path: root/chrome
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome')
17 files changed, 345 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
index 0693ca2..66d7459 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@
#include "app/l10n_util.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/i18n/number_formatting.h"
#include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_quick_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_contents_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/keyword_provider.h"
@@ -21,6 +23,7 @@
#include "chrome/browser/net/url_fixer_upper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/pref_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
@@ -756,7 +759,11 @@ AutocompleteController::AutocompleteController(Profile* profile)
done_(true) {
providers_.push_back(new SearchProvider(this, profile));
- providers_.push_back(new HistoryURLProvider(this, profile));
+ if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
+ switches::kEnableInMemoryURLIndex))
+ providers_.push_back(new HistoryQuickProvider(this, profile));
+ else
+ providers_.push_back(new HistoryURLProvider(this, profile));
providers_.push_back(new KeywordProvider(this, profile));
history_contents_provider_ = new HistoryContentsProvider(this, profile);
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d4fdda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_quick_provider.h"
+void HistoryQuickProvider::Start(const AutocompleteInput& input,
+ bool minimal_changes) {
+ // TODO(mrossetti): Implement.
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_quick_provider.h b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_quick_provider.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0dcc15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_quick_provider.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete.h"
+// This class is an autocomplete provider (a pseudo-internal component of
+// the history system) which quickly (and synchronously) provides matching
+// results from recently or frequently visited sites in the profile's
+// history.
+// TODO(mrossetti): Review to see if the following applies since we're not
+// using the database during the autocomplete pass.
+// Note: This object can get leaked on shutdown if there are pending
+// requests on the database (which hold a reference to us). Normally, these
+// messages get flushed for each thread. We do a round trip from main, to
+// history, back to main while holding a reference. If the main thread
+// completes before the history thread, the message to delegate back to the
+// main thread will not run and the reference will leak. Therefore, don't do
+// anything on destruction.
+class HistoryQuickProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
+ public:
+ HistoryQuickProvider(ACProviderListener* listener, Profile* profile)
+ : AutocompleteProvider(listener, profile, "HistoryQuickProvider") {}
+ // no destructor (see note above)
+ // AutocompleteProvider
+ void Start(const AutocompleteInput& input, bool minimal_changes);
+ private:
+ ~HistoryQuickProvider() {}
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24ed677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_quick_provider.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "chrome/test/testing_profile.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+class HistoryQuickProviderTest : public testing::Test,
+ public ACProviderListener {
+ public:
+ // ACProviderListener
+ virtual void OnProviderUpdate(bool updated_matches);
+ protected:
+ void SetUp() {
+ profile_.reset(new TestingProfile());
+ provider_ = new HistoryQuickProvider(this, profile_.get());
+ }
+ void TearDown() {
+ provider_ = NULL;
+ }
+ scoped_refptr<HistoryQuickProvider> provider_;
+ scoped_ptr<TestingProfile> profile_;
+void HistoryQuickProviderTest::OnProviderUpdate(bool updated_matches) {
+TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, Construction) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(provider_.get());
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
index bac2d1a..0f339f4 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/histogram.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
@@ -18,7 +17,6 @@
#include "chrome/browser/net/url_fixer_upper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/pref_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
-#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
@@ -29,6 +27,80 @@
using base::Time;
using base::TimeDelta;
using base::TimeTicks;
+// TODO(mrossetti): Move these to a more appropriate place.
+using history::Prefix;
+using history::Prefixes;
+using history::HistoryMatch;
+using history::HistoryMatches;
+namespace history {
+// Returns true if |url| is just a host (e.g. "") and
+// not some other subpage (e.g. "").
+bool IsHostOnly(const GURL& url) {
+ DCHECK(url.is_valid());
+ return (!url.has_path() || (url.path() == "/")) && !url.has_query() &&
+ !url.has_ref();
+// Acts like the > operator for URLInfo classes.
