allowed| bytes,
+// which is given by ViewMsg_SocketStream_Connected at any time.
+// The number of pending bytes can be tracked by size of |data| sent
+// and |amount_sent| parameter of ViewMsg_SocketStream_DataSent.
+// That is, the following constraints is applied:
+// (accumulated total of |data|) - (accumulated total of |amount_sent|)
+// <= |max_pending_send_allowed|
+// If the SocketStreamHandle ever tries to exceed the
+// |max_pending_send_allowed|, the connection will be closed.
+ int /* socket_id */,
+ std::vector<char> /* data */)
+// Request to close the Socket Stream.
+// The browser will send ViewMsg_SocketStream_Closed back when the Socket
+// Stream is completely closed.
+ int /* socket_id */)
+// Request for cryptographic operation messages:
+// These are messages from the renderer to the browser to perform a
+// cryptographic operation.
+// Asks the browser process to generate a keypair for grabbing a client
+// certificate from a CA (<keygen> tag), and returns the signed public
+// key and challenge string.
+ uint32 /* key size index */,
+ std::string /* challenge string */,
+ GURL /* URL of requestor */,
+ std::string /* signed public key and challenge */)
+// The renderer has tried to spell check a word, but couldn't because no
+// dictionary was available to load. Request that the browser find an
+// appropriate dictionary and return it.
+ string16 /* word */,
+ int /* document tag */,
+ bool /* correct */)
+ ViewHostMsg_SpellChecker_PlatformFillSuggestionList,
+ string16 /* word */,
+ std::vector<string16> /* suggestions */)
+// Geolocation services messages
+// A GeolocationServiceBridgeImpl in the renderer process has been created.
+// This is used to lazily initialize the host dispatchers and related
+// Geolocation infrastructure in the browser process.
+ int /* render_view_id */)
+// A GeolocationServiceBridgeImpl has been destroyed.
+// This is used to let the Geolocation infrastructure do its cleanup.
+ int /* render_view_id */)
+// The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| representing |host| is requesting
+// permission to access geolocation position.
+// This will be replied by ViewMsg_Geolocation_PermissionSet.
+ int /* render_view_id */,
+ int /* bridge_id */,
+ GURL /* GURL of the frame requesting geolocation */)
+// The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| representing |GURL| is cancelling its
+// previous permission request to access geolocation position.
+ int /* render_view_id */,
+ int /* bridge_id */,
+ GURL /* GURL of the frame */)
+// The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| requests Geolocation service to start
+// updating.
+// This is an asynchronous call, and the browser process may eventually reply
+// with the updated geoposition, or an error (access denied, location
+// unavailable, etc.)
+ int /* render_view_id */,
+ int /* bridge_id */,
+ GURL /* GURL of the frame requesting geolocation */,
+ bool /* enable_high_accuracy */)
+// The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| requests Geolocation service to stop
+// updating.
+// Note that the geolocation service may continue to fetch geolocation data
+// for other origins.
+ int /* render_view_id */,
+ int /* bridge_id */)
+// The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| requests Geolocation service to
+// suspend.
+// Note that the geolocation service may continue to fetch geolocation data
+// for other origins.
+ int /* render_view_id */,
+ int /* bridge_id */)
+// The |render_view_id| and |bridge_id| requests Geolocation service to
+// resume.
+ int /* render_view_id */,
+ int /* bridge_id */)
+// Updates the minimum/maximum allowed zoom percent for this tab from the
+// default values. If |remember| is true, then the zoom setting is applied to
+// other pages in the site and is saved, otherwise it only applies to this
+// tab.
+ int /* minimum_percent */,
+ int /* maximum_percent */,
+ bool /* remember */)
+// Requests the speech input service to start speech recognition on behalf of
+// the given |render_view_id|.
+ int /* render_view_id */,
+ int /* request_id */,
+ gfx::Rect /* element_rect */,
+ std::string /* language */,
+ std::string /* grammar */)
+// Requests the speech input service to cancel speech recognition on behalf of
+// the given |render_view_id|. If speech recognition is not happening nor or
+// is happening on behalf of some other render view, this call does nothing.
