path: root/chrome_frame/extra_system_apis.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome_frame/extra_system_apis.h')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome_frame/extra_system_apis.h b/chrome_frame/extra_system_apis.h
index 2d78d59..2258298 100644
--- a/chrome_frame/extra_system_apis.h
+++ b/chrome_frame/extra_system_apis.h
@@ -34,6 +34,51 @@ IWebBrowserEventsUrlService : public IUnknown {
STDMETHOD(GetUrlForEvents)(BSTR* url) = 0;
+// Web browser methods that are used by MSHTML when navigating or
+// initiating downloads. IE6.
+class __declspec(uuid("{3050F804-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B}"))
+IWebBrowserPriv : public IUnknown {
+ public:
+ STDMETHOD(NavigateWithBindCtx)(VARIANT* uri, VARIANT* flags,
+ VARIANT* target_frame, VARIANT* post_data,
+ VARIANT* headers, IBindCtx* bind_ctx,
+ LPOLESTR url_fragment);
+ STDMETHOD(OnClose)();
+// Web browser methods that are used by MSHTML when navigating or
+// initiating downloads. IE7.
+class __declspec(uuid("{1AF32B6C-A3BA-48B9-B24E-8AA9C41F6ECD}"))
+IWebBrowserPriv2IE7 : public IUnknown {
+ public:
+ STDMETHOD(NavigateWithBindCtx2)(IUri* uri, VARIANT* flags,
+ VARIANT* target_frame, VARIANT* post_data,
+ VARIANT* headers, IBindCtx* bind_ctx,
+ LPOLESTR url_fragment);
+ STDMETHOD(SetBrowserFrameOptions)(DWORD opt1, DWORD opt2);
+ STDMETHOD(DetachConnectionPoints)();
+// Web browser methods that are used by MSHTML when navigating or
+// initiating downloads. IE8 uses IID {3ED72303-6FFC-4214-BA90-FAF1862DEC8A}
+// whereas the IID is {1AF32B6C-A3BA-48B9-B24E-8AA9C41F6ECD} in IE7
+class __declspec(uuid("{3ED72303-6FFC-4214-BA90-FAF1862DEC8A}"))
+IWebBrowserPriv2IE8 : public IUnknown {
+ public:
+ STDMETHOD(NavigateWithBindCtx2)(IUri* uri, VARIANT* flags,
+ VARIANT* target_frame, VARIANT* post_data,
+ VARIANT* headers, IBindCtx* bind_ctx,
+ LPOLESTR url_fragment);
+ STDMETHOD(SetBrowserFrameOptions)(DWORD opt1, DWORD opt2);
+ STDMETHOD(DetachConnectionPoints)();
+ STDMETHOD(GetProcessId)(DWORD* pid);
+ STDMETHOD(CompatAttachEditEvents)();
+ STDMETHOD(HandleOpenOptions)(IUnknown* obj, BSTR bstr, int options);
+ STDMETHOD(SetSearchTerm)(BSTR term);
+ STDMETHOD(GetSearchTerm)(BSTR* term);
+ STDMETHOD(GetCurrentDocument)(IDispatch** doc);
// This interface is used to call FireBeforeNavigate with additional
// information like url. Available on IE7 onwards.