path: root/chrome/views/
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1 files changed, 1194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/views/ b/chrome/views/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bf24ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,1194 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/views/window.h"
+#include <shellapi.h>
+#include "base/win_util.h"
+#include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h"
+#include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_canvas.h"
+#include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_font.h"
+#include "chrome/common/gfx/icon_util.h"
+#include "chrome/common/gfx/path.h"
+#include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_service.h"
+#include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h"
+#include "chrome/common/win_util.h"
+#include "chrome/views/client_view.h"
+#include "chrome/views/custom_frame_view.h"
+#include "chrome/views/native_frame_view.h"
+#include "chrome/views/non_client_view.h"
+#include "chrome/views/root_view.h"
+#include "chrome/views/window_delegate.h"
+#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
+namespace views {
+// A scoping class that prevents a window from being able to redraw in response
+// to invalidations that may occur within it for the lifetime of the object.
+// Why would we want such a thing? Well, it turns out Windows has some
+// "unorthodox" behavior when it comes to painting its non-client areas.
+// Occasionally, Windows will paint portions of the default non-client area
+// right over the top of the custom frame. This is not simply fixed by handling
+// WM_NCPAINT/WM_PAINT, with some investigation it turns out that this
+// rendering is being done *inside* the default implementation of some message
+// handlers and functions:
+// . EnableMenuItem, called from our WM_INITMENU handler
+// The solution is to handle these messages and call DefWindowProc ourselves,
+// but prevent the window from being able to update itself for the duration of
+// the call. We do this with this class, which automatically calls its
+// associated Window's lock and unlock functions as it is created and destroyed.
+// See documentation in those methods for the technique used.
+// IMPORTANT: Do not use this scoping object for large scopes or periods of
+// I would love to hear Raymond Chen's explanation for all this. And maybe a
+// list of other messages that this applies to ;-)
+class Window::ScopedRedrawLock {
+ public:
+ explicit ScopedRedrawLock(Window* window) : window_(window) {
+ window_->LockUpdates();
+ }
+ ~ScopedRedrawLock() {
+ window_->UnlockUpdates();
+ }
+ private:
+ // The window having its style changed.
+ Window* window_;
+HCURSOR Window::resize_cursors_[6];
+// If the hung renderer warning doesn't fit on screen, the amount of padding to
+// be left between the edge of the window and the edge of the nearest monitor,
+// after the window is nudged back on screen. Pixels.
+static const int kMonitorEdgePadding = 10;
+// Window, public:
+Window::~Window() {
+// static
+Window* Window::CreateChromeWindow(HWND parent,
+ const gfx::Rect& bounds,
+ WindowDelegate* window_delegate) {
+ Window* window = new Window(window_delegate);
+ window->non_client_view_->SetFrameView(window->CreateFrameViewForWindow());
+ window->Init(parent, bounds);
+ return window;
+gfx::Size Window::CalculateMaximumSize() const {
+ // If this is a top level window, the maximum size is the size of the working
+ // rect of the display the window is on, less padding. If this is a child
+ // (constrained) window, the maximum size of this Window are the bounds of the
+ // parent window, less padding.
+ DCHECK(GetNativeView()) << "Cannot calculate maximum size before Init() is called";
+ gfx::Rect working_rect;
+ HWND parent_hwnd = ::GetParent(GetNativeView());
+ if (parent_hwnd) {
+ RECT parent_rect;
+ ::GetClientRect(parent_hwnd, &parent_rect);
+ working_rect = parent_rect;
+ } else {
+ HMONITOR current_monitor =
+ ::MonitorFromWindow(GetNativeView(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
+ mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
+ ::GetMonitorInfo(current_monitor, &mi);
+ working_rect = mi.rcWork;
+ }
+ working_rect.Inset(kMonitorEdgePadding, kMonitorEdgePadding);
+ return working_rect.size();
+void Window::Show() {
+ int show_state = GetShowState();
+ if (saved_maximized_state_)
+ show_state = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED;
+ Show(show_state);
+void Window::Show(int show_state) {
+ ShowWindow(show_state);
+ // When launched from certain programs like bash and Windows Live Messenger,
+ // show_state is set to SW_HIDE, so we need to correct that condition. We
+ // don't just change show_state to SW_SHOWNORMAL because MSDN says we must
+ // always first call ShowWindow with the specified value from STARTUPINFO,
+ // otherwise all future ShowWindow calls will be ignored (!!#@@#!). Instead,
+ // we call ShowWindow again in this case.
+ if (show_state == SW_HIDE) {
+ show_state = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
+ ShowWindow(show_state);
+ }
+ // We need to explicitly activate the window if we've been shown with a state
+ // that should activate, because if we're opened from a desktop shortcut while
+ // an existing window is already running it doesn't seem to be enough to use
+ // one of these flags to activate the window.
+ if (show_state == SW_SHOWNORMAL)
+ Activate();
+ SetInitialFocus();
+int Window::GetShowState() const {
+void Window::Activate() {
+ if (IsMinimized())
+ ::ShowWindow(GetNativeView(), SW_RESTORE);
+ ::SetWindowPos(GetNativeView(), HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE);
+ SetForegroundWindow(GetNativeView());
+void Window::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
+ SetBounds(bounds, NULL);
+void Window::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds, HWND other_hwnd) {
+ win_util::SetChildBounds(GetNativeView(), GetParent(), other_hwnd, bounds,
+ kMonitorEdgePadding, 0);
+void Window::Close() {
+ if (window_closed_) {
+ // It appears we can hit this code path if you close a modal dialog then
+ // close the last browser before the destructor is hit, which triggers
+ // invoking Close again. I'm short circuiting this code path to avoid
+ // calling into the delegate twice, which is problematic.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (non_client_view_->CanClose()) {
+ SaveWindowPosition();
+ RestoreEnabledIfNecessary();
+ WidgetWin::Close();
+ // If the user activates another app after opening us, then comes back and
+ // closes us, we want our owner to gain activation. But only if the owner
+ // is visible. If we don't manually force that here, the other app will
+ // regain activation instead.
