path: root/media/cast/audio_receiver/
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Diffstat (limited to 'media/cast/audio_receiver/')
1 files changed, 498 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/cast/audio_receiver/ b/media/cast/audio_receiver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39c02c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/cast/audio_receiver/
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "media/cast/audio_receiver/audio_receiver.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "crypto/encryptor.h"
+#include "crypto/symmetric_key.h"
+#include "media/cast/audio_receiver/audio_decoder.h"
+#include "media/cast/framer/framer.h"
+#include "media/cast/rtcp/rtcp.h"
+#include "media/cast/rtp_receiver/rtp_receiver.h"
+// Max time we wait until an audio frame is due to be played out is released.
+static const int64 kMaxAudioFrameWaitMs = 20;
+static const int64 kMinSchedulingDelayMs = 1;
+namespace media {
+namespace cast {
+ : number_of_10ms_blocks(0),
+ desired_frequency(0),
+ callback() {}
+DecodedAudioCallbackData::~DecodedAudioCallbackData() {}
+// Local implementation of RtpData (defined in rtp_rtcp_defines.h).
+// Used to pass payload data into the audio receiver.
+class LocalRtpAudioData : public RtpData {
+ public:
+ explicit LocalRtpAudioData(AudioReceiver* audio_receiver)
+ : audio_receiver_(audio_receiver) {}
+ virtual void OnReceivedPayloadData(
+ const uint8* payload_data,
+ size_t payload_size,
+ const RtpCastHeader* rtp_header) OVERRIDE {
+ audio_receiver_->IncomingParsedRtpPacket(payload_data, payload_size,
+ *rtp_header);
+ }
+ private:
+ AudioReceiver* audio_receiver_;
+// Local implementation of RtpPayloadFeedback (defined in rtp_defines.h)
+// Used to convey cast-specific feedback from receiver to sender.
+class LocalRtpAudioFeedback : public RtpPayloadFeedback {
+ public:
+ explicit LocalRtpAudioFeedback(AudioReceiver* audio_receiver)
+ : audio_receiver_(audio_receiver) {
+ }
+ virtual void CastFeedback(const RtcpCastMessage& cast_message) OVERRIDE {
+ audio_receiver_->CastFeedback(cast_message);
+ }
+ private:
+ AudioReceiver* audio_receiver_;
+class LocalRtpReceiverStatistics : public RtpReceiverStatistics {
+ public:
+ explicit LocalRtpReceiverStatistics(RtpReceiver* rtp_receiver)
+ : rtp_receiver_(rtp_receiver) {
+ }
+ virtual void GetStatistics(uint8* fraction_lost,
+ uint32* cumulative_lost, // 24 bits valid.
+ uint32* extended_high_sequence_number,
+ uint32* jitter) OVERRIDE {
+ rtp_receiver_->GetStatistics(fraction_lost,
+ cumulative_lost,
+ extended_high_sequence_number,
+ jitter);
+ }
+ private:
+ RtpReceiver* rtp_receiver_;
+AudioReceiver::AudioReceiver(scoped_refptr<CastEnvironment> cast_environment,
+ const AudioReceiverConfig& audio_config,
+ PacedPacketSender* const packet_sender)
+ : cast_environment_(cast_environment),
+ codec_(audio_config.codec),
+ frequency_(audio_config.frequency),
+ audio_buffer_(),
+ audio_decoder_(),
+ time_offset_(),
+ weak_factory_(this) {
+ target_delay_delta_ =
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(audio_config.rtp_max_delay_ms);
+ incoming_payload_callback_.reset(new LocalRtpAudioData(this));
+ incoming_payload_feedback_.reset(new LocalRtpAudioFeedback(this));
+ if (audio_config.use_external_decoder) {
+ audio_buffer_.reset(new Framer(cast_environment->Clock(),
+ incoming_payload_feedback_.get(),
+ audio_config.incoming_ssrc,
+ true,
+ 0));
+ } else {
+ audio_decoder_.reset(new AudioDecoder(cast_environment,
+ audio_config,
+ incoming_payload_feedback_.get()));
+ }
+ if (audio_config.aes_iv_mask.size() == kAesKeySize &&
+ audio_config.aes_key.size() == kAesKeySize) {
+ iv_mask_ = audio_config.aes_iv_mask;
+ crypto::SymmetricKey* key = crypto::SymmetricKey::Import(
+ crypto::SymmetricKey::AES, audio_config.aes_key);
+ decryptor_.reset(new crypto::Encryptor());
+ decryptor_->Init(key, crypto::Encryptor::CTR, std::string());
+ } else if (audio_config.aes_iv_mask.size() != 0 ||
+ audio_config.aes_key.size() != 0) {
+ DCHECK(false) << "Invalid crypto configuration";
+ }
+ rtp_receiver_.reset(new RtpReceiver(cast_environment->Clock(),
+ &audio_config,
+ incoming_payload_callback_.get()));
+ rtp_audio_receiver_statistics_.reset(
+ new LocalRtpReceiverStatistics(rtp_receiver_.get()));
+ base::TimeDelta rtcp_interval_delta =
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(audio_config.rtcp_interval);
+ rtcp_.reset(new Rtcp(cast_environment,
+ packet_sender,
+ rtp_audio_receiver_statistics_.get(),
+ audio_config.rtcp_mode,
+ rtcp_interval_delta,
+ audio_config.feedback_ssrc,
+ audio_config.incoming_ssrc,
+ audio_config.rtcp_c_name));
+AudioReceiver::~AudioReceiver() {}
+void AudioReceiver::InitializeTimers() {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ ScheduleNextRtcpReport();
+ ScheduleNextCastMessage();
+void AudioReceiver::IncomingParsedRtpPacket(const uint8* payload_data,
+ size_t payload_size,
+ const RtpCastHeader& rtp_header) {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ cast_environment_->Logging()->InsertPacketEvent(kPacketReceived,
+ rtp_header.webrtc.header.timestamp, rtp_header.frame_id,
+ rtp_header.packet_id, rtp_header.max_packet_id, payload_size);
+ // TODO(pwestin): update this as video to refresh over time.