+ int /* render_view_id */,
+ int /* request id */)
+// Requests the speech input service to stop audio recording on behalf of
+// the given |render_view_id|. Any audio recorded so far will be fed to the
+// speech recognizer. If speech recognition is not happening nor or is
+// happening on behalf of some other render view, this call does nothing.
+ int /* render_view_id */,
+ int /* request id */)
+// Device orientation services messages:
+// A RenderView requests to start receiving device orientation updates.
+ int /* render_view_id */)
+// A RenderView requests to stop receiving device orientation updates.
+ int /* render_view_id */)
+// FileSystem API messages
+// These are messages sent from the renderer to the browser process.
+// WebFrameClient::openFileSystem() message.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ GURL /* origin_url */,
+ fileapi::FileSystemType /* type */,
+ int64 /* requested_size */,
+ bool /* create */)
+// WebFileSystem::move() message.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ FilePath /* src path */,
+ FilePath /* dest path */)
+// WebFileSystem::copy() message.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ FilePath /* src path */,
+ FilePath /* dest path */)
+// WebFileSystem::remove() message.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ bool /* recursive */)
+// WebFileSystem::readMetadata() message.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ FilePath /* path */)
+// WebFileSystem::create() message.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ bool /* exclusive */,
+ bool /* is_directory */,
+ bool /* recursive */)
+// WebFileSystem::exists() messages.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ bool /* is_directory */)
+// WebFileSystem::readDirectory() message.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ FilePath /* path */)
+// WebFileWriter::write() message.
+ int /* request id */,
+ FilePath /* file path */,
+ GURL /* blob URL */,
+ int64 /* position */)
+// WebFileWriter::truncate() message.
+ int /* request id */,
+ FilePath /* file path */,
+ int64 /* length */)
+// Pepper's Touch() message.
+ int /* request_id */,
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ base::Time /* last_access_time */,
+ base::Time /* last_modified_time */)
+// WebFileWriter::cancel() message.
+ int /* request id */,
+ int /* id of request to cancel */)
+// Blob messages:
+// Registers a blob URL referring to the specified blob data.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ scoped_refptr<webkit_blob::BlobData> /* blob_data */)
+// Registers a blob URL referring to the blob data identified by the specified
+// source URL.
+ GURL /* url */,
+ GURL /* src_url */)
+// Unregister a blob URL.
+IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ViewHostMsg_UnregisterBlobUrl, GURL /* url */)
+// Suggest results -----------------------------------------------------------
+ int32 /* page_id */,
+ std::vector<std::string> /* suggestions */)
+ int32 /* page_id */,
+ bool /* result */)
+// Client-Side Phishing Detector ---------------------------------------------
+// Inform the browser that the current URL is phishing according to the
+// client-side phishing detector.
+ GURL /* phishing_url */,
+ double /* phishing_score */,
+ SkBitmap /* thumbnail */)
+// Response from ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest. The ID is the parameter supplied
+// to ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest. The result has the value returned by the
+// script as it's only element, one of Null, Boolean, Integer, Real, Date, or
+// String.
+ int /* id */,
+ ListValue /* result */)
+// Updates the content restrictions, i.e. to disable print/copy.
+ int /* restrictions */)
+// Trusted Pepper Filesystem messages ----------------------------------------
+// Open the file.
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ int /* flags */,
+ base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */,
+ IPC::PlatformFileForTransit /* result */)
+// Rename the file.
+ FilePath /* path_from */,
+ FilePath /* path_to */,
+ base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
+// Delete the file.
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ bool /* recursive */,
+ base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
+// Create the directory.
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
+// Query the file's info.
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ base::PlatformFileInfo, /* info */
+ base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
+// Get the directory's contents.
