path: root/chromeos/monitor/output_configurator.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromeos/monitor/output_configurator.h')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromeos/monitor/output_configurator.h b/chromeos/monitor/output_configurator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b59474f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromeos/monitor/output_configurator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#pragma once
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/dpms.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
+// Xlib defines Status as int which causes our include of dbus/bus.h to fail
+// when it tries to name an enum Status. Thus, we need to undefine it (note
+// that this will cause a problem if code needs to use the Status type).
+// RootWindow causes similar problems in that there is a Chromium type with that
+// name.
+#undef Status
+#undef RootWindow
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/event_types.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
+namespace chromeos {
+// The information we need to cache from an output to implement operations such
+// as power state but also to eliminate duplicate operations within a given
+// action (determining which CRTC to use for a given output, for example).
+struct CachedOutputDescription {
+ RROutput output;
+ RRCrtc crtc;
+ RRMode mirror_mode;
+ RRMode ideal_mode;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ bool is_connected;
+ bool is_powered_on;
+ bool is_internal;
+// Used to describe the state of a multi-monitor configuration.
+enum State {
+// This class interacts directly with the underlying Xrandr API to manipulate
+// CTRCs and Outputs. It will likely grow more state, over time, or expose
+// Output info in other ways as more of the Chrome display code grows up around
+// it.
+class CHROMEOS_EXPORT OutputConfigurator : public MessageLoop::Dispatcher {
+ public:
+ OutputConfigurator();
+ virtual ~OutputConfigurator();
+ // Called when the user hits ctrl-F4 to request a display mode change.
+ // This method should only return false if it was called in a single-head or
+ // headless mode.
+ bool CycleDisplayMode();
+ // Called when powerd notifies us that some set of displays should be turned
+ // on or off. This requires enabling or disabling the CRTC associated with
+ // the display(s) in question so that the low power state is engaged.
+ bool ScreenPowerSet(bool power_on, bool all_displays);
+ // Called when an RRNotify event is received. The implementation is
+ // interested in the cases of RRNotify events which correspond to output
+ // add/remove events. Note that Output add/remove events are sent in response
+ // to our own reconfiguration operations so spurious events are common.
+ // Spurious events will have no effect.
+ virtual bool Dispatch(const base::NativeEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ // Updates |output_count_|, |output_cache_|, |mirror_supported_|,
+ // |primary_output_index_|, and |secondary_output_index_| with new data.
+ // Returns true if the update succeeded or false if it was skipped since no
+ // actual change was observed.
+ // Note that |output_state_| is not updated by this call.
+ bool TryRecacheOutputs(Display* display, XRRScreenResources* screen);
+ // Uses the data stored in |output_cache_| and the given |new_state| to
+ // configure the Xrandr interface and then updates |output_state_| to reflect
+ // the new state.
+ void UpdateCacheAndXrandrToState(Display* display,
+ XRRScreenResources* screen,
+ Window window,
+ State new_state);
+ // A helper to re-cache instance variable state and transition into the
+ // appropriate default state for the observed displays.
+ bool RecacheAndUseDefaultState();
+ // Checks the |primary_output_index_|, |secondary_output_index_|, and
+ // |mirror_supported_| to see how many displays are currently connected and
+ // returns the state which is most appropriate as a default state for those
+ // displays.
+ State GetDefaultState() const;
+ // This is detected by the constructor to determine whether or not we should
+ // be enabled. If we aren't running on ChromeOS, we can't assume that the
+ // Xrandr X11 extension is supported.
+ // If this flag is set to false, any attempts to change the output
+ // configuration to immediately fail without changing the state.
+ bool is_running_on_chrome_os_;
+ // The number of outputs in the output_cache_ array.
+ int output_count_;
+ // The list of cached output descriptions (|output_count_| elements long).
+ scoped_array<CachedOutputDescription> output_cache_;
+ // True if |output_cache_| describes a permutation of outputs which support a
+ // mirrored device mode.
+ bool mirror_supported_;
+ // The index of the primary connected output in |output_cache_|. -1 if there
+ // is no primary output. This implies the machine currently has no outputs.
+ int primary_output_index_;
+ // The index of the secondary connected output in |output_cache_|. -1 if
+ // there is no secondary output. This implies the machine currently has one
+ // output.
+ int secondary_output_index_;
+ // The base of the event numbers used to represent XRandr events used in
+ // decoding events regarding output add/remove.
+ int xrandr_event_base_;
+ // The display state as derived from the outputs observed in |output_cache_|.
+ // This is used for rotating display modes.
+ State output_state_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(OutputConfigurator);
+} // namespace chromeos