path: root/gpu/command_buffer/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gpu/command_buffer/')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/gpu/command_buffer/ b/gpu/command_buffer/
index f406c47..bc96c95 100755
--- a/gpu/command_buffer/
+++ b/gpu/command_buffer/
@@ -839,9 +839,10 @@ _ENUM_LISTS = {
# data_type: The type of data the command uses. For PUTn or PUT types.
# count: The number of units per element. For PUTn or PUT types.
# unit_test: If False no unit test will be generated.
+# expectation: If False the unit test will have no expected calls.
- 'ActiveTexture': {'decoder_func': 'DoActiveTexture'},
+ 'ActiveTexture': {'decoder_func': 'DoActiveTexture', 'expection': False},
'BindAttribLocation': {'type': 'GLchar'},
'BindBuffer': {'decoder_func': 'DoBindBuffer'},
'BindFramebuffer': {'decoder_func': 'glBindFramebufferEXT'},
@@ -924,10 +925,17 @@ _FUNCTION_INFO = {
'needs_size': True,
'GLidProgram program, const char* name, NonImmediate GLint* location',
+ 'result': ['GLint'],
'GetBooleanv': {'type': 'GETn'},
'GetBufferParameteriv': {'type': 'GETn'},
- 'GetError': {'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'GetGLError'},
+ 'GetError': {
+ 'type': 'Is',
+ 'decoder_func':
+ 'GetGLError',
+ 'impl_func': False,
+ 'result': ['GLenum'],
+ },
'GetFloatv': {'type': 'GETn'},
'GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv': {
'type': 'GETn',
@@ -935,13 +943,21 @@ _FUNCTION_INFO = {
'GetIntegerv': {'type': 'GETn'},
'GetProgramiv': {'type': 'GETn'},
- 'GetProgramInfoLog': {'type': 'STRn'},
+ 'GetProgramInfoLog': {
+ 'type': 'STRn',
+ 'get_len_func': 'glGetProgramiv',
+ 'get_len_enum': 'GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH',
+ },
'GetRenderbufferParameteriv': {
'type': 'GETn',
'decoder_func': 'glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT',
- 'GetShaderiv': {'type': 'GETn'},
- 'GetShaderInfoLog': {'type': 'STRn'},
+ 'GetShaderiv': {'type': 'GETn', 'decoder_func': 'DoGetShaderiv'},
+ 'GetShaderInfoLog': {
+ 'type': 'STRn',
+ 'get_len_func': 'glGetShaderiv',
+ 'get_len_enum': 'GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH',
+ },
'GetShaderPrecisionFormat': {
'type': 'Custom',
'immediate': False,
@@ -955,7 +971,17 @@ _FUNCTION_INFO = {
'int32 precision',
- 'GetShaderSource': {'type': 'STRn', 'decoder_func': 'DoGetShaderSource'},
+ 'GetShaderSource': {
+ 'type': 'STRn',
+ 'decoder_func': 'DoGetShaderSource',
+ 'get_len_func': 'DoGetShaderiv',
+ 'get_len_enum': 'GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH',
+ 'unit_test': False,
+ },
+ 'GetString': {
+ 'type': 'Custom',
+ 'cmd_args': 'GLenumStringType name, uint32 bucket_id',
+ },
'GetTexParameterfv': {'type': 'GETn'},
'GetTexParameteriv': {'type': 'GETn'},
'GetUniformfv': {
@@ -974,6 +1000,7 @@ _FUNCTION_INFO = {
'needs_size': True,
'GLidProgram program, const char* name, NonImmediate GLint* location',
+ 'result': ['GLint'],
'GetVertexAttribfv': {'type': 'GETn'},
'GetVertexAttribiv': {'type': 'GETn'},
@@ -1172,6 +1199,8 @@ class CHeaderWriter(CWriter):
class TypeHandler(object):
"""This class emits code for a particular type of function."""
+ _remove_expected_call_re = re.compile(r' EXPECT_CALL.*?;\n', re.S)
def __init__(self):
@@ -1363,6 +1392,8 @@ COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(%(cmd_name)s::Result, %(field_name)s) == %(offset)d,
def WriteValidUnitTest(self, func, file, test, extra = {}):
"""Writes a valid unit test."""
+ if func.GetInfo('expection') == False:
+ test = self._remove_expected_call_re.sub('', test)
name =
arg_strings = []
count = 0
@@ -1389,7 +1420,7 @@ COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(%(cmd_name)s::Result, %(field_name)s) == %(offset)d,
"""Writes a invalid unit test."""
arg_index = 0
for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs():
- num_invalid_values = arg.GetNumInvalidValues()
+ num_invalid_values = arg.GetNumInvalidValues(func)
for value_index in range(0, num_invalid_values):
arg_strings = []
parse_result = "kNoError"
@@ -1461,22 +1492,28 @@ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) {
"""Writes the validation code for an immediate version of a command."""