+ FilePath /* path */,
+ PepperDirContents, /* contents */
+ base::PlatformFileError /* error_code */)
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index 97a10fd..98f8923 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -2,8 +2,5 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/service_messages.h"
- "chrome/common/service_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_impl_macros.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/service_messages.h b/chrome/common/service_messages.h
index d514bff..1c23ead 100644
--- a/chrome/common/service_messages.h
+++ b/chrome/common/service_messages.h
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_utils.h"
-#define MESSAGES_INTERNAL_FILE "chrome/common/service_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/service_messages_internal.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/service_messages_internal.h b/chrome/common/service_messages_internal.h
index bb6e34d..e5ae7b3 100644
--- a/chrome/common/service_messages_internal.h
+++ b/chrome/common/service_messages_internal.h
@@ -4,66 +4,54 @@
#include <string>
-// This header is meant to be included in multiple passes, hence no traditional
-// header guard.
-// See ipc_message_macros.h for explanation of the macros and passes.
-// This file needs to be included again, even though we're actually included
-// from it via utility_messages.h.
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#define IPC_MESSAGE_START ServiceMsgStart
// Service process messages:
// These are messages from the browser to the service process.
- // Tell the service process to enable the cloud proxy passing in the lsid
- // of the account to be used.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ServiceMsg_EnableCloudPrintProxy,
- std::string /* lsid */)
- // Tell the service process to enable the cloud proxy passing in specific
- // tokens to be used.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ServiceMsg_EnableCloudPrintProxyWithTokens,
- std::string, /* token for cloudprint service */
- std::string /* token for Google Talk service */)
- // Tell the service process to disable the cloud proxy.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ServiceMsg_DisableCloudPrintProxy)
- // Requests a message back on whether the cloud print proxy is
- // enabled.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ServiceMsg_IsCloudPrintProxyEnabled)
- // This message is for testing purpose.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ServiceMsg_Hello)
- // This message is for enabling the remoting process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ServiceMsg_EnableRemotingWithTokens,
- std::string, /* username */
- std::string, /* Token for remoting */
- std::string /* Token for Google Talk */)
- // Tell the service process to shutdown.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ServiceMsg_Shutdown)
- // Tell the service process that an update is available.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ServiceMsg_UpdateAvailable)
+// Tell the service process to enable the cloud proxy passing in the lsid
+// of the account to be used.
+ std::string /* lsid */)
+// Tell the service process to enable the cloud proxy passing in specific
+// tokens to be used.
+ std::string, /* token for cloudprint service */
+ std::string /* token for Google Talk service */)
+// Tell the service process to disable the cloud proxy.
+// Requests a message back on whether the cloud print proxy is
+// enabled.
+// This message is for testing purpose.
+// This message is for enabling the remoting process.
+ std::string, /* username */
+ std::string, /* Token for remoting */
+ std::string /* Token for Google Talk */)
+// Tell the service process to shutdown.
+// Tell the service process that an update is available.
// Service process host messages:
// These are messages from the service process to the browser.
- // Sent when the cloud print proxy has an authentication error.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ServiceHostMsg_CloudPrintProxy_AuthError)
- // Sent as a response to a request for enablement status.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ServiceHostMsg_CloudPrintProxy_IsEnabled,
- bool, /* Is the proxy enabled? */
- std::string /* Email address of account */)
+// Sent when the cloud print proxy has an authentication error.
- // Sent from the service process in response to a Hello message.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ServiceHostMsg_GoodDay)
+// Sent as a response to a request for enablement status.
+ bool, /* Is the proxy enabled? */
+ std::string /* Email address of account */)
+// Sent from the service process in response to a Hello message.
