path: root/mojo/public/dart
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/dart')
18 files changed, 0 insertions, 2791 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/DEPS b/mojo/public/dart/DEPS
deleted file mode 100644
index 53d0007..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/DEPS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-include_rules = [
- "+dart",
- "+base",
-] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/README b/mojo/public/dart/README
deleted file mode 100644
index f9cd6e6..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-These are interim instructions for building and testing Dart's Mojo bindings.
-These instructions currently only work for Linux, and assume you already have a
-Mojo checkout.
-1.) Add a Dart VM source checkout to your client:
- Edit your .gclient file. Replace "DEPS" with "DEPS.dart".
- Then, run:
- $ gclient sync
- You should now have a directory //dart
-2.) Configure Mojo with Dart.
- $ ./mojo/tools/ gn --release --with-dart
-3.) Build Mojo with Dart.
- $ ./mojo/tools/ build --release
-4.) Run Dart tests.
- $ ./mojo/tools/ darttest --release
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/bindings.dart b/mojo/public/dart/bindings.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d6298e..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/bindings.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-library bindings;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-import 'dart:mojo_core' as core;
-import 'dart:typed_data';
-part 'src/client.dart';
-part 'src/codec.dart';
-part 'src/interface.dart';
-part 'src/message.dart';
-part 'src/struct.dart';
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/core.dart b/mojo/public/dart/core.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index e9fb716..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/core.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-library core;
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:collection';
-import 'dart:isolate';
-import 'dart:typed_data';
-part 'src/buffer.dart';
-part 'src/data_pipe.dart';
-part 'src/event_stream.dart';
-part 'src/handle.dart';
-part 'src/handle_watcher.dart';
-part 'src/message_pipe.dart';
-part 'src/timer_impl.dart';
-part 'src/timer_queue.dart';
-part 'src/types.dart';
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/buffer.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/buffer.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 4467315..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/buffer.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of core;
-class _MojoSharedBufferNatives {
- static List Create(int numBytes, int flags)
- native "MojoSharedBuffer_Create";
- static List Duplicate(int bufferHandle, int flags)
- native "MojoSharedBuffer_Duplicate";
- static List Map(MojoSharedBuffer buffer,
- int bufferHandle,
- int offset,
- int numBytes,
- int flags)
- native "MojoSharedBuffer_Map";
- static int Unmap(ByteData buffer)
- native "MojoSharedBuffer_Unmap";
-class MojoSharedBuffer {
- static const int CREATE_FLAG_NONE = 0;
- static const int DUPLICATE_FLAG_NONE = 0;
- static const int MAP_FLAG_NONE = 0;
- MojoHandle handle;
- MojoResult status;
- ByteData mapping;
- MojoSharedBuffer(
- this.handle, [this.status = MojoResult.OK, this.mapping = null]);
- factory MojoSharedBuffer.create(int numBytes, [int flags = 0]) {
- List result = _MojoSharedBufferNatives.Create(numBytes, flags);
- if (result == null) {
- return null;
- }
- assert((result is List) && (result.length == 2));
- var r = new MojoResult(result[0]);
- if (!r.isOk) {
- return null;
- }
- MojoSharedBuffer buf =
- new MojoSharedBuffer(new MojoHandle(result[1]), r, null);
- return buf;
- }
- factory MojoSharedBuffer.duplicate(MojoSharedBuffer msb, [int flags = 0]) {
- List result = _MojoSharedBufferNatives.Duplicate(msb.handle.h, flags);
- if (result == null) {
- return null;
- }
- assert((result is List) && (result.length == 2));
- var r = new MojoResult(result[0]);
- if(!r.isOk) {
- return null;
- }
- MojoSharedBuffer dupe =
- new MojoSharedBuffer(new MojoHandle(result[1]), r, null);
- return dupe;
- }
- MojoResult close() {
- if (handle == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- MojoResult r = handle.close();
- status = r;
- mapping = null;
- return status;
- }
- MojoResult map(int offset, int numBytes, [int flags = 0]) {
- if (handle == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- List result = _MojoSharedBufferNatives.Map(
- this, handle.h, offset, numBytes, flags);
- if (result == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- assert((result is List) && (result.length == 2));
- status = new MojoResult(result[0]);
- mapping = result[1];
- return status;
- }
- MojoResult unmap() {
- int r = _MojoSharedBufferNatives.Unmap(mapping);
- status = new MojoResult(r);
- mapping = null;
- return status;
- }
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/client.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/client.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ec73c..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/client.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of bindings;
-abstract class Client extends core.MojoEventStreamListener {
- Map<int, Completer> _completerMap;
- int _nextId = 0;
- Client(core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint endpoint) :
- _completerMap = {},
- super(endpoint);
- Client.fromHandle(core.MojoHandle handle) :
- _completerMap = {},
- super.fromHandle(handle);
- Client.unbound() :
- _completerMap = {},
- super.unbound();
- void handleResponse(ServiceMessage reader);
- void handleRead() {
- // Query how many bytes are available.
- var result = endpoint.query();
- assert(result.status.isOk || result.status.isResourceExhausted);
- // Read the data.
- var bytes = new ByteData(result.bytesRead);
- var handles = new List<core.MojoHandle>(result.handlesRead);
- result =, result.bytesRead, handles);
- assert(result.status.isOk || result.status.isResourceExhausted);
- var message = new ServiceMessage.fromMessage(new Message(bytes, handles));
- handleResponse(message);
- }
- void handleWrite() {
- throw 'Unexpected write signal in client.';
- }
- void sendMessage(Struct message, int name) {
- if (!isOpen) {
- listen();
- }
- var header = new MessageHeader(name);
- var serviceMessage = message.serializeWithHeader(header);
- endpoint.write(serviceMessage.buffer,
- serviceMessage.buffer.lengthInBytes,
- serviceMessage.handles);
- if (!endpoint.status.isOk) {
- throw "message pipe write failed";
- }
- }
- Future sendMessageWithRequestId(
- Struct message, int name, int id, int flags) {
- if (!isOpen) {
- listen();
- }
- if (id == -1) {
- id = _nextId++;
- }
- var header = new MessageHeader.withRequestId(name, flags, id);
- var serviceMessage = message.serializeWithHeader(header);
- endpoint.write(serviceMessage.buffer,
- serviceMessage.buffer.lengthInBytes,
- serviceMessage.handles);
- if (!endpoint.status.isOk) {
- throw "message pipe write failed";
- }
- var completer = new Completer();
- _completerMap[id] = completer;
- return completer.future;
- }
- // Need a getter for this for access in subclasses.
- Map<int, Completer> get completerMap => _completerMap;
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/codec.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/codec.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index d5f5b90..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/codec.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of bindings;
-int align(int size) => size + (kAlignment - (size % kAlignment)) % kAlignment;
-const int kAlignment = 8;
-const int kSerializedHandleSize = 4;
-const int kPointerSize = 8;
-const DataHeader kMapStructHeader = const DataHeader(24, 2);
-const int kUnspecifiedArrayLength = -1;
-const int kNothingNullable = 0;
-const int kArrayNullable = (1 << 0);
-const int kElementNullable = (1 << 1);
-bool isArrayNullable(int nullability) => (nullability & kArrayNullable) > 0;
-bool isElementNullable(int nullability) => (nullability & kElementNullable) > 0;
-class _EncoderBuffer {
- ByteData buffer;
- List<core.MojoHandle> handles;
- int extent;
- static const int kInitialBufferSize = 1024;
- _EncoderBuffer([int size = -1]) :
- buffer = new ByteData(size > 0 ? size : kInitialBufferSize),
- handles = [],
- extent = 0;
- void _grow(int newSize) {
- Uint8List newBuffer = new Uint8List(newSize);
- newBuffer.setRange(0, buffer.lengthInBytes, buffer.buffer.asUint8List());
- buffer = newBuffer.buffer.asByteData();
- }
- void claimMemory(int claimSize) {
- extent += claimSize;
- if (extent > buffer.lengthInBytes) {
- int newSize = buffer.lengthInBytes + claimSize;
- newSize += newSize ~/ 2;
- _grow(newSize);
- }
- }
- ByteData get trimmed => new ByteData.view(buffer.buffer, 0, extent);
-class Encoder {
- _EncoderBuffer _buffer;
- int _base;
- Encoder([int size = -1]) : _buffer = new _EncoderBuffer(size), _base = 0;
- Encoder._fromBuffer(_EncoderBuffer buffer) :
- _buffer = buffer,
- _base = buffer.extent;
- Encoder getEncoderAtOffset(DataHeader dataHeader) {
- var result = new Encoder._fromBuffer(_buffer);
- result.encodeDataHeader(dataHeader);
- return result;
- }
- Message get message => new Message(_buffer.trimmed, _buffer.handles);
- void encodeDataHeader(DataHeader dataHeader) {
- _buffer.claimMemory(align(dataHeader.size));
- encodeUint32(dataHeader.size, DataHeader.kSizeOffset);
- encodeUint32(dataHeader.numFields, DataHeader.kNumFieldsOffset);
- }
- static const String kErrorUnsigned =
- 'Passing negative value to unsigned encoder';
- void encodeBool(bool value, int offset, int bit) {
- if (value) {
- int encodedValue = _buffer.buffer.getUint8(_base + offset);
- encodedValue |= (1 << bit);
- _buffer.buffer.setUint8(_base + offset, encodedValue);
- }
- }
- void encodeInt8(int value, int offset) =>
- _buffer.buffer.setInt8(_base + offset, value);
- void encodeUint8(int value, int offset) {
- if (value < 0) {
- throw '$kErrorUnsigned: $val';
- }
- _buffer.buffer.setUint8(_base + offset, value);
- }
- void encodeInt16(int value, int offset) =>
- _buffer.buffer.setInt16(_base + offset, value, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- void encodeUint16(int value, int offset) {
- if (value < 0) {
- throw '$kErrorUnsigned: $val';
- }
- _buffer.buffer.setUint16(_base + offset, value, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- }
- void encodeInt32(int value, int offset) =>
- _buffer.buffer.setInt32(_base + offset, value, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- void encodeUint32(int value, int offset) {
- if (value < 0) {
- throw '$kErrorUnsigned: $val';
- }
- _buffer.buffer.setUint32(_base + offset, value, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- }
- void encodeInt64(int value, int offset) =>
- _buffer.buffer.setInt64(_base + offset, value, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- void encodeUint64(int value, int offset) {
- if (value < 0) {
- throw '$kErrorUnsigned: $val';
- }
- _buffer.buffer.setUint64(_base + offset, value, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- }
- void encodeFloat(double value, int offset) =>
- _buffer.buffer.setFloat32(_base + offset, value, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- void encodeDouble(double value, int offset) =>
- _buffer.buffer.setFloat64(_base + offset, value, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- void encodeHandle(core.MojoHandle value, int offset, bool nullable) {
- if ((value == null) || !value.isValid) {
- encodeInvalideHandle(offset, nullable);
- } else {
- encodeUint32(_buffer.handles.length, offset);
- _buffer.handles.add(value);
- }
- }
- void encodeMessagePipeHandle(
- core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint value, int offset, bool nullable) =>
- encodeHandle(value != null ? value.handle : null, offset, nullable);
- void encodeConsumerHandle(
- core.MojoDataPipeConsumer value, int offset, bool nullable) =>
- encodeHandle(value != null ? value.handle : null, offset, nullable);
- void encodeProducerHandle(
- core.MojoDataPipeProducer value, int offset, bool nullable) =>
- encodeHandle(value != null ? value.handle : null, offset, nullable);
- void encodeSharedBufferHandle(
- core.MojoSharedBuffer value, int offset, bool nullable) =>
- encodeHandle(value != null ? value.handle : null, offset, nullable);
- void encodeInterface(Interface interface, int offset, bool nullable) {
- if (interface == null) {
- encodeInvalideHandle(offset, nullable);