- def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file):
+ def WriteGLES2ImplementationDeclaration(self, func, file):
"""Writes the GLES2 Implemention declaration."""
+ file.Write("%s %s(%s);\n" %
+ (func.return_type, func.original_name,
+ func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString("")))
+ file.Write("\n")
+ def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file):
+ """Writes the GLES2 Implemention."""
impl_func = func.GetInfo('impl_func')
if func.can_auto_generate and (impl_func == None or impl_func == True):
file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" %
(func.return_type, func.original_name,
+ for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs():
+ arg.WriteClientSideValidationCode(file)
file.Write(" helper_->%s(%s);\n" %
(, func.MakeOriginalArgString("")))
- file.Write("%s %s(%s);\n" %
- (func.return_type, func.original_name,
- func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString("")))
- file.Write("\n")
+ self.WriteGLES2ImplementationDeclaration(func, file)
def WriteImmediateCmdComputeSize(self, func, file):
"""Writes the size computation code for the immediate version of a cmd."""
@@ -2989,6 +3026,8 @@ class IsHandler(TypeHandler):
"""Overrriden from TypeHandler."""
func.AddCmdArg(Argument("result_shm_id", 'uint32'))
func.AddCmdArg(Argument("result_shm_offset", 'uint32'))
+ if func.GetInfo('result') == None:
+ func.AddInfo('result', ['uint32'])
def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file):
"""Overrriden from TypeHandler."""
@@ -3044,20 +3083,26 @@ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) {
def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file):
"""Overrriden from TypeHandler."""
- file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" %
- (func.return_type, func.original_name,
- func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString("")))
- arg_string = func.MakeOriginalArgString("")
- comma = ""
- if len(arg_string) > 0:
- comma = ", "
- file.Write(" helper_->%s(%s%sresult_shm_id(), result_shm_offset());\n" %
- (, arg_string, comma))
- file.Write(" WaitForCmd();\n")
- file.Write(" return GetResultAs<%s>();\n" %
- func.return_type)
- file.Write("}\n")
- file.Write("\n")
+ impl_func = func.GetInfo('impl_func')
+ if impl_func == None or impl_func == True:
+ file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" %
+ (func.return_type, func.original_name,
+ func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString("")))
+ file.Write(" typedef %s::Result Result;\n" % func.original_name)
+ file.Write(" Result* result = GetResultAs<Result*>();\n")
+ file.Write(" *result = 0;\n")
+ arg_string = func.MakeOriginalArgString("")
+ comma = ""
+ if len(arg_string) > 0:
+ comma = ", "
+ file.Write(" helper_->%s(%s%sresult_shm_id(), result_shm_offset());\n" %
+ (, arg_string, comma))
+ file.Write(" WaitForCmd();\n")
+ file.Write(" return *result;\n")
+ file.Write("}\n")
+ file.Write("\n")
+ else:
+ self.WriteGLES2ImplementationDeclaration(func, file)
class STRnHandler(TypeHandler):
@@ -3066,18 +3111,95 @@ class STRnHandler(TypeHandler):
def __init__(self):
+ def InitFunction(self, func):
+ """Overrriden from TypeHandler."""
+ # remove all but the first cmd args.
+ cmd_args = func.GetCmdArgs()
+ func.ClearCmdArgs()
+ func.AddCmdArg(cmd_args[0])
+ # add on a bucket id.
+ func.AddCmdArg(Argument('bucket_id', 'uint32'))
def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file):
"""Overrriden from TypeHandler."""
- file.Write("// TODO(gman): Implement this\n")
- TypeHandler.WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file)
+ code = """%(return_type)s %(func_name)s(%(args)s) {
+ helper_->SetBucketSize(kResultBucketId, 0);
+ helper_->%(func_name)s(%(id_name)s, kResultBucketId);
+ std::string str;
+ if (GetBucketAsString(kResultBucketId, &str)) {
+ GLsizei max_size =
+ std::min(static_cast<size_t>(%(bufsize_name)s) - 1, str.size());
+ if (%(length_name)s != NULL) {
+ *%(length_name)s = max_size;
+ }
+ memcpy(%(dest_name)s, str.c_str(), max_size);
+ %(dest_name)s[max_size] = '\\0';
+ }
+ args = func.GetOriginalArgs()
+ file.Write(code % {
+ 'return_type': func.return_type,
+ 'func_name': func.original_name,
+ 'args': func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""),
+ 'id_name': args[0].name,
+ 'bufsize_name': args[1].name,
+ 'length_name': args[2].name,
+ 'dest_name': args[3].name,
+ })
def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file):
"""Overrriden from TypeHandler."""