+ if (owning_hwnd_ && GetNativeView() == GetForegroundWindow() &&
+ IsWindowVisible(owning_hwnd_)) {
+ SetForegroundWindow(owning_hwnd_);
+ }
+ window_closed_ = true;
+ }
+bool Window::IsMaximized() const {
+ return !!::IsZoomed(GetNativeView());
+bool Window::IsMinimized() const {
+ return !!::IsIconic(GetNativeView());
+void Window::EnableClose(bool enable) {
+ // If the native frame is rendering its own close button, ask it to disable.
+ non_client_view_->EnableClose(enable);
+ // Disable the native frame's close button regardless of whether or not the
+ // native frame is in use, since this also affects the system menu.
+ EnableMenuItem(GetSystemMenu(GetNativeView(), false),
+ // Let the window know the frame changed.
+ SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+void Window::DisableInactiveRendering() {
+ disable_inactive_rendering_ = true;
+ non_client_view_->DisableInactiveRendering(disable_inactive_rendering_);
+void Window::UpdateWindowTitle() {
+ // If the non-client view is rendering its own title, it'll need to relayout
+ // now.
+ non_client_view_->Layout();
+ // Update the native frame's text. We do this regardless of whether or not
+ // the native frame is being used, since this also updates the taskbar, etc.
+ std::wstring window_title = window_delegate_->GetWindowTitle();
+ std::wstring localized_text;
+ if (l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(window_title, &localized_text))
+ window_title.assign(localized_text);
+ SetWindowText(GetNativeView(), window_title.c_str());
+void Window::UpdateWindowIcon() {
+ // If the non-client view is rendering its own icon, we need to tell it to
+ // repaint.
+ non_client_view_->SchedulePaint();
+ // Update the native frame's icon. We do this regardless of whether or not
+ // the native frame is being used, since this also updates the taskbar, etc.
+ SkBitmap icon = window_delegate_->GetWindowIcon();
+ if (!icon.isNull()) {
+ HICON windows_icon = IconUtil::CreateHICONFromSkBitmap(icon);
+ // We need to make sure to destroy the previous icon, otherwise we'll leak
+ // these GDI objects until we crash!
+ HICON old_icon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(
+ SendMessage(GetNativeView(), WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(windows_icon)));
+ if (old_icon)
+ DestroyIcon(old_icon);
+ old_icon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(
+ SendMessage(GetNativeView(), WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(windows_icon)));
+ if (old_icon)
+ DestroyIcon(old_icon);
+ }
+void Window::ExecuteSystemMenuCommand(int command) {
+ if (command)
+ SendMessage(GetNativeView(), WM_SYSCOMMAND, command, 0);
+gfx::Rect Window::GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds(
+ const gfx::Rect& client_bounds) {
+ return non_client_view_->GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds(client_bounds);
+// static
+int Window::GetLocalizedContentsWidth(int col_resource_id) {
+ double chars = _wtof(l10n_util::GetString(col_resource_id).c_str());
+ ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
+ ChromeFont font = rb.GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont);
+ int width = font.GetExpectedTextWidth(static_cast<int>(chars));
+ DCHECK(width > 0);
+ return width;
+// static
+int Window::GetLocalizedContentsHeight(int row_resource_id) {
+ double lines = _wtof(l10n_util::GetString(row_resource_id).c_str());
+ ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance();
+ ChromeFont font = rb.GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont);
+ int height = static_cast<int>(font.height() * lines);
+ DCHECK(height > 0);
+ return height;
+// static
+gfx::Size Window::GetLocalizedContentsSize(int col_resource_id,
+ int row_resource_id) {
+ return gfx::Size(GetLocalizedContentsWidth(col_resource_id),
+ GetLocalizedContentsHeight(row_resource_id));
+// Window, NotificationObserver implementation:
+void Window::Observe(NotificationType type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ // This window is closed when the last app window is closed.
+ DCHECK(type == NotificationType::ALL_APPWINDOWS_CLOSED);
+ // Only registered as an observer when we're not an app window.
+ // XXX DCHECK(!IsAppWindow());
+ Close();
+// Window, protected:
+Window::Window(WindowDelegate* window_delegate)
+ : WidgetWin(),
+ focus_on_creation_(true),
+ window_delegate_(window_delegate),
+ non_client_view_(new NonClientView(this)),
+ owning_hwnd_(NULL),
+ minimum_size_(100, 100),
+ is_modal_(false),
+ restored_enabled_(false),
+ is_always_on_top_(false),
+ window_closed_(false),
+ disable_inactive_rendering_(false),
+ is_active_(false),
+ lock_updates_(false),
+ saved_window_style_(0),
+ saved_maximized_state_(0),
+ force_hidden_(false) {
+ InitClass();
+ DCHECK(window_delegate_);
+ window_delegate_->window_.reset(this);
+ // Initialize these values to 0 so that subclasses can override the default
+ // behavior before calling Init.
