path: root/ipc/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipc/')
1 files changed, 1013 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipc/ b/ipc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..056a084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Unit test for SyncChannel.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/platform_thread.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/thread.h"
+#include "base/waitable_event.h"
+#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
+#include "ipc/ipc_sync_channel.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#if 0
+// This for tools which parse #include lines, but cannot process when we
+// include via a macro name.
+#include "ipc/ipc_sync_message_unittest.h"
+#define MESSAGES_INTERNAL_FILE "ipc/ipc_sync_message_unittest.h"
+#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
+using namespace IPC;
+using base::WaitableEvent;
+namespace {
+// Base class for a "process" with listener and IPC threads.
+class Worker : public Channel::Listener, public Message::Sender {
+ public:
+ // Will create a channel without a name.
+ Worker(Channel::Mode mode, const std::string& thread_name)
+ : done_(new WaitableEvent(false, false)),
+ channel_created_(new WaitableEvent(false, false)),
+ mode_(mode),
+ ipc_thread_((thread_name + "_ipc").c_str()),
+ listener_thread_((thread_name + "_listener").c_str()),
+ overrided_thread_(NULL),
+ shutdown_event_(true, false) { }
+ // Will create a named channel and use this name for the threads' name.
+ Worker(const std::wstring& channel_name, Channel::Mode mode)
+ : done_(new WaitableEvent(false, false)),
+ channel_created_(new WaitableEvent(false, false)),
+ channel_name_(channel_name),
+ mode_(mode),
+ ipc_thread_((WideToUTF8(channel_name) + "_ipc").c_str()),
+ listener_thread_((WideToUTF8(channel_name) + "_listener").c_str()),
+ overrided_thread_(NULL),
+ shutdown_event_(true, false) { }
+ // The IPC thread needs to outlive SyncChannel, so force the correct order of
+ // destruction.
+ virtual ~Worker() {
+ WaitableEvent listener_done(false, false), ipc_done(false, false);
+ ListenerThread()->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
+ this, &Worker::OnListenerThreadShutdown1, &listener_done,
+ &ipc_done));
+ listener_done.Wait();
+ ipc_done.Wait();
+ ipc_thread_.Stop();
+ listener_thread_.Stop();
+ }
+ void AddRef() { }
+ void Release() { }
+ bool Send(Message* msg) { return channel_->Send(msg); }
+ bool SendWithTimeout(Message* msg, int timeout_ms) {
+ return channel_->SendWithTimeout(msg, timeout_ms);
+ }
+ void WaitForChannelCreation() { channel_created_->Wait(); }
+ void CloseChannel() {
+ DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ListenerThread()->message_loop());
+ channel_->Close();
+ }
+ void Start() {
+ StartThread(&listener_thread_, MessageLoop::TYPE_DEFAULT);
+ ListenerThread()->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
+ this, &Worker::OnStart));
+ }
+ void OverrideThread(base::Thread* overrided_thread) {
+ DCHECK(overrided_thread_ == NULL);
+ overrided_thread_ = overrided_thread;
+ }
+ bool SendAnswerToLife(bool pump, int timeout, bool succeed) {
+ int answer = 0;
+ SyncMessage* msg = new SyncChannelTestMsg_AnswerToLife(&answer);
+ if (pump)
+ msg->EnableMessagePumping();
+ bool result = SendWithTimeout(msg, timeout);
+ DCHECK(result == succeed);
+ DCHECK(answer == (succeed ? 42 : 0));
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool SendDouble(bool pump, bool succeed) {
+ int answer = 0;
+ SyncMessage* msg = new SyncChannelTestMsg_Double(5, &answer);
+ if (pump)
+ msg->EnableMessagePumping();
+ bool result = Send(msg);
+ DCHECK(result == succeed);
+ DCHECK(answer == (succeed ? 10 : 0));
+ return result;
+ }
+ Channel::Mode mode() { return mode_; }
+ WaitableEvent* done_event() { return done_.get(); }
+ protected:
+ // Derived classes need to call this when they've completed their part of
+ // the test.