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ if (time_first_incoming_packet_.is_null()) {
+ InitializeTimers();
+ first_incoming_rtp_timestamp_ = rtp_header.webrtc.header.timestamp;
+ time_first_incoming_packet_ = cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks();
+ }
+ if (audio_decoder_) {
+ DCHECK(!audio_buffer_) << "Invalid internal state";
+ std::string plaintext(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(payload_data),
+ payload_size);
+ if (decryptor_) {
+ plaintext.clear();
+ if (!decryptor_->SetCounter(GetAesNonce(rtp_header.frame_id, iv_mask_))) {
+ NOTREACHED() << "Failed to set counter";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!decryptor_->Decrypt(base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
+ payload_data), payload_size), &plaintext)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Decryption error";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ audio_decoder_->IncomingParsedRtpPacket(
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(, plaintext.size(),
+ rtp_header);
+ if (!queued_decoded_callbacks_.empty()) {
+ DecodedAudioCallbackData decoded_data = queued_decoded_callbacks_.front();
+ queued_decoded_callbacks_.pop_front();
+ cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::AUDIO_DECODER, FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&AudioReceiver::DecodeAudioFrameThread,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ decoded_data.number_of_10ms_blocks,
+ decoded_data.desired_frequency,
+ decoded_data.callback));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ DCHECK(audio_buffer_) << "Invalid internal state";
+ DCHECK(!audio_decoder_) << "Invalid internal state";
+ bool complete = audio_buffer_->InsertPacket(payload_data, payload_size,
+ rtp_header);
+ if (!complete) return; // Audio frame not complete; wait for more packets.
+ if (queued_encoded_callbacks_.empty()) return;
+ AudioFrameEncodedCallback callback = queued_encoded_callbacks_.front();
+ queued_encoded_callbacks_.pop_front();
+ cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&AudioReceiver::GetEncodedAudioFrame,
+ weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), callback));
+void AudioReceiver::GetRawAudioFrame(int number_of_10ms_blocks,
+ int desired_frequency, const AudioFrameDecodedCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ DCHECK(audio_decoder_) << "Invalid function call in this configuration";
+ // TODO(pwestin): we can skip this function by posting direct to the decoder.
+ cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::AUDIO_DECODER, FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&AudioReceiver::DecodeAudioFrameThread,
+ base::Unretained(this),
+ number_of_10ms_blocks,
+ desired_frequency,
+ callback));
+void AudioReceiver::DecodeAudioFrameThread(
+ int number_of_10ms_blocks,
+ int desired_frequency,
+ const AudioFrameDecodedCallback callback) {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::AUDIO_DECODER));
+ // TODO(mikhal): Allow the application to allocate this memory.