+ set_window_style(0);
+ set_window_ex_style(0);
+void Window::Init(HWND parent, const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
+ // We need to save the parent window, since later calls to GetParent() will
+ // return NULL.
+ owning_hwnd_ = parent;
+ // We call this after initializing our members since our implementations of
+ // assorted WidgetWin functions may be called during initialization.
+ is_modal_ = window_delegate_->IsModal();
+ if (is_modal_)
+ BecomeModal();
+ is_always_on_top_ = window_delegate_->IsAlwaysOnTop();
+ if (window_style() == 0)
+ set_window_style(CalculateWindowStyle());
+ if (window_ex_style() == 0)
+ set_window_ex_style(CalculateWindowExStyle());
+ WidgetWin::Init(parent, bounds, true);
+ win_util::SetWindowUserData(GetNativeView(), this);
+ // Create the ClientView, add it to the NonClientView and add the
+ // NonClientView to the RootView. This will cause everything to be parented.
+ non_client_view_->set_client_view(window_delegate_->CreateClientView(this));
+ WidgetWin::SetContentsView(non_client_view_);
+ UpdateWindowTitle();
+ SetInitialBounds(bounds);
+ InitAlwaysOnTopState();
+ if (!IsAppWindow()) {
+ notification_registrar_.Add(
+ this,
+ NotificationType::ALL_APPWINDOWS_CLOSED,
+ NotificationService::AllSources());
+ }
+ ResetWindowRegion(false);
+NonClientFrameView* Window::CreateFrameViewForWindow() {
+ if (non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame())
+ return new NativeFrameView(this);
+ return new CustomFrameView(this);
+void Window::UpdateFrameAfterFrameChange() {
+ // We've either gained or lost a custom window region, so reset it now.
+ ResetWindowRegion(true);
+void Window::SizeWindowToDefault() {
+ win_util::CenterAndSizeWindow(owning_window(), GetNativeView(),
+ non_client_view_->GetPreferredSize().ToSIZE(),
+ false);
+void Window::RunSystemMenu(const gfx::Point& point) {
+ // We need to reset and clean up any currently created system menu objects.
+ // We need to call this otherwise there's a small chance that we aren't going
+ // to get a system menu. We also can't take the return value of this
+ // function. We need to call it *again* to get a valid HMENU.
+ //::GetSystemMenu(GetNativeView(), TRUE);
+ HMENU system_menu = ::GetSystemMenu(GetNativeView(), FALSE);
+ int id = ::TrackPopupMenu(system_menu,
+ point.x(), point.y(), 0, GetNativeView(), NULL);
+ ExecuteSystemMenuCommand(id);
+// Window, WidgetWin overrides:
+void Window::OnActivate(UINT action, BOOL minimized, HWND window) {
+ if (action == WA_INACTIVE)
+ SaveWindowPosition();
+void Window::OnActivateApp(BOOL active, DWORD thread_id) {
+ if (!active && thread_id != GetCurrentThreadId()) {
+ // Another application was activated, we should reset any state that
+ // disables inactive rendering now.
+ disable_inactive_rendering_ = false;
+ non_client_view_->DisableInactiveRendering(false);
+ // Update the native frame too, since it could be rendering the non-client
+ // area.
+ CallDefaultNCActivateHandler(FALSE);
+ }
+LRESULT Window::OnAppCommand(HWND window, short app_command, WORD device,
+ int keystate) {
+ // We treat APPCOMMAND ids as an extension of our command namespace, and just
+ // let the delegate figure out what to do...
+ if (!window_delegate_->ExecuteWindowsCommand(app_command))
+ return WidgetWin::OnAppCommand(window, app_command, device, keystate);
+ return 0;
+void Window::OnCommand(UINT notification_code, int command_id, HWND window) {
+ // If the notification code is > 1 it means it is control specific and we
+ // should ignore it.
+ if (notification_code > 1 ||
+ window_delegate_->ExecuteWindowsCommand(command_id)) {
+ WidgetWin::OnCommand(notification_code, command_id, window);
+ }
+void Window::OnDestroy() {
+ non_client_view_->WindowClosing();
+ RestoreEnabledIfNecessary();
+ WidgetWin::OnDestroy();
+namespace {
+static BOOL CALLBACK SendDwmCompositionChanged(HWND window, LPARAM param) {
+ SendMessage(window, WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED, 0, 0);
+ return TRUE;
+} // namespace
+LRESULT Window::OnDwmCompositionChanged(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param,
+ LPARAM l_param) {
+ // We respond to this in response to WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED since that is
+ // the only thing we care about - we don't actually respond to WM_THEMECHANGED
+ // messages.
+ non_client_view_->SystemThemeChanged();
+ // WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED is only sent to top level windows, however we want
+ // to notify our children too, since we can have MDI child windows who need to
+ // update their appearance.
+ EnumChildWindows(GetNativeView(), &SendDwmCompositionChanged, NULL);
+ return 0;
+void Window::OnFinalMessage(HWND window) {
+ // Delete and NULL the delegate here once we're guaranteed to get no more
+ // messages.
+ window_delegate_->DeleteDelegate();
+ window_delegate_ = NULL;
+ WidgetWin::OnFinalMessage(window);
+namespace {
+static void EnableMenuItem(HMENU menu, UINT command, bool enabled) {
+ EnableMenuItem(menu, command, flags);
+} // namespace
+void Window::OnInitMenu(HMENU menu) {
+ // We only need to manually enable the system menu if we're not using a native
+ // frame.
