path: root/net/base/
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Diffstat (limited to 'net/base/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 441 deletions
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index c7bbb50..0000000
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-// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "net/base/filter.h"
-#include "net/base/sdch_filter.h"
-#include "net/url_request/"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "third_party/zlib/zlib.h"
-// Provide sample data and compression results with a sample VCDIFF dictionary.
-// Note an SDCH dictionary has extra meta-data before the VCDIFF text.
-const char kTtestVcdiffDictionary[] = "DictionaryFor"
- "SdchCompression1SdchCompression2SdchCompression3SdchCompression\n";
-// Pre-compression test data.
-const char kTestData[] = "TestData "
- "SdchCompression1SdchCompression2SdchCompression3SdchCompression\n";
-// Note SDCH compressed data will include a reference to the SDCH dictionary.
-const char kCompressedTestData[] =
- "\326\303\304\0\0\001M\0\022I\0\t\003\001TestData \n\023\100\r";
-namespace {
-class SdchFilterTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- SdchFilterTest()
- : test_vcdiff_dictionary_(kTtestVcdiffDictionary,
- sizeof(kTtestVcdiffDictionary) - 1),
- expanded_(kTestData, sizeof(kTestData) - 1),
- compressed_test_data_(kCompressedTestData,
- sizeof(kCompressedTestData) - 1),
- sdch_manager_(new SdchManager) {
- }
- const std::string test_vcdiff_dictionary_;
- const std::string compressed_test_data_;
- const std::string expanded_; // Desired final, decompressed data.
- scoped_ptr<SdchManager> sdch_manager_; // A singleton database.
-TEST_F(SdchFilterTest, Hashing) {
- std::string client_hash, server_hash;
- std::string dictionary("test contents");
- SdchManager::GenerateHash(dictionary, &client_hash, &server_hash);
- EXPECT_EQ(client_hash, "lMQBjS3P");
- EXPECT_EQ(server_hash, "MyciMVll");
-// Provide a generic helper function for trying to filter data.
-// This function repeatedly calls the filter to process data, until the entire
-// source is consumed. The return value from the filter is appended to output.
-// This allows us to vary input and output block sizes in order to test for edge
-// effects (boundary effects?) during the filtering process.
-// This function provides data to the filter in blocks of no-more-than the
-// specified input_block_length. It allows the filter to fill no more than
-// output_buffer_length in any one call to proccess (a.k.a., Read) data, and
-// concatenates all these little output blocks into the singular output string.
-static bool FilterTestData(const std::string& source,
- size_t input_block_length,
- const size_t output_buffer_length,
- Filter* filter, std::string* output) {
- CHECK(input_block_length > 0);
- Filter::FilterStatus status(Filter::FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA);
- size_t source_index = 0;
- scoped_array<char> output_buffer(new char[output_buffer_length]);
- size_t input_amount = std::min(input_block_length,
- static_cast<size_t>(filter->stream_buffer_size()));
- do {
- int copy_amount = std::min(input_amount, source.size() - source_index);
- if (copy_amount > 0 && status == Filter::FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA) {
- memcpy(filter->stream_buffer(), + source_index,
- copy_amount);
- filter->FlushStreamBuffer(copy_amount);
- source_index += copy_amount;
- }
- int buffer_length = output_buffer_length;
- status = filter->ReadData(output_buffer.get(), &buffer_length);
- output->append(output_buffer.get(), buffer_length);
- if (status == Filter::FILTER_ERROR)
- return false;
- if (copy_amount == 0 && buffer_length == 0)
- return true;
- } while (1);
-TEST_F(SdchFilterTest, BasicBadDicitonary) {
- SdchManager::enable_sdch_support("");
- std::vector<std::string> filters;
- filters.push_back("sdch");
- int kInputBufferSize(30);
- char output_buffer[20];
- size_t kOutputBufferSize(20);
- scoped_ptr<Filter> filter(Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime",
- kInputBufferSize));
- filter->SetURL(GURL(""));
- // With no input data, try to read output.