- file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" %
+ valid_test = """
+TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) {
+ const char* kInfo = "hello";
+ const uint32 kBucketId = 123;
+ SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>();
+ EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s))
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgumentPointee<2>(strlen(kInfo)),
+ SetArrayArgument<3>(kInfo, kInfo + strlen(kInfo) + 1)));
+ %(name)s cmd;
+ cmd.Init(%(args)s);
+ EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd));
+ CommonDecoder::Bucket* bucket = decoder_->GetBucket(kBucketId);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bucket != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(strlen(kInfo) + 1, bucket->size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(bucket->GetData(0, bucket->size()), kInfo,
+ bucket->size()));
+ args = func.GetOriginalArgs()
+ id_name = args[0].GetValidGLArg(0, 0)
+ get_len_func = func.GetInfo('get_len_func')
+ get_len_enum = func.GetInfo('get_len_enum')
+ sub = {
+ 'id_name': id_name,
+ 'get_len_func': get_len_func,
+ 'get_len_enum': get_len_enum,
+ 'gl_args': '%s, strlen(kInfo) + 1, _, _' % args[0].GetValidGLArg(0, 0),
+ 'args': '%s, kBucketId' % args[0].GetValidArg(0, 0),
+ 'expect_len_code': '',
+ }
+ if get_len_func[0:2] == 'gl':
+ sub['expect_len_code'] = (
+ " EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %s(%s, %s, _))\n"
+ " .WillOnce(SetArgumentPointee<2>(strlen(kInfo)));") % (
+ get_len_func[2:], id_name, get_len_enum)
+ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, sub)
- def WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, func, file):
- """Overrriden from TypeHandler."""
- file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" %
+ invalid_test = """
+TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs) {
+ const uint32 kBucketId = 123;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(_, _, _, _))
+ .Times(0);
+ %(name)s cmd;
+ cmd.Init(kInvalidClientId, kBucketId);
+ EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd));
+ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test)
def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file):
"""Overrriden from TypeHandler."""
@@ -3085,34 +3207,21 @@ class STRnHandler(TypeHandler):
"error::Error GLES2DecoderImpl::Handle%s(\n" %
" uint32 immediate_data_size, const gles2::%s& c) {\n" %
- args = func.GetOriginalArgs()
- all_but_last_2_args = args[:-2]
- for arg in all_but_last_2_args:
- arg.WriteGetCode(file)
- self.WriteGetDataSizeCode(func, file)
- size_arg = args[-2]
- file.Write(" uint32 size_shm_id = c.%s_shm_id;\n" %
- file.Write(" uint32 size_shm_offset = c.%s_shm_offset;\n" %
- file.Write(" GLsizei* length = NULL;\n")
- file.Write(" if (size_shm_id != 0 || size_shm_offset != 0) {\n"
- " length = GetSharedMemoryAs<GLsizei*>(\n"
- " size_shm_id, size_shm_offset, sizeof(*length));\n"
- " if (!length) {\n"
- " return error::kOutOfBounds;\n"
- " }\n"
- " }\n")
- dest_arg = args[-1]
- bufsize_arg = args[-3]
- file.Write(
- " %s %s = GetSharedMemoryAs<%s>(\n" %
- (dest_arg.type,, dest_arg.type))
+ args = func.GetCmdArgs()
+ id_arg = args[0]
+ bucket_arg = args[1]
+ id_arg.WriteGetCode(file)
+ bucket_arg.WriteGetCode(file)
+ id_arg.WriteValidationCode(file)
+ file.Write(" GLint len = 0;\n")
+ file.Write(" %s(%s, %s, &len);\n" % (
+ func.GetInfo('get_len_func'),,
+ func.GetInfo('get_len_enum')))
+ file.Write(" Bucket* bucket = CreateBucket(%s);\n" %
+ file.Write(" bucket->SetSize(len + 1);\n");
- " c.%s_shm_id, c.%s_shm_offset, %s);\n" %
- (,,
- for arg in all_but_last_2_args + [dest_arg]:
- arg.WriteValidationCode(file)
- func.WriteValidationCode(file)
- func.WriteHandlerImplementation(file)
+ " %s(%s, len + 1, &len, bucket->GetDataAs<GLchar*>(0, len + 1));\n" %
+ (func.GetGLFunctionName(),
file.Write(" return error::kNoError;\n")
@@ -3169,7 +3278,7 @@ class Argument(object):
def GetValidGLArg(self, offset, index):
return str(offset + 1)
- def GetNumInvalidValues(self):
+ def GetNumInvalidValues(self, func):
"""returns the number of invalid values to be tested."""
return 0
@@ -3184,11 +3293,11 @@ class Argument(object):
def WriteValidationCode(self, file):
"""Writes the validation code for an argument."""