+ if (non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame())
+ WidgetWin::OnInitMenu(menu);
+ bool is_minimized = IsMinimized();
+ bool is_maximized = IsMaximized();
+ bool is_restored = !is_minimized && !is_maximized;
+ ScopedRedrawLock lock(this);
+ EnableMenuItem(menu, SC_RESTORE, !is_restored);
+ EnableMenuItem(menu, SC_MOVE, is_restored);
+ EnableMenuItem(menu, SC_SIZE, window_delegate()->CanResize() && is_restored);
+ EnableMenuItem(menu, SC_MAXIMIZE,
+ window_delegate()->CanMaximize() && !is_maximized);
+ EnableMenuItem(menu, SC_MINIMIZE,
+ window_delegate()->CanMaximize() && !is_minimized);
+void Window::OnMouseLeave() {
+ // We only need to manually track WM_MOUSELEAVE messages between the client
+ // and non-client area when we're not using the native frame.
+ if (non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame()) {
+ SetMsgHandled(FALSE);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool process_mouse_exited = true;
+ POINT pt;
+ if (GetCursorPos(&pt)) {
+ LRESULT ht_component =
+ ::SendMessage(GetNativeView(), WM_NCHITTEST, 0, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y));
+ if (ht_component != HTNOWHERE) {
+ // If the mouse moved into a part of the window's non-client area, then
+ // don't send a mouse exited event since the mouse is still within the
+ // bounds of the ChromeView that's rendering the frame. Note that we do
+ // _NOT_ do this for windows with native frames, since in that case the
+ // mouse really will have left the bounds of the RootView.
+ process_mouse_exited = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (process_mouse_exited)
+ ProcessMouseExited();
+LRESULT Window::OnNCActivate(BOOL active) {
+ is_active_ = !!active;
+ // If we're not using the native frame, we need to force a synchronous repaint
+ // otherwise we'll be left in the wrong activation state until something else
+ // causes a repaint later.
+ if (!non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame()) {
+ // We can get WM_NCACTIVATE before we're actually visible. If we're not
+ // visible, no need to paint.
+ if (IsWindowVisible(GetNativeView())) {
+ non_client_view_->SchedulePaint();
+ // We need to force a paint now, as a user dragging a window will block
+ // painting operations while the move is in progress.
+ PaintNow(root_view_->GetScheduledPaintRect());
+ }
+ }
+ // If we're active again, we should be allowed to render as inactive, so
+ // tell the non-client view. This must be done independently of the check for
+ // disable_inactive_rendering_ since that check is valid even if the frame
+ // is not active, but this can only be done if we've become active.
+ if (is_active_)
+ non_client_view_->DisableInactiveRendering(false);
+ // Reset the disable inactive rendering state since activation has changed.
+ if (disable_inactive_rendering_) {
+ disable_inactive_rendering_ = false;
+ return CallDefaultNCActivateHandler(TRUE);
+ }
+ return CallDefaultNCActivateHandler(active);
+LRESULT Window::OnNCCalcSize(BOOL mode, LPARAM l_param) {
+ // We only need to adjust the client size/paint handling when we're not using
+ // the native frame.
+ if (non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame())
+ return WidgetWin::OnNCCalcSize(mode, l_param);
+ RECT* client_rect = mode ?
+ &reinterpret_cast<NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS*>(l_param)->rgrc[0] :
+ reinterpret_cast<RECT*>(l_param);
+ if (IsMaximized()) {
+ // Make the maximized mode client rect fit the screen exactly, by
+ // subtracting the border Windows automatically adds for maximized mode.
+ int border_thickness = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME);
+ InflateRect(client_rect, -border_thickness, -border_thickness);
+ // Find all auto-hide taskbars along the screen edges and adjust in by the
+ // thickness of the auto-hide taskbar on each such edge, so the window isn't
+ // treated as a "fullscreen app", which would cause the taskbars to
+ // disappear.
+ HMONITOR monitor = MonitorFromWindow(GetNativeView(),
+ if (win_util::EdgeHasAutoHideTaskbar(ABE_LEFT, monitor))
+ client_rect->left += win_util::kAutoHideTaskbarThicknessPx;
+ if (win_util::EdgeHasAutoHideTaskbar(ABE_TOP, monitor))
+ client_rect->top += win_util::kAutoHideTaskbarThicknessPx;
+ if (win_util::EdgeHasAutoHideTaskbar(ABE_RIGHT, monitor))
+ client_rect->right -= win_util::kAutoHideTaskbarThicknessPx;
+ if (win_util::EdgeHasAutoHideTaskbar(ABE_BOTTOM, monitor))
+ client_rect->bottom -= win_util::kAutoHideTaskbarThicknessPx;
+ // We cannot return WVR_REDRAW when there is nonclient area, or Windows
+ // exhibits bugs where client pixels and child HWNDs are mispositioned by
+ // the width/height of the upper-left nonclient area.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // If the window bounds change, we're going to relayout and repaint anyway.
+ // Returning WVR_REDRAW avoids an extra paint before that of the old client
+ // pixels in the (now wrong) location, and thus makes actions like resizing a
+ // window from the left edge look slightly less broken.
+ return mode ? WVR_REDRAW : 0;
+LRESULT Window::OnNCHitTest(const CPoint& point) {
+ // First, give the NonClientView a chance to test the point to see if it
+ // provides any of the non-client area.
+ CPoint temp = point;
+ MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, GetNativeView(), &temp, 1);
+ int component = non_client_view_->NonClientHitTest(gfx::Point(temp));
+ if (component != HTNOWHERE)
+ return component;
+ // Otherwise, we let Windows do all the native frame non-client handling for
+ // us.
