path: root/media/audio/audio_input_device.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'media/audio/audio_input_device.h')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/audio/audio_input_device.h b/media/audio/audio_input_device.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d6869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/audio/audio_input_device.h
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Low-latency audio capturing class utilizing audio input stream provided
+// by a server (browser) process by use of an IPC interface.
+// Relationship of classes:
+// AudioInputController AudioInputDevice
+// ^ ^
+// | |
+// v IPC v
+// AudioInputRendererHost <---------> AudioInputIPCDelegate
+// ^ (impl in AudioInputMessageFilter)
+// |
+// v
+// AudioInputDeviceManager
+// Transportation of audio samples from the browser to the render process
+// is done by using shared memory in combination with a SyncSocket.
+// The AudioInputDevice user registers an AudioInputDevice::CaptureCallback by
+// calling Initialize(). The callback will be called with recorded audio from
+// the underlying audio layers.
+// The session ID is used by the AudioInputRendererHost to start the device
+// referenced by this ID.
+// State sequences:
+// Sequence where session_id has not been set using SetDevice():
+// ('<-' signifies callbacks, -> signifies calls made by AudioInputDevice)
+// Start -> InitializeOnIOThread -> CreateStream ->
+// <- OnStreamCreated <-
+// -> StartOnIOThread -> PlayStream ->
+// Sequence where session_id has been set using SetDevice():
+// Start -> InitializeOnIOThread -> StartDevice ->
+// <- OnDeviceReady <-
+// -> CreateStream ->
+// <- OnStreamCreated <-
+// -> StartOnIOThread -> PlayStream ->
+// AudioInputDevice::Capture => low latency audio transport on audio thread =>
+// |
+// Stop --> ShutDownOnIOThread ------> CloseStream -> Close
+// This class depends on two threads to function:
+// 1. An IO thread.
+// This thread is used to asynchronously process Start/Stop etc operations
+// that are available via the public interface. The public methods are
+// asynchronous and simply post a task to the IO thread to actually perform
+// the work.
+// 2. Audio transport thread.
+// Responsible for calling the CaptureCallback and feed audio samples from
+// the server side audio layer using a socket and shared memory.
+// Implementation notes:
+// - The user must call Stop() before deleting the class instance.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/shared_memory.h"
+#include "media/audio/audio_device_thread.h"
+#include "media/audio/audio_input_ipc.h"
+#include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h"
+#include "media/audio/scoped_loop_observer.h"
+#include "media/base/media_export.h"
+namespace media {
+// TODO(henrika): This class is based on the AudioOutputDevice class and it has
+// many components in common. Investigate potential for re-factoring.
+// TODO(henrika): Add support for event handling (e.g. OnStateChanged,
+// OnCaptureStopped etc.) and ensure that we can deliver these notifications
+// to any clients using this class.
+class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioInputDevice
+ : NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public AudioInputIPCDelegate),
+ NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public ScopedLoopObserver),
+ public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioInputDevice> {
+ public:
+ class MEDIA_EXPORT CaptureCallback {
+ public:
+ virtual void Capture(const std::vector<float*>& audio_data,
+ int number_of_frames,
+ int audio_delay_milliseconds,
+ double volume) = 0;
+ virtual void OnCaptureError() = 0;
+ protected:
+ virtual ~CaptureCallback();
+ };
+ class MEDIA_EXPORT CaptureEventHandler {
+ public:
+ // Notification to the client that the device with the specific |device_id|
+ // has been started.
+ // This callback is triggered as a result of StartDevice().
+ virtual void OnDeviceStarted(const std::string& device_id) = 0;
+ // Notification to the client that the device has been stopped.
+ virtual void OnDeviceStopped() = 0;
+ protected:
+ virtual ~CaptureEventHandler();
+ };
+ AudioInputDevice(AudioInputIPC* ipc,
+ const scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy>& io_loop);
+ // Initializes the AudioInputDevice. This method must be called before
+ // any other methods can be used.
+ void Initialize(const AudioParameters& params,
+ CaptureCallback* callback,
+ CaptureEventHandler* event_handler);
+ // Specify the |session_id| to query which device to use.
+ // Start() will use the second sequence if this method is called before.
+ void SetDevice(int session_id);
+ // Starts audio capturing.
+ // TODO(henrika): add support for notification when recording has started.
+ void Start();
+ // Stops audio capturing.
+ // TODO(henrika): add support for notification when recording has stopped.
+ void Stop();
+ // Sets the capture volume scaling, with range [0.0, 1.0] inclusive.
+ // Returns |true| on success.
+ void SetVolume(double volume);
+ // Sets the Automatic Gain Control state to on or off.
+ // This method must be called before Start(). It will not have any effect
+ // if it is called while capturing has already started.
+ void SetAutomaticGainControl(bool enabled);
+ protected:
+ // Methods called on IO thread ----------------------------------------------
+ // AudioInputIPCDelegate implementation.
+ virtual void OnStreamCreated(base::SharedMemoryHandle handle,
+ base::SyncSocket::Handle socket_handle,
+ int length) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnVolume(double volume) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnStateChanged(
+ AudioInputIPCDelegate::State state) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnDeviceReady(const std::string& device_id) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnIPCClosed() OVERRIDE;
+ friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioInputDevice>;
+ virtual ~AudioInputDevice();
+ private:
+ // Methods called on IO thread ----------------------------------------------
+ // The following methods are tasks posted on the IO thread that needs to
+ // be executed on that thread. They interact with AudioInputMessageFilter and
+ // sends IPC messages on that thread.
+ void InitializeOnIOThread();
+ void SetSessionIdOnIOThread(int session_id);
+ void StartOnIOThread();
+ void ShutDownOnIOThread();
+ void SetVolumeOnIOThread(double volume);
+ void SetAutomaticGainControlOnIOThread(bool enabled);
+ // MessageLoop::DestructionObserver implementation for the IO loop.
+ // If the IO loop dies before we do, we shut down the audio thread from here.
+ virtual void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() OVERRIDE;
+ AudioParameters audio_parameters_;
+ CaptureCallback* callback_;
+ CaptureEventHandler* event_handler_;
+ AudioInputIPC* ipc_;
+ // Our stream ID on the message filter. Only modified on the IO thread.
+ int stream_id_;
+ // The media session ID used to identify which input device to be started.
+ // Only modified on the IO thread.
+ int session_id_;
+ // State variable used to indicate it is waiting for a OnDeviceReady()
+ // callback. Only modified on the IO thread.
+ bool pending_device_ready_;
+ // Stores the Automatic Gain Control state. Default is false.
+ // Only modified on the IO thread.
+ bool agc_is_enabled_;
+ // Our audio thread callback class. See source file for details.
+ class AudioThreadCallback;
+ // In order to avoid a race between OnStreamCreated and Stop(), we use this
+ // guard to control stopping and starting the audio thread.
+ base::Lock audio_thread_lock_;
+ AudioDeviceThread audio_thread_;
+ scoped_ptr<AudioInputDevice::AudioThreadCallback> audio_callback_;
+} // namespace media