- if self.type == 'GLsizei' or self.type == 'GLsizeiptr':
- file.Write(" if (%s < 0) {\n" %
- file.Write(" SetGLError(GL_INVALID_VALUE);\n")
- file.Write(" return error::kNoError;\n")
- file.Write(" }\n")
+ pass
+ def WriteClientSideValidationCode(self, file):
+ """Writes the validation code for an argument."""
+ pass
def WriteGetAddress(self, file):
"""Writes the code to get the address this argument refers to."""
@@ -3200,21 +3309,37 @@ class Argument(object):
class SizeArgument(Argument):
+ """class for GLsizei and GLsizeiptr."""
def __init__(self, name, type):
Argument.__init__(self, name, type)
- def GetNumInvalidValues(self):
+ def GetNumInvalidValues(self, func):
"""overridden from Argument."""
+ if func.is_immediate:
+ return 0
return 1
def GetInvalidArg(self, offset, index):
- """returns an invalid value and expected parse result by index."""
+ """overridden from Argument."""
return ("-1", "kNoError", "GL_INVALID_VALUE")
+ def WriteValidationCode(self, file):
+ """overridden from Argument."""
+ file.Write(" if (%s < 0) {\n" %
+ file.Write(" SetGLError(GL_INVALID_VALUE);\n")
+ file.Write(" return error::kNoError;\n")
+ file.Write(" }\n")
+ def WriteClientSideValidationCode(self, file):
+ """overridden from Argument."""
+ file.Write(" if (%s < 0) {\n" %
+ file.Write(" SetGLError(GL_INVALID_VALUE);\n")
+ file.Write(" return;\n")
+ file.Write(" }\n")
class EnumBaseArgument(Argument):
- """Base calss for EnumArgument, IntArgument and BoolArgument"""
+ """Base class for EnumArgument, IntArgument and BoolArgument"""
def __init__(self, name, gl_type, type, gl_error):
Argument.__init__(self, name, gl_type)
@@ -3242,7 +3367,7 @@ class EnumBaseArgument(Argument):
def GetValidGLArg(self, offset, index):
return self.GetValidArg(offset, index)
- def GetNumInvalidValues(self):
+ def GetNumInvalidValues(self, func):
"""returns the number of invalid values to be tested."""
if 'invalid' in self.enum_info:
invalid = self.enum_info['invalid']
@@ -3256,8 +3381,8 @@ class EnumBaseArgument(Argument):
num_invalid = len(invalid)
if index >= num_invalid:
index = num_invalid - 1
- return (invalid[index], "kNoError", "GL_INVALID_ENUM")
- return ("---ERROR1---", "kNoError", "GL_INVALID_ENUM")
+ return (invalid[index], "kNoError", self.gl_error)
+ return ("---ERROR1---", "kNoError", self.gl_error)
class EnumArgument(EnumBaseArgument):
@@ -3338,7 +3463,7 @@ class PointerArgument(Argument):
"""Overridden from Argument."""
return "reinterpret_cast<%s>(shared_memory_address_)" % self.type
- def GetNumInvalidValues(self):
+ def GetNumInvalidValues(self, func):
"""Overridden from Argument."""
return 2
@@ -3440,6 +3565,7 @@ class Function(object):
self.init_args = init_args
self.args_for_cmds = args_for_cmds
+ self.is_immediate = False
def IsType(self, type_name):
"""Returns true if function is a certain type."""
@@ -3451,6 +3577,10 @@ class Function(object):
return getattr(, name)
return None
+ def AddInfo(self, name, value):
+ """Adds an info."""
+ setattr(, name, value)
def GetGLFunctionName(self):
"""Gets the function to call to execute GL for this command."""
if self.GetInfo('decoder_func'):
@@ -3475,6 +3605,10 @@ class Function(object):
"""Gets the command args for this function."""
return self.cmd_args
+ def ClearCmdArgs(self):
+ """Clears the command args for this function."""
+ self.cmd_args = []
def GetInitArgs(self):
"""Gets the init args for this function."""
return self.init_args
@@ -3646,6 +3780,7 @@ class ImmediateFunction(Function):
+ self.is_immediate = True
def WriteServiceImplementation(self, file):
"""Overridden from Function"""