path: root/chrome/views/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/views/')
1 files changed, 422 insertions, 422 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/views/ b/chrome/views/
index aec1b9b..e1f80bb0 100644
--- a/chrome/views/
+++ b/chrome/views/
@@ -1,422 +1,422 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/string_util.h"
-#include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h"
-#include "chrome/views/border.h"
-#include "chrome/views/label.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace views {
-// All text sizing measurements (width and height) should be greater than this.
-const int kMinTextDimension = 4;
-TEST(LabelTest, FontProperty) {
- Label label;
- std::wstring font_name(L"courier");
- ChromeFont font = ChromeFont::CreateFont(font_name, 30);
- label.SetFont(font);
- ChromeFont font_used = label.GetFont();
- EXPECT_STREQ(font_name.c_str(), font_used.FontName().c_str());
- EXPECT_EQ(30, font_used.FontSize());
-TEST(LabelTest, TextProperty) {
- Label label;
- std::wstring test_text(L"A random string.");
- label.SetText(test_text);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), label.GetText().c_str());
-TEST(LabelTest, UrlProperty) {
- Label label;
- std::string my_url("");
- GURL url(my_url);
- label.SetURL(url);
- EXPECT_STREQ(my_url.c_str(), label.GetURL().spec().c_str());
- EXPECT_STREQ(UTF8ToWide(my_url).c_str(), label.GetText().c_str());
-TEST(LabelTest, ColorProperty) {
- Label label;
- SkColor color = SkColorSetARGB(20, 40, 10, 5);
- label.SetColor(color);
- EXPECT_EQ(color, label.GetColor());
-TEST(LabelTest, AlignmentProperty) {
- Label label;
- bool reverse_alignment =
- l10n_util::GetTextDirection() == l10n_util::RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- reverse_alignment ? Label::ALIGN_LEFT : Label::ALIGN_RIGHT,
- label.GetHorizontalAlignment());
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
- reverse_alignment ? Label::ALIGN_RIGHT : Label::ALIGN_LEFT,
- label.GetHorizontalAlignment());
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_CENTER);
- EXPECT_EQ(Label::ALIGN_CENTER, label.GetHorizontalAlignment());
-TEST(LabelTest, MultiLineProperty) {
- Label label;
- EXPECT_FALSE(label.IsMultiLine());
- label.SetMultiLine(true);
- EXPECT_TRUE(label.IsMultiLine());
- label.SetMultiLine(false);
- EXPECT_FALSE(label.IsMultiLine());
-TEST(LabelTest, TooltipProperty) {
- Label label;
- std::wstring test_text(L"My cool string.");
- label.SetText(test_text);
- std::wstring tooltip;
- EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), tooltip.c_str());
- std::wstring tooltip_text(L"The tooltip!");
- label.SetTooltipText(tooltip_text);
- EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
- EXPECT_STREQ(tooltip_text.c_str(), tooltip.c_str());
- std::wstring empty_text;
- label.SetTooltipText(empty_text);
- EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), tooltip.c_str());
- // Make the label big enough to hold the text
- // and expect there to be no tooltip.
- label.SetBounds(0, 0, 1000, 40);
- EXPECT_FALSE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
- // Verify that setting the tooltip still shows it.
- label.SetTooltipText(tooltip_text);
- EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
- EXPECT_STREQ(tooltip_text.c_str(), tooltip.c_str());
- // Clear out the tooltip.
- label.SetTooltipText(empty_text);
- // Shrink the bounds and the tooltip should come back.
- label.SetBounds(0, 0, 1, 1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
- // Make the label multiline and there is no tooltip again.
- label.SetMultiLine(true);
- EXPECT_FALSE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
- // Verify that setting the tooltip still shows it.
- label.SetTooltipText(tooltip_text);
- EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
- EXPECT_STREQ(tooltip_text.c_str(), tooltip.c_str());
- // Clear out the tooltip.