- return;
- }
- var pipe = new core.MojoMessagePipe();
- interface.bind(pipe.endpoints[0]);
- encodeMessagePipeHandle(pipe.endpoints[1], offset, nullable);
- }
- void encodeInterfaceRequest(Client client, int offset, bool nullable) {
- if (client == null) {
- encodeInvalideHandle(offset, nullable);
- return;
- }
- var pipe = new core.MojoMessagePipe();
- client.bind(pipe.endpoints[0]);
- encodeMessagePipeHandle(pipe.endpoints[1], offset, nullable);
- }
- void encodeNullPointer(int offset, bool nullable) {
- if (!nullable) {
- throw 'Trying to encode a null pointer for a non-nullable type';
- }
- _buffer.buffer.setUint64(_base + offset, 0, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- }
- void encodeInvalideHandle(int offset, bool nullable) {
- if (!nullable) {
- throw 'Trying to encode a null pointer for a non-nullable type';
- }
- _buffer.buffer.setInt32(_base + offset, -1, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- }
- void encodePointerToNextUnclaimed(int offset) =>
- encodeUint64(_buffer.extent - (_base + offset), offset);
- void encodeStruct(Struct value, int offset, bool nullable) {
- if (value == null) {
- encodeNullPointer(offset, nullable);
- return;
- }
- encodePointerToNextUnclaimed(offset);
- value.encode(this);
- }
- Encoder encodePointerArray(int length, int offset, int expectedLength) =>
- encoderForArray(kPointerSize, length, offset, expectedLength);
- Encoder encoderForArray(
- int elementSize, int length, int offset, int expectedLength) {
- if ((expectedLength != kUnspecifiedArrayLength) &&
- (expectedLength != length)) {
- throw 'Trying to encode a fixed array of incorrect length';
- }
- return encoderForArrayByTotalSize(length * elementSize, length, offset);
- }
- Encoder encoderForArrayByTotalSize(int size, int length, int offset) {
- encodePointerToNextUnclaimed(offset);
- return getEncoderAtOffset(
- new DataHeader(DataHeader.kHeaderSize + size, length));
- }
- void encodeBoolArray(
- List<bool> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) {
- if (value == null) {
- encodeNullPointer(offset, isArrayNullable(nullability));
- return;
- }
- if ((expectedLength != kUnspecifiedArrayLength) &&
- (expectedLength != value.length)) {
- throw 'Trying to encode a fixed array of incorrect size.';
- }
- var bytes = new Uint8List((value.length + 7) ~/ kAlignment);
- for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) {
- for (int j = 0; j < kAlignment; ++j) {
- int boolIndex = kAlignment * i + j;
- if ((boolIndex < value.length) && value[boolIndex]) {
- bytes[i] |= (1 << j);
- }
- }
- }
- var encoder = encoderForArrayByTotalSize(
- bytes.length, value.length, offset);
- encoder.appendUint8Array(bytes);
- }
- void encodeArray(Function arrayAppend,
- int elementBytes,
- List<int> value,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) {
- if (value == null) {
- encodeNullPointer(offset, isArrayNullable(nullability));
- return;
- }
- var encoder = encoderForArray(
- elementBytes, value.length, offset, expectedLength);
- arrayAppend(encoder, value);
- }
- void encodeInt8Array(
- List<int> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- encodeArray((e, v) => e.appendInt8Array(v),
- 1, value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeUint8Array(
- List<int> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- encodeArray((e, v) => e.appendUint8Array(v),
- 1, value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeInt16Array(
- List<int> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- encodeArray((e, v) => e.appendInt16Array(v),
- 2, value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeUint16Array(
- List<int> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- encodeArray((e, v) => e.appendUint16Array(v),
- 2, value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeInt32Array(
- List<int> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- encodeArray((e, v) => e.appendInt32Array(v),
- 4, value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeUint32Array(
- List<int> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- encodeArray((e, v) => e.appendUint32Array(v),
- 4, value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeInt64Array(
- List<int> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- encodeArray((e, v) => e.appendInt64Array(v),
- 8, value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeUint64Array(
- List<int> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- encodeArray((e, v) => e.appendUint64Array(v),
- 8, value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeFloatArray(
- List<int> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- encodeArray((e, v) => e.appendFloatArray(v),
- 4, value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeDoubleArray(
- List<int> value, int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- encodeArray((e, v) => e.appendDoubleArray(v),
- 8, value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void _handleArrayEncodeHelper(Function elementEncoder,
- List value,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) {
- if (value == null) {
- encodeNullPointer(offset, isArrayNullable(nullability));
- return;
- }
- var encoder = encoderForArray(
- kSerializedHandleSize, value.length, offset, expectedLength);
- for (int i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
- int handleOffset = DataHeader.kHeaderSize + kSerializedHandleSize * i;
- elementEncoder(
- encoder, value[i], handleOffset, isElementNullable(nullability));
- }
- }
- void encodeHandleArray(
- List<core.MojoHandle> value,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayEncodeHelper(
- (e, v, o, n) => e.encodeHandle(v, o, n),
- value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeMessagePipeHandleArray(
- List<core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint> value,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayEncodeHelper(
- (e, v, o, n) => e.encodeMessagePipeHandle(v, o, n),
- value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeConsumerHandleArray(
- List<core.MojoDataPipeConsumer> value,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayEncodeHelper(
- (e, v, o, n) => e.encodeConsumerHandle(v, o, n),
- value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeProducerHandleArray(
- List<core.MojoDataPipeProducer> value,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayEncodeHelper(
- (e, v, o, n) => e.encodeProducerHandle(v, o, n),
- value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeSharedBufferHandleArray(
- List<core.MojoSharedBuffer> value,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayEncodeHelper(
- (e, v, o, n) => e.encodeSharedBufferHandle(v, o, n),
- value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeInterfaceRequestArray(
- List<Client> value,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayEncodeHelper(
- (e, v, o, n) => e.encodeInterfaceRequest(v, o, n),
- value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- void encodeInterfaceArray(
- List<Interface> value,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayEncodeHelper(
- (e, v, o, n) => e.encodeInterface(v, o, n),
- value, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- static Uint8List _utf8OfString(String s) =>
- (new Uint8List.fromList((const Utf8Encoder()).convert(s)));
- void encodeString(String value, int offset, bool nullable) {
- if (value == null) {
- encodeNullPointer(offset, nullable);
- return;
- }
- int nullability = nullable ? kArrayNullable : kNothingNullable;
- encodeUint8Array(_utf8OfString(value),
- offset,
- nullability,
- kUnspecifiedArrayLength);
- }
- void appendBytes(Uint8List value) {
- _buffer.buffer.buffer.asUint8List().setRange(
- _base + DataHeader.kHeaderSize,
- _base + DataHeader.kHeaderSize + value.lengthInBytes,
- value);
- }
- void appendInt8Array(List<int> value) =>
- appendBytes(new Uint8List.view(new Int8List.fromList(value)));
- void appendUint8Array(List<int> value) =>
- appendBytes(new Uint8List.fromList(value));
- void appendInt16Array(List<int> value) =>
- appendBytes(new Uint8List.view(new Int16List.fromList(value)));
- void appendUint16Array(List<int> value) =>
- appendBytes(new Uint8List.view(new Uint16List.fromList(value)));
- void appendInt32Array(List<int> value) =>
- appendBytes(new Uint8List.view(new Int32List.fromList(value)));
- void appendUint32Array(List<int> value) =>
- appendBytes(new Uint8List.view(new Uint32List.fromList(value)));
- void appendInt64Array(List<int> value) =>
- appendBytes(new Uint8List.view(new Int64List.fromList(value)));
- void appendUint64Array(List<int> value) =>
- appendBytes(new Uint8List.view(new Uint64List.fromList(value)));
- void appendFloatArray(List<int> value) =>
- appendBytes(new Uint8List.view(new Float32List.fromList(value)));
- void appendDoubleArray(List<int> value) =>
- appendBytes(new Uint8List.view(new Float64List.fromList(value)));
- Encoder encoderForMap(int offset) {
- encodePointerToNextUnclaimed(offset);
- return getEncoderAtOffset(kMapStructHeader);
- }
-class Decoder {
- Message _message;
- int _base = 0;
- Decoder(this._message, [this._base = 0]);
- Decoder getDecoderAtPosition(int offset) => new Decoder(_message, offset);
- factory Decoder.atOffset(Decoder d, int offset) =>
- new Decoder(d._message, offset);
- ByteData get _buffer => _message.buffer;
- List<core.MojoHandle> get _handles => _message.handles;
- int decodeInt8(int offset) => _buffer.getInt8(_base + offset);
- int decodeUint8(int offset) => _buffer.getUint8(_base + offset);
- int decodeInt16(int offset) =>
- _buffer.getInt16(_base + offset, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- int decodeUint16(int offset) =>
- _buffer.getUint16(_base + offset, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- int decodeInt32(int offset) =>
- _buffer.getInt32(_base + offset, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- int decodeUint32(int offset) =>
- _buffer.getUint32(_base + offset, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- int decodeInt64(int offset) =>
- _buffer.getInt64(_base + offset, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- int decodeUint64(int offset) =>
- _buffer.getUint64(_base + offset,Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- double decodeFloat(int offset) =>
- _buffer.getFloat32(_base + offset, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- double decodeDouble(int offset) =>
- _buffer.getFloat64(_base + offset, Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- bool decodeBool(int offset, int bit) =>
- (decodeUint8(offset) & (1 << bit)) != 0;
- core.MojoHandle decodeHandle(int offset, bool nullable) {
- int index = decodeInt32(offset);
- if (index == -1) {
- if (!nullable) {
- throw 'Trying to decode an invalid handle from a non-nullable type.';
- }
- return new core.MojoHandle(core.MojoHandle.INVALID);
- }
- return _handles[index];
- }
- core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint decodeMessagePipeHandle(
- int offset, bool nullable) =>
- new core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint(decodeHandle(offset, nullable));
- core.MojoDataPipeConsumer decodeConsumerHandle(int offset, bool nullable) =>
- new core.MojoDataPipeConsumer(decodeHandle(offset, nullable));
- core.MojoDataPipeProducer decodeProducerHandle(int offset, bool nullable) =>
- new core.MojoDataPipeProducer(decodeHandle(offset, nullable));
- core.MojoSharedBuffer decodeSharedBufferHandle(int offset, bool nullable) =>
- new core.MojoSharedBuffer(decodeHandle(offset, nullable));
- Client decodeServiceInterface(
- int offset, bool nullable, Function clientFactory) {
- var endpoint = decodeMessagePipeHandle(offset, nullable);
- return endpoint.handle.isValid ? clientFactory(endpoint) : null;
- }
- Interface decodeInterfaceRequest(
- int offset, bool nullable, Function interfaceFactory) {
- var endpoint = decodeMessagePipeHandle(offset, nullable);
- return endpoint.handle.isValid ? interfaceFactory(endpoint) : null;
- }
- Decoder decodePointer(int offset, bool nullable) {
- int basePosition = _base + offset;
- int pointerOffset = decodeUint64(offset);
- if (pointerOffset == 0) {
- if (!nullable) {
- throw 'Trying to decode a null pointer for a non-nullable type';
- }
- return null;
- }
- int newPosition = (basePosition + pointerOffset);
- return new Decoder.atOffset(this, newPosition);
- }
- DataHeader decodeDataHeader() {
- int size = decodeUint32(DataHeader.kSizeOffset);
- int numFields = decodeUint32(DataHeader.kNumFieldsOffset);
- return new DataHeader(size, numFields);
- }
- // Decode arrays.