+bool CompareHistoryMatch(const HistoryMatch& a, const HistoryMatch& b) {
+ // A URL that has been typed at all is better than one that has never been
+ // typed. (Note "!"s on each side)
+ if (!a.url_info.typed_count() != !b.url_info.typed_count())
+ return a.url_info.typed_count() > b.url_info.typed_count();
+ // Innermost matches (matches after any scheme or "www.") are better than
+ // non-innermost matches.
+ if (a.innermost_match != b.innermost_match)
+ return a.innermost_match;
+ // URLs that have been typed more often are better.
+ if (a.url_info.typed_count() != b.url_info.typed_count())
+ return a.url_info.typed_count() > b.url_info.typed_count();
+ // For URLs that have each been typed once, a host (alone) is better than a
+ // page inside.
+ if (a.url_info.typed_count() == 1) {
+ const bool a_is_host_only = history::IsHostOnly(a.url_info.url());
+ if (a_is_host_only != history::IsHostOnly(b.url_info.url()))
+ return a_is_host_only;
+ }
+ // URLs that have been visited more often are better.
+ if (a.url_info.visit_count() != b.url_info.visit_count())
+ return a.url_info.visit_count() > b.url_info.visit_count();
+ // URLs that have been visited more recently are better.
+ return a.url_info.last_visit() > b.url_info.last_visit();
+// Given the user's |input| and a |match| created from it, reduce the
+// match's URL to just a host. If this host still matches the user input,
+// return it. Returns the empty string on failure.
+GURL ConvertToHostOnly(const HistoryMatch& match, const std::wstring& input) {
+ // See if we should try to do host-only suggestions for this URL. Nonstandard
+ // schemes means there's no authority section, so suggesting the host name
+ // is useless. File URLs are standard, but host suggestion is not useful for
+ // them either.
+ const GURL& url = match.url_info.url();
+ if (!url.is_valid() || !url.IsStandard() || url.SchemeIsFile())
+ return GURL();
+ // Transform to a host-only match. Bail if the host no longer matches the
+ // user input (e.g. because the user typed more than just a host).
+ GURL host = url.GetWithEmptyPath();
+ if ((host.spec().length() < (match.input_location + input.length())))
+ return GURL(); // User typing is longer than this host suggestion.
+ const std::wstring spec = UTF8ToWide(host.spec());
+ if (, input.length(), input))
+ return GURL(); // User typing is no longer a prefix.
+ return host;
+} // namespace history
const AutocompleteInput& input,
@@ -151,30 +223,25 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::DoAutocomplete(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
URLRowVector url_matches;
HistoryMatches history_matches;
- if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
- switches::kEnableInMemoryURLIndex)) {
- // TODO(rohitrao): Fetch results from the index.
- } else {
- for (Prefixes::const_iterator i(prefixes_.begin()); i != prefixes_.end();
- ++i) {
- if (params->cancel)
- return; // Canceled in the middle of a query, give up.
- // We only need kMaxMatches results in the end, but before we get there we
- // need to promote lower-quality matches that are prefixes of
- // higher-quality matches, and remove lower-quality redirects. So we ask
- // for more results than we need, of every prefix type, in hopes this will
- // give us far more than enough to work with. CullRedirects() will then
- // reduce the list to the best kMaxMatches results.
- db->AutocompleteForPrefix(WideToUTF16(i->prefix + params->input.text()),
- kMaxMatches * 2, &url_matches);
- for (URLRowVector::const_iterator j(url_matches.begin());
- j != url_matches.end(); ++j) {
- const Prefix* best_prefix = BestPrefix(j->url(), std::wstring());
- DCHECK(best_prefix != NULL);
- history_matches.push_back(HistoryMatch(*j, i->prefix.length(),
- !i->num_components,
- i->num_components >= best_prefix->num_components));
- }
+ for (Prefixes::const_iterator i(prefixes_.begin()); i != prefixes_.end();
+ ++i) {
+ if (params->cancel)
+ return; // Canceled in the middle of a query, give up.