- label.SetTooltipText(empty_text);
-TEST(LabelTest, Accessibility) {
- Label label;
- std::wstring test_text(L"My special text.");
- label.SetText(test_text);
- VARIANT role;
- ::VariantInit(&role);
- EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetAccessibleRole(&role));
- EXPECT_EQ(VT_I4, role.vt);
- std::wstring name;
- EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetAccessibleName(&name));
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), name.c_str());
- VARIANT state;
- ::VariantInit(&state);
- state.vt = VT_I4;
- state.lVal = 0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetAccessibleState(&state));
- EXPECT_EQ(VT_I4, state.vt);
-TEST(LabelTest, SingleLineSizing) {
- Label label;
- std::wstring test_text(L"A not so random string in one line.");
- label.SetText(test_text);
- // GetPreferredSize
- gfx::Size required_size = label.GetPreferredSize();
- EXPECT_GT(required_size.height(), kMinTextDimension);
- EXPECT_GT(required_size.width(), kMinTextDimension);
- // Test everything with borders.
- gfx::Insets border(10, 20, 30, 40);
- label.set_border(Border::CreateEmptyBorder(,
- border.left(),
- border.bottom(),
- border.right()));
- // GetPreferredSize and borders.
- label.SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
- gfx::Size required_size_with_border = label.GetPreferredSize();
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size_with_border.height(),
- required_size.height() + border.height());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size_with_border.width(),
- required_size.width() + border.width());
-TEST(LabelTest, MultiLineSizing) {
- Label label;
- std::wstring test_text(L"A random string\nwith multiple lines\nand returns!");
- label.SetText(test_text);
- label.SetMultiLine(true);
- // GetPreferredSize
- gfx::Size required_size = label.GetPreferredSize();
- EXPECT_GT(required_size.height(), kMinTextDimension);
- EXPECT_GT(required_size.width(), kMinTextDimension);
- // SizeToFit with unlimited width.
- label.SizeToFit(0);
- int required_width = label.GetLocalBounds(true).width();
- EXPECT_GT(required_width, kMinTextDimension);
- // SizeToFit with limited width.
- label.SizeToFit(required_width - 1);
- int constrained_width = label.GetLocalBounds(true).width();
- EXPECT_LT(constrained_width, required_width);
- EXPECT_GT(constrained_width, kMinTextDimension);
- // Change the width back to the desire width.
- label.SizeToFit(required_width);
- EXPECT_EQ(required_width, label.GetLocalBounds(true).width());
- // General tests for GetHeightForWidth.
- int required_height = label.GetHeightForWidth(required_width);
- EXPECT_GT(required_height, kMinTextDimension);
- int height_for_constrained_width = label.GetHeightForWidth(constrained_width);
- EXPECT_GT(height_for_constrained_width, required_height);
- // Using the constrained width or the required_width - 1 should give the
- // same result for the height because the constrainted width is the tight
- // width when given "required_width - 1" as the max width.
- EXPECT_EQ(height_for_constrained_width,
- label.GetHeightForWidth(required_width - 1));
- // Test everything with borders.
- gfx::Insets border(10, 20, 30, 40);
- label.set_border(Border::CreateEmptyBorder(,
- border.left(),
- border.bottom(),
- border.right()));
- // SizeToFit and borders.
- label.SizeToFit(0);
- int required_width_with_border = label.GetLocalBounds(true).width();
- EXPECT_EQ(required_width_with_border, required_width + border.width());
- // GetHeightForWidth and borders.
- int required_height_with_border =
- label.GetHeightForWidth(required_width_with_border);
- EXPECT_EQ(required_height_with_border, required_height + border.height());
- // Test that the border width is subtracted before doing the height
- // calculation. If it is, then the height will grow when width
- // is shrunk.
- int height1 = label.GetHeightForWidth(required_width_with_border - 1);
- EXPECT_GT(height1, required_height_with_border);
- EXPECT_EQ(height1, height_for_constrained_width + border.height());
- // GetPreferredSize and borders.
- label.SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
- gfx::Size required_size_with_border = label.GetPreferredSize();
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size_with_border.height(),
- required_size.height() + border.height());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size_with_border.width(),
- required_size.width() + border.width());
-TEST(LabelTest, DrawSingleLineString) {
- Label label;
- // Turn off mirroring so that we don't need to figure out if
- // align right really means align left.
