path: root/content/renderer/webcrypto/
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Diffstat (limited to 'content/renderer/webcrypto/')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/content/renderer/webcrypto/ b/content/renderer/webcrypto/
index 452d2a7..2b143a5 100644
--- a/content/renderer/webcrypto/
+++ b/content/renderer/webcrypto/
@@ -24,10 +24,7 @@ namespace {
class SymKeyHandle : public WebKit::WebCryptoKeyHandle {
- explicit SymKeyHandle(crypto::ScopedPK11SymKey key) {
- DCHECK(!key_.get());
- key_ = key.Pass();
- }
+ explicit SymKeyHandle(crypto::ScopedPK11SymKey key) : key_(key.Pass()) {}
PK11SymKey* key() { return key_.get(); }
@@ -37,6 +34,32 @@ class SymKeyHandle : public WebKit::WebCryptoKeyHandle {
+class PublicKeyHandle : public WebKit::WebCryptoKeyHandle {
+ public:
+ explicit PublicKeyHandle(crypto::ScopedSECKEYPublicKey key)
+ : key_(key.Pass()) {}
+ SECKEYPublicKey* key() { return key_.get(); }
+ private:
+ crypto::ScopedSECKEYPublicKey key_;
+class PrivateKeyHandle : public WebKit::WebCryptoKeyHandle {
+ public:
+ explicit PrivateKeyHandle(crypto::ScopedSECKEYPrivateKey key)
+ : key_(key.Pass()) {}
+ SECKEYPrivateKey* key() { return key_.get(); }
+ private:
+ crypto::ScopedSECKEYPrivateKey key_;
HASH_HashType WebCryptoAlgorithmToNSSHashType(
const WebKit::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm) {
switch ( {
@@ -102,7 +125,7 @@ bool AesCbcEncryptDecrypt(
if (!context.get())
return false;
- // Oddly PK11_CipherOp takes input and output lenths as "int" rather than
+ // Oddly PK11_CipherOp takes input and output lengths as "int" rather than
// "unsigned". Do some checks now to avoid integer overflowing.
if (data_size >= INT_MAX - AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
// TODO(eroman): Handle this by chunking the input fed into NSS. Right now
@@ -193,6 +216,28 @@ unsigned int WebCryptoHmacAlgorithmToBlockSize(
+// Converts a (big-endian) WebCrypto BigInteger, with or without leading zeros,
+// to unsigned long.
+bool BigIntegerToLong(const uint8* data,
+ unsigned data_size,
+ unsigned long* result) {
+ // TODO(padolph): Is it correct to say that empty data is an error, or does it
+ // mean value 0? See
+ if (data_size == 0)
+ return false;
+ *result = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < data_size; ++i) {
+ size_t reverse_i = data_size - i - 1;
+ if (reverse_i >= sizeof(unsigned long) && data[i])
+ return false; // Too large for a long.
+ *result |= data[i] << 8 * reverse_i;
+ }
+ return true;
} // namespace
void WebCryptoImpl::Init() {
@@ -324,6 +369,97 @@ bool WebCryptoImpl::GenerateKeyInternal(
return true;
+bool WebCryptoImpl::GenerateKeyPairInternal(
+ const WebKit::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
+ bool extractable,
+ WebKit::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage_mask,
+ WebKit::WebCryptoKey* public_key,
+ WebKit::WebCryptoKey* private_key) {
+ // TODO(padolph): Handle other asymmetric algorithm key generation.
+ switch ( {
+ case WebKit::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5:
+ case WebKit::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaOaep:
+ case WebKit::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaSsaPkcs1v1_5: {
+ const WebKit::WebCryptoRsaKeyGenParams* const params =
+ algorithm.rsaKeyGenParams();
+ DCHECK(params);
+ crypto::ScopedPK11Slot slot(PK11_GetInternalKeySlot());
+ unsigned long public_exponent;
+ if (!slot || !params->modulusLength() ||
+ !BigIntegerToLong(params->publicExponent().data(),
+ params->publicExponent().size(),
+ &public_exponent) ||
+ !public_exponent) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ PK11RSAGenParams rsa_gen_params;
+ rsa_gen_params.keySizeInBits = params->modulusLength();
+ = public_exponent;
+ // Flags are verified at the Blink layer; here the flags are set to all
+ // possible operations for the given key type.
+ CK_FLAGS operation_flags;
+ switch ( {
+ case WebKit::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaEsPkcs1v1_5:
+ case WebKit::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaOaep:
+ break;
+ case WebKit::WebCryptoAlgorithmIdRsaSsaPkcs1v1_5:
+ operation_flags = CKF_SIGN | CKF_VERIFY;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ const CK_FLAGS operation_flags_mask = CKF_ENCRYPT | CKF_DECRYPT |
+ const PK11AttrFlags attribute_flags = 0; // Default all PK11_ATTR_ flags.
+ // Note: NSS does not generate an sec_public_key if the call below fails,
+ // so there is no danger of a leaked sec_public_key.
+ SECKEYPublicKey* sec_public_key;
+ crypto::ScopedSECKEYPrivateKey scoped_sec_private_key(
+ PK11_GenerateKeyPairWithOpFlags(slot.get(),
+ &rsa_gen_params,
+ &sec_public_key,
+ attribute_flags,
+ operation_flags,
+ operation_flags_mask,
+ NULL));
+ if (!private_key) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // One extractable input parameter is provided, and the Web Crypto API
+ // spec at this time says it applies to both members of the key pair.
+ // This is probably not correct: it makes more operational sense to have
+ // extractable apply only to the private key and make the public key
+ // always extractable. For now implement what the spec says and track the
+ // spec bug here:
+ *public_key = WebKit::WebCryptoKey::create(
+ new PublicKeyHandle(crypto::ScopedSECKEYPublicKey(sec_public_key)),
+ WebKit::WebCryptoKeyTypePublic,
+ extractable, // probably should be 'true' always
+ algorithm,
+ usage_mask);
+ *private_key = WebKit::WebCryptoKey::create(
+ new PrivateKeyHandle(scoped_sec_private_key.Pass()),
+ WebKit::WebCryptoKeyTypePrivate,
+ extractable,
+ algorithm,
+ usage_mask);
+ return true;
+ }
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
bool WebCryptoImpl::ImportKeyInternal(
WebKit::WebCryptoKeyFormat format,