+ void Done() { done_->Signal(); }
+ // Functions for dervied classes to implement if they wish.
+ virtual void Run() { }
+ virtual void OnAnswer(int* answer) { NOTREACHED(); }
+ virtual void OnAnswerDelay(Message* reply_msg) {
+ // The message handler map below can only take one entry for
+ // SyncChannelTestMsg_AnswerToLife, so since some classes want
+ // the normal version while other want the delayed reply, we
+ // call the normal version if the derived class didn't override
+ // this function.
+ int answer;
+ OnAnswer(&answer);
+ SyncChannelTestMsg_AnswerToLife::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, answer);
+ Send(reply_msg);
+ }
+ virtual void OnDouble(int in, int* out) { NOTREACHED(); }
+ virtual void OnDoubleDelay(int in, Message* reply_msg) {
+ int result;
+ OnDouble(in, &result);
+ SyncChannelTestMsg_Double::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, result);
+ Send(reply_msg);
+ }
+ private:
+ base::Thread* ListenerThread() {
+ return overrided_thread_ ? overrided_thread_ : &listener_thread_;
+ }
+ // Called on the listener thread to create the sync channel.
+ void OnStart() {
+ // Link ipc_thread_, listener_thread_ and channel_ altogether.
+ StartThread(&ipc_thread_, MessageLoop::TYPE_IO);
+ channel_.reset(new SyncChannel(
+ channel_name_, mode_, this, NULL, ipc_thread_.message_loop(), true,
+ &shutdown_event_));
+ channel_created_->Signal();
+ Run();
+ }
+ void OnListenerThreadShutdown1(WaitableEvent* listener_event,
+ WaitableEvent* ipc_event) {
+ // SyncChannel needs to be destructed on the thread that it was created on.
+ channel_.reset();
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+ ipc_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
+ this, &Worker::OnIPCThreadShutdown, listener_event, ipc_event));
+ }
+ void OnIPCThreadShutdown(WaitableEvent* listener_event,
+ WaitableEvent* ipc_event) {
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+ ipc_event->Signal();
+ listener_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
+ this, &Worker::OnListenerThreadShutdown2, listener_event));
+ }
+ void OnListenerThreadShutdown2(WaitableEvent* listener_event) {
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+ listener_event->Signal();
+ }
+ void OnMessageReceived(const Message& message) {
+ IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(Worker, message)
+ IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(SyncChannelTestMsg_Double, OnDoubleDelay)
+ OnAnswerDelay)
+ }
+ void StartThread(base::Thread* thread, MessageLoop::Type type) {
+ base::Thread::Options options;
+ options.message_loop_type = type;
+ thread->StartWithOptions(options);
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<WaitableEvent> done_;
+ scoped_ptr<WaitableEvent> channel_created_;
+ std::wstring channel_name_;
+ Channel::Mode mode_;
+ scoped_ptr<SyncChannel> channel_;
+ base::Thread ipc_thread_;
+ base::Thread listener_thread_;
+ base::Thread* overrided_thread_;
+ base::WaitableEvent shutdown_event_;
+// Starts the test with the given workers. This function deletes the workers
+// when it's done.
+void RunTest(std::vector<Worker*> workers) {
+ // First we create the workers that are channel servers, or else the other
+ // workers' channel initialization might fail because the pipe isn't created..