- int output_bytes_or_buffer_size = sizeof(output_buffer);
- Filter::FilterStatus status = filter->ReadData(output_buffer,
- &output_bytes_or_buffer_size);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, output_bytes_or_buffer_size);
- // Supply bogus data (which doesnt't yet specify a full dictionary hash).
- // Dictionary hash is 8 characters followed by a null.
- std::string dictionary_hash_prefix("123");
- char* input_buffer = filter->stream_buffer();
- int input_buffer_size = filter->stream_buffer_size();
- EXPECT_EQ(kInputBufferSize, input_buffer_size);
- EXPECT_LT(static_cast<int>(dictionary_hash_prefix.size()),
- input_buffer_size);
- memcpy(input_buffer,,
- dictionary_hash_prefix.size());
- filter->FlushStreamBuffer(dictionary_hash_prefix.size());
- // With less than a dictionary specifier, try to read output.
- output_bytes_or_buffer_size = sizeof(output_buffer);
- status = filter->ReadData(output_buffer, &output_bytes_or_buffer_size);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, output_bytes_or_buffer_size);
- // Provide enough data to complete *a* hash, but it is bogus, and not in our
- // list of dictionaries, so the filter should error out immediately.
- std::string dictionary_hash_postfix("4abcd\0", 6);
- CHECK(dictionary_hash_postfix.size() <
- static_cast<size_t>(input_buffer_size));
- memcpy(input_buffer,,
- dictionary_hash_postfix.size());
- filter->FlushStreamBuffer(dictionary_hash_postfix.size());
- // With a non-existant dictionary specifier, try to read output.
- output_bytes_or_buffer_size = sizeof(output_buffer);
- status = filter->ReadData(output_buffer, &output_bytes_or_buffer_size);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, output_bytes_or_buffer_size);
- EXPECT_EQ(Filter::FILTER_ERROR, status);
-TEST_F(SdchFilterTest, BasicDictionary) {
- SdchManager::enable_sdch_support("");
- const std::string kSampleDomain = "";
- // Construct a valid SDCH dictionary from a VCDIFF dictionary.
- std::string dictionary("Domain: ");
- dictionary.append(kSampleDomain);
- dictionary.append("\n\n");
- dictionary.append(test_vcdiff_dictionary_);
- std::string client_hash;
- std::string server_hash;
- SdchManager::GenerateHash(dictionary, &client_hash, &server_hash);
- std::string url_string = "http://" + kSampleDomain;
- GURL url(url_string);
- bool status = sdch_manager_->AddSdchDictionary(dictionary, url);
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- // Check we can't add it twice.
- status = sdch_manager_->AddSdchDictionary(dictionary, url);
- EXPECT_FALSE(status); // Already loaded.
- // Build compressed data that refers to our dictionary.
- std::string compressed(server_hash);
- compressed.append("\0", 1);
- compressed.append(compressed_test_data_);
- std::vector<std::string> filters;
- filters.push_back("sdch");
- // First try with a large buffer (larger than test input, or compressed data).
- int kInputBufferSize(100);
- scoped_ptr<Filter> filter(Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime",
- kInputBufferSize));
- filter->SetURL(url);
- size_t feed_block_size = 100;
- size_t output_block_size = 100;
- std::string output;
- status = FilterTestData(compressed, feed_block_size, output_block_size,
- filter.get(), &output);
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- EXPECT_TRUE(output == expanded_);
- // Now try with really small buffers (size 1) to check for edge effects.
- filter.reset((Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime", kInputBufferSize)));
- filter->SetURL(url);
- feed_block_size = 1;
- output_block_size = 1;
- output.clear();
- status = FilterTestData(compressed, feed_block_size, output_block_size,
- filter.get(), &output);
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- EXPECT_TRUE(output == expanded_);
- // Now try with content arriving from the "wrong" domain.
- // This tests CanSet() in the sdch_manager_->
- filter.reset((Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime", kInputBufferSize)));
- filter->SetURL(GURL(""));
- feed_block_size = 100;
- output_block_size = 100;
- output.clear();
- status = FilterTestData(compressed, feed_block_size, output_block_size,
- filter.get(), &output);
- EXPECT_FALSE(status); // Couldn't decode.