+ // We only need kMaxMatches results in the end, but before we get there we
+ // need to promote lower-quality matches that are prefixes of
+ // higher-quality matches, and remove lower-quality redirects. So we ask
+ // for more results than we need, of every prefix type, in hopes this will
+ // give us far more than enough to work with. CullRedirects() will then
+ // reduce the list to the best kMaxMatches results.
+ db->AutocompleteForPrefix(WideToUTF16(i->prefix + params->input.text()),
+ kMaxMatches * 2, &url_matches);
+ for (URLRowVector::const_iterator j(url_matches.begin());
+ j != url_matches.end(); ++j) {
+ const Prefix* best_prefix = BestPrefix(j->url(), std::wstring());
+ DCHECK(best_prefix != NULL);
+ history_matches.push_back(HistoryMatch(*j, i->prefix.length(),
+ !i->num_components,
+ i->num_components >= best_prefix->num_components));
@@ -360,7 +427,7 @@ bool HistoryURLProvider::PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(
// hand, we wouldn't want to immediately start autocompleting it.
if (!match.url_info.typed_count() ||
((match.url_info.typed_count() == 1) &&
- !IsHostOnly(match.url_info.url())))
+ !history::IsHostOnly(match.url_info.url())))
return false;
params->matches.push_back(HistoryMatchToACMatch(params, match,
@@ -454,47 +521,7 @@ size_t HistoryURLProvider::TrimHttpPrefix(std::wstring* url) {
// static
-bool HistoryURLProvider::IsHostOnly(const GURL& url) {
- DCHECK(url.is_valid());
- return (!url.has_path() || (url.path() == "/")) && !url.has_query() &&
- !url.has_ref();
-// static
-bool HistoryURLProvider::CompareHistoryMatch(const HistoryMatch& a,
- const HistoryMatch& b) {
- // A URL that has been typed at all is better than one that has never been
- // typed. (Note "!"s on each side)
- if (!a.url_info.typed_count() != !b.url_info.typed_count())
- return a.url_info.typed_count() > b.url_info.typed_count();
- // Innermost matches (matches after any scheme or "www.") are better than
- // non-innermost matches.
- if (a.innermost_match != b.innermost_match)
- return a.innermost_match;
- // URLs that have been typed more often are better.
- if (a.url_info.typed_count() != b.url_info.typed_count())
- return a.url_info.typed_count() > b.url_info.typed_count();
- // For URLs that have each been typed once, a host (alone) is better than a
- // page inside.
- if (a.url_info.typed_count() == 1) {
- const bool a_is_host_only = IsHostOnly(a.url_info.url());
- if (a_is_host_only != IsHostOnly(b.url_info.url()))
- return a_is_host_only;
- }
- // URLs that have been visited more often are better.
- if (a.url_info.visit_count() != b.url_info.visit_count())
- return a.url_info.visit_count() > b.url_info.visit_count();
- // URLs that have been visited more recently are better.
- return a.url_info.last_visit() > b.url_info.last_visit();
-// static
-HistoryURLProvider::Prefixes HistoryURLProvider::GetPrefixes() {
+history::Prefixes HistoryURLProvider::GetPrefixes() {
// We'll complete text following these prefixes.
// NOTE: There's no requirement that these be in any particular order.
Prefixes prefixes;
@@ -526,30 +553,6 @@ int HistoryURLProvider::CalculateRelevance(AutocompleteInput::Type input_type,
// static
-GURL HistoryURLProvider::ConvertToHostOnly(const HistoryMatch& match,
- const std::wstring& input) {
- // See if we should try to do host-only suggestions for this URL. Nonstandard
- // schemes means there's no authority section, so suggesting the host name
- // is useless. File URLs are standard, but host suggestion is not useful for
- // them either.
