path: root/chrome_frame/plugin_url_request.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome_frame/plugin_url_request.h')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/chrome_frame/plugin_url_request.h b/chrome_frame/plugin_url_request.h
index 9bfedb7..dbec76f 100644
--- a/chrome_frame/plugin_url_request.h
+++ b/chrome_frame/plugin_url_request.h
@@ -21,6 +21,61 @@ class PluginUrlRequest;
class PluginUrlRequestDelegate;
class PluginUrlRequestManager;
+// A thread-safe ref-counted wrapper for the non-thread-safe ref-counted
+// net::UploadData. I'm trying to avoid making net::UploadData thread-safe
+// as it is a widely used data structure whose performance characteristics
+// I do not wish to change.
+class UploadDataThreadSafe
+ : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<UploadDataThreadSafe> {
+ public:
+ explicit UploadDataThreadSafe(net::UploadData* upload_data) {
+ DCHECK(upload_data == NULL || upload_data->HasOneRef());
+ upload_data_ = upload_data;
+ }
+ net::UploadData* get_data() {
+ DCHECK(upload_data_.get() == NULL || upload_data_->HasOneRef());
+ return upload_data_.get();
+ }
+ private:
+ scoped_refptr<net::UploadData> upload_data_;
+// A class that can be used in place of an IPC::AutomationUrlRequest but can be
+// safely passed across threads. Note that this takes ownership of the
+// net::UploadData instance and that the instance must have a ref_count of
+// exactly 1 when this is called.
+class ThreadSafeAutomationUrlRequest {
+ public:
+ // Note that the constructor mutates the "const" ipc_request parameter.
+ explicit ThreadSafeAutomationUrlRequest(
+ const IPC::AutomationURLRequest& ipc_request)
+ : url(ipc_request.url), method(ipc_request.method),
+ referrer(ipc_request.referrer),
+ extra_request_headers(ipc_request.extra_request_headers) {
+ // Make sure that we have exactly one reference when taking ownership.
+ net::UploadData* temp_data = const_cast<IPC::AutomationURLRequest&>(
+ ipc_request).upload_data.release();
+ DCHECK(temp_data == NULL || temp_data->HasOneRef());
+ upload_data = new UploadDataThreadSafe(temp_data);
+ if (temp_data) {
+ temp_data->Release();
+ }
+ // Make sure that we have exactly one reference after taking ownership.
+ DCHECK(temp_data == NULL || temp_data->HasOneRef());
+ }
+ std::string url;
+ std::string method;
+ std::string referrer;
+ std::string extra_request_headers;
+ scoped_refptr<UploadDataThreadSafe> upload_data;
class DECLSPEC_NOVTABLE PluginUrlRequestDelegate { // NOLINT
virtual void OnResponseStarted(int request_id, const char* mime_type,
@@ -61,7 +116,7 @@ class DECLSPEC_NOVTABLE PluginUrlRequestManager { // NOLINT
// derived classes.
void StartUrlRequest(int tab, int request_id,
const IPC::AutomationURLRequest& request_info) {
- StartRequest(request_id, request_info);
+ StartRequest(request_id, ThreadSafeAutomationUrlRequest(request_info));
void ReadUrlRequest(int tab, int request_id, int bytes_to_read) {
@@ -96,7 +151,7 @@ class DECLSPEC_NOVTABLE PluginUrlRequestManager { // NOLINT
virtual void StartRequest(int request_id,
- const IPC::AutomationURLRequest& request_info) = 0;
+ const ThreadSafeAutomationUrlRequest& request_info) = 0;
virtual void ReadRequest(int request_id, int bytes_to_read) = 0;
virtual void EndRequest(int request_id) = 0;
virtual void DownloadRequestInHost(int request_id) = 0;