- EXPECT_TRUE(output == ""); // No output written.
- // Now check that path restrictions on dictionary are being enforced.
- // Create a dictionary with a path restriction, by prefixing old dictionary.
- const std::string path("/special_path/bin");
- std::string dictionary_with_path("Path: " + path + "\n");
- dictionary_with_path.append(dictionary);
- std::string pathed_client_hash;
- std::string pathed_server_hash;
- SdchManager::GenerateHash(dictionary_with_path,
- &pathed_client_hash, &pathed_server_hash);
- status = sdch_manager_->AddSdchDictionary(dictionary_with_path, url);
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- // Build compressed data that refers to our dictionary
- std::string compressed_for_path(pathed_server_hash);
- compressed_for_path.append("\0", 1);
- compressed_for_path.append(compressed_test_data_);
- // Test decode the path data, arriving from a valid path.
- filter.reset((Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime", kInputBufferSize)));
- filter->SetURL(GURL(url_string + path));
- feed_block_size = 100;
- output_block_size = 100;
- output.clear();
- status = FilterTestData(compressed_for_path, feed_block_size,
- output_block_size, filter.get(), &output);
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- EXPECT_TRUE(output == expanded_);
- // Test decode the path data, arriving from a invalid path.
- filter.reset((Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime", kInputBufferSize)));
- filter->SetURL(GURL(url_string));
- feed_block_size = 100;
- output_block_size = 100;
- output.clear();
- status = FilterTestData(compressed_for_path, feed_block_size,
- output_block_size, filter.get(), &output);
- EXPECT_FALSE(status); // Couldn't decode.
- EXPECT_TRUE(output == ""); // No output written.
- // Create a dictionary with a port restriction, by prefixing old dictionary.
- const std::string port("502");
- std::string dictionary_with_port("Port: " + port + "\n");
- dictionary_with_port.append("Port: 80\n"); // Add default port.
- dictionary_with_port.append(dictionary);
- std::string ported_client_hash;
- std::string ported_server_hash;
- SdchManager::GenerateHash(dictionary_with_port,
- &ported_client_hash, &ported_server_hash);
- status = sdch_manager_->AddSdchDictionary(dictionary_with_port,
- GURL(url_string + ":" + port));
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- // Build compressed data that refers to our dictionary
- std::string compressed_for_port(ported_server_hash);
- compressed_for_port.append("\0", 1);
- compressed_for_port.append(compressed_test_data_);
- // Test decode the port data, arriving from a valid port.
- filter.reset((Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime", kInputBufferSize)));
- filter->SetURL(GURL(url_string + ":" + port));
- feed_block_size = 100;
- output_block_size = 100;
- output.clear();
- status = FilterTestData(compressed_for_port, feed_block_size,
- output_block_size, filter.get(), &output);
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- EXPECT_TRUE(output == expanded_);
- // Test decode the port data, arriving from a valid (default) port.
- filter.reset((Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime", kInputBufferSize)));
- filter->SetURL(GURL(url_string)); // Default port.
- feed_block_size = 100;
- output_block_size = 100;
- output.clear();
- status = FilterTestData(compressed_for_port, feed_block_size,
- output_block_size, filter.get(), &output);
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- EXPECT_TRUE(output == expanded_);
- // Test decode the port data, arriving from a invalid port.
- filter.reset((Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime", kInputBufferSize)));
- filter->SetURL(GURL(url_string + ":" + port + "1"));
- feed_block_size = 100;
- output_block_size = 100;
- output.clear();
- status = FilterTestData(compressed_for_port, feed_block_size,
- output_block_size, filter.get(), &output);
- EXPECT_FALSE(status); // Couldn't decode.
- EXPECT_TRUE(output == ""); // No output written.
-// Test that filters can be cascaded (chained) so that the output of one filter
-// is processed by the next one. This is most critical for SDCH, which is
-// routinely followed by gzip (during encoding). The filter we'll test for will
-// do the gzip decoding first, and then decode the SDCH content.