- label.EnableUIMirroringForRTLLanguages(false);
- std::wstring test_text(L"Here's a string with no returns.");
- label.SetText(test_text);
- gfx::Size required_size(label.GetPreferredSize());
- gfx::Size extra(22, 8);
- label.SetBounds(0,
- 0,
- required_size.width() + extra.width(),
- required_size.height() + extra.height());
- // Do some basic verifications for all three alignments.
- std::wstring paint_text;
- gfx::Rect text_bounds;
- int flags;
- // Centered text.
- label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
- // The text should be centered horizontally and vertically.
- EXPECT_EQ(extra.width() / 2, text_bounds.x());
- EXPECT_EQ(extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
- // Left aligned text.
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
- paint_text.clear();
- text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
- // The text should be left aligned horizontally and centered vertically.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.x());
- EXPECT_EQ(extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
- // Right aligned text.
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- paint_text.clear();
- text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
- // The text should be right aligned horizontally and centered vertically.
- EXPECT_EQ(extra.width(), text_bounds.x());
- EXPECT_EQ(extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
- // Test single line drawing with a border.
- gfx::Insets border(39, 34, 8, 96);
- label.set_border(Border::CreateEmptyBorder(,
- border.left(),
- border.bottom(),
- border.right()));
- gfx::Size required_size_with_border(label.GetPreferredSize());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width() + border.width(),
- required_size_with_border.width());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height() + border.height(),
- required_size_with_border.height());
- label.SetBounds(0,
- 0,
- required_size_with_border.width() + extra.width(),
- required_size_with_border.height() + extra.height());
- // Centered text with border.
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_CENTER);
- paint_text.clear();
- text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
- // The text should be centered horizontally and vertically within the border.
- EXPECT_EQ(border.left() + extra.width() / 2, text_bounds.x());
- EXPECT_EQ( + extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
- // Left aligned text with border.
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
- paint_text.clear();
- text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
- // The text should be left aligned horizontally and centered vertically.
- EXPECT_EQ(border.left(), text_bounds.x());
- EXPECT_EQ( + extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
- // Right aligned text.
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- paint_text.clear();
- text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
- // The text should be right aligned horizontally and centered vertically.
- EXPECT_EQ(border.left() + extra.width(), text_bounds.x());
- EXPECT_EQ( + extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
- EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
-TEST(LabelTest, DrawMultiLineString) {
- Label label;
- // Turn off mirroring so that we don't need to figure out if
- // align right really means align left.
- label.EnableUIMirroringForRTLLanguages(false);
- std::wstring test_text(L"Another string\nwith returns\n\n!");
- label.SetText(test_text);
- label.SetMultiLine(true);
- label.SizeToFit(0);
- // Do some basic verifications for all three alignments.
- std::wstring paint_text;
- gfx::Rect text_bounds;
- int flags;
- label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.x());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.y());
- EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.width(), kMinTextDimension);
- EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.height(), kMinTextDimension);
- EXPECT_EQ(ChromeCanvas::MULTI_LINE | ChromeCanvas::TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, flags);
- gfx::Rect center_bounds(text_bounds);
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
- paint_text.clear();
- text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.x());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.y());
- EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.width(), kMinTextDimension);
- EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.height(), kMinTextDimension);
- EXPECT_EQ(ChromeCanvas::MULTI_LINE | ChromeCanvas::TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, flags);
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
- paint_text.clear();
- text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.x());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.y());
- EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.width(), kMinTextDimension);
- EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.height(), kMinTextDimension);
- EXPECT_EQ(ChromeCanvas::MULTI_LINE | ChromeCanvas::TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, flags);
- // Test multiline drawing with a border.
- gfx::Insets border(19, 92, 23, 2);
- label.set_border(Border::CreateEmptyBorder(,
- border.left(),
- border.bottom(),
- border.right()));
- label.SizeToFit(0);
- label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_CENTER);
- paint_text.clear();
- text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
- EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
- EXPECT_EQ(center_bounds.x() + border.left(), text_bounds.x());
- EXPECT_EQ(center_bounds.y() +, text_bounds.y());
- EXPECT_EQ(center_bounds.width(), text_bounds.width());
- EXPECT_EQ(center_bounds.height(), text_bounds.height());
- EXPECT_EQ(ChromeCanvas::MULTI_LINE | ChromeCanvas::TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, flags);
-} // namespace views
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h"
+#include "chrome/views/border.h"
+#include "chrome/views/label.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace views {
+// All text sizing measurements (width and height) should be greater than this.