+ return WidgetWin::OnNCHitTest(point);
+namespace {
+struct ClipState {
+ // The window being painted.
+ HWND parent;
+ // DC painting to.
+ HDC dc;
+ // Origin of the window in terms of the screen.
+ int x;
+ int y;
+// See comments in OnNCPaint for details of this function.
+static BOOL CALLBACK ClipDCToChild(HWND window, LPARAM param) {
+ ClipState* clip_state = reinterpret_cast<ClipState*>(param);
+ if (GetParent(window) == clip_state->parent && IsWindowVisible(window)) {
+ RECT bounds;
+ GetWindowRect(window, &bounds);
+ ExcludeClipRect(clip_state->dc,
+ bounds.left - clip_state->x,
+ - clip_state->y,
+ bounds.right - clip_state->x,
+ bounds.bottom - clip_state->y);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+} // namespace
+void Window::OnNCPaint(HRGN rgn) {
+ // We only do non-client painting if we're not using the native frame.
+ if (non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame()) {
+ WidgetWin::OnNCPaint(rgn);
+ return;
+ }
+ // We have an NC region and need to paint it. We expand the NC region to
+ // include the dirty region of the root view. This is done to minimize
+ // paints.
+ CRect window_rect;
+ GetWindowRect(&window_rect);
+ if (window_rect.Width() != root_view_->width() ||
+ window_rect.Height() != root_view_->height()) {
+ // If the size of the window differs from the size of the root view it
+ // means we're being asked to paint before we've gotten a WM_SIZE. This can
+ // happen when the user is interactively resizing the window. To avoid
+ // mass flickering we don't do anything here. Once we get the WM_SIZE we'll
+ // reset the region of the window which triggers another WM_NCPAINT and
+ // all is well.
+ return;
+ }
+ CRect dirty_region;
+ // A value of 1 indicates paint all.
+ if (!rgn || rgn == reinterpret_cast<HRGN>(1)) {
+ dirty_region = CRect(0, 0, window_rect.Width(), window_rect.Height());
+ } else {
+ RECT rgn_bounding_box;
+ GetRgnBox(rgn, &rgn_bounding_box);
+ if (!IntersectRect(&dirty_region, &rgn_bounding_box, &window_rect))
+ return; // Dirty region doesn't intersect window bounds, bale.
+ // rgn_bounding_box is in screen coordinates. Map it to window coordinates.
+ OffsetRect(&dirty_region, -window_rect.left,;
+ }
+ // In theory GetDCEx should do what we want, but I couldn't get it to work.
+ // In particular the docs mentiond DCX_CLIPCHILDREN, but as far as I can tell
+ // it doesn't work at all. So, instead we get the DC for the window then
+ // manually clip out the children.
+ HDC dc = GetWindowDC(GetNativeView());
+ ClipState clip_state;
+ clip_state.x = window_rect.left;
+ clip_state.y =;
+ clip_state.parent = GetNativeView();
+ clip_state.dc = dc;
+ EnumChildWindows(GetNativeView(), &ClipDCToChild,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&clip_state));
+ RootView* root_view = GetRootView();
+ CRect old_paint_region = root_view->GetScheduledPaintRectConstrainedToSize();
+ if (!old_paint_region.IsRectEmpty()) {
+ // The root view has a region that needs to be painted. Include it in the
+ // region we're going to paint.
+ CRect tmp = dirty_region;
+ UnionRect(&dirty_region, &tmp, &old_paint_region);
+ }
+ root_view->SchedulePaint(gfx::Rect(dirty_region), false);
+ // ChromeCanvasPaints destructor does the actual painting. As such, wrap the
+ // following in a block to force paint to occur so that we can release the dc.
+ {
+ ChromeCanvasPaint canvas(dc, opaque(), dirty_region.left,,
+ dirty_region.Width(), dirty_region.Height());
+ root_view->ProcessPaint(&canvas);
+ }
+ ReleaseDC(GetNativeView(), dc);
+void Window::OnNCLButtonDown(UINT ht_component, const CPoint& point) {
+ // When we're using a native frame, window controls work without us
+ // interfering.
+ if (!non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame()) {
+ switch (ht_component) {
+ case HTCLOSE:
+ // When the mouse is pressed down in these specific non-client areas,
+ // we need to tell the RootView to send the mouse pressed event (which
+ // sets capture, allowing subsequent WM_LBUTTONUP (note, _not_
+ // WM_NCLBUTTONUP) to fire so that the appropriate WM_SYSCOMMAND can be
+ // sent by the applicable button's ButtonListener. We _have_ to do this
+ // way rather than letting Windows just send the syscommand itself (as
+ // would happen if we never did this dance) because for some insane
+ // reason DefWindowProc for WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN also renders the pressed
+ // window control button appearance, in the Windows classic style, over
+ // our view! Ick! By handling this message we prevent Windows from
+ // doing this undesirable thing, but that means we need to roll the
+ // sys-command handling ourselves.
+ ProcessNCMousePress(point, MK_LBUTTON);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO(beng): figure out why we need to run the system menu manually
+ // ourselves. This is wrong and causes many subtle bugs.
+ // From my initial research, it looks like DefWindowProc tries
+ // to run it but fails before sending the initial WM_MENUSELECT
+ // for the sysmenu.
