path: root/media/audio/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media/audio/')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/audio/ b/media/audio/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a060b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/audio/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "media/audio/audio_output_dispatcher_impl.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/time.h"
+#include "media/audio/audio_io.h"
+#include "media/audio/audio_output_proxy.h"
+#include "media/audio/audio_util.h"
+namespace media {
+ AudioManager* audio_manager,
+ const AudioParameters& params,
+ const base::TimeDelta& close_delay)
+ : AudioOutputDispatcher(audio_manager, params),
+ pause_delay_(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
+ 2 * params.frames_per_buffer() *
+ base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond / params.sample_rate())),
+ paused_proxies_(0),
+ close_timer_(FROM_HERE,
+ close_delay,
+ weak_this_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ &AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::ClosePendingStreams) {
+AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::~AudioOutputDispatcherImpl() {
+ DCHECK(proxy_to_physical_map_.empty());
+ DCHECK(idle_streams_.empty());
+ DCHECK(pausing_streams_.empty());
+bool AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::OpenStream() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), message_loop_);
+ paused_proxies_++;
+ // Ensure that there is at least one open stream.
+ if (idle_streams_.empty() && !CreateAndOpenStream())
+ return false;
+ close_timer_.Reset();
+ return true;
+bool AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::StartStream(
+ AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback* callback,
+ AudioOutputProxy* stream_proxy) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), message_loop_);
+ if (idle_streams_.empty() && !CreateAndOpenStream())
+ return false;
+ AudioOutputStream* physical_stream = idle_streams_.back();
+ DCHECK(physical_stream);
+ idle_streams_.pop_back();
+ DCHECK_GT(paused_proxies_, 0u);
+ --paused_proxies_;
+ close_timer_.Reset();
+ // Schedule task to allocate streams for other proxies if we need to.
+ message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
+ &AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::OpenTask, weak_this_.GetWeakPtr()));
+ double volume = 0;
+ stream_proxy->GetVolume(&volume);
+ physical_stream->SetVolume(volume);
+ physical_stream->Start(callback);
+ proxy_to_physical_map_[stream_proxy] = physical_stream;
+ return true;
+void AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::StopStream(AudioOutputProxy* stream_proxy) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), message_loop_);
+ AudioStreamMap::iterator it = proxy_to_physical_map_.find(stream_proxy);
+ DCHECK(it != proxy_to_physical_map_.end());
+ AudioOutputStream* physical_stream = it->second;
+ proxy_to_physical_map_.erase(it);
+ physical_stream->Stop();
+ ++paused_proxies_;
+ pausing_streams_.push_front(physical_stream);
+ // Don't recycle stream until two buffers worth of time has elapsed.
+ message_loop_->PostDelayedTask(
+ base::Bind(&AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::StopStreamTask,
+ weak_this_.GetWeakPtr()),
+ pause_delay_);
+void AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::StreamVolumeSet(AudioOutputProxy* stream_proxy,
+ double volume) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), message_loop_);
+ AudioStreamMap::iterator it = proxy_to_physical_map_.find(stream_proxy);
+ if (it != proxy_to_physical_map_.end()) {
+ AudioOutputStream* physical_stream = it->second;
+ physical_stream->SetVolume(volume);
+ }
+void AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::StopStreamTask() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), message_loop_);
+ if (pausing_streams_.empty())
+ return;
+ AudioOutputStream* stream = pausing_streams_.back();
+ pausing_streams_.pop_back();
+ idle_streams_.push_back(stream);
+ close_timer_.Reset();
+void AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::CloseStream(AudioOutputProxy* stream_proxy) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), message_loop_);
+ while (!pausing_streams_.empty()) {
+ idle_streams_.push_back(pausing_streams_.back());
+ pausing_streams_.pop_back();
+ }
+ DCHECK_GT(paused_proxies_, 0u);
+ paused_proxies_--;
+ while (idle_streams_.size() > paused_proxies_) {
+ idle_streams_.back()->Close();
+ idle_streams_.pop_back();
+ }
+void AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::Shutdown() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), message_loop_);
+ // Cancel any pending tasks to close paused streams or create new ones.
+ weak_this_.InvalidateWeakPtrs();
+ // No AudioOutputProxy objects should hold a reference to us when we get
+ // to this stage.
+ DCHECK(HasOneRef()) << "Only the AudioManager should hold a reference";
+ AudioOutputStreamList::iterator it = idle_streams_.begin();
+ for (; it != idle_streams_.end(); ++it)
+ (*it)->Close();
+ idle_streams_.clear();
+ it = pausing_streams_.begin();
+ for (; it != pausing_streams_.end(); ++it)
+ (*it)->Close();
+ pausing_streams_.clear();
+bool AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::CreateAndOpenStream() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), message_loop_);
+ AudioOutputStream* stream = audio_manager_->MakeAudioOutputStream(params_);
+ if (!stream)
+ return false;
+ if (!stream->Open()) {
+ stream->Close();
+ return false;
+ }
+ idle_streams_.push_back(stream);
+ return true;
+void AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::OpenTask() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), message_loop_);
+ // Make sure that we have at least one stream allocated if there
+ // are paused streams.
+ if (paused_proxies_ > 0 && idle_streams_.empty() &&
+ pausing_streams_.empty()) {
+ CreateAndOpenStream();
+ }
+ close_timer_.Reset();
+// This method is called by |close_timer_|.
+void AudioOutputDispatcherImpl::ClosePendingStreams() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), message_loop_);
+ while (!idle_streams_.empty()) {
+ idle_streams_.back()->Close();
+ idle_streams_.pop_back();
+ }
+} // namespace media