- const GURL& url = match.url_info.url();
- if (!url.is_valid() || !url.IsStandard() || url.SchemeIsFile())
- return GURL();
- // Transform to a host-only match. Bail if the host no longer matches the
- // user input (e.g. because the user typed more than just a host).
- GURL host = url.GetWithEmptyPath();
- if ((host.spec().length() < (match.input_location + input.length())))
- return GURL(); // User typing is longer than this host suggestion.
- const std::wstring spec = UTF8ToWide(host.spec());
- if (, input.length(), input))
- return GURL(); // User typing is no longer a prefix.
- return host;
-// static
void HistoryURLProvider::PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
history::URLDatabase* db,
const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
@@ -563,7 +566,7 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
// itself be added as a match. We can add the base iff it's not "effectively
// the same" as any "what you typed" match.
const HistoryMatch& match = matches->front();
- GURL search_base = ConvertToHostOnly(match, params.input.text());
+ GURL search_base = history::ConvertToHostOnly(match, params.input.text());
bool can_add_search_base_to_matches = !have_what_you_typed_match;
if (search_base.is_empty()) {
// Search from what the user typed when we couldn't reduce the best match
@@ -576,6 +579,9 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
std::string new_match = match.url_info.url().possibly_invalid_spec().
substr(0, match.input_location + params.input.text().length());
search_base = GURL(new_match);
+ // TODO(mrossetti): There is a degenerate case where the following may
+ // cause a failure: http://www/~someword/fubar.html. Diagnose.
+ // See:
if (search_base.is_empty())
return; // Can't construct a valid URL from which to start a search.
} else if (!can_add_search_base_to_matches) {
@@ -722,7 +728,7 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::RunAutocompletePasses(
-const HistoryURLProvider::Prefix* HistoryURLProvider::BestPrefix(
+const history::Prefix* HistoryURLProvider::BestPrefix(
const GURL& url,
const std::wstring& prefix_suffix) const {
const Prefix* best_prefix = NULL;
@@ -742,7 +748,7 @@ const HistoryURLProvider::Prefix* HistoryURLProvider::BestPrefix(
void HistoryURLProvider::SortMatches(HistoryMatches* matches) const {
// Sort by quality, best first.
- std::sort(matches->begin(), matches->end(), &CompareHistoryMatch);
+ std::sort(matches->begin(), matches->end(), &history::CompareHistoryMatch);
// Remove duplicate matches (caused by the search string appearing in one of
// the prefixes as well as after it). Consider the following scenario:
@@ -775,15 +781,13 @@ void HistoryURLProvider::SortMatches(HistoryMatches* matches) const {
void HistoryURLProvider::CullPoorMatches(HistoryMatches* matches) const {
- static const int kLowQualityMatchTypedLimit = 1;
- static const int kLowQualityMatchVisitLimit = 3;
- static const int kLowQualityMatchAgeLimitInDays = 3;
- Time recent_threshold =
- Time::Now() - TimeDelta::FromDays(kLowQualityMatchAgeLimitInDays);
+ Time recent_threshold = history::AutocompleteAgeThreshold();
for (HistoryMatches::iterator i(matches->begin()); i != matches->end();) {
- const history::URLRow& url_info = i->url_info;
- if ((url_info.typed_count() <= kLowQualityMatchTypedLimit) &&
- (url_info.visit_count() <= kLowQualityMatchVisitLimit) &&
+ const history::URLRow& url_info(i->url_info);
+ if ((url_info.typed_count() <=
+ history::kLowQualityMatchTypedLimit) &&
+ (url_info.visit_count() <=
+ history::kLowQualityMatchVisitLimit) &&
(url_info.last_visit() < recent_threshold)) {
i = matches->erase(i);
} else {
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h
index 56633b4..bfd13b9 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h
@@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ class MessageLoop;
class Profile;
namespace history {
-class HistoryBackend;
+ class HistoryBackend;
} // namespace history
// How history autocomplete works
// ==============================
@@ -180,69 +179,6 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
~HistoryURLProvider() {}
- struct Prefix {
- Prefix(std::wstring prefix, int num_components)
- : prefix(prefix),
- num_components(num_components) { }
- std::wstring prefix;
- // The number of "components" in the prefix. The scheme is a component,
- // and the initial "www." or "ftp." is a component. So ""
- // and "" each have one component, "" has two,
- // and "" has none. This is used to tell whether the user's
- // input is an innermost match or not. See comments in HistoryMatch.