+ scoped_ptr<PcmAudioFrame> audio_frame(new PcmAudioFrame());
+ uint32 rtp_timestamp = 0;
+ if (!audio_decoder_->GetRawAudioFrame(number_of_10ms_blocks,
+ desired_frequency,
+ audio_frame.get(),
+ &rtp_timestamp)) {
+ DecodedAudioCallbackData callback_data;
+ callback_data.number_of_10ms_blocks = number_of_10ms_blocks;
+ callback_data.desired_frequency = desired_frequency;
+ callback_data.callback = callback;
+ queued_decoded_callbacks_.push_back(callback_data);
+ return;
+ }
+ base::TimeTicks now = cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks();
+ cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&AudioReceiver::ReturnDecodedFrameWithPlayoutDelay,
+ base::Unretained(this), base::Passed(&audio_frame), rtp_timestamp,
+ callback));
+void AudioReceiver::ReturnDecodedFrameWithPlayoutDelay(
+ scoped_ptr<PcmAudioFrame> audio_frame, uint32 rtp_timestamp,
+ const AudioFrameDecodedCallback callback) {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ cast_environment_->Logging()->InsertFrameEvent(kAudioFrameDecoded,
+ rtp_timestamp, kFrameIdUnknown);
+ base::TimeTicks now = cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks();
+ base::TimeTicks playout_time = GetPlayoutTime(now, rtp_timestamp);
+ cast_environment_->Logging()->InsertFrameEventWithDelay(kAudioPlayoutDelay,
+ rtp_timestamp, kFrameIdUnknown, playout_time - now);
+ // Frame is ready - Send back to the caller.
+ cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(callback, base::Passed(&audio_frame), playout_time));
+void AudioReceiver::PlayoutTimeout() {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ DCHECK(audio_buffer_) << "Invalid function call in this configuration";
+ if (queued_encoded_callbacks_.empty()) {
+ // Already released by incoming packet.
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32 rtp_timestamp = 0;
+ bool next_frame = false;
+ scoped_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame> encoded_frame(new EncodedAudioFrame());
+ if (!audio_buffer_->GetEncodedAudioFrame(encoded_frame.get(),
+ &rtp_timestamp, &next_frame)) {
+ // We have no audio frames. Wait for new packet(s).
+ // Since the application can post multiple AudioFrameEncodedCallback and
+ // we only check the next frame to play out we might have multiple timeout
+ // events firing after each other; however this should be a rare event.
+ VLOG(2) << "Failed to retrieved a complete frame at this point in time";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (decryptor_ && !DecryptAudioFrame(&encoded_frame)) {
+ // Logging already done.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (PostEncodedAudioFrame(queued_encoded_callbacks_.front(), rtp_timestamp,
+ next_frame, &encoded_frame)) {
+ // Call succeed remove callback from list.
+ queued_encoded_callbacks_.pop_front();
+ }
+void AudioReceiver::GetEncodedAudioFrame(
+ const AudioFrameEncodedCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ DCHECK(audio_buffer_) << "Invalid function call in this configuration";
+ uint32 rtp_timestamp = 0;
+ bool next_frame = false;
+ scoped_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame> encoded_frame(new EncodedAudioFrame());
+ if (!audio_buffer_->GetEncodedAudioFrame(encoded_frame.get(),
+ &rtp_timestamp, &next_frame)) {
+ // We have no audio frames. Wait for new packet(s).
+ VLOG(2) << "Wait for more audio packets in frame";
+ queued_encoded_callbacks_.push_back(callback);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (decryptor_ && !DecryptAudioFrame(&encoded_frame)) {
+ // Logging already done.
+ queued_encoded_callbacks_.push_back(callback);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!PostEncodedAudioFrame(callback, rtp_timestamp, next_frame,
+ &encoded_frame)) {
+ // We have an audio frame; however we are missing packets and we have time
+ // to wait for new packet(s).
+ queued_encoded_callbacks_.push_back(callback);
+ }
+bool AudioReceiver::PostEncodedAudioFrame(
+ const AudioFrameEncodedCallback& callback,
+ uint32 rtp_timestamp,
+ bool next_frame,
+ scoped_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame>* encoded_frame) {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ DCHECK(audio_buffer_) << "Invalid function call in this configuration";
+ base::TimeTicks now = cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks();
+ base::TimeTicks playout_time = GetPlayoutTime(now, rtp_timestamp);
+ base::TimeDelta time_until_playout = playout_time - now;
+ base::TimeDelta min_wait_delta =
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMaxAudioFrameWaitMs);
+ if (!next_frame && (time_until_playout > min_wait_delta)) {
+ base::TimeDelta time_until_release = time_until_playout - min_wait_delta;
+ cast_environment_->PostDelayedTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&AudioReceiver::PlayoutTimeout, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()),
+ time_until_release);
+ VLOG(2) << "Wait until time to playout:"
+ << time_until_release.InMilliseconds();
+ return false;
+ }
+ (*encoded_frame)->codec = codec_;
+ audio_buffer_->ReleaseFrame((*encoded_frame)->frame_id);
+ cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(callback, base::Passed(encoded_frame), playout_time));
+ return true;
+void AudioReceiver::IncomingPacket(const uint8* packet, size_t length,
+ const base::Closure callback) {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ bool rtcp_packet = Rtcp::IsRtcpPacket(packet, length);
+ if (!rtcp_packet) {
+ rtp_receiver_->ReceivedPacket(packet, length);
+ } else {
+ rtcp_->IncomingRtcpPacket(packet, length);
+ }
+ cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE, callback);
+void AudioReceiver::CastFeedback(const RtcpCastMessage& cast_message) {
+ // TODO(pwestin): add logging.