+ if (ht_component == HTSYSMENU)
+ RunSystemMenu(non_client_view_->GetSystemMenuPoint());
+ else
+ WidgetWin::OnNCLButtonDown(ht_component, point);
+ /* TODO(beng): Fix the standard non-client over-painting bug. This code
+ doesn't work but identifies the problem.
+ if (!IsMsgHandled()) {
+ // Window::OnNCLButtonDown set the message as unhandled. This normally
+ // means WidgetWin::ProcessWindowMessage will pass it to
+ // DefWindowProc. Sadly, DefWindowProc for WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN does weird
+ // non-client painting, so we need to call it directly here inside a
+ // scoped update lock.
+ ScopedRedrawLock lock(this);
+ DefWindowProc(GetNativeView(), WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, ht_component,
+ MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y));
+ SetMsgHandled(TRUE);
+ }
+ */
+void Window::OnNCRButtonDown(UINT ht_component, const CPoint& point) {
+ if (ht_component == HTCAPTION || ht_component == HTSYSMENU)
+ RunSystemMenu(gfx::Point(point));
+ else
+ WidgetWin::OnNCRButtonDown(ht_component, point);
+LRESULT Window::OnNCUAHDrawCaption(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param,
+ LPARAM l_param) {
+ // See comment in widget_win.h at the definition of WM_NCUAHDRAWCAPTION for
+ // an explanation about why we need to handle this message.
+ SetMsgHandled(!non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame());
+ return 0;
+LRESULT Window::OnNCUAHDrawFrame(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param,
+ LPARAM l_param) {
+ // See comment in widget_win.h at the definition of WM_NCUAHDRAWCAPTION for
+ // an explanation about why we need to handle this message.
+ SetMsgHandled(!non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame());
+ return 0;
+LRESULT Window::OnSetCursor(HWND window, UINT hittest_code, UINT message) {
+ // If the window is disabled, it's because we're showing a modal dialog box.
+ // We need to let DefWindowProc handle the message. That's because
+ // DefWindowProc for WM_SETCURSOR with message = some kind of mouse button
+ // down message sends the top level window a WM_ACTIVATEAPP message, which we
+ // otherwise wouldn't get. The symptom of not doing this is that if the user
+ // has a window in the background with a modal dialog open, they can't click
+ // on the disabled background window to bring the entire stack to the front.
+ // This is annoying because they then have to move all the foreground windows
+ // out of the way to be able to activate said window. I love how on Windows,
+ // the answer isn't always logical.
+ if (!IsWindowEnabled(GetNativeView()))
+ return WidgetWin::OnSetCursor(window, hittest_code, message);
+ int index = RC_NORMAL;
+ switch (hittest_code) {
+ case HTTOP:
+ case HTBOTTOM:
+ index = RC_VERTICAL;
+ break;
+ index = RC_NWSE;
+ break;
+ index = RC_NESW;
+ break;
+ case HTLEFT:
+ case HTRIGHT:
+ index = RC_HORIZONTAL;
+ break;
+ case HTCLIENT:
+ index = RC_NORMAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ SetCursor(resize_cursors_[index]);
+ return 0;
+LRESULT Window::OnSetIcon(UINT size_type, HICON new_icon) {
+ // This shouldn't hurt even if we're using the native frame.
+ ScopedRedrawLock lock(this);
+ return DefWindowProc(GetNativeView(), WM_SETICON, size_type,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(new_icon));
+LRESULT Window::OnSetText(const wchar_t* text) {
+ // This shouldn't hurt even if we're using the native frame.
+ ScopedRedrawLock lock(this);
+ return DefWindowProc(GetNativeView(), WM_SETTEXT, NULL,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(text));
+void Window::OnSize(UINT size_param, const CSize& new_size) {
+ // Don't no-op if the new_size matches current size. If our normal bounds
+ // and maximized bounds are the same, then we need to layout (because we
+ // layout differently when maximized).
+ SaveWindowPosition();
+ ChangeSize(size_param, new_size);
+ // ResetWindowRegion is going to trigger WM_NCPAINT. By doing it after we've
+ // invoked OnSize we ensure the RootView has been laid out.
+ ResetWindowRegion(false);
+void Window::OnSysCommand(UINT notification_code, CPoint click) {
+ if (!non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame()) {
+ // Windows uses the 4 lower order bits of |notification_code| for type-
+ // specific information so we must exclude this when comparing.
+ static const int sc_mask = 0xFFF0;
+ if ((notification_code & sc_mask) == SC_MINIMIZE ||
+ (notification_code & sc_mask) == SC_MAXIMIZE ||
+ (notification_code & sc_mask) == SC_RESTORE) {
+ non_client_view_->ResetWindowControls();
+ } else if ((notification_code & sc_mask) == SC_MOVE ||
+ (notification_code & sc_mask) == SC_SIZE) {
+ if (lock_updates_) {
+ // We were locked, before entering a resize or move modal loop. Now that
+ // we've begun to move the window, we need to unlock updates so that the
+ // sizing/moving feedback can be continuous.
+ UnlockUpdates();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // First see if the delegate can handle it.
+ if (window_delegate_->ExecuteWindowsCommand(notification_code))
+ return;
+ if (notification_code == IDC_ALWAYS_ON_TOP) {
+ is_always_on_top_ = !is_always_on_top_;
+ // Change the menu check state.