- int num_components;
- };
- typedef std::vector<Prefix> Prefixes;
- // Used for intermediate history result operations.
- struct HistoryMatch {
- // Required for STL, we don't use this directly.
- HistoryMatch()
- : url_info(),
- input_location(std::wstring::npos),
- match_in_scheme(false),
- innermost_match(true) {
- }
- HistoryMatch(const history::URLRow& url_info,
- size_t input_location,
- bool match_in_scheme,
- bool innermost_match)
- : url_info(url_info),
- input_location(input_location),
- match_in_scheme(match_in_scheme),
- innermost_match(innermost_match) {
- }
- bool operator==(const GURL& url) const {
- return url_info.url() == url;
- }
- history::URLRow url_info;
- // The offset of the user's input within the URL.
- size_t input_location;
- // Whether this is a match in the scheme. This determines whether we'll go
- // ahead and show a scheme on the URL even if the user didn't type one.
- // If our best match was in the scheme, not showing the scheme is both
- // confusing and, for inline autocomplete of the fill_into_edit, dangerous.
- // (If the user types "h" and we match "http://foo/", we need to inline
- // autocomplete that, not "foo/", which won't show anything at all, and
- // will mislead the user into thinking the What You Typed match is what's
- // selected.)
- bool match_in_scheme;
- // A match after any scheme/"www.", if the user input could match at both
- // locations. If the user types "w", an innermost match ("") is
- // better than a non-innermost match (""). If the user types
- // "x", no scheme in our prefix list (or "www.") begins with x, so all
- // matches are, vacuously, "innermost matches".
- bool innermost_match;
- };
- typedef std::deque<HistoryMatch> HistoryMatches;
enum MatchType {
@@ -268,16 +204,8 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
// return 0.
static size_t TrimHttpPrefix(std::wstring* url);
- // Returns true if |url| is just a host (e.g. "") and
- // not some other subpage (e.g. "").
- static bool IsHostOnly(const GURL& url);
- // Acts like the > operator for URLInfo classes.
- static bool CompareHistoryMatch(const HistoryMatch& a,
- const HistoryMatch& b);
// Returns the set of prefixes to use for prefixes_.
- static Prefixes GetPrefixes();
+ static history::Prefixes GetPrefixes();
// Determines the relevance for some input, given its type and which match it
// is. If |match_type| is NORMAL, |match_number| is a number
@@ -290,7 +218,7 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
// Given the user's |input| and a |match| created from it, reduce the
// match's URL to just a host. If this host still matches the user input,
// return it. Returns the empty string on failure.
- static GURL ConvertToHostOnly(const HistoryMatch& match,
+ static GURL ConvertToHostOnly(const history::HistoryMatch& match,
const std::wstring& input);
// See if a shorter version of the best match should be created, and if so
@@ -305,7 +233,7 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
bool have_what_you_typed_match,
const AutocompleteMatch& what_you_typed_match,
- HistoryMatches* matches);
+ history::HistoryMatches* matches);
// Ensures that |matches| contains an entry for |info|, which may mean adding
// a new such entry (using |input_location| and |match_in_scheme|).
@@ -317,7 +245,7 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
static void EnsureMatchPresent(const history::URLRow& info,
std::wstring::size_type input_location,
bool match_in_scheme,
- HistoryMatches* matches,
+ history::HistoryMatches* matches,
bool promote);
// Helper function that actually launches the two autocomplete passes.
