path: root/content/browser/geolocation/device_data_provider.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/content/browser/geolocation/device_data_provider.h b/content/browser/geolocation/device_data_provider.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c69fe8..0000000
--- a/content/browser/geolocation/device_data_provider.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// A device data provider provides data from the device that is used by a
-// NetworkLocationProvider to obtain a position fix. This data may be either
-// wifi data or (currently not used) cell radio data. For a given type of data,
-// we use a singleton instance of the device data provider, which is used by
-// multiple NetworkLocationProvider objects.
-// This file provides DeviceDataProvider, which provides static methods to
-// access the singleton instance. The singleton instance uses a private
-// implementation to abstract across platforms and also to allow mock providers
-// to be used for testing.
-// This file also provides DeviceDataProviderImplBase, a base class which
-// provides common functionality for the private implementations.
-// This file also declares the data structure used to represent wifi data.
-#include <set>
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/strings/string16.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "content/common/content_export.h"
-namespace content {
-// Wifi data relating to a single access point.
-struct CONTENT_EXPORT AccessPointData {
- AccessPointData();
- ~AccessPointData();
- // MAC address, formatted as per MacAddressAsString16.
- string16 mac_address;
- int radio_signal_strength; // Measured in dBm
- int channel;
- int signal_to_noise; // Ratio in dB
- string16 ssid; // Network identifier
-// This is to allow AccessPointData to be used in std::set. We order
-// lexicographically by MAC address.
-struct AccessPointDataLess {
- bool operator()(const AccessPointData& data1,
- const AccessPointData& data2) const {
- return data1.mac_address < data2.mac_address;
- }
-// All data for wifi.
-struct CONTENT_EXPORT WifiData {
- WifiData();
- ~WifiData();
- // Determines whether a new set of WiFi data differs significantly from this.
- bool DiffersSignificantly(const WifiData& other) const;
- // Store access points as a set, sorted by MAC address. This allows quick
- // comparison of sets for detecting changes and for caching.
- typedef std::set<AccessPointData, AccessPointDataLess> AccessPointDataSet;
- AccessPointDataSet access_point_data;
-template<typename DataType>
-class DeviceDataProvider;
-// This class just exists to work-around MSVC2005 not being able to have a
-// template class implement RefCountedThreadSafe
-class CONTENT_EXPORT DeviceDataProviderImplBaseHack
- : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DeviceDataProviderImplBaseHack> {
- protected:
- friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DeviceDataProviderImplBaseHack>;
- virtual ~DeviceDataProviderImplBaseHack() {}
-// See class DeviceDataProvider for the public client API.
-// DeviceDataProvider uses containment to hide platform-specific implementation
-// details from common code. This class provides common functionality for these
-// contained implementation classes. This is a modified pimpl pattern: this
-// class needs to be in the public header due to use of templating.
-template<typename DataType>
-class DeviceDataProviderImplBase : public DeviceDataProviderImplBaseHack {
- public:
- DeviceDataProviderImplBase()
- : container_(NULL), client_loop_(base::MessageLoop::current()) {
- DCHECK(client_loop_);
- }
- // Tells the provider to start looking for data. Listeners will start
- // receiving notifications after this call.
- virtual void StartDataProvider() = 0;
- // Tells the provider to stop looking for data. Listeners will stop
- // receiving notifications after this call.
- virtual void StopDataProvider() = 0;
- virtual bool GetData(DataType* data) = 0;
- // Sets the container of this class, which is of type DeviceDataProvider.
- // This is required to pass as a parameter when making the callback to
- // listeners.
- void SetContainer(DeviceDataProvider<DataType>* container) {
- container_ = container;
- }
- typedef typename DeviceDataProvider<DataType>::ListenerInterface
- ListenerInterface;
- void AddListener(ListenerInterface* listener) {
- listeners_.insert(listener);
- }
- bool RemoveListener(ListenerInterface* listener) {
- return listeners_.erase(listener) == 1;
- }
- bool has_listeners() const {
- return !listeners_.empty();
- }
- protected:
- virtual ~DeviceDataProviderImplBase() {}
- // Calls DeviceDataUpdateAvailable() on all registered listeners.
- typedef std::set<ListenerInterface*> ListenersSet;
- void NotifyListeners() {
- // Always make the notify callback via a posted task, so we can unwind
- // callstack here and make callback without causing client re-entrancy.
- client_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
- &DeviceDataProviderImplBase<DataType>::DoNotifyListeners,
- this));
- }
- bool CalledOnClientThread() const {
- return base::MessageLoop::current() == this->client_loop_;
- }
- base::MessageLoop* client_loop() const { return client_loop_; }
- private:
- void DoNotifyListeners() {
- // It's possible that all the listeners (and the container) went away
- // whilst this task was pending. This is fine; the loop will be a no-op.
