path: root/components/drive/file_system/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'components/drive/file_system/')
1 files changed, 671 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/components/drive/file_system/ b/components/drive/file_system/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..595e8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/drive/file_system/
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/drive/file_system/copy_operation.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "base/task_runner_util.h"
+#include "components/drive/drive.pb.h"
+#include "components/drive/drive_api_util.h"
+#include "components/drive/file_cache.h"
+#include "components/drive/file_change.h"
+#include "components/drive/file_system/create_file_operation.h"
+#include "components/drive/file_system/operation_delegate.h"
+#include "components/drive/file_system_core_util.h"
+#include "components/drive/job_scheduler.h"
+#include "components/drive/resource_entry_conversion.h"
+#include "components/drive/resource_metadata.h"
+#include "google_apis/drive/drive_api_parser.h"
+namespace drive {
+namespace file_system {
+struct CopyOperation::CopyParams {
+ base::FilePath src_file_path;
+ base::FilePath dest_file_path;
+ bool preserve_last_modified;
+ FileOperationCallback callback;
+ ResourceEntry src_entry;
+ ResourceEntry parent_entry;
+// Enum for categorizing where a gdoc represented by a JSON file exists.
+enum JsonGdocLocationType {
+struct CopyOperation::TransferJsonGdocParams {
+ TransferJsonGdocParams(const FileOperationCallback& callback,
+ const std::string& resource_id,
+ const ResourceEntry& parent_entry,
+ const std::string& new_title)
+ : callback(callback),
+ resource_id(resource_id),
+ parent_resource_id(parent_entry.resource_id()),
+ parent_local_id(parent_entry.local_id()),
+ new_title(new_title),
+ location_type(NOT_IN_METADATA) {
+ }
+ // Parameters supplied or calculated from operation arguments.
+ const FileOperationCallback callback;
+ const std::string resource_id;
+ const std::string parent_resource_id;
+ const std::string parent_local_id;
+ const std::string new_title;
+ // Values computed during operation.
+ JsonGdocLocationType location_type; // types where the gdoc file is located.
+ std::string local_id; // the local_id of the file (if exists in metadata.)
+ base::FilePath changed_path;
+namespace {
+FileError TryToCopyLocally(internal::ResourceMetadata* metadata,
+ internal::FileCache* cache,
+ CopyOperation::CopyParams* params,
+ std::vector<std::string>* updated_local_ids,
+ bool* directory_changed,
+ bool* should_copy_on_server) {
+ FileError error = metadata->GetResourceEntryByPath(params->src_file_path,
+ &params->src_entry);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ error = metadata->GetResourceEntryByPath(params->dest_file_path.DirName(),
+ &params->parent_entry);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ if (!params->parent_entry.file_info().is_directory())
+ // Drive File System doesn't support recursive copy.
+ if (params->src_entry.file_info().is_directory())
+ // Check destination.
+ ResourceEntry dest_entry;
+ error = metadata->GetResourceEntryByPath(params->dest_file_path, &dest_entry);
+ switch (error) {
+ // File API spec says it is an error to try to "copy a file to a path
+ // occupied by a directory".
+ if (dest_entry.file_info().is_directory())
+ // Move the existing entry to the trash.
+ dest_entry.set_parent_local_id(util::kDriveTrashDirLocalId);
+ error = metadata->RefreshEntry(dest_entry);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ updated_local_ids->push_back(dest_entry.local_id());
+ *directory_changed = true;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return error;
+ }
+ // If the cache file is not present and the entry exists on the server,
+ // server side copy should be used.
+ if (!params->src_entry.file_specific_info().cache_state().is_present() &&
+ !params->src_entry.resource_id().empty()) {
+ *should_copy_on_server = true;
+ return FILE_ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ // Copy locally.
+ ResourceEntry entry;
+ const int64 now = base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue();
+ entry.set_title(params->dest_file_path.BaseName().AsUTF8Unsafe());
+ entry.set_parent_local_id(params->parent_entry.local_id());
+ entry.mutable_file_specific_info()->set_content_mime_type(
+ params->src_entry.file_specific_info().content_mime_type());
+ entry.set_metadata_edit_state(ResourceEntry::DIRTY);
+ entry.set_modification_date(base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue());
+ entry.mutable_file_info()->set_last_modified(
+ params->preserve_last_modified ?
