path: root/mojo/public/js/connection.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/js/connection.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/js/connection.js b/mojo/public/js/connection.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3976efd..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/js/connection.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-define("mojo/public/js/connection", [
- "mojo/public/js/bindings",
- "mojo/public/js/connector",
- "mojo/public/js/core",
- "mojo/public/js/router",
-], function(bindings, connector, core, router) {
- var Router = router.Router;
- var EmptyProxy = bindings.EmptyProxy;
- var EmptyStub = bindings.EmptyStub;
- var ProxyBindings = bindings.ProxyBindings;
- var StubBindings = bindings.StubBindings;
- var TestConnector = connector.TestConnector;
- var TestRouter = router.TestRouter;
- // TODO(hansmuller): the proxy receiver_ property should be receiver$
- function BaseConnection(localStub, remoteProxy, router) {
- this.router_ = router;
- this.local = localStub;
- this.remote = remoteProxy;
- this.router_.setIncomingReceiver(localStub);
- if (this.remote)
- this.remote.receiver_ = router;
- // Validate incoming messages: remote responses and local requests.
- var validateRequest = localStub && localStub.validator;
- var validateResponse = remoteProxy && remoteProxy.validator;
- var payloadValidators = [];
- if (validateRequest)
- payloadValidators.push(validateRequest);
- if (validateResponse)
- payloadValidators.push(validateResponse);
- this.router_.setPayloadValidators(payloadValidators);
- }
- BaseConnection.prototype.close = function() {
- this.router_.close();
- this.router_ = null;
- this.local = null;
- this.remote = null;
- };
- BaseConnection.prototype.encounteredError = function() {
- return this.router_.encounteredError();
- };
- function Connection(
- handle, localFactory, remoteFactory, routerFactory, connectorFactory) {
- var routerClass = routerFactory || Router;
- var router = new routerClass(handle, connectorFactory);
- var remoteProxy = remoteFactory && new remoteFactory(router);
- var localStub = localFactory && new localFactory(remoteProxy);
-, localStub, remoteProxy, router);
- }
- Connection.prototype = Object.create(BaseConnection.prototype);
- // The TestConnection subclass is only intended to be used in unit tests.
- function TestConnection(handle, localFactory, remoteFactory) {
- handle,
- localFactory,
- remoteFactory,
- TestRouter,
- TestConnector);
- }
- TestConnection.prototype = Object.create(Connection.prototype);
- function createOpenConnection(
- messagePipeHandle, client, localInterface, remoteInterface) {
- var stubClass = (localInterface && localInterface.stubClass) || EmptyStub;
- var proxyClass =
- (remoteInterface && remoteInterface.proxyClass) || EmptyProxy;
- var proxy = new proxyClass;
- var stub = new stubClass;
- var router = new Router(messagePipeHandle);
- var connection = new BaseConnection(stub, proxy, router);
- ProxyBindings(proxy).connection = connection;
- ProxyBindings(proxy).local = connection.local;
- StubBindings(stub).connection = connection;
- StubBindings(proxy).remote = connection.remote;
- var clientImpl = client instanceof Function ? client(proxy) : client;
- if (clientImpl)
- StubBindings(stub).delegate = clientImpl;
- return connection;
- }
- // Return a message pipe handle.
- function bindProxyClient(clientImpl, localInterface, remoteInterface) {
- var messagePipe = core.createMessagePipe();
- if (messagePipe.result != core.RESULT_OK)
- throw new Error("createMessagePipe failed " + messagePipe.result);
- createOpenConnection(
- messagePipe.handle0, clientImpl, localInterface, remoteInterface);
- return messagePipe.handle1;
- }
- // Return a proxy.
- function bindProxyHandle(proxyHandle, localInterface, remoteInterface) {
- if (!core.isHandle(proxyHandle))
- throw new Error("Not a handle " + proxyHandle);
- var connection = createOpenConnection(
- proxyHandle, undefined, localInterface, remoteInterface);
- return connection.remote;
- }
- var exports = {};
- exports.Connection = Connection;
- exports.TestConnection = TestConnection;
- exports.bindProxyHandle = bindProxyHandle;
- exports.bindProxyClient = bindProxyClient;
- return exports;