- typename ListenersSet::const_iterator iter = listeners_.begin();
- while (iter != listeners_.end()) {
- ListenerInterface* listener = *iter;
- ++iter; // Advance iter before callback, in case listener unregisters.
- listener->DeviceDataUpdateAvailable(container_);
- }
- }
- DeviceDataProvider<DataType>* container_;
- // Reference to the client's message loop, all callbacks and access to
- // the listeners_ member should happen in this context.
- base::MessageLoop* client_loop_;
- ListenersSet listeners_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DeviceDataProviderImplBase);
-typedef DeviceDataProviderImplBase<WifiData> WifiDataProviderImplBase;
-// A device data provider
-// We use a singleton instance of this class which is shared by multiple network
-// location providers. These location providers access the instance through the
-// Register and Unregister methods.
-template<typename DataType>
-class DeviceDataProvider {
- public:
- // Interface to be implemented by listeners to a device data provider.
- class ListenerInterface {
- public:
- // Will be called in the context of the thread that called Register().
- virtual void DeviceDataUpdateAvailable(
- DeviceDataProvider<DataType>* provider) = 0;
- virtual ~ListenerInterface() {}
- };
- // Sets the factory function which will be used by Register to create the
- // implementation used by the singleton instance. This factory approach is
- // used both to abstract accross platform-specific implementations and to
- // inject mock implementations for testing.
- typedef DeviceDataProviderImplBase<DataType>* (*ImplFactoryFunction)(void);
- static void SetFactory(ImplFactoryFunction factory_function_in) {
- factory_function_ = factory_function_in;
- }
- static void ResetFactory() {
- factory_function_ = DefaultFactoryFunction;
- }
- // Adds a listener, which will be called back with DeviceDataUpdateAvailable
- // whenever new data is available. Returns the singleton instance.
- static DeviceDataProvider* Register(ListenerInterface* listener) {
- bool need_to_start_provider = false;
- if (!instance_) {
- instance_ = new DeviceDataProvider();
- need_to_start_provider = true;
- }
- DCHECK(instance_);
- instance_->AddListener(listener);
- // Start the provider after adding the listener, to avoid any race in
- // it receiving an early callback.
- if (need_to_start_provider)
- instance_->StartDataProvider();
- return instance_;
- }
- // Removes a listener. If this is the last listener, deletes the singleton
- // instance. Return value indicates success.
- static bool Unregister(ListenerInterface* listener) {
- DCHECK(instance_);
- DCHECK(instance_->has_listeners());
- if (!instance_->RemoveListener(listener)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!instance_->has_listeners()) {
- // Must stop the provider (and any implementation threads) before
- // destroying to avoid any race conditions in access to the provider in
- // the destructor chain.
- instance_->StopDataProvider();
- delete instance_;
- instance_ = NULL;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Provides whatever data the provider has, which may be nothing. Return
- // value indicates whether this is all the data the provider could ever
- // obtain.
- bool GetData(DataType* data) {
- return impl_->GetData(data);
- }
- private:
- // Private constructor and destructor, callers access singleton through
- // Register and Unregister.
- DeviceDataProvider() {
- DCHECK(factory_function_);
- impl_ = (*factory_function_)();
- DCHECK(impl_.get());
- impl_->SetContainer(this);
- }
- virtual ~DeviceDataProvider() {
- DCHECK(impl_.get());
- impl_->SetContainer(NULL);
- }
- void AddListener(ListenerInterface* listener) {
- impl_->AddListener(listener);
- }
- bool RemoveListener(ListenerInterface* listener) {
- return impl_->RemoveListener(listener);
- }
- bool has_listeners() const {
- return impl_->has_listeners();
- }
- void StartDataProvider() {
- impl_->StartDataProvider();
- }
- void StopDataProvider() {
- impl_->StopDataProvider();
- }
- CONTENT_EXPORT static DeviceDataProviderImplBase<DataType>*
- DefaultFactoryFunction();
- // The singleton-like instance of this class. (Not 'true' singleton, as it
- // may go through multiple create/destroy/create cycles per process instance,
- // e.g. when under test).
- CONTENT_EXPORT static DeviceDataProvider* instance_;
- // The factory function used to create the singleton instance.
- CONTENT_EXPORT static ImplFactoryFunction factory_function_;
- // The internal implementation.
- scoped_refptr<DeviceDataProviderImplBase<DataType> > impl_;
-typedef DeviceDataProvider<WifiData> WifiDataProvider;
-} // namespace content