+ params->src_entry.file_info().last_modified() : now);
+ entry.mutable_file_info()->set_last_accessed(now);
+ std::string local_id;
+ error = metadata->AddEntry(entry, &local_id);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ updated_local_ids->push_back(local_id);
+ *directory_changed = true;
+ if (!params->src_entry.file_specific_info().cache_state().is_present()) {
+ DCHECK(params->src_entry.resource_id().empty());
+ // Locally created empty file may have no cache file.
+ return FILE_ERROR_OK;
+ }
+ base::FilePath cache_file_path;
+ error = cache->GetFile(params->src_entry.local_id(), &cache_file_path);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ return cache->Store(local_id, std::string(), cache_file_path,
+ internal::FileCache::FILE_OPERATION_COPY);
+// Stores the entry returned from the server and returns its path.
+FileError UpdateLocalStateForServerSideOperation(
+ internal::ResourceMetadata* metadata,
+ scoped_ptr<google_apis::FileResource> file_resource,
+ ResourceEntry* entry,
+ base::FilePath* file_path) {
+ DCHECK(file_resource);
+ std::string parent_resource_id;
+ if (!ConvertFileResourceToResourceEntry(
+ *file_resource, entry, &parent_resource_id) ||
+ parent_resource_id.empty())
+ std::string parent_local_id;
+ FileError error = metadata->GetIdByResourceId(parent_resource_id,
+ &parent_local_id);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ entry->set_parent_local_id(parent_local_id);
+ std::string local_id;
+ error = metadata->AddEntry(*entry, &local_id);
+ // Depending on timing, the metadata may have inserted via change list
+ // already. So, FILE_ERROR_EXISTS is not an error.
+ if (error == FILE_ERROR_EXISTS)
+ error = metadata->GetIdByResourceId(entry->resource_id(), &local_id);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ return metadata->GetFilePath(local_id, file_path);
+// Stores the file at |local_file_path| to the cache as a content of entry at
+// |remote_dest_path|, and marks it dirty.
+FileError UpdateLocalStateForScheduleTransfer(
+ internal::ResourceMetadata* metadata,
+ internal::FileCache* cache,
+ const base::FilePath& local_src_path,
+ const base::FilePath& remote_dest_path,
+ ResourceEntry* entry,
+ std::string* local_id) {
+ FileError error = metadata->GetIdByPath(remote_dest_path, local_id);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ error = metadata->GetResourceEntryById(*local_id, entry);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ return cache->Store(*local_id, std::string(), local_src_path,
+ internal::FileCache::FILE_OPERATION_COPY);
+// Gets the file size of the |local_path|, and the ResourceEntry for the parent
+// of |remote_path| to prepare the necessary information for transfer.
+FileError PrepareTransferFileFromLocalToRemote(
+ internal::ResourceMetadata* metadata,
+ const base::FilePath& local_src_path,
+ const base::FilePath& remote_dest_path,
+ std::string* gdoc_resource_id,
+ ResourceEntry* parent_entry) {
+ FileError error = metadata->GetResourceEntryByPath(
+ remote_dest_path.DirName(), parent_entry);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ // The destination's parent must be a directory.
+ if (!parent_entry->file_info().is_directory())
+ // Try to parse GDoc File and extract the resource id, if necessary.
+ // Failing isn't problem. It'd be handled as a regular file, then.
+ if (util::HasHostedDocumentExtension(local_src_path))
+ *gdoc_resource_id = util::ReadResourceIdFromGDocFile(local_src_path);
+ return FILE_ERROR_OK;
+// Performs local work before server-side work for transferring JSON-represented
+// gdoc files.
