path: root/dbus/message.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'dbus/message.h')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dbus/message.h b/dbus/message.h
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index 0000000..501f99a
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+++ b/dbus/message.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef DBUS_MESSAGE_H_
+#define DBUS_MESSAGE_H_
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <dbus/dbus.h>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+namespace dbus {
+class MessageWriter;
+class MessageReader;
+// Message is the base class of D-Bus message types. Client code should
+// usually use sub classes such as MethodCall and Response instead.
+// The class name Message is very generic, but there should be no problem
+// as the class is inside 'dbus' namespace. We chose to name this way, as
+// libdbus defines lots of types starting with DBus, such as
+// DBusMessage. We should avoid confusion and conflict with these types.
+class Message {
+ public:
+ // The message type used in D-Bus. Redefined here so client code
+ // doesn't need to use raw D-Bus macros. DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID
+ // etc. are #define macros. Having an enum type here makes code a bit
+ // more type-safe.
+ enum MessageType {
+ };
+ // The data type used in the D-Bus type system. See the comment at
+ // MessageType for why we are redefining data types here.
+ enum DataType {
+ };
+ // Creates a Message. The internal raw message is NULL until it's set
+ // from outside by reset_raw_message().
+ Message();
+ virtual ~Message();
+ // Returns the type of the message. Returns MESSAGE_INVALID if
+ // raw_message_ is NULL.
+ MessageType GetMessageType();
+ DBusMessage* raw_message() { return raw_message_; }
+ // Resets raw_message_ with the given raw message. Takes the ownership
+ // of raw_message. raw_message_ will be unref'ed in the destructor.
+ void reset_raw_message(DBusMessage* raw_message);
+ // Returns the string representation of this message. Useful for
+ // debugging.
+ std::string ToString();
+ private:
+ // Helper function used in ToString().
+ std::string ToStringInternal(const std::string& indent,
+ MessageReader* reader);
+ DBusMessage* raw_message_;
+// MessageCall is a type of message used for calling a method via D-Bus.
+class MethodCall : public Message {
+ public:
+ // Creates a method call message for the specified interface name and
+ // the method name.
+ //
+ // For instance, to call "Get" method of DBUS_INTERFACE_INTROSPECTABLE
+ // interface ("org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"), create a method
+ // call like this:
+ //
+ // MethodCall method_call(DBUS_INTERFACE_INTROSPECTABLE, "Get");
+ //
+ // The constructor creates the internal raw_message_, so the client
+ // doesn't need to set this with reset_raw_message().
+ MethodCall(const std::string& interface_name,
+ const std::string& method_name);
+ const std::string& interface_name() { return interface_name_; }
+ const std::string& method_name() { return method_name_; }
+ // Sets the service name. This will be handled by the object proxy.
+ void SetServiceName(const std::string& service_name);
+ // Sets the object path. This will be handled by the object proxy.
+ void SetObjectPath(const std::string& object_path);
+ std::string interface_name_;
+ std::string method_name_;
+// Response is a type of message used for receiving a response from a
+// method via D-Bus.
+class Response : public Message {
+ public:
+ // Creates a Response message. The internal raw message is NULL.
+ // Classes that implment method calls need to set the raw message once a
+ // response is received from the server. See object_proxy.h.
+ Response();
+ private:
+// MessageWriter is used to write outgoing messages for calling methods
+// and sending signals.
+// The main design goal of MessageReader and MessageWriter classes is to
+// provide a type safe API. In the past, there was a Chrome OS blocker
+// bug, that took days to fix, that would have been prevented if the API
+// was type-safe.
+// For instance, instead of doing something like:
+// // We shouldn't add '&' to str here, but it compiles with '&' added.
+// dbus_g_proxy_call(..., G_TYPE_STRING, str, G_TYPE_INVALID, ...)
+// We want to do something like:
+// writer.AppendString(str);
+class MessageWriter {
+ public:
+ // Data added with Append* will be written to |message|.
+ MessageWriter(Message* message);
+ ~MessageWriter();
+ // Appends a byte to the message.
+ void AppendByte(uint8 value);
+ void AppendBool(bool value);
+ void AppendInt16(int16 value);
+ void AppendUint16(uint16 value);
+ void AppendInt32(int32 value);
+ void AppendUint32(uint32 value);
+ void AppendInt64(int64 value);
+ void AppendUint64(uint64 value);
+ void AppendDouble(double value);
+ void AppendString(const std::string& value);
+ void AppendObjectPath(const std::string& value);
+ // Opens an array. The array contents can be added to the array with
+ // |sub_writer|. The client code must close the array with
+ // CloseContainer(), once all contents are added.
+ //
+ // |signature| parameter is used to supply the D-Bus type signature of
+ // the array contents. For instance, if you want an array of strings,
+ // then you pass "s" as the signature.
+ //
+ // See the spec for details about the type signatures.
+ //
+ // #message-protocol-signatures
+ //
+ void OpenArray(const std::string& signature, MessageWriter* sub_writer);
+ // Do the same for a variant.
+ void OpenVariant(const std::string& signature, MessageWriter* sub_writer);
+ // Do the same for Struct and dict entry. They don't need the signature.
+ void OpenStruct(MessageWriter* sub_writer);
+ void OpenDictEntry(MessageWriter* sub_writer);
+ // Close the container for a array/variant/struct/dict entry.