@@ -330,8 +258,8 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
// |prefix_suffix| (which may be empty) is appended to every attempted
// prefix. This is useful when you need to figure out the innermost match
// for some user input in a URL.
- const Prefix* BestPrefix(const GURL& text,
- const std::wstring& prefix_suffix) const;
+ const history::Prefix* BestPrefix(const GURL& text,
+ const std::wstring& prefix_suffix) const;
// Returns a match corresponding to exactly what the user has typed.
AutocompleteMatch SuggestExactInput(const AutocompleteInput& input,
@@ -346,25 +274,25 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
bool FixupExactSuggestion(history::URLDatabase* db,
const AutocompleteInput& input,
AutocompleteMatch* match,
- HistoryMatches* matches) const;
+ history::HistoryMatches* matches) const;
// Determines if |match| is suitable for inline autocomplete, and promotes it
// if so.
bool PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(HistoryURLProviderParams* params,
- const HistoryMatch& match);
+ const history::HistoryMatch& match);
// Sorts the given list of matches.
- void SortMatches(HistoryMatches* matches) const;
+ void SortMatches(history::HistoryMatches* matches) const;
// Removes results that have been rarely typed or visited, and not any time
// recently. The exact parameters for this heuristic can be found in the
// function body.
- void CullPoorMatches(HistoryMatches* matches) const;
+ void CullPoorMatches(history::HistoryMatches* matches) const;
// Removes results that redirect to each other, leaving at most |max_results|
// results.
void CullRedirects(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
- HistoryMatches* matches,
+ history::HistoryMatches* matches,
size_t max_results) const;
// Helper function for CullRedirects, this removes all but the first
@@ -376,18 +304,19 @@ class HistoryURLProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
// is removed, the next item will be shifted, and this allows the caller to
// pick up on the next one when this happens.
size_t RemoveSubsequentMatchesOf(
- HistoryMatches* matches,
+ history::HistoryMatches* matches,
size_t source_index,
const std::vector<GURL>& remove) const;
// Converts a line from the database into an autocomplete match for display.
- AutocompleteMatch HistoryMatchToACMatch(HistoryURLProviderParams* params,
- const HistoryMatch& history_match,
- MatchType match_type,
- size_t match_number);
+ AutocompleteMatch HistoryMatchToACMatch(
+ HistoryURLProviderParams* params,
+ const history::HistoryMatch& history_match,
+ MatchType match_type,
+ size_t match_number);
// Prefixes to try appending to user input when looking for a match.
- const Prefixes prefixes_;
+ const history::Prefixes prefixes_;
// Params for the current query. The provider should not free this directly;
// instead, it is passed as a parameter through the history backend, and the
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/ b/chrome/browser/history/
index aaec4207..c001298 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/
@@ -222,6 +222,16 @@ history::URLDatabase* HistoryService::InMemoryDatabase() {
return NULL;
+history::InMemoryURLIndex* HistoryService::InMemoryIndex() {
+ // NOTE: See comments in BackendLoaded() as to why we call
+ // LoadBackendIfNecessary() here even though it won't affect the return value
+ // for this call.
+ LoadBackendIfNecessary();
+ if (in_memory_backend_.get())
+ return in_memory_backend_->index();
+ return NULL;
void HistoryService::SetSegmentPresentationIndex(int64 segment_id, int index) {
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/history.h b/chrome/browser/history/history.h
index 8da542c..121d573 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/history.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/history.h
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ class TypedUrlDataTypeController;
namespace history {
class InMemoryHistoryBackend;
+class InMemoryURLIndex;
class HistoryBackend;
class HistoryDatabase;
struct HistoryDetails;
@@ -151,6 +152,8 @@ class HistoryService : public CancelableRequestProvider,
// TODO(brettw) this should return the InMemoryHistoryBackend.
history::URLDatabase* InMemoryDatabase();
+ history::InMemoryURLIndex* InMemoryIndex();
// Navigation ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds the given canonical URL to history with the current time as the visit
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/ b/chrome/browser/history/
index 0f512db..8e1c5fb 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ void HistoryBackend::InitImpl() {
// Fill the in-memory database and send it back to the history service on the
// main thread.