+const int kMinTextDimension = 4;
+TEST(LabelTest, FontProperty) {
+ Label label;
+ std::wstring font_name(L"courier");
+ ChromeFont font = ChromeFont::CreateFont(font_name, 30);
+ label.SetFont(font);
+ ChromeFont font_used = label.GetFont();
+ EXPECT_STREQ(font_name.c_str(), font_used.FontName().c_str());
+ EXPECT_EQ(30, font_used.FontSize());
+TEST(LabelTest, TextProperty) {
+ Label label;
+ std::wstring test_text(L"A random string.");
+ label.SetText(test_text);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), label.GetText().c_str());
+TEST(LabelTest, UrlProperty) {
+ Label label;
+ std::string my_url("");
+ GURL url(my_url);
+ label.SetURL(url);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(my_url.c_str(), label.GetURL().spec().c_str());
+ EXPECT_STREQ(UTF8ToWide(my_url).c_str(), label.GetText().c_str());
+TEST(LabelTest, ColorProperty) {
+ Label label;
+ SkColor color = SkColorSetARGB(20, 40, 10, 5);
+ label.SetColor(color);
+ EXPECT_EQ(color, label.GetColor());
+TEST(LabelTest, AlignmentProperty) {
+ Label label;
+ bool reverse_alignment =
+ l10n_util::GetTextDirection() == l10n_util::RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
+ reverse_alignment ? Label::ALIGN_LEFT : Label::ALIGN_RIGHT,
+ label.GetHorizontalAlignment());
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ reverse_alignment ? Label::ALIGN_RIGHT : Label::ALIGN_LEFT,
+ label.GetHorizontalAlignment());
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_CENTER);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Label::ALIGN_CENTER, label.GetHorizontalAlignment());
+TEST(LabelTest, MultiLineProperty) {
+ Label label;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(label.IsMultiLine());
+ label.SetMultiLine(true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(label.IsMultiLine());
+ label.SetMultiLine(false);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(label.IsMultiLine());
+TEST(LabelTest, TooltipProperty) {
+ Label label;
+ std::wstring test_text(L"My cool string.");
+ label.SetText(test_text);
+ std::wstring tooltip;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), tooltip.c_str());
+ std::wstring tooltip_text(L"The tooltip!");
+ label.SetTooltipText(tooltip_text);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
+ EXPECT_STREQ(tooltip_text.c_str(), tooltip.c_str());
+ std::wstring empty_text;
+ label.SetTooltipText(empty_text);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), tooltip.c_str());
+ // Make the label big enough to hold the text
+ // and expect there to be no tooltip.
+ label.SetBounds(0, 0, 1000, 40);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
+ // Verify that setting the tooltip still shows it.
+ label.SetTooltipText(tooltip_text);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
+ EXPECT_STREQ(tooltip_text.c_str(), tooltip.c_str());
+ // Clear out the tooltip.
+ label.SetTooltipText(empty_text);
+ // Shrink the bounds and the tooltip should come back.
+ label.SetBounds(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
+ // Make the label multiline and there is no tooltip again.
+ label.SetMultiLine(true);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
+ // Verify that setting the tooltip still shows it.
+ label.SetTooltipText(tooltip_text);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetTooltipText(0, 0, &tooltip));
+ EXPECT_STREQ(tooltip_text.c_str(), tooltip.c_str());
+ // Clear out the tooltip.