- DataHeader decodeDataHeaderForBoolArray(int expectedLength) {
- var header = decodeDataHeader();
- if (header.size < DataHeader.kHeaderSize + (header.numFields + 7) ~/ 8) {
- throw 'Array header is incorrect';
- }
- if ((expectedLength != kUnspecifiedArrayLength) &&
- (header.numFields != expectedLength)) {
- throw 'Incorrect array length';
- }
- return header;
- }
- List<bool> decodeBoolArray(int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) {
- Decoder d = decodePointer(offset, isArrayNullable(nullability));
- if (d == null) {
- return null;
- }
- var header = d.decodeDataHeaderForBoolArray(expectedLength);
- var bytes = new Uint8List.view(
- d._buffer.buffer,
- d._buffer.offsetInBytes + d._base + DataHeader.kHeaderSize,
- (header.numFields + 7) ~/ kAlignment);
- var result = new List<bool>(header.numFields);
- for (int i = 0; i < bytes.lengthInBytes; ++i) {
- for (int j = 0; j < kAlignment; ++j) {
- int boolIndex = i * kAlignment + j;
- if (boolIndex < result.length) {
- result[boolIndex] = (bytes[i] & (1 << j)) != 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- DataHeader decodeDataHeaderForArray(int elementSize, int expectedLength) {
- var header = decodeDataHeader();
- if (header.size < DataHeader.kHeaderSize + header.numFields * elementSize) {
- throw 'Array header is incorrect: $header, elementSize = $elementSize';
- }
- if ((expectedLength != kUnspecifiedArrayLength) &&
- (header.numFields != expectedLength)) {
- throw 'Incorrect array length.';
- }
- return header;
- }
- DataHeader decodeDataHeaderForPointerArray(int expectedLength) =>
- decodeDataHeaderForArray(kPointerSize, expectedLength);
- List<int> decodeArray(Function arrayViewer,
- int elementSize,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) {
- Decoder d = decodePointer(offset, isArrayNullable(nullability));
- if (d == null) {
- return null;
- }
- var header = d.decodeDataHeaderForArray(elementSize, expectedLength);
- return arrayViewer(
- d._buffer.buffer,
- d._buffer.offsetInBytes + d._base + DataHeader.kHeaderSize,
- header.numFields);
- }
- List<int> decodeInt8Array(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- decodeArray((b, s, l) => new Int8List.view(b, s, l),
- 1, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<int> decodeUint8Array(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- decodeArray((b, s, l) => new Uint8List.view(b, s, l),
- 1, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<int> decodeInt16Array(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- decodeArray((b, s, l) => new Int16List.view(b, s, l),
- 2, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<int> decodeUint16Array(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- decodeArray((b, s, l) => new Uint16List.view(b, s, l),
- 2, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<int> decodeInt32Array(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- decodeArray((b, s, l) => new Int32List.view(b, s, l),
- 4, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<int> decodeUint32Array(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- decodeArray((b, s, l) => new Uint32List.view(b, s, l),
- 4, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<int> decodeInt64Array(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- decodeArray((b, s, l) => new Int64List.view(b, s, l),
- 8, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<int> decodeUint64Array(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- decodeArray((b, s, l) => new Uint64List.view(b, s, l),
- 8, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<double> decodeFloatArray(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- decodeArray((b, s, l) => new Float32List.view(b, s, l),
- 4, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<double> decodeDoubleArray(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- decodeArray((b, s, l) => new Float64List.view(b, s, l),
- 8, offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List _handleArrayDecodeHelper(Function elementDecoder,
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength) {
- Decoder d = decodePointer(offset, isArrayNullable(nullability));
- if (d == null) {
- return null;
- }
- var header = d.decodeDataHeaderForArray(4, expectedLength);
- var result = new List(header.numFields);
- for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
- result[i] = elementDecoder(
- d,
- DataHeader.kHeaderSize + kSerializedHandleSize * i,
- isElementNullable(nullability));
- }
- return result;
- }
- List<core.MojoHandle> decodeHandleArray(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayDecodeHelper((d, o, n) => d.decodeHandle(o, n),
- offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<core.MojoDataPipeConsumer> decodeConsumerHandleArray(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayDecodeHelper((d, o, n) => d.decodeConsumerHandle(o, n),
- offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<core.MojoDataPipeProducer> decodeProducerHandleArray(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayDecodeHelper((d, o, n) => d.decodeProducerHandle(o, n),
- offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint> decodeMessagePipeHandleArray(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayDecodeHelper((d, o, n) => d.decodeMessagePipeHandle(o, n),
- offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<core.MojoSharedBuffer> decodeSharedBufferHandleArray(
- int offset, int nullability, int expectedLength) =>
- _handleArrayDecodeHelper((d, o, n) => d.decodeSharedBufferHandle(o, n),
- offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<Interface> decodeInterfaceRequestArray(
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength,
- Function interfaceFactory) =>
- _handleArrayDecodeHelper(
- (d, o, n) => d.decodeInterfaceRequest(o, n, interfaceFactory),
- offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- List<Client> decodeServiceInterfaceArray(
- int offset,
- int nullability,
- int expectedLength,
- Function clientFactory) =>
- _handleArrayDecodeHelper(
- (d, o, n) => d.decodeServiceInterface(o, n, clientFactory),
- offset, nullability, expectedLength);
- static String _stringOfUtf8(Uint8List bytes) =>
- (const Utf8Decoder()).convert(bytes.toList());
- String decodeString(int offset, bool nullable) {
- int nullability = nullable ? kArrayNullable : 0;
- var bytes = decodeUint8Array(offset, nullability, kUnspecifiedArrayLength);
- if (bytes == null) {
- return null;
- }
- return _stringOfUtf8(bytes);
- }
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/data_pipe.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/data_pipe.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f3b3eb..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/data_pipe.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of core;
-class _MojoDataPipeNatives {
- static List MojoCreateDataPipe(
- int elementBytes, int capacityBytes, int flags)
- native "MojoDataPipe_Create";
- static List MojoWriteData(int handle, ByteData data, int numBytes, int flags)
- native "MojoDataPipe_WriteData";
- static List MojoBeginWriteData(int handle, int bufferBytes, int flags)
- native "MojoDataPipe_BeginWriteData";
- static int MojoEndWriteData(int handle, int bytesWritten)
- native "MojoDataPipe_EndWriteData";
- static List MojoReadData(int handle, ByteData data, int numBytes, int flags)
- native "MojoDataPipe_ReadData";
- static List MojoBeginReadData(int handle, int bufferBytes, int flags)
- native "MojoDataPipe_BeginReadData";
- static int MojoEndReadData(int handle, int bytesRead)
- native "MojoDataPipe_EndReadData";
-class MojoDataPipeProducer {
- static const int FLAG_NONE = 0;
- static const int FLAG_ALL_OR_NONE = 1 << 0;
- MojoHandle handle;
- MojoResult status;
- final int elementBytes;
- MojoDataPipeProducer(
- this.handle, [this.status = MojoResult.OK, this.elementBytes = 1]);
- int write(ByteData data, [int numBytes = -1, int flags = 0]) {
- if (handle == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- int data_numBytes = (numBytes == -1) ? data.lengthInBytes : numBytes;
- List result = _MojoDataPipeNatives.MojoWriteData(
- handle.h, data, data_numBytes, flags);
- if (result == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- assert((result is List) && (result.length == 2));
- status = new MojoResult(result[0]);
- return result[1];
- }
- ByteData beginWrite(int bufferBytes, [int flags = 0]) {
- if (handle == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return null;
- }
- List result = _MojoDataPipeNatives.MojoBeginWriteData(
- handle.h, bufferBytes, flags);
- if (result == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return null;
- }
- assert((result is List) && (result.length == 2));
- status = new MojoResult(result[0]);
- return result[1];
- }
- MojoResult endWrite(int bytesWritten) {
- if (handle == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- int result = _MojoDataPipeNatives.MojoEndWriteData(handle.h, bytesWritten);
- status = new MojoResult(result);
- return status;
- }
-class MojoDataPipeConsumer {
- static const int FLAG_NONE = 0;
- static const int FLAG_ALL_OR_NONE = 1 << 0;
- static const int FLAG_MAY_DISCARD = 1 << 1;
- static const int FLAG_QUERY = 1 << 2;
- static const int FLAG_PEEK = 1 << 3;
- MojoHandle handle;
- MojoResult status;
- final int elementBytes;
- MojoDataPipeConsumer(
- this.handle, [this.status = MojoResult.OK, this.elementBytes = 1]);
- int read(ByteData data, [int numBytes = -1, int flags = 0]) {
- if (handle == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- int data_numBytes = (numBytes == -1) ? data.lengthInBytes : numBytes;
- List result = _MojoDataPipeNatives.MojoReadData(
- handle.h, data, data_numBytes, flags);
- if (result == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- assert((result is List) && (result.length == 2));
- status = new MojoResult(result[0]);
- return result[1];
- }
- ByteData beginRead([int bufferBytes = 0, int flags = 0]) {
- if (handle == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return null;
- }
- List result = _MojoDataPipeNatives.MojoBeginReadData(
- handle.h, bufferBytes, flags);
- if (result == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return null;
- }
- assert((result is List) && (result.length == 2));
- status = new MojoResult(result[0]);
- return result[1];
- }
- MojoResult endRead(int bytesRead) {
- if (handle == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- int result = _MojoDataPipeNatives.MojoEndReadData(handle.h, bytesRead);
- status = new MojoResult(result);
- return status;
- }
- int query() => read(null, 0, FLAG_QUERY);
-class MojoDataPipe {
- static const int FLAG_NONE = 0;
- static const int FLAG_MAY_DISCARD = 1 << 0;
- static const int DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SIZE = 1;
- static const int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 0;
- MojoDataPipeProducer producer;
- MojoDataPipeConsumer consumer;
- MojoResult status;
- MojoDataPipe._internal() {
- producer = null;
- consumer = null;
- status = MojoResult.OK;
- }
- factory MojoDataPipe([int elementBytes = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SIZE,
- int capacityBytes = DEFAULT_CAPACITY,
- int flags = FLAG_NONE]) {
- List result = _MojoDataPipeNatives.MojoCreateDataPipe(
- elementBytes, capacityBytes, flags);
- if (result == null) {
- return null;
- }
- assert((result is List) && (result.length == 3));
- MojoHandle producerHandle = new MojoHandle(result[1]);
- MojoHandle consumerHandle = new MojoHandle(result[2]);
- MojoDataPipe pipe = new MojoDataPipe._internal();
- pipe.producer = new MojoDataPipeProducer(
- producerHandle, new MojoResult(result[0]), elementBytes);
- pipe.consumer = new MojoDataPipeConsumer(
- consumerHandle, new MojoResult(result[0]), elementBytes);
- pipe.status = new MojoResult(result[0]);
- return pipe;
- }
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/event_stream.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/event_stream.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 797f0e6..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/event_stream.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of core;
-class MojoEventStream extends Stream<int> {
- // The underlying Mojo handle.