InMemoryHistoryBackend* mem_backend = new InMemoryHistoryBackend;
- if (mem_backend->Init(history_name))
+ if (mem_backend->Init(history_name, db_.get()))
delegate_->SetInMemoryBackend(mem_backend); // Takes ownership of pointer.
delete mem_backend; // Error case, run without the in-memory DB.
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/ b/chrome/browser/history/
index 50395aa..305fa35 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "base/stl_util-inl.h"
using base::Time;
+using base::TimeDelta;
namespace history {
@@ -237,4 +238,10 @@ void QueryResults::AdjustResultMap(size_t begin, size_t end, ptrdiff_t delta) {
+Time AutocompleteAgeThreshold() {
+ Time recent_threshold =
+ Time::Now() - TimeDelta::FromDays(kLowQualityMatchAgeLimitInDays);
+ return recent_threshold;
} // namespace history
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/history_types.h b/chrome/browser/history/history_types.h
index 4619792..0c283b1 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/history_types.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/history_types.h
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#pragma once
+#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
@@ -311,7 +312,7 @@ struct StarredEntry {
// If type == URL, this is the ID of the URL of the primary page that was
// starred.
- history::URLID url_id;
+ URLID url_id;
// Time the entry was last modified. This is only used for groups and
// indicates the last time a URL was added as a child to the group.
@@ -528,6 +529,80 @@ struct MostVisitedURL {
typedef std::vector<MostVisitedURL> MostVisitedURLList;
-} // history
+// Used for intermediate history result operations.
+struct HistoryMatch {
+ // Required for STL, we don't use this directly.
+ HistoryMatch()
+ : url_info(),
+ input_location(std::wstring::npos),
+ match_in_scheme(false),
+ innermost_match(true) {
+ }
+ HistoryMatch(const URLRow& url_info,
+ size_t input_location,
+ bool match_in_scheme,
+ bool innermost_match)
+ : url_info(url_info),
+ input_location(input_location),
+ match_in_scheme(match_in_scheme),
+ innermost_match(innermost_match) {
+ }
+ bool operator==(const GURL& url) const {
+ return url_info.url() == url;
+ }
+ URLRow url_info;
+ // The offset of the user's input within the URL.
+ size_t input_location;
+ // Whether this is a match in the scheme. This determines whether we'll go
+ // ahead and show a scheme on the URL even if the user didn't type one.
+ // If our best match was in the scheme, not showing the scheme is both
+ // confusing and, for inline autocomplete of the fill_into_edit, dangerous.
+ // (If the user types "h" and we match "http://foo/", we need to inline
+ // autocomplete that, not "foo/", which won't show anything at all, and
+ // will mislead the user into thinking the What You Typed match is what's
+ // selected.)
+ bool match_in_scheme;
+ // A match after any scheme/"www.", if the user input could match at both
+ // locations. If the user types "w", an innermost match ("") is
+ // better than a non-innermost match (""). If the user types
+ // "x", no scheme in our prefix list (or "www.") begins with x, so all
+ // matches are, vacuously, "innermost matches".
+ bool innermost_match;
+typedef std::deque<HistoryMatch> HistoryMatches;
+struct Prefix {
+ Prefix(std::wstring const& prefix, int num_components)
+ : prefix(prefix),
+ num_components(num_components) {}
+ std::wstring prefix;
+ // The number of "components" in the prefix. The scheme is a component,
+ // and the initial "www." or "ftp." is a component. So ""
+ // and "" each have one component, "" has two,
+ // and "" has none. This is used to tell whether the user's
+ // input is an innermost match or not. See comments in HistoryMatch.