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index b0cd5cc..5742f29 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -2,15 +2,11 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/common/utility_messages.h"
+#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/common/common_param_traits.h"
#include "chrome/common/indexed_db_key.h"
#include "chrome/common/serialized_script_value.h"
-#include "base/file_path.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
- "chrome/common/utility_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_impl_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/utility_messages.h" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chrome/common/utility_messages.h b/chrome/common/utility_messages.h
index 49bc9ce..3e298d6 100644
--- a/chrome/common/utility_messages.h
+++ b/chrome/common/utility_messages.h
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ struct ParamTraits<UpdateManifest::Results> {
} // namespace IPC
-#define MESSAGES_INTERNAL_FILE "chrome/common/utility_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/utility_messages_internal.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/utility_messages_internal.h b/chrome/common/utility_messages_internal.h
index adb7077..62d329a 100644
--- a/chrome/common/utility_messages_internal.h
+++ b/chrome/common/utility_messages_internal.h
@@ -5,17 +5,13 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
-// This header is meant to be included in multiple passes, hence no traditional
-// header guard. It is included by utility_messages_internal.h
-// See ipc_message_macros.h for explanation of the macros and passes.
-// This file needs to be included again, even though we're actually included
-// from it via utility_messages.h.
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
#include "base/platform_file.h"
#include "gfx/rect.h"
+#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
#include "printing/page_range.h"
+#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
+#define IPC_MESSAGE_START NaClMsgStart
class FilePath;
class IndexedDBKey;
@@ -25,118 +21,110 @@ class SkBitmap;
// Utility process messages:
// These are messages from the browser to the utility process.
- // Tell the utility process to unpack the given extension file in its
- // directory and verify that it is valid.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityMsg_UnpackExtension,
- FilePath /* extension_filename */)
- // Tell the utility process to parse the given JSON data and verify its
- // validity.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityMsg_UnpackWebResource,
- std::string /* JSON data */)
- // Tell the utility process to parse the given xml document.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityMsg_ParseUpdateManifest,
- std::string /* xml document contents */)
- // Tell the utility process to decode the given image data.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityMsg_DecodeImage,
- std::vector<unsigned char>) // encoded image contents
- // Tell the utility process to render the given PDF into a metafile.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5(UtilityMsg_RenderPDFPagesToMetafile,
- base::PlatformFile, // PDF file
- FilePath, // Location for output metafile
- gfx::Rect, // Render Area
- int, // DPI
- std::vector<printing::PageRange>)
- // Tell the utility process to extract the given IDBKeyPath from the
- // SerializedScriptValue vector and reply with the corresponding IDBKeys.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(UtilityMsg_IDBKeysFromValuesAndKeyPath,
- int, // id
- std::vector<SerializedScriptValue>,
- string16) // IDBKeyPath
- // Tells the utility process that it's running in batch mode.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(UtilityMsg_BatchMode_Started)
- // Tells the utility process that it can shutdown.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(UtilityMsg_BatchMode_Finished)
+// Tell the utility process to unpack the given extension file in its
+// directory and verify that it is valid.
+ FilePath /* extension_filename */)
+// Tell the utility process to parse the given JSON data and verify its
+// validity.
+ std::string /* JSON data */)
+// Tell the utility process to parse the given xml document.
+ std::string /* xml document contents */)
+// Tell the utility process to decode the given image data.
+ std::vector<unsigned char>) // encoded image contents
+// Tell the utility process to render the given PDF into a metafile.
+ base::PlatformFile, // PDF file
+ FilePath, // Location for output metafile
+ gfx::Rect, // Render Area
+ int, // DPI
+ std::vector<printing::PageRange>)
+// Tell the utility process to extract the given IDBKeyPath from the
+// SerializedScriptValue vector and reply with the corresponding IDBKeys.
+ int, // id
+ std::vector<SerializedScriptValue>,
+ string16) // IDBKeyPath
+// Tells the utility process that it's running in batch mode.
+// Tells the utility process that it can shutdown.
// Utility process host messages:
// These are messages from the utility process to the browser.
- // Reply when the utility process is done unpacking an extension. |manifest|
- // is the parsed manifest.json file.