+ HMENU system_menu = GetSystemMenu(GetNativeView(), FALSE);
+ MENUITEMINFO menu_info;
+ memset(&menu_info, 0, sizeof(MENUITEMINFO));
+ menu_info.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
+ BOOL r = GetMenuItemInfo(system_menu, IDC_ALWAYS_ON_TOP,
+ FALSE, &menu_info);
+ DCHECK(r);
+ menu_info.fMask = MIIM_STATE;
+ if (is_always_on_top_)
+ menu_info.fState = MFS_CHECKED;
+ r = SetMenuItemInfo(system_menu, IDC_ALWAYS_ON_TOP, FALSE, &menu_info);
+ // Now change the actual window's behavior.
+ AlwaysOnTopChanged();
+ } else if ((notification_code == SC_KEYMENU) && (click.x == VK_SPACE)) {
+ // Run the system menu at the NonClientView's desired location.
+ RunSystemMenu(non_client_view_->GetSystemMenuPoint());
+ } else {
+ // Use the default implementation for any other command.
+ DefWindowProc(GetNativeView(), WM_SYSCOMMAND, notification_code,
+ MAKELPARAM(click.y, click.x));
+ }
+void Window::OnWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS* window_pos) {
+ if (force_hidden_) {
+ // Prevent the window from being made visible if we've been asked to do so.
+ // See comment in header as to why we might want this.
+ window_pos->flags &= ~SWP_SHOWWINDOW;
+ }
+ WidgetWin::OnWindowPosChanging(window_pos);
+// Window, private:
+void Window::BecomeModal() {
+ // We implement modality by crawling up the hierarchy of windows starting
+ // at the owner, disabling all of them so that they don't receive input
+ // messages.
+ DCHECK(owning_hwnd_) << "Can't create a modal dialog without an owner";
+ HWND start = owning_hwnd_;
+ while (start != NULL) {
+ ::EnableWindow(start, FALSE);
+ start = ::GetParent(start);
+ }
+void Window::SetInitialFocus() {
+ if (!focus_on_creation_)
+ return;
+ View* v = window_delegate_->GetInitiallyFocusedView();
+ if (v) {
+ v->RequestFocus();
+ } else {
+ // The window does not get keyboard messages unless we focus it, not sure
+ // why.
+ SetFocus(GetNativeView());
+ }
+void Window::SetInitialBounds(const gfx::Rect& create_bounds) {
+ // First we obtain the window's saved show-style and store it. We need to do
+ // this here, rather than in Show() because by the time Show() is called,
+ // the window's size will have been reset (below) and the saved maximized
+ // state will have been lost. Sadly there's no way to tell on Windows when
+ // a window is restored from maximized state, so we can't more accurately
+ // track maximized state independently of sizing information.
+ window_delegate_->GetSavedMaximizedState(&saved_maximized_state_);
+ // Restore the window's placement from the controller.
+ gfx::Rect saved_bounds(create_bounds.ToRECT());
+ if (window_delegate_->GetSavedWindowBounds(&saved_bounds)) {
+ // Make sure the bounds are at least the minimum size.
+ if (saved_bounds.width() < {
+ saved_bounds.SetRect(saved_bounds.x(), saved_bounds.y(),
+ saved_bounds.right() + -
+ saved_bounds.width(),
+ saved_bounds.bottom());
+ }
+ if (saved_bounds.height() < {
+ saved_bounds.SetRect(saved_bounds.x(), saved_bounds.y(),
+ saved_bounds.right(),
+ saved_bounds.bottom() + -
+ saved_bounds.height());
+ }
+ // "Show state" (maximized, minimized, etc) is handled by Show().
+ // Don't use SetBounds here. SetBounds constrains to the size of the
+ // monitor, but we don't want that when creating a new window as the result
+ // of dragging out a tab to create a new window.
+ SetWindowPos(NULL, saved_bounds.x(), saved_bounds.y(),
+ saved_bounds.width(), saved_bounds.height(), 0);
+ } else {
+ if (create_bounds.IsEmpty()) {
+ // No initial bounds supplied, so size the window to its content and
+ // center over its parent.
+ SizeWindowToDefault();
+ } else {
+ // Use the supplied initial bounds.
+ SetBounds(create_bounds);
+ }
+ }
+void Window::InitAlwaysOnTopState() {
+ is_always_on_top_ = false;
+ if (window_delegate_->GetSavedAlwaysOnTopState(&is_always_on_top_) &&
+ is_always_on_top_ != window_delegate_->IsAlwaysOnTop()) {
+ AlwaysOnTopChanged();
+ }
+ if (window_delegate_->HasAlwaysOnTopMenu())
+ AddAlwaysOnTopSystemMenuItem();
+void Window::AddAlwaysOnTopSystemMenuItem() {
+ // The Win32 API requires that we own the text.
+ always_on_top_menu_text_ = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_ALWAYS_ON_TOP);
+ // Let's insert a menu to the window.
+ HMENU system_menu = ::GetSystemMenu(GetNativeView(), FALSE);
+ int index = ::GetMenuItemCount(system_menu) - 1;
+ if (index < 0) {
+ // Paranoia check.
+ index = 0;
+ }
+ // First we add the separator.
+ MENUITEMINFO menu_info;
+ memset(&menu_info, 0, sizeof(MENUITEMINFO));
+ menu_info.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
+ menu_info.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE;
+ menu_info.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR;
+ ::InsertMenuItem(system_menu, index, TRUE, &menu_info);
+ // Then the actual menu.
