path: root/content/browser/webui
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Diffstat (limited to 'content/browser/webui')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/content/browser/webui/ b/content/browser/webui/
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index 8c77777..0000000
--- a/content/browser/webui/
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
-#include "chrome/test/testing_profile.h"
-#include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
-#include "content/browser/renderer_host/test_render_view_host.h"
-#include "content/browser/site_instance.h"
-#include "content/browser/tab_contents/navigation_controller.h"
-#include "content/browser/tab_contents/test_tab_contents.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-class WebUITest : public RenderViewHostTestHarness {
- public:
- WebUITest() : ui_thread_(BrowserThread::UI, MessageLoop::current()) {}
- // Tests navigating with a Web UI from a fresh (nothing pending or committed)
- // state, through pending, committed, then another navigation. The first page
- // ID that we should use is passed as a parameter. We'll use the next two
- // values. This must be increasing for the life of the tests.
- static void DoNavigationTest(TabContents* contents, int page_id) {
- NavigationController* controller = &contents->controller();
- // Start a pending load.
- GURL new_tab_url(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL);
- controller->LoadURL(new_tab_url, GURL(), PageTransition::LINK);
- // The navigation entry should be pending with no committed entry.
- ASSERT_TRUE(controller->pending_entry());
- ASSERT_FALSE(controller->GetLastCommittedEntry());
- // Check the things the pending Web UI should have set.
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents->ShouldDisplayURL());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents->ShouldDisplayFavicon());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents->ShouldShowBookmarkBar());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents->FocusLocationBarByDefault());
- // Now commit the load.
- static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- contents->render_view_host())->SendNavigate(page_id, new_tab_url);
- // The same flags should be set as before now that the load has committed.
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents->ShouldDisplayURL());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents->ShouldDisplayFavicon());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents->ShouldShowBookmarkBar());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents->FocusLocationBarByDefault());
- // Start a pending navigation to a regular page.
- GURL next_url("");
- controller->LoadURL(next_url, GURL(), PageTransition::LINK);
- // Check the flags. Some should reflect the new page (URL, title), some
- // should reflect the old one (bookmark bar) until it has committed.
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents->ShouldDisplayURL());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents->ShouldDisplayFavicon());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents->ShouldShowBookmarkBar());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents->FocusLocationBarByDefault());
- // Commit the regular page load. Note that we must send it to the "pending"
- // RenderViewHost if there is one, since this transition will also cause a
- // process transition, and our RVH pointer will be the "committed" one.
- // In the second call to this function from WebUIToStandard, it won't
- // actually be pending, which is the point of this test.
- if (contents->render_manager()->pending_render_view_host()) {
- static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- contents->render_manager()->pending_render_view_host())->SendNavigate(
- page_id + 1, next_url);
- } else {
- static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- contents->render_view_host())->SendNavigate(page_id + 1, next_url);
- }
- // The state should now reflect a regular page.
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents->ShouldDisplayURL());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents->ShouldDisplayFavicon());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents->ShouldShowBookmarkBar());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents->FocusLocationBarByDefault());
- }
- private:
- BrowserThread ui_thread_;
-// Tests that the New Tab Page flags are correctly set and propogated by
-// TabContents when we first navigate to a Web UI page, then to a standard
-// non-DOM-UI page.
-TEST_F(WebUITest, WebUIToStandard) {
- DoNavigationTest(contents(), 1);
- // Test the case where we're not doing the initial navigation. This is
- // slightly different than the very-first-navigation case since the
- // SiteInstance will be the same (the original TabContents must still be
- // alive), which will trigger different behavior in RenderViewHostManager.
- TestTabContents contents2(profile_.get(), NULL);
- DoNavigationTest(&contents2, 101);
-TEST_F(WebUITest, WebUIToWebUI) {
- // Do a load (this state is tested above).
- GURL new_tab_url(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL);
- controller().LoadURL(new_tab_url, GURL(), PageTransition::LINK);
- rvh()->SendNavigate(1, new_tab_url);
- // Start another pending load of the new tab page.
- controller().LoadURL(new_tab_url, GURL(), PageTransition::LINK);
- rvh()->SendNavigate(2, new_tab_url);
- // The flags should be the same as the non-pending state.
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents()->ShouldDisplayURL());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents()->ShouldDisplayFavicon());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->ShouldShowBookmarkBar());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->FocusLocationBarByDefault());
-TEST_F(WebUITest, StandardToWebUI) {
- // Start a pending navigation to a regular page.
- GURL std_url("");
- controller().LoadURL(std_url, GURL(), PageTransition::LINK);
- // The state should now reflect the default.
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->ShouldDisplayURL());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->ShouldDisplayFavicon());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents()->ShouldShowBookmarkBar());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents()->FocusLocationBarByDefault());
- // Commit the load, the state should be the same.
- rvh()->SendNavigate(1, std_url);
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->ShouldDisplayURL());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->ShouldDisplayFavicon());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents()->ShouldShowBookmarkBar());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents()->FocusLocationBarByDefault());
- // Start a pending load for a WebUI.
- GURL new_tab_url(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL);
- controller().LoadURL(new_tab_url, GURL(), PageTransition::LINK);
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents()->ShouldDisplayURL());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->ShouldDisplayFavicon());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents()->ShouldShowBookmarkBar());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->FocusLocationBarByDefault());
- // Committing Web UI is tested above.
-class TabContentsForFocusTest : public TestTabContents {
- public:
- TabContentsForFocusTest(Profile* profile, SiteInstance* instance)
- : TestTabContents(profile, instance), focus_called_(0) {
- }
- virtual void SetFocusToLocationBar(bool select_all) { ++focus_called_; }
- int focus_called() const { return focus_called_; }
- private:
- int focus_called_;
-TEST_F(WebUITest, FocusOnNavigate) {
- // Setup. |tc| will be used to track when we try to focus the location bar.
- TabContentsForFocusTest* tc = new TabContentsForFocusTest(
- contents()->profile(),
- SiteInstance::CreateSiteInstance(contents()->profile()));
- tc->controller().CopyStateFrom(controller());
- SetContents(tc);
- int page_id = 200;
- // Load the NTP.
- GURL new_tab_url(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL);
- controller().LoadURL(new_tab_url, GURL(), PageTransition::LINK);
- rvh()->SendNavigate(page_id, new_tab_url);
- // Navigate to another page.
- GURL next_url("");
- int next_page_id = page_id + 1;
- controller().LoadURL(next_url, GURL(), PageTransition::LINK);
- pending_rvh()->SendNavigate(next_page_id, next_url);
- // Navigate back. Should focus the location bar.
- int focus_called = tc->focus_called();
- ASSERT_TRUE(controller().CanGoBack());
- controller().GoBack();
- pending_rvh()->SendNavigate(page_id, new_tab_url);
- EXPECT_LT(focus_called, tc->focus_called());
- // Navigate forward. Shouldn't focus the location bar.
- focus_called = tc->focus_called();
- ASSERT_TRUE(controller().CanGoForward());
- controller().GoForward();
- pending_rvh()->SendNavigate(next_page_id, next_url);
- EXPECT_EQ(focus_called, tc->focus_called());