- // The unpacker should also have written out files containing the decoded
- // images and message catalogs from the extension. See ExtensionUnpacker for
- // details.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityHostMsg_UnpackExtension_Succeeded,
- DictionaryValue /* manifest */)
- // Reply when the utility process has failed while unpacking an extension.
- // |error_message| is a user-displayable explanation of what went wrong.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityHostMsg_UnpackExtension_Failed,
- std::string /* error_message, if any */)
- // Reply when the utility process is done unpacking and parsing JSON data
- // from a web resource.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityHostMsg_UnpackWebResource_Succeeded,
- DictionaryValue /* json data */)
- // Reply when the utility process has failed while unpacking and parsing a
- // web resource. |error_message| is a user-readable explanation of what
- // went wrong.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityHostMsg_UnpackWebResource_Failed,
- std::string /* error_message, if any */)
- // Reply when the utility process has succeeded in parsing an update manifest
- // xml document.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityHostMsg_ParseUpdateManifest_Succeeded,
- UpdateManifest::Results /* updates */)
- // Reply when an error occured parsing the update manifest. |error_message|
- // is a description of what went wrong suitable for logging.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityHostMsg_ParseUpdateManifest_Failed,
- std::string /* error_message, if any */)
- // Reply when the utility process has succeeded in decoding the image.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityHostMsg_DecodeImage_Succeeded,
- SkBitmap) // decoded image
- // Reply when an error occured decoding the image.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(UtilityHostMsg_DecodeImage_Failed)
- // Reply when the utility process has succeeded in rendering the PDF.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityHostMsg_RenderPDFPagesToMetafile_Succeeded,
- int) // Highest rendered page number
- // Reply when an error occured rendering the PDF.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(UtilityHostMsg_RenderPDFPagesToMetafile_Failed)
+// Reply when the utility process is done unpacking an extension. |manifest|
+// is the parsed manifest.json file.
+// The unpacker should also have written out files containing the decoded
+// images and message catalogs from the extension. See ExtensionUnpacker for
+// details.
+ DictionaryValue /* manifest */)
+// Reply when the utility process has failed while unpacking an extension.
+// |error_message| is a user-displayable explanation of what went wrong.
+ std::string /* error_message, if any */)
+// Reply when the utility process is done unpacking and parsing JSON data
+// from a web resource.
+ DictionaryValue /* json data */)
+// Reply when the utility process has failed while unpacking and parsing a
+// web resource. |error_message| is a user-readable explanation of what
+// went wrong.
+ std::string /* error_message, if any */)
+// Reply when the utility process has succeeded in parsing an update manifest
+// xml document.
+ UpdateManifest::Results /* updates */)
+// Reply when an error occured parsing the update manifest. |error_message|
+// is a description of what went wrong suitable for logging.
+ std::string /* error_message, if any */)
+// Reply when the utility process has succeeded in decoding the image.
+ SkBitmap) // decoded image
+// Reply when an error occured decoding the image.
+// Reply when the utility process has succeeded in rendering the PDF.
+ int) // Highest rendered page number
+// Reply when an error occured rendering the PDF.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
- // Request that the given font be loaded by the host so it's cached by the
- // OS. Please see ChildProcessHost::PreCacheFont for details.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_0(UtilityHostMsg_PreCacheFont,
- LOGFONT /* font data */)
+// Request that the given font be loaded by the host so it's cached by the
+// OS. Please see ChildProcessHost::PreCacheFont for details.
+ LOGFONT /* font data */)
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
- // Reply when the utility process has succeeded in obtaining the value for
- // IDBKeyPath.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(UtilityHostMsg_IDBKeysFromValuesAndKeyPath_Succeeded,
- int /* id */,
- std::vector<IndexedDBKey> /* value */)
- // Reply when the utility process has failed in obtaining the value for
- // IDBKeyPath.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(UtilityHostMsg_IDBKeysFromValuesAndKeyPath_Failed,
- int /* id */)
+// Reply when the utility process has succeeded in obtaining the value for
+// IDBKeyPath.