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); ++i) {
+ if (workers[i]->mode() == Channel::MODE_SERVER) {
+ workers[i]->Start();
+ workers[i]->WaitForChannelCreation();
+ }
+ }
+ // now create the clients
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); ++i) {
+ if (workers[i]->mode() == Channel::MODE_CLIENT)
+ workers[i]->Start();
+ }
+ // wait for all the workers to finish
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); ++i)
+ workers[i]->done_event()->Wait();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); ++i)
+ delete workers[i];
+} // namespace
+class IPCSyncChannelTest : public testing::Test {
+ private:
+ MessageLoop message_loop_;
+namespace {
+class SimpleServer : public Worker {
+ public:
+ SimpleServer(bool pump_during_send)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_SERVER, "simpler_server"),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send) { }
+ void Run() {
+ SendAnswerToLife(pump_during_send_, base::kNoTimeout, true);
+ Done();
+ }
+ bool pump_during_send_;
+class SimpleClient : public Worker {
+ public:
+ SimpleClient() : Worker(Channel::MODE_CLIENT, "simple_client") { }
+ void OnAnswer(int* answer) {
+ *answer = 42;
+ Done();
+ }
+void Simple(bool pump_during_send) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ workers.push_back(new SimpleServer(pump_during_send));
+ workers.push_back(new SimpleClient());
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// Tests basic synchronous call
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, Simple) {
+ Simple(false);
+ Simple(true);
+namespace {
+class DelayClient : public Worker {
+ public:
+ DelayClient() : Worker(Channel::MODE_CLIENT, "delay_client") { }
+ void OnAnswerDelay(Message* reply_msg) {
+ SyncChannelTestMsg_AnswerToLife::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, 42);
+ Send(reply_msg);
+ Done();
+ }
+void DelayReply(bool pump_during_send) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ workers.push_back(new SimpleServer(pump_during_send));
+ workers.push_back(new DelayClient());
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// Tests that asynchronous replies work
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, DelayReply) {
+ DelayReply(false);
+ DelayReply(true);
+namespace {
+class NoHangServer : public Worker {
+ public:
+ explicit NoHangServer(WaitableEvent* got_first_reply, bool pump_during_send)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_SERVER, "no_hang_server"),
+ got_first_reply_(got_first_reply),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send) { }
+ void Run() {
+ SendAnswerToLife(pump_during_send_, base::kNoTimeout, true);
+ got_first_reply_->Signal();
+ SendAnswerToLife(pump_during_send_, base::kNoTimeout, false);
+ Done();
+ }
+ WaitableEvent* got_first_reply_;
+ bool pump_during_send_;
+class NoHangClient : public Worker {
+ public:
+ explicit NoHangClient(WaitableEvent* got_first_reply)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_CLIENT, "no_hang_client"),
+ got_first_reply_(got_first_reply) { }
+ virtual void OnAnswerDelay(Message* reply_msg) {
+ // Use the DELAY_REPLY macro so that we can force the reply to be sent
+ // before this function returns (when the channel will be reset).
+ SyncChannelTestMsg_AnswerToLife::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, 42);
+ Send(reply_msg);
+ got_first_reply_->Wait();
+ CloseChannel();
+ Done();
+ }
+ WaitableEvent* got_first_reply_;
+void NoHang(bool pump_during_send) {
+ WaitableEvent got_first_reply(false, false);
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ workers.push_back(new NoHangServer(&got_first_reply, pump_during_send));
+ workers.push_back(new NoHangClient(&got_first_reply));
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// Tests that caller doesn't hang if receiver dies
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, NoHang) {
+ NoHang(false);
+ NoHang(true);
+namespace {
+class UnblockServer : public Worker {
+ public:
+ UnblockServer(bool pump_during_send)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_SERVER, "unblock_server"),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send) { }
+ void Run() {
+ SendAnswerToLife(pump_during_send_, base::kNoTimeout, true);
+ Done();
+ }
+ void OnDouble(int in, int* out) {
+ *out = in * 2;
+ }
+ bool pump_during_send_;
+class UnblockClient : public Worker {
+ public:
+ UnblockClient(bool pump_during_send)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_CLIENT, "unblock_client"),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send) { }
+ void OnAnswer(int* answer) {
+ SendDouble(pump_during_send_, true);
+ *answer = 42;
+ Done();
+ }
+ bool pump_during_send_;
+void Unblock(bool server_pump, bool client_pump) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ workers.push_back(new UnblockServer(server_pump));
+ workers.push_back(new UnblockClient(client_pump));
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// Tests that the caller unblocks to answer a sync message from the receiver.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, Unblock) {