+FileError LocalWorkForTransferJsonGdocFile(
+ internal::ResourceMetadata* metadata,
+ CopyOperation::TransferJsonGdocParams* params) {
+ std::string local_id;
+ FileError error = metadata->GetIdByResourceId(params->resource_id, &local_id);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) {
+ params->location_type = NOT_IN_METADATA;
+ return error == FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND ? FILE_ERROR_OK : error;
+ }
+ ResourceEntry entry;
+ error = metadata->GetResourceEntryById(local_id, &entry);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ params->local_id = entry.local_id();
+ if (entry.parent_local_id() == util::kDriveOtherDirLocalId) {
+ params->location_type = IS_ORPHAN;
+ entry.set_title(params->new_title);
+ entry.set_parent_local_id(params->parent_local_id);
+ entry.set_metadata_edit_state(ResourceEntry::DIRTY);
+ entry.set_modification_date(base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue());
+ error = metadata->RefreshEntry(entry);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK)
+ return error;
+ return metadata->GetFilePath(local_id, &params->changed_path);
+ }
+ params->location_type = HAS_PARENT;
+ return FILE_ERROR_OK;
+} // namespace
+CopyOperation::CopyOperation(base::SequencedTaskRunner* blocking_task_runner,
+ OperationDelegate* delegate,
+ JobScheduler* scheduler,
+ internal::ResourceMetadata* metadata,
+ internal::FileCache* cache)
+ : blocking_task_runner_(blocking_task_runner),
+ delegate_(delegate),
+ scheduler_(scheduler),
+ metadata_(metadata),
+ cache_(cache),
+ create_file_operation_(new CreateFileOperation(blocking_task_runner,
+ delegate,
+ metadata)),
+ weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
+CopyOperation::~CopyOperation() {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+void CopyOperation::Copy(const base::FilePath& src_file_path,
+ const base::FilePath& dest_file_path,
+ bool preserve_last_modified,
+ const FileOperationCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ CopyParams* params = new CopyParams;
+ params->src_file_path = src_file_path;
+ params->dest_file_path = dest_file_path;
+ params->preserve_last_modified = preserve_last_modified;
+ params->callback = callback;
+ std::vector<std::string>* updated_local_ids = new std::vector<std::string>;
+ bool* directory_changed = new bool(false);
+ bool* should_copy_on_server = new bool(false);
+ base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
+ blocking_task_runner_.get(),
+ base::Bind(&TryToCopyLocally, metadata_, cache_, params,
+ updated_local_ids, directory_changed, should_copy_on_server),
+ base::Bind(&CopyOperation::CopyAfterTryToCopyLocally,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Owned(params),
+ base::Owned(updated_local_ids), base::Owned(directory_changed),
+ base::Owned(should_copy_on_server)));
+void CopyOperation::CopyAfterTryToCopyLocally(
+ const CopyParams* params,
+ const std::vector<std::string>* updated_local_ids,
+ const bool* directory_changed,
+ const bool* should_copy_on_server,
+ FileError error) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!params->callback.is_null());
+ for (const auto& id : *updated_local_ids) {
+ // Syncing for copy should be done in background, so pass the BACKGROUND
+ // context. See:
+ delegate_->OnEntryUpdatedByOperation(ClientContext(BACKGROUND), id);
+ }
+ if (*directory_changed) {
+ FileChange changed_file;
+ DCHECK(!params->src_entry.file_info().is_directory());
+ changed_file.Update(params->dest_file_path, FileChange::FILE_TYPE_FILE,
+ delegate_->OnFileChangedByOperation(changed_file);
+ }
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK || !*should_copy_on_server) {
+ params->callback.Run(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (params->parent_entry.resource_id().empty()) {
+ // Parent entry may be being synced.
+ const bool waiting = delegate_->WaitForSyncComplete(
+ params->parent_entry.local_id(),
+ base::Bind(&CopyOperation::CopyAfterParentSync,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), *params));
+ if (!waiting)
+ params->callback.Run(FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
+ } else {
+ CopyAfterGetParentResourceId(*params, &params->parent_entry, FILE_ERROR_OK);
+ }
+void CopyOperation::CopyAfterParentSync(const CopyParams& params,
+ FileError error) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!params.callback.is_null());
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) {
+ params.callback.Run(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ ResourceEntry* parent = new ResourceEntry;
+ base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
+ blocking_task_runner_.get(),
+ base::Bind(&internal::ResourceMetadata::GetResourceEntryById,
+ base::Unretained(metadata_),
+ params.parent_entry.local_id(),
+ parent),
+ base::Bind(&CopyOperation::CopyAfterGetParentResourceId,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ params,
+ base::Owned(parent)));
+void CopyOperation::CopyAfterGetParentResourceId(const CopyParams& params,
+ const ResourceEntry* parent,
+ FileError error) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!params.callback.is_null());
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) {
+ params.callback.Run(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ base::FilePath new_title = params.dest_file_path.BaseName();
+ if (params.src_entry.file_specific_info().is_hosted_document()) {
+ // Drop the document extension, which should not be in the title.