+ int /* id */,
+ std::vector<IndexedDBKey> /* value */)
+// Reply when the utility process has failed in obtaining the value for
+// IDBKeyPath.
+ int /* id */)
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index 192e4fd..19b8d23 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -2,13 +2,10 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/common/worker_messages.h"
#include "chrome/common/common_param_traits.h"
- "chrome/common/worker_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_impl_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/worker_messages.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/worker_messages.h b/chrome/common/worker_messages.h
index 0e76c4f..28fec62 100644
--- a/chrome/common/worker_messages.h
+++ b/chrome/common/worker_messages.h
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ struct ParamTraits<WorkerProcessMsg_CreateWorker_Params> {
} // namespace IPC
-#define MESSAGES_INTERNAL_FILE "chrome/common/worker_messages_internal.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#include "chrome/common/worker_messages_internal.h"
diff --git a/chrome/common/worker_messages_internal.h b/chrome/common/worker_messages_internal.h
index 5d0cb62..d1ef439 100644
--- a/chrome/common/worker_messages_internal.h
+++ b/chrome/common/worker_messages_internal.h
@@ -8,128 +8,121 @@
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+#define IPC_MESSAGE_START WorkerMsgStart
// WorkerProcess messages
// These are messages sent from the browser to the worker process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(WorkerProcessMsg_CreateWorker,
- WorkerProcessMsg_CreateWorker_Params)
+ WorkerProcessMsg_CreateWorker_Params)
- // Note: these Message Port related messages can also be sent to the
- // renderer process. Putting them here since we don't have a shared place
- // like common_messages_internal.h
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(WorkerProcessMsg_Message,
- string16 /* message */,
- std::vector<int> /* sent_message_port_ids */,
- std::vector<int> /* new_routing_ids */)
+// Note: these Message Port related messages can also be sent to the
+// renderer process. Putting them here since we don't have a shared place
+// like common_messages_internal.h
+ string16 /* message */,
+ std::vector<int> /* sent_message_port_ids */,
+ std::vector<int> /* new_routing_ids */)
- // Tells the Message Port Channel object that there are no more in-flight
- // messages arriving.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(WorkerProcessMsg_MessagesQueued)
+// Tells the Message Port Channel object that there are no more in-flight
+// messages arriving.
// WorkerProcessHost messages
// These are messages sent from the worker process to the browser process.
- // Note: these Message Port related messages can also be sent out from the
- // renderer process. Putting them here since we don't have a shared place
- // like common_messages_internal.h
- // Creates a new Message Port Channel object. The first paramaeter is the
- // message port channel's routing id in this process. The second parameter
- // is the process-wide-unique identifier for that port.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_2(WorkerProcessHostMsg_CreateMessagePort,
- int /* route_id */,
- int /* message_port_id */)
- // Sent when a Message Port Channel object is destroyed.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(WorkerProcessHostMsg_DestroyMessagePort,
- int /* message_port_id */)
- // Sends a message to a message port. Optionally sends a message port as
- // as well if sent_message_port_id != MSG_ROUTING_NONE.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(WorkerProcessHostMsg_PostMessage,
- int /* sender_message_port_id */,
- string16 /* message */,
- std::vector<int> /* sent_message_port_ids */)
- // Causes messages sent to the remote port to be delivered to this local port.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(WorkerProcessHostMsg_Entangle,
- int /* local_message_port_id */,
- int /* remote_message_port_id */)
- // Causes the browser to queue messages sent to this port until the the port
- // has made sure that all in-flight messages were routed to the new
- // destination.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(WorkerProcessHostMsg_QueueMessages,
- int /* message_port_id */)
- // Sends the browser all the queued messages that arrived at this message port
- // after it was sent in a postMessage call.