+ int num_components;
+typedef std::vector<Prefix> Prefixes;
+// Constants which specify, when considered altogether, 'significant'
+// history items. These are used to filter out insignificant items
+// for consideration as autocomplete candidates.
+const int kLowQualityMatchTypedLimit = 1;
+const int kLowQualityMatchVisitLimit = 3;
+const int kLowQualityMatchAgeLimitInDays = 3;
+// Returns the date threshold for considering an history item as significant.
+base::Time AutocompleteAgeThreshold();
+} // namespace history
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/ b/chrome/browser/history/
index 9f3e7be..1350667 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/
@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
#include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_history_backend.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/histogram.h"
+#include "base/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_notifications.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_database.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/history/url_database.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
@@ -26,14 +29,18 @@ InMemoryHistoryBackend::InMemoryHistoryBackend()
InMemoryHistoryBackend::~InMemoryHistoryBackend() {
-bool InMemoryHistoryBackend::Init(const FilePath& history_filename) {
+bool InMemoryHistoryBackend::Init(const FilePath& history_filename,
+ URLDatabase* db) {
db_.reset(new InMemoryDatabase);
bool success = db_->InitFromDisk(history_filename);
if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
switches::kEnableInMemoryURLIndex)) {
index_.reset(new InMemoryURLIndex);
- // TODO(rohitrao): Load index.
+ base::TimeTicks beginning_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
+ index_->Init(db);
+ UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Autocomplete.HistoryDatabaseIndexingTime",
+ base::TimeTicks::Now() - beginning_time);
return success;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/in_memory_history_backend.h b/chrome/browser/history/in_memory_history_backend.h
index b10bb31..ac4c185 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/in_memory_history_backend.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/in_memory_history_backend.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ namespace history {
class InMemoryDatabase;
class InMemoryURLIndex;
+class URLDatabase;
struct URLsDeletedDetails;
struct URLsModifiedDetails;
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ class InMemoryHistoryBackend : public NotificationObserver {
// Initializes with data from the given history database.
- bool Init(const FilePath& history_filename);
+ bool Init(const FilePath& history_filename, URLDatabase* db);
// Does initialization work when this object is attached to the history
// system on the main thread. The argument is the profile with which the
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/ b/chrome/browser/history/
index 83c401f..7f249df2 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/
@@ -4,10 +4,16 @@
#include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/history/url_database.h"
namespace history {
-InMemoryURLIndex::InMemoryURLIndex() {}
+// Indexing
-InMemoryURLIndex::~InMemoryURLIndex() {}
+bool InMemoryURLIndex::Init(history::URLDatabase* history_db) {
+ bool success = true;
+ // TODO(mrossetti): Implement.
+ return success;
} // namespace history
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index.h b/chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index.h
index 166c400..5b7861a 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index.h
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
namespace history {
+class URLDatabase;
// The URL history source.
// Holds portions of the URL database in memory in an indexed form. Used to
// quickly look up matching URLs for a given query string. Used by
@@ -15,8 +17,11 @@ namespace history {
// matches to the omnibox.
class InMemoryURLIndex {
- InMemoryURLIndex();
- ~InMemoryURLIndex();
+ InMemoryURLIndex() {}
+ ~InMemoryURLIndex() {}
+ // Open and index the URL history database.
+ bool Init(URLDatabase* history_db);
} // namespace history
diff --git a/chrome/chrome_browser.gypi b/chrome/chrome_browser.gypi
index 468dc3d..5b92731 100644
--- a/chrome/chrome_browser.gypi
+++ b/chrome/chrome_browser.gypi
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
+ 'browser/autocomplete/',
+ 'browser/autocomplete/history_quick_provider.h',
diff --git a/chrome/chrome_tests.gypi b/chrome/chrome_tests.gypi
index 7418532..c33e615 100644
--- a/chrome/chrome_tests.gypi
+++ b/chrome/chrome_tests.gypi
@@ -677,6 +677,7 @@
+ 'browser/autocomplete/',