- MojoHandle _handle;
- // Providing our own stream controller allows us to take custom actions when
- // listeners pause/resume/etc. their StreamSubscription.
- StreamController _controller;
- // The send port that we give to the handle watcher to notify us of handle
- // events.
- SendPort _sendPort;
- // The receive port on which we listen and receive events from the handle
- // watcher.
- ReceivePort _receivePort;
- // The signals on this handle that we're interested in.
- MojoHandleSignals _signals;
- // Whether listen has been called.
- bool _isListening;
- MojoEventStream(MojoHandle handle,
- [MojoHandleSignals signals = MojoHandleSignals.READABLE]) :
- _handle = handle,
- _signals = signals,
- _isListening = false {
- MojoResult result = MojoHandle.register(this);
- if (!result.isOk) {
- throw "Failed to register the MojoHandle: $result.";
- }
- }
- void close() {
- if (_handle != null) {
- MojoHandleWatcher.close(_handle);
- _handle = null;
- }
- if (_receivePort != null) {
- _receivePort.close();
- _receivePort = null;
- }
- }
- StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(
- void onData(List event),
- {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) {
- if (_isListening) {
- throw "Listen has already been called: $_handle.";
- }
- _receivePort = new ReceivePort();
- _sendPort = _receivePort.sendPort;
- _controller = new StreamController(sync: true,
- onListen: _onSubscriptionStateChange,
- onCancel: _onSubscriptionStateChange,
- onPause: _onPauseStateChange,
- onResume: _onPauseStateChange);
- _controller.addStream(_receivePort);
- if (_signals != MojoHandleSignals.NONE) {
- var res = MojoHandleWatcher.add(_handle, _sendPort, _signals.value);
- if (!res.isOk) {
- throw "MojoHandleWatcher add failed: $res";
- }
- }
- _isListening = true;
- return
- onData,
- onError: onError,
- onDone: onDone,
- cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
- }
- void enableSignals(MojoHandleSignals signals) {
- _signals = signals;
- if (_isListening) {
- var res = MojoHandleWatcher.add(_handle, _sendPort, signals.value);
- if (!res.isOk) {
- throw "MojoHandleWatcher add failed: $res";
- }
- }
- }
- void enableReadEvents() => enableSignals(MojoHandleSignals.READABLE);
- void enableWriteEvents() => enableSignals(MojoHandleSignals.WRITABLE);
- void enableAllEvents() => enableSignals(MojoHandleSignals.READWRITE);
- void _onSubscriptionStateChange() {
- if (!_controller.hasListener) {
- close();
- }
- }
- void _onPauseStateChange() {
- if (_controller.isPaused) {
- var res = MojoHandleWatcher.remove(_handle);
- if (!res.isOk) {
- throw "MojoHandleWatcher add failed: $res";
- }
- } else {
- var res = MojoHandleWatcher.add(_handle, _sendPort, _signals.value);
- if (!res.isOk) {
- throw "MojoHandleWatcher add failed: $res";
- }
- }
- }
- bool get readyRead => _handle.readyRead;
- bool get readyWrite => _handle.readyWrite;
- String toString() => "$_handle";
-class MojoEventStreamListener {
- MojoMessagePipeEndpoint _endpoint;
- MojoEventStream _eventStream;
- bool _isOpen = false;
- bool _isInHandler = false;
- MojoEventStreamListener(MojoMessagePipeEndpoint endpoint) :
- _endpoint = endpoint,
- _eventStream = new MojoEventStream(endpoint.handle),
- _isOpen = false;
- MojoEventStreamListener.fromHandle(MojoHandle handle) {
- _endpoint = new MojoMessagePipeEndpoint(handle);
- _eventStream = new MojoEventStream(handle);
- _isOpen = false;
- }
- MojoEventStreamListener.unbound() :
- _endpoint = null,
- _eventStream = null,
- _isOpen = false;
- void bind(MojoMessagePipeEndpoint endpoint) {
- assert(!isBound);
- _endpoint = endpoint;
- _eventStream = new MojoEventStream(endpoint.handle);
- _isOpen = false;
- }
- void bindFromHandle(MojoHandle handle) {
- assert(!isBound);
- _endpoint = new MojoMessagePipeEndpoint(handle);
- _eventStream = new MojoEventStream(handle);
- _isOpen = false;
- }
- StreamSubscription<int> listen() {
- _isOpen = true;
- return _eventStream.listen((List<int> event) {
- var signalsWatched = new MojoHandleSignals(event[0]);
- var signalsReceived = new MojoHandleSignals(event[1]);
- if (signalsReceived.isPeerClosed) {
- handlePeerClosed();
- // The peer being closed obviates any other signal we might
- // have received since we won't be able to read or write the handle.
- // Thus, we just return before invoking other handlers.
- return;
- }
- _isInHandler = true;
- if (signalsReceived.isReadable) {
- assert(_eventStream.readyRead);
- handleRead();
- }
- if (signalsReceived.isWritable) {
- assert(_eventStream.readyWrite);
- handleWrite();
- }
- _eventStream.enableSignals(enableSignals(
- signalsWatched, signalsReceived));
- _isInHandler = false;
- });
- }
- void close() {
- if (_isOpen) {
- _eventStream.close();
- _isOpen = false;
- _eventStream = null;
- _endpoint = null;
- }
- }
- void handleRead() {}
- void handleWrite() {}
- void handlePeerClosed() {
- close();
- }
- MojoHandleSignals enableSignals(MojoHandleSignals watched,
- MojoHandleSignals received) => watched;
- MojoMessagePipeEndpoint get endpoint => _endpoint;
- bool get isOpen => _isOpen;
- bool get isInHandler => _isInHandler;
- bool get isBound => _endpoint != null;
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/handle.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/handle.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index a819804..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/handle.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of core;
-class _MojoHandleNatives {
- static int register(MojoEventStream eventStream) native "MojoHandle_Register";
- static int close(int handle) native "MojoHandle_Close";
- static List wait(int handle, int signals, int deadline)
- native "MojoHandle_Wait";
- static List waitMany(
- List<int> handles, List<int> signals, int deadline)
- native "MojoHandle_WaitMany";
-class MojoHandle {
- static const int INVALID = 0;
- static const int DEADLINE_INDEFINITE = -1;
- int h;
- MojoHandle(this.h);
- MojoResult close() {
- int result = _MojoHandleNatives.close(h);
- h = INVALID;
- return new MojoResult(result);
- }
- MojoWaitResult wait(int signals, int deadline) {
- List result = _MojoHandleNatives.wait(h, signals, deadline);
- return new MojoWaitResult(new MojoResult(result[0]), result[1]);
- }
- bool _ready(MojoHandleSignals signal) {
- MojoWaitResult mwr = wait(signal.value, 0);
- switch (mwr.result) {
- case MojoResult.OK:
- return true;
- case MojoResult.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED:
- case MojoResult.CANCELLED:
- case MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT:
- return false;
- default:
- // Should be unreachable.