-TEST_F(SdchFilterTest, FilterChaining) {
- const std::string kSampleDomain = "";
- // Construct a valid SDCH dictionary from a VCDIFF dictionary.
- std::string dictionary("Domain: ");
- dictionary.append(kSampleDomain);
- dictionary.append("\n\n");
- dictionary.append(test_vcdiff_dictionary_);
- std::string client_hash;
- std::string server_hash;
- SdchManager::GenerateHash(dictionary, &client_hash, &server_hash);
- std::string url_string = "http://" + kSampleDomain;
- GURL url(url_string);
- bool status = sdch_manager_->AddSdchDictionary(dictionary, url);
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- // Check we can't add it twice.
- status = sdch_manager_->AddSdchDictionary(dictionary, url);
- EXPECT_FALSE(status); // Already loaded.
- // Build compressed sdch encoded data that refers to our dictionary.
- std::string sdch_compressed(server_hash);
- sdch_compressed.append("\0", 1);
- sdch_compressed.append(compressed_test_data_);
- // Use Gzip to compress the sdch sdch_compressed data.
- z_stream zlib_stream;
- memset(&zlib_stream, 0, sizeof(zlib_stream));
- int code;
- // Initialize zlib
- code = deflateInit2(&zlib_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED,
- CHECK(code == Z_OK);
- // Fill in zlib control block
- zlib_stream.next_in = bit_cast<Bytef*>(;
- zlib_stream.avail_in = sdch_compressed.size();
- // Assume we can compress into similar buffer (add 100 bytes to be sure).
- size_t gzip_compressed_length = zlib_stream.avail_in + 100;
- scoped_array<char> gzip_compressed(new char[gzip_compressed_length]);
- zlib_stream.next_out = bit_cast<Bytef*>(gzip_compressed.get());
- zlib_stream.avail_out = gzip_compressed_length;
- // The GZIP header (see RFC 1952):
- // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- // |ID1|ID2|CM |FLG| MTIME |XFL|OS |
- // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
- // ID1 \037
- // ID2 \213
- // CM \010 (compression method == DEFLATE)
- // FLG \000 (special flags that we do not support)
- // MTIME Unix format modification time (0 means not available)
- // XFL 2-4? DEFLATE flags
- // OS ???? Operating system indicator (255 means unknown)
- //
- // Header value we generate:
- const char kGZipHeader[] = { '\037', '\213', '\010', '\000', '\000',
- '\000', '\000', '\000', '\002', '\377' };
- CHECK(zlib_stream.avail_out > sizeof(kGZipHeader));
- memcpy(zlib_stream.next_out, kGZipHeader, sizeof(kGZipHeader));
- zlib_stream.next_out += sizeof(kGZipHeader);
- zlib_stream.avail_out -= sizeof(kGZipHeader);
- // Do deflate
- code = MOZ_Z_deflate(&zlib_stream, Z_FINISH);
- gzip_compressed_length -= zlib_stream.avail_out;
- std::string compressed(gzip_compressed.get(), gzip_compressed_length);
- // Construct a chained filter.
- std::vector<std::string> filters;
- filters.push_back("sdch");
- filters.push_back("gzip");
- // First try with a large buffer (larger than test input, or compressed data).
- int kInputBufferSize(100);
- scoped_ptr<Filter> filter(Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime",
- kInputBufferSize));
- filter->SetURL(url);
- size_t feed_block_size = 100;
- size_t output_block_size = 100;
- std::string output;
- status = FilterTestData(compressed, feed_block_size, output_block_size,
- filter.get(), &output);
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- EXPECT_TRUE(output == expanded_);
- // Next try with a tiny buffer to cover edge effects.
- filter.reset(Filter::Factory(filters, "missing-mime", kInputBufferSize));
- filter->SetURL(url);
- feed_block_size = 1;
- output_block_size = 1;
- output.clear();
- status = FilterTestData(compressed, feed_block_size, output_block_size,
- filter.get(), &output);
- EXPECT_TRUE(status);
- EXPECT_TRUE(output == expanded_);
-}; // namespace anonymous