+ // TODO(yoshiki): Remove this code with
+ new_title = new_title.RemoveExtension();
+ }
+ base::Time last_modified =
+ params.preserve_last_modified ?
+ base::Time::FromInternalValue(
+ params.src_entry.file_info().last_modified()) : base::Time();
+ CopyResourceOnServer(
+ params.src_entry.resource_id(), parent->resource_id(),
+ new_title.AsUTF8Unsafe(), last_modified, params.callback);
+void CopyOperation::TransferFileFromLocalToRemote(
+ const base::FilePath& local_src_path,
+ const base::FilePath& remote_dest_path,
+ const FileOperationCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ std::string* gdoc_resource_id = new std::string;
+ ResourceEntry* parent_entry = new ResourceEntry;
+ base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
+ blocking_task_runner_.get(),
+ base::Bind(
+ &PrepareTransferFileFromLocalToRemote,
+ metadata_, local_src_path, remote_dest_path,
+ gdoc_resource_id, parent_entry),
+ base::Bind(
+ &CopyOperation::TransferFileFromLocalToRemoteAfterPrepare,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ local_src_path, remote_dest_path, callback,
+ base::Owned(gdoc_resource_id), base::Owned(parent_entry)));
+void CopyOperation::TransferFileFromLocalToRemoteAfterPrepare(
+ const base::FilePath& local_src_path,
+ const base::FilePath& remote_dest_path,
+ const FileOperationCallback& callback,
+ std::string* gdoc_resource_id,
+ ResourceEntry* parent_entry,
+ FileError error) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) {
+ callback.Run(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ // For regular files, schedule the transfer.
+ if (gdoc_resource_id->empty()) {
+ ScheduleTransferRegularFile(local_src_path, remote_dest_path, callback);
+ return;
+ }
+ // GDoc file may contain a resource ID in the old format.
+ const std::string canonicalized_resource_id =
+ util::CanonicalizeResourceId(*gdoc_resource_id);
+ // Drop the document extension, which should not be in the title.
+ // TODO(yoshiki): Remove this code with
+ const std::string new_title =
+ remote_dest_path.BaseName().RemoveExtension().AsUTF8Unsafe();
+ // This is uploading a JSON file representing a hosted document.
+ TransferJsonGdocParams* params = new TransferJsonGdocParams(
+ callback, canonicalized_resource_id, *parent_entry, new_title);
+ base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
+ blocking_task_runner_.get(),
+ base::Bind(&LocalWorkForTransferJsonGdocFile, metadata_, params),
+ base::Bind(&CopyOperation::TransferJsonGdocFileAfterLocalWork,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Owned(params)));
+void CopyOperation::TransferJsonGdocFileAfterLocalWork(
+ TransferJsonGdocParams* params,
+ FileError error) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) {
+ params->callback.Run(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (params->location_type) {
+ // When |resource_id| is found in the local metadata and it has a specific
+ // parent folder, we assume the user's intention is to copy the document and
+ // thus perform the server-side copy operation.
+ case HAS_PARENT:
+ CopyResourceOnServer(params->resource_id,
+ params->parent_resource_id,
+ params->new_title,
+ base::Time(),
+ params->callback);
+ break;
+ // When |resource_id| has no parent, we just set the new destination folder
+ // as the parent, for sharing the document between the original source.
+ // This reparenting is already done in LocalWorkForTransferJsonGdocFile().
+ case IS_ORPHAN: {
+ DCHECK(!params->changed_path.empty());
+ // Syncing for copy should be done in background, so pass the BACKGROUND
+ // context. See:
+ delegate_->OnEntryUpdatedByOperation(ClientContext(BACKGROUND),
+ params->local_id);
+ FileChange changed_file;
+ changed_file.Update(
+ params->changed_path,
+ FileChange::FILE_TYPE_FILE, // This must be a hosted document.
+ delegate_->OnFileChangedByOperation(changed_file);
+ params->callback.Run(error);
+ break;
+ }
+ // When the |resource_id| is not in the local metadata, assume it to be a
+ // document just now shared on the server but not synced locally.