+ void CloseContainer(MessageWriter* sub_writer);
+ // Appends the array of bytes. Arrays of bytes are often used for
+ // exchanging binary blobs hence it's worth having a specialized
+ // function.
+ void AppendArrayOfBytes(const uint8* values, size_t length);
+ // Appends the byte wrapped in a variant data container. Variants are
+ // widely used in D-Bus services so it's worth having a specialized
+ // function. For instance, The third parameter of
+ // "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set" is a variant.
+ void AppendVariantOfByte(uint8 value);
+ void AppendVariantOfBool(bool value);
+ void AppendVariantOfInt16(int16 value);
+ void AppendVariantOfUint16(uint16 value);
+ void AppendVariantOfInt32(int32 value);
+ void AppendVariantOfUint32(uint32 value);
+ void AppendVariantOfInt64(int64 value);
+ void AppendVariantOfUint64(uint64 value);
+ void AppendVariantOfDouble(double value);
+ void AppendVariantOfString(const std::string& value);
+ void AppendVariantOfObjectPath(const std::string& value);
+ private:
+ // Helper function used to implement AppendByte etc.
+ void AppendBasic(int dbus_type, const void* value);
+ // Helper function used to implement AppendVariantOfByte() etc.
+ void AppendVariantOfBasic(int dbus_type, const void* value);
+ Message* message_;
+ DBusMessageIter raw_message_iter_;
+ bool container_is_open_;
+// MessageReader is used to read incoming messages such as responses for
+// method calls.
+// MessageReader manages an internal iterator to read data. All functions
+// starting with Pop advance the iterator on success.
+class MessageReader {
+ public:
+ // The data will be read from the given message.
+ MessageReader(Message* message);
+ ~MessageReader();
+ // Returns true if the reader has more data to read. The function is
+ // used to iterate contents in a container like:
+ //
+ // while (reader.HasMoreData())
+ // reader.PopString(&value);
+ bool HasMoreData();
+ // Gets the byte at the current iterator position.
+ // Returns true and advances the iterator on success.
+ // Returns false if the data type is not a byte.
+ bool PopByte(uint8* value);
+ bool PopBool(bool* value);
+ bool PopInt16(int16* value);
+ bool PopUint16(uint16* value);
+ bool PopInt32(int32* value);
+ bool PopUint32(uint32* value);
+ bool PopInt64(int64* value);
+ bool PopUint64(uint64* value);
+ bool PopDouble(double* value);
+ bool PopString(std::string* value);
+ bool PopObjectPath(std::string* value);
+ // Sets up the given message reader to read an array at the current
+ // iterator position.
+ // Returns true and advances the iterator on success.
+ // Returns false if the data type is not an array
+ bool PopArray(MessageReader* sub_reader);
+ bool PopStruct(MessageReader* sub_reader);
+ bool PopDictEntry(MessageReader* sub_reader);
+ bool PopVariant(MessageReader* sub_reader);
+ // Gets the array of bytes at the current iterator position.
+ // Returns true and advances the iterator on success.
+ //
+ // Arrays of bytes are often used for exchanging binary blobs hence it's
+ // worth having a specialized function.
+ //
+ // |bytes| must be copied if the contents will be referenced after the
+ // |MessageReader is destroyed.
+ bool PopArrayOfBytes(uint8** bytes, size_t* length);
+ // Gets the array of object paths at the current iterator position.
+ // Returns true and advances the iterator on success.
+ //
+ // Arrays of object paths are often used to communicate with D-Bus
+ // services like NetworkManager, hence it's worth having a specialized
+ // function.
+ bool PopArrayOfObjectPaths(std::vector<std::string>* object_paths);
+ // Gets the byte from the variant data container at the current iterator
+ // position.
+ // Returns true and advances the iterator on success.
+ //
+ // Variants are widely used in D-Bus services so it's worth having a
+ // specialized function. For instance, The return value type of
+ // "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get" is a variant.
+ bool PopVariantOfByte(uint8* value);
+ bool PopVariantOfBool(bool* value);
+ bool PopVariantOfInt16(int16* value);
+ bool PopVariantOfUint16(uint16* value);
+ bool PopVariantOfInt32(int32* value);
+ bool PopVariantOfUint32(uint32* value);
+ bool PopVariantOfInt64(int64* value);
+ bool PopVariantOfUint64(uint64* value);
+ bool PopVariantOfDouble(double* value);
+ bool PopVariantOfString(std::string* value);
+ bool PopVariantOfObjectPath(std::string* value);
+ // Get the data type of the value at the current iterator
+ // position. INVALID_DATA will be returned if the iterator points to the
+ // end of the message.
+ Message::DataType GetDataType();
+ private:
+ // Returns true if the data type at the current iterator position
+ // matches the given D-Bus type, such as DBUS_TYPE_BYTE.
+ bool CheckDataType(int dbus_type);
+ // Helper function used to implement PopByte() etc.
+ bool PopBasic(int dbus_type, void *value);
+ // Helper function used to implement PopArray() etc.
+ bool PopContainer(int dbus_type, MessageReader* sub_reader);
+ // Helper function used to implement PopVariantOfByte() etc.
+ bool PopVariantOfBasic(int dbus_type, void* value);
+ Message* message_;
+ DBusMessageIter raw_message_iter_;
+} // namespace dbus
+#endif // DBUS_MESSAGE_H_