+ rtcp_->SendRtcpFromRtpReceiver(&cast_message, NULL);
+base::TimeTicks AudioReceiver::GetPlayoutTime(base::TimeTicks now,
+ uint32 rtp_timestamp) {
+ base::TimeTicks playout_time;
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ // Senders time in ms when this frame was recorded.
+ // Note: the senders clock and our local clock might not be synced.
+ base::TimeTicks rtp_timestamp_in_ticks;
+ if (time_offset_ == base::TimeDelta()) {
+ if (rtcp_->RtpTimestampInSenderTime(frequency_,
+ first_incoming_rtp_timestamp_,
+ &rtp_timestamp_in_ticks)) {
+ time_offset_ = time_first_incoming_packet_ - rtp_timestamp_in_ticks;
+ } else {
+ // We have not received any RTCP to sync the stream play it out as soon as
+ // possible.
+ uint32 rtp_timestamp_diff = rtp_timestamp - first_incoming_rtp_timestamp_;
+ int frequency_khz = frequency_ / 1000;
+ base::TimeDelta rtp_time_diff_delta =
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(rtp_timestamp_diff / frequency_khz);
+ base::TimeDelta time_diff_delta = now - time_first_incoming_packet_;
+ playout_time = now + std::max(rtp_time_diff_delta - time_diff_delta,
+ base::TimeDelta());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!playout_time.is_null()) {
+ // This can fail if we have not received any RTCP packets in a long time.
+ playout_time = rtcp_->RtpTimestampInSenderTime(frequency_, rtp_timestamp,
+ &rtp_timestamp_in_ticks) ?
+ rtp_timestamp_in_ticks + time_offset_ + target_delay_delta_ : now;
+ }
+ // Don't allow the playout time to go backwards.
+ if (last_playout_time_ > playout_time)
+ playout_time = last_playout_time_;
+ last_playout_time_ = playout_time;
+ return playout_time;
+bool AudioReceiver::DecryptAudioFrame(
+ scoped_ptr<EncodedAudioFrame>* audio_frame) {
+ DCHECK(decryptor_) << "Invalid state";
+ if (!decryptor_->SetCounter(GetAesNonce((*audio_frame)->frame_id,
+ iv_mask_))) {
+ NOTREACHED() << "Failed to set counter";
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string decrypted_audio_data;
+ if (!decryptor_->Decrypt((*audio_frame)->data, &decrypted_audio_data)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Decryption error";
+ // Give up on this frame, release it from jitter buffer.
+ audio_buffer_->ReleaseFrame((*audio_frame)->frame_id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ (*audio_frame)->data.swap(decrypted_audio_data);
+ return true;
+void AudioReceiver::ScheduleNextRtcpReport() {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ base::TimeDelta time_to_send = rtcp_->TimeToSendNextRtcpReport() -
+ cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks();
+ time_to_send = std::max(time_to_send,
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMinSchedulingDelayMs));
+ cast_environment_->PostDelayedTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&AudioReceiver::SendNextRtcpReport,
+ weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), time_to_send);
+void AudioReceiver::SendNextRtcpReport() {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ // TODO(pwestin): add logging.
+ rtcp_->SendRtcpFromRtpReceiver(NULL, NULL);
+ ScheduleNextRtcpReport();
+// Cast messages should be sent within a maximum interval. Schedule a call
+// if not triggered elsewhere, e.g. by the cast message_builder.
+void AudioReceiver::ScheduleNextCastMessage() {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ base::TimeTicks send_time;
+ if (audio_buffer_) {
+ audio_buffer_->TimeToSendNextCastMessage(&send_time);
+ } else if (audio_decoder_) {
+ audio_decoder_->TimeToSendNextCastMessage(&send_time);
+ } else {
+ }
+ base::TimeDelta time_to_send = send_time -
+ cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks();
+ time_to_send = std::max(time_to_send,
+ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMinSchedulingDelayMs));
+ cast_environment_->PostDelayedTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE,
+ base::Bind(&AudioReceiver::SendNextCastMessage,
+ weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), time_to_send);
+void AudioReceiver::SendNextCastMessage() {
+ DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN));
+ if (audio_buffer_) {
+ // Will only send a message if it is time.
+ audio_buffer_->SendCastMessage();
+ }
+ if (audio_decoder_) {
+ // Will only send a message if it is time.
+ audio_decoder_->SendCastMessage();
+ }
+ ScheduleNextCastMessage();
+} // namespace cast
+} // namespace media