+ menu_info.fType = MFT_STRING;
+ menu_info.fState = MFS_ENABLED;
+ if (is_always_on_top_)
+ menu_info.fState |= MFS_CHECKED;
+ menu_info.wID = IDC_ALWAYS_ON_TOP;
+ menu_info.dwTypeData = const_cast<wchar_t*>(always_on_top_menu_text_.c_str());
+ ::InsertMenuItem(system_menu, index, TRUE, &menu_info);
+void Window::RestoreEnabledIfNecessary() {
+ if (is_modal_ && !restored_enabled_) {
+ restored_enabled_ = true;
+ // If we were run modally, we need to undo the disabled-ness we inflicted on
+ // the owner's parent hierarchy.
+ HWND start = owning_hwnd_;
+ while (start != NULL) {
+ ::EnableWindow(start, TRUE);
+ start = ::GetParent(start);
+ }
+ }
+void Window::AlwaysOnTopChanged() {
+ ::SetWindowPos(GetNativeView(),
+ is_always_on_top_ ? HWND_TOPMOST : HWND_NOTOPMOST,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0,
+DWORD Window::CalculateWindowStyle() {
+ DWORD window_styles =
+ bool can_resize = window_delegate_->CanResize();
+ bool can_maximize = window_delegate_->CanMaximize();
+ if (can_maximize) {
+ window_styles |= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW;
+ } else if (can_resize) {
+ window_styles |= WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_THICKFRAME;
+ }
+ if (window_delegate_->AsDialogDelegate()) {
+ window_styles |= DS_MODALFRAME;
+ // NOTE: Turning this off means we lose the close button, which is bad.
+ // Turning it on though means the user can maximize or size the window
+ // from the system menu, which is worse. We may need to provide our own
+ // menu to get the close button to appear properly.
+ // window_styles &= ~WS_SYSMENU;
+ }
+ return window_styles;
+DWORD Window::CalculateWindowExStyle() {
+ DWORD window_ex_styles = 0;
+ if (window_delegate_->AsDialogDelegate())
+ window_ex_styles |= WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME;
+ if (window_delegate_->IsAlwaysOnTop())
+ window_ex_styles |= WS_EX_TOPMOST;
+ return window_ex_styles;
+void Window::SaveWindowPosition() {
+ // The window delegate does the actual saving for us. It seems like (judging
+ // by go/crash) that in some circumstances we can end up here after
+ // WM_DESTROY, at which point the window delegate is likely gone. So just
+ // bail.
+ if (!window_delegate_)
+ return;
+ WINDOWPLACEMENT win_placement = { 0 };
+ win_placement.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
+ BOOL r = GetWindowPlacement(GetNativeView(), &win_placement);
+ DCHECK(r);
+ bool maximized = (win_placement.showCmd == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);
+ CRect window_bounds(win_placement.rcNormalPosition);
+ window_delegate_->SaveWindowPlacement(
+ gfx::Rect(win_placement.rcNormalPosition), maximized, is_always_on_top_);
+void Window::LockUpdates() {
+ lock_updates_ = true;
+ saved_window_style_ = GetWindowLong(GetNativeView(), GWL_STYLE);
+ SetWindowLong(GetNativeView(), GWL_STYLE, saved_window_style_ & ~WS_VISIBLE);
+void Window::UnlockUpdates() {
+ SetWindowLong(GetNativeView(), GWL_STYLE, saved_window_style_);
+ lock_updates_ = false;
+void Window::ResetWindowRegion(bool force) {
+ // A native frame uses the native window region, and we don't want to mess
+ // with it.
+ if (non_client_view_->UseNativeFrame()) {
+ if (force)
+ SetWindowRgn(NULL, TRUE);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Changing the window region is going to force a paint. Only change the
+ // window region if the region really differs.
+ HRGN current_rgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ int current_rgn_result = GetWindowRgn(GetNativeView(), current_rgn);
+ CRect window_rect;
+ GetWindowRect(&window_rect);
+ HRGN new_region;
+ gfx::Path window_mask;
+ non_client_view_->GetWindowMask(
+ gfx::Size(window_rect.Width(), window_rect.Height()), &window_mask);
+ new_region = window_mask.CreateHRGN();
+ if (current_rgn_result == ERROR || !EqualRgn(current_rgn, new_region)) {
+ // SetWindowRgn takes ownership of the HRGN created by CreateHRGN.
+ SetWindowRgn(new_region, TRUE);
+ } else {
+ DeleteObject(new_region);
+ }
+ DeleteObject(current_rgn);
+void Window::ProcessNCMousePress(const CPoint& point, int flags) {
+ CPoint temp = point;
+ MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, GetNativeView(), &temp, 1);
+ UINT message_flags = 0;
+ if ((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x80) == 0x80)
+ message_flags |= MK_CONTROL;
+ if ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x80) == 0x80)
+ message_flags |= MK_SHIFT;
+ message_flags |= flags;
+ ProcessMousePressed(temp, message_flags, false);
+LRESULT Window::CallDefaultNCActivateHandler(BOOL active) {
+ // The DefWindowProc handling for WM_NCACTIVATE renders the classic-look
+ // window title bar directly, so we need to use a redraw lock here to prevent
+ // it from doing so.
+ ScopedRedrawLock lock(this);
+ return DefWindowProc(GetNativeView(), WM_NCACTIVATE, active, 0);
+void Window::InitClass() {
+ static bool initialized = false;
+ if (!initialized) {
+ resize_cursors_[RC_NORMAL] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
+ resize_cursors_[RC_VERTICAL] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS);
+ resize_cursors_[RC_HORIZONTAL] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEWE);
+ resize_cursors_[RC_NESW] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENESW);
+ resize_cursors_[RC_NWSE] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENWSE);
+ initialized = true;
+ }
+} // namespace views