+ label.SetTooltipText(empty_text);
+TEST(LabelTest, Accessibility) {
+ Label label;
+ std::wstring test_text(L"My special text.");
+ label.SetText(test_text);
+ VARIANT role;
+ ::VariantInit(&role);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetAccessibleRole(&role));
+ EXPECT_EQ(VT_I4, role.vt);
+ std::wstring name;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetAccessibleName(&name));
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), name.c_str());
+ VARIANT state;
+ ::VariantInit(&state);
+ state.vt = VT_I4;
+ state.lVal = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(label.GetAccessibleState(&state));
+ EXPECT_EQ(VT_I4, state.vt);
+TEST(LabelTest, SingleLineSizing) {
+ Label label;
+ std::wstring test_text(L"A not so random string in one line.");
+ label.SetText(test_text);
+ // GetPreferredSize
+ gfx::Size required_size = label.GetPreferredSize();
+ EXPECT_GT(required_size.height(), kMinTextDimension);
+ EXPECT_GT(required_size.width(), kMinTextDimension);
+ // Test everything with borders.
+ gfx::Insets border(10, 20, 30, 40);
+ label.set_border(Border::CreateEmptyBorder(,
+ border.left(),
+ border.bottom(),
+ border.right()));
+ // GetPreferredSize and borders.
+ label.SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ gfx::Size required_size_with_border = label.GetPreferredSize();
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size_with_border.height(),
+ required_size.height() + border.height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size_with_border.width(),
+ required_size.width() + border.width());
+TEST(LabelTest, MultiLineSizing) {
+ Label label;
+ std::wstring test_text(L"A random string\nwith multiple lines\nand returns!");
+ label.SetText(test_text);
+ label.SetMultiLine(true);
+ // GetPreferredSize
+ gfx::Size required_size = label.GetPreferredSize();
+ EXPECT_GT(required_size.height(), kMinTextDimension);
+ EXPECT_GT(required_size.width(), kMinTextDimension);
+ // SizeToFit with unlimited width.
+ label.SizeToFit(0);
+ int required_width = label.GetLocalBounds(true).width();
+ EXPECT_GT(required_width, kMinTextDimension);
+ // SizeToFit with limited width.
+ label.SizeToFit(required_width - 1);
+ int constrained_width = label.GetLocalBounds(true).width();
+ EXPECT_LT(constrained_width, required_width);
+ EXPECT_GT(constrained_width, kMinTextDimension);
+ // Change the width back to the desire width.
+ label.SizeToFit(required_width);
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_width, label.GetLocalBounds(true).width());
+ // General tests for GetHeightForWidth.
+ int required_height = label.GetHeightForWidth(required_width);
+ EXPECT_GT(required_height, kMinTextDimension);
+ int height_for_constrained_width = label.GetHeightForWidth(constrained_width);
+ EXPECT_GT(height_for_constrained_width, required_height);
+ // Using the constrained width or the required_width - 1 should give the
+ // same result for the height because the constrainted width is the tight
+ // width when given "required_width - 1" as the max width.
+ EXPECT_EQ(height_for_constrained_width,
+ label.GetHeightForWidth(required_width - 1));
+ // Test everything with borders.
+ gfx::Insets border(10, 20, 30, 40);
+ label.set_border(Border::CreateEmptyBorder(,
+ border.left(),
+ border.bottom(),
+ border.right()));
+ // SizeToFit and borders.
+ label.SizeToFit(0);
+ int required_width_with_border = label.GetLocalBounds(true).width();
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_width_with_border, required_width + border.width());
+ // GetHeightForWidth and borders.
+ int required_height_with_border =
+ label.GetHeightForWidth(required_width_with_border);
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_height_with_border, required_height + border.height());
+ // Test that the border width is subtracted before doing the height
+ // calculation. If it is, then the height will grow when width
+ // is shrunk.
+ int height1 = label.GetHeightForWidth(required_width_with_border - 1);
+ EXPECT_GT(height1, required_height_with_border);
+ EXPECT_EQ(height1, height_for_constrained_width + border.height());
+ // GetPreferredSize and borders.
+ label.SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ gfx::Size required_size_with_border = label.GetPreferredSize();
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size_with_border.height(),
+ required_size.height() + border.height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size_with_border.width(),
+ required_size.width() + border.width());
+TEST(LabelTest, DrawSingleLineString) {
+ Label label;
+ // Turn off mirroring so that we don't need to figure out if
+ // align right really means align left.
+ label.EnableUIMirroringForRTLLanguages(false);
+ std::wstring test_text(L"Here's a string with no returns.");
+ label.SetText(test_text);
+ gfx::Size required_size(label.GetPreferredSize());
+ gfx::Size extra(22, 8);
+ label.SetBounds(0,
+ 0,
+ required_size.width() + extra.width(),
+ required_size.height() + extra.height());
+ // Do some basic verifications for all three alignments.