- throw "Unexpected result $res for wait on $h";
- }
- }
- bool get readyRead => _ready(MojoHandleSignals.READABLE);
- bool get readyWrite => _ready(MojoHandleSignals.WRITABLE);
- static MojoWaitManyResult waitMany(
- List<int> handles, List<int> signals, int deadline) {
- List result = _MojoHandleNatives.waitMany(handles, signals, deadline);
- return new MojoWaitManyResult(
- new MojoResult(result[0]), result[1], result[2]);
- }
- static MojoResult register(MojoEventStream eventStream) {
- return new MojoResult(_MojoHandleNatives.register(eventStream));
- }
- bool get isValid => (h != INVALID);
- String toString() => "$h";
- bool operator ==(MojoHandle other) {
- return h == other.h;
- }
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/handle_watcher.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/handle_watcher.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d14f6c..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/handle_watcher.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of core;
-class _MojoHandleWatcherNatives {
- static int sendControlData(
- int controlHandle, int mojoHandle, SendPort port, int data)
- native "MojoHandleWatcher_SendControlData";
- static List recvControlData(int controlHandle)
- native "MojoHandleWatcher_RecvControlData";
- static int setControlHandle(int controlHandle)
- native "MojoHandleWatcher_SetControlHandle";
- static int getControlHandle()
- native "MojoHandleWatcher_GetControlHandle";
-// The MojoHandleWatcher sends a stream of events to application isolates that
-// register Mojo handles with it. Application isolates make the following calls:
-// Start() - Starts up the MojoHandleWatcher isolate. Should be called only once
-// per VM process.
-// Stop() - Causes the MojoHandleWatcher isolate to exit.
-// add(handle, port, signals) - Instructs the MojoHandleWatcher isolate to add
-// 'handle' to the set of handles it watches, and to notify the calling
-// isolate only for the events specified by 'signals' using the send port
-// 'port'
-// remove(handle) - Instructs the MojoHandleWatcher isolate to remove 'handle'
-// from the set of handles it watches. This allows the application isolate
-// to, e.g., pause the stream of events.
-// close(handle) - Notifies the HandleWatcherIsolate that a handle it is
-// watching should be removed from its set and closed.
-class MojoHandleWatcher {
- // Control commands.
- static const int ADD = 0;
- static const int REMOVE = 1;
- static const int CLOSE = 2;
- static const int TIMER = 3;
- static const int SHUTDOWN = 4;
- static int _encodeCommand(int cmd, [int signals = 0]) =>
- (cmd << 2) | (signals & MojoHandleSignals.kReadWrite);
- static int _decodeCommand(int cmd) => cmd >> 2;
- // The Mojo handle over which control messages are sent.
- int _controlHandle;
- // Whether the handle watcher should shut down.
- bool _shutdown;
- // The list of handles being watched.
- List<int> _handles;
- int _handleCount;
- // A port for each handle on which to send events back to the isolate that
- // owns the handle.
- List<SendPort> _ports;
- // The signals that we care about for each handle.
- List<int> _signals;
- // A mapping from Mojo handles to their indices in _handles.
- Map<int, int> _handleIndices;
- // Since we are not storing wrapped handles, a dummy handle for when we need
- // a MojoHandle.
- MojoHandle _tempHandle;
- // Priority queue of timers registered with the watcher.
- TimerQueue _timerQueue;
- MojoHandleWatcher(this._controlHandle) :
- _shutdown = false,
- _handles = new List<int>(),
- _ports = new List<SendPort>(),
- _signals = new List<int>(),
- _handleIndices = new Map<int, int>(),
- _handleCount = 1,
- _tempHandle = new MojoHandle(MojoHandle.INVALID),
- _timerQueue = new TimerQueue() {
- // Setup control handle.
- _handles.add(_controlHandle);
- _ports.add(null); // There is no port for the control handle.
- _signals.add(MojoHandleSignals.kReadable);
- _handleIndices[_controlHandle] = 0;
- }
- static void _handleWatcherIsolate(int consumerHandle) {
- MojoHandleWatcher watcher = new MojoHandleWatcher(consumerHandle);
- while (!watcher._shutdown) {
- int deadline = watcher._processTimerDeadlines();
- MojoWaitManyResult mwmr = MojoHandle.waitMany(
- watcher._handles, watcher._signals, deadline);
- if (mwmr.result.isOk && mwmr.index == 0) {
- watcher._handleControlMessage();
- } else if (mwmr.result.isOk && (mwmr.index > 0)) {
- int handle = watcher._handles[mwmr.index];
- // Route event.
- watcher._routeEvent(mwmr.index);
- // Remove the handle from the list.
- watcher._removeHandle(handle);
- } else if (!mwmr.result.isDeadlineExceeded) {
- // Some handle was closed, but not by us.
- // Find it and close it on our side.
- watcher._pruneClosedHandles(mwmr.states);
- }
- }
- }
- void _routeEvent(int idx) {
- int client_handle = _handles[idx];
- var signals = new MojoHandleSignals(_signals[idx]);
- SendPort port = _ports[idx];
- _tempHandle.h = client_handle;
- bool readyWrite = signals.isWritable && _tempHandle.readyWrite;
- bool readyRead = signals.isReadable && _tempHandle.readyRead;
- _tempHandle.h = MojoHandle.INVALID;
- var event = MojoHandleSignals.NONE;
- event += readyRead ? MojoHandleSignals.READABLE : MojoHandleSignals.NONE;
- event += readyWrite ? MojoHandleSignals.WRITABLE : MojoHandleSignals.NONE;
- port.send([signals.value, event.value]);
- }
- void _handleControlMessage() {
- List result = _MojoHandleWatcherNatives.recvControlData(_controlHandle);
- // result[0] = mojo handle if any, or a timer deadline in milliseconds.
- // result[1] = SendPort if any.
- // result[2] = command << 2 | WRITABLE | READABLE
- var signals = new MojoHandleSignals(
- result[2] & MojoHandleSignals.kReadWrite);
- int command = _decodeCommand(result[2]);
- switch (command) {
- case ADD:
- _addHandle(result[0], result[1], signals);
- break;
- case REMOVE:
- _removeHandle(result[0]);
- break;
- case CLOSE:
- _close(result[0]);
- break;
- case TIMER:
- _timer(result[1], result[0]);
- break;
- case SHUTDOWN:
- _shutdownHandleWatcher(result[1]);
- break;
- default:
- throw "Invalid Command: $command";
- break;
- }
- }
- void _addHandle(int mojoHandle, SendPort port, MojoHandleSignals signals) {
- int idx = _handleIndices[mojoHandle];
- if (idx == null) {
- _handles.add(mojoHandle);
- _ports.add(port);
- _signals.add(signals.value);
- _handleIndices[mojoHandle] = _handleCount;
- _handleCount++;
- } else {
- assert(_ports[idx] == port);
- assert(_handles[idx] == mojoHandle);
- _signals[idx] |= signals.value;
- }
- }
- void _removeHandle(int mojoHandle) {
- int idx = _handleIndices[mojoHandle];
- if (idx == null) {
- throw "Remove on a non-existent handle: idx = $idx.";
- }
- if (idx == 0) {
- throw "The control handle (idx = 0) cannot be removed.";
- }
- // We don't use List.removeAt so that we know how to fix-up _handleIndices.
- if (idx == _handleCount - 1) {
- int handle = _handles[idx];
- _handleIndices[handle] = null;
- _handles.removeLast();
- _signals.removeLast();
- _ports.removeLast();
- _handleCount--;
- } else {
- int last = _handleCount - 1;
- _handleIndices[_handles[idx]] = null;
- _handles[idx] = _handles[last];
- _signals[idx] = _signals[last];
- _ports[idx] = _ports[last];
- _handles.removeLast();
- _signals.removeLast();
- _ports.removeLast();
- _handleIndices[_handles[idx]] = idx;
- _handleCount--;
- }
- }
- void _close(int mojoHandle, {bool pruning : false}) {
- int idx = _handleIndices[mojoHandle];
- if (idx == null) {
- // A client may request to close a handle that has already been closed on
- // the other side and pruned, but before receiving notification from the
- // handle watcher.
- return;
- }
- if (idx == 0) {
- throw "The control handle (idx = 0) cannot be closed.";
- }
- _tempHandle.h = _handles[idx];
- _tempHandle.close();
- _tempHandle.h = MojoHandle.INVALID;
- if (pruning) {
- // If this handle is being pruned, notify the application isolate
- // by sending MojoHandleSignals.PEER_CLOSED.
- _ports[idx].send([_signals[idx], MojoHandleSignals.kPeerClosed]);
- }
- _removeHandle(mojoHandle);
- }
- // Returns the next timer deadline in units of microseconds from 'now'.
- int _processTimerDeadlines() {
- int now = (new;
- while (_timerQueue.hasTimer && (now >= _timerQueue.currentTimeout)) {
- _timerQueue.currentPort.send(null);
- _timerQueue.removeCurrent();
- now = (new;
- }
- return _timerQueue.hasTimer ? (_timerQueue.currentTimeout - now) * 1000
- }
- void _timer(SendPort port, int deadline) {
- _timerQueue.updateTimer(port, deadline);
- }
- void _pruneClosedHandles(List<MojoHandleSignalsState> states) {
- List<int> closed = new List();
- for (var i = 0; i < _handles.length; i++) {
- if (states != null) {
- var signals = new MojoHandleSignals(states[i].satisfied_signals);
- if (signals.isPeerClosed) {
- closed.add(_handles[i]);
- }
- } else {
- _tempHandle.h = _handles[i];
- MojoWaitResult mwr = _tempHandle.wait(MojoHandleSignals.kReadWrite, 0);
- if ((!mwr.result.isOk) && (!mwr.result.isDeadlineExceeded)) {
- closed.add(_handles[i]);
- }
- _tempHandle.h = MojoHandle.INVALID;
- }
- }
- for (var h in closed) {
- _close(h, pruning: true);
- }
- // '_close' updated the '_handles' array, so at this point the '_handles'
- // array and the caller's 'states' array are mismatched.
- }
- void _shutdownHandleWatcher(SendPort shutdownSendPort) {
- _shutdown = true;
- _tempHandle.h = _controlHandle;
- _tempHandle.close();
- _tempHandle.h = MojoHandle.INVALID;
- shutdownSendPort.send(null);
- }
- static MojoResult _sendControlData(MojoHandle mojoHandle,
- SendPort port,
- int data) {
- int controlHandle = _MojoHandleWatcherNatives.getControlHandle();
- if (controlHandle == MojoHandle.INVALID) {
- return MojoResult.FAILED_PRECONDITION;
- }
- int rawHandle = MojoHandle.INVALID;
- if (mojoHandle != null) {
- rawHandle = mojoHandle.h;
- }
- var result = _MojoHandleWatcherNatives.sendControlData(
- controlHandle, rawHandle, port, data);
- return new MojoResult(result);
- }
- static Future<Isolate> Start() {
- // Make a control message pipe,
- MojoMessagePipe pipe = new MojoMessagePipe();
- int consumerHandle = pipe.endpoints[0].handle.h;
- int producerHandle = pipe.endpoints[1].handle.h;
- // Call setControlHandle with the other end.