+ Unblock(false, false);
+ Unblock(false, true);
+ Unblock(true, false);
+ Unblock(true, true);
+namespace {
+class RecursiveServer : public Worker {
+ public:
+ explicit RecursiveServer(
+ bool expected_send_result, bool pump_first, bool pump_second)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_SERVER, "recursive_server"),
+ expected_send_result_(expected_send_result),
+ pump_first_(pump_first), pump_second_(pump_second) { }
+ void Run() {
+ SendDouble(pump_first_, expected_send_result_);
+ Done();
+ }
+ void OnDouble(int in, int* out) {
+ *out = in * 2;
+ SendAnswerToLife(pump_second_, base::kNoTimeout, expected_send_result_);
+ }
+ bool expected_send_result_, pump_first_, pump_second_;
+class RecursiveClient : public Worker {
+ public:
+ explicit RecursiveClient(bool pump_during_send, bool close_channel)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_CLIENT, "recursive_client"),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send), close_channel_(close_channel) { }
+ void OnDoubleDelay(int in, Message* reply_msg) {
+ SendDouble(pump_during_send_, !close_channel_);
+ if (close_channel_) {
+ delete reply_msg;
+ } else {
+ SyncChannelTestMsg_Double::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, in * 2);
+ Send(reply_msg);
+ }
+ Done();
+ }
+ void OnAnswerDelay(Message* reply_msg) {
+ if (close_channel_) {
+ delete reply_msg;
+ CloseChannel();
+ } else {
+ SyncChannelTestMsg_AnswerToLife::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, 42);
+ Send(reply_msg);
+ }
+ }
+ bool pump_during_send_, close_channel_;
+void Recursive(
+ bool server_pump_first, bool server_pump_second, bool client_pump) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ workers.push_back(
+ new RecursiveServer(true, server_pump_first, server_pump_second));
+ workers.push_back(new RecursiveClient(client_pump, false));
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// Tests a server calling Send while another Send is pending.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, Recursive) {
+ Recursive(false, false, false);
+ Recursive(false, false, true);
+ Recursive(false, true, false);
+ Recursive(false, true, true);
+ Recursive(true, false, false);
+ Recursive(true, false, true);
+ Recursive(true, true, false);
+ Recursive(true, true, true);
+namespace {
+void RecursiveNoHang(
+ bool server_pump_first, bool server_pump_second, bool client_pump) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ workers.push_back(
+ new RecursiveServer(false, server_pump_first, server_pump_second));
+ workers.push_back(new RecursiveClient(client_pump, true));
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// Tests that if a caller makes a sync call during an existing sync call and
+// the receiver dies, neither of the Send() calls hang.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, RecursiveNoHang) {
+ RecursiveNoHang(false, false, false);
+ RecursiveNoHang(false, false, true);
+ RecursiveNoHang(false, true, false);
+ RecursiveNoHang(false, true, true);
+ RecursiveNoHang(true, false, false);
+ RecursiveNoHang(true, false, true);
+ RecursiveNoHang(true, true, false);
+ RecursiveNoHang(true, true, true);
+namespace {
+class MultipleServer1 : public Worker {
+ public:
+ MultipleServer1(bool pump_during_send)
+ : Worker(L"test_channel1", Channel::MODE_SERVER),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send) { }
+ void Run() {
+ SendDouble(pump_during_send_, true);
+ Done();
+ }
+ bool pump_during_send_;
+class MultipleClient1 : public Worker {
+ public:
+ MultipleClient1(WaitableEvent* client1_msg_received,
+ WaitableEvent* client1_can_reply) :
+ Worker(L"test_channel1", Channel::MODE_CLIENT),
+ client1_msg_received_(client1_msg_received),
+ client1_can_reply_(client1_can_reply) { }
+ void OnDouble(int in, int* out) {
+ client1_msg_received_->Signal();
+ *out = in * 2;
+ client1_can_reply_->Wait();
+ Done();
+ }
+ private:
+ WaitableEvent *client1_msg_received_, *client1_can_reply_;
+class MultipleServer2 : public Worker {
+ public:
+ MultipleServer2() : Worker(L"test_channel2", Channel::MODE_SERVER) { }
+ void OnAnswer(int* result) {
+ *result = 42;
+ Done();
+ }
+class MultipleClient2 : public Worker {
+ public:
+ MultipleClient2(
+ WaitableEvent* client1_msg_received, WaitableEvent* client1_can_reply,
+ bool pump_during_send)
+ : Worker(L"test_channel2", Channel::MODE_CLIENT),
+ client1_msg_received_(client1_msg_received),
+ client1_can_reply_(client1_can_reply),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send) { }
+ void Run() {
+ client1_msg_received_->Wait();
+ SendAnswerToLife(pump_during_send_, base::kNoTimeout, true);
+ client1_can_reply_->Signal();
+ Done();
+ }
+ private:
+ WaitableEvent *client1_msg_received_, *client1_can_reply_;
+ bool pump_during_send_;
+void Multiple(bool server_pump, bool client_pump) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ // A shared worker thread so that server1 and server2 run on one thread.