+ // Same as the IS_ORPHAN case, we want to deal the case by setting parent,
+ // but this time we need to resort to server side operation.
+ scheduler_->UpdateResource(
+ params->resource_id, params->parent_resource_id, params->new_title,
+ base::Time(), base::Time(), google_apis::drive::Properties(),
+ ClientContext(USER_INITIATED),
+ base::Bind(&CopyOperation::UpdateAfterServerSideOperation,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), params->callback));
+ break;
+ }
+void CopyOperation::CopyResourceOnServer(
+ const std::string& resource_id,
+ const std::string& parent_resource_id,
+ const std::string& new_title,
+ const base::Time& last_modified,
+ const FileOperationCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ scheduler_->CopyResource(
+ resource_id, parent_resource_id, new_title, last_modified,
+ base::Bind(&CopyOperation::UpdateAfterServerSideOperation,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ callback));
+void CopyOperation::UpdateAfterServerSideOperation(
+ const FileOperationCallback& callback,
+ google_apis::DriveApiErrorCode status,
+ scoped_ptr<google_apis::FileResource> entry) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ FileError error = GDataToFileError(status);
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) {
+ callback.Run(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ ResourceEntry* resource_entry = new ResourceEntry;
+ // The copy on the server side is completed successfully. Update the local
+ // metadata.
+ base::FilePath* file_path = new base::FilePath;
+ base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
+ blocking_task_runner_.get(),
+ base::Bind(&UpdateLocalStateForServerSideOperation,
+ metadata_,
+ base::Passed(&entry),
+ resource_entry,
+ file_path),
+ base::Bind(&CopyOperation::UpdateAfterLocalStateUpdate,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ callback,
+ base::Owned(file_path),
+ base::Owned(resource_entry)));
+void CopyOperation::UpdateAfterLocalStateUpdate(
+ const FileOperationCallback& callback,
+ base::FilePath* file_path,
+ const ResourceEntry* entry,
+ FileError error) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ if (error == FILE_ERROR_OK) {
+ FileChange changed_file;
+ changed_file.Update(*file_path, *entry,
+ delegate_->OnFileChangedByOperation(changed_file);
+ }
+ callback.Run(error);
+void CopyOperation::ScheduleTransferRegularFile(
+ const base::FilePath& local_src_path,
+ const base::FilePath& remote_dest_path,
+ const FileOperationCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ create_file_operation_->CreateFile(
+ remote_dest_path,
+ false, // Not exclusive (OK even if a file already exists).
+ std::string(), // no specific mime type; CreateFile should guess it.
+ base::Bind(&CopyOperation::ScheduleTransferRegularFileAfterCreate,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ local_src_path, remote_dest_path, callback));
+void CopyOperation::ScheduleTransferRegularFileAfterCreate(
+ const base::FilePath& local_src_path,
+ const base::FilePath& remote_dest_path,
+ const FileOperationCallback& callback,
+ FileError error) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) {
+ callback.Run(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string* local_id = new std::string;
+ ResourceEntry* entry = new ResourceEntry;
+ base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
+ blocking_task_runner_.get(),
+ base::Bind(&UpdateLocalStateForScheduleTransfer,
+ metadata_,
+ cache_,
+ local_src_path,
+ remote_dest_path,
+ entry,
+ local_id),
+ base::Bind(
+ &CopyOperation::ScheduleTransferRegularFileAfterUpdateLocalState,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ callback,
+ remote_dest_path,
+ base::Owned(entry),
+ base::Owned(local_id)));
+void CopyOperation::ScheduleTransferRegularFileAfterUpdateLocalState(
+ const FileOperationCallback& callback,
+ const base::FilePath& remote_dest_path,
+ const ResourceEntry* entry,
+ std::string* local_id,
+ FileError error) {
+ DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
+ DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
+ if (error == FILE_ERROR_OK) {
+ FileChange changed_file;
+ changed_file.Update(remote_dest_path, *entry,
+ delegate_->OnFileChangedByOperation(changed_file);
+ // Syncing for copy should be done in background, so pass the BACKGROUND
+ // context. See:
+ delegate_->OnEntryUpdatedByOperation(ClientContext(BACKGROUND), *local_id);
+ }
+ callback.Run(error);
+} // namespace file_system
+} // namespace drive