- assert(producerHandle != MojoHandle.INVALID);
- _MojoHandleWatcherNatives.setControlHandle(producerHandle);
- // Spawn the handle watcher isolate with the MojoHandleWatcher,
- return Isolate.spawn(_handleWatcherIsolate, consumerHandle);
- }
- static void Stop() {
- // Create a port for notification that the handle watcher has shutdown.
- var shutdownReceivePort = new ReceivePort();
- var shutdownSendPort = shutdownReceivePort.sendPort;
- // Send the shutdown command.
- _sendControlData(null, shutdownSendPort, _encodeCommand(SHUTDOWN));
- // Close the control handle.
- int controlHandle = _MojoHandleWatcherNatives.getControlHandle();
- var handle = new MojoHandle(controlHandle);
- handle.close();
- // Invalidate the control handle.
- _MojoHandleWatcherNatives.setControlHandle(MojoHandle.INVALID);
- // Wait for the handle watcher isolate to exit.
- shutdownReceivePort.first.then((_) {
- shutdownReceivePort.close();
- });
- }
- static MojoResult close(MojoHandle mojoHandle) {
- return _sendControlData(mojoHandle, null, _encodeCommand(CLOSE));
- }
- static MojoResult add(MojoHandle mojoHandle, SendPort port, int signals) {
- return _sendControlData(mojoHandle, port, _encodeCommand(ADD, signals));
- }
- static MojoResult remove(MojoHandle mojoHandle) {
- return _sendControlData(mojoHandle, null, _encodeCommand(REMOVE));
- }
- static MojoResult timer(SendPort port, int deadline) {
- // The deadline will be unwrapped before sending to the handle watcher.
- return _sendControlData(
- new MojoHandle(deadline), port, _encodeCommand(TIMER));
- }
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/interface.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/interface.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e73214..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/interface.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of bindings;
-abstract class Interface extends core.MojoEventStreamListener {
- int _outstandingResponseFutures = 0;
- bool _isClosing = false;
- Interface(core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint endpoint) : super(endpoint);
- Interface.fromHandle(core.MojoHandle handle) : super.fromHandle(handle);
- Interface.unbound() : super.unbound();
- Future<Message> handleMessage(ServiceMessage message);
- void handleRead() {
- // Query how many bytes are available.
- var result = endpoint.query();
- assert(result.status.isOk || result.status.isResourceExhausted);
- // Read the data and view as a message.
- var bytes = new ByteData(result.bytesRead);
- var handles = new List<core.MojoHandle>(result.handlesRead);
- result =, result.bytesRead, handles);
- assert(result.status.isOk || result.status.isResourceExhausted);
- // Prepare the response.
- var message = new ServiceMessage.fromMessage(new Message(bytes, handles));
- var responseFuture = _isClosing ? null : handleMessage(message);
- // If there's a response, send it.
- if (responseFuture != null) {
- _outstandingResponseFutures++;
- responseFuture.then((response) {
- _outstandingResponseFutures--;
- if (isOpen) {
- endpoint.write(response.buffer,
- response.buffer.lengthInBytes,
- response.handles);
- if (!endpoint.status.isOk) {
- throw "message pipe write failed: ${endpoint.status}";
- }
- if (_isClosing && (_outstandingResponseFutures == 0)) {
- // This was the final response future for which we needed to send
- // a response. It is safe to close.
- super.close();
- _isClosing = false;
- }
- }
- });
- } else if (_isClosing && (_outstandingResponseFutures == 0)) {
- // We are closing, there is no response to send for this message, and
- // there are no outstanding response futures. Do the close now.
- super.close();
- _isClosing = false;
- }
- }
- void handleWrite() {
- throw 'Unexpected write signal in client.';
- }
- void close() {
- if (!isOpen) return;
- if (isInHandler || (_outstandingResponseFutures > 0)) {
- // Either close() is being called from within handleRead() or
- // handleWrite(), or close() is being called while there are outstanding
- // response futures. Defer the actual close until all response futures
- // have been resolved.
- _isClosing = true;
- } else {
- super.close();
- }
- }
- Message buildResponse(Struct response, int name) {
- var header = new MessageHeader(name);
- return response.serializeWithHeader(header);
- }
- Message buildResponseWithId(Struct response, int name, int id, int flags) {
- var header = new MessageHeader.withRequestId(name, flags, id);
- return response.serializeWithHeader(header);
- }
- void sendMessage(Struct message, int name) {
- var header = new MessageHeader(name);
- var serviceMessage = message.serializeWithHeader(header);
- endpoint.write(serviceMessage.buffer,
- serviceMessage.buffer.lengthInBytes,
- serviceMessage.handles);
- if (!endpoint.status.isOk) {
- throw "message pipe write failed: ${endpoint.status}";
- }
- }
- Future sendMessageWithRequestId(Struct response, int name, int id) {
- throw "The client interface should not expect a response";
- }
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/message.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/message.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cdda8a..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/message.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of bindings;
-class MessageHeader {
- static const int kSimpleMessageSize = 16;
- static const int kSimpleMessageNumFields = 2;
- static const int kMessageWithRequestIdSize = 24;
- static const int kMessageWithRequestIdNumFields = 3;
- static const int kMessageTypeOffset = DataHeader.kHeaderSize;
- static const int kMessageFlagsOffset = kMessageTypeOffset + 4;
- static const int kMessageRequestIdOffset = kMessageFlagsOffset + 4;
- static const int kMessageExpectsResponse = 1 << 0;
- static const int kMessageIsResponse = 1 << 1;
- DataHeader _header;
- int type;
- int flags;
- int requestId;
- static bool mustHaveRequestId(int flags) =>
- (flags & (kMessageExpectsResponse | kMessageIsResponse)) != 0;
- MessageHeader(this.type) :
- _header = new DataHeader(kSimpleMessageSize, kSimpleMessageNumFields),
- flags = 0,
- requestId = 0;
- MessageHeader.withRequestId(this.type, this.flags, this.requestId) :
- _header = new DataHeader(
- kMessageWithRequestIdSize, kMessageWithRequestIdNumFields);
- MessageHeader.fromMessage(Message message) {
- var decoder = new Decoder(message);
- _header = decoder.decodeDataHeader();
- type = decoder.decodeUint32(kMessageTypeOffset);
- flags = decoder.decodeUint32(kMessageFlagsOffset);
- if (mustHaveRequestId(flags)) {
- if (_header.size < kMessageWithRequestIdSize) {
- throw 'Incorrect message size. Got: ${_header.size} ' +
- 'wanted $kMessageWithRequestIdSize';
- }
- requestId = decoder.decodeUint64(kMessageRequestIdOffset);
- } else {
- requestId = 0;
- }
- }
- int get size => _header.size;
- bool get hasRequestId => mustHaveRequestId(flags);
- void encode(Encoder encoder) {
- encoder.encodeDataHeader(_header);
- encoder.encodeUint32(type, kMessageTypeOffset);
- encoder.encodeUint32(flags, kMessageFlagsOffset);
- if (hasRequestId) {
- encoder.encodeUint64(requestId, kMessageRequestIdOffset);
- }
- }
- ServiceMessage get serviceMessage => new ServiceMessage(this);
- String toString() => "MessageHeader($_header, $type, $flags, $requestId)";
-class Message {
- final ByteData buffer;
- final List<core.MojoHandle> handles;
- Message(this.buffer, this.handles);
- String toString() =>
- "Message(numBytes=${buffer.lengthInBytes}, numHandles=${handles.length})";
-class ServiceMessage extends Message {
- final MessageHeader header;
- Message _payload;
- ServiceMessage(Message message, this.header)
- : super(message.buffer, message.handles);
- ServiceMessage.fromMessage(Message message)
- : this(message, new MessageHeader.fromMessage(message));
- Message get payload {
- if (_payload == null) {
- var truncatedBuffer = new ByteData.view(buffer.buffer, header.size);
- _payload = new Message(truncatedBuffer, handles);
- }
- return _payload;
- }
- String toString() => "ServiceMessage($header, $_payload)";
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/message_pipe.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/message_pipe.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 325be42..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/message_pipe.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of core;
-class _MojoMessagePipeNatives {
- static List MojoCreateMessagePipe(int flags)
- native "MojoMessagePipe_Create";
- static int MojoWriteMessage(
- int handle, ByteData data, int numBytes, List<int> handles, int flags)
- native "MojoMessagePipe_Write";
- static List MojoReadMessage(
- int handle, ByteData data, int numBytes, List<int> handles, int flags)
- native "MojoMessagePipe_Read";
-class MojoMessagePipeReadResult {
- final MojoResult status;
- final int bytesRead;
- final int handlesRead;
- MojoMessagePipeReadResult(this.status, this.bytesRead, this.handlesRead);
- MojoMessagePipeReadResult.fromList(List<int> resultList)
- : this(new MojoResult(resultList[0]), resultList[1], resultList[2]);
-class MojoMessagePipeEndpoint {
- static const int WRITE_FLAG_NONE = 0;
- static const int READ_FLAG_NONE = 0;
- static const int READ_FLAG_MAY_DISCARD = 0;
- MojoHandle handle;
- MojoResult status;
- MojoMessagePipeEndpoint(this.handle);
- MojoResult write(ByteData data,
- [int numBytes = -1,
- List<MojoHandle> handles = null,
- int flags = 0]) {
- if (handle == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- // If numBytes has the default value, use the full length of the data.
- int dataNumBytes = (numBytes == -1) ? data.lengthInBytes : numBytes;
- if (dataNumBytes > data.lengthInBytes) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- // handles may be null, otherwise convert to ints.
- List<int> mojoHandles =
- (handles != null) ? => h.h).toList() : null;
- // Do the call.
- int result = _MojoMessagePipeNatives.MojoWriteMessage(
- handle.h, data, dataNumBytes, mojoHandles, flags);
- status = new MojoResult(result);
- return status;
- }
- MojoMessagePipeReadResult read(ByteData data,
- [int numBytes = -1,
- List<MojoHandle> handles = null,
- int flags = 0]) {
- if (handle == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return null;
- }
- // If numBytes has the default value, use the full length of the data.
- int dataNumBytes;
- if (data == null) {
- dataNumBytes = 0;
- } else {
- dataNumBytes = (numBytes == -1) ? data.lengthInBytes : numBytes;
- if (dataNumBytes > data.lengthInBytes) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return status;
- }
- }
- // handles may be null, otherwise make an int list for the handles.