+ std::wstring paint_text;
+ gfx::Rect text_bounds;
+ int flags;
+ // Centered text.
+ label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
+ // The text should be centered horizontally and vertically.
+ EXPECT_EQ(extra.width() / 2, text_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
+ // Left aligned text.
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ paint_text.clear();
+ text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
+ // The text should be left aligned horizontally and centered vertically.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
+ // Right aligned text.
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
+ paint_text.clear();
+ text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
+ // The text should be right aligned horizontally and centered vertically.
+ EXPECT_EQ(extra.width(), text_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
+ // Test single line drawing with a border.
+ gfx::Insets border(39, 34, 8, 96);
+ label.set_border(Border::CreateEmptyBorder(,
+ border.left(),
+ border.bottom(),
+ border.right()));
+ gfx::Size required_size_with_border(label.GetPreferredSize());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width() + border.width(),
+ required_size_with_border.width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height() + border.height(),
+ required_size_with_border.height());
+ label.SetBounds(0,
+ 0,
+ required_size_with_border.width() + extra.width(),
+ required_size_with_border.height() + extra.height());
+ // Centered text with border.
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_CENTER);
+ paint_text.clear();
+ text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
+ // The text should be centered horizontally and vertically within the border.
+ EXPECT_EQ(border.left() + extra.width() / 2, text_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ( + extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
+ // Left aligned text with border.
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ paint_text.clear();
+ text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
+ // The text should be left aligned horizontally and centered vertically.
+ EXPECT_EQ(border.left(), text_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ( + extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
+ // Right aligned text.
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
+ paint_text.clear();
+ text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
+ // The text should be right aligned horizontally and centered vertically.
+ EXPECT_EQ(border.left() + extra.width(), text_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ( + extra.height() / 2 , text_bounds.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.width(), text_bounds.width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(required_size.height(), text_bounds.height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, flags);
+TEST(LabelTest, DrawMultiLineString) {
+ Label label;
+ // Turn off mirroring so that we don't need to figure out if
+ // align right really means align left.
+ label.EnableUIMirroringForRTLLanguages(false);
+ std::wstring test_text(L"Another string\nwith returns\n\n!");
+ label.SetText(test_text);
+ label.SetMultiLine(true);
+ label.SizeToFit(0);
+ // Do some basic verifications for all three alignments.
+ std::wstring paint_text;
+ gfx::Rect text_bounds;
+ int flags;
+ label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.y());
+ EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.width(), kMinTextDimension);
+ EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.height(), kMinTextDimension);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ChromeCanvas::MULTI_LINE | ChromeCanvas::TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, flags);
+ gfx::Rect center_bounds(text_bounds);
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_LEFT);
+ paint_text.clear();
+ text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.y());
+ EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.width(), kMinTextDimension);
+ EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.height(), kMinTextDimension);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ChromeCanvas::MULTI_LINE | ChromeCanvas::TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, flags);
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_RIGHT);
+ paint_text.clear();
+ text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, text_bounds.y());
+ EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.width(), kMinTextDimension);
+ EXPECT_GT(text_bounds.height(), kMinTextDimension);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ChromeCanvas::MULTI_LINE | ChromeCanvas::TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, flags);
+ // Test multiline drawing with a border.
+ gfx::Insets border(19, 92, 23, 2);
+ label.set_border(Border::CreateEmptyBorder(,
+ border.left(),
+ border.bottom(),
+ border.right()));
+ label.SizeToFit(0);
+ label.SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_CENTER);
+ paint_text.clear();
+ text_bounds.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ label.CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(test_text.c_str(), paint_text.c_str());
+ EXPECT_EQ(center_bounds.x() + border.left(), text_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(center_bounds.y() +, text_bounds.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(center_bounds.width(), text_bounds.width());
+ EXPECT_EQ(center_bounds.height(), text_bounds.height());
+ EXPECT_EQ(ChromeCanvas::MULTI_LINE | ChromeCanvas::TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, flags);
+} // namespace views