+ base::Thread worker_thread("Multiple");
+ worker_thread.Start();
+ // Server1 sends a sync msg to client1, which blocks the reply until
+ // server2 (which runs on the same worker thread as server1) responds
+ // to a sync msg from client2.
+ WaitableEvent client1_msg_received(false, false);
+ WaitableEvent client1_can_reply(false, false);
+ Worker* worker;
+ worker = new MultipleServer2();
+ worker->OverrideThread(&worker_thread);
+ workers.push_back(worker);
+ worker = new MultipleClient2(
+ &client1_msg_received, &client1_can_reply, client_pump);
+ workers.push_back(worker);
+ worker = new MultipleServer1(server_pump);
+ worker->OverrideThread(&worker_thread);
+ workers.push_back(worker);
+ worker = new MultipleClient1(
+ &client1_msg_received, &client1_can_reply);
+ workers.push_back(worker);
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// Tests that multiple SyncObjects on the same listener thread can unblock each
+// other.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, Multiple) {
+ Multiple(false, false);
+ Multiple(false, true);
+ Multiple(true, false);
+ Multiple(true, true);
+namespace {
+class QueuedReplyServer1 : public Worker {
+ public:
+ QueuedReplyServer1(bool pump_during_send)
+ : Worker(L"test_channel1", Channel::MODE_SERVER),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send) { }
+ void Run() {
+ SendDouble(pump_during_send_, true);
+ Done();
+ }
+ bool pump_during_send_;
+class QueuedReplyClient1 : public Worker {
+ public:
+ QueuedReplyClient1(WaitableEvent* client1_msg_received,
+ WaitableEvent* server2_can_reply) :
+ Worker(L"test_channel1", Channel::MODE_CLIENT),
+ client1_msg_received_(client1_msg_received),
+ server2_can_reply_(server2_can_reply) { }
+ void OnDouble(int in, int* out) {
+ client1_msg_received_->Signal();
+ *out = in * 2;
+ server2_can_reply_->Wait();
+ Done();
+ }
+ private:
+ WaitableEvent *client1_msg_received_, *server2_can_reply_;
+class QueuedReplyServer2 : public Worker {
+ public:
+ explicit QueuedReplyServer2(WaitableEvent* server2_can_reply) :
+ Worker(L"test_channel2", Channel::MODE_SERVER),
+ server2_can_reply_(server2_can_reply) { }
+ void OnAnswer(int* result) {
+ server2_can_reply_->Signal();
+ // give client1's reply time to reach the server listener thread
+ PlatformThread::Sleep(200);
+ *result = 42;
+ Done();
+ }
+ WaitableEvent *server2_can_reply_;
+class QueuedReplyClient2 : public Worker {
+ public:
+ explicit QueuedReplyClient2(
+ WaitableEvent* client1_msg_received, bool pump_during_send)
+ : Worker(L"test_channel2", Channel::MODE_CLIENT),
+ client1_msg_received_(client1_msg_received),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send){ }
+ void Run() {
+ client1_msg_received_->Wait();
+ SendAnswerToLife(pump_during_send_, base::kNoTimeout, true);
+ Done();
+ }
+ WaitableEvent *client1_msg_received_;
+ bool pump_during_send_;
+void QueuedReply(bool server_pump, bool client_pump) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ // A shared worker thread so that server1 and server2 run on one thread.