- List<int> mojoHandles;
- if (handles == null) {
- mojoHandles = null;
- } else {
- mojoHandles = new List<int>(handles.length);
- }
- // Do the call.
- List result = _MojoMessagePipeNatives.MojoReadMessage(
- handle.h, data, dataNumBytes, mojoHandles, flags);
- if (result == null) {
- status = MojoResult.INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- return null;
- }
- assert((result is List) && (result.length == 3));
- var readResult = new MojoMessagePipeReadResult.fromList(result);
- // Copy out the handles that were read.
- if (handles != null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < readResult.handlesRead; i++) {
- handles[i] = new MojoHandle(mojoHandles[i]);
- }
- }
- status = readResult.status;
- return readResult;
- }
- MojoMessagePipeReadResult query() => read(null);
-class MojoMessagePipe {
- static const int FLAG_NONE = 0;
- List<MojoMessagePipeEndpoint> endpoints;
- MojoResult status;
- MojoMessagePipe._() {
- endpoints = null;
- status = MojoResult.OK;
- }
- factory MojoMessagePipe([int flags = FLAG_NONE]) {
- List result = _MojoMessagePipeNatives.MojoCreateMessagePipe(flags);
- if (result == null) {
- return null;
- }
- assert((result is List) && (result.length == 3));
- MojoHandle end1 = new MojoHandle(result[1]);
- MojoHandle end2 = new MojoHandle(result[2]);
- MojoMessagePipe pipe = new MojoMessagePipe._();
- pipe.endpoints = new List(2);
- pipe.endpoints[0] = new MojoMessagePipeEndpoint(end1);
- pipe.endpoints[1] = new MojoMessagePipeEndpoint(end2);
- pipe.status = new MojoResult(result[0]);
- return pipe;
- }
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/struct.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/struct.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0111732..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/struct.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of bindings;
-class DataHeader {
- static const int kHeaderSize = 8;
- static const int kSizeOffset = 0;
- static const int kNumFieldsOffset = 4;
- final int size;
- final int numFields;
- const DataHeader(this.size, this.numFields);
- String toString() => "DataHeader($size, $numFields)";
-abstract class Struct {
- final int encodedSize;
- Struct(this.encodedSize);
- void encode(Encoder encoder);
- Message serialize() {
- var encoder = new Encoder(encodedSize);
- encode(encoder);
- return encoder.message;
- }
- ServiceMessage serializeWithHeader(MessageHeader header) {
- var encoder = new Encoder(encodedSize + header.size);
- header.encode(encoder);
- encode(encoder);
- return new ServiceMessage(encoder.message, header);
- }
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/timer_impl.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/timer_impl.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 61fee6d..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/timer_impl.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// This code is adapted from the Timer implementation in the standalone Dart VM
-// for use in the Mojo embedder.
-part of core;
-// Timer heap implemented as a array-based binary heap[0].
-// This allows for O(1) `first`, O(log(n)) `remove`/`removeFirst` and O(log(n))
-// `add`.
-// To ensure the timers are ordered by insertion time, the _Timer class has a
-// `_id` field set when added to the heap.
-// [0]
-class _TimerHeap {
- List<_Timer> _list;
- int _used = 0;
- _TimerHeap([int initSize = 7])
- : _list = new List<_Timer>(initSize);
- bool get isEmpty => _used == 0;
- bool get isNotEmpty => _used > 0;
- _Timer get first => _list[0];
- bool isFirst(_Timer timer) => timer._indexOrNext == 0;
- void add(_Timer timer) {
- if (_used == _list.length) {
- _resize();
- }
- timer._indexOrNext = _used++;
- _list[timer._indexOrNext] = timer;
- _bubbleUp(timer);
- }
- _Timer removeFirst() {
- var f = first;
- remove(f);
- return f;
- }
- void remove(_Timer timer) {
- _used--;
- timer._id = -1;
- if (isEmpty) {
- _list[0] = null;
- timer._indexOrNext = null;
- return;
- }
- var last = _list[_used];
- if (!identical(last, timer)) {
- last._indexOrNext = timer._indexOrNext;
- _list[last._indexOrNext] = last;
- if (last._compareTo(timer) < 0) {
- _bubbleUp(last);
- } else {
- _bubbleDown(last);
- }
- }
- _list[_used] = null;
- timer._indexOrNext = null;
- }
- void _resize() {
- var newList = new List(_list.length * 2 + 1);
- newList.setRange(0, _used, _list);
- _list = newList;
- }
- void _bubbleUp(_Timer timer) {
- while (!isFirst(timer)) {
- Timer parent = _parent(timer);
- if (timer._compareTo(parent) < 0) {
- _swap(timer, parent);
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void _bubbleDown(_Timer timer) {
- while (true) {
- int leftIndex = _leftChildIndex(timer._indexOrNext);
- int rightIndex = _rightChildIndex(timer._indexOrNext);
- _Timer newest = timer;
- if (leftIndex < _used && _list[leftIndex]._compareTo(newest) < 0) {
- newest = _list[leftIndex];
- }
- if (rightIndex < _used && _list[rightIndex]._compareTo(newest) < 0) {
- newest = _list[rightIndex];
- }
- if (identical(newest, timer)) {
- // We are where we should be, break.
- break;
- }
- _swap(newest, timer);
- }
- }
- void _swap(_Timer first, _Timer second) {
- int tmp = first._indexOrNext;
- first._indexOrNext = second._indexOrNext;
- second._indexOrNext = tmp;
- _list[first._indexOrNext] = first;
- _list[second._indexOrNext] = second;
- }
- Timer _parent(_Timer timer) => _list[_parentIndex(timer._indexOrNext)];
- Timer _leftChild(_Timer timer) => _list[_leftChildIndex(timer._indexOrNext)];
- Timer _rightChild(_Timer timer) =>
- _list[_rightChildIndex(timer._indexOrNext)];
- static int _parentIndex(int index) => (index - 1) ~/ 2;
- static int _leftChildIndex(int index) => 2 * index + 1;
- static int _rightChildIndex(int index) => 2 * index + 2;
-class _Timer implements Timer {
- // Disables the timer.
- static const int _NO_TIMER = -1;
- // Timers are ordered by wakeup time.
- static _TimerHeap _heap = new _TimerHeap();
- static _Timer _firstZeroTimer;
- static _Timer _lastZeroTimer;
- static int _idCount = 0;
- static RawReceivePort _receivePort;
- static SendPort _sendPort;
- static bool _handlingCallbacks = false;
- Function _callback;
- int _milliSeconds;
- int _wakeupTime = 0;
- var _indexOrNext;
- int _id = -1;
- static Timer _createTimer(void callback(Timer timer),
- int milliSeconds,
- bool repeating) {
- _Timer timer = new _Timer._internal();
- timer._callback = callback;
- if (milliSeconds > 0) {
- // Add one because is assumed to round down
- // to nearest millisecond, not up, so that time + duration is before
- // duration milliseconds from now. Using micosecond timers like
- // Stopwatch allows detecting that the timer fires early.
- timer._wakeupTime =
- new + 1 + milliSeconds;
- }
- timer._milliSeconds = repeating ? milliSeconds : -1;
- if (timer._addTimerToHeap()) {
- // The new timer is the first in queue. Update event handler.
- _notifyEventHandler();
- }
- return timer;
- }
- factory _Timer(int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer)) {
- return _createTimer(callback, milliSeconds, false);
- }
- factory _Timer.periodic(int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer)) {
- return _createTimer(callback, milliSeconds, true);
- }
- _Timer._internal() {}
- bool get _isInHeap => _id >= 0;
- void _clear() {
- _callback = null;
- }
- int _compareTo(_Timer other) {
- int c = _wakeupTime - other._wakeupTime;
- if (c != 0) return c;
- return _id - other._id;
- }
- bool get _repeating => _milliSeconds >= 0;
- bool get isActive => _callback != null;
- // Cancels a set timer. The timer is removed from the timer list and if
- // the given timer is the earliest timer the native timer is reset.
- void cancel() {
- _clear();
- if (!_isInHeap) return;
- assert(_wakeupTime != 0);
- bool update = (_firstZeroTimer == null) && _heap.isFirst(this);
- _heap.remove(this);
- if (update) {
- _notifyEventHandler();
- }
- }
- void _advanceWakeupTime() {
- assert(_milliSeconds >= 0);
- _wakeupTime += _milliSeconds;
- }
- // Adds a timer to the timer list. Timers with the same wakeup time are
- // enqueued in order and notified in FIFO order.
- bool _addTimerToHeap() {
- if (_wakeupTime == 0) {
- if (_firstZeroTimer == null) {
- _lastZeroTimer = this;
- _firstZeroTimer = this;
- return true;
- } else {
- _lastZeroTimer._indexOrNext = this;
- _lastZeroTimer = this;
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- _id = _idCount++;
- _heap.add(this);
- return _firstZeroTimer == null && _heap.isFirst(this);
- }
- }
- static void _notifyEventHandler() {
- if (_handlingCallbacks) {
- // While we are already handling callbacks we will not notify the event
- // handler. _handleTimeout will call _notifyEventHandler once all pending
- // timers are processed.
- return;
- }
- if (_firstZeroTimer == null && _heap.isEmpty) {
- // No pending timers: Close the receive port and let the event handler
- // know.
- if (_receivePort != null) {
- MojoHandleWatcher.timer(_sendPort, _NO_TIMER);
- _shutdownTimerHandler();
- }
- } else {
- if (_receivePort == null) {
- // Create a receive port and register a message handler for the timer
- // events.
- _createTimerHandler();
- }
- if (_firstZeroTimer != null) {
- _sendPort.send(null);
- } else {
- MojoHandleWatcher.timer(_sendPort, _heap.first._wakeupTime);
- }
- }
- }
- static void _handleTimeout(_) {
- int currentTime = new;
- // Collect all pending timers.
- var timer = _firstZeroTimer;
- var nextTimer = _lastZeroTimer;
- _firstZeroTimer = null;
- _lastZeroTimer = null;
- while (_heap.isNotEmpty && _heap.first._wakeupTime <= currentTime) {
- var next = _heap.removeFirst();
- if (timer == null) {
- nextTimer = next;
- timer = next;
- } else {
- nextTimer._indexOrNext = next;
- nextTimer = next;
- }
- }
- // Trigger all of the pending timers. New timers added as part of the
- // callbacks will be enqueued now and notified in the next spin at the
- // earliest.
- _handlingCallbacks = true;
- try {
- while (timer != null) {
- var next = timer._indexOrNext;
- timer._indexOrNext = null;
- // One of the timers in the pending_timers list can cancel
- // one of the later timers which will set the callback to
- // null.