- // NOTE: MSVS can't compile the macro if std::vector<std::pair<string16, int> >
- // is used, so we typedef it in worker_messages.h.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(WorkerProcessHostMsg_SendQueuedMessages,
- int /* message_port_id */,
- std::vector<QueuedMessage> /* queued_messages */)
- // Sent by the worker process to check whether access to web databases is
- // granted by content settings.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(WorkerProcessHostMsg_AllowDatabase,
- GURL /* origin url */,
- string16 /* database name */,
- string16 /* database display name */,
- unsigned long /* estimated size */,
- bool /* result */)
+// Note: these Message Port related messages can also be sent out from the
+// renderer process. Putting them here since we don't have a shared place
+// like common_messages_internal.h
+// Creates a new Message Port Channel object. The first paramaeter is the
+// message port channel's routing id in this process. The second parameter
+// is the process-wide-unique identifier for that port.
+ int /* route_id */,
+ int /* message_port_id */)
+// Sent when a Message Port Channel object is destroyed.
+ int /* message_port_id */)
+// Sends a message to a message port. Optionally sends a message port as
+// as well if sent_message_port_id != MSG_ROUTING_NONE.
+ int /* sender_message_port_id */,
+ string16 /* message */,
+ std::vector<int> /* sent_message_port_ids */)
+// Causes messages sent to the remote port to be delivered to this local port.
+ int /* local_message_port_id */,
+ int /* remote_message_port_id */)
+// Causes the browser to queue messages sent to this port until the the port
+// has made sure that all in-flight messages were routed to the new
+// destination.
+ int /* message_port_id */)
+// Sends the browser all the queued messages that arrived at this message port
+// after it was sent in a postMessage call.
+// NOTE: MSVS can't compile the macro if std::vector<std::pair<string16, int> >
+// is used, so we typedef it in worker_messages.h.
+ int /* message_port_id */,
+ std::vector<QueuedMessage> /* queued_messages */)
+// Sent by the worker process to check whether access to web databases is
+// granted by content settings.
+ GURL /* origin url */,
+ string16 /* database name */,
+ string16 /* database display name */,
+ unsigned long /* estimated size */,
+ bool /* result */)
// Worker messages
// These are messages sent from the renderer process to the worker process.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(WorkerMsg_StartWorkerContext,
- GURL /* url */,
- string16 /* user_agent */,
- string16 /* source_code */)
+ GURL /* url */,
+ string16 /* user_agent */,
+ string16 /* source_code */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(WorkerMsg_TerminateWorkerContext)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(WorkerMsg_PostMessage,
- string16 /* message */,
- std::vector<int> /* sent_message_port_ids */,
- std::vector<int> /* new_routing_ids */)
+ string16 /* message */,
+ std::vector<int> /* sent_message_port_ids */,
+ std::vector<int> /* new_routing_ids */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(WorkerMsg_Connect,
- int /* sent_message_port_id */,
- int /* routing_id */)
+ int /* sent_message_port_id */,
+ int /* routing_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(WorkerMsg_WorkerObjectDestroyed)
// WorkerHost messages
// These are messages sent from the worker process to the renderer process.
- // WorkerMsg_PostMessage is also sent here.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(WorkerHostMsg_PostExceptionToWorkerObject,
- string16 /* error_message */,
- int /* line_number */,
- string16 /* source_url*/)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(WorkerHostMsg_PostConsoleMessageToWorkerObject,
- WorkerHostMsg_PostConsoleMessageToWorkerObject_Params)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(WorkerHostMsg_ConfirmMessageFromWorkerObject,
- bool /* bool has_pending_activity */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(WorkerHostMsg_ReportPendingActivity,
- bool /* bool has_pending_activity */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(WorkerHostMsg_WorkerContextClosed,
- int /* worker_route_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(WorkerHostMsg_WorkerContextDestroyed)
+// WorkerMsg_PostMessage is also sent here.
+ string16 /* error_message */,
+ int /* line_number */,
+ string16 /* source_url*/)
+ WorkerHostMsg_PostConsoleMessageToWorkerObject_Params)
+ bool /* bool has_pending_activity */)
+ bool /* bool has_pending_activity */)
+ int /* worker_route_id */)