+ base::Thread worker_thread("QueuedReply");
+ worker_thread.Start();
+ WaitableEvent client1_msg_received(false, false);
+ WaitableEvent server2_can_reply(false, false);
+ Worker* worker;
+ worker = new QueuedReplyServer2(&server2_can_reply);
+ worker->OverrideThread(&worker_thread);
+ workers.push_back(worker);
+ worker = new QueuedReplyClient2(&client1_msg_received, client_pump);
+ workers.push_back(worker);
+ worker = new QueuedReplyServer1(server_pump);
+ worker->OverrideThread(&worker_thread);
+ workers.push_back(worker);
+ worker = new QueuedReplyClient1(
+ &client1_msg_received, &server2_can_reply);
+ workers.push_back(worker);
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// While a blocking send is in progress, the listener thread might answer other
+// synchronous messages. This tests that if during the response to another
+// message the reply to the original messages comes, it is queued up correctly
+// and the original Send is unblocked later.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, QueuedReply) {
+ QueuedReply(false, false);
+ QueuedReply(false, true);
+ QueuedReply(true, false);
+ QueuedReply(true, true);
+namespace {
+class BadServer : public Worker {
+ public:
+ BadServer(bool pump_during_send)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_SERVER, "simpler_server"),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send) { }
+ void Run() {
+ int answer = 0;
+ SyncMessage* msg = new SyncMessage(
+ MSG_ROUTING_CONTROL, SyncChannelTestMsg_Double::ID,
+ if (pump_during_send_)
+ msg->EnableMessagePumping();
+ // Temporarily set the minimum logging very high so that the assertion
+ // in ipc_message_utils doesn't fire.
+ int log_level = logging::GetMinLogLevel();
+ logging::SetMinLogLevel(kint32max);
+ bool result = Send(msg);
+ logging::SetMinLogLevel(log_level);
+ DCHECK(!result);
+ // Need to send another message to get the client to call Done().
+ result = Send(new SyncChannelTestMsg_AnswerToLife(&answer));
+ DCHECK(result);
+ DCHECK(answer == 42);
+ Done();
+ }
+ bool pump_during_send_;
+void BadMessage(bool pump_during_send) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ workers.push_back(new BadServer(pump_during_send));
+ workers.push_back(new SimpleClient());
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// Tests that if a message is not serialized correctly, the Send() will fail.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, BadMessage) {
+ BadMessage(false);
+ BadMessage(true);
+namespace {
+class ChattyClient : public Worker {
+ public:
+ ChattyClient() :
+ Worker(Channel::MODE_CLIENT, "chatty_client") { }
+ void OnAnswer(int* answer) {
+ // The PostMessage limit is 10k. Send 20% more than that.
+ const int kMessageLimit = 10000;
+ const int kMessagesToSend = kMessageLimit * 120 / 100;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kMessagesToSend; ++i) {
+ if (!SendDouble(false, true))
+ break;
+ }
+ *answer = 42;
+ Done();
+ }
+void ChattyServer(bool pump_during_send) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ workers.push_back(new UnblockServer(pump_during_send));
+ workers.push_back(new ChattyClient());
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// Tests http://b/1093251 - that sending lots of sync messages while
+// the receiver is waiting for a sync reply does not overflow the PostMessage
+// queue.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, ChattyServer) {
+ ChattyServer(false);
+ ChattyServer(true);
+namespace {
+class TimeoutServer : public Worker {
+ public:
+ TimeoutServer(int timeout_ms,
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq,
+ bool pump_during_send)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_SERVER, "timeout_server"),
+ timeout_ms_(timeout_ms),
+ timeout_seq_(timeout_seq),
+ pump_during_send_(pump_during_send) {
+ }
+ void Run() {
+ for (std::vector<bool>::const_iterator iter = timeout_seq_.begin();
+ iter != timeout_seq_.end(); ++iter) {
+ SendAnswerToLife(pump_during_send_, timeout_ms_, !*iter);
+ }
+ Done();
+ }
+ private:
+ int timeout_ms_;
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq_;
+ bool pump_during_send_;
+class UnresponsiveClient : public Worker {
+ public:
+ UnresponsiveClient(std::vector<bool> timeout_seq)
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_CLIENT, "unresponsive_client"),
+ timeout_seq_(timeout_seq) {
+ }
+ void OnAnswerDelay(Message* reply_msg) {
+ DCHECK(!timeout_seq_.empty());
+ if (!timeout_seq_[0]) {
+ SyncChannelTestMsg_AnswerToLife::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, 42);
+ Send(reply_msg);
+ } else {
+ // Don't reply.