- if (timer._callback != null) {
- var callback = timer._callback;
- if (!timer._repeating) {
- // Mark timer as inactive.
- timer._callback = null;
- }
- callback(timer);
- // Re-insert repeating timer if not canceled.
- if (timer._repeating && timer._callback != null) {
- timer._advanceWakeupTime();
- timer._addTimerToHeap();
- }
- }
- timer = next;
- }
- } finally {
- _handlingCallbacks = false;
- _notifyEventHandler();
- }
- }
- // Creates a receive port and registers the timer handler on that
- // receive port.
- static void _createTimerHandler() {
- if(_receivePort == null) {
- _receivePort = new RawReceivePort(_handleTimeout);
- _sendPort = _receivePort.sendPort;
- }
- }
- static void _shutdownTimerHandler() {
- _receivePort.close();
- _receivePort = null;
- _sendPort = null;
- }
-// Provide a closure which will allocate a Timer object to be able to hook
-// up the Timer interface in dart:isolate with the implementation here.
-_getTimerFactoryClosure() {
- return (int milliSeconds, void callback(Timer timer), bool repeating) {
- if (repeating) {
- return new _Timer.periodic(milliSeconds, callback);
- }
- return new _Timer(milliSeconds, callback);
- };
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/timer_queue.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/timer_queue.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f9936b..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/timer_queue.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of core;
-class Timeout implements Comparable<Timeout> {
- int deadline; // milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
- SendPort port;
- Timeout(this.port, this.deadline);
- int compareTo(Timeout other) => other.deadline - deadline;
-class TimerQueue {
- SplayTreeSet _set;
- Timeout _nextTimer;
- TimerQueue() : _set = new SplayTreeSet();
- void updateTimer(SendPort port, int deadline) {
- var removedTimeout = null;
- _set.removeWhere((timeout) {
- if (timeout.port == port) {
- removedTimeout = timeout;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- });
- if ((removedTimeout == null) && (deadline >= 0)) {
- _set.add(new Timeout(port, deadline));
- } else {
- if (deadline > 0) {
- removedTimeout.deadline = deadline;
- _set.add(removedTimeout);
- }
- }
- if (_set.isNotEmpty) {
- _nextTimer = _set.first;
- } else {
- _nextTimer = null;
- }
- }
- void removeCurrent() => updateTimer(currentPort, -1);
- bool get hasTimer => _nextTimer != null;
- int get currentTimeout => _nextTimer.deadline;
- SendPort get currentPort => _nextTimer.port;
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/types.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/types.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 54c5319..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/types.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of core;
-class MojoResult {
- static const int kOk = 0;
- static const int kCancelled = -1;
- static const int kUnknown = -2;
- static const int kInvalidArgument = -3;
- static const int kDeadlineExceeded = -4;
- static const int kNotFound = -5;
- static const int kAlreadyExists = -6;
- static const int kPermissionDenied = -7;
- static const int kResourceExhausted = -8;
- static const int kFailedPrecondition = -9;
- static const int kAborted = -10;
- static const int kOutOfRange = -11;
- static const int kUnimplemented = -12;
- static const int kInternal = -13;
- static const int kUnavailable = -14;
- static const int kDataLoss = -15;
- static const int kBusy = -16;
- static const int kShouldWait = -17;
- static const OK = const MojoResult._(kOk);
- static const CANCELLED = const MojoResult._(kCancelled);
- static const UNKNOWN = const MojoResult._(kUnknown);
- static const INVALID_ARGUMENT = const MojoResult._(kInvalidArgument);
- static const DEADLINE_EXCEEDED = const MojoResult._(kDeadlineExceeded);
- static const NOT_FOUND = const MojoResult._(kNotFound);
- static const ALREADY_EXISTS = const MojoResult._(kAlreadyExists);
- static const PERMISSION_DENIED = const MojoResult._(kPermissionDenied);
- static const RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED = const MojoResult._(kResourceExhausted);
- static const FAILED_PRECONDITION = const MojoResult._(kFailedPrecondition);
- static const ABORTED = const MojoResult._(kAborted);
- static const OUT_OF_RANGE = const MojoResult._(kOutOfRange);
- static const UNIMPLEMENTED = const MojoResult._(kUnimplemented);
- static const INTERNAL = const MojoResult._(kInternal);
- static const UNAVAILABLE = const MojoResult._(kUnavailable);
- static const DATA_LOSS = const MojoResult._(kDataLoss);
- static const BUSY = const MojoResult._(kBusy);
- static const SHOULD_WAIT = const MojoResult._(kShouldWait);
- final int value;
- const MojoResult._(this.value);
- factory MojoResult(int value) {
- switch (value) {
- case kOk: return OK;
- case kCancelled: return CANCELLED;
- case kUnknown: return UNKNOWN;
- case kInvalidArgument: return INVALID_ARGUMENT;
- case kDeadlineExceeded: return DEADLINE_EXCEEDED;
- case kNotFound: return NOT_FOUND;
- case kAlreadyExists: return ALREADY_EXISTS;
- case kPermissionDenied: return PERMISSION_DENIED;
- case kResourceExhausted: return RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED;
- case kFailedPrecondition: return FAILED_PRECONDITION;
- case kAborted: return ABORTED;
- case kOutOfRange: return OUT_OF_RANGE;
- case kUnimplemented: return UNIMPLEMENTED;
- case kInternal: return INTERNAL;
- case kUnavailable: return UNAVAILABLE;
- case kDataLoss: return DATA_LOSS;
- case kBusy: return BUSY;
- case kShouldWait: return SHOULD_WAIT;
- default:
- throw 'Invalid Mojo result';
- }
- }
- bool get isOk => (this == OK);
- bool get isCancelled => (this == CANCELLED);
- bool get isUnknown => (this == UNKNOWN);
- bool get isInvalidArgument => (this == INVALID_ARGUMENT);
- bool get isDeadlineExceeded => (this == DEADLINE_EXCEEDED);
- bool get isNotFound => (this == NOT_FOUND);
- bool get isAlreadExists => (this == ALREADY_EXISTS);
- bool get isPermissionDenied => (this == PERMISSION_DENIED);
- bool get isResourceExhausted => (this == RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED);
- bool get isFailedPrecondition => (this == FAILED_PRECONDITION);
- bool get isAborted => (this == ABORTED);
- bool get isOutOfRange => (this == OUT_OF_RANGE);
- bool get isUnimplemented => (this == UNIMPLEMENTED);
- bool get isInternal => (this == INTERNAL);
- bool get isUnavailable => (this == UNAVAILABLE);
- bool get isDataLoss => (this == DATA_LOSS);
- bool get isBusy => (this == BUSY);
- bool get isShouldWait => (this == SHOULD_WAIT);
- String toString() {
- switch (value) {
- case kOk: return "OK";
- case kCancelled: return "CANCELLED";
- case kUnknown: return "UNKNOWN";
- case kInvalidArgument: return "INVALID_ARGUMENT";
- case kDeadlineExceeded: return "DEADLINE_EXCEEDED";
- case kNotFound: return "NOT_FOUND";
- case kAlreadyExists: return "ALREADY_EXISTS";
- case kPermissionDenied: return "PERMISSION_DENIED";
- case kResourceExhausted: return "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED";
- case kFailedPrecondition: return "FAILED_PRECONDITION";
- case kAborted: return "ABORTED";
- case kOutOfRange: return "OUT_OF_RANGE";
- case kUnimplemented: return "UNIMPLEMENTED";
- case kInternal: return "INTERNAL";
- case kUnavailable: return "UNAVAILABLE";
- case kDataLoss: return "DATA_LOSS";
- case kBusy: return "BUSY";
- case kShouldWait: return "SHOULD_WAIT";
- default: return "<invalid result>";
- }
- }
-class MojoHandleSignals {
- static const int kNone = 0;
- static const int kReadable = 1 << 0;
- static const int kWritable = 1 << 1;
- static const int kPeerClosed = 1 << 2;
- static const int kReadWrite = kReadable | kWritable;
- static const int kAll = kReadable | kWritable | kPeerClosed;
- // TODO(zra): Does PEER_CLOSED | anything else make sense?
- static const NONE = const MojoHandleSignals._(kNone);
- static const READABLE = const MojoHandleSignals._(kReadable);
- static const WRITABLE = const MojoHandleSignals._(kWritable);
- static const PEER_CLOSED = const MojoHandleSignals._(kPeerClosed);
- static const READWRITE = const MojoHandleSignals._(kReadWrite);
- static const ALL = const MojoHandleSignals._(kAll);
- final int value;
- const MojoHandleSignals._(this.value);
- factory MojoHandleSignals(int value) {
- switch (value) {
- case kNone: return NONE;
- case kReadable: return READABLE;
- case kWritable: return WRITABLE;
- case kPeerClosed: return PEER_CLOSED;
- case kReadWrite: return READWRITE;
- case kAll: return ALL;
- default:
- throw 'Invalid handle signal';
- }
- }
- bool get isNone => (this == NONE);
- bool get isReadable => (value & kReadable) == kReadable;
- bool get isWritable => (value & kWritable) == kWritable;
- bool get isPeerClosed => (value & kPeerClosed) == kPeerClosed;
- bool get isReadWrite => (value & kReadWrite) == kReadWrite;
- bool get isAll => (this == ALL);
- MojoHandleSignals operator +(MojoHandleSignals other) {
- return new MojoHandleSignals(value | other.value);
- }
- MojoHandleSignals operator -(MojoHandleSignals other) {
- return new MojoHandleSignals(value & ~other.value);
- }
- String toString() {
- switch (value) {
- case kNone: return "NONE";
- case kReadable: return "READABLE";
- case kWritable: return "WRITABLE";
- case kPeerClosed: return "PEER_CLOSED";
- case kReadWrite: return "READWRITE";
- case kAll: return "ALL";
- default: return "<invalid signal>";
- }
- }
-class MojoHandleSignalsState {
- MojoHandleSignalsState(this.satisfied_signals,
- this.satisfiable_signals);
- final int satisfied_signals;
- final int satisfiable_signals;
-class MojoWaitResult {
- MojoWaitResult(this.result, this.state);
- final MojoResult result;
- MojoHandleSignalsState state;
-class MojoWaitManyResult {
- MojoWaitManyResult(this.result, this.index, this.states);
- final MojoResult result;
- final int index;
- List<MojoHandleSignalsState> states;
- bool get isIndexValid => (this.index != null);
- bool get areSignalStatesValid => (this.states != null);