+ delete reply_msg;
+ }
+ timeout_seq_.erase(timeout_seq_.begin());
+ if (timeout_seq_.empty())
+ Done();
+ }
+ private:
+ // Whether we should time-out or respond to the various messages we receive.
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq_;
+void SendWithTimeoutOK(bool pump_during_send) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq;
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ workers.push_back(new TimeoutServer(5000, timeout_seq, pump_during_send));
+ workers.push_back(new SimpleClient());
+ RunTest(workers);
+void SendWithTimeoutTimeout(bool pump_during_send) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq;
+ timeout_seq.push_back(true);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ workers.push_back(new TimeoutServer(100, timeout_seq, pump_during_send));
+ workers.push_back(new UnresponsiveClient(timeout_seq));
+ RunTest(workers);
+void SendWithTimeoutMixedOKAndTimeout(bool pump_during_send) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ std::vector<bool> timeout_seq;
+ timeout_seq.push_back(true);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(true);
+ timeout_seq.push_back(false);
+ workers.push_back(new TimeoutServer(100, timeout_seq, pump_during_send));
+ workers.push_back(new UnresponsiveClient(timeout_seq));
+ RunTest(workers);
+} // namespace
+// Tests that SendWithTimeout does not time-out if the response comes back fast
+// enough.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, SendWithTimeoutOK) {
+ SendWithTimeoutOK(false);
+ SendWithTimeoutOK(true);
+// Tests that SendWithTimeout does time-out.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, SendWithTimeoutTimeout) {
+ SendWithTimeoutTimeout(false);
+ SendWithTimeoutTimeout(true);
+// Sends some message that time-out and some that succeed.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, SendWithTimeoutMixedOKAndTimeout) {
+ SendWithTimeoutMixedOKAndTimeout(false);
+ SendWithTimeoutMixedOKAndTimeout(true);
+namespace {
+class NestedTask : public Task {
+ public:
+ NestedTask(Worker* server) : server_(server) { }
+ void Run() {
+ // Sleep a bit so that we wake up after the reply has been received.
+ PlatformThread::Sleep(250);
+ server_->SendAnswerToLife(true, base::kNoTimeout, true);
+ }
+ Worker* server_;
+static bool timeout_occured = false;
+class TimeoutTask : public Task {
+ public:
+ void Run() {
+ timeout_occured = true;
+ }
+class DoneEventRaceServer : public Worker {
+ public:
+ DoneEventRaceServer()
+ : Worker(Channel::MODE_SERVER, "done_event_race_server") { }
+ void Run() {
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new NestedTask(this));
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, new TimeoutTask(), 9000);
+ // Even though we have a timeout on the Send, it will succeed since for this
+ // bug, the reply message comes back and is deserialized, however the done
+ // event wasn't set. So we indirectly use the timeout task to notice if a
+ // timeout occurred.
+ SendAnswerToLife(true, 10000, true);
+ DCHECK(!timeout_occured);
+ Done();
+ }
+} // namespace
+// Tests http://b/1474092 - that if after the done_event is set but before
+// OnObjectSignaled is called another message is sent out, then after its
+// reply comes back OnObjectSignaled will be called for the first message.
+TEST_F(IPCSyncChannelTest, DoneEventRace) {
+ std::vector<Worker*> workers;
+ workers.push_back(new DoneEventRaceServer());
+ workers.push_back(new SimpleClient());
+ RunTest(workers);